April 21, 2008

Preliminary Results

China Biodiesel International Holding Co., Ltd.('China Biodiesel', 'CBI' or 'the Company')

Preliminary Results

China Biodiesel International Holding Co., Ltd (AIM:CBI), one of China's leading renewable energy companies,
focused on research and development, production, and marketing of biodiesel as a substitute for diesel or
petrochemical materials, announces its preliminary results for the year ended 31 December 2007.


Key financials
                                     2007 (RMB)      2006 (RMB)
Turnover from sales of biodiesel       124.6 m         101.1 m
Profit before tax                      16.79 m         38.84 m
Earning per share (basic)                0.365           0.910
Cash generated from operations          33.0 m          30.2 m
Proposed final dividend per share       0.0365          0.0816



- Turnover from biodiesel up 23.24% to RMB124.59 million (2006: RMB 101.10 million)

- Construction of two new plants; start of production at Longyan

- International trade increased with countries such as Philippines and South Korea

- Shift towards the production of higher margin products

- More protection on proprietary production techniques following approval of 5 new patents

- The Longyan subsidiary recognised in the Chinese 11th Five-year Plan as the only 'Technologically Supporting
Enterprise' in China's biodiesel industry

Commenting on the Final Results, Executive Chairman Huodong Ye said: "I am pleased to report that the
management of CBI has successfully handled the tough market challenges faced by the Company, and has acquired
much useful experience that will stand us in good stead as we continue to grow. Based on our successes during
2007, we believe that CBI is well placed to achieve further success in the period ahead."



Gloria He, CFO, China Biodiesel:                     +86 (592) 719 1103
James King Wang, Company Secretary, China Biodiesel: +86 (597) 228 3825
Tom Price or Bobbie Hilliam, Evolution Securities:   +44 20 7071 4300
Allan Piper, First City Financial Public Relations:  +44 20 7242 2666
Jiang Lei, First City (China) Public Relations:      + 852 2854 2666


Chairman's Statement

Although 2007 was a difficult year for the biodiesel industry, due to increased global feedstock prices, I am
pleased to report that the strong management team and advanced technology developed by CBI have once again
delivered profit for shareholders.

The price of virgin vegetable oils continued to increase throughout the year. As a result, most western
biodiesel manufacturers using virgin vegetable oils as feedstock have survived on government subsidies. Thanks
to the competitive advantages in CBI's proprietary technology, which has enabled us to use lower-grade waste
animal or vegetable oils rather than virgin oils as raw material, CBI has managed to keep its costs lower than
its main competitors in Europe and America, despite that profit is lower than in the previous financial year.
Our unique production techniques are protected by patents on facilities and are hard to duplicate, which we
believe will help the Company maintain its competitive advantage in the industry.

In 2007, CBI focused on the construction of two new plants in Longyan and Xiamen, capable of producing 30,000
tons and 50,000 tons of biodiesel per annum respectively. The new Longyan plant started production in August
2007, while the plant at Xiamen is now in preparation for trial production. Following this, CBI's total annual
production capacity will increase to 100,000 tons, five times the annual capacity when the Company floated on
AIM in June 2006. Against that background, we are confident that CBI will continue to deliver increasing
returns for shareholders in the future.

CBI has continued to work hard to meet the targets of its corporate philosophy: "To pursue greatest efficiency
in our work, dedication in our execution, creativity in our thinking and the best strategies for success".
During the past year, we have continued with an innovative approach towards our further development in the face
of difficult market conditions. We have worked to keep operational costs low, and to boost production levels
and improve management efficiency. We have achieved higher sales revenues by improving our production
techniques, product quality and understanding of the market, and minimised the impact of higher feedstock
prices by introducing a higher margin production mix and increasing our output of products used as chemical
feedstocks, which have a higher value and price in the market.

Our technological advancements have also secured prestigious honours for the Company in 2007. Our wholly-owned
subsidiary, Longyan Zhuoyue New Energy Development Co., Ltd. (LZNE) was recognised in the Chinese National 11th
Five-year Plan as the 'Technologically Supporting Enterprise' in the biodiesel industry, and is expected to
continue receiving government financial support. It has also enabled CBI to continue as a leader within the
Chinese biodiesel industry.

