RNS Number:9722U
Atlantic Telecom Group PLC
30 November 2000

                          ATLANTIC TELECOM GROUP PLC                          
                RESULTS FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2000                
                  UK NATIONAL FIBRE NETWORK LIVE FROM TODAY                   

Atlantic Telecom Group PLC, a leading European broadband telecoms provider,
today announces its results for the six months ended 30 September 2000.

Financial key points
*    Overall revenue increases threefold to #32m including First Telecom      
     (1999: #10.2m), with underlying revenue growth of 20%.
*    Six-fold increase in net assets - excluding goodwill - to #237m (1999:   
*    Approximately #200m available cash at bank plus #36m of escrowed cash for
     interest payments  
*    additional unused vendor finance of around #100m from Nokia and Marconi
*    Fully funded for rollout of UK fixed wireless and German DSL networks as 
     well as partial Dutch DSL roll out
*    EBITDA remains in line with expectations with a loss of #27.6m (1999:    
     loss of #9.3m)

Operational highlights
*    Full integration of First Telecom completed
*    Strategy developed to target SMEs - maximising revenue, reducing capital 
*    Vodafone awards UK fixed line contract to Atlantic

Network rollout - ahead of schedule
*    UK national network lit today
*    German SDSL services rolled out ahead of schedule - Dusseldorf launched  
*    Acquisition of 65% stake in DSL operator Telepartner Plus secures        
     first-mover advantage in Holland
*    13 partner ISPs signed up in Germany
*    UK fixed wireless services launched in Manchester

Commenting on the results, Executive Chairman Graham J Duncan said:

"These results are a reflection of the transformation that has taken place in
the Group over the past year, taking it from a local loop operator in four
Scottish cities to a pan-European broadband group serving over 400,000
customers across the UK, Germany and France. 

The sharp rise in turnover is the result of our acquisition of First Telecom,
as is the increase in the retained loss figures, which are indicative of the
speed and scale of our investment in broadband networks and technology.

"In a market where first-mover advantage is crucial our acquisition of First
Telecom and subsequent investment in our European rollout has placed Atlantic
in an enviable position.  Atlantic's European rollout is significantly ahead
of schedule. In Germany, Europe's largest telecommunications market, we
estimate that a competitor starting today would take around 10 years to match
the position currently enjoyed by Atlantic.

"In addition, opportunistic deals such as our recent contract to provide
Vodafone's new indirect service will maximise the benefit of Atlantic's
infrastructure in advance of building our retail, directly connected services.

"It is this level of investment, coupled with our trademark opportunistic
approach which have created the opportunities and advantages now facing the
Group, and we will continue to invest to press home these advantages in line
with the business plan. I am particularly pleased that Atlantic's national
broadband network has gone live today, one month ahead of schedule and we
expect to start to see revenue and cost benefits from this as early as the
first quarter of 2001.

"In a volatile market, I am satisfied that the Group is continuing to operate
consistently within its plans, and I am pleased that we have exceeded
expectations in many areas. 
For further information contact:

Graham J Duncan, 
Executive Chairman, Atlantic Telecom         020 7638 9571 (today only)
                                             01224 454000  (thereafter)
Susy Atkinson, 
Corporate Affairs Manager, Atlantic Telecom  07808 397374

Patrick Toyne Sewell/Sara Thomas, 
Citigate Dewe Rogerson                       020 7638 9571



The half-year has been one of significant operating progress for the Group. 
We have also seen considerable corporate activity with three acquisitions
during the period, including the #350 million acquisition of First Telecom
plc, which concluded in early June. Highlights for the period include:

*  Turnover increases threefold to #32m (1999: #10.2m)
*  Approximately #200m of cash available plus #36m to cover interest on       
   high yield debt
*  Unused vendor finance of approximately #100m to fund future capital        
*  Announcement today of launch of UK national network
*  Network roll out in Germany materially ahead of schedule with 325 central  
   offices equipped by 31 December
*  Award of Vodafone fixed line contract
*  Continued focus on controlled growth allowing us to develop our plans on a 
   modular fully funded basis

Since April sentiment has turned against the telecommunications sector on a
worldwide basis and this has significantly affected our share and bond prices.
Many of the industry-wide concerns are associated  with the viability of
certain business models, the time to  profitability and the need for further

We remain very active at promoting Atlantic to as wide an audience as possible
as it is our belief that the advantages of operating local access networks,
where one controls the customer relationship and can therefore provide a
packaged bundled solution to customers, will be seen as an important strength
going forward. We firmly believe that this market opportunity has not
diminished in any way, notwithstanding capital market concerns.

Atlantic's strategy, to be the leading European provider of broadband local 
loop integrated communication services to SMEs, has taken a significant step
forward in the period with the acquisition of First Telecom.  First Telecom 
had established a significant first mover advantage in Germany in establishing
a broadband platform to exploit its established relationships with SMEs.  In
late June, we launched broadband data services in Frankfurt using digital
subscriber line technologies ('DSL').  We believe the faster we build networks
the greater the opportunity to build the business.

At the end of June we had DSL technology installed in 7 central offices (local
telephone exchanges) in Frankfurt. By 30 September this had increased to 97
with commercial services now also being offered in Berlin, Hamburg and Munich
with service launched in Dusseldorf today. The build is progressing very
rapidly and materially better than we expected, with five further metropolitan
areas to launch before the calendar year end. We have now lifted our
expectations for the end of December to around 325 installed exchanges, a very
material improvement on our previous expectation of around 250.  Moreover, we
now expect the German build to approximately 750 exchanges to be completed by
the summer of next year, fully six months ahead of plan. Our aim is to build
an addressable footprint of 1.25 million potential small and  medium sized
business ('SME') customers in this important market.

Also during  the half-year we launched services in Manchester, using the FRA
wireless technologies we have been offering in Scotland since late  1996. Our
network build is now focused on areas with the highest density of SMEs and we
have spent some time redesigning the network to address the deepest 
concentration of SMEs while expanding the geographic reach in the north of
England. We are now progressing well with the redesigned build and expect to
see an increase in installed base stations in the quarter to 31 December.

We have also concluded the acquisition of a majority stake in Telepartner 
Plus BV, based in Rotterdam, Holland.  This acquisition gives us entry into
the #5 billion Dutch market, using DSL as the last mile solution. We are
focused on maximising the opportunity in three cities initially and expect to
have 15 central offices equipped by  31 December. In Holland, we are able to
leverage off our relationship with Nokia, which increases the speed of our
deployment while reducing our capital expenditure requirements due to
economies of scale. 

In the UK, our national broadband network will be fully operational from 
today one month ahead of schedule. This is expected to have a positive effect
on our margins in the second half of the year as we migrate our considerable
level of traffic onto our own network.  This network also allows us to carry
the significant indirect traffic expected from the contract to provide a 
fixed line solution for Vodafone's residential and small business customers, 
which was announced recently.


Atlantic has a very strong balance sheet and is fully funded for its
modular-based business plan.

At 30 September 2000, we had net assets of #604m (1999:#40m), equivalent to
approximately #3.00 per ordinary share. We also had total usable cash balances
of approximately #200m plus #36m set aside to pay escrowed interest on our
high yield debt.

We are also pleased to have agreed, in principle, a vendor finance agreement
with Nokia for approximately Euro 70m (#40m), sufficient to fully fund our
entire projected German DSL build and fund customer installations and
equipment  for  up  to 40,000 lines. We are also in  discussions with Nokia in
respect of finance for the Dutch market and other DSL builds. We also continue
to benefit from an unused vendor finance facility of #50m  from Marconi plc,
which was put in place in November 1999.  We see  vendor  finance, within the
context of our other debt agreements, as an important component in our
financing capability going forward.

Funding is an important issue in the telecoms market today.  Atlantic has cash
and access to debt funding which will enable us to execute our current
business plan:

* Build a national DSL footprint in Germany with the ability to address a     
  significant SME market of 1.25 million businesses by mid 2001
* Build a focused three city build in Holland, with the ability to address    
  150,000 SMEs, which could be expanded if additional vendor finance became   
* Build additional base stations in the UK to obtain a meaningful SME         
  footprint with broadband capable wireless technologies. Should DSL become   
  viable in an appropriate time scale, we can and would utilise this          
  technology as required and would seek to maximise our addressable footprint.
  In the UK as well as in Holland, we are able to take advantage of 'distant  
  colocation' using technology developed by Nokia
* Fund our operational and other costs to break-even from a cash perspective

This modular approach, to which in this current funding environment we
are absolutely committed, retains our traditionally conservative approach to
funding and roll out, and allows us to maintain a fully funded business plan.
Further developments will be a function of access to incremental capital.

At this time, the opportunity in France remains dependent on the regulatory 
climate, as France has not yet unbundled the local loop.  Therefore, the
deployment of DSL is dependent on that framework being in place and acceptable
from a business perspective as well as having access to incremental capital.

Atlantic is an opportunistic company which will take opportunities as they 
arise. The Board remains highly focused on ensuring that we run the business 
at all times within our funding capacity and that our operational and other
costs are kept under full control.


Turnover for the half-year was #32m, a threefold increase compared to the
previous half-year.  This increase was helped by the acquisition in June of
First Telecom which has been consolidated for a four-month period and which
contributed 66% of the half-year total.

The turnover from our single cable TV operation in Aberdeen fell from
#3.1m  in the half-year to 30 September 1999 to #2.4m this period.  As
we  have already highlighted to shareholders, we are experiencing, and
will   continue  to  experience,  falling  customer  numbers  in  this
operation, which has now become marginal to our overall business  mix.
Excluding Aberdeen Cable and First Telecom, the underlying revenue  of
Atlantic  increased by 20% in the period compared  to  the  equivalent
period  last year. As we commit the capital to significantly  increase
the build of our networks we expect to see an improving growth in this
core area.

