RNS Number : 0053Z 
Jubilee Platinum PLC 
14 September 2009 

Not for release, publication or distribution in whole or in part in, into or 
from any jurisdiction where to do so would constitute a violation of the 
relevant laws or regulations of such jurisdiction. 
14 September 2009 
Jubilee Platinum plc 
(A company incorporated in England and Wales with Registration number: 4459850) 
ISIN: GB0031852169 
JSE Share Code: JBL / AIM Share Code: JLP 
Braemore Resources plc 
(A company incorporated in England and Wales with Registration number: 5350550) 
(South African registration number: 2008/013973/10) 
JSE Share Code: BRE / AIM Share Code: BRR 
On 3 July 2009 Braemore and Jubilee released a joint announcement relating to a 
Scheme of arrangement (the "Scheme") in accordance with Part 26 of the UK 
Companies Act of 2006, as amended (the "Act") that has been proposed by Jubilee 
between Braemore and Braemore's shareholders (the "Proposal"), in terms of which 
members recorded in the register of members of Braemore at the appropriate time 
will receive 1 new Jubilee share for every 15.818 Braemore shares held by 
Braemore shareholders (the "Consideration"). Upon the Scheme becoming effective, 
Braemore will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Jubilee and Braemore's listing 
on AIM (a market operated by the London Stock Exchange plc) and on the 
Johannesburg Securities Exchange operated by the JSE Limited (the "JSE") will be 
Any capitalised term used but not defined in this announcement is as defined in 
the Scheme Document (as defined below). 
Further to the above announcement, shareholders are advised that on Friday, 11 
September 2009, the Court granted an order to Braemore affording Braemore leave 
to convene a Court Meeting for the purpose of considering and, if deemed fit, 
approving (with or without modification) the Scheme. The Court Meeting is to be 
held at 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, 7 October 2009 at the offices of Watson, Farley 
& Williams LLP, 15 Appold Street, London EC2A 2HB. The implementation of the 
Scheme will also require the passing by Braemore Shareholders of a special 
resolution to be proposed at a general meeting to be held at 11:05 a.m. on the 
same day as the Court Meeting (or as soon thereafter as the Court Meeting shall 
have been concluded or been adjourned). 
A Scheme document containing, inter alia, the terms of the Scheme, an 
Explanatory Statement (pursuant to Section 897 of the UK Companies Act 2006), 
notices of the required meetings, a timetable of principal events and details of 
the action to be taken by Braemore Shareholders (the "Scheme Document") is being 
posted today to Braemore Shareholders and will also be available on Braemore's 
website at www.braemoreresources.com. Copies of (amongst other documents) the 
Scheme Document are available (during normal business hours) for inspection at 
the offices of Watson, Farley & Williams LLP, 15 Appold Street, London EC2A 2HB 
and at Braemore's South African office, Block B, 1st Floor, Stoney Ridge Office 
Park, Cnr. Witkoppen And Waterford Roads, Kleve Hill Park, 2191, Johannesburg, 
until the Scheme becomes effective. 
Braemore has retained Venmyn Rand (Pty) Limited ("Venmyn") to act as its 
independent advisor in connection with the Scheme. Venmyn delivered to the 
Braemore board of directors an opinion that the terms and conditions of the 
Scheme are fair to the Braemore Shareholders. 
The directors of Braemore have considered the terms and conditions of the Scheme 
and, inter alia, the opinion of Venmyn, and are of the unanimous opinion that 
the Scheme is fair to Braemore Shareholders. Accordingly, the board of directors 
of Braemore recommends that Braemore Shareholders vote in favour of the Scheme. 
The directors of Braemore who hold Braemore Shares intend to vote in favour of 
the Scheme at the Court Meeting in respect of their own beneficial holdings of 
Braemore Shares. 
|                                                           |               2009 | 
|                                                           |                    | 
|                                                           |                    | 
| Latest time for lodging Forms of Proxy for the:           |                    | 
| *  Court Meeting (BLUE Form of Proxy)*                    |    11.00 a.m. on 5 | 
|                                                           |            October | 
| *  General Meeting (PINK Form of Proxy)                   |    11.05 a.m. on 5 | 
|                                                           |            October | 
| Voting Record Time                                        |     6.00 p.m. on 5 | 
|                                                           |            October | 
| Jubilee General Meeting                                   |    11.00 a.m. on 7 | 
|                                                           |            October | 
| Court Meeting                                             |    11.00 a.m. on 7 | 
|                                                           |            October | 
| General Meeting                                           |    11.05 a.m. on 7 | 
|                                                           |            October | 
| The dates below are indicative only and will depend, among other things, on    | 
| the date upon which the Court sanctions the Scheme and whether the Conditions  | 
| are satisfied or (if capable of waiver) waived on or prior to such date. Any   | 
| change will be published on RNS, SENS and in the SA press.                     | 
|                                                                                | 
| Scheme Record Time on AIM                                 |    6.00 p.m. on 28 | 
|                                                           |            October | 
| Last Dealing Date in Braemore Shares on AIM               |         28 October | 
|                                                           |                    | 
| Court hearing to approve the Reduction of Capital and     |         29 October | 
| sanction the Scheme                                       |                    | 
|                                                           |                    | 
| Commencement of temporary suspension of Braemore Shares   |    7.00 a.m. on 29 | 
| on AIM                                                    |            October | 
|                                                           |                    | 
| Scheme Effective Date                                     |         30 October | 
|                                                           |                    | 
| Time of registration of the Court Order with the          |    4.30 p.m. on 30 | 
| Registrar of Companies                                    |            October | 
|                                                           |                    | 
|                                                           |                    | 
| Last Date to Trade in Braemore Shares on the JSE          |         30 October | 
|                                                           |                    | 
| Cancellation of admission of Braemore Shares to trading   |     7.00 a.m. on 2 | 
| on AIM                                                    |           November | 
|                                                           |                    | 
| Listing of New Jubilee Shares on AIM at commencement of   |         2 November | 
| trade                                                     |                    | 
|                                                           |                    | 
| Listing of New Jubilee Shares on the JSE at commencement  |         2 November | 
| of trade                                                  |                    | 
|                                                           |                    | 
| Suspension of trading of the Braemore Shares on the JSE   |         2 November | 
| at commencement of trade                                  |                    | 
|                                                           |                    | 
| CREST stock accounts credited with New Jubilee Shares in  |         2 November | 
| uncertificated form                                       |                    | 
|                                                           |                    | 
| JSE Record Date                                           |         6 November | 
|                                                           |                    | 
| Dematerialised Scheme Shareholders' accounts (held at     |         9 November | 
| their CSDP or broker) updated on or about                 |                    | 
|                                                           |                    | 
| Date for dispatch of certificated New Jubilee Shares on   |         9 November | 
| the JSE on or about                                       |                    | 
|                                                           |                    | 
| Termination of listing of Braemore Shares on the JSE      |    Commencement of | 
|                                                           |        business on | 
|                                                           |         9 November | 
| Latest date for dispatch of certificated New Jubilee      |        13 November | 
| Shares trading on AIM                                     |                    | 
|                                                           |                    | 
* A blue Form of Proxy for the Court Meeting not lodged by this time may be 
handed to the Chairman at the Court Meeting. 
1. Braemore's South African shareholders should note that, as Braemore is 
trading in the STRATE environment, settlement for trade takes place five 
business days after the relevant trade has taken place. Therefore, Braemore 
members who acquire Braemore shares after the last day to trade Braemore shares 
on the JSE, being Friday, 30 October 2009, in order to be recorded in the 
register of Braemore members by the record date, being Friday, 6 November 2009, 
will not be eligible to receive the Consideration. 
2. Own name shareholders will be entitled to attend the Court Meeting in person 
or if they are unable to attend and wish to be represented thereat may complete 
and return the form of proxy to the transfer secretaries in accordance with the 
time specified on that form of proxy. 
3. A beneficial owner of Braemore Shares should timeously inform his nominee or, 
if applicable, his CSDP or broker of his intention to attend and vote at the 
Court Meeting or to be represented by proxy thereat in order for his nominee or, 
if applicable, his CSDP or broker to issue him with the necessary authorisation 
to do so or should provide his nominee or, if applicable, his CSDP or broker 
timeously with his voting instruction should he not wish to attend the Court 
Meeting in person in order for his nominee or, if applicable, his CSDP or broker 
to vote in accordance with his instruction at the Court Meeting. 
4. Any change to the above dates and times will be agreed upon by Jubilee and 
Braemore and advised to Braemore Shareholders by a release on RNS, SENS and 
publication in the press. 
5. No dematerialisation or rematerialisation of Braemore Shares will take place 
after Friday, 30 October 2009. 
6. All references in this announcement to time are to UK times unless otherwise 
7. Certificated Braemore Shareholders are required to complete their surrender 
and transfer form to be received by the transfer secretaries by the record date 
of the Scheme. 
8. If the Scheme does not become effective for any reason (including pursuant to 
a failure to fulfill any condition precedent set out in the Scheme Document), a 
Conventional Offer will be implemented unless the closing date of the 
Conventional Offer is to fall after 31 December 2009 (or such later date as 
Braemore and Jubilee may agree). 
As set out in the joint announcement released on 3 July 2009, it was a condition 
to issuing the Scheme document that Jubilee or Braemore have issued, or agree to 
issue prior to or conditional only upon the Scheme becoming effective or Offer 
becoming unconditional, Jubilee Shares or Braemore Shares for cash with an 
aggregate subscription price of not less than ZAR 50 million (or such lesser 
amount as Jubilee (in its sole discretion) shall specify in writing to Braemore) 
on such terms as Braemore or Jubilee may agree, acting reasonably. 
Braemore Shareholders are advised that Jubilee and Braemore have agreed that 
this condition has been fulfilled by the conditional issuance of Jubilee 
ordinary share to institutional investors in order to raise GBP13.25 million 
before costs. 
As per the joint announcement of 3 July 2009, Jubilee had received irrevocable 
undertakings to vote in favour of the Scheme Resolutions in respect of 
394,959,641 Braemore Shares, representing approximately 50.04 per cent. of the 
existing issued share capital of Braemore. These irrevocable undertakings were 
to lapse if, inter alia, the Scheme Document was not published on or before 31 
August 2009. Braemore Shareholders are advised that these irrevocable 
undertakings were subsequently amended so that such undertakings would lapse if, 
inter alia, the Scheme Document was not published on or before 31 October 2009. 
As mentioned in the joint announcement released on 3 July 2009, Braemore and 
Jubilee entered into the Implementation Agreement on 3 July 2009 which sets out 
the arrangements between them in relation to the implementation of the Scheme. 
Each party to the Implementation Agreement agreed to implement the Scheme and to 
co-operate with the other on the terms set out therein. In addition, each of 
Braemore and Jubilee gave certain undertakings concerning the conduct of its 
business during that period. The Implementation Agreement was amended on 14 
September 2009 to include, at the request of the South African Securities 
Regulation Panel, a definition of the term "material" as further set out on page 
45 of the Scheme document. 
It is expected that the order of the Court sanctioning this Scheme under Part 26 
of the UK Companies Act 2006 and confirming the reduction of capital under 
section 137 of the UK Companies Act 1985 will be registered with the Registrar 
of Companies at 4.30 p.m. on the Scheme Effective Date. 
Prior to and conditional on the Scheme becoming effective, Braemore intends to 
make an application to the London Stock Exchange for the cancellation of the 
admission of the Braemore Shares to trading on AIM to take effect on the 
business day after the Scheme Effective Date. It is expected that such 
cancellation will take effect at 7.00 a.m. on 2 November 2009. The notice period 
of not less than 20 business days prior to cancellation referred to in Rule 41 
of the AIM Rules has commenced today. 
The last day to trade in the Braemore Shares on the JSE will be the Scheme 
Effective Date and the JSE has agreed to terminate the listing of Braemore 
Shares on the JSE with effect from the commencement of business on 9 November 
2009, or such later date as may be requested by Braemore and approved by the 
Application will be made to the London Stock Exchange for the suspension of 
trading in Braemore Shares at 7.00 a.m. on 29 October 2009. The last day of 
dealings in Braemore Shares on AIM and the Main Board of the JSE is expected to 
be on the business day reflected in the timetable on page 7 of the Scheme 
document (it is anticipated that the last dealing day in respect of the Braemore 
Shares on AIM will be 28 October 2009, the day prior to the Court hearing to 
approve the Reduction of Capital and sanction the Scheme, whilst the last date 
for trade in respect of the Braemore Share on the Main Board of the JSE will be 
30 October 2009) and no transfers of Braemore Shares on Braemore's UK Register 
will be registered after 7.00 a.m. on 29 October 2009. 
|                         | Braemore                    | Jubilee                    | 
| Corporate adviser       | Qinisele Resources (Pty)    |                            | 
|                         | Limited                     |                            | 
| Sponsor                 | Sasfin Capital (A division  | Sasfin Capital (A division | 
|                         | of Sasfin Bank Limited)     | of Sasfin Bank Limited)    | 
| Nominated adviser       | WH Ireland Limited          | Finncap                    | 
| Independent adviser     | Venmyn Rand (Pty) Limited   |                            | 
| Legal adviser in the UK | Watson, Farley & Williams   | Fasken Martineau LLP       | 
|                         | LLP                         |                            | 
| Legal adviser in South  | Eversheds                   | Eversheds                  | 
| Africa                  |                             |                            | 
| Reporting accountants   | Moore Stephens MWM Inc      | Moore Stephens MWM Inc     | 
| Auditors                | BDO Stoy Haywood LLP        | Saffery Champness          | 
| Colin Bird             | Leon Coetzer              | Andrew Sarosi           | 
| Jubilee Platinum plc   | Braemore Resources plc    | Jubilee Platinum plc    | 
| Tel +44 (0) 20 7584    | Tel +27(0) 87 754 7608/ 9 | Tel +44 (0) 1752 221937 | 
| 2155                   |                           |                         | 
|                        |                           |                         | 
| Brian Chistie/Leonard  | David Russell             | Dennis Tucker           | 
| Eiser                  | Braemore Resources plc    | Qinisele Resources      | 
| Sasfin Capital         | +61 (0) 416 377 157       | (Pty) Limited           | 
| Tel +27 (0) 11 809     |                           | Tel +27 (0) 82 492 4957 | 
| 7500                   |                           |                         | 
|                        |                           |                         | 
| James Joyce            | Matthew Robinson/Rose     | Louise Goodeve/Leah     | 
| WH Ireland Limited     | Herbert, FinnCap          | Kramer                  | 
| Tel +44 (0) 207 220    | Tel +44 (0) 20 7600 1658  | Walbrook PR             | 
| 1666                   |                           | Tel +44 (0) 207 933     | 
|                        |                           | 8780                    | 
| Suzanne Johnson-Walsh  | Nicola Taylor             |                         | 
| Bishopsgate            | Russell and Associates    |                         | 
| Communications         | Tel +27 (0) 11 880 3924   |                         | 
| Tel +44 (0) 20 7562    |                           |                         | 
| 3350                   |                           |                         | 
This announcement is not intended to, and does not constitute or form part of, 
any offer to sell or an invitation to purchase or subscribe for any securities 
pursuant to the Proposal or otherwise or the solicitation of any vote or 
approval in any jurisdiction. Braemore Shareholders are advised to read 
carefully the formal documentation in relation to the Proposal. 
The availability of the Proposal to persons outside the United Kingdom might be 
affected by the laws of other jurisdictions. Such persons should inform 
themselves about, and observe any applicable requirements of, those 
Copies of this announcement are not being, and must not be, directly or 
indirectly mailed or otherwise forwarded, distributed or sent in or into any 
jurisdiction where to do so would violate the laws of that jurisdiction and 
persons receiving this announcement (including custodians, nominees and 
trustees) must not mail or otherwise forward, distribute or otherwise send it 
in, or into or from any such jurisdiction. Further details in relation to 
overseas shareholders are contained in the Scheme Document. 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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