4 November 2020 
Unaudited Net Asset Value as at 30 September 2020 
Net Asset Value and Valuations 
·    Net asset value ("NAV") per ordinary share was 78.8p (Jun 2020 - 79.6p), a 
decline of 1.0%, resulting in a NAV total return, including dividends, of -0.1% 
for Q3 2020; 
·    The portfolio valuation (before CAPEX) reduced by 0.4% on a like for like 
basis, whilst the MSCI Monthly Index dropped by 0.7% over the same period. 
Investment and letting activity 
·    On 4 September, the Company completed the purchase of a B&Q Retail 
Warehouse in Halesowen for GBP19.5 million, financed by its low cost revolving 
credit facility. The purchase reflects an initial yield of 7.5% and is let to B 
&Q Ltd for a further 11 years to lease expiry, providing secure income given 
the strong tenant covenant and good unexpired lease term. 
·    2 new lettings were completed in the quarter securing GBP185,000pa, with a 
further letting securing GBP82,500 in October. 
·    6 lease regears were agreed on leases with a rental value of GBP1.17m pa. 
·    2 rent reviews were completed, on a food store and an industrial unit with 
increases of 13% and 38% respectively. 
Financial Position and Gearing 
·    Strong balance sheet with significant financial resources available of GBP20 
million (GBP35 million currently drawn from GBP55 million low cost, revolving 
credit facility). 
·      As at 30 September 2020, the Company had a Loan to Value ("LTV") of 
29.4%*. The debt currently has an overall blended interest rate of 2.43% per 
*LTV calculated as debt less cash divided by portfolio value 
Rent collection 
Rent collection remains challenging, given the varied levels of restrictions 
which makes it difficult for tenants to accurately understand the trading 
environment they are operating in. Our Investment Manager is continuing to find 
that most of our tenants seek to honour their lease contract where they can. Of 
those who can't, the majority are open to dialogue to agree a solution, from 
waiving rent for some of the smallest and most impacted tenants, to deferments, 
or rent free periods in return for lease extensions. Some tenants, however, can 
pay but won't, or are unwilling to engage to find a solution. The Government 
restrictions on enforcing lease covenants currently restrict us from taking 
action to recover these arrears, but our Investment Manager will do so as soon 
as they are permitted. 
Rental Quarter            % collected as at 29 October 2020 
Q2 2020                   90% 
Q3 2020                   84% 
Q4 2020                   70% (A further 13% is expected from 
                          monthly payments and where tenants 
                          have said payment is being made) 
It is worth noting that the rental collection figures continue to improve, and 
with deferral agreements, and payment from tenants who have the ability to pay 
but have chosen not to, we expect each quarter to end with a collection rate of 
The Board recognises the importance of dividends to its shareholders especially 
when the COVID-19 crisis has forced many companies, across multiple sectors of 
the economy, to cancel or suspend their dividends. The Board has taken the 
decision to maintain the same level of quarterly dividend as paid last quarter 
equating to 0.714p per share which represents 60% of last year's level for the 
same quarter. The Board continues to believe this rate balances the need for 
shareholders to continue receiving income during this difficult period while 
maintaining a prudent approach given current rent collection rates. 
The Board will continue to monitor closely the evolution of COVID-19, together 
with its impact on rent receipts, recurring earnings and the requirement of the 
REIT rules to distribute at least 90% of its annual property income. 
Share Buybacks 
The Company intends to begin a share buyback programme to purchase shares in 
the Company. 
The Board believes that investment in SLIPIT's shares at the prevailing price 
and discount to net asset value offers an attractive investment opportunity for 
its shareholders given the financial resources the Company has at its disposal. 
The Company will also continue to focus on the existing portfolio and the 
opportunities this presents through both sales, a number of which are in the 
pipeline and also acquisitions and asset management. 
Net Asset Value ("NAV") 
The unaudited net asset value per ordinary share of Standard Life Investments 
Property Income Trust Limited ("SLIPIT") at 30 September 2020 was 78.8p. The 
net asset value is calculated under International Financial Reporting Standards 
The net asset value incorporates the external portfolio valuation by Knight 
Frank LLP at 30 September 2020 of GBP464.9 million and did not contain a material 
uncertainty clause. 
Breakdown of NAV movement 
Set out below is a breakdown of the change to the unaudited NAV calculated 
under IFRS over the period 1 July 2020 to 30 September 2020. 
                              Per  Share  Attributable             Comment 
                                 (p)      Assets (GBPm) 
Net assets as at 30 June         79.6        323.8 
Unrealised decrease in           -0.5         -1.9     Like for like reduction of 0.4% 
valuation of property                                  in property valuations. 
CAPEX  in the quarter            -0.5         -1.9     Predominantly CAPEX at Hagley 
                                                       Road, Birmingham and purchase 
                                                       costs in relation to the 
                                                       acquisition of B&Q at 
Net income in the quarter        0.3          0.9      Rolling 12 month dividend cover 
after dividend                                         of 97% 
Interest rate swaps mark to      0.0          0.0      No change in swap liabilities 
market revaluation                                     in the quarter as interest 
                                                       rates remained similar to last 
Other movements in reserves      -0.1         -0.4     Movement in lease incentives in 
                                                       the quarter 
Net assets as at 30              78.8        320.5 
September 2020 
European Public Real Estate                  30 Sep                 30 Jun 
Association ("EPRA")*                         2020                   2020 
EPRA Net Asset Value                         GBP324.6m                GBP327.9m 
EPRA Net Asset Value per share                79.8p                  80.6p 
The Net Asset Value per share is calculated using 406,865,419 shares of 1p each 
being the number in issue on 30 September 2020. 
* The EPRA net asset value measure is to highlight the fair value of net assets 
on an on-going, long-term basis. Assets and liabilities that are not expected 
to crystallize in normal circumstances, such as the fair value of financial 
derivatives, are therefore excluded. The Company notes the new best practice 
recommendations (BPR) for financial guidelines on its definitions of NAV 
measures issued by EPRA in October 2019 and will look to report these measures 
in its 2020 Annual Report. 
Investment Manager Review and Portfolio Activity 
Q3 continued to be dominated in every aspect by COVID-19. The relaxing of 
restrictions through July and August started to be tightened again as the 
optimism about a quicker return to normality has faded. As this is written, 
severe restrictions on large parts of the UK are in place, probably for the 
remainder of this year, and quite possibly until next spring/summer. Many 
leisure venues will remain unavailable and working from home will remain the 
norm. Travel overseas will be very limited. Sadly, for many people, job 
security will be a major concern and unemployment will rise. This is a 
difficult environment for real estate, and in this context we are delighted to 
have agreed two rent reviews showing uplifts of 13% and 38% on the previous 
rent as well as completing two new leases (one industrial and one office) with 
a further office letting just after the quarter end. In addition, we agreed six 
lease regears with tenants to provide them with a rent free period now, in 
return for extending their lease commitments. The Company's occupancy rate as 
at the end of September remained strong at 92.0%. 
We also completed the purchase of a B&Q retail warehouse in Halesowen 
(Birmingham) for GBP19.5m, reflecting a yield of 7.5%. The property trades well 
for B&Q and has a further 11 years on the lease, providing the Company with an 
attractive income stream. 
In a situation of great uncertainty, and changing ways of life, we need to 
ensure that the assets we were happy to hold at the beginning of the year 
remain relevant and that we remain confident of their ability to provide an 
appealing place to work or visit. In this regard we have a particular focus on 
offices, as a large degree of change is expected even when we return to more 
normal times. 
Overall, the portfolio underperformed the market substantially over the first 
quarter of 2020 with all assets written down but has out-performed over 
quarters 2 and 3 compared to the MSCI monthly index, although not sufficiently 
to overcome the first quarter's performance. The market decline of 6.9% year to 
date compares to the Company's portfolio valuation fall of 8.4% over the first 
9 months. 
The LTV of 29.4% provides sufficient headroom against banking covenants (values 
can fall by 43% and rent by 69% before the covenants are under pressure based 
on 30 September covenants). The Company's interest rate swap liability remained 
relatively stable in the quarter at GBP4.07 million (June 20: GBP4.05 million). 
This liability will unwind to GBP0 on maturity in 2023. 
Investment Manager Market review 
·    The UK economy shrank by an unprecedented 19.8% during the second quarter 
of 2020, although the nadir for GDP was reached in April and the economy has 
grown robustly since then. However, the re-escalation of the COVID-19 infection 
rate, and a tightening of restrictions on social contact are set to depress 
growth over the coming months. 
·    The retail and leisure sectors continue to suffer at the hands of 
COVID-19. The office outlook has also darkened, with an increasing likelihood 
that workers will be urged to work from home throughout the winter. 
Availability rates are rising in nearly all major markets and most sharply of 
all in Central London. 
·    Online retailing is driving strong logistics demand, although the supply 
response has been healthy enough to slow rental growth rates. Across multi-let 
estates, however, there is evidence of more financial distress among smaller 
·    Early indications of investment volumes in Q3 suggest a total of around GBP6 
billion, after only GBP4.6 billion was transacted in Q2. That second quarter 
total was the lowest since the depths of the financial crisis in the first 
quarter of 2009. 
·    Strong competition for industrials is showing signs of driving inward 
yield shift in September valuations. The focus for many investors is becoming 
ever narrower with little interest in discretionary retail and nervousness 
around the office outlook. 
Investment Manger Market outlook 
·    We expect market capital values to fall by more than 12% this year, 
leading to a total return of -7.6%, although this is predicated on substantial 
write-downs to year-end valuations, with total returns set to be in the region 
of -3.5% across the first three quarters. 
·    Retail, hotels and leisure assets are expected to drag performance down at 
the All Property level. Indeed, we continue to forecast record calendar year 
declines in shopping centre values, with standard shops faring little better. 
·    Retail warehouses are also expected to deliver sharply negative returns 
but there are signs that the value and convenience end of that market may be 
stabilising. While supermarkets are still expected to be the strongest retail 
performer over the forecast period - and by some distance in the short term - 
the performance outlook for retail warehouses beyond the next 12 months is 
·    With availability rising quickly and a combination of cyclical and 
structural risks, we expect a substantially negative year for Central London 
offices in 2021. While the debate about the future of offices rages on, survey 
evidence from both employers and employees suggest home working is here to stay 
and at a structurally higher level. The impact on requirements is hard to 
discern and in the short term the impact of a sharp rise in unemployment and 
challenges surrounding Brexit are likely to have the greatest impact. 
·    With all of the uncertainty currently prevailing, we remain firmly in a 
risk off environment in real estate. 
Net Asset analysis as at 30 September 2020 (unaudited) 
                                                          GBPm          % of net 
Industrial                                               236.1          73.7 
Office                                                   142.3          44.4 
Retail                                                   54.5           17.0 
Other Commercial                                         32.0           10.0 
Total Property Portfolio                                 464.9         145.1 
Adjustment for lease incentives                          -5.6           -1.7 
Fair value of Property Portfolio                         459.3         143.4 
Cash                                                      8.2           2.5 
Other Assets                                             16.4           5.1 
Total Assets                                             483.9         151.0 
Current liabilities                                      -14.8          -4.6 
Non-current liabilities (bank loans & swap)             -148.6         -46.4 
Total Net Assets                                         320.5         100.0 
Breakdown in valuation movements over the period 1 July 2020 to 30 September 
                           Portfolio    Exposure as  Like for Like  Capital Value 
                          Value as at    at 30 Sep   Capital Value   Shift (incl 
                          30 Sep 2020    2020 (%)     Shift (excl    transactions 
                             (GBPm)                    transactions &      (GBPm) 
External valuation at 30                                                447.3 
Jun 20 
Retail                       54.5          11.7           -5.2           17.6 
South East Retail                           1.8           -2.9           -0.3 
Retail Warehouses                           9.9           -5.8           17.9 
Offices                      142.3         30.6           -0.4           -0.6 
London City Offices                         2.8           -1.5           -0.2 
London West End Offices                     2.9           0.0            0.0 
South East Offices                         14.2           -1.8           -1.2 
Rest of UK Offices                         10.7           1.6            0.8 
Industrial                   236.1         50.8           0.2            0.5 
South East Industrial                      13.2           -0.1           -0.1 
Rest of UK Industrial                      37.6           0.4            0.6 
Other Commercial             32.0           6.9           0.2            0.1 
External valuation at 30     464.9         100.0          -0.4          464.9 
Sep 20 
Top 10 Properties 
                                                         30 Sep 20 (GBPm) 
Hagley Road, Birmingham                                       20-25 
B&Q, Halesowen                                                15-20 
Symphony, Rotherham                                           15-20 
The Pinnacle, Reading                                         10-15 
Marsh Way, Rainham                                            10-15 
Timbmet, Shellingford                                         10-15 
Hollywood Green, London                                       10-15 
New Palace Place, London                                      10-15 
Basinghall Street, London                                     10-15 
Atos Data Centre, Birmingham                                  10-15 
Top 10 tenants 
Name                                       Passing Rent  % of passing rent 
B&Q Plc                                      1,560,000          5.5% 
BAE Systems plc                              1,257,640          4.4% 
The Symphony Group Plc                       1,225,000          4.3% 
Sec.State for CLG of Tribunal Services       1,158,858          4.1% 
Schlumberger Oilfield UK plc                 1,138,402          4.0% 
Timbmet Group Limited                         799,683           2.8% 
Atos IT Services UK Ltd                       779,970           2.7% 
CEVA Logistics Limited                        671,958           2.3% 
Timeline Wholesale services (UK) Ltd          635,554           2.2% 
G W Atkins & Sons Ltd                         625,000           2.2% 
Total                                        9,852,065         34.5% 
Regional Split 
South East                32.1% 
West Midlands             18.7% 
East Midlands             12.2% 
North West                11.0% 
Scotland                   9.2% 
North East                 7.1% 
South West                 4.0% 
London West End            2.9% 
City of London             2.8% 
The Board is not aware of any other significant events or transactions which 
have occurred between 30 September 2020 and the date of publication of this 
statement which would have a material impact on the financial position of the 
The information contained within this announcement is deemed by the Company to 
constitute inside information as stipulated under the Market Abuse Regulations 
(EU) No. 596/2014). Upon the publication of this announcement via Regulatory 
Information Service this inside information is now considered to be in the 
public domain. 
Details of the Company may also be found on the Investment Manager's website 
at: www.slipit.co.uk 
For further information:- 
Jason Baggaley - Real Estate Fund Manager, Aberdeen Standard Investments 
Tel:  07801039463 or jason.baggaley@aberdeenstandard.com 
Oli Lord - Real Estate Deputy Fund Manager, Aberdeen Standard Investments 
Tel:  07557938803 or oli.lord@aberdeenstandard.com 
Graeme McDonald - Senior Fund Control Manager, Aberdeen Standard Investments 
Tel: 07717543309 or graeme.mcdonald@aberdeenstandard.com 
The Company Secretary 
Northern Trust International Fund Administration Services (Guernsey) Ltd 
Trafalgar Court 
Les Banques 
St Peter Port 
GY1 3QL 
Tel: 01481 745001 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

November 04, 2020 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

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