RNS Number : 1475G 
Allianz Dresdner End Pol Tst 2010 
26 January 2010 

For immediate release 26th January 2010 
Half-yearly financial report 
for the six months to 31st December 2009 
Interim Management Report 
Investment Review 
A summary of the results for the six months ended 31st December 2009 is set out 
overleaf. The Net Asset Value as at 31st December 2009 was 117.6p per share 
compared to 112.4p as at 30th June 2009 and 115.9p as at 31st December 2008. 
This represents an increase of 1.5% since 31st December 2008, and an increase 
of 4.6% over the last six months.  Over the year to 31st December 2009 the 
Company's share price increased by approximately 11.2% to 106.75p. 
The Company currently has investments in policies valued at GBP19.6 million from 
a total of 30 with-profits funds. The Board has determined that, in the absence 
of sufficient transactional data, the most appropriate basis of valuation of the 
Company's portfolio is that of estimated surrender value. 
During the six month period the Company received proceeds of policy maturities 
amounting to GBP1.9 million. The average annualised return on these policies was 
2.9%, excluding benefits arising from demutualisation.As at 31st December 2009, 
the Company had repaid in full all borrowings and had fixed interest, cash and 
swap positions of GBP6.7 million, approximately 25.6% of total net assets. 
The six month period to 31st December 2009 witnessed the continued stabilisation 
and recovery of financial markets. Equities continued the rally that started in 
early March. Bond markets have returned to life with vigour, with very 
significant new issuance from a wide variety of issuers, both investment grade 
and more speculative names.   Even the securitisation market is showing signs of 
life, a development that would have been unthinkable a year ago. 
The outlook for the coming year is more than usually uncertain. 2010 is likely 
to be the year in which the interventions made by governments and central banks 
over the last two years start to be reversed.  The outcome of this process is 
uncertain for a number of reasons, but mainly because government and central 
bank intervention in markets have never been witnessed on such a scale. 
The trajectory of life office bonus rates is also uncertain.  While bonus rates 
have been reduced significantly over the past year, there have been improvements 
in market levels which have been reflected in an increase in Surrender Values by 
some companies. It is hoped that this will be followed by an increase in 
Terminal Bonuses. Additionally shareholders can take some comfort from the fact 
that over 90% of the Company's assets held in policies are represented by 
guaranteed sums assured and declared reversionary bonuses. 
Projected final net asset values 
The Company publishes projected final net asset values on a regular basis. These 
projections are based on possible future bonus rate levels, which will reflect, 
inter alia, the investment returns earned by the underlying with-profits funds. 
Projected final net asset values as at 31st December 2009 are given in the table 
|            |   150%    |    100%    |    50%     |    No     | 
|            |  Current  |  Current   |  Current   |  Further  | 
|            |  Bonus    |   Bonus    |   Bonus    |  Bonuses  | 
|            |  Rates    |   Rates    |   Rates    |           | 
| Projected  |  121.9p   |  117.2p    |   112.7p   |  108.2p   | 
| final net  |           |            |            |           | 
| asset      |           |            |            |           | 
| value at   |           |            |            |           | 
| 31st       |           |            |            |           | 
| December   |           |            |            |           | 
| 2010       |           |            |            |           | 
Projected final net asset values are calculated using the principal bases and 
assumptions set out on the last page of this announcement. They provide an 
indication of the sensitivity of the projected final net asset value to bonus 
rate changes. They should not be taken as forecasts of any particular degree of 
change in rate levels. 
Accrued guaranteed benefits 
Guaranteed benefits are included in the policy portfolio, comprising sums 
assured and reversionary bonuses declared to date.  Assuming no further bonuses, 
but after deducting estimated future expenses, at 31st December 2009 they 
represented a projected final net asset value of 108.2p. 
Earnings and dividend 
The Company is managed with the objective of providing returns to investors in 
the form of capital growth. The continuing deficit on the revenue account is 
consistent with this objective. Consequently, no dividend will be payable. 
Share buy backs 
During the period under review, no Ordinary Shares were bought back for 
The Company operates as an approved investment trust within the meaning of 
Section 842 of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988. Such approval has been 
granted for the accounting year ended 30th June 2008 and is expected to be 
granted for the year ended 30th June 2009. The Company is not a close company. 
