RNS No 6898h
16th November 1998



Financial Highlights
Chairman & Chief Executive's Statement
Financial Review
Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
Consolidated Balance Sheet
Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses
Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
Supplementary Information
Review Report by the Auditors

The Interim Statement reports on the results for the six months to 3 October
1998 and, unless otherwise stated, comparisons are to the first half of
financial year 1997/98.  Figures for the year ended 28 March 1998 have been
extracted from the audited accounts which have been delivered to the
Registrar of Companies and on which the auditors issued an unqualified

The Interim Statement will be mailed to shareholders on 18 November 1998 at
which time copies will also be available from the Secretary's Office,
British Steel plc, 15 Marylebone Road, London NW1 5JD, or by telephoning
0800 484113.

British Steel plc Investor & Media Relations
15 Marylebone Road London NW1 5JD  Tel +44 (0)171 314 5502  Fax +44 (0) 171
314 5604


Profit before tax of #108m

Earnings per share of 3.99p

Interim dividend per share of 3p

Net funds of #432m


In my statement at the Annual General Meeting in July, I said that results
for the first quarter were up to our expectations but that the trading
situation for the rest of this financial year would depend on a number of
external factors.

During August and September, selling prices weakened for most steel
products, as the adverse effects of the economic crises in the Far East
impacted on European and North American markets.

Subsequently there has been further deterioration in selling prices, a trend
which if continued will lead to losses for the full year, particularly if
pressure intensifies on sales volume.

On a more positive note, we are one of the most efficient steel producers in
the world and continue to drive forward our cost and efficiency improvement
programme, the benefits of which we expect to accelerate in the second half

Our employees and trade unions recognise the extremely difficult trading
environment that faces the Company and are co-operating on manpower
productivity improvement measures.  Good progress and further input cost
reductions were also achieved through our suppliers initiative in the first
half year, and the first tranche of business improvement projects have been
developed and launched in conjunction with Cap Gemini, our IT and management

These improvements will move us closer towards restoring our competitive
position despite the continuing strength of sterling and I anticipate being
able to report significant year-on-year benefits arising from these
initiatives when reporting our annual results in June of next year.

Although there has been some recent weakening in sterling, the benefits of
which will flow through towards the end of the financial year, we look
forward to further reductions in interest rates which we hope will help to
redress the overvaluation of the Pound which, for some two years, has
undermined our UK customers' competitive position, both in domestic and in
export markets.

Good cash management, particularly on working capital, has ensured that the
Balance Sheet remains strong with net funds of #432m at the end of the half
year.  Consequently, the Company is well positioned to take advantage of
suitable investment opportunities and, in due course, for the upturn in our

The Board has declared an unchanged interim dividend of 3p per share and
intends to maintain the level of the final dividend at 7p per share, making
10p for the year.


Group operating profit for the half year (which comprised 27 weeks rather 
than the normal 26) amounted to #82m (1997/98: #121m), the reduction mainly 
a result of the adverse effects of the continued strength of sterling and 
the marked deterioration in the results of Avesta Sheffield, our 51% owned
stainless steel subsidiary.

Despite an increase of 1% in deliveries to 7.6mt, Group turnover of #3,376m
(1997/98: #3,398m) was slightly below last year's level.  This reflected a
reduction of 2% in average revenue per tonne, principally due to the lower
levels of stainless steel prices.  British Steel's deliveries to the UK
market totalled 3.8mt, of which 3.3mt were in the Company's main carbon and
engineering steel finished products.  Demand for these products, at 6.1mt,
was 5% higher than in the same period of 1997/98 but a sharp rise in
imports, fuelled by the crises in Asian economies, reduced the Company's
market share to 54% (1997/98 : 57%).  Import pressures were also strong in
other markets, notably mainland Europe, although British Steel was able to
increase deliveries there by 4% to 2.7mt.  Deliveries to markets outside
Europe reduced to 1.1mt (1997/98 : 1.2mt).

Operating costs at #3,294m (1997/98 : #3,277m) rose slightly, reflecting the
rise in deliveries but also progress made on measures to improve British
Steel's competitive position.  These were described in the Report & Accounts
for 1997/98, and are commented on in the Chairman & Chief Executive's
Statement. Numbers employed reduced by 1,400 during the half year to 47,000
and it is anticipated that the rate of reduction will accelerate in the
second half year.

Group net interest and investment income receivable of #21m (1997/98: #22m)
was slightly lower than in 1997 due to the lower level of average net funds
during the period.  After net interest there was a profit before taxation of
#108m (1997/98: #143m) and earnings per share of 3.99p (1997/98: 4.75p). 

