RNS Number:7945P
Axon Group PLC
16 September 2003

For immediate release                                          16 September 2003

                                 Axon Group plc


                    Significant revenues and profits growth

           Strong pipeline of new business transformation programmes

                  Confident of meeting full year expectations

Axon Group plc, the business transformation consultancy that services $1bn+
corporations that have SAP as their strategic platform, today announced interim
results for the six months ended 30 June 2003.

Key points for the six months include:

* Turnover up 15.3% to #24.6m (H1 2002: #21.3m)

* Profit before tax up 66.6% to #2.0m (H1 2002: #1.2m)

* Pre-tax profits before reorganisation costs and goodwill amortisation
  up 33.1% to #2.7m (H1 2002: #2.0m) *

* Strong pipeline of new business transformation programmes including
  preferred bidder status on major overseas project

* Strong balance sheet with cash and bank deposits of #14.5m (H1 2002:

* Adjusted diluted earnings per share up 36.4% to 3.4p (H1 2002: 2.5p)

* Dividend per share increased to 1.0p (H1 2002: 0.5p)

Mark Hunter, Chief Executive, said "Our market is flat and competitive and will
remain so for the foreseeable future.  We have demonstrated that by executing
our strategy, we can deliver growth in these conditions.  We are confident of
meeting market expectations for 2003 and look forward to 2004 with enthusiasm."

* Excluding goodwill amortisation and reorganisation costs of #0.4m and #0.3m
respectively (H1 2002: #0.4m and #0.4m respectively) and related tax effect in
relation to the adjusted profit after taxation

For further information, please contact:

Axon Group plc                                           01784 480 800
Mark Hunter, Chief Executive Officer

Grandfield                                               020 7417 4170
Matthew Jervois, Geoff Callow

Chairman and Chief Executive statement

For the six-month period up to 30 June 2003, turnover has increased 15.3% to
#24.6m (H1 2002: #21.3m), pre-tax profits before reorganisation costs and
goodwill amortisation have increased 33.1% to #2.7m (H1 2002: #2.0m), and
adjusted diluted earnings per share were up to 3.4p per share (H1 2002: 2.5p).
Adjusted earnings exclude goodwill amortisation and reorganisation costs of
#0.4m and #0.3m respectively (H1 2002: #0.4m and #0.4m respectively) and related
tax effect in relation to the adjusted profit after taxation. Unadjusted
earnings per share were 2.4p (H1 2002: 1.4p).  Operating profit increased to
#1.8m (H1 2002: #1.0m).

Whilst the market for business and technology consultancy has remained
challenging and competitive, our first half performance shows that the execution
of our strategy is delivering results.  We continued to deliver against the
large contracts that we secured in the UK during 2002 and also began working
with several new clients.  We have commenced early stage work on several new
significant business transformation programmes in Europe and the Middle East,
including one overseas client for which we are the preferred bidder for delivery
of the entire programme.

During the period, consultant utilisation was over 70% and total gross margin
increased to #7.0m (H1 2002: #6.5m).  However, in relative terms, gross margin
fell to 28.4% (H1 2002: 30.6%) due to a 1% increase in National Insurance
contributions, increased use of contractors and the growth of our commercial

We finished the first half with a total headcount of 378, which is up 17.4% from
the 322 employees we had as at 30 June 2002. We anticipate that we will sustain
this level of recruitment.

Our balance sheet is strong and the group had a healthy cash and bank deposit
balance at the end of the period of #14.5m (H1 2002: #11.5m).

I am pleased to announce the strengthening of the Finance team through the
appointment of Matthew Davison as Group Financial Controller in August 2003.
Matthew was previously CFO of Ster-Century Cinemas, the $100m turnover European
cinema group that was sold in July 2003.  Matthew is 30 years old.

It is proposed that the Company pay an interim dividend of 1.0p per share (H1
2002: 0.5p), to be paid on 21 November 2003 to shareholders on the register as
at 24 October 2003.

During the last three years, Axon has evolved into a business transformation
consultancy that can deliver major programmes of change for large organisations.
We are now realising the benefits of this strategy, and we are confident of
meeting market expectations for 2003.  We look forward to further progress
during 2004.

Mark Hunter

Chairman and Chief Executive

16 September 2003

Operational and Financial Review

Axon delivers business transformation programmes for large organisations that 
run SAP.  Our aim is to be the partner of choice in this market and provide all 
of the services required to deliver a major transformation programme.

The first six months of this year have seen continued progress in the execution 
of this strategy, as well as evidence of its success.  Our top ten clients all 
turn over in excess of $1bn; we were the most successful company by far in the 
most recent SAP Partner awards; and our revenue and profits are growing.

The market is challenging

Whilst there is real demand for the services we offer, the market is tough.  In 
recent years, over capacity in the marketplace has led to increased competition 
and pressure on margins.  In the same period, contract sizes have grown with 
prospects becoming more knowledgeable and capable in the procurement of 
services.  All this has led to more challenging, thorough and costly sales 
cycles, and to contracts which require us to share some of the risk inherent in 
the delivery of major projects.

We are winning business in this market

Our integrated business transformation proposition and our focus on the needs of
large organisations have enabled us to succeed in this market.  The quality and 
track record of our people and our methodology have enabled us both to convince 
prospects of our ability, and to confidently write contracts in which we bear 
some delivery risk.  This combination of proposition and capability is winning 
us business and we have commenced early stage work on significant business 
transformation programmes both in Europe and the Middle East, including one 
overseas client for which we are the preferred bidder for delivery of the entire

The depth and breadth of our proposition have grown

Our success in the market means we are delivering some very substantial 
programmes.  As a result, the revenue contribution of our top five clients has 
grown to 75% in H1 2003 from 56% in H1 2002.  We have also continued to broaden 
our proposition enabling us to address a wider range of client demands for 
business improvement.  This is well illustrated by the diversity of some of our 
recent client wins such as at BP, the Department of Work and Pensions and 

Our engagements are led by Business Consulting

All of our top ten clients now use our Business Consulting practice to assist in
the translation of business needs into programmes of work which improve 
performance.  As a result and as we expected, revenues from Business Consulting 
have grown to #5.1m (H1 2002: #3.5m) and the outlook continues to be positive.

Large programmes have driven growth in Solutions Implementation

After two years of flat or reducing revenues, our Solutions Implementation 
practice has delivered growth and revenues reached #12.7m (H1 2002: 12.6m).  
We anticipate further growth in Solutions Implementation in H2 to be driven by a
number of significant new programmes.

Applications Management has returned to growth

Applications Management suffered from the impact of contract delays in 2002. 
I am pleased to report that these contracts have now been signed, and that 
Applications Management revenues grew to #6.8m (H1 2002: #5.2m). 
During H1 2003, we further strengthened our 7*24 hour support proposition by 
creating an offshore facility in Dubai Internet City.

The expected revenue ratio of Business Consulting to Solutions Implementation to
Applications Management is 1:3:2. Business Consulting therefore performed 
slightly better than anticipated in this respect.

Service based sectors are driving growth

The sectors in which we are seeing the greatest demand for our services include 
utilities, transport and the public sector.  The large majority of our new 
business wins are with large services organisations, as we anticipated at the 
beginning of the year.

Greatest demand is for UK projects

We have seen decreasing demand for major multinational delivery programmes. 
Most of the major programmes of work that our prospects are seeking to embark 
upon are national, and the large majority are UK based. 
Our international revenues have grown slightly to #6.4m (H1 2002: #6.2m).  
We anticipate increased international growth in H2 2003 as a consequence of the 
strength of our pipeline in the Middle East.

Overheads are under control

Overheads fell to #4.7m (H1 2002: #4.8m) which is an excellent performance 
considering the underlying revenue growth in the business. 
Reorganisation costs fell to #0.3m (H1 2002: #0.4m) which reflects the progress 
that we have made in aligning the structure of the business with the demands of
the marketplace.  We expect reorganisation costs to be negligible in H2 2003.

Our balance sheet is strong

Large business transformation contracts generally result in fluctuating cash 
flow and increased levels of work-in-progress. Therefore, we are pleased with
our performance in cash and debtor management as cash and bank deposits in the 
business grew to #14.5m (H1 2002: #11.5m) whilst net debtors remained broadly 
level at #14.5m (H1 2002: #14.9m), and debtor days decreased from 75 as at 30 
June 2002 to 57 as at 30 June 2003.

Our people have delivered an outstanding performance

The continuous evolution of our business to service changing client demands and
remain competitive is not without its challenges. The results that we are 
reporting are delivered through the talent, focus and responsiveness of our 
people, and I am very grateful for their continued commitment.

The execution of our strategy is delivering results

Our investment in restructuring our business to provide a full business 
transformation proposition is paying off.  We do not expect market conditions to
change significantly for the foreseeable future and delivering growth will 
require us to continue to win in a competitive market.  Our continued focus on 
changing client needs and excellent delivery have enabled us to return Axon to 
growth. We believe that we will meet market expectations for 2003, and we look 
forward to 2004 with enthusiasm.

