The full Annual Report and Accounts can be accessed via the Company's website 
at www.angloandoverseasplc.com or by contacting the Company Secretary on 
telephone 0131 270 3800. 
- First full year of new investment policy with greater emphasis on income 
within total return 
- Net asset value total return for the year -4.9%, 2.3% ahead of composite 
- Share price discount to NAV reduced to 7.3% from 14.3% 
- Total dividend for year up 2.1% to 2.9p, recommended final dividend 2.08p 
- Investments increased in China and emerging markets with reductions in US and 
- Equities expected to continue to be attractive for long-term investors 
Financial Summary 
Results for year                               31 July      31 July   % change 
                                                  2009         2008 
Shareholders' funds                        GBP73,689,000  GBP84,076,000     (12.4)% 
Net asset value ("NAV") per Ordinary             96.80p      105.04p     (7.8)% 
Share price per Ordinary Share                   89.75p       90.00p     (0.3)% 
Share price discount to NAV                        7.3%        14.3% 
                                                     Year to       Year to 
                                                31 July 2009  31 July 2008 
Capital return per Ordinary Share*                    (9.35)p      (28.20)p 
Revenue return per Ordinary Share*                     3.17p         3.41p 
Total return per Ordinary Share*                      (6.18)p      (24.79)p 
Dividend per Ordinary Share**                           2.90p        2.84p 
* Based on the weighted average number of Ordinary Shares in issue during the 
year, excluding own shares held in treasury. 
** Total dividend for the year, including proposed final dividend. 
Year's high/low                                      Year to        Year to 
                                                31 July 2009   31 July 2008 
NAV          - high                                  115.25p        131.80p 
             - low                                    75.47p         98.05p 
Share price  - high                                  103.00p        119.00p 
             - low                                    68.50p         81.25p 
Share price discount to NAV 
             - low                                      0.1%           6.7% 
             - high                                    16.4%          18.4% 
Cost of running the Company 
Total expense ratio*                                    0.9%           0.9% 
* Based on the total expenses for the year and average monthly net asset value. 
Performance record 
                          Net asset      Share                Revenue 
                          value per  price per Discount to return per  Dividend 
Year ended Shareholders'   Ordinary   Ordinary   net asset   Ordinary       per 
31 July            funds      Share      Share       value      Share  Share*** 
2006*            GBP105.8m    118.36p    108.75p        8.1%      2.38p     1.92p 
2007**           GBP115.7m    130.99p    118.25p        9.7%      2.81p     2.20p 
2008              GBP84.1m    105.04p     90.00p       14.3%      3.41p     2.84p 
2009              GBP73.7m     96.80p     89.75p        7.3%      3.17p     2.90p 
* Period 29 July 2005 to 28 July 2006. 
** Period 29 July 2006 to 31 July 2007. 
*** This includes the final dividend for each year, including the 2009 proposed 
final dividend of 2.08p. 
In what can only be described as a rollercoaster period for equity investors 
during the year to 31 July 2009 the net asset value per share fell to 96.8p 
from 105.0p as at 31 July 2008. This represents a decrease of 7.8% for the 
year. The total return in the year was -4.9%, after including dividends paid. 
The total return from the FTSE All-Share Index over the year to 31 July 2009 
was -10.5%, while the corresponding total return from the FTSE All-World ex UK 
Index was -3.8%. The total return from the average of these two indices, which 
is used for comparative purposes as the Company does not have any formal 
benchmark, over the year under review was -7.2%. While it is obviously 
disappointing to produce a negative return for the year, it is encouraging that 
the Company produced a relative return 2.3% ahead of the composite index. 
Investment Strategy 
The investment philosophy adopted by the Investment Manager aims to identify, 
through disciplined and extensive research, the long-term earnings potential of 
a company and compares the intrinsic value to its share price. This approach 
requires patience as the resulting portfolio is unlikely to resemble any index 
and returns may be volatile against any index. The Directors believe in the 
merits of a fundamental, long-term approach, particularly as we navigate 
through difficult economic conditions. 
Share Price and Discount 
As at 31 July 2009 the Company's share price was 89.75p, which is only 
marginally lower than the 90.0p at 31 July 2008. This represents a discount to 
net asset value per share (including income) of 7.3% and compares with a 
discount of 14.3% at the previous year end. Your Board believes that the shares 
of your Company should trade at a relatively narrow range around the net asset 
value. The Board continues to actively monitor and manage the discount and was 
pleased to note the reduction over the year. 
The Investment Manager has continued to actively market the Company through a 
series of investor presentations across the UK. In addition, private investors 
can purchase shares in the Company through savings plans operated by Edinburgh 
Partners, details of which can be found on the Edinburgh Partners website 
www.edinburghpartners.com and the Company's website www.angloandoverseasplc.com. 
Another important tool used to manage the discount is to buy-back shares. In 
the year ended 31 July 2009, the Company purchased for cancellation a total of 
3,920,251 shares (representing 4.9% of shares in issue at the prior year end, 
excluding own shares held in treasury) at a cost of GBP3,275,000. 
The authority to repurchase shares will expire at the Annual General Meeting on 
27 November 2009 and a Special Resolution will be proposed for its renewal. 
This will allow the Company to repurchase up to 14.99% of its shares in issue 
(excluding treasury shares) in the open market and for the shares to be 
cancelled or held in treasury. As I stated in the half yearly report, the 
Company's shares will only be purchased when supply exceeds demand and where 
the Directors consider it to be in the best interests of Shareholders, 
particularly in the enhancement to net asset value per share to continuing 
Shareholders. No shares will be repurchased if it would dilute the net asset 
value of the remaining shares. 
Revenue and Dividend 
There was a reduction in the revenue generated from the portfolio in the year 
under review. Net revenue was 3.17p, compared to 3.41p, representing a decrease 
of 7%. This was not unexpected as many banks were required to strengthen their 
balance sheets. While there has been an underlying improvement in the 
availability of finance to the corporate sector, it is clear that it has still 
not returned to normal. As a result, many companies will conserve capital and 
dividends remain under pressure. 
The Board is aware of the importance that shareholders place on dividend income 
as highlighted at the time of the change of investment policy in May 2008 when 
shareholders approved the removal of geographical constraints on the portfolio 
and increased emphasis was placed on income return. 
After increasing the dividend in recent periods, the Directors do not want to 
place unnecessary constraints on investment management decisions by adopting a 
policy to protect the income of the Company, as this may be at the expense of 
long-term shareholder value. It also recognises in particular at present that 
yields on other assets are reducing and has taken these factors into account 
when deciding on the dividend amount. 
It is my pleasure to recommend a final dividend of 2.08p, an increase of 0.04p 
on the prior year final dividend of 2.04p. The total dividend for the year will 
be 2.90p, an increase of 2.1%. The Company has revenue reserves of 4.5p per 
share, before taking account of the proposed final dividend. 
It remains the intention of the Board to maintain a progressive dividend 
policy, and the Directors intend to at least maintain the level of dividends to 
shareholders during the current phase of the economic cycle. 
Subject to the approval of shareholders at the Annual General Meeting on 27 
November 2009 the proposed final dividend of 2.08p will be paid on 4 December 
2009 to shareholders on the register as at 30 October 2009. The ex-dividend 
date will be 28 October 2009. 
Developments in the Investment Trust Sector 
Your Board is strongly supportive of the stance of the Association of 
Investment Companies ("AIC") in opposing European initiatives to impose greater 
regulation on fund management activity which may inadvertently include 
companies such as Anglo & Overseas. 
