STOCK EXCHANGE ANNOUNCEMENT 
                         AND RESULTS FOR YEAR TO 31ST DECEMBER 2008 
At its meeting in Kuala Lumpur the Board of Genesis Malaysia Maju Fund Ltd ("Fund") instructed Genesis Asset Managers, 
LLP ("Manager") to examine in detail the practicality of reorganising the Fund's structure.  The purpose of this 
reorganisation is to create increased liquidity for shareholders. The Board stressed that this decision did not result 
from any failing by the Manager or poor investment performance.  The current conditions in the market for specialised 
closed ended funds do not provide a sufficiently deep pool of potential investors to allow either a ready exit for 
existing shareholders or opportunities for investors wishing to increase their interest to acquire shares and so a 
reorganization of the Fund needs to be undertaken to provide liquidity.  The Board wishes the Manager to examine in 
particular a proposal to wind up the existing Guernsey investment company and transfer the assets of eligible electing 
shareholders in Maju in specie into a newly formed open ended umbrella fund resident and listed in Dublin. 
Results for the year 
Chairman's Statement 
                                                            2008                     2007 
                                                                     US$              US$ 
Total net assets*                                              53,524,159             117,358,661 
Net assets per Participating Share*                                35.58                    77.15 
Total (deficit)/return per Participating Share                    (41.97)                   24.70 
*Published Net Asset Value 
Commenting on the results the Chairman has made the following statement: 
As a consequence of the reorganisation proposal (announced with this Preliminary Statement), the Directors will shortly 
be sending shareholders a circular describing in detail a proposal to offer shareholders the opportunity to convert 
their shares in the Fund into shares in an open-ended investment company registered and listed in Dublin carrying a 
broader investment mandate than the current fund by permitting investments in all of the ASEAN countries. 
Shareholders should therefore be aware that these financial statements have been prepared on the assumption that the 
proposal will be approved and so the "going concern" basis is not appropriate. For the purposes of these financial 
statements all performance measures are expressed using figures before charging the costs of winding up the Fund. 
In investment terms, it has been a very difficult year for your Fund, operating as it has within the context of rapidly 
declining stock markets reflecting a severe global economic downturn. In my statement accompanying the Fund's Interim 
Report six months ago, I noted that the first half of 2008 was an uncomfortable period for investors in Malaysian mid- 
and smaller capitalised companies. Unfortunately the remainder of the year proved to be even more difficult as the scale 
of the financial crisis became more apparent. Consequently the Fund's holdings suffered alongside other emerging markets 
and indeed world markets. 
During the year, the Fund's published net asset value per share (before winding up costs) fell from US$77.15 to 
US$35.58, representing a decline of 53.9%. The Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange index declined by less, at 43.1%, reflecting 
the fact that larger capitalised stocks tend to hold up better than the smaller capitalised stocks in declining markets. 
The immediate economic outlook is of course rather negative: the IMF is forecasting overall global growth to fall to 
0.5% in 2009, a significant downward revision from the 3.9% growth estimate for the period it made in the middle of 
2008. As has been widely publicised, this would be the lowest growth rate since World War II. The world economy is 
expected to recover only gradually in 2010. 
With this economic background in mind, your board recognises that 2009 will be a challenging year. We do though believe 
in the long-term merits of investing in Malaysia and the ASEAN region and support the Manager's positive long-term view 
as articulated in the report in the following pages of this Report and Accounts. The Malaysian economy, and the 
companies operating within it, is in better shape than many of its peers. Corporate valuations appear as attractively 
low now as they have been for some years. 
Despite the dramatic market declines of 2008 (which have so far continued into 2009), the Directors are of the view that 
the ongoing structural changes taking place in Malaysia - when combined with the prudent stock selection approach of the 
Manager - should provide good long-term opportunities.. 
In accordance with recent past practice, the Directors do not recommend the payment of a dividend. There were also no 
changes in the composition of your board during the year. 
Gordon Young 
March 2009 
Manager's Report 
Commenting on the results the Manager has made the following statement: 
It says a lot about the environment for emerging market equities that Malaysia put in one of the better performances in 
2008, despite a 41.8% fall in the KLSE Index in US dollars. The Malaysian market seems to have suffered less than some 
from foreign equity withdrawal because foreign investors had a relatively low exposure to begin with. However smaller 
company equities performed worse than those of larger companies - in both Malaysia and elsewhere - and this held back 
the Fund's performance; the Fund's NAV fell 53.9% in US dollars, before winding up costs. 
Malaysia has one of the world's most open economies, with trade around 200% of GDP. Weak global demand has thus shown up 
very quickly in the trade data: exports fell nearly 15% year-on-year in December. While this will affect the outlook for 
employment, luckily it is not a disaster for the balance of payments or the currency because imports fell even more than 
exports, so the trade balance was stable. This import compression is likely to persist because electronic and electrical 
goods, which together constitute around half of Malaysia's total exports, have a very high import content. 
The issues facing the corporate sector are two-fold, and are exactly what companies everywhere are experiencing, that 
is, demand has shrunk and credit has dried up. Fortunately the local banks are among the most liquid in the world (loans 
to deposits around 75%) so a good business should still be able to find ringgit funding even if dollars are less 
forthcoming. It helps that the Malaysian banking system entered the credit squeeze from a strong position. Credit has 
been steadily shrinking as a proportion of GDP since 1998, a result of corporate sector deleveraging after the currency 
turmoil in 1997 and a reluctance to borrow much ever since. By and large the companies know what to do, having survived 
the slump of the late 1990s. Thus they are delaying expansion plans, cutting nonessential spending and letting go some 
contract labour.  As a result, it is possible that some companies could even emerge from the downturn stronger than many 
of their international competitors, notably in the more specialised areas of construction and manufacturing and in 
The very testing environment has brought down our expectations for earnings and cash flow generation for many of the 
Fund's holdings, and this inevitably reduces our estimates of what these businesses are worth. However in most cases 
share prices have more than reflected these reductions. The challenge is to look through the cycle to the eventual 
recovery and ensure the Fund is exposed to a good spread of companies that will benefit when the capital markets start 
to thaw. In trying to establish firm value in a volatile environment, it also pays to use a range of valuation 
techniques - for example book value can be a useful tool when earnings and cash flow are, for whatever reason, not 
representative of the company's long run potential. 
Domestic political upheaval took a temporary break in September with the Prime Minister's announcement that he will 
retire as UMNO President in March 2009. The leadership will fall to Deputy Prime Minister Najib, who seems fully aware 
that his administration's survival will depend on its performance. Najib has said it is time to adjust the long-standing 
policies of positive affirmation (put in place in 1971 by his father when he was Prime Minister), and that failure to do 
so will lose UMNO the next election. It seems Malaysia may be entering an interesting period of political reform, and if 
successfully executed it might help to open the country further in terms of human capital and could stem the brain drain 
among non-Malays. 
In the near term however, the incoming Najib administration is likely to focus on the economy. Growth is likely to be in 
the very low single digits at best in 2009 and it speaks volumes about the gravity of the situation that the government 
is already working on a second stimulus package just months after delivering its first one. It is unclear how effective 
the multiplier of this fiscal spending can be, given the low level of consumer confidence and relatively high level of 
personal debt, but at least a coordinated plan should provide a degree of support that is currently missing. 
Longer term the damage is not expected to be crippling. Malaysia has a broad and competitive industrial base and a 
stable macro policy, which give some protection from extreme volatility. In addition the incoming administration appears 
to have an eye on international competitiveness and attractiveness to foreign direct investment. Malaysia's export 
orientation and economic diversity are likely to perk up with any international recovery and it is a fair bet that its 
entrepreneurial and flexible corporate sector will not stay in the doldrums for long. 
Genesis Asset Managers, LLP 
March 2009 
Principal Risks and Uncertainties 
The principal risks and uncertainties faced by the Company fall into five broad categories: investment and strategy; 
accounting, legal and regulatory; corporate governance and shareholder relations; operational and financial. Information 
on each of these areas is given in the Directors Report within the Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements for 
the year ended 31st December, 2008. 
Related Party Transactions 
During the financial year, no transactions with related parties have taken place which have materially affected the 
financial position or the performance of the Company during the period. 
Directors' Responsibilities 
The Board of Directors confirms that, to the best of its knowledge that: 
(i)the financial statements have been prepared in accordance with applicable International Financial Reporting 
Standards, and give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the 
Company; and 
(ii)the Annual Report, to be published shortly, includes a fair review of the development and performance of the 
business and the position of the Company, together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties that they 
For and on behalf of the Board 
Gordon Young 
20th March 2009 
                          GENESIS MALAYSIA MAJU FUND LIMITED 
                             BALANCE SHEET 
                       as at 31st December, 2008 
                                                                      2008                     2007 
                                            $                        $ 
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss53,242,341116,882,779 
Amounts due from brokers    38,403  1,366,338 
Trade and other receivables   124,973    135,156 
Cash and cash equivalents   965,441    572,793 
        TOTAL ASSETS        54,371,158118,957,066 
Amounts due to brokers                 -  1,235,665 
Bank overdraft                         -     21,140 
Trade and other payables   846,999    341,600 
        TOTAL LIABILITIES   846,999  1,598,405 
        TOTAL NET ASSETS53,524,159117,358,661 
Called-up share capital            26,000     26,000 
Share premium        13,736,332 13,736,332 
Retained earnings39,761,827103,596,329 
        TOTAL EQUITY                        53,524,159117,358,661 
PREFERENCE SHARE            $35.18     $77.15 
                              INCOME STATEMENT 
                  for the year ended 31st December, 2008 
                      2008       2007 
                        $         $ 
Net (losses)/gains from designated financial 
        assets at fair value through profit or loss      (63,611,156) 37,706,937 
Net exchange losses          (141,990)    (36,616) 
Dividend income        3,016,693  2,759,070 
Deposit interest    5,357     61,824 
TOTAL NET (LOSS)/INCOME      (60,731,096) 40,491,215 
TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES       (2,434,711) (2,262,798) 
OPERATING (LOSS)/PROFIT      (63,165,807) 38,228,417 
Bank charges             (572)       (183) 
Interest expense   (6,009)     (7,291) 
Overdraft expenses   (5,000)          - 
TOTAL FINANCE COSTS  (11,581)     (7,474) 
(LOSS)/PROFIT FOR THE YEAR BEFORE TAX      (63,177,388) 38,220,943 
Taxation         (657,114)   (654,667) 
(LOSS)/PROFIT FOR THE YEAR                      (63,834,502) 37,566,276 
*  Calculated on an average number of 1,521,022 Participating Preference Shares outstanding(2007: 1,521,022) 
                               STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY 
                           For the year ended 31st December, 2008 
                                   31st December, 2008 
                               Share CapitalShare PremiumRetained Earnings Total 
                                         $         $             $            $ 
Net assets at the beginning of the year      26,000   13,736,332      103,596,329  117,358,661 
Loss for the year                           -            -      (63,834,502) (63,834,502) 
Net assets at the end of the year      26,000   13,736,332       39,761,827   53,524,159 
                                    31st December, 2007 
                               Share CapitalShare PremiumRetained Earnings Total 
                                         $           $               $    $ 
Net assets at the beginning of the year      26,000   13,736,332       66,030,053   79,792,385 
Profit for the year                           -            -       37,566,276   37,566,276 
Net assets at the end of the year      26,000   13,736,332      103,596,329  117,358,661 
                          STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS 
                   for the year ended 31st December, 2008 
                                    2008        2007 
                                       $    $ 
Investment income received               3,018,840    2,099,685 
Taxation paid                        (657,114)    (654,667) 
Interest received                  13,845       65,015 
Interest paid                          (6,232)      (7,068) 
Operating expenses paid       (1,935,113)  (1,741,801) 
Purchase of investments                     (16,226,692) (24,776,236) 
Proceeds from sale of investments      16,348,244   24,845,311 
Exchange losses                                (141,990)     (36,616) 
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 551,653      758,030 
                                                            31st December, 2008Per Participating 
                                                  Total Preference Share 
                                                     $               $ 
Published Net Asset Value, Participating Preference Shares     54,113,369           35.58 
Accrual for winding up costs                               (600,000)   (0.40) 
Net Asset Value under IFRS,                             53,513,369           35.18 
Participating Preference Shares 
Equity share capital                                         10,790            0.01 
Net Asset Value under IFRS                              53,524,159           35.19 
                                    31st December, 2007Per Participating 
                                                  Total Preference Share 
                                                     $               $ 
Published Net Asset Value, Participating Preference Shares    117,347,871           77.15 
Equity share capital                                         10,790            0.01 
Net Asset Value under IFRS                            117,358,661           77.16 
1. Accounting policies 
The Fund financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). 
2. Status of preliminary announcement 
The financial information set out in this preliminary announcement does not constitute the Fund's statutory financial 
statements for the years ended 31st December 2008 or 2007. The financial information for the year ended 31st December 
2008 is derived from the statutory financial statements for that year. Given the pending wind up of the Fund following 
the year end (as discussed above), the going concern basis of accounting is no longer appropriate. Adjustments have been 
made in the statutory financial statements to reduce assets to their realisable values, to provide for liabilities 
arising from the decision, and to reclassify fixed assets and long-term liabilities as current assets and liabilities. 
The auditors will report on those financial statements; their opinion is not expected to be qualified in this respect, 
but will emphasise these issues. 
The statutory financial statements for the year ended 31st December 2008 will be finalised on the basis of the 
information presented by the Directors in this preliminary announcement following the approval of the financial 
statements by the Board of Directors. Whilst the financial information included in this preliminary announcement has 
been computed in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), this announcement does not in 
itself contain sufficient information to comply with IFRS. The Fund expects to publish full financial statements that 
comply with IFRS following the approval of the financial statements by the Board of Directors. 
For Genesis Malaysia Maju Fund Limited 
HSBC Securities Services (Guernsey) Limited, Secretary 
20th March, 2009 

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