RNS No 4335p
2nd March 1999

Halifax -- Scotiabank continued its strong performance during the first
quarter ended January 31, 1999, earning net income of $368 million, up by $37
million or 11% from the same period a year ago. Earnings per share increased
to $0.69 from $0.63.
''All business lines contributed to our strong performance this quarter,''
said Peter Godsoe, Scotiabank's Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. ''We saw
a substantial improvement in the Bank's corporate and investment banking and
another solid contribution from retail and commercial banking activities in
''Despite the ongoing volatility in global markets, our international banking
portfolio remained stable during the quarter and our Caribbean operations
continued their track record of consistent growth. This is a testament to our
careful and prudent approach to managing our international operations,''
Godsoe noted.
''Overall, our achievements in the first quarter highlight the strength and
diversity of Scotiabank's businesses. Diversity -- in our products, services,
customers, employees and locations -- will remain an important component of
our long-term business plans,'' Godsoe continued.
Other highlights for the first quarter, compared with the preceding quarter
   -  net income of $368 million, an increase of $9 million or 3%;
   -  earnings per share of $0.69, up from $0.67;
   -  return on equity unchanged at 14.8 %; and
   -  the strengthening of reserves by adding $150 million to general
Total revenues -- net interest income and other income -- grew to a record
$2.0 billion in the first quarter. This amount was $307 million or 18% higher
than in the same quarter a year ago, with double-digit growth in both net
interest income and other income, partly due to the consolidation of Banco
Quilmes in Argentina. Net interest income for the first quarter was $1.182
billion, with year-over-year growth of $157 million or 15% which was driven by
strong growth in average assets across most business lines. The Bank's
interest margin of 2.04% declined slightly over the prior year.
Broadly based growth across most categories led to record quarterly other
income of $807 million, an increase of $150 million or 23% from the same
period a year ago.
''Ongoing, customer-driven enhancements to our convenient electronic services
supported the strong customer demand for the Bank's retail products and
services, and led to higher revenues from deposit and payment services,'' said
Godsoe. ''As well, revenues from wealth management products and services
continue to be an important source of other income, reflecting our leadership
in personal trust and the ongoing growth of our retail brokerage operations.''
Investment banking revenues in the current quarter improved by 21% over the
same period a year ago, as trading revenues, particularly foreign exchange
trading, more than offset a decline in underwriting fees. Net gains on
investment securities were $115 million in the quarter, an increase of $38
million or 49%. Contributing to the higher gains on investment securities was
a one-time gain of $77 million realized on the sale of shares acquired several
years ago through a loan restructuring.
Non-interest expenses for the first quarter were $1.136 billion, an increase
of $111 million or 11% from the same quarter a year ago. However, excluding
the effect of consolidating Banco Quilmes, the underlying year-over-year
growth was 4%. Contributing to this increase were higher staffing levels in
sales and service positions, both in Canada and internationally, and the
Bank's ongoing investment in new technology applications and continuous
improvement programs.
The Bank's productivity ratio -- non-interest expenses as a percentage of
total revenues -- was 56.1% in the first quarter, (58.3% when the large
one-time security gain mentioned above is excluded), versus 59.9% in the same
quarter a year ago. This result is better than the Bank's target productivity
ratio of 60%. Scotiabank's productivity ratio continues to be one of the best
among the Canadian banks and is an important competitive advantage.
Credit quality remained strong, with net impaired loans declining to $288
million, or 0.2% of loans and acceptances, as at January 31, 1999. This was an
improvement from $421 million and 0.3% at the end of the preceding quarter.
The forecast 1999 annual specific provision for credit losses is estimated at
$435 million, a reduction of $60 million from 1998. One-fourth of the 1999
estimate, or $109 million, was expensed in the first quarter. In addition, the
Bank increased its general provisions by $150 million, bringing the current
quarter's total provision for credit losses to $259 million. After the $150
million increase, general provisions now stand at $750 million.
Total assets were $232.5 billion as at January 31, 1999, a slight decline from
$233.6 billion at the end of the preceding quarter. However, compared to a
year ago, total assets rose $21.8 billion or 10%.
Loans and acceptances grew by 15% to $149.4 billion on a year-over-year basis.