We welcome the changes in the tax treatment of overseas income which should 
have a positive impact on the net revenue return from the Company's 
Robert Alcock retired as Chairman of the Board and as a Director of the Company 
on 12 November 2008, immediately after last year's Annual General Meeting, and 
I succeeded him as Chairman, with Giles Weaver succeeding me as chairman of the 
Audit Committee and as Senior Independent Director. 
Robert Alcock had been Chairman of the Board since the Company's launch in 2005 
and of its predecessor company, Anglo & Overseas Trust PLC, where he was a 
Director from 1997 and Chairman from 2004. He has played an important part in 
guiding the Company and I and my colleagues take this opportunity to thank him 
for all his hard work and advice over the years. 
It would appear that we are through the worst of the financial crisis and there 
are signs in most of the world's major economies that the decline in economic 
activity may be over. The debate has now moved on to the expected strength of 
the economic recovery. 
While growth in emerging market economies will be higher we remain convinced 
that the recovery in the major developed economies will be gradual, as too many 
consumers and governments still require to put their balance sheets in order. 
The scope for additional government stimulus programmes is limited from here 
and unemployment will continue to increase. There is an excess of productive 
capacity over demand in the corporate sector and while the banking sector is 
recovering, many companies are still finding financing terms onerous. As a 
result, companies will manage working capital and capital expenditure tightly. 
This is likely to lead to global interest rates being maintained at low levels 
for quite some time. As a consequence, against other major asset classes, such 
as bonds and cash, equities are expected to continue to be attractive 
investments for the long-term investor. 
John Pearmund 
15 October 2009 
Anglo & Overseas Plc's investment objective is to provide shareholders with 
above average returns over the longer term through both capital appreciation 
and income growth. 
The Company has no constraints on geographic exposure. The composition of the 
portfolio is driven by company valuations and is constructed without reference 
to the composition of any stock market index, or any industrial or sectoral 
asset allocation limits. Consequently, over short periods of time, relative 
performance is likely to be volatile against any index. 
Economic and Geographic Overview 
To describe the financial year to 31 July 2009 as volatile appears now as 
something of an understatement. From the start of the financial year until the 
first quarter of 2009, economies worldwide suffered the full force of the 
global financial crisis. In Europe, North America and the UK economies were in 
recession and governments took extraordinary action to ensure that financial 
markets continued to operate. In the most extreme cases in the US where Barack 
Obama was sworn in as President in January 2009, and the UK, banks were 
effectively nationalised and massive quantitative easing programmes were 
initiated to provide capital, liquidity and ultimately confidence to financial 
markets. Liquidity was in short supply and businesses required to squeeze as 
much cash as possible out of working capital. 
We remain convinced that the economic recovery in Europe and North America will 
be subdued. In the UK and the US, in particular, household debt levels are 
still uncomfortably high and with job insecurity increasing and higher taxes on 
the horizon, it will be some time before confidence to spend and borrow 
returns. Similarly, substantial debt has been transferred to the public sector 
and some tough decisions require to be taken for governments to bring their 
debt under control. This recession is also different from many previous 
economic recessions, in that it has been accompanied by a banking crisis. The 
massive capital injections have averted depression, but banks, faced with 
rising bad debts and an imbalance between lending and deposits, are still 
contracting their loan books. This will be a slow and job-less recovery. 
There is likely to continue to be more growth in emerging markets and we 
continued to search for investments that met our investment criteria. While the 
most visible signs of these changes were seen at a sector level, the impact at 
a geographical level saw reductions in UK and US exposure from 47% and 16% 
respectively, to 43% and 7%. Conversely, a 2% position was established in Hong 
Kong and investment in China increased from 2% to 5%. 
Portfolio construction is based upon our analysis of long-term earnings and 
risk. The strategy, set out in last year's report, of re-investing the proceeds 
from the disposal of holdings in utilities, telecommunications and healthcare 
companies has continued. Reinvestment has concentrated on more economically 
sensitive and growth companies, where valuations align with their earnings 
prospects. At a sector level the clearest examples of this have been the 
reduction in healthcare from 14% to 7% and an increase in technology from 6% to 
Progress in reorientating the portfolio has been slower than we had originally 
anticipated; the more defensive utility and telecommunication companies did not 
become overvalued or reach a position where investment in more growth or 
cyclical companies could be justified. Given the economic overview described 
above, we expect global economic recovery to be gradual and prolonged and this 
has been incorporated into our long-term valuation strategy. 
Included within our purchases over the period were Baidu.com and China Mobile. 
Both companies have strong market positions and healthy balance sheets. 
Baidu.com is often referred to as the `Google of China', while China Mobile is 
the dominant wireless provider in China. Closer to home a position was built in 
C&C, the Irish cider producer of Magners, which has a new management team. A 
holding was established in Deutsche Post where a new management team is also in 
place and there is scope for margin improvement. 
There is an increased focus on income generation within the portfolio following 
the change in investment policy in May 2008 which removed the previous 
geographical constraints on investment and placed a greater emphasis on 
dividends within the Company's total return objective. 
Over the year, 3% of the portfolio position was invested in corporate bonds. We 
selected liquid, investment grade bonds with a relatively short duration. It 
was the intention to initially increase this to 5% of the portfolio, but we 
were frustrated by market movements and poor liquidity. 
Equities still look attractive compared to many other alternative investments, 
although in the short term the position regarding individual company liquidity 
will require to be closely monitored. Cash returns are minimal and the flood of 
government gilt issuance and eventual inflation is likely to negatively impact 
returns. Property has fallen in value but there is still too much distressed 
supply to give confidence that values have bottomed. 
There is cash on the sidelines and investors need income and a hedge against 
possible future inflation. Equities can meet these parameters and there are 
some outstanding opportunities in quality companies at valuation levels that we 
have not seen for some time. 
