RNS Number:5851X
Atlantic Telecom Group PLC
22 January 2001

                 ATLANTIC TELECOM GROUP PLC                                   
Atlantic announces restructure leading to #30 million                         
savings next year                                                             
Quarter shows strong growth in SME lines                                      
Agreement reached with Carrier1 for access to German                          
national network                                                              
                                              22 January 2001                 

Atlantic  Telecom  Group  PLC ('Atlantic')  today  announces
details of its further development towards being the leading
European   provider  of  broadband,  local  loop  integrated
communication services to SMEs.  The Group also announces an
encouraging  set  of operating statistics  for  the  quarter
ended 31 December 2000.

  . Refocus  of  investment  on  SME  market  substantially
  complete.    Restructure  announced   today   will   bring
  approximately  #30 million of cost savings next  financial
  year, primarily through reduction in residential sales and
  support staff, with an expected loss of 350 jobs in the UK.

  . The  restructure is expected to accelerate  achievement
  of positive EBITDA.

  . The  Board  expects  that  funds  available  as  at  31
  December 2000, in addition to vendor financing, are  fully
  sufficient to fund the company.

  . Strong  growth  in core SME market for quarter  to  end
  December 2000

  . Directly  connected SME lines in the UK rose  14%  over
  the quarter to 9,734

  . SME  penetration increased to 7.0% at the  end  of  the
  last quarter

  . Indirect  business lines increased  to  90,485  (at  30
  September 2000:85,606)

  . German roll out well ahead of schedule with 331 central
  offices equipped at 31 December

  . Holland DSL roll out launched, with 17 central  offices

  . In  principle  agreement reached with Carrier1,  giving
  Atlantic access to significant capacity on a national fibre
  network across the German market

Atlantic's Executive Chairman, Graham J Duncan, said:

"In  June 2000, we announced that Atlantic's future strategy
would  be to target more closely the SME business market  in
the  UK and Germany.  At our interim results in November  we
outlined that we would be focusing our investment on the SME
market,  allowing us to continue to develop our plans  on  a
modular fully funded basis.  This refinement of our strategy
has  proved to be successful with the Group achieving record
levels  of  new  lines  sold in our  SME-focused  operations
during the last quarter.

"The  significant  refocus  of our  investment  towards  the
business  market has led and will continue to  lead  to  the
reduction  in  our  residential  business  in  the  UK.  The
restructure will result in a reduction of approximately  350
jobs  in  the UK.  The total number of full-time job  losses
will  be mitigated in part by the transfer of some areas  of
the  business to Scotland, and an increase in the number  of
staff working on the business focused areas of the company.

"The company has pledged to engage in consultation with  the
affected staff, and is putting in place a number of measures
to  provide  additional support and assistance  in  securing
alternative employment.

"The  restructure will fully align our cost structures  with
our  business strategy and allow us to achieve cost  savings
of  approximately  #30 million in the next  financial  year.
With  funds  available of #190 million as  at  31  December,
including  cash  set aside to meet certain  future  interest
payments on our high yield debt, and #100 million in  unused
vendor finance, the company has the funds to take it through
to  being  EBITDA positive. The Board anticipates that  this
restructure will also bring forward our estimated  date  for
becoming EBITDA positive."

For further information contact:

Graham J Duncan, Executive Chairman, Atlantic Telecom
020 7638 9571 (today only)
01224 454000 thereafter

Susy Atkinson, Corporate Affairs Manager, Atlantic Telecom
0141 403 4747
07808 397374

Patrick Toyne-Sewell/Sara Thomas, Citigate Dewe Rogerson
020 7638 9571


Atlantic  Telecom  Group  PLC ('Atlantic')  today  announces
details of its further development towards being the leading
European   provider  of  broadband,  local  loop  integrated
communication services to SMEs.  The Group also announces an
encouraging  set  of operating statistics  for  the  quarter
ended 31 December 2000.


The Group's strategy of focusing our investment primarily on
the  SME  market  is now generating strong  growth  in  that
market, both in the UK and Germany.

Our  target market, which is worth over #10bn in the UK  and
#15bn  in Germany, remains a significant opportunity  for  a
niche operator, with more than 80% still in the hands of the
incumbent  operators.  In this sector  of  the  market,  the
concept   of   bundled   single  priced   services   remains
innovative, and tends to be unavailable from the incumbents,
ensuring  that pricing pressure is less evident.   This  has
been  a  successful  formula  in  the  UK  market  that  has
delivered  encouraging penetration and  has  allowed  us  to
differentiate our brand in the marketplace.

Atlantic   has  always  focused  on  providing   value-added
services,   increasingly  using  a  portfolio  of  broadband
technologies, and this remains our core operating strategy.

Realignment of cost base
We  are vigorously realigning our cost base in line with our
SME  strategy.   The restructure will result in  an  overall
decrease  of approximately 350 employees out of a  total  of
around 1,200 employees in the Group.  The bulk of these will
result  from  the  closure  of  residential  focused   sales
departments,   mainly  based  in  London.    Other   support
departments  will  be reduced or relocated  to  the  Group's
headquarters  in  Aberdeen,  where  the  overall  number  of
employees is expected to increase.

The  redundancy  of  permanent employees will  be  minimised
where possible by a full review of the use of temporary  and
consultant staff. Redundancies and relocation of departments
will  take place over the next six months.  The company  has
allocated consultation periods additional to that set out by
the  Department  of Trade and Industry, and  is  putting  in
place practical measures to assist those affected in seeking
alternative employment.

Atlantic  will  continue to increase its investment  in  the
business  market,  which will lead to  an  increase  in  the
number  of job opportunities as we rationalise the business.
Wherever  appropriate, employees will be offered  retraining
or relocation.

The   company  is  increasing  its  investment  in  business
customer   acquisition  by  expanding   its   sales   force,
increasing  its marketing and sponsorship budgets  aimed  at
the  business community and developing new partnerships  and
new channels to market in all operational areas.

Overall, the restructure will result in substantially  fewer
employees in London and Manchester, and a slight increase in
those based in Scotland.

The  Board  anticipates  that the  actions  being  taken  to
realign  the  cost structures will accelerate the  company's
progress  towards  being  EBITDA  positive,  and  the  Board
reiterates  that current funds are sufficient to fully  fund
the Group.

Board Changes

Changes  are  also being made at Board level to reflect  the
strategy.  Martin Beard, Group Commercial Director will head
up  all operations as Chief Operating Officer with immediate

Mark  Daeche, currently Special Projects Director will  take
up  responsibility for information technology and  technical
product development as IT and Development Director.

The  Company  does  not  have  a majority  of  non-executive
directors  that  are regarded as independent  for  corporate
governance  purposes.  Paul Salem, who joined the  board  as
non-executive director on the acquisition of First  Telecom,
has  agreed  to  step down from the Board,  which  leaves  a
majority of non-executive directors independent.

UK Operations

Atlantic  is  an  active  participant  in  the  local   loop
unbundling  process in the UK.  Although we are still  at  a
relatively early stage of the process, we are now  receiving
more visibility on co-location space and expect that we  can
build  a good DSL footprint in certain areas. We now  expect
to  have  some  co-locations  in  place  prior  to  1  July.
Atlantic's  range  of  access  technologies,  including  the
selective  use  of wireless access enables  the  company  to
develop and expand our SME coverage in conjunction with DSL.

During  the  quarter to 31 December the company  achieved  a
strong  increase in directly connected business lines  which
reached  9,734,  an increase of 14% over the  last  quarter.
SME addressable penetration of our UK markets now stands  at
7.0%.    Indirect  SME business has achieved equally  strong
growth  with  the  number of lines now  standing  at  90,485
across  Europe, up nearly 5,000 lines from the last quarter.
In total, we have now reached 100,000 SME lines.

This growth has been supported by a stable churn rate, which
remains within expectations, and showed a marginal drop from
18.95% to 18.65%.

The Group has already taken some measures to re-evaluate the
cost  of maintaining certain residential customers. The  re-
evaluation has caused additional disconnection of  customers
in  the  quarter, as we seek to remove residential customers
that  are  the most expensive to service. As at 31 December,
Atlantic  had  24,686  direct  residential  customers  (with
49,152  lines) a decrease of 4,326 customers in the quarter.
Churn  has increased marginally to 16.76% and remains within
expectations.  We  have  excluded the restructuring  numbers
from the churn calculation.

The  number of indirect residential customers dropped 13,020
during   the  quarter,  to  236,135  again  reflecting   the
company's focus away from the residential market.

During  the  quarter the company activated its  UK  national
network one-month ahead of schedule, and is now taking steps
to  transfer  its  traffic  onto this  network.   This  will
benefit margins going forward.

Atlantic's  focus  on  the business  market  has  brought  a
substantial  change in overall residential customer  numbers
and profile this quarter and will continue to do so over the
coming  months  as we focus more investment  and  management
resources on the business market.  As indicated, residential
customers are being managed down from the current level, and
residential churn rates are expected to materially  increase
as  we  will  not  be  actively  selling  and  marketing   a
residential  service.   We  will  however,  develop  traffic
opportunities,  including  residential  traffic,   for   our
national  network through the use of affinity  partners  and
will  continue  to  support our higher spending  residential

European operations

The  rollout  of  DSL services in Germany has  continued  to
accelerate  ahead  of  schedule.   In  November  the   Board
announced  that it expected to have 325 installed  exchanges
in  Germany by the end of the year, a significant advance on
its  original  target of 250.  However, we are delighted  to
report   that   the  German  rollout  has   again   exceeded
expectations, with 331 installed exchanges on  31  December,
up  from 97 at the end of September.  The company remains on
target  to complete its DSL build in Germany by this summer,
fully six months ahead of target.

The company has increased the number of its partner ISPs  to
24  from  13 at 30 September.  At 31 December, DSL equipment
has now been installed in exchanges in a further five German
cities:  Bremen, Nuremberg, Mannheim, Ausburg  and  Cologne.
Atlantic  now  covers 10 major metropolitan  areas  with  an
addressable  market  of 500,000 SMEs. The  Company  launched
retail  DSL  directly connected SME service  in  Germany  in
September  and although it is still early days,  indications
are encouraging.

The  DSL rollout in Holland commenced during the quarter and
17  exchanges  were  equipped at  31  December.   The  Board
expects to launch services in the next quarter.
European networks

Atlantic   has   reached  an  in-principle  agreement   with
Carrier1,  a  pan European network operator.  The  agreement
gives  Atlantic 2.5 Gbs of capacity on Carrier1's  completed
3,000km  national  fibre network in  Germany.  In  exchange,
Atlantic will provide Carrier1 with similar capacity on  the
Group's  UK  national  network with 48  points  of  presence
covering  the  majority of the country. The  German  network
will  give  Atlantic a significant German national footprint
and  will  provide19 points of presence mirroring Atlantic's
target  metropolitan  areas. The network  will  be  used  to
connect  Atlantic's metropolitan networks and  deliver  more
cost effective interconnect.

This network, coupled with the already announced transaction
with Metromedia (MFN) which gave us significant metropolitan
area  fibre  has  given Atlantic an excellent  national  and
local   fibre-based  footprint  in  the   important   German

The  deal  with Carrier1 also includes 155 Mbs  of  capacity
from  Amsterdam  to London and Amsterdam to Frankfurt.  Over
the   next  three  financial  years,  cost  savings  arising
directly   from  the  transaction  are  expected  to   total
approximately #10 million.


The  benefits from our investment in 2000 will start to come
through  this  year.   SMEs  are the  vibrant  part  of  the
European  economy  and we are confident  of  making  further
significant  progress.  Moreover, the underlying  cash  flow
position should be much improved.

The Board will continue to ensure that it remains focused on
providing long-term value for shareholders in what remains a
dynamic market.


Certain Operating Data
The  following table sets forth certain data concerning  the
Group's telecommunications operations as of and for the nine-
month  period  ended 31 December 2000, the six-month  period
ended  30  September  2000, and for the  three-month  period
ended 30 June 2000.

                             As of and for the periods ended
                                30 June        30      31
                                   2000 September December
                                             2000    2000
Direct Telecommunications                                 
Business Customer Data (UK)                               
Estimated  business   premises          
passed (1) (7)                   41,332   42,224    43,213
Business customers (2)            2,073    2,533     3,042
Business customer lines (2)       7,813    8,564     9,734
Penetration rate of  estimated     
business premises passed (3)       5.0%     6.0%      7.0%
Average   lines  per  business     
customer (4)                       3.77     3.98      3.48    
Business customer churn (5)      18.82%   18.95%    18.65%
Residential Customer Data (UK)                            
Estimated  residential   homes  
passed (1)                      716.217  734,479   762,860 
Residential customers (2)        25,401   29,013    24,686
Residential customer lines (2)   50,496   57,413    49,152
Penetration rate of  estimated    
residential homes passed (3)       3.6%     4.0%      3.2%    
Average  lines per residential     
customer (4)                       1.99     1.98      1.99   
Residential customer churn (5)   14.86%   15.08%    16.76%
Network Data                                              
Number of active base stations      136      139       142
in UK
Installed   co-locations    in        7       97       331
Ready-for Service co-locations        2       26       141
in Germany
Installed   co-locations    in        0        0        17
Ready-for     -service     co-        0        0         1
locations in Holland
Indirect    Telecommunications                            
(UK, Germany, France)
Business customers (2)           11,693   12,307    14,259
Business customer lines (2)      83,839   85,606    90,485
Average   lines  per  business     7.17     6.96      6.35
customer (4)
Residential customers (2)       259,922  249.155   236,135
Residential customer lines (2)  260,027  249,374   237,480
Average  lines per residential     1.00     1.00      1.01
customer (4)
TOTAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS LINES  402,175  400,957   386,851
Call by Call                            
Telecommunications (Germany)
Active customers (6)            149,132  149,317   127,932

   (1)    Estimated  homes  passed  or  estimated   business
   premises  passed  is  the  Company's  estimate   of   the
   residential homes or business premises seen by the direct
   networks  which  are  capable of  connection  to  a  base
   station  or to a fibre network excluding certain multiple
   dwelling  units  which  the Company  does  not  presently
   (2)  Residential or business customers or residential  or
   business customer lines represent the number of customers
   or  lines which are connected and in service, the  number
   of   customers  or  lines  for  which  customers,   where
   applicable, have contracted for service but are  not  yet
   connected  and  the number of customers  or  lines  where
   service  has  been suspended but the customers  or  lines
   have  not yet been disconnected. Suspended customers  are
   treated  as  disconnected after a  maximum  period  of  6
   (3)   Penetration  rate of estimated homes  or  estimated
   business  premises passed is calculated by  dividing  the
   number of residential customers or business customers  on
   the  given  date  by  the estimated  homes  or  estimated
   business premises passed as of such date, expressed as  a
   (4)   The  average  lines per customer is  calculated  by
   dividing  the  number of lines on a  given  date  by  the
   number of customers on that date.
  (5)   Churn  is  calculated by dividing net disconnections
   (total  disconnections  less the number  of  disconnected
   accounts   for  which  service  is  later  restored   and
   disconnections   for   customers  moving   premises   and
   reconnecting  at their new premises) in a period  by  the
   average number of customers in the period (calculated  as
   the  simple average of the number of customers at the end
   of each month during the period.) Churn is expressed on a
   rolling  twelve-month basis, meaning that  the  churn  is
   calculated  over the three months ended on 30 June  2000,
   30 September 2000 and 31 December 2000.
  (6)  Customers  who use the service on an individual  call
   basis at some point during the quarter.
  (7) The business premises passed figure has been recounted
   in the quarter to 31 December and the comparative figures
   have been adjusted to reflect the re-evaluation.
  (8) Excludes customers disconnected on restructuring.

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