RNS No 1264k
16th March 1999

                          1998 PRELIMINARY RESULTS

                        A YEAR OF STRATEGIC PROGRESS

Brammer   plc,  the  European  industrial  services  group,  today  announces
preliminary results for the year ended 31 December 1998.

                                          1998            1997        Increase
Turnover                                 #238m           #223m             7 %
Profit before interest                  #24.6m          #30.7m           (20)%
Profit before tax                       #23.9m          #30.5m           (22)%
Net cash inflow from operating          #44.7m          #40.1m            12 %
Basic earnings per share                 35.2p           45.8p           (23)%
Dividend per share                       17.8p           17.2p             4 %

  .  Fall in group profits was due entirely to a disappointing performance in
     the UK

  .  Successful early action was taken to reduce BSL's costs and stock levels
     and bring the business into line with market conditions

  .  European businesses produced record results with sales and profit before
     interest up 26% and 48% respectively

  .  Livingston,  the electronic equipment management business,  increased
     operating profits by 29% to a record #8.6 million

  .  Contract  wins  from  KPN  Telecom  and  Thomson  CSF  signify  major
     breakthrough in Europe for the  outsourcing of the management inventory  
     of test equipment.

Commenting  on  current  trading and prospects,  Robert  Ffoulkes-Jones,  the
chairman, said:

"Both distribution and electronic equipment rental businesses now have their
own momentum and substantial growth opportunities. We continue to strengthen
each business through appropriate strategic investments.

"While 1999  will continue to pose challenges for BSL in the UK  there  are
early  signs  that  the market decline may have bottomed.   The  benefits  of
prompt  action  on costs and stock levels are beginning to be  apparent.   At
Livingston,  we  expect  to  continue making good progress  as  recently  won
equipment management contracts get underway and further contracts are secured
later in the year.

"This early in the financial year, it is difficult to be more precise as  to
the  prospects  for  the period as a whole but I plan to give  an  update  on
trading at our annual general meeting in May."

Enquiries:     Brammer plc                     0171 638 9571 (8 00am-1 00pm)
                                               0161 928 3363 (1 00pm-4 30pm)
               Robert Ffoulkes-Jones, Chairman
               Ian Fraser, Chief executive
               John Cumming, Finance director

Issued by:     Citigate Dewe Rogerson Ltd      0171 638 9571
               Martin Jackson
               Duncan Murray

                                 BRAMMER plc
                          1998 PRELIMINARY RESULTS

Although 1998 was a disappointing year for Brammer, with profits down on  the
previous  year, it was also a year of important strategic progress throughout
the  group.   Both  core  businesses, distribution and  electronic  equipment
management,  are  now established as stand alone independent businesses  with
their own market characteristics and critical mass.  Both are also positioned
to  achieve  European leadership in business services key to  the  successful
performance of their customers.

Sales  for the year increased by 7% to #238.4 million with profit before  tax
down  22%  to #23.9 million. Borrowings increased by #9.6 million  reflecting
#31.3 million net investment in rental inventory.

The  fall in profits was due to our performance in the UK.  Here, the  strong
pound  adversely  impacted on BSL s customer base, the  UK's  exporting  and
manufacturing companies, causing demand for our products to fall as the  year
progressed.  Management took early and decisive action to reduce BSL s  costs
and  relatively high stock levels to bring the business into line with market
conditions.   Softer  sales  prices  and reduced  spend  with  our  suppliers
combined to put a squeeze on our margins.

In continental Europe, our businesses produced record results - sales were up
26%  and  profit  before  interest  ahead 48%.   Livingston,  our  electronic
equipment  management  business,  was particularly  strong  with  continental
European sales up 53% and profit before interest ahead 95%.

Sales  at  #184.0 million were up 2% while operating profit of #16.0  million
was  down by 33%.  Virtually all the shortfall was due to our performance  in
the UK.

We experienced good growth in sales and profits during the first third of the
year,  but weakness in industrial markets in the UK became apparent in  June.
UK  market  conditions,  adversely affected by the  strength  of  the  pound,
worsened  considerably in the final quarter and margins were under  pressure.
As  a result, we implemented a cost and stock reduction programme.  BSL's  UK
headcount ended the year 12% below its peak of June 1997 but the reduction in
our spend with suppliers together with softer sales prices combined to reduce
BSL's trading margins.

We continued our product development activity in the UK with the introduction
of  a range of fluid power (pneumatic and hydraulic) products in April.  This
introduction  was  supported by the formation of a  central  call  centre  of
industry  and  product experts.  They can be called  upon  in  a  3-way
conference call for advice when the customer is connected to one of our local
customer service centres.  This strategy has been highly successful and fluid
power will make a significant contribution to our 1999 results.

Our investment in integrated supply has continued with BSL INSITE branches at
Pedigree Pet Foods and Rover.  This concept establishes a BSL branch on the
customer s premises and provides rapid flexible service across a wide range
of products with access to the BSL network.  We would expect to supply a
greater share of the customer s needs under such arrangements.

Sales at Roulement Service in  France developed well following a management
re-organisation in the Spring.  Our commercial initiative to develop market
share in the Ile de France, utilising extensive IT developments and supplying
direct from our Nozay national distribution centre, made good progress
resulting in a significant increase in market share.  This  Paris Plan  will
continue through 1999 and will improve our competitive position in this
important market.

In  Spain,  Rodamientos USA opened two new branches at Alicante and  Logrono,
relocated  the  Pamplona branch and upgraded our Madrid branch.   Sales  were
ahead  by  4%  but profitability decreased as we continued to  invest  in  IT
developments and range extension.  The enterprise-wide MOVEX IT  system  went
live  in  December  and  will  provide better stock  control  and  management

In  November  1998,  we  acquired a 25% holding in  Sociedade  de  Rolamentos
S.D.R.,  Portugal s leading company in our field, with an option to  buy  the
balance.  Early indications are that Rolamentos has a strong base upon  which
we  can build a national distribution company in Portugal as an integral part
of our European distribution strategy.

Our  quest  to  improve  efficiency  and  productivity  was  supported  by  a
significant  investment  in IT.  Each UK service centre  has  access  to  our
European product database which contains the full technical details  of  over
60,000   products.   This  technology  facilitates  product  definition   and
selection and provides rapid access to detailed product specifications.  This
system  will  be  expanded to include the majority  of  our  range  and  will
ultimately be rolled out across Europe.

BSL  Engineering  had  a  difficult year in tough  markets  with  an  overall
reduction in sales of 2%.  The main BSL Engineering office was re-located  to
a  new  purpose built facility near Manchester.  We continue to develop value
added services for customers and to extend the product range.

Electronic equipment management
Revenue  in 1998 of #54.3 million was up 29% and operating profit  was  at  a
record   level   of  #8.6  million,  some  29%  ahead  of   1997   with   the
telecommunications  sector  particularly  strong.   Our   three   continental
European businesses broke records for revenue and operating profit, ahead  of
1997 by 53% and 95% respectively.

We have now achieved critical mass in each of the major countries where we do
business.   Our strategy of positioning ourselves as a business,  independent
of  any  one  manufacturer,  able to provide a  cradle  to  grave   range  of
computer  and  test  and measurement services across Europe  is  bringing  us
competitive advantage.

We  have identified a matrix of four distinct businesses across Europe.   The
first  business, being that  upon which Livingston was founded, is  test  and
measurement  equipment rental.  This operation, which provides  equipment  on
short    term   rental   to   a   wide   array   of   industries,   including
telecommunications, has the greatest penetration in the well developed UK and
French  markets.  Significant opportunities exist for growth in  Germany  and
Benelux as these markets develop.

Our  second business which was started in the early 1990 s is that  of  short
term  computer (work stations and servers) rental.  We now represent all  the
major  platform  suppliers throughout Europe and provide  short  term  rental
services  to a large customer base including financial institutions, software
houses,  consultants  and  telecommunications and  defence  companies.   This
business  is  well developed in Holland and Germany and the second  half  saw
significant recovery in the UK as management changes took effect.  The French
market offers further growth opportunities.

A  third  business was developed in the mid 1990's from our  computer  rental
business.   This  operation, which provides for the  management  of  computer
equipment  inventories for major customers, utilises several of Livingston's
core  competencies.  We have forged strong links with all the major  platform
suppliers  and  many  of the major software houses.   We  now  manage  Sun's
demonstration   stocks   in   many  European  countries,   Silicon   Graphics
demonstration  stock in Germany, France and the UK, and IBM's  demonstration
stocks   in   Germany.   This  service  ensures  that  the  IT  manufacturers
representatives can be assured of delivery of the right machine, loaded  with
the  correct  software  to the right location on time,  a  true  value  added
outsourcing  service.  A  similar  service is  provided  to  the  independent
software  vendors  (often  in partnership with a platform  supplier).   Major
customers  include Parametric in Germany and Oracle in the UK.  Our  computer
management business is most developed in Germany, is growing rapidly  in  the
UK, and has excellent further growth opportunities in France and Holland.

Major  progress was made in our fourth and more recent business  -  test  and
measurement equipment management services.  Our customers outsource to us the
total  management of their instrumentation test equipment and  we  provide  a
service  which  includes  all of Livingston s core skills  including  product
sourcing,  rental, calibration and repair, tracking and management  services,
technical support, and eventual disposal.  Our contract with KPN Telecom  was
the first of its kind throughout Europe and we have recently announced a five
year agreement, subject to regulatory approval, with Thomson CSF expected  to
be  worth  #66  million  providing  all  of  the  above  management  services
throughout  France  for  an  estimated 80,000 items  of  equipment.     These
contracts  are  service driven and do not require significant  investment  in
rental  equipment.  This type of service is attracting interest from a number
of  defence  and telecommunication companies across Europe and we  expect  to
make further announcements of contract wins during 1999.

Our  confidence in the future of the group leads us to recommend an increased
final  dividend of 11.8p which, if approved, will be paid on 1 July  1999  to
shareholders  on the register at 26 March 1999.  The total dividend  for  the
year  of 17.8p per share is 3.5% higher than the previous year and is covered
twice by our earnings.

Current trading and prospects
Both   businesses  now  have  their  own  momentum  and  substantial   growth
opportunities.  However 1999 will continue to pose challenges for BSL in  the
UK,  although  there are early signs that the decline may have bottomed.   As
for  Livingston,  we  expect to make good progress  as  equipment  management
contracts get underway.  This early in the financial year it is difficult  to
be  more  precise  as  to the prospects for the period as  a  whole  but  the
chairman plans to give an update on trading at our annual general meeting  in

Consolidated profit and loss account for the year
ended 31 December 1998

The group                                                 1998            1997
                                         Notes           #'000           #'000
Turnover                                     1         238,369         223,055
Cost of sales                                        (150,572)       (135,287)
                                                  ------------     -----------
Gross profit                                            87,797          87,768
Distribution costs                                    (43,409)        (39,280)
Administrative expenses                               (20,861)        (18,683)
                                                   -----------     -----------
Operating profit                                        23,527          29,805
Share of associate's operating loss                        (7)               -
Profit on sale of fixed assets                           1,050             911
                                                   -----------      ----------
Profit on ordinary activities                1          24,570          30,716
before interest
Net interest                                             (635)           (216)
                                                   -----------      ----------
Profit on ordinary activities                1          23,935          30,500
before tax
Tax                                                    (7,380)         (9,098)
                                                   -----------      ----------
Profit on ordinary activities after                     16,555          21,402
Dividends                                    5         (8,393)         (8,037)
                                                   -----------      ----------
Profit for the year retained in the                      8,162          13,365
business                                           -----------      ----------
Earnings per share                           2                                
Basic                                                    35.2p           45.8p
Diluted                                                  35.1p           45.1p
Dividend per share                           5           17.8p           17.2p

During 1998 the group consisted of only continuing businesses.  There  is  no
material difference between the results as disclosed above and the results on
an unmodified historic cost basis.

Consolidated cash flow statement for the year ended 31 December 1998

The group                                             1998                1997
                                                     #'000               #'000
Operating profit                                    23,527              29,805
Depreciation of tangible fixed assets               21,732              15,637
                                               -----------          ----------
                                                    45,259              45,442
                                               -----------          ----------
Movement in working capital                                                   
  Stock                                              5,493             (5,590)
  Debtors                                              411             (7,189)
  Creditors                                        (6,480)               7,389
                                                ----------           ---------
                                                     (576)             (5,390)
                                                ----------          ----------
Net cash inflow from operating                      44,683              40,052
activities                                      ----------          ----------
Returns on investments and servicing                                          
of finance
Interest received                                      799                 690
Interest paid                                      (1,359)             (1,053)
                                                ----------          ----------
                                                     (560)               (363)
                                                ----------          ----------
Tax paid                                           (8,388)            (10,243)
                                                ----------          ----------
Capital expenditure and financial                                             
Purchase of tangible fixed assets                 (47,692)            (32,342)
Sale of tangible fixed assets                       12,074               7,178
                                                ----------          ----------
                                                  (35,618)            (25,164)
                                               -----------          ----------
Acquisitions and disposals                                                    
Purchase of subsidiaries and                             -             (2,719)
Purchase of investment in associate                  (421)                   -
Net cash acquired                                        -                (43)
                                               -----------          ----------
                                                     (421)             (2,762)
Deferred consideration                               (855)             (1,343)
                                               -----------          ----------
                                                   (1,276)             (4,105)
                                               -----------          ----------
Equity dividends paid                              (6,405)             (6,762)
                                               -----------          ----------
Net cash outflow before management of                                         
 liquid resources and financing                    (7,564)             (6,585)
                                               -----------          ----------
Management of liquid resources                                                
Deposits                                               690             (2,650)
                                               -----------          ----------
Share options                                          236                 825
SAYE scheme                                             68                 220
Loans less than one year                             (454)               (288)
Loans greater than one year                         12,344               6,464
Finance leases                                       (143)               (199)
                                               -----------          ----------
                                                    12,051               7,022
                                               -----------          ----------
Increase / (decrease) in cash                        5,177             (2,213)
Cash outflow from decrease in debt and            (12,437)             (3,327)
lease financing                                -----------          ----------
                                                   (7,260)             (5,540)
New finance leases                                       -                (51)
Exchange movements                                 (2,301)               2,530
                                               -----------          ----------
Movement in net funds                              (9,561)             (3,061)
Net funds at 31 December 1997                      (3,487)               (426)
                                               -----------          ----------
Net funds at 31 December 1998                     (13,048)             (3,487)
                                               -----------          ----------


1 Turnover, profit and net assets

The business analysis of turnover, profit before tax and net assets employed
is as follows

                              Turnover                    Profit before tax
                           1998       1997        1997        1998        1997
                                  Proforma                            Proforma
                          # 000      # 000       # 000       # 000       # 000
Distribution -          184,028    184,141     180,980      16,018      24,206
Distribution -                -          -           -         (7)           -
   management            54,341     43,659      42,075       8,559       6,900
                     ----------  ---------  ----------  ----------   ---------
                        238,369    227,800     223,055      24,570      31,106
Financing                     -          -           -       (635)       (226)
                     ---------- ----------  ----------  ----------   ---------
                        238,369    227,800     223,055      23,935      30,880
                     ---------- ----------  ----------  ----------   ---------

                                                 Net assets employed
                                      1997        1998        1997        1997
                                     # 000       # 000       # 000       # 000
Distribution - Group                24,057      51,470      48,037      47,018
Distribution - Associate                 -         414           -           -
Electronic equipment                                                          
   management                        6,659      40,678      28,986      27,815
                                  --------  ----------  ----------   ---------
                                    30,716      92,562      77,023      74,833
Financing                            (216)    (26,268)    (20,779)    (19,053)
                                  --------  ----------  ----------   ---------
                                    30,500      66,294      56,244      55,780
                                  --------  ----------  ----------   ---------

Financing represents interest, net funds, capitalised goodwill, dividends and
tax  payable,  all  of  which  relate to the group  as  a  whole  and  cannot
meaningfully be allocated between different business sectors.

The  proforma figures for 1997, which are unaudited, represent  the  group's
results  for 1997 translated at the rates of exchange which ruled  as  at  31
December 1998.

The geographic analysis of turnover, profit before interest and net operating
assets is as follows

                                Turnover               Profit before interest
                           1998       1997        1997        1998        1997
                                  Proforma                            Proforma
                          # 000      # 000       # 000       # 000       # 000
United Kingdom          146,694    150,515     150,515      12,866      22,806
Other Europe -           91,675     77,285      72,540      11,711       8,300
Other Europe -                -          -           -         (7)           -
Associate             --------- ----------  ----------  ----------   ---------
                        238,369    227,800     223,055      24,570      31,106
                      --------- ----------  ----------  ----------   ---------

                                                    Net operating assets
                                      1997        1998        1997        1997
                                     # 000       # 000       # 000       # 000
United Kingdom                      22,806      45,901      43,569      43,569
Other Europe - Group                 7,910      46,247      33,454      31,264
Other Europe - Associate                 -         414           -           -
                                ----------   ---------  ----------   ---------
                                    30,716      92,562      77,023      74,833
                                ----------   ---------  ----------   ---------

Turnover  to  third  parties by destination is not  materially  different  to
turnover by origin.

Net  operating assets excludes net funds, capitalised goodwill, dividends and
tax  payable,  all  of  which  relate to the group  as  a  whole  and  cannot
meaningfully be allocated between different geographic sectors.

2 Earnings per share

                                                     1998                1997
                                                    # 000               # 000
Earnings after tax                                 16,555              21,402
                                               ----------           ---------
                                                  Numbers             Numbers
Average number of shares in issue                  47,030              46,692
Share options outstanding                             136                 687
Deferred consideration shares                           -                  81
outstanding                                   -----------          ----------
Average number of shares in issue                  47,166              47,460
(diluted)                                     -----------          ----------

3 Acquisitions
On  18  November  1998,  the  group acquired a  25%  stake  in  Sociedade  de
Rolamentos S.D.R. S.A. ( Rolamentos ). The acquisition has been accounted for
as  an  associated  undertaking  as the group  has  a  significant,  but  not
dominant,  influence over the running of the company. The purchase price  was
#421,000 based on the group s share of Rolamentos  net assets at the date  of
acquisition  of  #331,000  and expenses of #90,000.  The  carrying  value  of
#414,000 represents the purchase price less the group s share of the  pre-tax
loss earned from acquisition to 31 December 1998 of #7,000.

On  31  December  1998, in partnership with KPN Telecom, the group  formed  a
Dutch  registered  company, Livingston Calibration  B.V.,  which  immediately
acquired  the  calibration related assets and business of  KPN  Telecom.  KPN
Telecom  owns 60% of Livingston Calibration B.V. and the group owns 40%  with
an  agreement to purchase the remaining 60% over a three year period. As  the
group has full management control of Livingston Calibration B.V., the company
has  been  consolidated  as  a  full subsidiary with  deferred  consideration
entries relating to the remaining 60%.

4 Balance sheet highlights

                                                      1998                1997
                                                     # 000               # 000
Goodwill                                             1,574                   -
Fixed assets                                        60,367              42,914
Other working capital                               32,195              31,919
Tax                                                (9,223)            (10,152)
Net (borrowings) / cash balances                  (13,048)             (3,487)
Dividends                                          (5,571)             (5,414)
Financed by                                  -------------        ------------
Shareholders  equity                                66,294              55,780
                                             -------------        ------------

5 Dividend
Relevant dates concerning the payment of the final dividend are

Record date                     26 March 1999
Annual general meeting          25 May 1999
Payment date                    1 July 1999

6 Comparative results
The  profit  and loss account for the year to 31 December 1997 is an  extract
from  the published accounts of the group. The published accounts in original
form  have  been delivered to the Registrar of Companies with an  unqualified
audit report.

7 Preliminary announcement
A  copy  of the preliminary announcement is available for inspection  at  the
registered   office  of  the  company,  1  Tabley  Court,  Victoria   Street,
Altrincham,  Cheshire  WA14  1EZ and the offices of  Citigate  Dewe  Rogerson
Limited, 3 London Wall Buildings, London Wall, London EC2M 5SY.



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