RNS Number:7189A
Atlantic Telecom Group PLC
12 November 1999


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the United States, Canada, Japan, Australia or the Republic of Ireland

                          ATLANTIC TELECOM GROUP PLC
                                  APPENDIX I
                               30 SEPTEMBER 1999

                             CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT


Atlantic  has  made considerable progress in the half-year ended 30  September
1999  with  customer lines over the two quarters exhibiting record  growth  to
reach  81,799 at 30 September 1999. This compares favourably with 52,212 lines
at  31  March  1999 and 40,005 lines at 30 September last year, a doubling  of
lines in the last twelve months.

Turnover  for the half-year increased by 48% to reach #10,202,000 compared  to
the  corresponding period last year. Nearly 70% of our turnover now comes from
our  core  telecommunications activities with our cable TV activities  in  the
City  of  Aberdeen becoming less significant to the overall business with  the
passage of time.

Operationally,  we  now provide telecommunications service  in  four  Scottish
cities, and have expanded our support services to cater for the new areas  and
to  cope  with increased demand for our services. Inevitably, this has  caused
our operational costs to increase and our loss, before interest costs, for the
half-year  has widened from #6,552,000 for the half-year to 30 September  1998
to #12,651,000 for this half year, which was consistent with our plans.

During  the period we commenced trials of high-speed data technology  supplied
by  Marconi. The trials are progressing well and the project plan  remains  on
track  to  launch  a  commercial high-speed service around Easter  2000.  This
technology can deliver data to customers at up to 3.2 Mbs in either  direction
using internet protocols ("IP") on the air interface from the base stations to
the  customer.  This  places Atlantic in an excellent position  to  take  full
advantage  of the anticipated demand for high bandwidth data services  in  the
important "local loop".

In  my  report  to  shareholders which formed part of our  annual  report  and
accounts  for the year ended 31 March 1999, I stated we would be opportunistic
in  the capital markets. Today we have announced a Strategic Partnership  with
Marconi,  allowing us access to a state-of-the-art national fibre network  and
cash, which results in Marconi having an important equity holding in Atlantic.
We  regard this as a milestone for the Group and have taken the opportunity to
raise  further  equity  in  the capital markets alongside  the  investment  by
Marconi.  This  allows us to fast track our business plans in a  way  that  we
would  not otherwise be able to achieve. The entire transaction is, of course,
subject to shareholder approval.


The last six months has seen further build in our networks. In this period  we
brought a further 17 base stations into service to take the number to  118  at
30 September. Our base station networks passed nearly 650,000 sets of premises
at the period end and we have achieved a residential penetration of 2.7% and a
business penetration of 4.6% at 30 September. The network build in Scotland is
therefore  75%  complete, the penetration is on track and we remain  confident
that the Scottish builds will be complete within our current financial year.

Average revenues per directly connected customer remain at encouraging levels.
In  the  residential  market  we have achieved average  monthly  revenues  per
customer  of  #38.45  excluding value-added tax, averaged over  the  six-month
period. This is an uplift of 4.7% over the full year to 31 March. This uplift,
coupled  with  a  churn  of  just 13.19%, is an excellent  performance  in  an
environment where per minute pricing is on the decline. In the business market
the  average  monthly  revenues per connected customer  have  averaged  #85.98
excluding  value-added  tax  and the churn has averaged  14.94%.  The  average
revenue  is  3%  ahead of the full year. These results more than  mandate  our
strategy  to  deliver high value-added services to customers  and  give  us  a
platform from which we can continue to deliver further value added.

In  the  early part of this year we were awarded five licences to  expand  our
fixed  radio  access point to multipoint services into England. Shortly  after
the  half-year,  we were awarded a sixth licence in Yorkshire  (excluding  the
City  of Hull and its environs). These licences give us a platform for  growth
and we look forward to expanding the opportunity.


Our  indirect services cover our branded packaged services in Scotland,  under
the Crest name, and our managed business product that we operate across the UK
under the brand name Logicall.

The  half- year has seen considerable progress from our Crest service.  At  30
September our Crest residential lines had reached 22,556 a near 172%  increase
over  the  six  month  period.  Furthermore, our  average  revenue  per  Crest
residential customer had increased to #13.98 per month averaged over the  six-
month period compared to #12.40 for the full year, an increase of 12.7%.

In  the business market our Crest business service had attracted 361 customers
with  920  lines  in  total.  These customers have delivered  #102  per  month
revenues averaged over the period.

Our  Logicall  service  continues to attract the  high-end  business  customer
attracted  by  the  independent  management aspects  of  our  product.  At  30
September  we had 593 customers with 19,102 lines an increase of  1,439  lines
since  31 March 1999. These customers on average spent #793 per month on  this

We  launched an integrated fixed and mobile service to the residential  market
in  late  May,  with our mobile customers using the BT Cellnet  network.  This
service,  branded as Atlantic "All-in-One", capitalises on the  bundled  theme
and  has been sold initially only through our retail stores. The take  up  has
been modest but remains encouraging enough for us to expand this service on  a
wider basis and into the business market.


Cable  TV take up in the City of Aberdeen continues to please us. At 31 March,
the  customer base reached 18,219 and the average revenue, despite a  material
reduction in price the previous November, remained high and had reached #29.76
per customer per month.

In  the half-year to 30 September, the customer base has dipped marginally  to
18,035.  The  drop  of just 1% compares to a drop of 2.7% the  previous  year.
Importantly,  the  average  revenue per customer has  held  up  well  and  has
averaged #28.96 per month over the traditionally difficult summer period.


As  reported  in the 1999 financial statements, the Group has been  an  active
member  of the Year 2000 Telecom Operators Forum.  This includes a peer review
process  which  requires  each member of the Forum  to  undergo  a  Year  2000
Healthcheck  Review.   The  Forum  Steering  Team  members  are  made  up   of
representatives from major telecom companies, Oftel and Action 2000.  In April
1999,  Atlantic Telecom received confirmation that its process  for  achieving
Year  2000 readiness was assessed as a 'Blue' rating.  Blue is the top  rating
which every telecom operator needs to achieve.

The  Group  fully recognises the potential for business disruption should  its
system  fail to handle date information in accordance with the BSI DISC PD2000
-  1:1998  Year 2000 specification or should any supplier of goods or services
to the company suffer a failure within their systems.  The Group is working to
ensure that no disruption will occur due to the Year 2000.

Contingency  plans have been made to support all critical or  core  functions,
this includes issues which arise from supply chain failures.  For all critical
systems,  recovery plans covering almost every eventuality are being prepared.
These will become effective should any abnormal problems materialise.

The issue is complex, and no business can guarantee that there will be no Year
2000  problems.  However,  the Board believes that  its  plans  and  resources
allocated  are  appropriate and adequate to address  the  issue.   The  inter-
dependant  nature  of  the  Group's  business  systems,  particularly  through
interconnection with other telecommunication service providers means that  the
Group  may  be adversely affected if other telecommunication service providers
are not year 2000 ready.


We  are  very encouraged by the developments outlined earlier. The ability  to
carry  our traffic on our own national network, the expansion of our  services
into  new  areas  and the introduction of new services all go  to  cement  our
strategy.  The introduction of a very important partner in Marconi strengthens
our ability to progress rapidly.

Atlantic  remains a provider of high value added services to targeted customer
groups and we endeavor at all times to directly connect these customers to our
own infrastructure.  The building blocks are now in place. We look forward  to
building the business.

Executive Chairman
12 November 1999


for the six months ended 30      6 months       6 months to      12 months
September 1999                   to 30          30 September     to 31 March
                                 September      1998             1999
                                 1999           (unaudited)      (audited)
                                 #'000          #'000            #'000
TURNOVER                          10,202         6,906            14,924
Operating costs                                                  
- ongoing                        (22,853)       (13,028)         (29,647)
- exceptional                     -             (430)            (1,121)
                                 (22,853)       (13,458)         (30,768)
OPERATING LOSS                   (12,651)       (6,552)          (15,844)
LOSS ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES                                      
BEFORE INTEREST                  (12,651)       (6,552)          (15,844)
Net interest                     (1,065)        (332)            (419)
Tax on loss on ordinary           -              -                -
RETAINED LOSS FOR THE PERIOD     (13,716)       (6,884)          (16,263)
Loss per share                   (16.18)p       (11.47)p         (22.50)p

The  directors  regard  earnings  before  interest,  tax,  depreciation  and
amortisation, which is set out below and is often used in the
telecommunications  and  cable  industry, as  an  important  measure  of  the
operating cash flow of the business.
Operating loss                   (12,651)       (6,552)          (15,844)
Depreciation and amortisation                                    
of                                3,192          1,804            4,309
Cost of network leases            82             82               165
Earnings before interest, tax,                                   
depreciation and amortisation    (9,377)        (4,666)          (11,370)

                          CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET

as at 30th September 1999       30 September    30 September     31 March
                                1999            1998             1999
                                (unaudited)     (unaudited)      (audited)
                                 #'000          #'000            #'000
FIXED ASSETS                                                     
Intangible assets                3,645           3,801            3,718
Tangible assets                  71,594          38,506           56,022
                                 75,239          42,307           59,740
CURRENT ASSETS                                                   
Stock                            5,528           4,075            6,183
Debtors : amounts falling due                                    
after more than one year         9,518           7,694            8,600
Debtors: amounts falling due                                     
within one year                  9,868           5,599            6,286
Cash at bank                     1,079           27,490           5,680
                                 25,993          44,858           26,749
Amounts falling due within one  (27,350)        (17,834)         (25,006)
NET CURRENT (LIABILITIES) /     (1,357)          27,024           1,743
TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT        73,882          69,331           61,483
Amounts falling due after more  (33,498)        (6,827)          (8,389)
than one year
                                 40,384          62,504           53,094
CAPITAL AND RESERVES                                             
Called up share capital          21,313          21,147           21,150
Share premium account            62,462          61,653           61,619
Profit and loss account         (43,391)        (20,296)         (29,675)
SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS              40,384          62,504           53,094


for the six months ended 30     6 months to     6 months to     12 months to
September 1999                  30 September    30 September    31 March
                                1999            1998            1999
                                (unaudited)     (unaudited)     (audited)
                                #'000           #'000           #'000
RECONCILIATION OF OPERATING                                     
Operating loss from continuing                                  
activities                      (12,651)        (6,552)         (15,844)
Depreciation                     3,192           1,804           4,309
Amortisation of lease                                           
prepayment                       82              82              165
Network lease prepayments       (1,000)         (1,000)         (2,000)
Decrease/ (increase) in stock    655            (3,360)         (5,468)
Increase in debtors             (3,121)         (271)           (961)
Increase in creditors            10,947          2,496           10,146
Gain on disposal of fixed                                       
assets                          (12)            (47)            (41)
Net cash outflow from operating                                 
activities                      (1,908)         (6,848)         (9,694)
CASH FLOW STATEMENT                                             
NET CASH OUTFLOW FROM OPERATING                                 
ACTIVITIES                      (1,908)         (6,848)         (9,694)
RETURNS ON INVESTMENTS AND                                      
SERVICING OF FINANCE            (1,065)         (332)           (419)
CAPITAL EXPENDITURE AND                                         
FINANCIAL INVESTMENT            (18,679)        (9,475)         (25,904)
MANAGEMENT OF LIQUID RESOURCES   -              (26,000)         -
FINANCING                        16,047          44,323          43,019
(DECREASE)/INCREASE IN CASH     (5,605)          1,668           7,002


                             At 1         Cash        Non-cash    At 30
                             April        Flow        Items       September
                             1999                                 1999
                             #'000        #'000       #'000       #'000
Cash                          5,680       (4,601)      -           1,079
Bank overdraft               (987)        (1,004)      -          (1,991)
                              4,693       (5,605)      -          (912)
Debt after one year          (700)        (17,800)     -          (18,500)
Debt within year             (522)         -           -          (522)
Finance leases               (10,895)      2,298      (10,948)    (19,545)
                             (12,117)     (15,502)    (10,948)    (38,567)
Net debt                     (7,424)      (21,107)    (10,948)    (39,479)

                          NOTES TO THE INTERIM REPORT

1  Preparation of Interim Report
   The  interim financial information for the six months ended 30  September
   1999  was  approved by the directors on 11 November 1999.   It  has  been
   prepared in accordance with relevant accounting standards on a consistent
   basis using accounting policies set out in the 1999 financial statements.
   The  interim financial information is unaudited but has been reviewed  by
   the  auditors and their independent review report is included  with  this
2  Financial information
   The financial information set out in this report does not constitute full
   financial statements for the purposes of section 240 of the Companies Act
   1985.  Comparative figures for the year ended 31 March 1999 are extracted
   from the statutory financial statements, which have been delivered to the
   Registrar  of  Companies.  The report of the auditors on those  financial
   statements was unqualified and did not contain a statement under  section
   237 (2) of the Companies Act 1985.
3  Earnings per share
   The  loss  per  share is based on the loss attributable to  the  ordinary
   shareholders  of #13,716,000 (30 September 1998 - loss of #6,884,000  and
   31  March 1999 - loss of #16,263,000) and on the weighted average  number
   of Ordinary Shares in issue during the period of 84,771,637 (30 September
   1998 - 60,023,993 and 31 March 1999 - 72,273,690).
   At 30 September 1999, there were 4,427,346 outstanding share warrants and
   1,138,902 outstanding share options in existence.  The shares that would
   be issued in respect of these warrants and options are not treated as
   dilutive as their issue would decrease the loss per share.  Accordingly
   no diluted loss per share figure is shown.
4  Dividend
   In  view  of  the  deficit on reserves the directors cannot  recommend  a
   dividend  and  the loss for the period has therefore been transferred  to
5  Post balance sheet event
   Subsequent to the period end, the company allotted 4,386,270 ordinary
   shares of 25p at a price of 160p per share in respect of warrants
   exercised resulting in a cash inflow of #7 million.

Copies  of this interim report can be obtained from the company's head  office
at Holburn House, 475 - 485 Union Street, Aberdeen, AB11 6DB, Scotland.



We  have been instructed by the group to review the financial information  set
out  in this announcement and we have read the other information contained  in
the   interim   report  and  considered  whether  it  contains  any   apparent
misstatements or material inconsistencies with the financial information.


The interim report, including the financial information contained therein,  is
the  responsibility of, and has been approved by the directors.   The  Listing
Rules  of  the London Stock Exchange require that the accounting policies  and
presentation  applied to the interim figures should be consistent  with  those
applied  in  preparing  the preceding financial statements  except  where  any
changes, and the reasons for them, are disclosed.


We  conducted our review in accordance with the guidance contained in Bulletin
1999/4  'Review  of  Interim Financial Information', issued  by  the  Auditing
Practices  Board.   A  review  consists principally  of  making  enquiries  of
management and applying analytical procedures to the financial information and
underlying  financial  data and, based thereon, assessing  whether  accounting
policies  and  presentation have been consistently  applied  unless  otherwise
disclosed.   A review excludes audit procedures such as tests of controls  and
verification  of  assets, liabilities and transactions.  It  is  substantially
less  in  scope than an audit performed in accordance with Auditing Standards.
Accordingly  we  do  not  express an audit opinion on  the  interim  financial


On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material modifications that
should  be made to the interim financial information as presented for the  six
months ended 30 September 1999.

Grant Thornton
Chartered Accountants

12 November 1999

                          ATLANTIC TELECOM GROUP PLC
                                  APPENDIX II
                           DEFINITIONS AND GLOSSARY

In this announcement, the following words and expressions shall, except where
the context requires otherwise, have the following meanings:

"ATL"                  Atlantic Telecommunications Limited, a subsidiary of
"Admission"            admission of the New Ordinary Shares to the Official
"Additional            the option for Marconi to subscribe for the Option
Subscription"          Shares at the Offer Price during the period from
                       today's date and ending 24 hours prior to Admission,
                       as set out in the Framework Agreement
"Application Form"     the application form relating to the Open Offer to
                       be sent to Qualifying Shareholders
"Atlantic" or "the     Atlantic Telecom Group PLC
"Atlantic Cable" or    Aberdeen Cable Services Limited, a subsidiary of
"Aberdeen Cable"       Atlantic
"Atlantic Logicall" or Logicall Telecommunications Limited, a subsidiary of
"Logicall"             Atlantic
"Circular"             the circular to be issued by the Company in
                       connection with the Proposals comprising a
                       prospectus relating to the Company for the purposes
                       of the Listing Rules
"Clawback Placing"     the conditional placing of the Clawback Shares
                       (subject to recall to satisfy valid applications
                       under the Open Offer) at the Offer Price by Hoare
                       Govett as agent for the Company pursuant to the
                       Placing Agreement
"Clawback Shares"      the 18,568,375 New Ordinary Shares (being all the
                       Offer Shares other than the 3,847,795 Firm Placing
                       Shares), representing 82.8 per cent. of the Offer
                       Shares, which are the subject of the Clawback
"Close Brothers"       Close Brothers Corporate Finance Limited, sponsor
                       and financial adviser to the Company or, in the
                       context of the Placing Agreement, Close Brothers
                       Limited, joint underwriter to the Placing and Open
"Directors" or "Board" the directors of the Company
"Enlarged Group"       the Group, as enlarged by the Proposals
"Equipment and         an agreement to be entered into pursuant to the
Software Supply        Framework Agreement which sets out the basis on
Agreement"             which Atlantic may acquire up to #100 million of
                       certain types of equipment and software, under the
                       terms of which (1) Atlantic has agreed to purchase
                       on arm's length commercial terms (including all
                       warranties as to the equipment quality and fitness
                       for purpose) certain types of communications
                       equipment and software from Marconi for a total
                       consideration of no less than #50 million over a
                       period of three years; and (2) Marconi has agreed to
                       offer #50 million of vendor financing facilities to
                       Atlantic in relation to such minimum purchase
"Extraordinary General the extraordinary general meeting of the Company
Meeting" or "EGM"
"Facility Agreement"   the agreement (as amended) governing the Senior Debt
"Fibre Agreement"      the agreement to be entered into between Fibreway
                       and Telco pursuant to the Framework Agreement
"Fibres"               the dark fibres of which Telco will have the
                       exclusive use for a period of 20 years under the
                       terms of the Fibre Agreement
"Firm Placing"         the conditional placing (not subject to recall to
                       satisfy valid applications under the Open Offer) at
                       the Offer Price of the Firm Placing Shares by Hoare
                       Govett as agent for the Company pursuant to the
                       Placing Agreement
"Fibreway"             Fibreway Limited, a subsidiary of Marconi
"Firm Placing Shares"  the 3,847,795 New Ordinary Shares in respect of
                       which the Directors (other than Alisdair McKenzie,
                       Martin Beard and Andrew Laing) and certain connected
                       parties have irrevocably undertaken not to
                       subscribe, representing 17.2 per cent. of the Offer
                       Shares, which are the subject of the Firm Placing
"Framework Agreement"  the conditional agreement dated 11 November 1999,
                       between Marconi, Fibreway, Atlantic, ATL and Telco
                       setting out the principal terms of the Strategic
"GEC"                  The General Electric Company, p.l.c.
"GEC Group"            GEC and its subsidiary undertakings
"Group"                the Company and its subsidiary undertakings
"Hoare Govett"         Hoare Govett Limited, joint stockbroker to the
                       Company and joint underwriter to the Placing and
                       Open Offer
"Listing Rules"        the listing rules of the London Stock Exchange
"London Stock          London Stock Exchange Limited
"Marconi"              GEC and, where appropriate, Marconi plc, the
                       successor company to GEC following completion of the
                       GEC scheme of arrangement announced on 11 October
                       1999 or any member of the GEC Group as the context
"Network"              the fibre optic network comprising the fibres and
                       the equipment, software and services to be provided
                       by Marconi to Telco pursuant to the Network
                       Framework Agreement
"Network Framework     an agreement to be entered into between Telco,
Agreement"             Marconi and Fibreway
"New Ordinary Shares"  up to 63,870,731 new Ordinary Shares to be issued
                       pursuant to the Strategic Partnership (including, if
                       exercised, the Additional Subscription) and the
                       Placing and Open Offer
"Offer Price"          440p per New Ordinary Share
"Offer Shares"         up to 22,416,170 New Ordinary Shares, representing
                       35.1 per cent. of the New Ordinary Shares, which are
                       being made available to Qualifying Shareholders
                       pursuant to the Open Offer
"Official List"        the Official List of the London Stock Exchange
"Open Offer"           the conditional open offer of up to 22,416,170 New
                       Ordinary Shares to Qualifying Shareholders at the
                       Offer Price
"Ordinary Shares"      ordinary shares of 25p each in the capital of the
"Placing"              together the Firm Placing and the Clawback Placing
"Placing Agreement"    the conditional agreement dated 12 November 1999
                       between the Company, Close Brothers and Hoare Govett
                       in respect of the Placing and Open Offer
"Proposals"            the Strategic Partnership and the Placing and  Open
"Qualifying            the holders of existing Ordinary Shares on the
Shareholders"          register of members of the Company on the Record
                       Date other than certain overseas shareholders
"RA"                   the Radiocommunications Agency, an executive agency
                       of the DTI which regulates the use and administers
                       licensing of the radio spectrum in the UK
"Record Date"          the close of business on 4 November 1999
"Resolutions"          the resolutions to be proposed at the EGM
"Securities Act'       The United States Securities Act of 1933
"Senior Debt Facility" the secured senior debt facility made available
                       pursuant to the Facility Agreement (as amended)
"Shareholder"          a holder of Ordinary Shares
"Strategic             the arrangements with Marconi as described in the
Partnership"           Framework Agreement and its annexes
"Subscription Shares"  the 11,363,636 New Ordinary Shares to be subscribed
                       by Marconi for #50 million in cash pursuant to the
                       Framework Agreement
"Telco"                Faststill Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of
"UK" or "United        the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Kingdom"               Ireland
"Underwriters"         Close Brothers and Hoare Govett
"Warburg Dillon Read"  Warburg Dillon Read, a division of UBS AG


The   following  definitions  of  telecommunications  industry   terms   apply
throughout this announcement unless the context otherwise requires:

"ATM"                   Asynchronous Transfer Mode, a packet based system
                        for the transfer of digital signals
"bandwidth"             a measure of the communication capacity or data
                        transmission rate of a circuit.  The total frequency
                        spectrum (in Hertz - cycles per second) that is
                        allocated or available to a channel, or the amount
                        of data that can be carried (in bits per second) by
                        a channel
"broadband"             a service or connection allowing a considerable
                        amount of information to be conveyed, such as
                        television channels (usually 25 or more) and other
"buildout"              network construction
"churn"                 the number of customer disconnections during a
                        period expressed as a percentage of the annualised
                        average number of customers during the period
"Crest"                 the Company's indirect telecommunications service
"customer installation  the costs associated with the installation of the
costs"                  equipment required to connect a new customer to
                        Atlantic's network
"dark fibres"           fibre optic cables that have no electronic equipment
                        connected to them such that they cannot carry
"FRA" or "fixed radio   a fixed access point to multipoint radio based
access"                 network to deliver telecommunications services in
                        the local loop
"ISP"                   Internet Service Provider
"lit fibres"            dark fibres which have had electronic equipment
                        connected to them such that they can carry traffic
"local loop"            the part of a telecommunications network in a local
                        area connecting the local telephone exchanges to the
                        customers' premises
"Mbs"                   Megabits per second
"point to point         a means of transmitting telecommunications signals
microwave"              over the air from one fixed point to another fixed
"point to multipoint"   a means of transmitting telecommunications signals
                        over the air from a base station to a number of
"SDH"                   Synchronous Digital Hierarchy



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