After the recent rally, it is likely that equity markets will pause to reflect 
on a subdued economic recovery and absorb equity issuance. We believe that many 
cyclical companies look exposed in this scenario. Conversely, some companies 
which are still able to grow revenues and profits are on attractive valuations 
and it is in these areas where we will continue to focus our research and 
Graham Campbell 
Edinburgh Partners Limited 
Dr Sandy Nairn 
Edinburgh Partners Limited 
15 October 2009 
as at 31 July 2009 
 20 Largest Investments 
                                                                           % of 
Company                   Sector                     Country Valuation      Net 
BP                        Oil & Gas            United Kingdom    2,486      3.4 
ENI                       Oil & Gas                     Italy    2,272      3.1 
Anheuser-Busch InBev      Consumer Goods              Belgium    2,172      3.0 
Banque Cantonale Vaudoise Financials              Switzerland    2,107      2.9 
Provident Financial       Financials           United Kingdom    2,018      2.7 
Sanofi-Aventis            Healthcare                   France    1,965      2.7 
Vodafone                  Telecommunications   United Kingdom    1,841      2.5 
Sun Hung Kai Property     Financials - Real         Hong Kong    1,745      2.4 
HSBC                      Financials           United Kingdom    1,710      2.3 
Lenovo                    Technology                    China    1,680      2.3 
UK Commercial Property    Financials - Real    United Kingdom    1,566      2.1 
C&C                       Consumer Goods              Ireland    1,564      2.1 
Lloyds Banking            Financials           United Kingdom    1,512      2.0 
E.On                      Utilities                   Germany    1,501      2.0 
Rexam                     Industrials          United Kingdom    1,497      2.0 
GlaxoSmithKline           Healthcare           United Kingdom    1,436      1.9 
Centrica                  Utilities            United Kingdom    1,363      1.9 
McBride                   Consumer Goods       United Kingdom    1,356      1.8 
Portugal Telecom          Telecommunications         Portugal    1,337      1.8 
Gazprom                   Oil & Gas                    Russia    1,306      1.8 
Total - 20 largest                                              34,434     46.7 
 Other Investments 
Deutsche Post             Industrials                 Germany    1,237      1.7 
Novartis                  Healthcare              Switzerland    1,234      1.7 
Belgacom                  Telecommunications          Belgium    1,233      1.7 
CRH                       Industrials                 Ireland    1,224      1.7 
Telefonica                Telecommunications            Spain    1,194      1.6 
China Mobile              Telecommunications            China    1,188      1.6 
Teliasonera               Telecommunications           Sweden    1,178      1.6 
Intel                     Technology            United States    1,161      1.6 
Morrison (WM)             Consumer Services    United Kingdom    1,145      1.6 
Imperial Tobacco          Consumer Goods       United Kingdom    1,142      1.6 
KPN                       Telecommunications      Netherlands    1,127      1.5 
UBS                       Financials              Switzerland    1,127      1.5 
National Grid             Utilities            United Kingdom    1,117      1.5 
Tesco                     Consumer Services    United Kingdom    1,106      1.5 
Home Depot                Consumer Services     United States    1,080      1.5 
Sage Group                Technology           United Kingdom    1,055      1.4 
Unilever                  Consumer Goods          Netherlands    1,041      1.4 
Cisco Systems             Technology            United States    1,023      1.4 
Baidu.com                 Technology                    China    1,007      1.4 
Beazley                   Financials           United Kingdom      972      1.3 
Aviva                     Financials           United Kingdom      958      1.3 
Nokia                     Technology                  Finland      935      1.3 
SK Telecom                Telecommunications  Korea, Republic      911      1.2 
Close Brothers Group      Financials           United Kingdom      905      1.2 
Balfour Beatty            Industrials          United Kingdom      887      1.2 
Roche                     Healthcare              Switzerland      849      1.2 
Scottish & Southern       Utilities            United Kingdom      841      1.1 
BT                        Telecommunications   United Kingdom      823      1.1 
Reed Elsevier             Consumer Services    United Kingdom      806      1.1 
Intesa Sanpaolo           Financials                    Italy      766      1.0 
Arriva                    Consumer Services    United Kingdom      759      1.0 
First Group 6.875% 15/04/ Corporate Bonds      United Kingdom      750      1.0 
General Dynamics          Industrials           United States      723      1.0 
Siemens                   Industrials                 Germany      716      1.0 
Home Depot 5.25% 16/12/   Corporate Bonds       United States      712      1.0 
National Grid 4.125% 21/  Corporate Bonds      United Kingdom      696      0.9 
MacFarlane Group          Industrials          United Kingdom      691      0.9 
General Electric          Industrials           United States      597      0.8 
Hyder Consulting          Industrials          United Kingdom      485      0.7 
Total - 59 investments                                          71,835     97.5 
Cash and other net assets                                        1,854      2.5 
Net assets                                                      73,689    100.0 
The geographic distribution is based on each investment's principal stock 
exchange listing, except in instances where this would not give a proper 
indication of where its activities predominate. 
Of the ten largest portfolio investments as at 31 July 2009 the valuations at 
the previous year end, 31 July 2008, were BP GBP1,956,000; ENI GBP2,312,000; 
Anheuser-Busch InBev GBP1,192,000; Banque Cantonale Vaudoise GBP786,000; Provident 
Financial GBP2,200,000; Sanofi-Aventis GBP1,775,000; and Vodafone GBP2,041,000. The 
remaining three investments, Sun Hung Kai Property, HSBC and Lenovo, were new 
purchases made during the year ended 31 July 2009. 
 as at 31 July 2009 (% of net assets) 
Sector distribution                         % of Net Assets 
Financials                                              16.4 
Telecommunications                                      14.7 
Industrials                                             11.0 
Consumer Goods                                           9.8 
Technology                                               9.3 
Oil & Gas                                                8.2 
Healthcare                                               7.4 
Consumer Services                                        6.7 
Utilities                                                6.6 
Financials - Real Estate                                 4.5 
Corporate Bonds                                          2.9 
Cash and Other Net Assets*                               2.5 
Geographical distribution                   % of Net Assets 
United Kingdom                                          43.3 
Europe                                                  38.1 
Asia                                                     8.9 
United States                                            7.2 
Cash and Other Net Assets*                               2.5 
Source: Edinburgh Partners Limited 
* Cash and Other Net Assets includes foreign currency balances of GBP61,000 
The figures detailed in the geographical distribution represent the Company's 
equity exposure to those countries or regional areas. 
The Directors in office are: 
John Pearmund (Chairman) 
Christopher Duffett 
John Sussens 
Giles Weaver 
All of the Directors are non-executive and independent of the Investment 
Financial reporting requirements direct that the Company is required to provide 
a business review within the Directors' Report. The business review must 
contain a review of the Company's business, the principal risks and 
uncertainties it faces, an analysis of its performance during the financial 
period, the position at the period end and the future business plans of the 
Company. It must also provide information about the Company's environmental, 
social and ethical policy and about persons with whom the Company has 
contractual or other arrangements essential to the business of the Company. To 
aid understanding of these areas the Board is required to include analysis 
using appropriate Key Performance Indicators. 
Forward looking statements 
This business review contains "forward looking statements" with respect to the 
Company's plans and its current goals and expectations relating to its future 
financial condition, performance and results. By their nature, all forward 
looking statements involve risk and uncertainty because they relate to future 
events that are beyond the Company's control. Factors that could cause actual 
results to differ materially from those estimated by the forward looking 
statements include, but are not limited to: 
* UK and overseas economic conditions 
* UK and overseas equity market performance and prices 
* Changes in Government policies, both in the UK and overseas 
* Monetary and interest rate policies 
* The impact of inflation and deflation 
* Changes to regulations and taxes, both in the UK and overseas 
* Changes to consumer saving or spending habits 
* Foreign exchange rates 
* The Company's success in managing its assets and business to manage the above 
* The Company's use of gearing 
As a result, the Company's actual future financial condition, performance and 
results may differ materially from the plans, goals and expectations set forth 
in the Company's forward looking statements. The Company undertakes no 
obligation to update the forward looking statements contained within this 
review or any other forward looking statements it makes. 
Business and status of the Company 
The Company is registered as a public limited company under the Companies Act 
1985 and is an investment company within the terms of Section 833 of the 
Companies Act 2006. Its shares are listed on the Official List of the UK 
Listing Authority and traded on the main market of the London Stock Exchange. 
The Company has received approval from the Inland Revenue as an authorised 
investment trust under Section 842 of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988 
("ICTA") for the year ended 31 July 2008 and all previous periods. This 
approval is subject to there being no subsequent enquiry under corporation tax 
self-assessment. In the opinion of the Directors, the Company continues to 
direct its affairs so as to enable it to qualify for such approval and the 
Company will continue to seek approval under Section 842 each year. 
The investment objective of the Company is to provide shareholders with above 
average returns over the longer term through both capital appreciation and 
income growth. 
Investment policy 
Asset allocation 
The Company's investment policy is to invest in a focused portfolio comprising 
principally securities of publicly quoted companies worldwide which the 
Investment Manager considers to be undervalued on the basis of their earnings 
potential. The Company may also invest up to 5 per cent of its gross assets in 
unquoted securities and up to 10 per cent of its gross assets in other listed 
investment companies or funds, including investment trusts. The Company's 
portfolio will be constructed without reference to either the composition of 
any stock market index or any geographic, industrial or sectoral asset 
allocation limits. 
