RNS Number:5810P
Bakery Services PLC
10 September 2003


2003 Highlights

* Business restructuring successfully completed.

* Operating profitability restored - #69,940 (2002 - #1,266,273 loss).

* Cash inflow from operating activities restored - #246,381 (2002
  #182,072 outflow).

* Legal issue with managed store resolved (subject to contract).

* Funding realised for the development of the Don Millers franchise business.

Chairman's Statement


During the year the Group successfully completed the planned reduction in
operating costs and restructuring of its businesses.

This has resulted in a return to operating profitability and positive cash flows
as shown in the financial statements.

In addition the Group has reached a satisfactory agreement (subject to contract)
with the landlord of the Don Millers managed unit in Nottingham to which we have
comprehensively referred in previous reports. Trading at this unit had, in the
past, resulted in considerable losses but the store is now trading profitably.

Following legal advice, and after due consideration of the likely costs of any
action, your Board has concluded that it is in shareholders best interests to
prosecute a legal claim against its former solicitors in respect of the
acquisition of the Don Millers business in March 2000. In reaching this decision
your Board has been mindful of both the quantum of losses sustained and the
resulting set back to the development of the Group.

Accordingly, in April 2003 the Company's wholly owned subsidiary Don Millers
Limited brought a claim for damages for negligence against its former solicitors
arising from the acquisition of certain assets of Fresh Connection Limited and
Fresh Connections (Holdings) Limited from its joint administrative receivers in
March 2000. Damages in excess of #400,000 are being sought.

Although all claims have to date been rejected, your Board and its legal
advisors consider that no substantive basis for rejection has been provided.
Every effort is being made by your Board to reach an early settlement of this

Subsequent to the year-end the Group completed the sale of its entire holding of
#990,000 non-redeemable #1 preference shares in coffeeheaven international plc
for a cash consideration of #250,000 (before expenses). These preference shares
were created in November 2001 as part of the demerger of Bakery Services Polska
SA, the Group's Polish based coffee bar business.

The principal reason for the sale is to provide funding for the development of
the Group's Don Millers business. The Board agreed the sale after obtaining an
independent professional valuation for the preference shares and approved the
sale only after full consideration had been given to alternative options for the
raising of new capital.

A book loss on the above sale together with estimated costs amounting to
#760,000 has been provided in the financial statements. Under current accounting
convention your Board is of the opinion that, given the valuation provided, a
similar provision would have had to be made irrespective of whether or not an
actual sale of the preference shares had been completed.

The above sale is a material transaction for the Group. Accordingly a Pro Forma
Balance Sheet as at 31 March 2003 reflecting its effect is set out in note 2 of
Notes to the Financial Statements.

The proceeds of sale of the preference shares, together with existing cash
resources and banking facilities, provide a meaningful level of working capital
from which the Group can now further develop the Don Millers business.

Trading Results

Total Group sales for the year ended 31 March 2003 were #3,888,408 (2002 -
continuing only #4,088,566).

Sales are broken down as follows:
                                                2003              2002

Inbake Limited                             3,281,098         3,570,973
Don Millers Limited                          607,310           510,823
Bakery Services Polska SA                        nil           470,913
                                            ________          ________
                             Total         3,888,408         4,552,709
                                             =======           =======

Inbake Limited

The decline in sales revenues from the Group's in-store bakery business, Inbake
Limited, continues last year's pattern and is due in the main to a store
closure. Like-for-like store sales declined slightly by 0.5% (2002 - decline
1.9%) in the year.

Gross margins improved for the second year to 35.4% (2002 - 33.7%) and Inbake's
profits before tax increased over the same period last year to #107,835 (2002 -

Don Millers Limited

Franchise revenue in Don Millers Limited is received in the form of fees based
on the underlying turnover of each franchise business. Underlying sales revenues
generated by Don Millers franchises were #3.8M (2002 - #4.1M). The reduction
reflects a closure of one non-performing franchise unit and the conversion of
one franchise unit to a managed store.

The trading performance of Don Millers continues to meet the expectations of
your Board.