Material events and transactions 
 In the six month period ended 31st December 2009 the following material events 
and transactions have taken place. 
At the Annual General Meeting of the Company held on 3rd November 2009 all the 
resolutions put to shareholders were passed. 
There were no buy backs of shares and no related party transactions in the 
Responsibility statement 
The Directors confirm to the best of their knowledge that: 
  *  the condensed set of financial statements contained within the half yearly 
  financial report has been prepared in accordance with the Accounting Standards 
  Board's Statement 'Half-Yearly Financial Reports'; and 
  *  the interim management report includes a fair review of the information required 
  by Disclosure and Transparency Rule 4.2.7 R, of important events that have 
  occurred during the first six months of the financial year, and their impact on 
  the condensed set of financial statements, and a description of the principal 
  risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the financial year; and 
  *  the interim management report includes a fair review of the information 
  concerning related parties transactions as required by Disclosure and 
  Transparency Rule 4.2.8 R. 
The half-yearly financial report was approved by the Board on 26th January 2010 
and the above responsibility statement was signed on its behalf by the Chairman. 
Principal risks and uncertainties 
The principal risks and uncertainties facing the Company over the next six 
months are broadly unchanged from those described in the Annual Financial Report 
for the year ended 30th June 2009. These are set out in the Business Review 
beginning on page 12 of that Report, together with commentary on the Board's 
approach to mitigating the risks and uncertainties. 
155 Bishopsgate    By Order of the Board 
London EC2M 3ADF R Wales 
26th January 2010                                      Chairman 
| SUMMARY OF UNAUDITED RESULTS                                                                     | 
|                                                                                                  | 
| INCOME STATEMENT                                                                                 | 
| Six months ended 31st December 2009   |                  |                   |                   | 
|                                       |          Revenue |           Capital |             Total | 
|                                       |                  |                   |            Return | 
|                                       |         GBP'000s |          GBP'000s |          GBP'000s | 
| Net gains on investments at fair      |                - |             1,333 |             1,333 | 
| value                                 |                  |                   |                   | 
| Income                                |   194            |                 - |               194 | 
| Management and advisory fees          |            (206) |                 - |             (206) | 
| Administration expenses               |             (81) |                 - |              (81) | 
| Net return before finance costs and   |             (93) |             1,333 |             1,240 | 
| taxation                              |                  |                   |                   | 
|                                       |                  |                   |                   | 
| Finance costs: interest payable and   |                - |                 - |                 - | 
| similar charges                       |                  |                   |                   | 
|                                       |                  |                   |                   | 
| Net return on ordinary activities     |             (93) |             1,333 |             1,240 | 
| before taxation                       |                  |                   |                   | 
|                                       |                  |                   |                   | 
| Taxation                              |                - |                 - |                 - | 
|                                       |                  |                   |                   | 
| Net return attributable to Ordinary   |             (93) |             1,333 |             1,240 | 
| Shareholders                          |                  |                   |                   | 
|                                       |                  |                   |                   | 
| Return per Ordinary Share             |          (0.42)p |             5.97p |             5.55p | 
|                                       |                  |                   |                   | 
| The total column of this statement is the profit and loss account of                             | 
| the Company.                                                                                     | 
|                                                                                                  | 
| The return per Ordinary Share is based on a weighted average number of                           | 
| shares of 22,325,000.                                                                            | 
| BALANCE SHEET                                             | GBP'000s | 
| As at 31st December 2009                                  |          | 
|                                                           |          | 
| Investments held at fair value through profit or loss     |   22,491 | 
| Fair value of interest rate swaps                         |      499 | 
| Net current assets                                        |    3,261 | 
| Total Net Assets                                          |   26,251 | 
|                                                           |          | 
| Called up Share Capital                                   |      223 | 
| Share Premium Account                                     |    4,750 | 
| Capital Redemption Reserve                                |       27 | 
| Capital Reserve                                           |   12,364 | 
| Special Reserve                                           |   17,346 | 
| Hedging Reserve                                           |        4 | 
| Revenue Reserve                                           |  (8,463) | 
| Equity Shareholders' Funds                                |   26,251 | 
|                                                           |          | 
| Net asset value per Ordinary Share *                      |   117.6p | 
* The net asset value is based on 22,325,000 Ordinary Shares in issue. 