Where the Investment Manager believes market or economic conditions make equity 
investment unattractive or while seeking appropriate investment opportunities 
for the portfolio or to maintain liquidity, the Company may invest in bonds and 
other debt instruments, cash, cash equivalents or short-term deposits. The 
proportion of the Company's assets which may be invested in this way will vary 
according to the Investment Manager's view of market or economic conditions and 
the availability of suitable equity investment opportunities. In the unlikely 
event of very extreme conditions, 100 per cent of the portfolio could be so 
invested, although the use of such investments is not expected normally to 
exceed 30 per cent of gross assets. In addition, the Company may purchase 
derivatives for the purposes of efficient portfolio management (i.e. for the 
purpose of reducing, transferring or eliminating investment risk in its 
investments, including protection against currency risk). 
Risk diversification 
In order to spread risk, the portfolio will normally consist of between 40 and 
70 equity investments in publicly quoted companies. No single investment will 
represent more than 15 per cent of the Company's gross assets at the time of 
its acquisition. 
The Company's policy on gearing is not to have fixed or structural gearing, but 
the Company may from time to time, when deemed appropriate, borrow for 
investment purposes in various currencies to suit investment conditions. This 
gearing will not exceed 20 per cent of shareholders' funds at the time of 
borrowing. This is intended to enhance the Company's ability to take advantage 
of future investment opportunities identified by the Investment Manager, 
subject always to the Board's overall control in relation to borrowings. 
Investment strategy 
The Company is managed without reference to any stock market index. Investments 
are selected for the portfolio only after extensive research which the 
Investment Manager believes to be key. The whole process through which an 
equity must pass in order to be included in the portfolio is very rigorous. 
Only a security where the Investment Manager believes that the price will be 
significantly higher in the future will pass the selection process. The 
Company's Investment Manager believes the key to successful stock selection is 
to identify the long-term value of a company's shares and to have the patience 
to hold the shares until that value is appreciated by other investors. 
Identifying long-term value involves detailed analysis of a company's earning 
prospects over a five-year time horizon. 
The Company's Investment Manager is Edinburgh Partners Limited, which is an 
independent specialist investment manager focusing exclusively on achieving 
above average returns for investors based on global investment analysis of the 
highest quality. The founders of Edinburgh Partners include experienced 
investment professionals with strong investment performance records who believe 
rigorous fundamental research allied to patience is the basis of long-term 
investment success. Each of the investment professionals has specific 
responsibilities for sector and regional research in addition to their fund 
management role. 
Edinburgh Partners is committed to investment trusts as flexible, long-term 
savings vehicles and intends that they should form an important component of 
its business offering. 
Portfolio analysis 
The Company has and intends to observe the investment restrictions necessary to 
achieve and maintain approved investment trust status in the United Kingdom and 
to comply with the Listing Rules. No single investment will represent more than 
15 per cent of the Company's gross assets at the time of its acquisition. 
A detailed review of how the Company's assets have been invested is contained 
in the Manager's Report and Portfolio Analysis. A detailed list of all the 
Company's investments is contained in the Portfolio of Investments. The 
Portfolio of Investments details that the Company held 59 investments, 
excluding cash and other net assets, as at 31 July 2009, with the largest 
investment representing 3.4% of net assets, thus ensuring that the Company has 
a suitable spread of investment risk. A sector and geographical distribution is 
shown above. 
Principal risks and uncertainties 
The principal risks facing the Company relate to the Company's investment 
activities. An explanation of these risks and how they are managed is contained 
in note 18. These risks are: investment and strategy risk; discount volatility 
risk; market risk (comprising: interest rate risk, currency risk and other 
price risk); liquidity risk; credit risk and gearing risk. 
In addition, the Board also considers the following as principal risks: 
Regulatory risk 
Failure to qualify under the terms of Section 842 of the ICTA may lead to Anglo 
& Overseas Plc being subject to capital gains tax. A breach of the Listing 
Rules of the Financial Services Authority ("FSA") may result in censure by the 
FSA and/or the Company's suspension from Listing. 
The Investment Manager is responsible for certain administrative matters 
including regulatory compliance. Accordingly, the Board has agreed service 
levels with the Investment Manager which includes active and regular review of 
compliance with the ICTA and FSA requirements. These checks are reviewed 
monthly and at each Board meeting. 
Operational risk 
In common with most other investment companies the Company has no employees; 
the Company therefore relies upon the services provided by third parties. There 
are a number of operational risks associated with the fact that third parties 
undertake the Company's administration and custody. The main risk is that the 
third parties may fail to ensure that statutory requirements, such as 
compliance with the Companies Act and FSA Listing Rules, are met. 
The Board regularly receives and reviews management information on third 
parties which the Secretary compiles. In addition, each of the third parties 
provides a copy of its report on internal controls (AAF, SAS 70 or equivalent) 
to the Board each year. 
Financial risk 
Inappropriate accounting policies or failure to comply with current or new 
accounting standards may lead to a breach of regulations. 
The Board employs independent administrators to prepare all Financial 
Statements and the Audit Committee meets with the independent Auditor at least 
once a year to discuss all financial matters including appropriate accounting 
The Company is a member of the Association of Investment Companies ("AIC"), a 
trade body intended to promote investment trusts which also develops best 
practice for all of its members. 
Key personnel risk 
There is a risk that key personnel within the Investment Manager might leave 
Edinburgh Partners or may no longer be involved in the management of the 
Company's portfolio. The Investment Manager has in place an insurance policy 
covering key personnel. The Investment Management Agreement provides for 
termination in the event that certain key personnel are no longer involved in 
the management of Anglo & Overseas Plc. Further details of the Investment 
Management Agreement are below. 
The Board undertakes an annual assessment and review of all the risks stated 
above and in note 18 together with a review of any new risks which may have 
arisen during the year. These risks are formalised within the Company's risk 
assessment matrix. 
Results and dividends: The results for the year ended 31 July 2009 are set out 
in the Income Statement and in the Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' 
The Directors recommend a final dividend of 2.08p (2008: 2.04p) per Ordinary 
Share to be paid on 4 December 2009 to shareholders on the register as at the 
close of business on 30 October 2009. The ex-dividend date will be 28 October 
2009. Subject to shareholders approving the final dividend, the total dividend 
for the year ended 31 July 2009, including the interim dividend of 0.82p (2008: 
0.80p) will be 2.90p (2008: 2.84p). 
Further information on the performance of the Company may be found in the 
Chairman's Statement and the Manager's Report and Portfolio Analysis. 
Net asset value: The net asset value ("NAV") per Ordinary Share, including 
revenue reserves, as at 31 July 2009 was 96.80p (2008: 105.04p). 
Key performance indicators ("KPIs") 
At each Board meeting, the Directors consider a number of performance measures 
to assess the Company's success in achieving its objectives. The KPIs used to 
measure progress and performance of the Company over time are established 
industry measures and are as follows: 
* NAV per Ordinary Share 
* Share price 
* Discount/premium to NAV 
* Revenue return per Ordinary Share 
* Dividend per Ordinary Share 
* Portfolio turnover 
* Total expense ratio 
The records of the KPIs are shown below: 
                                  31 July 2009    31 July 2008          Change 
Net asset value per Ordinary             96.80p         105.04p          (7.8)% 
Share price per Ordinary Share           89.75p          90.00p          (0.3)% 
Discount to NAV                            7.3%           14.3% 
                                            Year         Year to 
                                              to              to 
                                    31 July 2009    31 July 2008 
Revenue return per Ordinary Share          3.17p           3.41p 
Dividend per Ordinary Share                2.90p           2.84p 
Portfolio turnover                           43%             54% 
Total expense ratio                         0.9%            0.9% 
Current and future developments 
A review of the main features of the year and the outlook for the coming year 
is to be found in the Chairman's Statement and the Manager's Report and 
Portfolio Analysis. The Board's main focus is on the investment return and 
investment approach. Attention is paid to the integrity and success of the 
investment approach and on factors which may have an impact on this approach. 
Due regard is paid to the promotion of the Company including communication with 
shareholders and other external parties. The Board is regularly updated on 
wider investment trust industry issues. Detailed papers are presented to the 
Board which lead to extensive discussion on development and strategy. 
Social, environmental and ethical policy 
Anglo & Overseas Plc seeks to invest in companies that are well managed, with 
high standards of corporate governance, as the Directors believe this creates 
the proper conditions to enhance long-term value for shareholders. In aiming to 
achieve a high level of corporate performance the Company adopts a positive 
approach to corporate governance and engagement with companies. 
In pursuit of the above objective, the Directors believe that proxy voting is 
an important part of the corporate governance process and considers seriously 
its obligation to manage the voting rights of companies in which it is 
invested, for which it has delegated responsibility to its Investment Manager. 
It is the policy of the Company to vote, as far as is practicable, at all 
shareholder meetings of investee companies. The Company follows the relevant 
applicable regulatory and legislative requirements in the UK, with the guiding 
principles being to make proxy voting decisions which favour proposals that 
will lead to maximising shareholder value while avoiding any conflicts of 
interest. Voting decisions are taken on a case by case basis, with the key 
issues on which the Investment Manager focuses being corporate governance, 
including disclosure and transparency, board composition and independence, 
control structures, remuneration and social and environmental issues. 
The Company made no political or charitable donations during the year. 
Purchase of own shares 
At the Annual General Meeting held on 12 November 2008 the Directors were 
granted the authority to purchase up to 14.99% of the Company's Ordinary Shares 
(either for cancellation or for placing into treasury). Any buy-backs of shares 
have been made within the guidelines established from time to time by the 
Board. In total the authority granted amounted to 11,847,778 Ordinary Shares. 
During the year ended 31 July 2009, 3,920,251 shares (with a nominal value of GBP 
392,025) were purchased for cancellation, representing 4.63% of the issued 
share capital at the year end, for an aggregate amount of GBP3,275,000. The 
Company also cancelled during the year 436,000 shares (with a nominal value of 
GBP43,600) from treasury, representing 0.52% of the issued share capital at the 
year end. The shares were cancelled from treasury in order to ensure that the 
number of own shares held in treasury at any one time did not exceed the limit 
prescribed by the Companies (Acquisition of own shares) (Treasury shares) 
Regulations 2003 (the "Regulations"), being 10% of the issued share capital at 
any one time. The maximum number of own shares held in treasury during the year 
was 8,893,438 shares (with a nominal value of GBP889,344) representing 10% of the 
issued share capital of 88,938,819 Ordinary Shares at the time they were held 
in treasury. 
The total number of own shares held in treasury as at 31 July 2009, including 
those shares bought back in prior accounting periods, totalled 8,457,438 
Ordinary Shares. 
Subsequent to the year end and up to the date of this report, a further 
1,177,249 shares (with a nominal value of GBP117,725) were purchased for 
cancellation, representing 1.41% of the issued share capital at the date of 
this report, for an aggregate amount of GBP1,122,000. In addition, 130,000 shares 
(with a nominal value of GBP13,000) were cancelled from treasury, representing 
0.16% of the issued share capital at the date of this report. The total number 
of own shares held in treasury at the date of this report is 8,327,438 shares, 
representing 10% of the issued share capital. 
Issue of shares from treasury 
The Board has the facility to authorise the sale of shares from treasury at 
prices at or above the net asset value per share (plus costs of the relevant 
sale). In the future the Directors will consider selling shares from treasury, 
in order to meet demand as it arises. This should result in a positive overall 
effect on the net asset value per share if shares are bought back at a discount 
and then sold at a price at or above the net asset value per share. 
During the year ended 31 July 2009, in accordance with the Regulations, the 
Company was permitted to hold up to 10% of its issued Ordinary Shares in 
treasury at any one time. From 1 October 2009, in accordance with the Companies 
(Share Capital and Acquisition by the Company of its Own Shares) Regulations 
2009, there is no longer a limit on the number of shares that a company can 
hold in treasury at any one time. Holding shares in treasury enables a company 
to issue shares cost effectively that might otherwise have been cancelled. The 
Board has set no limit on the number of shares that can be held in treasury at 
any one time. 
Investment Management Agreement 
The Company's investments are managed by Edinburgh Partners Limited under an 
Investment Management Agreement dated 23 June 2005 (the "Investment Management 
Agreement"). Edinburgh Partners receives a management fee of 0.125 per cent per 
quarter of the market capitalisation of the issued Ordinary Shares, payable 
quarterly in arrears. In addition it receives an administration fee (GBP113,000 
per annum for the year ended 31 July 2009), payable quarterly in arrears and 
adjusted annually in line with changes in the Retail Prices Index. The 
Investment Management Agreement is terminable by 12 months' notice by either 
party. The Company may terminate the agreement with less than 12 months' 
notice; however, it may be required to pay liquidated damages for early 
termination, unless certain specific circumstances set out in the agreement are 
Continuing appointment of the Investment Manager 
The Company keeps the performance of the Investment Manager under review 
through the Remuneration and Management Engagement Committee. It is the opinion 
of the Directors that the continuing appointment of Edinburgh Partners is in 
the interests of shareholders as a whole. The reasons for these views are that 
the Directors are confident that the long-term investment strategy of Edinburgh 
Partners will ensure that the Company's objective of providing above average 
returns over the longer term through both capital appreciation and income 
growth will be achieved. The remuneration of the Investment Manager is 
considered reasonable both in absolute terms and compared with that of managers 
of comparable investment companies. The Directors believe that by paying the 
Investment Management fee calculated on a market capitalisation basis, rather 
than a percentage of assets basis, the interests of the Investment Manager are 
more closely aligned with those of shareholders. 
Related party 
Edinburgh Partners, as Investment Manager of the Company, is considered to be a 
related party by virtue of its management contract with the Company. During the 
year ended 31 July 2009, services with a total value of GBP444,000 (31 July 2008: 
GBP539,000) were purchased by the Company from Edinburgh Partners. At 31 July 
2009, the amount due to Edinburgh Partners, disclosed under creditors, was GBP 
112,000 (31 July 2008: GBP123,000). 
Management report 
Listed companies are required by the FSA's Disclosure and Transparency Rules 
(the "Rules") to include a management report within their annual report and 
financial statements. 
The information required to be included in the management report for the 
purpose of these Rules is included in the Chairman's Statement, the Manager's 
Report and Portfolio Analysis and the Business Review contained in the 
Directors' Report. Therefore no separate management report has been included. 
The Financial Statements have been reviewed by the Company's Auditors. 
Statement of Directors' responsibilities in respect of the Annual Report and 
the Financial Statements 
The Directors are responsible for preparing the Annual Report and the Financial 
Statements in accordance with applicable law and regulations. 
Company law requires the Directors to prepare Financial Statements for each 
financial year. Under that law they have elected to prepare the Financial 
Statements in accordance with UK Accounting Standards and applicable law (UK 
Generally Accepted Accounting Practice). 
