RNS No 756h
8th July 1997
                               Birse Group plc
                             Preliminary Results
                           PRE-TAX PROFITS UP 79%
*    Turnover up to #410m (1996: #363m)
*    Operating profit up 15% to #3.24m (1996: #2.817m)
*    Pre-tax profit up 79% to #2.017m (1996: #1.124m)
*    Earnings per share increased by 83% to 1.1p (1996: 0.6p)
*    Net bank debt reduced to #2m (7% of shareholders' funds)
*    Total dividend for the year of 0.5p per share
*    Forward construction order book up by #53m
Commenting on the results, Chairman Peter Birse, said:
"It is particularly pleasing to have returned to the dividend list.  We have
a strong, high quality order book and I am confident that the progress made
last year will continue."
Chairman's Statement
I am pleased to report that your Group continues to trade profitably.
Profit before tax for the year was #2.017 million up from #1.124 million in
1995/96.  Returns are still modest in line with my predictions that recovery
from the recession would be slow.  However, I believe the scene is now set
for more significant progress in the current year to 30 April 1998.
Turnover increased by 13% to #410 million exceeding #400 million for the
first time and operating profit moved ahead to #3.24 million from #2.817
million.  All our continuing operating businesses in Construction, Plant
Hire and Property traded profitably and the final remnants of our Housing
business were disposed of at a cost of #162,000.
Net bank debt at the end of the year was just over #2 million compared to #7
million at 30 April 1996.  We are targeting a very substantial movement into
net cash in the course of the current year and in consequence an elimination
of interest charges in future periods.  Construction is set for a further
significant increase in turnover in 1997/98.  At the end of June 1997 our
forward order book was #53 million ahead of June 1996.  I should emphasise
that additional business is being secured without compromising our
commitment to the quality of our order book.
Although Construction turnover for the year was up 11% at #395 million
activity for the second half was somewhat depressed due to delay in
commencement of a number of major projects.  This, together with discounted
settlements on two major projects, had the effect of holding back profits
for the period under review.
Birse Construction again advanced its position and reputation in the
industry and has recently secured a number of notable contracts.  The
company's management and staff development programme has reached a stage
where very substantial benefits are being seen right across the business.
The resulting improvements in performance are now expected to accelerate
over the coming year.
The emphasis on employee performance and customer satisfaction achieved
through an internal and external partnership approach is now becoming
accepted as best business practice and I believe this will deliver benefits
to all involved in the industry.
Construction marketing has been focused on areas of the market with well
founded future potential and in this regard the company has had further
success in increasing its share of the rail, water, waste and sports stadia
I remain optimistic for the future and more so as we move further away from
the cheapest price/confrontational scenario which has been prevalent in the
industry for so long.
Birse Process Engineering has now established an industrial division to
complement its water engineering division and its performance again exceeded
expectations.  The opportunities for this specialist division are exciting
and a management structure has been established to ensure that it takes full
advantage of them.
BPH Equipment was able to recommence significant capital investment during
the year, benefits from this should start to be seen in the year ending
April 1998.  Operating profit for the year under review was #1.1 million,
slightly ahead of last year.
Birse Properties returned an operating profit for the year of approximately
#500,000 and I am confident that our property holdings will contribute
further to group profit as we trade out over the next few years.
With net bank debt at #2 million balance sheet gearing stood at less than 7%
at the year end.  However, as I indicated at the interim results this
position is not necessarily representative of the position throughout the
year and will vary due to a number of seasonal and settlement factors.
Nevertheless the elimination of debt and establishment of an ongoing
positive cash position is now a realistic objective which I believe can be
achieved before I next report to you at the end of the current half year.
I am particularly pleased that we have been able to recommence distributions
to shareholders and the directors are recommending a final dividend of 0.3p
making a total for the year of 0.5p per ordinary share.
I look forward to the coming year and believe that we have good reason to be
confident that Birse Group will justify the loyalty shown by so many of its
In conclusion I record my sincere appreciation of the contributions made by
customers, employees, suppliers and sub-contractors to our progress toward
more impressive performance.
P M Birse, Chairman
8th July 1997
for the year ended 30 April 1997
                                   1997        1996
                        Note       #'000       #'000
Turnover                1          409,895     362,647
Cost of sales                      (390,464)   (345,175)
                                   ----------  ----------
Gross profit                       19,431      17,472
expenses                           (16,191)    (14,655)
                                   ----------  ----------
Operating profit        1          3,240       2,817
Net interest                       (1,223)     (1,693)
                                   ----------  ----------
Profit on ordinary                             
activities before                              
taxation                           2,017       1,124
Taxation                2          100         -
                                   ----------  ----------
Profit for the                                 
financial year                     2,117       1,124
Dividends on equity     3                      
shares                             (957)       -
                                   ----------  ----------
Transferred to                                 
reserves                           1,160       1,124
                                   ======      ======
Earnings per ordinary   4                      
share                              1.1p        0.6p
                                   ======      ======
The above figures relate exclusively to continuing operations.
There is no material difference between the results disclosed and the
results on an unmodified historical cost basis.
As at 30 April 1997
                                   1997        1996
                                   #'000       #'000
Fixed Assets                                   
Tangible assets                    13,417      11,595
Investments                        7,650       8,950
                                   ----------  ----------
                                   21,067      20,545
                                   ----------  ----------
Current Assets                                 
Stocks                             5,552       12,225
Debtors                            128,813     116,797
Investments                        658         618
Cash at bank and in hand           12,013      14,417
                                   ----------  ----------
                                   147,036     144,057
                                   ----------  ----------
Creditors: Amounts falling due                 
within one year                    122,280     112,083
                                   ----------  ----------
Net Current Assets                 24,756      31,974
                                   ----------  ----------
Total Assets Less Current                      
Liabilities                        45,823      52,519
Creditors: Amounts falling due                 
after more than one year           (16,532)    (24,404)
                                   ----------  ----------
Net Assets                         29,291      28,115
                                   ======      ======
Capital and Reserves                           
Called up share capital            19,132      19,123
Share premium account              7           -
Special reserve                    308         308
Revaluation reserve                607         607
Profit and loss account            9,237       8,077
                                   ----------  ----------
Shareholders' Funds - equity                   
interest                           29,291      28,115
                                   ======      ======
for the year ended 30 April 1997
                                                   As Restated
                         1997                      1996
                         #'000         #'000       #'000        #'000
Net cash inflow from                                            
operating activities                   10,321                   10,051
Returns on investments                                          
and servicing of
Interest received        345                       397          
Interest paid            (1,617)                   (2,192)      
Interest element of                                             
finance lease rentals                              
and hire purchase                                  
contracts                (21)                      (19)
                         ----------                ----------   
Net cash outflow from                                           
returns on investments                                          
and servicing of                                                
finance                                (1,293)                  (1,814)
UK Corporation tax                                              
received                               100                      -
Capital expenditure and                                         
financial investment
Purchase of tangible                                            
fixed assets             (4,378)                   (1,706)
Sale of tangible fixed                                          
assets                   402                       173
                         ----------                ----------   
Net cash outflow from                                           
investing activities                   (3,976)                  (1,533)
                                       ----------               ----------
Cash inflow before                                              
management of liquid                                            
resources and financing                5,152                    6,704
Management of liquid                                            
Purchase of current                                             
asset investments        (40)                      (118)
Sale of current asset                                           
investments              -                         1,050
Movement in short term                                          
cash deposits            (268)                     (390)
                         ----------                ----------   
Net cash                                                        
(outflow)/inflow from                                           
management of liquid                                            
resources                              (308)                    542
Issue of ordinary                                               
shares                   16                        -
Loan advances received   -                         6,020        
Loan repayments          (7,468)                   (9,292)      
Capital element of                                              
finance lease rentals                              
and hire purchase                                  
contracts                (64)                      (58)
                         ----------                ----------   
Net cash outflow from                                           
financing                              (7,516)                  (3,330)
                                       ----------               ----------
(Decrease)/increase in                                          
cash in the year                       (2,672)                  3,916
                                       =====                    =====
The comparative figures for the consolidated cash flow statement have been
restated in order to comply with Financial Reporting Standard 1 (revised).
for the year ended 30 April 1997
1. Segment                                               
information          Turnover                Operating profit
a) Turnover and
                     1997        1996        1997       1996
                     #'000       #'000       #'000      #'000
Contracting          394,717     354,463     2,124      2,210
Plant hire           13,009      12,052      1,074      1,013
Commercial property  13,648      1,208       499        410
Housing              601         301         (162)      (53)
Group centre         -           -           (295)      (763)
Intra-group          (12,080)    (5,377)     -          -
                     ----------  ----------  ---------- ----------
                     409,895     362,647     3,240      2,817
                     ======      ======                 
Net interest                                 (1,223)    (1,693)
                                             ---------- ----------
Profit on ordinary                                      
activities before                                       
taxation                                     2,017      1,124
                                             ======     ======
b) Net assets                                1997       1996
                                             #'000      #'000
Contracting                                  13,822     12,464
Plant hire                                   6,328      4,919
Commercial property                          13,743     19,952
Housing                                      106        872
Group centre                                 (1,584)    (2,797)
                                             ---------- ----------
                                             32,415     35,410
Unallocated net                                         
liabilities                                  (3,124)    (7,295)
                                             ---------- ----------
                                             29,291     28,115
                                             ======     ======
The above analysis reflects the segments by which the Group is managed.  All
turnover arises from work performed within the United Kingdom.
                                       1997          1996
                                       #'000         #'000
Unallocated net liabilities comprise:                
Net borrowings                         (2,003)       (7,067)
Obligations under finance leases and                 
hire purchase contracts                (164)         (228)
Dividends payable on equity shares     (957)         -
                                       ----------    ----------
                                       (3,124)       (7,295)
                                       ======        ======
Net assets for each segment represents non-interest bearing operating assets
less non-interest bearing operating liabilities.
2. Taxation                            1997         1996
                                       #'000        #'000
United Kingdom corporation tax at 33%  -            -
(1996: 33%)
Deferred taxation                      -            -
                                       ----------   ----------
                                       -            -
Adjustment to prior years' tax                      
Corporation tax                        100          -
                                       ----------   ----------
                                       100          -
                                       ======       ======
No tax charge arises on the profits of the year as a result of the
utilisation of losses brought forward and other timing differences not
recognised in previous years.
The tax credit relating to prior years' arises in consequence of repayments
secured in the period under review.
3. Dividends on equity shares          1997        1996
                                       #'000       #'000
Interim 0.2p per ordinary share (1996  383         -
- nil)
Final proposed 0.3p per ordinary       574         -
share (1996 - nil)
                                       ----------  ----------
                                       957         -
                                       ======      ======
The  interim  dividend was paid on 2 May 1997.  Subject to the  approval  of
shareholders at the Annual General Meeting the final dividend will  be  paid
on 5 November 1997 to shareholders appearing on the register at the close of
business on 3 October 1997.
4. Earnings per ordinary share
The calculation of earnings per ordinary share is based on profits of
#2,117,000 (1996: #1,124,000) and on the weighted average of 191,261,655
(1996: 191,227,707) ordinary shares in issue during the year.
5. Net bank borrowings                 1997         1996
                                       #'000        #'000
Net bank borrowings comprise:                       
Cash at bank   - on demand             9,409        12,081
         - on short term deposit       2,604        2,336
Bank loans and overdrafts                           
Due within one year                    (750)        -
Due after one year                     (13,266)     (21,484)
                                       ----------   ----------
                                       (2,003)      (7,067)
                                       ======       ======
6. Financial information
The financial information incorporated in this announcement does not
constitute full statutory accounts within the meaning of the Companies Act
1985.  Full accounts for the year ended 30 April 1997 upon which Deloitte &
Touche have given an unqualified audit report will be filed with the
Registrar of Companies in due course.
Peter Birse, Chairman
Birse Group plc                    Tel: 01652 633 222
Charles Watson
Financial Dynamics                 Tel: 0171 831 3113


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