| SUMMARY OF UNAUDITED RESULTS                                                                                | 
| INCOME STATEMENT                                                                                            | 
| Six months ended 31st December 2008   |                        |               |                            | 
|                                       |                Revenue |       Capital |                      Total | 
|                                       |                        |               |                     Return | 
|                                       |               GBP'000s |      GBP'000s |                   GBP'000s | 
| Net losses on investments at fair     |                      - |       (3,532) |                    (3,532) | 
| value                                 |                        |               |                            | 
| Income                                |                     39 |             - |                         39 | 
| Management and advisory fees          |                  (213) |             - |                      (213) | 
| Management fee VAT refund             |                    110 |             - |                        110 | 
| Administration expenses               |                   (94) |             - |                       (94) | 
|                                       |                        |               |                            | 
| Net return before finance costs and   |                  (158) |       (3,532) |                    (3,690) | 
| taxation                              |                        |               |                            | 
|                                       |                        |               |                            | 
| Finance costs: interest payable and   |                    376 |             - |                        376 | 
| similar charges                       |                        |               |                            | 
|                                       |                        |               |                            | 
| Net return on ordinary activities     |                    218 |       (3,532) |  (3,314)                   | 
| before taxation                       |                        |               |                            | 
|                                       |                        |               |                            | 
| Taxation                              |                      - |             - |                          - | 
|                                       |                        |               |                            | 
| Net return attributable to Ordinary   |                    218 |       (3,532) |                    (3,314) | 
| Shareholders                          |                        |               |                            | 
|                                       |                        |               |                            | 
| Return per Ordinary Share             |                  0.97p |      (15.82)p |                   (14.85)p | 
|                                       |                        |               |                            | 
| The total column of this statement is the profit and loss account of                                        | 
| the Company.                                                                                                | 
|                                                                                                             | 
| The return per Ordinary Share is based on a weighted average number of                                      | 
| shares of 22,325,000.                                                                                       | 
| BALANCE SHEET                                             | GBP'000s  | 
| As at 31st December 2008                                  |           | 
|                                                           |           | 
| Investments held at fair value through profit or loss     |    24,802 | 
| Fair value of interest rate swaps                         |       285 | 
| Net current assets                                        |       790 | 
| Total Net Assets                                          |    25,877 | 
|                                                           |           | 
| Called up Share Capital                                   |       223 | 
| Share Premium Account                                     |     4,750 | 
| Capital Redemption Reserve                                |        27 | 
| Capital Reserve                                           |    11,682 | 
| Special Reserve                                           |    17,419 | 
| Hedging Reserve                                           |         8 | 
| Revenue Reserve                                           |   (8,232) | 
| Equity Shareholders' Funds                                |    25,877 | 
|                                                           |           | 
| Net asset value per Ordinary Share *                      |    115.9p | 
* The net asset value is based on 22,325,000 Ordinary Shares in issue. 
| SUMMARY OF UNAUDITED RESULTS                                                                                            | 
| INCOME STATEMENT                                                                                                        | 
| Year ended 30th June 2009             |                            |                      |                             | 
|                                       |                    Revenue |              Capital |                       Total | 
|                                       |                            |                      |                      Return | 
|                                       |                   GBP'000s |             GBP'000s |                    GBP'000s | 
| Net losses on investments at fair     |                          - |             (4,184)  |                     (4,184) | 
| value                                 |                            |                      |                             | 
| Income                                |                         86 |                    - |                          86 | 
| Management and advisory fees          |                      (405) |                    - |                       (405) | 
| Management fee VAT refund             |                         71 |                    - |                          71 | 
| Administration expenses               |                            |                    - |                             | 
|                                       |                      (128) |                      |                       (128) | 
|                                       |                            |                      |                             | 
| Net return before finance costs and   |   (376)                    | (4,184)              |   (4,560)                   | 
| taxation                              |                            |                      |                             | 
|                                       |                            |                      |                             | 
| Finance costs: interest payable and   |                        457 |                      |                             | 
| similar charges                       |                            |                    - |                      457    | 
|                                       |                            |                      |                             | 
| Net return on ordinary activities     | 81                         | (4,184)              |                             | 
| before taxation                       |                            |                      |                    (4,103)  | 
| Taxation                              |                          - |                    - |                           - | 
|                                       |                            |                      |                             | 
| Net return attributable to Ordinary   | 81                         |                      |   (4,103)                   | 
| Shareholders                          |                            | (4,184)              |                             | 
|                                       |                            |                      |                             | 
| Return per Ordinary Share             |                      0.36p |                      |                    (18.38)p | 
|                                       |                            |             (18.74)p |                             | 
|                                       |                            |                      |                             | 
| The total column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the                                                | 
| Company.                                                                                                                | 
|                                                                                                                         | 
| The return per Ordinary Share is based on a weighted average number of                                                  | 
| shares of 22,325,000.                                                                                                   | 
| BALANCE SHEET                                             |     GBP'000s | 
| As at 30th June 2009                                      |              | 
|                                                           |              | 
| Investments held at fair value through profit or loss     |       21,326 | 
| Fair value of interest rate swaps                         |          364 | 
| Net current assets                                        |        3,396 | 
| Total Net Assets                                          |       25,086 | 
|                                                           |              | 
| Called up Share Capital                                   |          223 | 
| Share Premium Account                                     |        4,750 | 
| Capital Redemption Reserve                                |           27 | 
| Capital Reserve                                           |       11,031 | 
| Special Reserve                                           |       17,419 | 
| Hedging Reserve                                           |            6 | 
| Revenue Reserve                                           |      (8,370) | 
| Equity Shareholders' Funds                                |       25,086 | 
|                                                           |              | 
| Net asset value per Ordinary Share *                      |       112.4p | 
* The net asset value is based on 22,325,000 Ordinary Shares in issue. 
 For the six months ended 31st December 2009 and comparative periods 
|                     |   Called |    Share |    Capital |   Capital |  Special |  Hedging |  Revenue |    Total | 
|                     |       up |  Premium | Redemption |   Reserve |  Reserve |  Reserve |  Reserve |          | 
|                     |    Share |  Account |    Reserve |           |          |          |          |          | 
|                     |  Capital |          |            |           |          |          |          |          | 
|                     | GBP'000s | GBP'000s |   GBP'000s |  GBP'000s | GBP'000s | GBP'000s | GBP'000s | GBP'000s | 
| Six months ended    |          |          |            |           |          |          |          |          | 
| 31st December 2009  |          |          |            |           |          |          |          |          | 
|                     |          |          |            |           |          |          |          |          | 
| Net Assets at 30th  |      223 |    4,750 |         27 |    11,031 |   17,419 |        6 |  (8,370) |   25,086 | 
| June 2009           |          |          |            |           |          |          |          |          | 
|                     |          |          |            |           |          |          |          |          | 
| Amortisation of     |        - |        - |          - |         - |        - |      (2) |        - |    (2)   | 
| Hedging Reserve     |          |          |            |           |          |          |          |          | 
|                     |          |          |            |           |          |          |          |          | 
| Revenue Return      |        - |        - |          - |         - |        - |        - |     (93) |     (93) | 
|                     |          |          |            |           |          |          |          |          | 
| Dividend on         |        - |        - |          - |         - |     (73) |        - |        - |     (73) | 
| Ordinary Shares     |          |          |            |           |          |          |          |          | 
|                     |          |          |            |           |          |          |          |          | 
| Capital Return      |        - |        - |          - |    1,333  |        - |        - |        - |    1,333 | 
|                     |          |          |            |           |          |          |          |          | 
| Net Assets at 31st  |      223 |    4,750 |         27 |    12,364 |   17,346 |        4 |  (8,463) |   26,251 | 
| December 2009       |          |          |            |           |          |          |          |          | 
|                     |          |          |            |           |          |          |          |          | 
|                     |          |          |            |           |          |          |          |          | 
| Six months ended    |          |          |            |           |          |          |          |          | 
| 31st December 2008  |          |          |            |           |          |          |          |          | 
|                     |          |          |            |           |          |          |          |          | 
| Net Assets at 30th  |      223 |    4,750 |         27 |    15,215 |   17,419 |        7 |  (8,451) |   29,190 | 
| June 2008           |          |          |            |           |          |          |          |          | 
|                     |          |          |            |           |          |          |          |          | 
| Amortisation of     |        - |        - |          - |         - |        - |        1 |        - |        1 | 
| Hedging Reserve     |          |          |            |           |          |          |          |          | 
|                     |          |          |            |           |          |          |          |          | 
| Revenue Return      |        - |        - |          - |         - |        - |        - |      218 |      218 | 
|                     |          |          |            |           |          |          |          |          | 
| Capital Return      |        - |        - |          - |  (3,532)  |        - |        - |        - |  (3,532) | 
|                     |          |          |            |           |          |          |          |          | 
| Net Assets at 31st  |      223 |    4,750 |         27 |    11,682 |   17,419 |        8 |  (8,232) |   25,877 | 
| December 2008       |          |          |            |           |          |          |          |          | 
|                     |          |          |            |           |          |          |          |          | 
|                     |          |          |            |           |          |          |          |          | 
| Year ended 30th     |          |          |            |           |          |          |          |          | 
| June 2009           |          |          |            |           |          |          |          |          | 
|                     |          |          |            |           |          |          |          |          | 
| Net Assets at 30th  |      223 |    4,750 |         27 |    15,215 |   17,419 |        7 |  (8,451) |   29,190 | 
| June 2008           |          |          |            |           |          |          |          |          | 
|                     |          |          |            |           |          |          |          |          | 
| Amortisation of     |          |          |            |           |          |    (1)   |          |    (1)   | 
| Hedging Reserve     |          |          |            |           |          |          |          |          | 
|                     |          |          |            |           |          |          |          |          | 
| Revenue Return      |        - |        - |          - |         - |        - |        - |       81 |       81 | 
|                     |          |          |            |           |          |          |          |          | 
| Capital Return      |        - |        - |          - |  (4,184)  |        - |        - |        - |  (4,184) | 
|                     |          |          |            |           |          |          |          |          | 
| Net Assets at 30th  |      223 |    4,750 |         27 |   11,031  |   17,419 |        6 |  (8,370) |   25,086 | 
| June 2009           |          |          |            |           |          |          |          |          | 
|                     |          |          |            |           |          |          |          |          | 
|                     |          |          |            |           |          |          |          |          | 
For the six months ended 31st December 2009 and comparative periods 
|                                         |Six months to  |  |Six months to  |  |   Year to    | 
|                                         |31st December  |  |31st December  |  |  30th June   | 
|                                         |     2009      |  |     2008      |  |    2009      | 
|                                         |   GBP'000s    |  |   GBP'000s    |  |  GBP'000s    | 
| Net cash outflow from operating         |         (140) |  |          (39) |  |        (290) | 
| activities                              |               |  |               |  |              | 
|                                         |               |  |               |  |              | 
| Servicing of Finance                    |               |  |               |  |              | 
| Interest paid                           |             - |  |          (21) |  |         (21) | 
|                                         |               |  |               |  |              | 
| Capital expenditure and financial       |               |  |               |  |              | 
| investment                              |               |  |               |  |              | 
| Purchases of fixed asset investments    |       (1,857) |  |         (315) |  |        (601) | 
| Sales of fixed asset investments        |         2,011 |  |         2,414 |  |        5,524 | 
| Net cash inflow from capital            |           154 |  |         2,099 |  |        4,923 | 
| expenditure and financial investment    |               |  |               |  |              | 
|                                         |               |  |               |  |              | 
| Equity dividends paid                   |          (73) |  |             - |  |            - | 
|                                         |               |  |               |  |              | 
| Net cash (outflow) inflow before        |          (59) |  |         2,039 |  |        4,612 | 
| financing                               |               |  |               |  |              | 
|                                         |               |  |               |  |              | 
| Financing                               |               |  |               |  |              | 
| Decrease in loan                        |             - |  |       (1,950) |  |      (1,950) | 
| Net cash outflow from financing         |             - |  |       (1,950) |  |      (1,950) | 
|                                         |               |  |               |  |              | 
| (Decrease)Increase in cash              |          (59) |  |            89 |  |        2,662 | 
|                                         |               |  |               |  |              | 
As at 31st December 2009 
| Life Office                       |      Value of |     % of Total | 
|                                   |      Policies |    Investments | 
|                                   |               |                | 
|                                   |      GBP'000s |              % | 
| Standard Life                     |         9,021 |           40.1 | 
| Legal & General                   |         3,760 |           16.6 | 
| Scottish Provident                |         2,240 |           10.0 | 
| Scottish Widows                   |         1,183 |            5.3 | 
| Friends Provident                 |           689 |            3.0 | 
| AVIVA (Norwich Union)             |           414 |            1.8 | 
| Scottish Life                     |           401 |            1.8 | 
| Prudential (Scottish Amicable)    |           310 |            1.4 | 
| National Mutual Life              |           292 |            1.3 | 
| Clerical Medical                  |           231 |            1.0 | 
| Prudential                        |           222 |            1.0 | 
| Colonial                          |           169 |            0.8 | 
| AVIVA (Commercial Union)          |           125 |            0.6 | 
| Royal & Sun Alliance (Royal Life) |           101 |            0.4 | 
| Sun Life of Canada                |            66 |            0.3 | 
| Friends Provident (UKPI)          |            49 |            0.2 | 
| AVIVA (Provident Mutual)          |            44 |            0.2 | 
| MGM Assurance                     |            38 |            0.2 | 
| Refuge Assurance                  |            30 |            0.1 | 
| Scottish Mutual                   |            26 |            0.1 | 
| Total of twenty largest holdings  |        19,411 |           86.2 | 
| Holdings in other offices         |           169 |            0.9 | 
| Total holdings of endowment       |        19,580 |           87.1 | 
| policies                          |               |                | 
|                                   |               |                | 
|                                   |               |                | 
|                                   |               |                | 
| FIXED INTEREST HOLDINGS           |               |                | 
| As at 31st December 2009          |               |                | 
|                                   |      GBP'000s |              % | 
| EIB 5.5% Bd 07/12/11              |           532 |            2.4 | 
| EIB 4.25% Bd 07/12/10             |           804 |            3.5 | 
| UK Govt 6.25% 25.11.10            |         1,575 |            7.0 | 
|                                   |         2,911 |           12.9 | 
|                                   |               |                | 
| Total of Invested Funds           |        22,491 |          100.0 | 
|                                   |               |                | 
|                                   |               |                | 
|                                   |               |                | 
This Half Yearly Statement has been neither audited nor reviewed by the 
Company's Auditors. It has been prepared using the same accounting policies as 
those adopted in the Annual Financial Report for the year ended 30th June 2009, 
which have been summarised above and delivered to the Registrar of Companies. 
The Auditors' opinion on the Annual Financial Report was unqualified and did not 
contain a statement under section 498(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006. 
The Half Yearly Report will be sent to shareholders and made available to the 
public at the Registered Office of the Company, 155 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 
Principal bases and assumptions used in projecting the final net asset value 
The final net asset value has been calculated at 31st December 2010 on the basis 
  *  All policies are held to maturity, no death claims or demutualisation benefits 
  are received and no further purchases or disposals of policies are made. 
  *  The latest reversionary and terminal bonus rates declared at 31st December 2009 
  continue to apply until maturity or are reduced immediately by 50% or 100% or 
  increased by 50%. 
  *  The estimated mid-market gross redemption yields, as at 31st December 2009, for 
  policies of differing remaining terms, are assumed to remain unchanged. 
  *  Annual expenses are assumed to be in line with recent experience and future 
  annual inflation is assumed to be 3%. Interest rates payable and receivable by 
  the Company over the Company's remaining life, in so far as not fixed by swaps, 
  are assumed to be consistent with the shape of the swap yield curve at 31st 
  December 2009. 
  *  No further shares are issued or repurchased, nor are any dividends paid. 
  *  Projections make an allowance of GBP200,000 for the expenses of winding up the 
For further information, please contact:- 
Simon White 
Head of Investment Trusts, RCM (UK) Limited 
Tel: 020 7065 1539 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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