RNS No 1094e
8 September 1999

                            1999 INTERIM RESULTS
                        Focus on Expansion in Europe
   Brammer  plc, the European industrial services group, today announces  its
   results for the six months ending 30 June 1999.
                                     1999          1998      Increase
    Turnover                         #122.2m       #117.3m        4.2%
    Profit before interest           #10.6m        #13.6m       (22.3)%
    Profit before tax                #10.1m        #13.4m       (24.3)%
    Earnings per share                14.6p         19.4p       (24.7)%
    Dividend per share                 6.2p          6.0p          3.3%
    .  Strong  growth  in sales and profits from Livingston  and  European
       distribution activities was offset by weak market conditions faced by  
       UK distribution business.
    .  UK sales, at constant exchange rates, declined 5.6% while continental
       European sales rose 21.3%.  Europe now accounts for 41.4% of group     
    .  Livingston made excellent progress with sales ahead 41.6% and operating
       profit up 29.5%.
    .  The recently acquired calibration businesses in Holland, France and
       Spain are making good progress and widening Livingston's external      
       customer base for calibration management.
   Robert Ffoulkes-Jones, chairman, said:
   "Although  Livingston  continues to move ahead  strongly,  the  uncertain
   conditions  affecting our core UK distribution business make it  difficult
   to  predict the outcome for the group for the year as a whole.  We are not
   planning for any real improvement in market conditions in the second half.
   However,  should  manufacturing  activity  pick  up,  and  there  is  some
   indication  that  it may do so when the destocking phase  ends,  we  would
   expect to be early beneficiaries."
   Enquiries: Brammer plc                     0171 638 9571 (8.00am - 1.00pm)
                                              0161 928 3363 (1.00pm - 4.30pm)
              Robert Ffoulkes-Jones, chairman
              Ian Fraser, chief executive
              John Cumming, finance director

              Citigate Dewe Rogerson Ltd       0171 638 9571
              Martin Jackson / Duncan Murray

                                 BRAMMER plc
                            1999 INTERIM RESULTS
                            CHAIRMAN'S  STATEMENT

Our  first  half bears the imprint of two different forces.  The benefits  of
our  strategy  to develop Livingston and our continental European  activities
are   clear  in  their  strong  growth  in  both  sales  and  profits.   This
improvement,  however,  was more than offset by the  weak  market  conditions
faced by our UK distribution business.

In  the  six months to 30 June 1999, group profit before tax at #10.1 million
was 24.3% lower than the first half of 1998, but, at constant exchange rates,
marginally  ahead of the second half of that year.  This decline resulted  in
earnings per share falling to 14.6p (1998 19.4p).

Group  sales,  at  constant exchange rates, increased by  4.0%  reflecting  a
decline  in  the UK of 5.6% and an increase in continental Europe  of  21.3%.
Our  sales split is now 58.6% (1998 64.5%) from the UK and 41.4% (1998 35.5%)
from the continent.

Net  cash  flow  from operating activities increased by #5.8  million  as  we
reduced  the  level  of  inventory in our distribution  business  to  reflect
current  demand.   However, to support Livingston s rapid growth,  our  fixed
asset investment in rental inventory at the end of the period was a gross #71
million, up #26 million on the first half of last year.

Our  distribution and administrative costs as a percentage of  sales  are  up
from  26.1%  to  28.2% on the comparable period last year as we  continue  to
support new initiatives and as the mix of our business has moved in favour of
Livingston.  However, in response to weak market conditions, particularly  in
the  UK,  management has put in place a significant cost reduction programme,
which  will be cost neutral during the second half.  The restructuring, which
will  aim  to  reduce annual costs by some #2.5 million, will  not  adversely
affect  the  sharp  end of our business.  We will take advantage  of  greater
efficiencies made possible through improved processes.

As  a  measure  of  our  continuing confidence, we have declared  an  interim
dividend  of  6.2p, up 3.3% on last year, which will be paid on  11  November
1999  to  all  shareholders on the register at the close of  business  on  24
September 1999.

Sales, at constant exchange rates, decreased by 5.7% and operating profit  by
42.5% largely due to the difficult trading conditions faced by BSL in the  UK
where  our  markets remain patchy with growth predicted to return to  certain
sectors whilst others are still reporting severe trading conditions.