Our success in remaining profitable in current market conditions has made us more confident about future
developments. China has not yet required a compulsory mix of biodiesel in diesel for sale in petrol stations,
maintaining a link between the price of biodiesel sold to gas stations and the government-controlled price of
diesel, which is well below the international diesel price. But with China's rapid economic development and
continuing growth in demand for energy, we believe biodiesel prices will have room to increase. The Chinese
Government implemented the "Renewable Energy Law" in 2006, and the development of biomass fuel was listed
within the "National Mid-term and Long-term Programming of Renewable Energy" in 2007, which means that this
industry has become strategically positioned for development." As a leading researcher and producer, CBI is
well placed to benefit from further national energy reform and preferential policies.

In summary, it is pleasing to report that the management of CBI has successfully handled the tough market
challenges faced by the Company, and has acquired much useful experience that will stand us in good stead as we
continue to grow. Based on our successes during 2007, we believe that CBI is well placed to achieve further
success in the period ahead.

Operational Review

CBI has maintained its competitive advantage with its proprietary technology, which enables the Company to
utilise lower-grade waste animal or vegetable oils as feedstock. In 2007, the Company focused on the
construction of two new plants and on growing its distribution network. Despite the fact that the rise in the
price of raw material has brought much pressure to the biodiesel industry, the Company has been able to
strengthen its position for further growth.

The Company has also continued to improve management efficiency and technological processes. Since the
commencement of production at the new plant in Longyan in August 2007, the Company has improved production
efficiency through the successful switch from old manual techniques to new automatic ones. Energy consumption
has been reduced along with production costs. Furthermore, due to improved product quality and brand
recognition, the Company benefited from increasing demand among customers. Total production during 2007 was
26,095 tonnes, an increase of 14.12 per cent over 2006.

CBI achieved several key advances in 2007. It obtained approval for two new patents in the second half of 2007,
making a total of five patents approved during the year. The biodiesel logo "ZHUONENG" was officially
recognised as a "Provincial Famous Trademark" in November, enhancing brand awareness of the Group. As a leading
player in the biodiesel sector, the Company has also been involved in various national scientific projects in
China, and therefore will continue to receive grants and other governmental support. A total of RMB 8.58
million in government grants was received relating to the Company's achievements in biodiesel production.
Furthermore, the following accolades were awarded to the Company during 2007: National Key High-Tech
Enterprise; Provincial High-Tech Enterprise; Provincial Experimental Innovative Enterprise; One of the Thirty
Best Enterprises in Western Fujian Province; Enterprise of Observing Contract and Valuing Credit in Longyan.

During 2007, much work was done to prepare for the expansion of capacity. The market consciousness was
strengthened and market channels were greatly expanded. The domestic supply network was expanded and has been
providing more feedstock. Moves to secure more raw materials internationally were also achieved. In particular
new supplies of high-quality feedstock oil were purchased from Southeast Asia in recent months. With the
impending start of production in the new plant in Xiamen, adjacent to nearby port facilities, the Company
intends to keep purchase cost down through economies of scale and reduced transportation distance. Currently,
we are recruiting employees and purchasing feedstock for Xiamen Plant, which will commence trial production in
a few weeks.

Despite the decline in profits arising from increased raw material prices and the weather-induced delays to the
construction of the new production facilities in Longyan and Xiamen, the profit margins were maintained at a
stable level during the second half of the year. In response to increased market demand, the Company increased
the percentage of products (B1 and B2) sold for chemical uses, which have higher value and prices than B3 sold
for gas stations, and are therefore higher margin, and not subject to the government control. For example the
proportion of B2 production increased from 13.6 per cent. in 2006 to 37.8 per cent. in 2007, and the level is
expected to rise in the coming year, having already risen to over 60 per cent. in December 2007. Although the
raw material price is not expected to drop in 2008, we are still confident that the Company will achieve
financial and operational growth, especially with the contribution of the two new plants.

Financial Review


Key financials
                                    2005 (RMB)     2006 (RMB)     2007(RMB)

Turnover from sales of biodiesel       69.7 m        101.1 m       124.6 m

Profit before tax                      28.2 m        38.84 m       16.79 m

Earning per share (basic)               0.747          0.910         0.365

Cash generated from operations         14.6 m         30.2 m           33m

Proposed final dividend per share         Nil         0.0816        0.0365



China Biodiesel's revenues increased by 23.24 per cent. to RMB 124.59 million (2006: RMB 101.1 million). With
the second Longyan plant commencing production in the third quarter, sales volumes for the year increased by
14.12 per cent to 26,095 tons (2006: RMB 22,866 tons).

Meanwhile the new technology employed in the new Longyan plant enabled the Company to increase its output of
higher value and non-capped B1 and B2 biodiesel products, effectively increasing average selling prices by 8.56
per cent to RMB 4,770.65 per ton (2006: RMB 4,394.28 per ton).

Costs and expenses

As a result of global inflation in farm product prices, especially edible oils and waste oil, production costs
increased significantly during the year by 36.43 per cent to RMB 4,247.60 per ton (2006: RMB 3,113.41 per ton).

Distribution costs and administration expenses, as a proportion of revenue, were 0.82 per cent and 6.49 per
cent, respectively. As demand for biodiesel substantially exceeded supply, the Company was able to sell its
product with minimal promotional spending. With little gain from exchange rate movements in 2007 (RMB 3 million
in FY 2006) and more spending on listing requirements, administration expenses increased by 215.88 percent to
RMB 8.087 million.

Results for the year

Profit before tax fell 56.77 per cent to RMB 16.79 million (2006: RMB 38.84 million) due to increased raw
material cost.

Income from sales of package barrels, which comprised part of Other Income, contributed RMB 3.95 million (2006:
RMB 4.32 million).

The Company received RMB 8.58 million (2006: RMB 7.75 million) in Government grants relating to China
Biodiesel's achievements in development of renewable energy and energy saving. Finance expenses of RMB 0.52
million in 2007 (2006: RMB 0.625 million) related to bank debt.


No income tax was incurred in 2007 for any of the Company's three wholly owned subsidies LZNE (Longyan Zhuoyue
New Energy Co., Ltd), XZBM (Xiamen Zhuoyue Bio-mass Energy Co., Ltd), LZBM (Longyan Zhuoyue Bio-mass Energy
Co., Ltd), or their subsidiaries. However, the procurement business of LZNE was subject to income tax at the
rate of 33 per cent.

According to the relevant PRC tax rules, as a wholly owned foreign enterprise engaged in production and in
operation for more than 10 years, LZNE was exempt from an Enterprise Income Tax ("EIT") for the two fiscal
years 2006 and 2007 and will enjoy a 50 per cent reduction in EIT for three fiscal years 2008, 2009 and 2010.
For this preferential tax treatment, XZBM and LZMB will also be exempt from EIT for the two fiscal years 2008
and 2009 and enjoy a 50% reduction in EIT for the following three fiscal years 2010, 2011 and 2012.

Cash flow

The Company has applied stricter controls over accounts receivable and by the year-end successfully reduced the
balance outstanding by RMB 12.94 million to RMB 12.60 million. As a result, net cash flow from operating
activities increased 11.51 percent to RMB 33 million (2006: RMB 29.59m).

Capital expenditure

During the year, capital expenditure rose to RMB 90.71 million (2006: RMB 60.65 million), mainly attributable
to the construction, equipment purchasing and installation of the two new biodiesel plants in Longyan and

Balance sheet

With the second production line at the Longyan plant commencing production in late 2007 and the Xiamen plant
now almost complete, the Company's value generating property, plant and equipment increased by RMB113.74m to
RMB 157.36 million at the end of 2007 (2006: RMB 43.62 million).

Meanwhile, trade and other receivables decreased by 46.95% to RMB 14.47 million (2006: RMB 27.28 million), due
to the introduction of stricter controls over business credit.

Inventory increased by 36.83 percent to RMB 8.44 million (2006: RMB 6.17 million), mainly due to the increase
in finished goods and semi-manufactured products caused by higher output volume.

Total Liabilities at the end of 2007 were RMB 27.25 million (2006: RMB 14.50 million). Of the RMB 12.75 million
rise in liabilities, RMB 1.85 million was due to increased bank borrowings. The remainder arose from mainly
construction or equipment contracts attributable to construction of the two plants.


The directors propose a final dividend for 2007 of RMB0.0365 per share which, if approved by shareholders at
the Company's annual general meeting on 4 June 2007, will be paid on 4 July 2008 to shareholders on the
register at 20 June 2008. The Chairman, Huodong Ye, has waived his dividend entitlement for the year to 31
December 2007. (2006: RMB0.0816 per share).



                                    Notes            2007             2006
                                                      RMB              RMB

Revenue                                 6     124,590,090      101,098,548
Cost of sales                                (110,841,077)     (71,191,170)
                                             -------------    -------------

Gross profit                                   13,749,013       29,907,378
Other income                            7      12,529,106       12,068,572
Distribution costs                             (1,015,597)        (625,462)
Administrative expenses                        (8,087,065)      (2,560,187)
Other operating expenses                         (144,882)         (22,658)
                                             -------------    -------------

Profit from operations                  9      17,030,575       38,767,643
Finance income                         10         282,217          246,310
Finance costs                          10        (520,705)        (624,895)
Gain on disposal of an associate       17               -          450,000
                                             -------------    -------------

Profit before income tax expense               16,792,087       38,839,058

Income tax expense                     12        (237,825)      (1,719,826)
                                             -------------    -------------

Profit for the year                            16,554,262       37,119,232
                                             -------------    -------------
                                             -------------    -------------

Attributable to:
- Equity holders of the Company                16,569,774       37,057,373
- Minority interests                              (15,512)          61,859
                                             -------------    -------------

                                               16,554,262       37,119,232
                                             -------------    -------------
                                             -------------    -------------

Dividends                              32               -        1,020,019
                                             -------------    -------------
                                             -------------    -------------

Earnings per share                     13
 Basic                                              0.365            0.910
                                             -------------    -------------
                                             -------------    -------------

Diluted                                             0.365            0.909
                                             -------------    -------------
                                             -------------    -------------


                                    Notes           2007              2006
                                                     RMB               RMB


Non-current assets

Property, plant and equipment          14    157,359,553        43,617,764
 Deposits for acquisition of
  property, plant and
  equipment                            14      4,649,915        23,194,250
 Payments for leasehold land held
  for own use under operating
  leases                               15      8,853,858         8,836,715
 Other intangible assets                           2,787             3,233
 Deferred tax assets                   25        162,500           207,149
                                             -------------    -------------

Total non-current assets                 171,028,613        75,859,111
                                             -------------    -------------

Current assets
 Inventories                           18      8,443,232         6,170,567
 Trade and other receivables           19     14,469,918        27,276,313
 Cash and cash equivalents                    12,462,094        69,326,379
                                             -------------    -------------

Total current assets                          35,375,244       102,773,259
                                             -------------    -------------

Total assets                                 206,403,857       178,632,370
                                             -------------    -------------
                                             -------------    -------------


Current liabilities
 Trade and other payables              20     17,067,159         5,970,095
 Current tax liabilities                       1,567,078         1,590,471
 Other financial liabilities           21      8,115,859         6,323,324
                                             -------------    -------------

Total current liabilities                     26,750,096        13,883,890
                                             -------------    -------------
Non-current liabilities

 Other financial liabilities           22        500,000           617,924
                                             -------------    -------------

Total liabilities                             27,250,096        14,501,814
                                             -------------    -------------
                                             -------------    -------------
NET ASSETS                                   179,153,761       164,130,556
                                             -------------    -------------
                                             -------------    -------------

Capital and reserves attributable
 to equity holders of the Company
 Share capital                         26      3,632,941         3,632,941
 Reserves                              28    175,216,300       160,177,583
                                             -------------    -------------

 Equity attributable to equity
  holders of the Company                     178,849,241       163,810,524

                                       28        304,520           320,032
Minority interests
                                             -------------    -------------

                                             179,153,761       164,130,556
                                             -------------    -------------
                                             -------------    -------------


                       Equity attributable to equity holders of the Company
                            Share         Share   Contributed      exchange
                          capital       premium       surplus       reserve
                              RMB           RMB           RMB           RMB
                         (note 26)     (note 28)     (note 28)     (note 28)

At 1 January 2006               8             -     4,927,808             -

Effect from
 translation of
 functional currency
 to presentation
 currency                       -             -             -    (1,307,048)
                       ----------  ------------  ------------  ------------

Net loss recognised
 directly in equity             -             -             -    (1,307,048)
Profit for the year             -             -             -             -
                       ----------  ------------  ------------  ------------

Total recognised
 income and expense             -             -             -    (1,307,048)
                       ----------  ------------  ------------  ------------

Issuance of bonus
 shares                 2,879,992             -    (2,879,992)            -
Issuance of shares
 for placing              752,941   116,312,901             -             -
Share issue costs               -   (20,510,851)            -             -
Settlement of
 share issue costs
 by share-based
 payments paid by
 equity holder                  -    (3,000,000)    3,000,000             -
Issuance of
 share options                  -    (2,229,427)            -             -
Provision for
 general reserve                -             -             -             -
2006 proposed
 dividends (note 32)            -             -             -             -
                       ----------  ------------  ------------  ------------

At 31 December
 2006 and 1
 January 2007           3,632,941    90,572,623     5,047,816    (1,307,048)
                       ----------  ------------  ------------  ------------
                       ----------  ------------  ------------  ------------

Effect from
 translation of
 currency to
 currency                       -             -             -      (511,038)
                       ----------  ------------  ------------  ------------

Net loss
 directly in
 equity                         -             -             -      (511,038)
Profit for
 the year                       -             -             -             -
                       ----------  ------------  ------------  ------------

Total recognised
 income and expense             -             -             -      (511,038)
                       ----------  ------------  ------------  ------------

Dividends paid                  -             -             -             -
Provision for
 general reserve                -             -             -             -
2007 proposed
 dividends (note 32)            -             -             -             -
                       ----------  ------------  ------------  ------------
At 31 December 2007     3,632,941    90,572,623     5,047,816    (1,818,086)
                       ----------  ------------  ------------  ------------
                       ----------  ------------  ------------  ------------

                           option        Merger       General      Proposed
                          reserve       reserve       reserve      dividend
                              RMB           RMB           RMB           RMB
                         (note 28)     (note 28)     (note 28)     (note 28)

At 1 January 2006               -      (121,330)    2,529,491             -

Effect from
 translation of
 functional currency
 to presentation
 currency                       -             -             -             -
                       ----------  ------------  ------------  ------------

Net loss recognised
 directly in equity             -             -             -             -
Profit for the year             -             -             -             -
                       ----------  ------------  ------------  ------------

Total recognised
 income and expense             -             -             -             -
                       ----------  ------------  ------------  ------------

Issuance of bonus
 shares                         -             -             -             -
Issuance of shares
 for placing                    -             -             -             -
Share issue costs               -             -             -             -
Settlement of share
 issue costs by
 payments paid by
 equity holder                  -             -             -             -
Issuance of share
 options                2,229,427             -             -             -
Provision for
 general reserve                -             -     3,744,049
2006 proposed
 dividends (note 32)            -             -             -     1,020,019
                       ----------  ------------  ------------  ------------

At 31 December 2006
 and 1 January 2007     2,229,427      (121,330)    6,273,540     1,020,019
                       ----------  ------------  ------------  ------------
                       ----------  ------------  ------------  ------------

Effect from
 translation of
 functional currency
 to presentation
 currency                       -             -             -             -
                       ----------  ------------  ------------  ------------

Net loss recognised
 directly in equity             -             -             -             -
Profit for the year             -             -             -             -
                       ----------  ------------  ------------  ------------

Total recognised
 income and expense             -             -             -             -
                       ----------  ------------  ------------  ------------

Dividends paid                  -             -             -    (1,020,019)
Provision for
 general reserve                -             -     2,245,169             -
2007 proposed
 dividends (note 32)            -             -             -       456,089
                       ----------  ------------  ------------  ------------
At 31 December 2007     2,229,427      (121,330)    8,518,709       456,089
                       ----------  ------------  ------------  ------------
                       ----------  ------------  ------------  ------------

                         Retained                    Minority
                         earnings     Sub-total     interests         Total
                              RMB           RMB           RMB           RMB
                         (note 28)                   (note 28)

At 1 January 2006      24,169,231    31,505,208       258,173    31,763,381

Effect from
 translation of
 functional currency
 to presentation
 currency                       -    (1,307,048)            -    (1,307,048)
                       ----------  ------------  ------------  ------------

Net loss recognised
 directly in equity             -    (1,307,048)            -    (1,307,048)
Profit for the year    37,057,373    37,057,373        61,859    37,119,232
                       ----------  ------------  ------------  ------------

Total recognised
 income and expense    37,057,373    35,750,325        61,859    35,812,184
                       ----------  ------------  ------------  ------------

Issuance of bonus
 shares                         -             -             -             -
Issuance of shares
 for placing                    -   117,065,842             -   117,065,842
Share issue costs               -   (20,510,851)            -   (20,510,851)
Settlement of share
 issue costs by
 payments paid by
 equity holder                  -             -             -             -
Issuance of share
 options                        -             -             -             -
Provision for
 general reserve       (3,744,049)            -             -             -
2006 proposed
 dividends (note 32)   (1,020,019)            -             -             -
                       ----------  ------------  ------------  ------------

At 31 December 2006
 and 1 January 2007    56,462,536   163,810,524       320,032   164,130,556
                       ----------  ------------  ------------  ------------
                       ----------  ------------  ------------  ------------

Effect from
 translation of
 functional currency
 to presentation
 currency                       -      (511,038)            -      (511,038)
                       ----------  ------------  ------------  ------------

Net loss recognised
 directly in equity             -      (511,038)            -      (511,038)
Profit for the year    16,569,774    16,569,774       (15,512)   16,554,262
                       ----------  ------------  ------------  ------------

Total recognised
 income and expense    16,569,774    16,058,736       (15,512)   16,043,224
                       ----------  ------------  ------------  ------------

Dividends paid                  -    (1,020,019)            -    (1,020,019)
Provision for general
 reserve               (2,245,169)            -             -             -
2007 proposed
 dividends (note 32)     (456,089)            -             -             -
                       ----------  ------------  ------------  ------------
At 31 December 2007    70,331,052   178,849,241       304,520   179,153,761
                       ----------  ------------  ------------  ------------
                       ----------  ------------  ------------  ------------


                                    Notes           2007              2006
                                                     RMB               RMB

Cash flows from operating

Profit before income tax expense              16,792,087        38,839,058
Adjustments for:
 Interest income                                (282,217)         (246,310)
 Depreciation of property, plant
  and equipment                                4,230,968         1,552,422
 Amortisation of land lease
  payments                                       167,717            12,317
 Amortisation of other intangible
  assets                                             446               446
 Interest expense                                520,705           624,895
  Gain on disposal of an associate                     -          (450,000)
                                             -------------    -------------

Cash flow from operating activities
 before working capital changes               21,429,706        40,332,828
 Increase in inventories                      (2,272,665)       (3,361,299)
 Decrease/(increase) in trade and
  other receivables                           11,866,395        (6,611,976)
 Increase/(decrease) in trade and
  other payables                               2,189,828          (155,297)
                                             -------------    -------------

                                              33,213,264        30,204,256
Cash generated from operations
 Income tax paid                                (216,569)         (612,844)
                                             -------------    -------------

                                              32,996,695        29,591,412

Net cash flows from operating activities
                                             -------------    -------------

Cash flows from investing activities

 Acquisition of property, plant and
  equipment                                  (90,521,186)      (52,561,835)
 Land lease payments                            (184,860)       (8,091,770)
 Proceeds from disposal of an
  associate                                            -         2,000,000
 Advances to/(Repayments from)
  related companies                              940,000        (1,000,000)
 Interest received                               282,217           246,310
                                             -------------    -------------

                                             (89,483,829)      (59,407,295)

Net cash used in investing
                                             -------------    -------------

Cash flows from financing activities

 Repayment of bank loans                      (6,300,000)       (5,000,000)
 Proceeds from bank loans                      7,850,000                 -
 (Repayment to)/Advance from equity
  holders                                        (23,347)           18,810

  Proceeds from shares placing                         -       117,065,842

  Payments for share issue costs                               (20,510,851)

 Interest paid                                  (432,747)         (583,517)
 Dividend paid to equity
 shareholders                                 (1,020,019)                -
 Advance from a related company                   60,000                 -
                                             -------------    -------------
Net cash flows from financing
 activities                                      133,887        90,990,284
                                             -------------    -------------

Net (decrease)/increase in cash and
 cash equivalents equivalents                (56,353,247)       61,174,401

Cash and cash equivalents at
 beginning of year                            69,326,379         9,459,026

Effect of foreign exchange rate
 changes                                        (511,038)       (1,307,048)
                                             -------------    -------------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of
 year                                         12,462,094        69,326,379
                                             -------------    -------------
                                             -------------    -------------

Cash and cash equivalents
Cash and bank balances                        12,462,094        69,326,379
                                             -------------    -------------
                                             -------------    -------------



China Biodiesel International Holding Co LTD


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