RNS No 6653j
6th February 1998

Peter Birse, Chairman
Birse Group plc                    Tel: 01652 633 222
Charles Watson
Financial Dynamics                 Tel: 0171 831 3113
                               BIRSE GROUP PLC
Birse Group, the leading construction group today announces results for the
six months to 31 October 1997.
Highlights include:
*    Pre-tax profits up to #2.1m (1996: #1.2m)

*    Earnings per share up to 0.8p (1996: 0.5p)

*    Debt reduced to #0.1m, with the Group expected to move to a substantial
     net cash position at the year end

*    Interim dividend up to 0.3p (1996: 0.2p)
Commenting on the announcement, Chairman, Peter Birse, said:
"Today's results are indicative of the continued progress of the Group to a
more acceptable financial performance.  With the quality of the business
secured by the Group continuing to improve, we are confident of further
progress being achieved."
Chairman's Statement
I am pleased to report a profit of #2.1 million for the six months to 31
October 1997 up from #1.2 million for the corresponding period last year.
Profitability is to some extent being held back by the delays and associated
costs of settling long term contract accounts.
Group turnover for the period at #221 million was #8 million lower than for
the six months ended 31 October 1996.  However, we expect turnover for the
full year to show an increase over 1996/97 as workload is more evenly spread
in the current year.
The Directors believe that by continuing to focus on long term relationships
with both customers and suppliers the quality of the business secured by
your Group will continue to improve and that this will particularly impact
on future results.
A further reduction in debt was achieved during the period under review and
at 31 October 1997 stood at #0.1 million.  Whilst this is indicative of a
trend in the right direction the figure is not representative of the average
debt during the period.  Your Board remains fully committed to a substantial
movement into net cash by the end of the current year.
Birse Construction continues to make progress towards its objectives and is
engaged on many notable projects.  Although turnover is down slightly over
the six months it will be higher in the second half and show a reasonable
increase for the full year.  Operating profit increased to #1.5 million from
#1.1 million.
We have formed a special task force of senior managers and directors to
precipitate settlement of all outstanding long term contract accounts.  At
the same time we continue to implement strict procurement criteria to avoid
a recurrence of this unfortunate aspect of our industry.  I detect a growing
pressure within the industry to tolerate neither late payment nor the meagre
margins endured for the generally high level of risk which contractors are
expected to bear.  The increase in partnership and similar non
confrontational forms of contract is allowing such issues to be openly
discussed by all parties and I am confident that this will lead to
opportunities to secure more reasonable returns.
Birse Construction continued to focus on more selective areas of the market
and has been successful in a number of specialist sectors, namely:-
-    Increased involvement in railway work and in particular Railtrack's
     investment programme.

-    Further progress in the Sports Stadia sector with successful completion
     of Bolton Wanderers new stadium and award of further high profile work at
     Aintree, Reading and Preston.

-    Greater participation in the Water Companies' investment programme.

-    Major force in the design and construction of large distribution
     facilities with repeat business accruing from national clients.

-    Acknowledged leader in partnering major road projects with public
     authorities evidenced by winning the 1997 Contract Journal Construction
     Industry Award for partnership contracting.
Birse Process Engineering has had considerable success in diversifying into
the general industrial market whilst increasing activity in the water
sector.  The Directors are confident that this business will become an
increasingly significant contributor to Group performance.
Whilst the Board is conscious that greater profits remain to be generated
from its construction activities it is confident that its strategy is
correct and will soon achieve target objectives.
Plant Hire
BPH increased turnover and profits by around 16% compared to the
corresponding period last year.
The heavy construction market has shown signs of improvement and the
offshore oil related division has achieved increased utilisation.
The diesel services division has succeeded in broadening its base of
activities both in the UK and overseas and further expansion is planned.
Investment has focused on improving service to industrial and oil industry
customers and an increasing involvement in the requirements of Birse
Construction where benefits to both companies can be secured.
Birse Properties continues to trade profitability and further progress is
anticipated on sales and partnership developments.
The first phase of a joint development on land at Warrington has been
successfully completed and a further phase is in the final stages of
In December 1997 Mike Wilson, Chief Executive of Birse Construction and a
Director of Birse Group plc, resigned from both positions.  On behalf of the
Board I would like to express our sincere appreciation of the contribution
made by Mike to the development of Birse Construction and wish him well in
the future.
Our staff development continues to produce remarkable results.  I am
personally very conscious of the exceptional levels of confidence, morale
and co-operative communication that currently exist throughout the Group and
of the potential that these create for future performance.
Group Finance
I am pleased to report that the Directors are able to recommend that the
interim dividend be increased from 0.2p to 0.3p.
The Group continues to progress towards a more acceptable financial
performance.  Your Board remain confident in its stated strategy which is to
focus upon the key elements of forging closer relationships with customers,
staff empowerment and concentration on business with an acceptable
risk/reward profile.
Peter M Birse
6 February 1998
Consolidated Results
for the 6 months ended 31 October 1997
                              6 Months      6 Months         Year
                                 Ended         Ended        Ended
                              31.10.97      31.10.96      30.4.97
                      Note       #'000         #'000        #'000
Turnover              2     220,953     229,227      409,895
                            ----------  ----------   ----------
Operating profit      2     2,568       1,886        3,240
Net interest                (482)       (667)        (1,223)
                            ----------  ----------   ----------
Profit on ordinary                                   
activities before                                    
taxation              2     2,086       1,219        2,017
Taxation              3     (479)       (305)        100
                            ----------  ----------   ---------
Profit for the                                       
financial period            1,607       914          2,117
Dividends on equity                                  
shares                4     (574)       (383)        (957)
                            ----------  ----------   ----------
Transferred to                                       
reserves                    1,033       531          1,160
                            ======      ======       ======
Earnings per                                         
ordinary share        5     0.8p        0.5p         1.1p
                            ======      ======       ======
Consolidated Balance Sheet
as at 31 October 1997

                                        As at         As at         As at
                                     31.10.97      31.10.96       30.4.97
                                        #'000         #'000         #'000
Fixed Assets                                                
Tangible assets                   14,202       11,356       13,417
Investments                       6,400        8,950        7,650
                                  ----------   ----------   ----------
                                  20,602       20,306       21,067
                                  ----------   ----------   ----------
Current Assets                                              
Stocks                            5,227        5,028        5,552
Debtors                           143,383      134,418      128,813
Investments                       -            643          658
Cash at bank and in hand          12,325       9,232        12,013
                                  ----------   ----------   ----------
                                  160,935      149,321      147,036
                                  ----------   ----------   ----------
Creditors: Amounts falling due                              
within one year
Bank loans and overdrafts         -            -            (750)
Other creditors                   (134,883)    (123,856)    (121,530)
                                  ----------   ------------ ----------
                                  (134,883)    (123,856)    (122,280)
                                  ----------   ----------   ----------
Net Current Assets                26,052       25,465       24,756
                                  ----------   ----------   ----------
Total Assets Less Current         46,654       45,771       45,823
                                  ----------   ----------   ----------

Creditors: Amounts falling due after                
more than one year
Bank loans and overdrafts         (12,330)     (14,099)     (13,266)
Other creditors                   (3,927)      (3,026)      (3,266)
                                  ----------   ----------   ----------
                                  (16,257)     (17,125)     (16,532)
                                  ----------   ----------   ----------
Net Assets                        30,397       28,646       29,291
                                  ======       ======       ======
Capital and Reserves                                        
Called up share capital           19,172       19,123       19,132
Share premium account             40           -            7
Special reserve                   308          308          308
Revaluation reserve               607          607          607
Profit and loss account           10,270       8,608        9,237
                                  ----------   ----------   ----------
Shareholders' Funds - equity                                
interest                          30,397       28,646       29,291
                                  ======       ======       ======
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
for the 6 months ended 31 October 1997
                                      6 Months     6 Months          Year
                                         Ended        Ended         Ended
                                      31.10.97     31.10.96       30.4.97
                                         #'000        #'000         #'000
Net cash inflow from operating                              
activities                        3,132         3,593       10,321
Returns on investment and                                   
servicing of finance              (466)         (520)       (1,293)
Taxation                          (108)         -           100
Capital expenditure and                                     
financial investment              (868)         (808)       (3,976)
Dividends paid to equity                                    
shareholders                      (383)         -           -
                                  ----------    ----------  ----------
Cash inflow before management of                            
liquid resources and financing    1,307         2,265       5,152
Management of liquid resources    (38)          (144)       (308)
Financing                         (1,653)       (7,425)     (7,516)
                                  ----------    ----------  ----------
Decrease in cash in the period    (384)         (5,304)     (2,672)
                                  ======        ======      ======
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
for the six months ended 31 October 1997
                                      6 Months     6 Months          Year
                                         Ended        Ended         Ended
                                      31.10.97     31.10.96       30.4.97
                                         #'000        #'000         #'000
Reconciliation of operating                                 
profit to net cash inflow from
operating activities
Operating profit                  2,568         1,886       3,240
Depreciation net of profit on                               
disposal of fixed assets          1,333         1,047       2,154
Decrease in stocks                325           7,197       6,673
Increase in debtors               (14,426)      (17,525)    (11,776)
Increase in provisions            -             -           1,300
Increase in creditors             13,332        10,988      8,730
                                  ----------    ----------  ----------
Net cash inflow from operating                              
activities                        3,132         3,593       10,321
                                  ======        ======      ======
Analysis of net debt                                        
Cash at bank on demand            9,025         6,777       9,409
Cash at bank on short term        3,300         2,455       2,604
Debt due within one year          -             -           (750)
Debt due after more than one                                
year                              (12,330)      (14,099)    (13,266)
Finance leases                    (124)         (188)       (164)
Current asset investments         -             643         658
                                  ----------    ----------  ----------
Net debt at 31 October 1997       (129)         (4,412)     (1,509)
                                  ======        ======      ======

Reconciliation of cash flows to                             
movements in net debt
Decrease in cash in the period    (384)         (5,304)     (2,672)
Cash outflows from reduction in                             
debt and lease financing          1,726         7,425       7,532
Cash outflow from management of                             
liquid resources                  38            144         308
                                  ----------    ----------  ----------
Movement in net debt in the                                 
period                            1,380         2,265       5,168
Net debt at 1 May 1997            (1,509)       (6,677)     (6,677)
                                  ----------    ----------  ----------
Net debt at 31 October 1997       (129)         (4,412)     (1,509)
                                  ======        ======      ======
Notes to the Interim Accounts
1.   Preparation of Interim Accounts
  The interim accounts, which relate exclusively to continuing operations,
  have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the
  Group's statutory accounts for the year ended 30 April 1997.
  The Group's auditors, Deloitte & Touche, have carried out a review of the
  interim accounts, which were approved by the Board of Directors on 6
  February 1998, and their report is reproduced on page 11.
  The financial information presented is unaudited and does not amount to full
  statutory accounts within the meaning of the Companies Act 1985.  Full
  accounts for the year ended 30 April 1997, upon which Deloitte & Touche gave
  an unqualified audit report, have been delivered to the Registrar of
2.   Segment Information

                                     6 Months    6 Months         Year
                                        Ended       Ended        Ended
                                     31.10.97    31.10.96      30.4.97
                                        #'000       #'000        #'000
   Contracting                   216,336       218,584    394,717
   Plant Hire                    7,445         6,430      13,009
   Commercial Property           310           6,780      13,648
   Housing                       140           394        601
   Intra-group                   (3,278)       (2,961)    (12,080)
                                 ----------    ---------- ----------
                                 220,953       229,227    409,895
                                 ======        ======     ======
   Contracting                   1,537         1,149      2,124
   Plant Hire                    734           635        1,074
   Commercial Property           281           256        499
   Housing                       58            (80)       (162)
   Group Centre                  (42)          (74)       (295)
                                 ----------    ---------- ----------
   Operating profit              2,568         1,886      3,240
   Net interest                  (482)         (667)      (1,223)
                                 ----------    ---------- ----------
   Profit on ordinary                                     
   activities before taxation    2,086         1,219      2,017
                                 ======        ======     ======
3.   Taxation
  The tax charge for the period is reduced as a result of the release of
  deferred tax assets not recognised in prior periods.
4.   Dividends on Equity Shares
  An interim dividend of 0.3p per ordinary share (1996 - 0.2p) will be paid on
  5 May 1998 to shareholders on the register on 3 April 1998.
5.   Earnings per Ordinary Share
  The calculation of earnings per ordinary share is based on profit of
  #1,607,000 (1996: #914,000) and the weighted average of 191,537,960 (1996:
  191,231,521) ordinary shares in issue during the period.
Review Report by the Auditors
to Birse Group plc
We have reviewed the interim accounts, for the six months ended 31 October
1997 set out on pages 5 to 10 which are the responsibility of, and have been
approved by, the Directors.  Our responsibility is to report on the results
of our review.
Our review was carried out having regard to the Bulletin 'Review of Interim
Financial Information' issued by the Auditing Practices Board.  This review
consisted principally of applying analytical procedures to the underlying
financial data, assessing whether accounting policies have been consistently
applied, and making enquiries of management responsible for financial and
accounting matters.  The review excluded audit procedures such as tests of
controls and verification of assets and liabilities, and was, therefore,
substantially less in scope than an audit performed in accordance with
Auditing Standards.  Accordingly we do not express an audit opinion on the
interim accounts.
On the basis of our review:

-    in our opinion the interim accounts have been prepared using accounting
     policies consistent with those adopted by Birse Group plc in its financial
     statements for the year ended 30 April 1997; and
-    we are not aware of any material modifications that should be made to
     the interim accounts as presented.
Chartered Accountants
10-12 East Parade
6 February 1998


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