The continued  strength of sterling has adversely affected  many  of  BSL's
customers. General engineering, by way of example, has been particularly hard
hit  whilst we have seen fairly flat conditions in the automotive sector  but
some buoyancy amongst the utilities.

In the UK, we have concentrated our efforts in the first half on restoring
gross margins and have managed to reverse a falling trend.

In  France we have been delighted with the success of our efforts to  take  a
greater  share  of  the Paris market.  However, in Spain  we  have  had  some
teething  problems  with our new IT systems although these  are  now  largely
behind us.

Recognising   the  need  for  long  term  growth,  we  continue   to   invest
significantly  in new products and services and in IT to provide  operational
efficiencies.   Our newer product ranges, including fluid  power,  have  made
good progress and we will continue to broaden our range developing new market
potential and increasing growth opportunities.

Our  proposed new central warehouse is starting to take shape and  we  should
open  this  facility next July, when we expect to achieve further operational
and cost efficiencies together with higher service levels.

Our  Insite  programme (a BSL service centre on the customer's premises) is
progressing  well with eight sites now operational and further opportunities

IT  systems  will play a key role in our future and I am confident  that  the
developments  we  have  underway will give us the  flexibility  to  meet  the
changing needs of the market.  Trials have begun on Internet trading with two
major customers using our "Genius" system which some of you will have seen at
our last annual general meeting.

Our  strategic review has given further impetus to our efforts  to  grow  our
distribution  business  both geographically and by  extending  our  range  of
products and services.  In July, we announced a 49% participation in  KNS,  a
leading distributor in Holland, having acquired a 25% interest in Rolamentos,
Portugal,  in November 1998.  We are now clear market leaders in Europe  with
strong  positions in the UK, France, Holland, Spain and Portugal.   Our  aim,
over  the  next three years, is to extend our leadership, which will  involve
further  acquisitions.   It  is our belief that  keeping  in  step  with  our
suppliers  and  customers in providing Europe-wide coverage is essential  for
Brammer's long term success.

Livingston,  our  electronic equipment management  business,  made  excellent
progress  with sales and operating profit, at constant exchange rates,  ahead
41.6% and 29.5% respectively.  In the UK and continental Europe, sales  were
well  up with Germany and the Netherlands particularly strong.  We have  also
taken  the  opportunity  to  raise the profile of  our  equipment  management
capability in our UK computer business, which is progressing well  under  our
new management team.

It is well worth noting that over the last five years, Livingston has grown
impressively with sales up from an annual rate of #30 million to #68  million
and  gross investment in rental equipment up from #27 million to #71 million.
We  have  now  achieved  critical mass in almost all  our  markets  and  have
established a strong leadership position across Europe.

We  now  have  equipment management contracts in all of the  larger  European
countries and with most of the leading computer manufacturers. Many of  these
contracts  are now dealt with via the Internet.  Our contracts with  KPN  and
Thomson-CSF  are  progressing  well.   However,  at  this  stage   of   their
implementation,  they  are  absorbing  cash  and  management  resources.  Our
recently  acquired  calibration businesses in  Holland  (from KPN Telecom),
France (from Thomson-CSF) and Spain (from Tektronix) are making good progress
and widening our external customer base for calibration management.

Current trading
Although   Livingston  continues  to  move  ahead  strongly,  the   uncertain
conditions  affecting our core UK distribution business make it difficult  to
predict  the  outcome  for the group for the year as a  whole.   We  are  not
planning  for  any real improvement in market conditions in the second  half.
However,  should manufacturing activity pick up, and there is some indication
that it may do so when the destocking phase ends, we would expect to be early

Robert Ffoulkes-Jones
8 September 1999

Consolidated profit and loss account
The unaudited group results for the six months

                                                    Six months to June
                                          Existing      Acquired        Total
                                             #'000         #'000        #'000
                                      ------------  ------------  ------------
    Turnover                               119,320         2,922      122,242
    Cost of sales                          (76,344)       (1,676)     (78,020)
                                      ------------  ------------  ------------
    Gross profit                           42,976         1,246        44,222
    Distribution costs                    (21,321)         (150)      (21,471)
    Administrative expenses               (12,164)         (702)      (12,866)
    Amortisation of goodwill                    -          (159)         (159)
                                       -----------   -----------   -----------
    Total administrative expenses         (12,164)         (861)      (13,025)
                                       -----------   -----------   -----------
    Operating profit                        9,491           235         9,726
    Share of associate's operating                                            
       profit                                   1             -             1
    Profit on sale of fixed assets            827             -           827
                                       -----------   -----------   -----------
    Profit on ordinary activities                                             
       before interest                     10,319           235        10,554
    Net interest                                                         (436)
                                      ------------  ------------  ------------
    Profit on ordinary activities                                             
       before tax                                                      10,118
    Tax                                                                (3,200)
                                      ------------  ------------  ------------
    Profit on ordinary activities                                             
       after tax being profit for the                                         
       financial period                                                 6,918 
    Dividends                                                          (2,932)
                                      ------------  ------------  ------------
    Profit for the period                                                     
       retained in the business                                         3,986
                                      ------------  ------------  ------------
                                      ------------  ------------  ------------
     Earnings per share                                                       
         Basic                                                          14.6p
         Diluted                                                        14.4p
                                      ------------   -----------  ------------
    Dividend per share                                                   6.2p
                                       -----------   -----------  ------------

                                                                     Full year
                                                      1998                1998
                                                     Total               Total
                                                     #'000               #'000
                                              ------------        ------------
    Turnover                                      117,339             238,369
    Cost of sales                                 (73,390)           (150,572)
                                              ------------       -------------
    Gross profit                                   43,949              87,797
    Distribution costs                            (20,396)            (43,409)
    Administrative expenses                       (10,286)            (20,861)
    Amortisation of goodwill                            -                   -
                                               -----------         -----------
    Total administrative expenses                 (10,286)            (20,861)
                                               -----------         -----------
    Operating profit                                13,267              23,527
    Share of associate's operating                                            
       profit                                            -                 (7)
    Profit on sale of fixed assets                     321               1,050
                                               -----------         -----------
    Profit on ordinary activities                                             
       before interest                              13,588             24,570
    Net interest                                      (217)              (635)
                                               -----------         -----------
    Profit on ordinary activities                                             
       before tax                                   13,371             23,935
    Tax                                            (4,212)             (7,380)
                                              ------------        ------------
    Profit on ordinary activities                                             
       after tax being profit for the                                         
       financial period                              9,159             16,555
    Dividends                                      (2,822)             (8,393)
                                              ------------        ------------
    Profit for the period                                                     
       retained in the business                      6,337              8,162
                                              ------------        ------------
                                              ------------        ------------
    Earnings per share                                                        
         Basic                                       19.4p               35.2p
         Diluted                                     19.0p               35.1p
                                              ------------        ------------
    Dividend per share                                6.0p               17.8p
                                              ------------        ------------

During 1998 the group consisted solely of existing businesses.

There is no significant difference between the results as disclosed above
and the results on an unmodified historic cost basis.
Consolidated balance sheet
The unaudited group financial position as at

                                           30 June       30 June        31 Dec
                                              1999          1998          1998
                                             #'000         #'000         #'000
                                      ------------  ------------   -----------
    Fixed assets                                                              
    Intangible assets                        1,505             -         1,574
    Tangible assets                         65,216        50,270        59,953
    Investment in associate                    412             -           414
                                      ------------  ------------   -----------
                                            67,133        50,270        61,941
                                      ------------  ------------   -----------
    Current assets                                                            
    Stock                                   30,891        39,399        33,218
    Debtors                                 60,842        55,511        55,189
    Cash and deposits                       17,740        18,340        24,050
                                      ------------   -----------  ------------
                                           109,473       113,250       112,457
    Creditors - due within one year       (64,607)      (69,232)      (66,112)
                                      ------------  ------------  ------------
    Net current assets                      44,866        44,018        46,345
                                      ------------  ------------  ------------
    Total assets less current liabilities  111,999        94,288      108,286
    Creditors - due after one year         (37,755)      (28,728)     (37,648)
    Provisions for liabilities and charges  (4,185)       (3,241)      (4,344)
                                      ------------  ------------  ------------
    Net assets employed                     70,059        62,319       66,294
                                      ------------  ------------  ------------
    Capital and reserves                                                      
    Called up share capital                  9,459         9,351         9,440
    Shares to be issued                          -            16             -
    Share premium account                    1,523         1,304         1,307
    Profit and loss account                 59,077        51,648        55,547
                                      ------------  ------------  ------------
    Shareholders'equity                    70,059        62,319        66,294
                                      ------------  ------------   -----------
Consolidated cash flow statement
The unaudited group cash flow for the six months

                                        Six months    Six months     Full year
                                        to 30 June    to 30 June              
                                              1999          1998          1998
                                             #'000         #'000         #'000
                                      ------------  ------------  ------------
    Operating profit                         9,726        13,267        23,527
    Depreciation of tangible fixed assets   13,690         9,636        21,732
    Amortisation of goodwill                   159             -             -
    Movement in working capital            (5,970)      (11,110)         (576)
                                      ------------  ------------  ------------
    Net cash inflow from operating          17,605        11,793        44,683
    activities                        ------------  ------------  ------------
    Returns on investments and                                                
    servicing of finance
       Interest received                      145           489           799
       Interest paid                         (683)         (674)       (1,359)
                                       -----------  ------------  ------------
                                             (538)         (185)         (560)
                                      ------------  ------------  ------------
    Tax paid                               (1,295)         (808)       (8,388)
                                      ------------  ------------  ------------
    Capital expenditure and financial                                         
      Purchase of tangible fixed assets   (28,363)      (23,177)      (47,692)
      Sale of tangible fixed assets         6,044         6,121        12,074
                                      ------------  ------------  ------------
                                          (22,319)      (17,056)      (35,618)
                                      ------------  ------------  ------------
     Acquisitions and disposals                                               
       Purchase of business                  (745)             -         (421)
       Net cash acquired                      839              -            -
                                      ------------  ------------  ------------
                                               94              -         (421)
       Deferred consideration              (2,569)         (855)         (855)
                                      ------------  ------------  ------------
                                           (2,475)         (855)       (1,276)
                                      ------------  ------------  ------------
    Equity dividends paid                        -             -       (6,405)
                                      ------------  ------------  ------------
    Net cash outflow before management                                        
     of liquid resources and financing     (9,022)       (7,111)       (7,564)
                                      ------------  ------------  ------------
    Management of liquid resources                                            
       Deposits                              (567)        1,143           690
                                      ------------  ------------  ------------
       Share options                           217          237          236
       SAYE scheme                              12           65           68
       Loans less than one year                401          122         (454)
       Loans greater than one year           2,720        4,830        12,344
       Finance leases                         (62)         (60)         (143)
                                      ------------  ------------  ------------
                                            3,288        5,194        12,051
                                      ------------  ------------  ------------
    (Decrease) / increase  in cash         (6,301)        (774)        5,177
                                      ------------  ------------  ------------

Consolidated statement of total recognised gains and losses

                                        Six months    Six months     Full year
                                        to 30 June    to 30 June        to Dec
                                              1999          1998          1998
                                             #'000         #'000         #'000
                                      ------------  ------------  ------------
    Profit for the period                    6,918         9,159        16,555
    Exchange differences on foreign currency                                  
     net investments                          (406)         (100)          201
                                      ------------  ------------  ------------
    Total recognised gains and               6,512         9,059        16,756
    losses for the period             ------------  ------------  ------------

Notes to the accounts

1. Comparative results
   Comparative figures for the year ended 31 December 1998 are taken from the
   company's statutory accounts which have been delivered to the Registrar of
   Companies with an unqualified audit report.

2. Segmental analysis
   Six months ended 30 June

                                 Turnover          Profit before interest
                      1999     1998      1998      1999      1998     1998
                             Proforma                      Proforma         
                     #'000   #' 000     #'000      #'000    #'000    #'000
                   --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- --------
     Distribution    88,151   93,508    93,368     5,646    9,823    9,822
     Associate            -        -         -         1        -        -
     management      34,091   24,079     23,971     4,907    3,789    3,766
                    -------- -------   --------  --------  -------- --------  
                    122,242  117,587    117,339    10,554    13,612   13,588
                    -------- --------  --------  --------  -------- --------
    United Kingdom   71,607   75,858    75,858     4,039     8,202    8,202
     Associate            -        -         -         1         -        -
     Other Europe    50,635   41,729    41,481     6,514     5,410    5,386
                    --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- --------
                    122,242   117,587   117,339    10,554    13,612   13,588
                    --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- --------

                                         Net operating assets
                                    1999          1998         1998
                                    #'000         #'000        #'000
                                 -----------  ------------  -----------
    Distribution                    56,094        59,810       59,716
     Associate                         415             -            -
     Electronic equipment                                                     
     management                     51,897        34,352       34,188
                                ------------  ------------  -----------
                                   108,406        94,162       93,904
                                ------------  ------------  -----------       
     United Kingdom                 56,197        54,590       54,590
     Associate                         415             -            -
     Other Europe                   51,794        39,572       39,314
                                ------------  ------------   ----------
                                   108,406        94,162       93,904
                                ------------  ------------   ----------

   The proforma figures for 1998 represent the group s results for 1998
   translated at the rates of exchange which ruled as at 30 June 1999.

3. Acquisitions
   On 31 December 1998 a company was formed in Holland, 40% owned, but
   controlled, by the group, to acquire the calibration related assets and
   business of KPN Telecom.  On 15 March 1999 the group acquired a 50.1%
   interest in Thomson-CSF Instrumentation Services SA.  Details of these
   acquisitions are shown in notes 18 and 19 to the group s 1998 annual

   On 25 May 1999 the group announced that it had acquired the assets of the
   commercial calibration division of Tektronix Espana ("Tektronix").
   Tektronix is a leading manufacturer of test and measurement equipment.
   The group has also won an outsourcing contract to be the Authorised
   Service Provider of calibration and repair services to Tektronix and its
   customers in Spain.

   The results of the above three companies are shown in the "acquired"
   column on the profit and loss account.

   On 8 July 1999 the group announced that it had acquired a 49% interest in
   KNS Aandrijftechniek B.V. ("KNS"), based in Holland, for a maximum
   consideration of Dutch Guilders ("NLG") 4.2 million (#1.2 million) in cash.
   In addition, Brammer will lend KNS up to NLG 2.5 million (#740,000) to     
   repay vendor loans and provide working capital.
   KNS, whose business is similar to that of Brammer's distribution division,
   operates in the Netherlands, Belgium, Austria and Germany.  Its customer
   base includes a broad range of industrial companies and it is an
   authorised distributor for some of the world's leading bearing
   manufacturers, a number of whom are common to the group.

4.Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt

                                    Six months    Six months    Full year
                                    to 30 June    to 30 June    to 31 Dec
                                          1999          1998         1998
                                         #'000         #'000        #'000
                                   ------------  ------------ ------------
   (Decrease) / increase in cash in    (6,301)         (774)        5,177
   the period
   Cash inflow from increase in debt                                          
   and lease financing                 (2,441)       (6,035)      (12,437)
                                    ------------  ------------ ------------
                                       (8,742)       (6,809)       (7,260)
   New finance leases                     (51)            -             -
   Loans acquired with subsidiaries         -             -             -
   Translation differences              3,002           477        (2,301)
                                   ------------  ------------ ------------
   Movement in net funds               (5,791)       (6,332)       (9,561)
   Net funds at 31 December 1998       (13,048)      (3,487)       (3,487)
                                   ------------  ------------ ------------    
   Net funds at 30 June 1999           (18,839)       (9,819)     (13,048)
                                   ------------  ------------ ------------
5.Millennium & Euro
  The process of addressing the year 2000 computer and instrumentation issue,
  referred to in the 1998 financial review, has continued during the first
  half of 1999.  As part of this process we have now estimated that the total
  cost of the programme, over and above normal on-going upgrade expenditure,
  will be #527,000 of which #343,000 has already been incurred and charged to
  the profit and loss account.  As stated in the 1998 financial review the
  complexities of the issue are such that it is not possible to guarantee
  full year 2000 compliance prior to 1 January 2000.  However, the directors
  are confident that the internal risks have materially reduced.
  The impact on the group of the introduction of the Euro at the beginning of
  this year has also been assessed.  Each company has implemented a programme
  to address the problems that have been identified.  We have estimated that
  the total cost of amending our systems to be able to handle the Euro at
  #74,000 of which #46,000 has already been incurred and charged to the
  profit and loss account.  For the group as a whole, we will continue with
  our current foreign currency hedging techniques using financial instruments
  that may be designated in Euros as well as other currencies where
6.Interim announcement
  A copy of the interim announcement is available for inspection at the
  registered office of the company, 1 Tabley Court, Victoria Street,
  Altrincham, Cheshire WA14 1EZ and the offices of Citigate Dewe Rogerson
  Ltd, 3 London Wall Buildings, London Wall, London EC2M 5SY, and will be
  posted to shareholders.
7.Interim dividend
  Relevant dates concerning the payment of the interim dividend are
    Record date    24 September 1999
    Payment date   11 November 1999



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