Don Millers revenues are split as follows:
                                                      2003        2002
                                                         #           #

Franchise income     9 units (2002 - 11)           240,379     250,932
Managed store sales  2 units (2002 - 1)            366,931     259,891
                                                  ________    ________
Total company                                      607,310     510,823
                                                   =======     =======

Franchise fee income declined 4.2% following the closure of a non-performing
unit and the conversion of one franchise to a managed unit.

Reflecting these changes, revenues from managed stores grew 41%.

Profits before tax for Don Millers are broken down as follows:

                                                      2003        2002
                                                         #           #

Operating profit franchise stores                  152,765     161,613
Operating profit/(loss) managed stores               1,121    (102,140)
                                                  ________    ________
Combined operating profit                          153,886      59,473
Release of goodwill provision (managed stores)           -      52,390
                                                  ________    ________
Total company                                      153,886     111,863
                                                   =======     =======

The above demonstrates the very significant turnaround in operating results that
has been achieved for the managed stores.

Bakery Services Polska SA

Sales for Bakery Services Polska S.A. (shown for the prior year only) cover the
period to 29 November 2001 when this company was demerged from the Group. The
Board's reasons for demerging this business from the Group have been previously
addressed in a separate circular to shareholders dated 5 November 2001.

Group Summary

Retained losses for the year were #697,073 (2002 - #1,384,329) made up as
                                                    2003          2002
                                                       #             #

Operating profit/(loss)                           69,940    (1,266,273)
Interest receivable/(payable) net                 (7,013)        9,429
                                                ________      ________
Pre-tax profit/(loss)                             62,927    (1,256,844)
Provision for loss on sale of preference        (760,000)            -
shares in August 2003
Net adjustment 2002 (combined)                         -      (127,485)
                                                ________      ________
Retained loss for year                          (697,073)   (1,384,329)
                                                 =======       =======

Basic losses per share were 0.49p (2002 - 1.26p loss).

Cash at bank and in hand at 31 March 2003 was #171,117 (2002 - #61,319). This
position is significantly enhanced by #130,056 (2002 - #133,950) of total
debtors representing cash collected by third parties.

The Group's Balance Sheet remains materially debt free (other than trade
related). Bank overdraft facilities (recently renewed) of #200,000 are available
to the Group.

Your Board proposes no dividend for the year.

Operational Review

Bakery Division - Inbake (R)

The Company's principal customer base remains the various regions of the
Co-operative Group (CWS) Limited. Outlets are generally operated as in-store
bakery concessions within supermarkets and are located in England and Northern

Bakery concessions fall into three classifications broadly reflecting activity.

Number of Bakery Units - 2003 v 2002

* "Scratch" bakeries where the finished product is made from ingredients
   mixed and baked as one process by craft bakers. These bakeries are
   equipped with Company assets and operated by Company staff.

* "Mini" bakeries where French bread and rolls are finished, cream cakes
   are made and traditional breads delivered from one of Inbake's "scratch"

* "Satellites" where all products are "delivered-in" from one of Inbake's 
  "scratch" bakeries.

Sales from most outlets are made direct to the consumer and the cash collected
through the checkout tills of the host supermarket.

As indicated in previous reports, revenues for Inbake continue to decline as its
principal customer, the CWS, increasingly focuses on smaller market town stores.
We expect this trend to continue and it is possible that further CWS stores in
which Inbake trades may, at some point in the future, be sold or close.

Although revenues are declining, the Inbake business is profitable. Your Board's
challenge is to manage the revenue decline in a way that maximises cash flow and
profit yet remains consistent with maintaining the Company's high standard of
customer service.

Franchise Division - Don Millers (R)

Don Millers Limited operates nine retail bakery and sandwich cafe franchises and
two managed stores, from high street and shopping centre locations predominantly
in the midlands and north of England, under the brand name Don Millers.

Don Millers is an established retail bakery business and has been trading since
1972. Your Board believes that the brand has strong consumer awareness and can
be revitalised into a major franchise business.

As mentioned in previous statements, a period of operational consolidation
followed acquisition of the Don Millers business by the Group in March 2000.
Your Board has now concluded a programme of brand re-positioning and completed
development of a comprehensive franchising package. This offers Don Millers as
an attractive contemporary franchise opportunity.

In the past the business has been constrained by a lack of development capital.
As set out above, this funding issue has largely been addressed and your Board
now has the resources to expand the business.

Future Prospects

The Group has successfully come though a number of very challenging years.
Profitability has been restored, a number of critical business issues have been
resolved and funding is now available for the business to move forward.

Although the long-term future of the Group lies with the success of Don Millers,
the larger part of the Group's activities is, and will continue for some time to
be, Inbake's in-store bakery business.

In the current year trading for both the Group's businesses has been in line
with your Board's expectations. However failure of the 2003 grain harvests in
central Europe, due to extreme weather conditions, has resulted in a substantial
increase in flour prices, the first for many years. These become effective from
September 2003. Whether Inbake, in particular, can successfully pass these
increases on to consumers without adversely impacting sales volumes is still

Notwithstanding this your Board remains confident that the progress the Group
has made over the past few years has positioned it well for the future.

Richard D. Worthington
Non-Executive Chairman and Financial Director

10 September 2003

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31 March 2003

                         2003                  2002
                            #             #             #             #
                All continuing   Continuing    Discounted         Total

Turnover            3,888,408     4,088,566       464,143     4,552,709

Cost of            (2,351,740)   (2,574,010)     (239,246)   (2,813,256)
                   __________    __________    __________    __________
Gross profit        1,536,668     1,514,556       224,897     1,739,453

Distribution         (496,411)     (621,654)            -      (621,654)

items)               (970,317)   (1,845,348)     (538,724)   (2,384,072)

items                  69,940      (329,710)     (215,917)     (545,627)

expenses                    -      (622,736)      (97,910)     (720,646)
                   __________    __________    __________    __________
Operating              69,940      (952,446)     (313,827)   (1,266,273)

Restructuring               -      (131,613)            -      (131,613)

Loss on
disposal of
tangible fixed
assets                      -      (366,194)            -      (366,194)

Provision for
loss on
disposal of
investment           (760,000)            -             -             -
                   __________    __________    __________    __________

Loss on
interest             (690,060)   (1,450,253)     (313,827)   (1,764,080)

Interest                   79                                    16,984
Interest               (7,092)                                   (7,555)
                   __________                                __________

Loss on
before tax           (697,073)                               (1,754,651)

Taxation on
profit on
activities                  -                                         -
                   __________                                __________

Loss on
after tax            (697,073)                               (1,754,651)

Minority                    -                                    42,086

Increase in reserves on demerger of
subsidiary                                             -       328,236
                                              __________    __________
Retained loss for the period                    (697,073)   (1,384,329)
                                                 =======       =======

Loss per share
- Basic                                           (0.49p)       (1.26p)
- Fully diluted                                   (0.49p)       (1.26p)

Consolidated Balance sheet as at 31 March 2003

                                                     2003         2002
                                                        #            #

Fixed assets
Tangible assets                                   363,518      418,255
Investments                                       230,000      990,000
                                                 ________     ________
                                                  593,518    1,408,255

Current assets
Stocks                                            106,967      131,236
Debtors                                           355,869      398,193
Cash at bank and in hand                          171,117       61,319
                                                 ________     ________
                                                  633,953      590,748

Creditors: amounts falling due within one        (752,163)    (813,192)
                                                 ________     ________
Net current liabilities                          (118,210)    (222,444)
                                                 ________     ________
Total assets less current liabilities             475,308    1,185,811

Creditors: amounts falling due after more than     (8,289)     (21,719)
one year
                                                 ________     ________
Net assets                                        467,019    1,164,092
                                                  =======      =======
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                           140,833      140,833
Share premium                                   2,569,162    2,569,162
Profit and loss account                        (2,242,976)  (1,545,903)
                                                 ________     ________
Shareholders' funds - all equity                  467,019    1,164,092
                                                  =======      =======

Group Cash Flow Statement for the period from 1 April 2002 to 31 March 2003

                                                       2003       2002
                                                          #          #

Net cash inflow from operating activities           246,381   (182,072)

Returns on investments and servicing of finance      (7,013)     9,429

Capital expenditure                                 (46,649)  (158,212)
                                                   ________   ________
                                                    192,719   (330,855)
Equity dividends paid                                     -          -
                                                   ________   ________
                                                    192,719   (330,855)

Financing                                           (16,511)   206,258
                                                   ________   ________
Increase/(decrease) in cash                         176,208   (124,597)
                                                    =======    =======
Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net  176,208   (124,597)

Increase/(decrease) in cash in the period           176,208   (124,597)
Decrease in debt and lease financing                 16,511     30,617
New finance leases                                        -    (42,778)
Other non-cash changes                                    -    (43,974)
                                                   ________   ________
Change in net debt                                  192,719   (180,732)
Net (debt)/funds at 1 April                         (96,895)    83,837
                                                   ________   ________
Net funds/(debt) at 31 March                         95,824    (96,895)
                                                    =======    =======


1. Preliminary Results

These preliminary results have been extracted from the Company's audited
accounts which have been approved and signed by the directors and auditors, but
have not yet been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The audited accounts
have been prepared under the historical cost convention using the accounting
policies set out in the Company's 2003 financial statements.

2. Post Balance Sheet events

On 10 July 2003 the Company agreed to sell the #990,000 cumulative
non-redeemable 5% preference shares in coffeeheaven international plc, which it
held at 31 March 2003, to coffeeheaven international plc for a consideration of
#250,000. The anticipated costs relating to this transaction amount to #20,000.
The transaction was completed on 5 August following an Extraordinary General
Meeting of coffeeheaven international plc. Provision for the loss on disposal of
these shares, which amounts to #760,000, has been made in these financial

The above transaction has a material effect on the Balance Sheet of the Group.
Below is a Pro Forma Group Balance Sheet (unaudited) as at 31 March 2003
adjusted to reflect the sale of the preference shares and the receipt of the
proceeds of the sale.

Pro Forma Group Balance Sheet

                            Audited Group       Sale of        Pro forma
                            Balance Sheet      preference   Group Balance
                           as at 31 March       shares in  sheet as at 31
                                     2003    coffeeheaven      March 2003

                                        #             #              #
Fixed assets
Tangible assets                   363,518                      363,518
Investments                       230,000      (230,000)             -
                                 ________                     ________
                                  593,518                      363,518
Current assets
Stocks                            106,967                      106,967
Debtors                           355,869                      355,869
Cash at bank and in hand          171,117       230,000        401,117
                                 ________                     ________
                                  633,953                      863,953

Creditors: amounts falling       (752,163)                    (752,163)
due within one year
                                 ________                     ________
Net current (liabilities)/       (118,210)                     111,790
                                 ________                     ________
Total assets less current         475,308                      475,308

Creditors: amounts falling         (8,289)                      (8,289)
due after more than one
                                 ________                     ________
Net assets                        467,019                      467,019
                                  =======                      =======
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital           140,833                      140,833
Share premium                   2,569,162                    2,569,162
Profit and loss account        (2,242,976)                  (2,242,976)
                                 ________                     ________
Shareholders' funds - all         467,019                      467,019
                                  =======                      =======

3. Movements on shareholders funds

                                          2003                   2002
                                             #                      #

At 1 April                           1,164,092              2,311,546
Retained loss                         (697,073)            (1,384,329)
Shares issued                                -                236,875
                                    __________             __________

As at 31 March                         467,019              1,164,092
                                      ========               ========

4. Earnings per share

Earnings per ordinary share is calculated as follows:-

                                Basic                   Fully diluted
                       2003           2002           2003           2002
                          #              #              #              #

to ordinary
shareholders       (697,073)    (1,754,651)      (697,073)    (1,754,651)

average number
of ordinary
shares          140,833,333    139,463,470    140,833,333    139,463,470

Earnings per
share               (0.49p)        (1.26p)        (0.49p)        (1.26p)
                  =========      =========      =========      =========

5. 2003 Report and Accounts

The 2003 report and accounts will be published and copies sent to shareholders.
Further copies will be available from the nominated adviser: Smith & Williamson
Corporate Finance, No 1 Riding House Street, London, W1A 3AS.

6. Copy of Announcement

A copy of this announcement will be available from the nominated adviser: Smith
& Williamson Corporate Finance Limited, No 1 Riding House Street, London, W1A
3AS for one month from the date of this announcement

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange