RNS Number:4497Q
Bakery Services PLC
24 August 2005

Bakery Services PlC
Final Results - Amendment

The following replaces the final results announcement (RNS number: 4446Q)
released 13.04, 24 August 2005.

The previous announcement erroneously referred to capital expenditure in the
year to 31 March 2005 of #112,985 rather than #122,985 in the group cashflow

Bakery Services plc preliminary results for the year ended 31 March 2005


.   Sales decline 7% to #3,374,145 (2004 - 3,629,363).

.   Like-for-like sales growth +2.5% (2004 - +0.3%).

.   Pre-tax profit before fixed asset impairment charge #126,580 (2004 - 57,880

.   Legal claim settled for #400,000 before expenses.

.   Development of Millers Eating Experience project abandoned.



Trading Results

The year under review has been a mixture of disappointment and

During the year the group launched the new Don Millers trading format Millers
Eating Experience at a trial store in Birmingham. As announced earlier in the
year, and after careful evaluation of initial trading results, your Board
decided that the trial store should be closed and further development of the
project abandoned. Your Board has always been of the view that the likelihood of
long-term success with this new trading format would become evident very shortly
after launch. Thus, given the poor initial results, a decision to terminate the
project was made to save further depletion of the Group's cash reserves. The
unit was closed on 13 October 2004. The total cost of this project has been
written off in the current financial statements as detailed below.

A major success during the year was securing closure of the long running legal
dispute relating to the acquisition of the Don Millers business in March 2000
(addressed extensively in previous reports). As announced earlier in the year,
this was settled in favour of the Group in an amount of #400,000. In your
Board's view this amount was considerably less than the economic loss sustained
by the Group in respect of the claims made. However the alternative of a
protracted and potentially costly court process would not in your board's view
have been in shareholders best interests. It is however difficult to over
estimate the negative impact this matter has had (and may well continue to have)
on the Group's overall financial performance.

As detailed below the Group's in-store bakery business - Inbake Limited
had a successful year's trading. Although total revenues continued to decline as
a result of further closures of host stores, the company's combined share of
host store revenues improved, as did gross margins.

The franchised units at Don Miller also performed satisfactorily but once again
the 2 managed units in the portfolio remained loss making. One unit was closed
in December 2004 and the lease (which expired in March 2005) has not been
renewed. A breakdown of the Don Millers financial performance is set out below.

Trading Results

Total Group sales for the year ended 31 March 2005 were #3,374,145 (2004 -
#3,629,363) broken down as follows:
                                                   2005                   2004
                                                      #                      #

Inbake Limited                                2,763,923              2,963,483
Don Millers Limited                             610,222                665,880
                                              _________              _________
                           Total              3,374,145              3,629,363
                                               ========               ========

Inbake Limited

The anticipated decline in sales revenues from the Group's in-store bakery
business, Inbake Limited, continues the pattern of prior years and is in the
main due to host store closures. However during the year like-for-like store
sales grew by 2.5% (2004 - growth 0.3%) and the company's participation of host
store sales continued to improve.

Gross margins also improved for the fourth consecutive year running to 41.1%
(2004 - 38.1%). Despite the fall in sales revenue, Inbake still achieved an
operating profit of #171,031 (2004 - #312,465), which is stated after charging
#26,724 (2004 - #35,000) of one-off closure and related costs.

Once again these results are a considerable credit to our team at Inbake lead by
Colin Taylor.

Don Millers Limited

Franchise revenue in Don Millers Limited is received in the form of fees based
on the underlying turnover of each franchise business.

Underlying sales revenues in the year generated by Don Millers franchisees were
#3.1M (2004 - #3.2M).

Don Millers revenues are split as follows:

                                                          2005            2004
                                                             #               #

Franchise income        7 units (2004 - 7)             199,282         205,782
Managed store sales     1 unit (2004 - 2)              410,940         460,098
                                                     _________       _________
Total company                                          610,222         665,880
                                                      ========        ========

Overall franchise fee income declined 3.2% due to the Nottingham store reverting
to company management. Total fee income from other stores was broadly flat
compared to the prior year.

Operating profits for Don Millers, before Group management charges, are broken
down as follows:

                                                         2005             2004
                                                            #                #

Operating profit franchise stores                      60,692           65,704
Operating loss managed stores                         (67,521)         (35,204)
Millers experience (total costs)                     (219,947)               -
Legal claim settlement                                400,000                -
                                                    _________        _________
Total company                                         173,224           30,500
                                                     ========         ========

Total costs of #219,947 shown above for Millers Eating Experience include all
trading losses, development and closing costs relating to this venture.

Group Summary

Retained losses for the year were #55,854 (2004 - #57,880) made up as follows:

                                                        2005             2004
                                                           #                #

Operating loss                                       (47,594)         (59,324)
Interest receivable/(payable) net                     (8,260)           1,444
                                                   _________        _________
Retained loss for year                               (55,854)         (57,880)
                                                    ========         ========

Basic losses per share were 0.04p (2004 - 0.04p loss).

Cash at bank and in hand at 31 March 2005 was #47,444 (2004 - #232,796). This
position is significantly enhanced by #109,858 (2004 - #97,053) of total debtors
representing cash collected by third parties. During April 2005, the Group
received cash of #384,890, being the net amount of the legal claim settlement
referred to earlier in this statement.

The Group's Balance Sheet remains materially debt free (other than trade
related). Bank overdraft facilities (recently renewed) of #50,000 are available
to the Group.

Your Board proposes no dividend for the year.

Operational Review Bakery Division - Inbake

The Company's principal customer base remains the various regions of the
Co-operative Group (CWS) Limited. Outlets are generally operated as in-store
bakery concessions within supermarkets and are located in England and Northern

Bakery concessions fall into three classifications broadly reflecting activity.

.   "Scratch" bakeries where the finished product is made from ingredients mixed
    and baked as one process by craft bakers. These bakeries are equipped with
    Company assets and operated by Company staff.

.   "Mini" bakeries where French bread and rolls are finished, cream cakes are
    made and traditional breads delivered from one of our "scratch"bakeries.

.   "Satellites" where all products are "delivered-in" from one of our
    "scratch" bakeries.

Sales from most outlets are made direct to the consumer and the cash collected
through the checkout tills of the host supermarket.

During the year one 'scratch'bakery closed following the sale of the CWS host
store. This has resulted in an estimated annual loss of sales revenue to Inbake
of some #200,000, which includes sales from 4 satellite stores that can no
longer be supplied following the scratch bakery closure.

As indicated in previous reports, revenues for Inbake continue to decline as its
principal customer, the CWS, increasingly focuses on smaller market town stores.
We expect this trend to continue.

However Inbake business is profitable and is expected to remain so unless the
rate of host stores closures increases.

It is possible that further CWS stores, in which Inbake trades may, at some
point in the future, be sold or close. However as at July 2005 the Company had
not been advised by CWS of any further store closures.

Your Board's challenge in respect of the Inbake business remains to manage the
revenue decline in a way that maximises cash flow and profit yet is consistent
with maintaining the Company's high standard of customer service.

Franchise Division - Don Millers

Don Millers Limited operates 7 retail bakery and sandwich cafe franchises from
high street and shopping centre locations, predominantly in the Midlands and
north of England, under the brand name Don Millers.

Don Millers is an established retail bakery business which has been trading
since 1972. Your Board believes that the brand has strong consumer awareness and
can be revitalised into a viable franchise business.

You Board is actively seeking new sites for franchising.

Future Prospects

In the current financial year both the Group's businesses are trading in line
with your Board's expectations. Your Board continues to review opportunities for
enhancing shareholder value.

Richard D. Worthington
Non-Executive Chairman and Financial Director
24 August 2005

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31 March 2005

                                                          2005            2004
                                                             #               #
Turnover                                             3,374,145       3,629,363

Cost of sales                                       (1,943,035)     (2,166,245)
                                                    __________      __________

Gross profit                                         1,431,110       1,463,118

Distribution costs                                    (339,334)       (435,858)

Administrative expenses                             (1,366,461)     (1,086,584)

Other operating income                                 409,525               -

Impairment charge against tangible

fixed assets                                          (182,434)              -
                                                    __________      __________

Operating loss                                         (47,594)        (59,324)

Interest receivable                                        902           5,924

Interest payable                                        (9,162)         (4,480)
                                                    __________      __________

Loss on ordinary activities before tax                 (55,854)        (57,880)

Taxation on profit on ordinary activities                    -               -
                                                    __________      __________

Retained loss for the period                           (55,854)        (57,880)
                                                     =========       =========

Loss per share

- Basic                                                  (0.04p)         (0.04p)

- Fully diluted                                          (0.04p)         (0.04p)

Statement of total recognised gains and losses for the year ended
31 March 2005

The company has no recognised gains or losses other than the loss for the
above two financial years.

Consolidated balance sheet as at 31 March 2005

                                                           2005          2004
                                                              #             #
Fixed assets

Tangible assets                                         216,402       346,916
                                                       ________      ________
                                                        216,402       346,916
Current assets

Stocks                                                   92,574       131,549
Debtors                                                 560,818       373,927
Cash at bank and in hand                                 47,444       232,796
                                                       ________      ________
                                                        700,836       738,272

Creditors: amounts falling due within one year         (423,358)     (651,382)
                                                       ________      ________
Net current assets                                      277,478        86,890
                                                       ________      ________
Total assets less current liabilities                   493,880       433,806

Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one
year                                                    (40,845)      (24,667)
                                                       ________      ________
Net assets                                              453,035       409,139
                                                        =======       =======
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                                 175,833       140,833
Share premium                                         2,633,912     2,569,162
Profit and loss account                              (2,356,710)   (2,300,856)
                                                       ________      ________
Shareholders' funds - all equity                        453,035       409,139
                                                        =======       =======

Approved and signed on behalf of the Board of Directors on 24 August 2005.

Keith A. Bentley                Richard D. Worthington
Director                        Director

Group cash flow statement from the period 1 April 2004 to 31 March 2005

                                                               2005       2004
                                                                  #          #

Net cash outflow from operating activities                  (38,805)  (252,812)

Returns on investments and servicing of finance              (8,260)     1,444

Capital expenditure                                        (122,985)   183,848
                                                           ________   ________
                                                           (170,050)   (67,520)
Equity dividends paid                                             -          -
                                                           ________   ________
                                                           (170,050)   (67,520)

Financing                                                    66,874    (20,968)
                                                           ________   ________
Decrease in cash                                           (103,176)   (88,488)
                                                            =======    =======
Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt

Decrease in cash in the period                             (103,176)   (88,488)
Decrease in debt and lease financing                         32,876     20,968
New finance leases                                          (64,138)   (45,159)
Redemption of finance leases                                      -      7,106
                                                           ________   ________
Change in net debt                                         (134,438)  (105,573)

Net(debt)/funds at 1 April                                   (9,749)    95,824
                                                           ________   ________
Net debt at 31 March                                       (144,187)    (9,749)
                                                            =======    =======


1.  Preliminary Results

    These preliminary results have been extracted from the Company's audited
    accounts which have been approved and signed by the directors and auditors,
    but have not yet been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The audited
    accounts have been prepared under the historical cost convention using the
    accounting policies set out in the Company's 2005 financial statements.
2.  Movements on shareholders funds

                                                      2005               2004
                                                         #                  #

At 1 April                                         409,139            467,019
Retained loss                                      (55,854)           (57,880)
Net proceeds of share issue                         99,750                  -
                                                __________         __________
As at 31 March                                     453,035            409,139
                                                  ========           ========

          3.  Share capital

                                                              2005            2004
Ordinary shares of 0.1 pence
each                                                   250,000,000    250,000,0000
                                                       ===========     ===========

                                2005           2004           2005            2004
                              Number         Number              #               #

Allotted, called up and
fully paid:

Ordinary shares of 0.1
pence                    175,833,333    140,833,333        175,833         140,833
                         ===========    ===========        =======         =======

     4.  Movements in share capital

                                                        2005              2004
                                                           #                 #
At 1 April                                           140,833           140,833
Shares issued in the period                           35,000                 -
                                                    ________          ________
As at 31 March                                       175,833           140,833
                                                    ========          ========

      5.  Share premium account

                                                      2005                2004
                                                         #                   #
At 1 April 2004                                  2,569,162           2,569,162
Premium on shares issued                            70,000                   -
Expenses of share issue                             (5,250)                  -
                                                  ________            ________
As at 31 March 2005                              2,633,912           2,569,162
                                                  ========            ========

6. Earnings per share

Earnings per ordinary share is calculated as follows:-

                                     Basic                     Fully diluted
                                  2005           2004           2005          2004
                                     #              #              #             #

Loss attributable to
ordinary shareholders          (55,854)       (57,880)       (55,854)      (57,880)

Weighted average
number of ordinary
shares                     155,121,004    140,833,333    155,121,004   140,833,333

Earnings per ordinary
share                            (0.04p)        (0.04p)        (0.04p)       (0.49p)
                             =========      =========      =========     =========

7. Post Balance Sheet Event

In August 2005, the Company received a legal claim for breach of contract from
its former design consultants who acted on the Millers Experience project. The
Company has taken legal advice and on the basis of this advice the Directors
believe that the claim is unfounded. In addition the Directors have been further
advised that the Company has grounds for a substantial counterclaim in addition
to defending the claim against the Company.

8. 2005 Report and Accounts

The 2005 report and accounts will be published and copies sent to shareholders.
Further copies will be available from the nominated adviser: Smith & Williamson
Corporate Finance Limited, 25 Moorgate, London, EC2R 6AY.

9. Copy of Announcement

A copy of this announcement will be available from the nominated adviser: Smith
& Williamson Corporate Finance Limited, 25 Moorgate, London, EC2R 6AY for one
month from the date of this announcement

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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