Mark Hunter

Chairman and Chief Executive

16 September 2003

Independent review report to Axon Group plc


We have been instructed by Axon Group plc to review the financial information
for the six months ended 30 June 2003 which comprises the profit and loss
account, the balance sheet, the cash flow statement and related notes 1 to 7
together with the reconciliation of movement in shareholders' funds.  We have
read the other information contained in the interim report and considered
whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with
the financial information.

This report is made solely to the company in accordance with Bulletin 1999/4
issued by the Auditing Practices Board. Our work has been undertaken so that we
might state to the company those matters we are required to state to them in an
independent review report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent
permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than
the company, for our review work, for this report, or for the conclusions we
have formed.

Directors' responsibilities

The interim report, including the financial information contained therein, is
the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the directors.  The directors
are responsible for preparing the interim report in accordance with the Listing
Rules of the Financial Services Authority which require that the accounting
policies and presentation applied to the interim figures should be consistent
with those applied in preparing the preceding annual accounts except where any
changes, and the reasons for them, are disclosed.

Review work performed

We conducted our review in accordance with the guidance contained in Bulletin
1999/4 issued by the Auditing Practices Board for use in the United Kingdom.  A
review consists principally of making enquiries of group management and applying
analytical procedures to the financial information and underlying financial data
and, based thereon, assessing whether the accounting policies and presentation
have been consistently applied unless otherwise disclosed.  A review excludes
audit procedures such as tests of controls and verification of assets,
liabilities and transactions.  It is substantially less in scope than an audit
performed in accordance with United Kingdom auditing standards and therefore
provides a lower level of assurance than an audit.  Accordingly, we do not
express an audit opinion on the financial information.

Review conclusion

On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material modifications that
should be made to the financial information as presented for the six months
ended 30 June 2003.

Deloitte & Touche LLP

Chartered Accountants


16 September 2003

Consolidated profit and loss account
                                 Unaudited Six      Unaudited Six      Year to
                                  Months to 30       Months to 30       31 Dec 
                                      June2003           June2002         2002     

                                        #'000             #'000         #'000

Turnover                               24,616            21,348        43,112
Cost of sales                         (17,623)          (14,808)      (30,247)
                                      ---------         ---------    ----------

Gross profit                            6,993             6,540        12,865

Administration  expenses               (4,689)           (4,846)       (9,447)
Reorganisation costs                     (267)             (417)         (799)
Goodwill amortisation                    (366)             (366)         (732)
                                       ---------         ---------    ----------
Total administrative expenses          (5,322)           (5,629)      (10,978)
Other operating income                     90                87           175
                                       ---------         ---------     ---------                         
Operating profit                        1,761               998         2,062

Net interest receivable                   275               224           418                
                                       ---------         ---------    ----------
Profit on ordinary
activities before taxation              2,036             1,222         2,480
Tax on profit on                                             
ordinary activities       2              (790)             (519)       (1,049)
                                       ---------        ---------     ----------                                

Profit on ordinary                                                      
activities after
taxation                                1,246               703         1,431 
Proposed dividend                        (520)             (260)       (1,040)
                                      ---------         ---------    ----------
Retained profit for the period            726               443           391

Earnings per share (p)    3               2.4               1.4           2.8

Adjusted earnings per     
share (p)                 3               3.5               2.6           5.2

Diluted earnings per      
share (p)                 3               2.4               1.3           2.7

Adjusted diluted          
earnings per share (p)    3               3.4               2.5           5.1

Dividend per share (p)    7               1.0               0.5           2.0

Consolidated balance sheet
                                   Unaudited          Unaudited    31 December
                                30 June 2003       30 June 2002           2002
                                       #'000              #'000          #'000
Fixed assets
Intangible assets                      6,058              6,629          6,424
Tangible assets                        1,784              2,075          1,718
Investments                                -                  -              -
                                    ----------          ---------      ---------
                                       7,842              8,704          8,142
                                    ----------          ---------      ---------
Current assets
Debtors : amounts falling             
due within one year                   14,505             14,919         12,418
Short term investments -              
bank deposits                         12,378              6,351         14,522
Cash at bank and in hand               2,146              5,130            966
                                    ----------          ---------      ---------
                                      29,029             26,400         27,906
                                    ----------          ---------      ---------

Creditors : amounts falling
due within one year                   (8,647)            (7,571)        (8,555)
                                    ----------          ---------      ---------
Net current assets                    20,382             18,829         19,351
                                    ----------          ---------      ---------
Total assets less current           
liabilities                           28,224             27,533         27,493
                                    ----------          ---------      ---------
Creditors : amounts falling
due after more than one
year                                    (275)              (266)          (270)
                                    ----------          ---------      ---------
Net assets                            27,949             27,267         27,223
                                    ----------          ---------      ---------

Share capital                            520                520            520
Share premium account                 15,550             15,539         15,550
Merger reserve                            51                 51             51
Profit and loss account               11,828             11,157         11,102
                                    ----------          ---------      ---------
Equity shareholders'funds             27,949             27,267         27,223
                                    ----------          ---------      ---------
Reconciliation of movement     Unaudited Six      Unaudited Six   Audited Year
in shareholders' funds     Months to 30 June  Months to 30 June      to 31 Dec
                                        2003               2002           2002
                                       #'000              #'000          #'000

Profit for the period                  1,246                703          1,431
Dividends                               (520)              (260)        (1,040)
Issue of new shares                        -                 69             80
Other recognised losses                    -                  -             (3)
                                    ----------          ---------      ---------
Net addition to
shareholders' funds                      726                512            468
Opening shareholders'
funds                                 27,223             26,755         26,755
                                    ----------          ---------      ---------
Closing shareholders' 
funds                                 27,949             27,267         27,223
                                    ----------          ---------      ---------

Consolidated cashflow
                                   Unaudited Six   Unaudited Six       Year to
                                    Months to 30    Months to 30   31 December
                                       June 2003       June 2002          2002

                            Note           #'000           #'000         #'000
Net cash inflow from
operating activities           4             882             128         5,676

Returns on investments and
servicing of finance
Interest received                            282             312           534
Interest paid                                 (7)            (88)         (116)
                                          --------        --------     ---------
Net cash inflow from
returns on investments
and servicing of finance                     275             224           418
                                          --------        --------     ---------

UK corporation tax paid                     (636)           (512)       (1,360)
Capital expenditure and
financial investment
Payments to acquire
tangible fixed assets                       (605)           (553)         (781)
Proceeds on fixed asset
disposal                                       -               -            23
                                          --------        --------     ---------
Net cash outflow from
capital expenditure
and financial investment                    (605)           (553)         (758)
                                          --------        --------     ---------

Acquisitions and
Purchase of subsidiary 
investments                                    -               -          (165)
Net cash acquired with
subsidiaries                                   -               -            47
                                          --------        --------     ---------
                                               -               -          (118)

Equity dividends paid                       (780)           (519)         (780)
                                          --------        --------     ---------

Cash (outflow)/inflow
before use of liquid
resources and financing                     (864)         (1,232)        3,078

Management of liquid
Short-term deposits repaid                       
/(payments into short-term                                              
deposits)                                  2,144           6,035        (1,714)
                                          --------        --------      --------                           

Issue of new shares                            -              69            80
Repayment of key employee                                            
deposits (unsecured)                        (100)           (152)         (299)
Redemption of loan notes                       -          (5,815)       (5,982)
                                          --------        --------     ---------
Net cash outflow from
financing                                   (100)         (5,898)       (6,201)
                                          --------        --------     ---------
Increase / (decrease) in
cash                           6           1,180          (1,095)       (4,837)
                                          --------        --------     ---------

Notes to the financial statements

1         The interim results have been prepared in accordance with applicable
United Kingdom Accounting Standards under the historical cost convention and are
in accordance with the Company's accounting policies as set out in the annual
report and accounts for the year ended 31 December 2002. The results for the
year ended 31 December 2002 are not statutory accounts.  A copy of the statutory
accounts for that year have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.  The
auditors report on those accounts was not qualified.

2         The interim tax charge reflects an estimate of the likely effective
tax rate for the full year applied to the interim profit on ordinary activities.

3         Earnings per share has been calculated in accordance with Financial
Reporting Standard 14, by dividing the consolidated profit after tax
attributable to ordinary shareholders by the weighted average number of 1p
ordinary shares outstanding during the period.

Diluted earnings per share has also been calculated on the same basis as above
except that the weighted average number of ordinary shares that would be issued
on the conversion of all of the dilutive potential ordinary shares into ordinary
shares has been added to the denominator.  There are no changes to the profit
(numerator) as a result of the dilutive calculation.

Adjusted earnings per share information has been provided to enable a comparison
on a like-for-like basis with that reported since the Company's flotation.

The earnings per share information has been calculated as follows:

                                          Unaudited     Unaudited      Audited
                                      Six months to Six months to      Year to
                                       30 June 2003  30 June 2002  31 December
Profit attributable to ordinary
shareholders (#'000)                         1,246           703         1,431
                                          ----------   -----------   -----------
Weighted average number
of 1p ordinary shares in issue          52,014,998    51,966,825    51,991,241

Effect of dilutive potential
ordinary shares (employee share                                      
options)                                   556,952     2,272,949     1,262,200
                                          ----------  -----------    -----------
Weighted average number of 1p ordinary 
shares in issue plus assumed
conversions                             52,571,950    54,239,774    53,253,441

The adjusted earnings per share and diluted earnings per share calculation is
based on the earnings per share information above except that the profits are
adjusted for goodwill amortisation and the after tax effect of reorganisation

                                          Unaudited        Unaudited     Year to        
                                       Six months to   Six months to 31 December       
                                        30 June 2003    30 June 2002        2002

Earnings per share (p)                          2.4             1.4          2.8
Adjusted earnings per share (p)                 3.5             2.6          5.2
Diluted earnings per share (p)                  2.4             1.3          2.7
Adjusted diluted earnings per share (p)         3.4             2.5          5.1

The adjustments to the results of the Group in arriving at the adjusted earnings
per share amounts can be summarised as follows:
                                  Unaudited       Unaudited          Year to
                              Six months to   Six months to      31 December
                               30 June 2003    30 June 2002             2001
                                      #'000           #'000            #'000

Operating profit                      1,761            998             2,062
Reorganisation costs                    267            417               799
Goodwill amortisation                   366            366               732
                                  -----------     ----------      -----------
Adjusted operating profit             2,394          1,781             3,593
Net interest                            275            224               418
                                  -----------     ----------      -----------
Adjusted profit on ordinary       
activities before tax                 2,669          2,005             4,011
Tax on profit on ordinary              
activities                             (790)          (519)           (1,049)
Tax effect of reorganisation            
costs                                   (80)          (125)             (239)
                                  -----------     ----------      -----------
Adjusted profit on ordinary           
activities after tax                  1,799          1,361             2,723
                                  -----------     ----------      -----------

  4. Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating
                                               Unaudited    Unaudited    Year to
                                                     Six          Six         31                       
                                               months to    months to   December     
                                            30 June 2003 30 June 2002       2002

                                                  #'000         #'000      #'000

  Operating profit                                1,761           998      2,062
  Depreciation charge                               539           512      1,074
  Amortisation charge                               366           366        732
  Loss on disposal of fixed assets                    -             -          2
  Other non cash movement                             -             -        (53)
  (Increase)/decrease in debtors                 (2,014)         (665)     1,904
  Increase/(decrease) in creditors                  230        (1,083)       (45)
                                               ----------    ----------   --------       
  Net cash inflow from operating
  activities                                        882           128      5,676
                                               ----------    ----------   --------

5. Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds

                                        Unaudited     Unaudited        Audited
                                       Six months    Six months        Year to
                                               to            to    31 December 
                                     30 June 2003  30 June 2002           2002 
                                           #'000         #'000           #'000

Increase/(decrease) in cash in the         
period                                     1,180        (1,095)         (4,837)
Repayment of key employee deposits           100           152             299
Cash flow from liquid resources           (2,144)            -           1,714
Non cash items                                 -             -              53
Cash outflow from repayment of loan            -             -           5,982
                                        ----------   -----------     -----------
                                            (864)         (943)          3,211
Net funds at beginning of period          15,287        12,076          12,076
                                        ----------   -----------     -----------
Net funds at end of period                14,423        11,133          15,287
                                        ----------   -----------     -----------

6.  Analysis of changes in net funds
                              As at 1 January   Cash flow        As at 30 June
                                         2003                             2003
                                        #'000       #'000                #'000

Short term investments                 14,522      (2,144)              12,378
Cash at bank                              966       1,180                2,146
                                     ----------   ---------           ----------
                                       15,488        (964)              14,524
Key employee deposits                    (201)        100                 (101)
                                     ----------   ---------           ----------
Net cash                               15,287        (864)              14,423

7. An interim dividend of 1.0p per share will be paid on 21 November 2003 to
those shareholders on the register at the close of business on 24 October 2003.

The interim results were approved by the directors of the Company on 16
September 2003.  Further copies of the statement can be obtained by writing to
the Company Secretary, Axon Group plc, AxonCentre, Church Road, Egham, Surrey,
TW20 9QB, by calling the FT Free Annual Reports Club service on 020 8770 0770 or
by visiting the Axon web site at www.axonglobal.com.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange