Blue Planet Worldwide Financials Investment Trust plc

Interim Report

For the six months ended 31 January 2004


The  Company invests in equities and bonds issued by quoted financial  companies
(including former mutuals), and PIBS and bonds issued by building societies  and
life  assurance companies or their subsidiaries with the objective of  obtaining
both  capital growth and a dividend yield in excess of the FTSE All-Share Index.
Shareholders  approved  the  broadening of the  objectives  to  cover  financial
companies located anywhere in the world at the AGM held in October 2003.

Financial Highlights
For the six months ended 31 January 2004

                                      Six months    Six months        Year
              ended         ended       ended
                                      31 January    31 January     31 July
                                            2004          2003        2003
                                     (unaudited)   (unaudited)     
Shareholders' funds (�'000)               12,056         9,354      11,990
Net asset value per share                  84.57         65.62       84.11
Share price (p)                            63.75         50.00       66.50
Discount (%)                                24.6          23.8        20.9
Revenue available for shareholders (�'000)   110           209         440

Revenue return per share (p)              0.77          1.47        3.09
Dividend per share (p)                      0.50          1.00        3.00
Dividend yield on our share (%)                                       4.51
Dividend yield on FTSE All Share Indes (%)  3.58          4.36        3.30

An  interim dividend of 0.50p net per ordinary share has been declared,  payable
on  7  May 2004, to shareholders on the register as at close of business  on  23
April 2004.  The Trust's shares will be quoted ex-dividend on 21 April 2004.

Chairman's Statement


In the six months to 31 January 2004 our net asset value per share (NAV) rose
0.6% to 84.57p in line with a rise of 0.6% in our Benchmark Index.

Our share price fell to 63.75 pence per ordinary share - a decrease of4.2 % in
six months.  However, because our share price fell while our NAV rose, the
discount to NAV at which our shares traded widened from 20.9% to 24.6%.  The
Board and the Managers are committed to reducing the discount on the Company's
shares by the use of buy backs either for cancellation or to hold as treasury

The best performing stocks in sterling terms over the period were:

-    Aberdeen Asset Management, (UK) + 49.6%
-    Irish Permanent Plc, (Ireland) + 37.2%
-    NPI Finance Plc,(UK) + 18.2%
-    Abbey National Plc, (UK) + 7.16%

The worst performing stocks were:
-    Royal Bank of Scotland Plc, (UK) -7.8%
-    Amvescap plc, (UK) -13.7%

Gearing for the Company is provided by a �7,000,000 loan facility. The purpose
of the loan is to acquire investments in the expectation that the returns from
these will exceed the cost of financing the loan.  As at the end of the interim
period, the loan, net of cash deposits, represented 42.7% of the Trust's NAV.

Name change to Blue Planet Worldwide Financials Investment Trust
At the Trust's Annual General Meeting held in October 2003, resolutions were
passed to change the Company name to Blue Planet Worldwide Financials Investment
Trust plc and amend the investment remit to allow investment in shares and debt
securities issued by financial companies listed anywhere in the world.

Blue Planet ISA and low cost dealing service
To  take out an ISA with Blue Planet Investment Management Limited call 0131 466
6666.  They also offer investors a low cost stock-market dealing service.   Full
details of these services were given in the last annual report and are available
on  their website Alternatively, they may be obtained  by
contacting Blue Planet on 0131 466 6666.

Operating efficiency
The Board regularly reviews with the Investment Manager the operating efficiency
of  the  Company to see if costs can be reduced in a manner that does not damage
the Company in order that any savings can be passed onto shareholders.  This has
led  us to reduce the number of newspapers in which we published our share price
and  it  is  now only published in "The Times". Shareholders can also  view  the
Company's  share  price and other information about it on the websites of  Blue
Planet  Investment  Management Limited (  and  the  London
Stock  Exchange ( To find the Company's share price
on  the London Stock Exchange's website go to their home page and type "BPW"  in
the "Stock Search" field.

In our last report and accounts, our investment managers, Blue Planet Investment
Management Ltd, expressed the view that equities are undervalued and so could
potentially outperform fixed interest securities and cash.They advised the
Board to increase the equity element of the portfolio and reduce the fixed
interest element in order to maximise future returns for shareholders in light
of their view that we were at or near the bottom of the interest rate cycle.
Theportfolios have been adjusted in a timely fashion to take account of this
view, increasing the percentage of the portfolio invested in equities from 76.0%
to 81.1%.  Subsequent rises in UK interest rates and equities and falls in the
value of bonds have fully justified this move.

However, as I have indicated in the past, this rebalancing of the portfolio
unavoidably reduces our income and our dividend paying capacity in the short
term. Nevertheless, we are committed to managing this in such a manneras to
minimise its adverse effect on our dividend.  As a result an interim dividend of
0.50p per share will be paid on 7 May 2004 to shareholders on the register at
the close of business on 23 April 2004. This represents a 50% reduction on last
year's interim dividend of 1.00p per share.

Your  Board believes that the outlook for your Company is healthier now than  it
has  been  for  a  number  of years.  There are strong  indications  that  major
economies  are  recovering after an extended period of low  or  no  growth.   In
America,  the economy posted its fastest rate of growth in nearly twenty  years.
Equity  markets have continued to rise from the lows seen in March of last  year
and  there are indications emerging that a sustained recovery may be on the way.
We  are  invested in a sector which your board believes will be one of the  main
beneficiaries of any such recovery and, if this recovery does come to pass,  our
high  level of gearing should allow us to produce returns to investors that  are
above that of the main stock market indices.

The  recent  reporting  season for UK banks has mostly shown  increased  pre-tax
profits,  earnings  per  share and dividends. Elsewhere in  Europe,  banks  also
continue  to  fare  well.  The upturn in stockmarkets  has  also  benefited  the
earnings  of  other financial companies such as stockbrokers, fund managers  and
life  companies.   The improvement in investor confidence and rise  in  interest
rates  should  lead  investors to switch from bonds and cash into  equities  and
encourage more takeover activity both of which should further fuel the  recovery
in  share  prices  and  generate increased fees and  commissions  for  financial

We  believe  that all well constructed portfolios should have at  their  core  a
quality  portfolio of shares in banks and other financial companies. We  believe
that  your  Trust  provides  this and should be  seen  as  a  core  holding  for
investors.   We  look forward to the future with a great deal of confidence  and
would like to thank you for your continuing support.

Philip Court
18 March 2004

Statement of Total Return
(incorporating the revenue account)
                              For the six months ended          For the six months ended            For the year ended
                                       31 January 2004                   31 January 2003                  31 July 2003
                                           (unaudited)                       (unaudited)
                           Revenue   Capital     Total   Revenue     Capital       Total   Revenue  Capital      Total
                                 �         �         �         �           �           �         �        �          �
Capital(losses)/gains on                                                                                 
Net realised gains/
(losses)                         -   (74,437)  (74,437)        -      (7,888)     (7,888)        -   38,976     38,976
Unrealised gains/(losses) 
on investments                   -   246,265   246,265         -  (2,881,347) (2,881,347)        - (112,404)  (112,404)
Net capital gains/(losses)        
on investments                   -   171,828   171,828         -  (2,889,235) (2,889,235)        -  (73,428)   (73,428)
Realised gain on lapsed
warrants                                                       -     467,710     467,710         -  467,710    476,710
Income from investments    320,686         -   320,686   428,592           -     428,592   863,349        -    863,349
Bank interest receivable    31,975         -    31,975    23,670           -      23,670    77,905        -     77,905
Gross revenue and capital  352,661   171,828   524,489   452,262  (2,421,525) (1,969,263)  941,254   394,282 1,335,536
Administrative expenses   (168,358)  (69,634) (237,992) (165,499)    (66,734)   (232,233) (330,099) (132,407) (426,506)
Net return before interest 184,303   102,194   286,497   286,763  (2,488,259) (2,201,496)  611,155   261,875   873,030
payable and taxation
Interest payable           (74,585)  (74,585) (149,170)  (77,583)    (77,583)   (155,166) (154,401) (154,401) (308,802)
Return on ordinary         109,718    27,609   137,327   209,180  (2,565,842) (2,356,662)  456,754   107,474   564,228
activities before
Taxation on return on            -         -         -         -           -           -   (16,510)   16,510         -
ordinary activities                                                                         
Return on ordinary         109,718    27,609   137,327   209,180  (2,565,842) (2,356,662)  440,244   123,984   564,228
activities after taxation
Dividend declared                                                                                         
Interim ordinary of 0.50p  (71,276)        -   (71,276) (142,552)          -    (142,552) (142,552)        -  (142,552)
(2003 - 1.0p) per share
Final ordinary of  -                                                                      (285,103)        -  (285,103)
(2003 - 2.0p) per share
Transfer to reserves        38,442    27,609    66,051    66,628  (2,565,842) (2,499,214)   12,589   123,984   136,573
Return per ordinary share     0.77p     0.19p     0.96p     1.47p    (18.00)p    (16.53)p     3.09p     0.87p     3.96p

The Revenue column of the statement represents the Profit & Loss account of the
All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing
Balance Sheet

                                   At 31        At 31        At 31
                                 January      January         July
                                    2004         2003         2003
                             (unaudited)  (unaudited)
                                       �            �            �
Fixed asset investments           
Listed on a recognised        17,220,210   12,616,462   16,094,067
investment exchange 
Current assets                 1,966,252    3,923,703    3,247,313
Creditors: amounts falling due  (130,594)    (186,127)    (351,554)
within one year
Net current assets             1,835,658    3,737,576    2,895,759
Total assets less current     19,055,868   16,354,038   18,989,826
Creditors: amounts falling due(7,000,000)  (7,000,000)  (7,000,000)
after one year (note 5)        
Net assets                    12,055,868    9,354,038   11,989,826

Capital and reserves                                               
Called-up share capital       7,127,576    7,127,576    7,127,576
Share premium account         5,950,010    5,950,010    5,950,010
Other reserves                                                     
Capital reserve - realised     (505,569)    (207,789)    (286,904)
Capital reserve - unrealised   (905,796)  (3,921,002)  (1,152,061)
Revenue reserve                 389,647      405,243      351,205
Equity shareholders' funds   12,055,868    9,354,038   11,989,826

Net asset value per ordinary      84.57p       65.62p       84.11p
Cashflow Statement

                               For the   For the six      For the
    six months        months         year
                              ended 31      ended 31        ended
                               January       January      31 July
                                  2004          2003       2003
                           (unaudited)   (unaudited)
                                     �             �            �
Operating activities                                     
Cash received from             376,970       623,134    1,000,292
Interest received               47,174        16,390       76,127
Investment management and     (162,462)     (154,568)    (300,933)
secretarial fees paid
Cash paid to and on behalf     (20,070)      (19,000)     (38,000)
of directors
Other cash payments            (52,517)      (58,808)    (126,556)
Net cash inflow from           189,095       407,148      610,930
operating activities
Servicing of finance                                     
Interest paid                 (164,366)     (277,353)    (412,886)
Capital expenditure and                              
financial investment
Purchase of investments     (1,687,995)     (324,993)  (1,607,136)
Sale of investments            734,005     2,444,555    3,157,202
Equity dividend paid          (285,103)     (384,819)    (527,370)
Management of liquid                                     
resources and financing
Cash placed on deposit               -    (3,002,588)  (3,039,895)

Cash withdrawnfrom deposit    573,836       507,681    1,507,680
Proceeds from share issue            -         2,600        2,600
Borrowings repaid  -    (7,000,000)  (7,000,000)

Borrowings drawn down                -     7,000,000    7,000,000
(Decrease)/ increase in       (640,528)     (627,769)    (308,875)

1.    These  interim  accounts  have been prepared  under  the  historical  cost
convention,  modified  to  include  the  revaluation  of  investments,  and   in
accordance  with  applicable  Accounting Standards.   The  Company  follows  the
recommendations  of  the  1995  Statement  of  Recommended  Practice  'Financial
Statements of Investment Trust Companies (SORP).  The interim accounts have also
been  prepared on the assumption that approval as an investment trust  continues
to be granted and using the accounting policies in the annual accounts.

2.    All  expenses  are charged to the revenue account with  the  exception  of
management fees and interest charges on borrowings, one half of which (less  the
appropriate tax relief) is charged to capital.

3.    The  return per ordinary share is based upon the following figures:
                                     31  Jan 2004    31 Jan 2003    31 July 2003
 Revenue return                          �109,718       �209,180        �440,244
 Capital return                           �27,609    �(2,565,842)       �123,984
 Weighted average number of ordinary
 shares in issue during the period     14,255,152     14,253,427      14,254,283

4.    The  net  asset value per ordinary share is calculated  on  the  basis  of
14,255,152 ordinary shares being the number of ordinary shares in issue  at  the
end of the period.
The sterling loan is subject to a covenant which sets a maximum gearing threshold,
there  are  no undrawn facilities andno early repayment penalties.  Details  of
the loan outstanding at 31 January 2004 were are follows:
                        Amount      Interest Rate      Repayment Date
                           (�)                (%)                
Sterling Loan  7,000,000            4.33      29 January 2008
6.    The figures and financial information for the year ended 31 July 2003  are
extracted  from  the  latest  published accounts  of  the  Company  and  do  not
constitute statutory accounts for the year.  Those accounts have been  delivered
to  the Registrar of Companies and include the report of the auditors which  was
unqualified  and  did  not contain a statement either under  section  237(2)  or
237(3) of the Companies Act 1985.

Portfolio Information
At 31 January 2004

(PIBS - Permanent Interest Bearing Shares)
Company Information
Directors                     Auditors
Philip Court (Chairman)       Deloitte & Touche LLP
Christopher Jones             SaltireCourt
Kenneth C Murray              Edinburgh
                              EH1 0BR
Investment Manager            Stockbrokers
Blue Planet Investment        Credit Lyonnais Securities
Management Ltd                Broadwalk House
Greenside House               5 Appold Street
25 Greenside Place            London EC2A 2DA
Edinburgh EH1 3AA             
Telephone No: 0131 466 6666
Facsimile No: 0131 466 6677

Secretary andRegistered      Bankers
Office                        Lloyds TSB Scotland Plc
Blue Planet Investment        Henry Duncan House
Management Ltd                120 George Street
Greenside House               Edinburgh  EH2 4LH
25 Greenside Place          
Edinburgh EH1 3AA

Registrars                    Custodians
Capita Registrars Limited     The Royal Bank of Canada
Capita House                  71-77 Queen Victoria Street
Woodsome Park                 London
Fenay Bridge                  EC4V 4DE
Huddersfield HD8 0LA

Shareholder Helpline: 01484 600900

Registered Number             Blue Planet Investment
Registered in Scotland -      Management Ltd is regulated
SC177928by the FSA.

Blue Planet Worldwide Financials Investment Trust plc is a member of the
Association of Investment Trust Companies.

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