Our   negative   earnings  before  interest,  tax,  depreciation   and
amortisation increased to #27.7m this half-year, from #9.4m last half-
year,  in  line with expectations. The half-year loss for  the  period
came  in  better than market expectation at #53.5m (1999;  a  loss  of

Competitive  carriers, such as Atlantic, incur losses  until  networks
are  built  and  customer numbers build up to cover  operating  costs.
Establishing networks requires capital expenditure to be incurred,  in
many  cases well in advance of customer revenues.  This is an  ongoing
feature  of  the business, is fully factored into our business  models
and  is a measure of the underlying investment we are making to  build
the business.

Turnover  for  the  three months ended 30 September  2000  was  #21.6m
compared to #5.3m for the corresponding period in 1999.  For the three
months ended 30 September 2000, our negative earnings before interest,
tax,  depreciation and amortisation were in line with expectations  at
#14.9m  compared  with #5.1m for the three months ended  30  September


We reported customer numbers and line numbers to the market on 11 October. We
continue to make excellent progress in our  core  areas, with  400,957 lines
installed and pending installation at 30 September 2000. In particular the
penetration of directly  connected  business customers increased from 4.7% to
reach 5.7% over the six-month period. In the residential market, the
penetration reached 4.0% from 3.2% over the  period. The rate of increase
remains encouraging and ahead of plan.

Churn levels are also running better than expected at 18.95% and 15.08% in the
business and residential market respectively.

The  summer period tends to be a period when average monthly  revenues
per  customer  slow as the result of holiday non-use, particularly  in
the residential market. We are pleased to report that in our, directly
connected  SME market, the average revenues experienced no  slow  down
but  continued to grow, reaching #87.36 per customer per month. In the
directly connected residential market the average revenue continues at
encouraging   levels  and  has  averaged  #35.81  over   the   period,
significantly higher than any other UK operator.

Our  cable TV operation had 14,944 customers, with average revenue at
#27.17 per month.


We  launched  limited high-speed services on three  base  stations  in
Glasgow  at  the  end of April. The new technology can provide,  among
other things, data speeds up to 2.4Mbs for high-speed Internet access.
Following our announcement earlier in the year to focus our capital on
the  SME  market, we have been working to determine the best areas  to
roll  out SME focused high-speed services. This has also given us time
to  work  with  a  selected group of SME customers to ensure  we  were
delivering  the  type  of  services they were  seeking  and  that  the
technology and operational support systems were scaleable.

In Germany, high-speed access, at up to 2.3Mbs using DSL technologies,
was  launched as a wholesale service on 21 June and as an  SME-focused
service on 1 September. The technology we use allows us to have a  low
entry  cost  per  central  office and,  importantly,  the  operational
support  system  is very sophisticated, allowing us to  provision  and
test the unbundled line remotely.  In practice therefore, we have been
able  to provision the lines with only one customer visit, unlike some
of  the  experiences in the US market where multiple visits have  been
necessary  so slowing DSL growth in that market. Germany  also  has  a
better  copper  infrastructure than the US, which also  allows  us  to
start   offering  services  to  customers  more  quickly   and   cost-

As at 30 September we had 4,300 lines committed from 13 partner  ISPs for
wholesale connectivity and have installed and successfully provisioned a
number of retail unbundled lines.


Our  target SME market is a significant opportunity worth over #10 billion in
the UK and #15  billion in  Germany, of which over 80% is still in the hands
of the  incumbent operators.  Pricing pressure is less evident in this 
section  of  the market  compared  to other areas of the telecommunications 
landscape, while the concept of bundled single priced services is innovative 
and tends to be unavailable from the incumbents. Moreover, we have our own
facilities, including network access and switches, which allow  us  to
maintain  and enhance margin over time, particularly as we develop a
wider range of value added services.

Over  the  next  six  months  our main  efforts  will  be  focused 
incompleting  the  German DSL roll out. We also intend to  commence  our
targeted  build in Holland. The UK remains a core market for  Atlantic
and  we  will  continue  to  exploit  our  existing  networks,  whilst
developing the opportunities presented from UK unbundling.

The  team at Atlantic remains focused on further controlled growth and
looks forward to delivering on our plans.

Graham J Duncan
Executive Chairman

                             6 months to        6 months to  12 months to
                            30 September       30 September      31 March
                        2000 (unaudited)   1999 (unaudited) 2000 (audited)
                                   #'000              #'000         #'000
 Continuing Operations            10,605             10,202        21,307
 Acquisitions                     21,400                  -             -
                               ---------          ---------     ---------
                                  32,005             10,202        21,307

Operating costs - ongoing       (77,414)           (22,853)      (49,753)
                               ---------           --------      --------

 Continuing Operations          (29,569)           (12,651)      (28,446)
 Acquisitions                   (15,840)                  -             -
                                 -------          ---------      --------
GROUP OPERATING LOSS            (45,409)           (12,651)      (28,446)

Provision for diminution
in value of investment           (1,265)                  -             -

Net interest                     (6,853)            (1,065)       (4,931)
                                --------           --------      --------
BEFORE TAXATION                 (53,527)           (13,716)      (33,377)

Tax on loss on ordinary
activities                             -                  -             -
                                --------           --------      --------
RETAINED LOSS FOR THE PERIOD    (53,527)           (13,716)      (33,377)
                                ========           ========      ========

Loss per share                  (26.73)p           (16.18)p      (31.32)p
                                ========           ========      ========

The directors regard earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and
amortisation, which is set out below and is often used in the
telecommunications and cable industry, as an important measure of the
operating cash flow of the business.

Operating loss                  (45,409)           (12,651)      (28,446)

Depreciation and amortisation
of goodwill                       17,750              3,274         7,604
                                --------           --------      --------

Earnings before interest, tax,
depreciation and amortisation   (27,659)            (9,377)      (20,842)
                                ========           ========      ========

There are no recognised gains or losses other than the loss for the period.

                           30 September        30 September      31 March
                        2000 (unaudited)   1999 (unaudited) 2000 (audited)
                                   #'000              #'000         #'000
Intangible assets                373,451              3,645         3,754
Tangible assets                  239,737             71,594       203,101
Investments                            -                  -           855
                              ----------           --------    ----------
                                 613,188             75,239       207,710
                              ----------           --------    ----------
Stock                              7,365              5,528         4,139
Debtors :
amounts falling due
after more than one year          11,353              9,518        10,435
amounts falling due
within one year                   29,265              9,868        13,472

Investments                       36,242                  -        48,701

Cash at bank                     202,555              1,079       263,226
                              ----------           --------    ----------
                                 286,780             25,993       339,973
Amounts falling due
within one year                (100,674)           (27,350)      (35,070)
                              ----------         ----------    ----------
(LIABILITIES)                    186,106            (1,357)       304,903
                              ----------         ----------    ----------
LIABILITIES                      799,294             73,882       512,613

Amounts falling due after
more than one year             (195,041)           (33,498)     (197,772)

Equity Minority interest             235                  -             -
                              ----------         ----------    ----------

                                 604,488             40,384       314,841
                              ==========         ==========    ==========
Called up share capital           53,278             21,313        38,430
Share premium account            340,224             62,462       328,639
Provision for unallocated
share capital                     32,354                  -             -
Merger reserve                   277,306                  -             -
Other reserves                    17,258                  -        10,690
Profit and loss account        (115,932)           (43,391)      (62,918)
                              ----------          ---------     ---------

                                 604,488             40,384       314,841
                              ==========          =========     =========


                             6 months to        6 months to  12 months to
                           30 September        30 September      31 March
                        2000 (unaudited)   1999 (unaudited) 2000 (audited)
                                   #'000              #'000         #'000

Operating loss from
operating activities            (45,409)           (12,651)      (28,446)
Depreciation and amortisation
of lease prepayment               11,658              3,274         7,604
Amortisation of goodwill           6,092                  -             -
Exchange (gain) / loss             (140)                  -            38
Network lease prepayments        (1,000)            (1,000)       (2,000)
(Increase)/decrease in stock     (3,226)                655         2,094
Increase in debtors              (3,433)            (3,121)       (1,935)
Increase in creditors              5,804             10,947         2,984
Non-cash consideration
for consultancy                        -                  -         (415)
Gain on disposal of
fixed assets                           -               (12)          (27)
                                --------           --------      --------
Net cash outflow from
operating activities            (29,654)            (1,908)      (20,103)
                                --------           --------      --------


ACTIVITIES                      (29,654)            (1,908)      (20,103)

SERVICING OF FINANCE             (4,427)            (1,065)       (9,146)

FINANCIAL INVESTMENT            (34,642)           (18,679)      (17,818)

 - Purchase of subsidiaries      (9,142)                  -         (218)
 - Expenses related to
   acquisition                   (7,450)                  -          (12)
 - Bank balances at subsidiary    17,990                  -          (53)
                                --------           --------      --------
                                   1,398                  -         (283)

MANAGEMENT OF LIQUID RESOURCES (119,715)                  -     (103,885)

FINANCING                        (8,132)             16,047       352,965
                                --------           --------     ---------
(DECREASE)/INCREASE IN CASH    (195,172)            (5,605)       201,730
                                ========           ========     =========

                                    At 1 April                     Cash
                                          2000 Acquisitions        Flow
                                         #'000        #'000       #'000

Cash                                  207,960            -    (190,807)

Bank overdraft                          (856)            -      (4,365)
                                    ---------    ---------   ----------
                                      207,104            -    (195,172)
                                    ---------    ---------   ----------

Short term deposits                    55,266            -      131,516

Restricted current
asset investments *                    48,701            -     (11,801)

Debt after one year                 (186,885)            -          300

Debt within year                        (422)      (7,000)        3,199

Finance Leases                       (24,830)      (4,987)        4,214
                                    ---------    ---------    ---------
Net funds                              98,934     (11,987)     (67,744)
                                    =========    =========    =========

                                     Non-cash     Exchange 30 September
                                        Items     Movement         2000
                                        #'000        #'000        #'000

Cash                                        -            -       17,153

Bank overdraft                              -            -      (5,221)
                                    ---------     --------    ---------
                                            -            -       11,932
                                    ---------     --------    ---------
Short term deposits                         -      (1,380)      185,402

Restricted current
asset investments *                     (238)        (420)       36,242

Debt after one year                     (544)         2286    (184,843)

Debt within year                            -            -      (4,223)

Finance Leases                          (375)            -     (25,978)
                                    ---------     --------    ---------
Net funds                             (1,157)          486       18,532
                                    =========     ========    =========


                                     6 months    6 months to    12 months to
                              to 30 September   30 September      March 2000
                             2000 (unaudited)           1999       (audited)
                                        #'000          #'000          #'000
(Decrease) / increase in
cash in the period                  (195,172)        (5,605)        201,730

Cash outflow from movement
in liquid resources                   119,715              -        103,885

Cash outflow / (inflow)
from movement in debt                   3,499       (17,800)       (184,949)

Cash outflow from lease
financing                               4,214          2,298          5,068
                                    ---------       --------       --------
Change in net funds
resulting from cash flows            (67,744)       (21,107)        125,734

Inception of finance leases             (375)       (10,948)        (18,991)

Exchange differences                      486              -            (38)

Acquisitions                         (11,987)              -            (12)

Other non-cash items                    (782)              -           (335)
                                    ---------       --------       --------
Movement in net (debt)/
funds in the period                  (80,402)       (32,055)        106,358

Net funds / (debt) at 1 April          98,934        (7,424)         (7,424)
                                    ---------       --------       --------
Net funds / (debt) at 30 September     18,532       (39,479)         98,934
                                    =========       ========       ========

*Restricted investments are held in escrow by Bankers Trust Company, an
independent agent to meet the first four interest payments on the
unsecured senior notes issued on 3 February 2000.  Bankers Trust Company
will hold the investments to maturity when they will distribute the
interest payment to the bond holders.  The investments comprise UK and
European listed Government Bonds.


1.Preparation of Interim Report

  The interim financial information for the six months ended 30
  September 2000 was approved by the directors on 29 November 2000.  It
  has been prepared in accordance with relevant accounting standards on
  a consistent basis using accounting policies set out in the 2000
  financial statements.  Goodwill arising on the acquisition of First
  Telecom Group plc in the current year, representing the excess of the
  fair value of the consideration given over the fair values of the
  identifiable net assets acquired is capitalised and amortised on a straight 
  line basis over its estimated useful economic life which has been assessed  
  as 20 years.
  The interim financial information is unaudited but has been reviewed
  by the auditors and their report is set out on page 15.

2.Financial information

  The financial information set out on pages 4 to page 7 does not
  constitute full statutory accounts for the purposes of section 240 of
  the Companies Act 1985.  Comparative figures for the year ended 31
  March 2000 are extracted from the statutory financial statements,
  which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.  The report
  of the auditors on those financial statements was unqualified and did
  not contain a statement under section 237 (2) of the Companies Act
3.Segment Information

  Geographical segments:
   Turnover by origin        United Kingdom  Rest of Europe       Group
                                      #'000           #'000       #'000
   Sales to third parties            23,413           8,592      32,005
                                 ----------       --------- -----------
   Segment operating loss          (40,712)         (4,697)    (45,409)
                                 ----------       --------- -----------
   Segment operating assets/
   (liabilities)                    620,495        (34,539)     585,956
                                 ----------       --------- -----------
   Net funds                         10,023           8,509      18,532
                                 ----------       --------- -----------
   Net assets / (liabilities)       630,518        (26,030)     604,488
                                 ----------       --------- -----------
  Prior to the acquisition of First Telecom Group plc on 7 June 2000 the
  Group's turnover originated in the United Kingdom.
  There is no material difference between turnover by origin and
  turnover by destination.

4.Loss per share
  The loss per share is based on the loss attributable to the Ordinary
  Shareholders of #53,527,000 (30 September 1999 - loss of #13,716,000
  and 31 March 2000 - loss of #33,377,000) and on the weighted average
  number of Ordinary Shares in issue during the period of 200,253,194
  (30 September 1999 - 84,771,637 and 31 March 2000 - 106,559,708). The
  increase is due to the purchase of First Telecom Group plc as detailed
  in Note 7. Shares issued to date in relation to this acquisition total
  At 30 September 2000, there were 75,000 Sterling and 200,000 Euro
  outstanding share warrants, 2,916,923 outstanding share options in
  existence and 6,282,661 shares to be issued in respect of deferred
  considerations.  The shares that would be issued in respect of these
  warrants, options and deferred shares are not treated as dilutive as
  their issue would decrease the loss per share.  Accordingly no diluted
  loss per share figure is shown.

5.Provision for diminution in value of investment

  At 31 March 2000, the group held a 10% shareholding in Skyline S.A.
  Of this, 5% of the share capital was received in consideration for
  consultancy and advice given in relation to Skyline's application to
  the ART (French Telecommunications Regulatory Authority) for
  telecommunications licences.  During the current year a further option
  on 5% of share capital was taken up.

  Subsequent to the year end Skyline S.A. were unsuccessful in their
  application for telecommunication licences and therefore the
  investment has been written down to nil value.


  In view of the deficit on reserves the directors cannot recommend a dividend
  and the loss for the period has therefore been offset against reserves.


  (i) On 7 June 2000, the Group issued 56,592,858 new ordinary shares,
      5,278,704 share options and 6,103,113 deferred shares in
      consideration for 100% of the share capital of First Telecom Group

The provisional fair value of the assets and liabilities of First Telecom
Group plc acquired were as follows:
   Net liabilities acquired
   at provisional fair value                                (18,956)
   Goodwill                                                  369,829
   Consideration                                             350,873
   Satisfied by:
   Issue of shares                                           291,453
   Issue of share options                                     20,539
   Deferred consideration                                     31,431
   Acquisition costs paid                                      7,450
  The summarised profit and loss account of First Telecom Group plc from
  1 January 2000, the beginning of its financial year, to the date of
  acquisition was as follows:
   Turnover                                                   29,181
   Operating loss                                           (22,442)
   Loss before tax                                          (19,901)
   Taxes                                                           -
   Loss after tax                                           (19,901)

(ii) On 22 September 2000 the Group acquired 42,250 ordinary shares
     of #1 each in Tele Partner Plus BV, being 65% of the Company's
     increased nominal share capital for a consideration of #9,142,000.
8.Quantitive information about market risk

  The Group uses financial instruments comprising borrowings, cash,
  liquid resources and various items, such as trade debtors and trade
  creditors that arise from its operations.  The Group does not use
  derivatives.  The main purpose of these financial instruments is to
  raise finance for the Group's operations.  The Group is exposed to
  various market risks, including changes in foreign currency exchange
  and interest rates.  Market risk is the potential loss arising from
  adverse changes in market rates and prices such as foreign currency
  exchange and interest rates.  The main risks arising from the Group's
  financial instruments are interest rate risk, liquidity risk and
  foreign currency risk.  The Directors review and agree policies for
  managing each of these risks and they are summarised below.  These
  policies have remained unchanged from previous years.
  Short term debtors and creditors
  Short term debtors and creditors have been excluded from all of the
  following disclosures, other than the currency risk disclosures.
  Interest rate risk
  The Group's exposure to market risk for changes in interest rates
  relates primarily to investments, senior notes, bank deposits and
  borrowings and leasing.  The Group's exposure to interest rate
  fluctuations is managed by the use of both fixed and floating
  facilities.  The Group also mixes the duration of its deposits and
  borrowings to reduce the impact of interest rate fluctuations.  The
  floating rate assets bear interest at rates based on Euro and UK bank
  base rates.  The weighted period to maturity of zero coupon financial
  assets is one year.  The floating rate borrowings bear interest rates
  based on the six month US LIBOR and UK bank base rates.
  Currency risk
  The Group is exposed to transaction and translation foreign exchange
  risk.  The Group does not enter into hedge arrangements in relation to
  foreign currency transactions.
  Foreign exchange differences on re-translation of assets and
  liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are taken to the profit
  and loss account of the Group companies and the Group.  Exchange
  differences arising on translation of the opening net assets and
  results of overseas operations are dealt with through reserves.
  Liquidity risk
  The Group seeks to manage financial risk, to ensure sufficient
  liquidity is available to meet foreseeable needs and to invest cash
  assets safely and profitably.
9.Post Balance Sheet Event
  On 20 October 2000, the Group acquired the customer base and ISP
  services of ISE-Gulliver, an internet access provider in South East
  France for a consideration of approximately #740,000.

Further copies of this interim report can be obtained from the company's
registered head office at Atlantic House, 475 - 485 Union Street,
Aberdeen, AB11 6BL, Scotland.


                  3 months ended 3 months ended 6 months ended  6 months ended
                    30 September   30 September   30 September    30 September
                            2000           1999           2000            1999
                     (unaudited)    (unaudited)    (unaudited)     (unaudited)
                           #'000          #'000          #'000           #'000

Continuing operations     5,575          5,326         10,605          10,202
Acquisitions             15,976              -         21,400               -
                     ----------     ----------     ----------       ---------
Total turnover           21,551          5,326         32,005          10,202
                     ----------     ----------     ----------       ---------
Operating loss:
Continuing operations  (15,109)        (6,735)       (29,569)        (12,651)
Acquisitions           (11,895)              -       (15,840)               -
                     ----------     ----------     ----------       ---------
                       (27,004)        (6,735)       (45,409)        (12,651)
                     ----------     ----------    -----------       ---------
Provision for 
in value of investment  (1,265)              -        (1,265)               -

Net interest            (4,002)          (649)        (6,853)         (1,065)

                     ----------     ----------     ----------       ---------
Loss on ordinary
before taxation        (32,271)        (7,384)       (53,527)        (13,716)

Tax on loss on ordinary
activities                    -              -              -               -
                      ----------     ----------     ----------      ---------
Retained loss for the
period                 (32,271)        (7,384)       (53,527)        (13,716)
                     ==========     ==========     ==========       =========


1. Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation

Operating loss:              (27,004)    (6,735)   (45,409)    (12,651)

Depreciation and
amortisation of Goodwill       12,092      1,684     17,750       3,274
                             --------   --------   --------     -------
                             (14,912)    (5,051)   (27,659)     (9,377)
                             ========   ========   ========     =======

                               3 months ended  3 months ended  6 months ended
                                 30 September    30 September    30 September
                                         2000            1999            2000
                                        #'000           #'000           #'000

Net loss per U.K. GAAP                (32,271)         (7,384)        (53,527)

Development expense (1)                    37              37              74

Amortisation expense (2)                  (43)            (43)            (86)

Stock-based compensation (3)            1,679            (392)            857
                                  -----------      ----------     -----------
Net loss per U.S. GAAP               (30,598)          (7,782)        (52,682)
                                  -----------      ----------     -----------
Closing Shareholders'
equity per U.K. GAAP                 604,488           40,384         604,488

Goodwill (2)                           4,732            4,732           4,732

Amortisation expense (2)              (1,336)          (1,164)         (1,336)

Development expense (1)               (2,522)          (2,670)         (2,522)

Difference in gain on disposal (2)    (1,483)          (1,483)         (1,483)
                                  -----------      ----------     -----------
Closing Shareholders' equity
per U.S. GAAP                        603,879           39,799         603,879
                                  -----------      ----------     -----------
Shareholders' equity at
beginning of period per U.S. 
GAAP                                 634,631           46,183         314,244

Net loss                             (30,598)          (7,782)        (52,682)

Stock-based compensation (3)          (1,679)             392            (857)

Foreign exchange differences             (32)               -              64

Issuance of shares,
net of related costs                   1,557            1,006         343,110
                                 -----------       ----------     -----------
Shareholders' equity at end
of period per U.S. GAAP              603,879           39,799         603,879
                                 -----------       ----------     -----------

                                           6 months ended   12 months ended
                                        30 September 1999     31 March 2000
                                                    #'000             #'000

Net loss per U.K. GAAP                           (13,716)          (33,377)

Development expense (1)                               74               147

Amortisation expense (2)                             (86)             (171)

Stock-based compensation (3)                        (298)           (1,680)
                                              -----------      -----------
Net loss per U.S. GAAP                           (14,026)          (35,081)
                                              ----------       -----------
Closing Shareholders' equity
per U.K. GAAP                                     40,384           314,841

Goodwill (2)                                       4,732             4,732

Amortisation expense (2)                          (1,164)           (1,250)

Development expense (1)                           (2,670)           (2,596)

Difference in gain on disposal (2)                (1,483)           (1,483)
                                             -----------       -----------
Closing Shareholders' equity
per U.S. GAAP                                     39,799           314,244
                                             -----------       -----------
Shareholders' equity at
beginning of period per U.S. GAAP                 52,521            52,521

Net loss                                         (14,026)          (35,081)

Stock-based compensation (3)                         298             1,680

Foreign exchange differences                           -                 -

Issuance of shares, net of
related costs                                      1,006          295,124
                                             -----------      -----------
Shareholders' equity at end
of period per U.S. GAAP                           39,799          314,244
                                             -----------      -----------


The following are descriptions of U.S. GAAP reconciling items:

(1) Under U.K. GAAP, the Group capitalises development expenditures
    related to specific projects when recoverability can be assessed with
    reasonable certainty and these expenditures are amortised over the
    licence period of the project or its expected economic life, whichever
    is shorter. Under U.S. GAAP, development expenditures are expensed in
    the period incurred.
(2) In 1995 the Company completed a reverse stock take-over
    acquisition. Under U.K. GAAP, the acquiror, Worth Investment Trust PLC
    ("Worth") is considered the continuing entity. Under U.S. GAAP, the
    Company is considered the acquiror. Accordingly, under U.S. GAAP, the
    post reverse acquisition historical financial statements are those of
    the Company and additional goodwill is recorded in connection with the
    acquisition of Worth. Under U.K. GAAP, prior to December 23, 1998
    depending on the circumstances of each acquisition, goodwill is either
    written off directly against reserves or amortised through the profit
    and loss account over the Directors' estimate of its useful life (not
    to exceed 40 years). If a subsidiary or a business is subsequently
    sold or closed, any goodwill arising on acquisition that was written
    off directly to reserves or that has not been amortised through the
    profit or loss account is taken into account in determining the profit
    or loss on sale or closure. For U.S. GAAP purposes, the Company has
    amortised goodwill over 20 years.
(3) Under U.S. GAAP, the Group's Share Option Scheme results in
    compensation cost which is measured by the excess of the quoted market
    price of the shares over the option price per share to be paid by the
    employee. Compensation costs are charged to expense over the vesting
    period prior to exercise with the offsetting increase to the share
    premium account. Under U.K. GAAP, no compensation expense is
Additional disclosures are as follows:

1. In June 1998 the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued SFAS
   133 "Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities". This
   statement establishes accounting and reporting standards for derivative
   instruments and for hedging activities. It requires that an entity         
   recognise all derivatives as either assets or liabilities in the statement 
   of financial position and measure those instruments at fair value.         
   Subsequent to the issuance of this statement, the Financial Accounting     
   Standards Board issued SFAS 137 "Accounting for Derivative Instruments and 
   Hedging Activities - Deferral of the Effective Date of FASB Statement No.  
   133 - an amendment of FASB Statement No. 133" that deferred the effective  
   date of SFAS 133 to all fiscal quarters of all fiscal years beginning after
   June 15, 2000. We have not yet determined the effect of these statements on
   the financial statements of the Company.

2. There are recent interpretations in the United States related to stock     
   compensation.  The company is in the process of analysing the effect of    
   these interpretations on the stock options issued in connection with the   
   acquisition of First Telecom Group plc.  The company believes the effect of
   these interpretations will not have a material effect on the consolidated  
   position or result of operations.


Financial performance on a pro-forma basis (assumes the First Telecom
acquisition had taken place on 1 April 1999).  This represents an aggregation
of each company's data without making full consolidation adjustments.  The
table should be considered for illustrative purposes only.

                                          Pro-forma Combined Group
                                          2000                            1999
                           Pre                              Post
                   Exceptional     Exceptional       Exceptional
                         items           items             items
                         #'000           #'000             #'000         #'000
Turnover                43,601               -            43,601        40,628
                    ----------      ----------        ----------    ----------
EBITDA                (36,647) (i)     (4,200)          (40,847)      (17,087)
                    ----------      ----------        ----------    ----------
Operating loss 
before interest       (59,609) (ii)    (1,265)          (60,874)      (22,723)
                    ----------      ----------        ----------    ----------
Retained loss for 
the period            (60,394)         (5,465)          (65,859)      (25,215)
                     ========         ========         =========     =========
Net loss per share                                      (30.87)p      (14.56)p
                                                       =========     =========

(i)  These are costs incurred by the First Telecom Group plc pre-acquisition  
     for professional fees associated with preparing the Group for either an  
     IPO or takeover.  

(ii) This relates to the provision for diminution in value of the investment  
     in Skyline S.A. which is shown on the face of the consolidated profit and
     loss account.



We have been instructed by the group to review the financial information set
out on pages 4 to 13 and we have read the other information contained in the
interim report and considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements
or material inconsistencies with the financial information.


The interim report, including the financial information contained therein, is
the responsibility of, and has been approved by the directors.  The Listing
Rules of the Financial Services Authority require that the accounting policies
and presentation applied to the interim figures should be consistent with
those applied in preparing the preceding financial statements except where any
changes, and the reasons for them are disclosed.


We conducted our review in accordance with the guidance contained in Bulletin
1999/4 'Review of Interim Financial Information', issued by the Auditing
Practices Board.  A review consists principally of making enquiries of
management and applying analytical procedures to the financial information and
underlying financial data and, based thereon, assessing whether accounting
policies and presentation have been consistently applied unless otherwise
disclosed.  A review excludes audit procedures such as tests of controls and
verification of assets, liabilities and transactions.  It is substantially
less in scope than an audit performed in accordance with Auditing Standards. 
Accordingly we do not express an audit opinion on the interim financial


On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material modifications that
should be made to the interim financial information as presented for the six
months ended 30 September 2000.

Grant Thornton
Chartered Accountants

29 November 2000

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