Residential mortgages in Canada rose 9%, with an increased volume of
applications being generated through specialized sales forces and the
Internet. Corporate and commercial lending increased substantially in the past
year, particularly in the U.S. and Caribbean operations, due to the Bank's
strong presence in these markets and the translation effect of a weaker
Canadian dollar.
Total deposits increased to $165.2 billion at the end of the quarter, up 10%
year-over-year. Personal deposits grew by more than 4%, partly attributable to
the success of Scotiabank's Stock-Indexed GICs, a product where the Bank is a
market leader. The balance of the deposit growth came from wholesale deposits
to support the increase in corporate and commercial lending.
Securities holdings were $30.9 billion, as at January 31, 1999, 7% higher than
a year ago. As at January 31, 1999, the surplus of market value over book
value in the Bank's investment securities portfolio was $208 million.
Common equity rose to $9.2 billion as at January 31, 1999, an increase of $182
million from the preceding quarter, primarily from strong earnings retention
of $237 million in the quarter. Partially offsetting this increase was a
foreign currency translation adjustment of $69 million due to strengthening of
the Canadian dollar in the current quarter. With the Bank's careful management
of its balance sheet, the Tier 1 capital ratio remained a solid 7.2%,
unchanged from the preceding quarter. Tier 2 capital grew a modest $99
million, as a result of adding $150 million to general provisions, partially
offset by a reduction in subordinated debentures. As a result, the total
capital ratio remained at 10.6%.
A quarterly dividend of 21 cents per common share was approved by the Board of
Directors at its March 1, 1999, meeting, payable on April 28, 1999, to
shareholders of record as of the close of business on April 6, 1999.
   Other first quarter developments
   - To more effectively meet customer demand for alternate delivery
   channels, Scotiabank brought all of its electronic services under the
   umbrella of a new Electronic Banking Group in November of 1998.
   - The Bank piloted the Scotia 2020 Mobile, Canada's first hand-held
   wireless point of sale terminal using the Cantel AT&T wireless data
   - Scotiabank added to its selection of RRSP products and services. Among
   the offerings are the recently expanded Scotia Mutual Funds family (27
   funds), asset allocation services, Scotia RRSP Catch-Up Loans and
   Stock-Indexed GICs.
   - In addition, Scotia Discount Brokerage gave self-reliant investors a
   boost when it became the first major financial institution to share its
   back-end load mutual fund commissions with customers.
   - In December 1998, Scotiabank was named as the number one Canadian bank
   in overall customer service, according to customers polled by the
   independent research organization Market Facts of Canada, Ltd.
   - In the first quarter of 1999, Scotiabank continued to commit time and
   resources to the communities in which we serve. In 1999, the Bank's
   total community support is expected to reach more than $16 million.
   - In November, 1998, Scotiabank, together with The Hospital for Sick
   Children, presented Dialogue on Childhood Cancer, a free educational
   forum for families who have a child with cancer. The Dialogue was an
   important component of Scotiabank's $720,000 endowment at The Hospital
   for Sick Children to support cancer research.
   - In addition, as a national sponsor of Take Our Kids To Work Day,
   Scotiabank welcomed more than 900 students and their parents or
   sponsors to offices and branches across Canada on November 4, 1998.
   Performance Highlights                                         Scotiabank
   For the three months ended
                               January 31       October 31        January 31
   (Unaudited)                      1999             1998              1998
   Net income (millions)            $368             $359              $331
   Earnings per share              $0.69            $0.67             $0.63
   Return on equity                14.8%            14.8%             15.2%
   Return on assets                 0.62%            0.62%             0.65%
   Productivity ratio               56.1% (1)        60.9%             59.9%
   (1)   The productivity ratio was 58.3% when a one-time gain of $77
   million realized on the sale of shares acquired several years ago
   through a loan restructuring is excluded.
   Interim Consolidated Statement of Income                       Scotiabank
   For the three months ended
   (Unaudited)                         January 31   October 31   January 31
   ($ millions)                              1999         1998         1998
   Interest income
   Loans                                   $2,808       $2,804       $2,344
   Securities                                 441          494          418
   Deposits with banks                        287          258          244
                                            3,536        3,556        3,006
   Interest expense
   Deposits                                 1,987        2,017        1,690
   Subordinated debentures                     83           93           82
   Other                                      284          295          209
                                            2,354        2,405        1,981
   Net interest income                      1,182        1,151        1,025
   Provision for credit losses                259          124          124
   Net interest income after
   provision for credit losses                923        1,027          901
   Other income
   Deposit and payment services               154          160          145
   Investment management and trust             80           79           72
   Credit fees                                125          138          103
   Investment banking                         237          127          196
   Net gain on investment securities          115           74           77
   Other                                       96          112           64
                                              807          690          657
   Net interest and other income            1,730        1,717        1,558
   Non-interest expenses
   Salaries                                   556          561          514
   Pension contributions and other
   staff benefits                              78           74           68
   Premises and equipment, including
   depreciation                               251          250          222
   Other                                      251          258          221
                                            1,136        1,143        1,025
   Income before the undernoted:              594          574          533
   Provision for income taxes                 215          204          193
   Non-controlling interest in
   net income of subsidiaries                  11           11            9
   Net income                                $368         $359         $331
   Preferred dividends paid                   $27          $27          $23
   Net income available to common
   shareholders                              $341         $332         $308
   Consolidated Balance Sheet Highlights                          Scotiabank
   As at
   (Unaudited)                         January 31   October 31   January 31
   ($ millions)                              1999         1998         1998
   Cash resources                         $20,745      $22,900      $20,660
   Securities                              30,899       29,500       28,764
   Assets purchased under resale
   agreements                              11,140       11,189       11,620
   Loans                                  140,246      139,293      123,096
   Other assets                            29,467       30,706       26,551
   Total assets                          $232,497     $233,588     $210,691
   Deposits - Personal                    $63,609      $62,656      $61,031
   - Business and
   governments                             67,275       70,779       61,607
   - Banks                                 34,314       32,925       27,350
   Total deposits                         165,198      166,360      149,988
   Other liabilities                       51,067       50,932       45,817
   Subordinated debentures                  5,236        5,482        5,229
   Equity - Preferred                       1,775        1,775        1,473
   - Common                                 9,221        9,039        8,184
   Total liabilities and equity          $232,497     $233,588     $210,691
   Components of Net Income and Average Assets                    Scotiabank
   For the three months ended
   (Unaudited)                         January 31   October 31   January 31
   ($ millions)                              1999         1998         1998
   Net Income
   By business line:
   Canadian retail and commercial banking    $161         $144         $160
   Corporate banking                          197          117          100
   Investment banking                          88           21           65
   International banking                       53           87           37
   Other                                     (131)         (10)         (31)
                                             $368         $359         $331
   By geography:
   Canada                                    $271         $190         $223
   United States                              128           71           70
   International                              100          108           69
   Other                                     (131)         (10)         (31)
                                             $368         $359         $331
   Average Assets
   By business line:
   Canadian retail and commercial banking $80,454      $80,148      $76,012
   Corporate banking                       46,898       44,173       35,483
   Investment banking                      72,394       68,459       61,579
   International banking                   27,244       26,124       20,483
   Other                                    9,322        9,897        7,601
                                         $236,312     $228,801     $201,158
   By geography:
   Canada                                $130,594     $131,551     $123,092
   United States                           39,499       33,958       26,395
   International                           56,897       53,395       44,070
   Other                                    9,322        9,897        7,601
                                         $236,312     $228,801     $201,158
   Capital and Common Share Information                           Scotiabank
   As at
                                       January 31   October 31   January 31
   (Unaudited)                               1999         1998         1998
   Capital ratios
   Tier 1                                    7.2%         7.2%         6.7%
   Total                                    10.6%        10.6%        10.0%
   Common shares outstanding (millions)     492.8        492.1        490.3
   Book value per share                    $18.71       $18.37       $16.69
   Market value per share                  $32.50       $32.20       $31.93
   For the three months ended
                                      January 31   October 31   January 31
   (Unaudited)                              1999         1998         1998
   Common dividends paid
   Total (millions)                         $104          $99          $98
   Per share                               $0.21        $0.20        $0.20
   CONTACT: Catherine Hudon, Public Affairs, Tel: (416) 866-3703/


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