The Group achieved an increased operating cash inflow of #299m (1997/98: 
#194m) with reduced funds required for working capital.  After taking
account of capital expenditure, dividends and tax payments, this resulted in
net funds of #432m at the half year end, only #14m below the year end level,
despite the reduced operating profit.  In May, British Steel raised #200m in
6.75% sterling bonds due 2008.  The bonds were issued at 99.122%.  This
further strengthens the balance sheet by providing a long term, low cost
source of capital.

Dividend payment

For ordinary shareholders, the interim dividend of 3p per share is payable
on 11 January 1999 to shareholders on the register at close of business on
27 November 1998.  

For American Depositary Receipt holders, the dividend is payable in US
dollars on January 21, 1999 by the Depositary, The Bank of New York, to the
ADR holders of record on November 27, 1998.

Year 2000

A consistent methodology for managing Year 2000 compliance has been adopted
across the Group and Group companies are actively engaged in projects to
minimise the business risk from the possibility of computer or equipment
failure or malfunction associated with the Year 2000 date change. Priority
is being given to impact analysis, renovation and testing, and replacement
where necessary in respect of the most critical business systems, including
process control. The programme, which started in late 1996 and is targeted
to be substantially complete by end 1998, has an estimated total cost of
approximately #60m. In addition to dealing with internal risks there is also
a programme to address those risks to which the Group may be exposed from
problems at suppliers, customers or other third parties. The complexity and
unprecedented nature of the Year 2000 issue mean that, while every effort is
in place to overcome the problem, it cannot be certain that Year 2000
issues, particularly those external to the Group, will have no significant
impact on British Steel's operations or financial condition.

Accounting policies

The half year accounts have been prepared in accordance with the accounting
policies and standards expected to apply for the financial year 1998/99,
including the application of FRS 10 'Goodwill and Intangible Assets', FRS 11
'Impairment of Fixed Assets and Goodwill', FRS 12 'Provisions, Contingent
Liabilities and Contingent Assets', FRS 13 'Derivatives and Other Financial
Instruments: Disclosures' and FRS 14 'Earnings per Share'. The accounting
policies are consistent with those set out in the 1997/98 Report & Accounts
except as disclosed below.  

The adoption of FRS 10 and FRS 12 has resulted in changes to accounting
policies. Goodwill arising on acquisition and intangible assets acquired is
now capitalised and amortised over its estimated useful economic life to a
maximum of 20 years. Goodwill written off to reserves under the Company's
previous policy will not be reinstated and, accordingly, no restatement of
comparative figures is required. Revenue costs of rationalisation and
related measures are provided for when a constructive obligation has arisen
before the balance sheet date. The adoption of FRS12 has had no material
effect on the results or balance sheet of the Group and no restatement of
comparative figures is required.


                                          Unaudited    Unaudited    Audited
                                          half year    half year  full year
                                           to 3 Oct   to 27 Sept  to 28 Mar
                                               1998         1997       1998
                                                 #m           #m         #m

TURNOVER : GROUP AND SHARE OF JOINT VENTURES  3,472        3,509      7,166
Less : share of joint ventures' turnover        (96)        (111)      (219)
                                             ------       ------      -----
GROUP TURNOVER                                3,376        3,398      6,947
OPERATING COSTS                              (3,294)      (3,277)    (6,682)
                                             ------       ------      -----
GROUP OPERATING PROFIT                           82          121        265
Share of operating results of joint
ventures and associated undertakings              -            1          -
                                             ------       ------      -----
                                                 82          122        265
Profit on sale of fixed assets                    6            -          6
Profit on disposal of businesses,
subsidiaries and associated undertakings          -            -          5
                                             ------       ------      -----
PROFIT BEFORE INTEREST                           88          122        276
Group                                            21           22         41
Joint ventures and associated undertakings       (1)          (1)        (2)
                                             ------       ------      -----
PROFIT BEFORE TAXATION                          108          143        315
Taxation                                        (45)         (43)       (82)
                                             ------       ------      -----
PROFIT AFTER TAXATION                            63          100        233
Minority interests                               16           (5)        (7)
                                             ------       ------      -----
PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD                            79           95        226
Dividends                                       (62)         (58)      (195)
                                             ------       ------      -----
PROFIT RETAINED FOR THE PERIOD                   17           37         31
                                             ======       ======      =====
EARNINGS PER ORDINARY SHARE                    3.99p        4.75p     11.44p
                                             ======       ======      =====
FULLY DILUTED EARNINGS PER ORDINARY SHARE      3.98p        4.68p     11.22p
                                             ======       ======      =====
There were no material acquisitions or discontinued activities. 


                                          Unaudited    Unaudited    Audited
                                           at 3 Oct   at 27 Sept  at 28 Mar
                                               1998         1997       1998
                                                 #m           #m         #m

Goodwill                                          1            -          -
Tangible assets                               3,279        3,323      3,335
Investments in joint ventures                   105          104        104
Investments in associated undertakings           10            7          9
Other investments and loans                     202          176        181
Own shares                                        -            -         18
                                             ------       ------     ------
                                              3,597        3,610      3,647
                                             ------       ------     ------

Stocks                                        1,285        1,296      1,222
Debtors                                       1,403        1,617      1,643
Short term investments                        1,230        1,124      1,043
Cash at bank and in hand                        152          100        163
                                             ------       ------     ------
                                              4,070        4,137      4,071

ONE YEAR                                     (1,449)      (1,668)    (1,672)
                                             ------       ------     ------
NET CURRENT ASSETS                            2,621        2,469      2,399
                                             ------       ------     ------
TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES         6,218        6,079      6,046

MORE THAN ONE YEAR                             (909)        (684)      (723)

PROVISIONS FOR LIABILITIES AND CHARGES         (282)        (319)      (292)

Regional development and other grants           (54)         (64)       (58)
                                             ------       ------     ------
                                              4,973        5,012      4,973
                                             ======       ======     ======

Called up share capital                         991          973        991
Share premium account                            51           17         51
Capital redemption reserve                       47           47         47
Statutory reserve                             2,338        2,338      2,338
Profit and loss account                       1,215        1,265      1,195
                                             ------       ------     ------
SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS - EQUITY INTERESTS        4,642        4,640      4,622

Equity interests in subsidiary undertakings     331          372        351
                                             ------       ------     ------
                                              4,973        5,012      4,973
                                             ======       ======     ======


                                          Unaudited    Unaudited    Audited
                                          half year    half year  full year
                                           to 3 Oct   to 27 Sept  to 28 Mar
                                               1998         1997       1998
                                                 #m           #m         #m

Profit for the period                            79           95        226

Exchange translation differences on
foreign currency net investments                  3           (1)       (29)
                                              -----        -----      -----
Total recognised gains relating to the
period                                           82           94        197
                                              =====        =====      =====


                                          Unaudited    Unaudited    Audited
                                          half year    half year  full year
                                           to 3 Oct   to 27 Sept  to 28 Mar
                                               1998         1997       1998
                                                 #m           #m         #m

Profit for the period                            79           95        226
Dividends                                       (62)         (58)      (195)
                                              -----        -----      -----
                                                 17           37         31
Exchange translation differences on 
foreign currency net investments                  3           (1)       (29)
Share buyback                                     -         (146)      (146)
New shares issued                                 -            1         19
Goodwill arising on consolidation                 -           (8)       (10)
                                              -----        -----      -----
Net increase/(decrease) in shareholders'
funds                                            20         (117)      (135)
Shareholders' funds at beginning of period    4,622        4,757      4,757
                                             ------       ------     ------
Shareholders' funds at end of period          4,642        4,640      4,622
                                             ======       ======     ======


                                          Unaudited    Unaudited    Audited
                                          half year    half year  full year
                                           to 3 Oct   to 27 Sept  to 28 Mar
                                               1998         1997       1998
                                                 #m           #m         #m

Net cash inflow from operating activities       299          194        512
Dividends from joint ventures and 
associated undertakings                           3            3          6
Returns on investments and servicing of
finance                                          10           10         36
Tax paid                                        (18)         (15)      (183)
Capital expenditure and financial investment   (166)        (173)      (366)
Acquisitions and disposals                       (9)         (40)       (25)
Equity dividends paid                          (140)        (142)      (201)
                                             ------       ------      -----
RESOURCES AND FINANCING                         (21)        (163)      (221)

Net (purchase)/sale of short term investments  (184)         236        311

Purchase of own shares                            -         (146)      (146)
Issue of ordinary shares                          3            1         16
Increase in debt                                187           26         88
                                             ------       ------      -----
FINANCING ACTIVITIES                            190         (119)       (42)
                                             ------       ------      -----
(DECREASE)/INCREASE IN CASH IN THE PERIOD       (15)         (46)        48
                                             ======       ======      =====

(Decrease)/increase in cash                     (15)         (46)        48
Increase/(decrease) in liquid resources         184         (236)      (311)
Increase in debt                               (187)         (26)       (88)
                                             ------       ------      -----
Change in net funds resulting from cash flows   (18)        (308)      (351)
Long term debt acquired                           -           (5)        (1)
Other non cash items                              -            -         (3)
Effect of foreign exchange rate changes           4           (1)        16
                                             ------       ------      -----
Movement in net funds                           (14)        (314)      (339)
Net funds at beginning of period                446          785        785
                                             ------       ------      -----
Net funds at end of period                      432          471        446
                                             ======       ======      =====


                                          Half year    Half year  Full year
                                           to 3 Oct   to 27 Sept  to 28 Mar
                                               1998         1997       1998

1.  GROUP TURNOVER                               #m           #m         #m


    United Kingdom                            1,482        1,476      3,010
    Rest of Europe                            1,333        1,279      2,687
    North America                               376          339        654
    Other areas                                 185          304        596
                                             ------       ------      -----
                                              3,376        3,398      6,947
                                             ======       ======      =====


    Uncoated strip products                     525          550      1,140
    Coated strip products                       614          595      1,218
    Sections and plates                         502          481      1,014
    Tubular products                            206          160        347
    Wire rod                                    107          109        227
    Semi-finished carbon steel products          58           54        121
    Engineering steels                          246          254        528
    Stainless steel products                    651          734      1,473
                                             ------       ------      -----
    Total steel industry products (*)         2,909        2,937      6,068
    Distribution and further processing         406          408        779
    Others                                       61           53        100
                                             ------       ------      -----
                                              3,376        3,398      6,947
                                             ======       ======      =====
    (*):  By destination:

    United Kingdom                            1,308        1,285      2,662
    Rest of Europe                            1,172        1,119      2,387
    North America                               299          285        560
    Other areas                                 130          248        459
                                             ------       ------      -----
                                              2,909        2,937      6,068
                                             ======       ======      =====

2.  SALES VOLUME                                 mt           mt         mt


    United Kingdom                              3.8          3.7        7.7
    Rest of Europe                              2.7          2.6        5.5
    North America                               0.7          0.6        1.2
    Other areas                                 0.4          0.6        1.2
                                             ------       ------      -----
                                                7.6          7.5       15.6
                                             ======       ======      =====


    Uncoated strip products                     2.1          2.2        4.4
    Coated strip products                       1.5          1.4        2.9
    Sections and plates                         1.7          1.6        3.4
    Tubular products                            0.5          0.4        0.9
    Wire rod                                    0.5          0.5        1.0
    Semi-finished carbon steel products         0.3          0.3        0.7
    Engineering steels                          0.6          0.6        1.4
    Stainless steel products                    0.4          0.5        0.9
                                             ------       ------      -----
                                                7.6          7.5       15.6
                                             ======       ======      =====

3.  OPERATING COSTS                              #m           #m         #m

    Raw materials and consumables             1,480        1,525      3,019
    Maintenance costs (excluding own labour)    283          273        578
    Other external charges                      532          489      1,044
    Employment costs                            677          664      1,348
    Depreciation (net of grants released)       162          143        295
    Other operating costs                       212          234        434
    Changes in stock of finished goods
    and work in progress                        (47)         (47)       (26)
    Own work capitalised                         (5)          (4)       (10)
                                             ------       ------      -----
                                              3,294        3,277      6,682
                                             ======       ======      =====
    The above costs include:

    Redundancy and related costs                  4            6         18
    Accelerated depreciation                     15            -         21
    Other rationalisation costs                   9            2          4
    Realised gain on investments held
    to fund insurance liabilities               (30)           -          -

    Note:  Realisation of gains on investments held by Crucible Insurance
           (our captive insurance company) is taken into account in the
           assessment of the underwriting results and liabilities of that
           company and is dealt with as part of the operating costs in
           these accounts.

4.  NET INTEREST AND INVESTMENT INCOME           #m           #m         #m

    Dividends from other fixed asset 
    investments                                   3            2          2
    Interest receivable                          49           46         91
    Interest payable                            (29)         (23)       (48)
    Finance leases                               (2)          (3)        (4)
    Joint ventures                               (1)          (1)        (2)
                                              -----        -----      -----
                                                 20           21         39
                                              =====        =====      =====

5.  TAXATION                                     #m           #m         #m

    UK Corporation tax at 31%                    37           47         89
    Double tax relief                            (1)          (1)        (7)
    Prior year credit                            (2)          (6)        (4)
    Overseas taxes                                5            5         12
    UK deferred tax                               5           (4)        (5)
    Overseas deferred tax                         -            -         (8)
    Joint ventures                                1            2          4
    Associated undertakings                       -            -          1
                                              -----        -----      -----
                                                 45           43         82
                                              =====        =====      =====
    The net taxation charge for the half year has been calculated by
    reference to the estimated effective tax rates for each taxation
    jurisdiction for the financial year 1998/99.


    The dividend of #62m in the first half year includes the final dividend
    for 1997/98 on shares which did not qualify for full dividend at the
    year end but which were subsequently issued before the record date to
    members of the British Steel Employee Sharesave Scheme.

7.  CAPITAL EXPENDITURE                          #m           #m         #m

    Purchase of tangible fixed assets           152          200        396
     Movement in capital creditors              (42)           1          8
                                              -----        -----      -----
                                                110          201        404
                                              =====        =====      =====

8.  EMPLOYEES                                number       number     number

    Average weekly numbers employed:
    Within UK                                38,200       41,100     40,600
    Overseas                                  9,400        9,400      9,400
                                             ------       ------     ------
                                             47,600       50,500     50,000
                                             ======       ======     ======

    Numbers employed at end of period:
    Within UK                                37,700       40,800     39,100
    Overseas                                  9,300        9,500      9,300
                                             ------       ------     ------
                                             47,000       50,300     48,400
                                             ======       ======     ======

    NET CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES      #m           #m         #m

    Operating profit                             82          121        265
    Depreciation (net of grants released)       162          143        295
    Increase in stocks                          (61)         (60)       (16)
    Reduction/(increase) in debtors             249           63         (9)
    (Reduction)/increase in creditors           (93)         (62)        17
    Rationalisation costs provided               13            8         22
    Utilisation of rationalisation provisions   (34)         (19)       (44)
    Other movements (net)                       (19)           -        (18)
                                             ------       ------      -----
                                                299          194        512
                                             ======       ======      =====

10. ANALYSIS OF NET FUNDS                        #m           #m         #m

    Cash at bank and in hand                    152          100        163
    Bank overdrafts and other short term loans  (66)         (94)       (65)
    Short term investments                    1,230        1,124      1,043
    Long term borrowings                       (830)        (600)      (638)
    Obligations under finance leases            (54)         (59)       (57)
                                             ------       ------      -----
                                                432          471        446
                                             ======       ======      =====

11. US GAAP                                      #m           #m         #m

    PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD - UK GAAP              79           95        226

    Amortisation of goodwill                     (7)          (7)       (14)
    Interest costs capitalised                   12           14         27
    Depreciation of capitalised interest         (4)          (3)        (8)
    Pension costs                                 -          (45)       (18)
    Stock-based employee compensation awards     (3)          (2)        (6)
    Rationalisation costs                       (11)           -         14
    Deferred taxation                             5           10          9
                                             ------       ------     ------
    PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD - US GAAP              71           62        230
                                             ======       ======     ======
    EARNINGS PER ADS - US GAAP                #0.36        #0.31      #1.16
                                             ======       ======     ======
    DILUTED EARNINGS PER ADS - US GAAP        #0.36        #0.30      #1.14
                                             ======       ======     ======

    SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY - UK GAAP            4,642        4,640      4,622

    Goodwill                                    200          213        207
    Interest costs capitalised
    (net of depreciation)                       145          129        137
    Pension costs                               103           76        103
    Stock-based employee compensation awards    (14)          (7)       (11)
    Quest shares held in trust                    -            -        (18)
    Rationalisation costs                         3            -         14
    Deferred taxation                          (491)        (416)      (496)
    Investments in equity securities              8           26         31
    Proposed dividend                            59           58        137
    Minority interests                           20           20         20
                                             ------       ------      -----
    SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY - US GAAP            4,675        4,739      4,746
                                             ======       ======      =====

Review Report by the Auditors to British Steel plc

We have reviewed the interim financial information for the six months
ended 3 October 1998 set out on pages 5 - 13 which is the responsibility
of, and has been approved by, the directors.  Our responsibility is to
report on the results of our review.

Our review was carried out having regard to the Bulletin "Review of
Interim Financial Information", issued by the Auditing Practices Board.
This review consisted principally of applying analytical procedures to
the underlying financial data, assessing whether accounting policies have
been consistently applied, and making enquiries of Group management
responsible for financial and accounting matters.  The review excluded
audit procedures such as tests of controls and verification of assets
and liabilities, and was therefore substantially less in scope than an
audit performed in accordance with Auditing Standards.  Accordingly we do
not express an audit opinion on the interim financial information.

On the basis of our review:

.  in our opinion the interim financial information has been prepared
   using accounting policies consistent with those adopted by British Steel
   plc in its financial statements for the year ended 28 March 1998, except
   for the changes in accounting policies described on page 4 necessary to
   implement new accounting standards introduced in the period; and

.  we are not aware of any material modifications that should be made
   to the interim financial information as presented.

Chartered Accountants
16 November 1998



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