Under company law the Directors must not approve the Financial Statements 
unless they are satisfied that they give a true and fair view of the state of 
affairs of the Company and of the profit or loss of the Company for that 
period. In preparing these Financial Statements, the Directors are required to: 
* select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; 
* make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; 
* state whether applicable UK Accounting Standards have been followed, subject 
to any material departures disclosed and explained in the Financial Statements; 
* prepare the Financial Statements on the going concern basis unless it is 
inappropriate to presume that the company will continue in business. 
The Directors are responsible for keeping adequate accounting records that are 
sufficient to show and explain the Company's transactions and disclose with 
reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the Company and 
enable them to ensure that the Financial Statements comply with the Companies 
Act 2006. They have general responsibility for taking such steps as are 
reasonably open to them to safeguard the assets of the Company and to prevent 
and detect fraud and other irregularities. 
Under applicable law and regulations, the Directors are also responsible for 
preparing a Directors' Report, Directors' Remuneration Report and Corporate 
Governance Statement that comply with that law and those regulations. 
The Directors are responsible for the maintenance and integrity of the 
corporate and financial information included on the Company's website. 
Legislation in the UK governing the preparation and dissemination of financial 
statements may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions. 
The Directors confirm to the best of their knowledge: 
* the Financial Statements, prepared in accordance with UK Accounting 
Standards, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial 
position and loss of the Company; and 
* the Directors' Report includes a fair review of the development and 
performance of the business and the position of the Company, together with a 
description of the principal risks and uncertainties that it faces. 
On behalf of the Board 
John Pearmund 
15 October 2009 
The Company's financial statements for the year ended 31 July 2009 have been 
audited by KPMG Audit Plc. The text of the Auditor's report can be found in the 
Company's Annual Report and Accounts at www.angloandoverseasplc.com. 
for the year ended 31 July 2009 
                               Year to                        Year to 
                             31 July 2009                   31 July 2008 
                       Revenue  Capital   Total      Revenue  Capital    Total 
               Notes     GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000        GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000 
Losses on        8           -   (7,275) (7,275)           -  (24,260) (24,260) 
investments at 
fair value 
Foreign          8           -       24      24            -      476      476 
exchange gains 
on capital 
Income           2       3,399        -   3,399        3,918        -    3,918 
Investment       3        (165)    (166)   (331)        (216)    (216)    (432) 
management fee 
Refund of VAT    3          55       42      97            -        -        - 
on investment 
management and 
Other expenses   4        (389)       -    (389)        (467)       -     (467) 
Net return/              2,900   (7,375) (4,475)       3,235  (24,000) (20,765) 
(loss) before 
interest and 
Interest paid               (3)       -      (3)          (5)       -       (5) 
Net return/              2,897   (7,375) (4,478)       3,230  (24,000) (20,770) 
(loss) before 
Taxation         5        (412)      35    (377)        (338)      63     (275) 
Net return/              2,485   (7,340) (4,855)       2,892  (23,937) (21,045) 
(loss) after 
                          pence    pence   pence        pence    pence    pence 
Return per       7        3.17    (9.35)  (6.18)        3.41   (28.20)  (24.79) 
Ordinary Share 
* Based on the weighted average number of Ordinary Shares in issue during the 
year (excluding own shares held in treasury). 
All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing 
The total column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the 
Company. The supplementary revenue and capital return columns are prepared 
under guidance published by the Association of Investment Companies ("AIC"). 
A separate Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses has not been prepared 
as all such gains and losses are included in the Income Statement. 
The notes form part of these Financial Statements. 
as at 31 July 2009 
                                                         31 July        31 July 
                                                           2009           2008 
                                           Notes          GBP'000          GBP'000 
Fixed assets: 
Investments at fair value through             8           71,835         82,987 
profit or loss 
Current assets: 
Debtors                                      10              592            474 
Cash at bank and short-term deposits                       1,845          2,352 
                                                           2,437          2,826 
Creditors - amounts falling due within       11              583          1,737 
one year 
Net current assets                                         1,854          1,089 
Net assets                                                73,689         84,076 
Capital and reserves: 
Called-up share capital                      14            8,458          8,894 
Special reserve                                           67,233         70,508 
Capital redemption reserve                                   564            128 
Capital reserve                                           (5,983)         1,357 
Distributable revenue reserve                              3,417          3,189 
Total equity shareholders' funds                          73,689         84,076 
                                                           pence          pence 
Net asset value per Ordinary Share           15            96.80         105.04 
* Previously the cost of own shares held in treasury was shown as a separate 
reserve. In accordance with the AIC Statement of Recommended Practice issued in 
January 2009, the cost of own shares held in treasury is now reflected as a 
deduction from the special reserve. 
The financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 15 October 
John Pearmund 
The notes form part of these Financial Statements. 
for the year ended 31 July 2009 
                     Called-up            Capital          Distributable      Own  Total equity 
                         share Special redemption  Capital       revenue   shares shareholders' 
               Notes   capital reserve    reserve  reserve       reserve       in         funds 
                        GBP'000   GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000         GBP'000    GBP'000         GBP'000 
Year ended 31 
July 2009 
As at 31 July           8,894  79,949        128    1,357         3,189   (9,441)       84,076 
Transfer of                 -  (9,441)         -        -             -    9,441             - 
own shares 
held in 
As at 31 July           8,894  70,508        128    1,357         3,189        -        84,076 
Cost of own              (392) (3,275)       392        -             -        -        (3,275) 
shares bought 
Cost of own               (44)      -         44        -             -        -             - 
cancelled from 
Movement in      8          -       -          -    9,351             -        -         9,351 
fair value of 
Net loss on      8          -       -          -  (16,626)            -        -       (16,626) 
realisation of 
Foreign          8          -       -          -       24             -        -            24 
exchange gains 
on capital 
Dividends paid   6          -       -          -        -        (2,257)       -        (2,257) 
in the year 
Investment       3          -       -          -     (166)            -        -          (166) 
management fee 
Refund of VAT    3          -       -          -       42             -        -            42 
on investment 
Tax on                      -       -          -       35             -        -            35 
management fee 
Retained net                -       -          -        -         2,485        -         2,485 
return for the 
As at 31 July           8,458  67,233        564   (5,983)        3,417        -        73,689 
* Previously the cost of shares held in treasury was shown as a separate 
reserve. In accordance with the AIC Statement of Recommended Practice issued in 
January 2009, the cost of own shares held in treasury is now reflected as a 
deduction from the special reserve. 
The notes form part of these Financial Statements. 
                   Called-up            Capital          Distributable      Own  Total equity 
                       share Special redemption  Capital       revenue  held in shareholders' 
             Notes   capital reserve    reserve  reserve       reserve treasury         funds 
                      GBP'000   GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000         GBP'000    GBP'000         GBP'000 
Year ended 
31 July 2008 
As at 31              8,972  80,652         50   25,294         2,357   (1,620)      115,705 
July 2007 
Cost of own             (70)   (619)        70        -             -        -          (619) 
bought for 
Cost of own               -       -          -        -             -   (7,905)       (7,905) 
bought into 
Cost of own              (8)    (84)         8        -             -       84             - 
Movement in    8          -       -          -  (20,768)            -        -       (20,768) 
fair value 
Net loss on    8          -       -          -   (3,492)            -        -        (3,492) 
Foreign        8          -       -          -      476             -        -           476 
gains on 
Dividends      6          -       -          -        -        (2,060)       -        (2,060) 
paid in the 
Investment     3          -       -          -     (216)            -        -          (216) 
Tax on                    -       -          -       63             -        -            63 
Retained net              -       -          -        -         2,892        -         2,892 
return for 
the year 
As at 31              8,894  79,949        128    1,357         3,189   (9,441)       84,076 
July 2008 
The notes form part of these Financial Statements. 
for the year ended 31 July 2009 
                                                          Year to      Year to 
                                                          31 July      31 July 
                                                            2009          2008 
                                              Notes        GBP'000         GBP'000 
Operating activities: 
Investment income received                                 3,163         3,619 
Other income                                                  13             - 
Bank deposit interest received                                 -             9 
Investment management fees paid                             (343)         (475) 
Administration and secretarial fees paid                    (111)         (106) 
Other cash payments                                         (295)         (393) 
Net cash inflow from operating activities      16          2,427         2,654 
Servicing of finance 
Interest paid                                                 (3)           (5) 
Taxation                                                     (65)            - 
Capital expenditure and financial 
Purchases of investments                                 (29,200)      (41,136) 
Sales of investments                                      31,949        50,591 
Exchange (losses)/gains on settlement                       (116)          489 
Net cash inflow from capital expenditure                   2,633         9,944 
and financial investment 
Equity dividends paid                                     (2,257)       (2,060) 
Net cash inflow before financing                           2,735        10,533 
Shares purchased for cancellation                         (3,242)         (375) 
Own shares purchased and held in treasury                      -        (7,905) 
Net cash outflow from financing                           (3,242)       (8,280) 
(Decrease)/increase in cash                    17           (507)        2,253 
The notes form part of these Financial Statements. 
at 31 July 2009 
1 Accounting policies 
Basis of accounting 
The financial statements are prepared in accordance with UK Generally Accepted 
Accounting Practice ("UK GAAP") and with the AIC Statement of Recommended 
Practice issued in January 2009 regarding the Financial Statements of 
Investment Trust Companies and Venture Capital Trusts ("SORP"). All the 
Company's activities are continuing. 
Income recognition 
Dividend and other investment income is included as revenue when the 
investments concerned are quoted `ex-dividend'. Income arising on holdings of 
fixed income securities is recognised on a time apportionment basis so as to 
reflect the effective interest rate on that security. Deposit interest and 
underwriting commission receivable is included on an accruals basis. 
All expenses are accounted for on an accruals basis. All operating expenses are 
charged through the revenue account in the Income Statement except costs that 
are incidental to the acquisition or disposal of investments, which are charged 
to the capital account. Transaction costs are included within the gains and 
losses on investment sales, as disclosed in the Income Statement. 
The Investment Manager's fee is allocated 50% to capital and 50% to revenue. 
Expenses related to the issue of new shares are charged to the Company's share 
premium account. 
All investments held by the Company are classified as `fair value through 
profit or loss'. Investments are initially recognised at cost, being the fair 
value of the consideration given. 
After initial recognition, investments are measured at fair value, with changes 
in the fair value of investments and impairment of investments recognised in 
the Income Statement and allocated to capital. Realised gains and losses on 
investments sold are calculated as the difference between sales proceeds and 
For investments actively traded in organised financial markets, fair value is 
generally determined by reference to Stock Exchange quoted market bid prices at 
the close of business on the balance sheet date, without adjustment for 
transaction costs necessary to realise the asset. 
Foreign currency 
Transactions denominated in foreign currencies are converted to sterling at the 
actual exchange rate as at the date of the transaction. Monetary assets and 
liabilities denominated in foreign currencies at the year end are reported at 
the rate of exchange at the balance sheet date. Any gain or loss arising from a 
change in exchange rate subsequent to the date of the transaction is included 
as an exchange gain or loss in the capital reserve or the revenue account 
depending on whether the gain or loss is of a capital or revenue nature. 
The charge for taxation is based on the net revenue for the year. In accordance 
with Financial Reporting Standard 16: Current Tax, UK dividend income is shown 
net of attributable tax credits, therefore no tax credits are included within 
the charge for taxation. 
The charge for taxation takes into account taxation deferred or accelerated 
because of timing differences between the treatment of certain items for 
accounting and taxation purposes. Full provision for deferred taxation is made 
under the liability method, without discounting, on all timing differences that 
have arisen but not been reversed by the balance sheet date, unless such 
provision is not permitted by Financial Reporting Standard 19: Deferred Tax. 
This is subject to deferred tax assets only being recognised if it is 
considered more likely than not that there will be suitable profits from which 
the future reversal of the underlying timing differences can be deducted. 
Timing differences are differences arising between the Company's taxable 
profits and its results as stated in the Financial Statements which are capable 
of reversal in one or more subsequent periods. The tax effect of different 
items of expenditure is allocated between revenue and capital on the same basis 
as the particular item to which it relates. Tax relief on expenses is allocated 
between revenue and capital using the marginal basis in accordance with the 
Capital reserve 
The following are accounted for in this reserve: 
* gains and losses on the realisation of investments; 
* net movement arising from changes in the fair value of investments that can 
be readily converted to cash without accepting adverse terms; 
* realised exchange differences of a capital nature; and 
* expenses, together with related taxation effect, charged to this account in 
accordance with the above policies; and 
* net movement arising from changes in the fair value of investments that 
cannot be readily converted to cash without accepting adverse terms, held at 
the year end. 
Special reserve 
The special reserve was created by a reduction in the share premium account by 
order of the High Court on 25 August 2005. It can be used for the repurchase of 
the Company's Ordinary Shares. 
In accordance with the AIC Statement of Recommended Practice issued in January 
2009, the consideration paid for shares bought into and held in treasury is 
shown as a deduction from the special reserve. The number of own shares held in 
treasury is excluded from the calculation of the net asset value per share as 
detailed in these Financial Statements. 
Dividends payable to shareholders 
Under Financial Reporting Standard 21: Events after the Balance Sheet Date, 
interim dividends are recognised when paid, with final dividends being 
recognised when approved by shareholders in general meeting. 
2 Income 
                                           Year to        Year to 
                                      31 July 2009   31 July 2008 
                                             GBP'000          GBP'000 
Income from listed investments: 
UK dividend income                           1,644          2,005 
Overseas dividends                           1,631          1,696 
Deposit funds                                   44            207 
Interest                                        67              1 
                                             3,386          3,909 
Other income: 
Bank interest receivable                         -              9 
Underwriting commission                         13              - 
                                             3,399          3,918 
Total income comprises: 
Dividends                                    3,319          3,908 
Interest                                        67             10 
Underwriting commission                         13              - 
                                              3,399         3,918 
3 Investment Management fee 
                                     Year to                   Year to 
                                   31 July 2009             31 July 2008 
                           Revenue  Capital   Total  Revenue  Capital   Total 
                             GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000 
Investment Management fee      165      166     331      216      216     432 
The Investment Management fee is paid quarterly in arrears, at the rate of 0.5% 
per annum of the market capitalisation of the Company. At 31 July 2009 there 
was GBP84,000 outstanding (2008: GBP96,000). In addition, the Investment Manager 
received an administration fee of GBP113,000 per annum subject to an annual RPI 
uplift (2008: GBP107,000) (see note 4 below). At 31 July 2009 there was GBP28,000 
outstanding (2008: GBP27,000). 
Following the AIC/Claverhouse judgement in 2007 regarding the charging of VAT 
on investment management and administration fees, Edinburgh Partners Limited 
has made a payment of GBP97,000 to the Company, pending final agreement with HM 
Revenue & Customs. This has been recognised in the Financial Statements and has 
been allocated GBP55,000 to revenue and GBP42,000 to capital, as detailed in the 
Income Statement. 
4 Other expenses 
                                              Year to         Year to 
                                         31 July 2009    31 July 2008 
                                                GBP'000           GBP'000 
Administration and secretarial fees               113             107 
Auditors' remuneration                             22              25 
Directors' remuneration                           110             125 
Registrars' fees                                   18              23 
Irrecoverable VAT                                  (7)             23 
Other                                             133             164 
                                                  389             467 
The entire amount of the Auditors' remuneration relates to audit services. 
5 Taxation 
                                  Year to                    Year to 
                                31 July 2009               31 July 2008 
                        Revenue  Capital    Total  Revenue  Capital    Total 
                          GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000 
a) Analysis of charge 
in year 
Current tax: 
UK corporation tax          339      (35)     304      338      (63)     275 
Overseas tax suffered       173        -      173      275        -      275 
Double taxation relief     (173)       -     (173)    (275)       -     (275) 
Irrecoverable overseas       10        -       10        -        -        - 
tax suffered 
Undercharge relating to      63        -       63        -        -        - 
prior year 
                            412      (35)     377      338      (63)     275 
b) The current taxation charge for the year is lower than the standard rate of 
Corporation Tax in the UK of 28% (30% to 31 March 2008). The differences are 
explained below: 
                                    Year to                   Year to 
                                 31 July 2009               31 July 2008 
                          Revenue  Capital   Total    Revenue  Capital   Total 
                            GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000 
Net return before           2,897   (7,375) (4,478)    3,230  (24,000) (20,770) 
Theoretical tax at UK         811   (2,065) (1,254)      947   (7,040)  (6,093) 
corporation tax rate of 
Effects of: 
- UK dividends that are      (460)       -    (460)     (589)       -     (589) 
not taxable 
- Foreign dividends that       (1)       -      (1)        -        -        - 
are not taxable 
- Non-taxable investment        -    2,030   2,030         -    6,977    6,977 
- Irrecoverable overseas       10        -      10         -        -        - 
- Brought forward               -        -       -       (20)       -      (20) 
overseas tax utilised 
- Accrued income taxable       (1)       -      (1)        -        -        - 
on receipt 
- Accrued income exempt       (10)       -     (10)        -        -        - 
on receipt 
- Undercharge relating to      63        -      63         -        -        - 
prior year 
                              412      (35)    377       338      (63)     275 
Due to the Company's status as an investment trust and the intention to 
continue meeting the conditions required to obtain approval as an investment 
trust in the foreseeable future, the Company has not provided deferred tax on 
any capital gains and losses arising on the revaluation or disposal of 
6 Dividends 
                                                        Year to        Year to 
                                                   31 July 2009   31 July 2008 
                                                          GBP'000          GBP'000 
Declared and paid 
2008 final dividend of 2.04p (2007: 1.58p) per            1,619          1,393 
Ordinary Share 
2009 interim dividend of 0.82p per Ordinary Share           638            667 
(2008: interim dividend of 0.80p per Ordinary 
                                                          2,257          2,060 
2009 final dividend of 2.08p* (2008: 2.04p) per           1,559          1,626 
Ordinary Share 
* Figure based on 74,947,881 shares, being the number of shares in issue as at 
the date of this report (excluding own shares held in treasury). 
7 Return per Ordinary Share 
                            Year to                         Year to 
                          31 July 2009                   31 July  2008 
                       Net    Ordinary     Per         Net   Ordinary      Per 
                    return/     Shares*  share      return/    Shares*   share 
                    (loss)                          (loss) 
                     GBP'000               pence       GBP'000               pence 
Revenue return       2,485  78,497,082    3.17       2,892  84,870,031    3.41 
Capital return      (7,340) 78,497,082   (9.35)    (23,937) 84,870,031  (28.20) 
Total               (4,855)              (6.18)    (21,045)             (24.79) 
* Weighted average number of Ordinary Shares in issue during the year 
(excluding own shares held in treasury). 
8 Investments 
                                                   31 July 2009   31 July 2008 
                                                          GBP'000          GBP'000 
Listed investments                                       71,835         82,987 
Analysis of investment portfolio movements 
Opening book cost                                        98,203        109,895 
Opening fair value adjustment                           (15,216)         5,552 
Opening valuation                                        82,987        115,447 
Movements in the year: 
Purchases at cost - cash purchases during the            27,932         42,404 
Sales - proceeds                                        (31,809)       (50,604) 
- losses on sales                                       (16,626)        (3,492) 
Changes in fair value of investments                      9,351        (20,768) 
Closing valuation                                        71,835         82,987 
Closing book cost                                        77,700         98,203 
Closing fair value adjustment                            (5,865)       (15,216) 
                                                         71,835         82,987 
Analysis of capital gains and losses 
Realised losses on sales                                (16,626)        (3,492) 
Changes in fair value of investments                      9,351        (20,768) 
                                                         (7,275)       (24,260) 
Foreign exchange gains on capital items                      24            476 
Losses on investments                                    (7,251)       (23,784) 
Transaction costs 
During the year the Company incurred transaction costs of GBP113,000 (2008: GBP 
160,000) and GBP58,000 (2008: GBP90,000) on purchases and sales of investments 
respectively. For purchases transaction costs are included in the cost of 
investments and for sales they are netted off the gains on investments, as 
disclosed in the Income Statement. 
9 Significant holdings 
The Company had holdings of 3% or more of the share capital of the following 
portfolio company: 
                                        31 July 2009 
Name of company    Class of Share             % held 
MacFarlane Group   Ordinary                      3.7 
10 Debtors 
                                                    31 July 2009  31 July 2008 
                                                          GBP'000          GBP'000 
Dividends receivable                                        209            260 
Prepayments and accrued income                              155             55 
Taxation recoverable                                        228            159 
                                                            592            474 
11 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year 
                                                    31 July 2009  31 July 2008 
                                                          GBP'000          GBP'000 
Amounts due to brokers                                        -          1,268 
Other creditors and accruals                                189            225 
Amounts due on share buy-backs                              277            244 
Taxation                                                    117              - 
                                                            583          1,737 
12 Provision for liabilities and charges 
No provision for liabilities and charges is considered necessary at the 
Company's year end (2008: nil). There were no amounts unprovided in respect of 
deferred taxation (2008: nil). 
13 Commitments and contingencies 
At 31 July 2009 there were no outstanding commitments in respect of investments 
carrying an obligation for future subscriptions (2008: nil). 
14 Share capital 
                                                     31 July 2009      31 July 
                                                           GBP'000        GBP'000 
399,500,000 Ordinary Shares of 10p each                   39,950       39,950 
Allotted, called-up and fully paid: 
84,582,568 (2007: 88,938,819) Ordinary Shares of 10p       8,458        8,894 
In the year ended 31 July 2009, the Company purchased 3,920,251 shares for 
cancellation (2008: 706,562) and 436,000 shares were cancelled from treasury 
(2008: 79,000). 
Treasury shares held 
                                                           31 July      31 July 
                                                              2009        2008 
                                                         Number of   Number of 
                                                            shares      shares 
Balance of treasury shares held at beginning of year     8,893,438   1,394,285 
Shares purchased to be held in treasury                          -   7,578,153 
Shares cancelled from treasury                            (436,000)    (79,000) 
Balance of treasury shares held at end of year           8,457,438   8,893,438 
Duration of the Company 
The Company does not have a termination date nor the requirement for any 
periodic continuation votes. 
15 Net asset value per share 
The net asset value per share, calculated in accordance with the Articles of 
Association, is as follows: 
                                   31 July  2009  31 July  2008 
                                           pence          pence 
Ordinary Share                             96.80         105.04 
The net asset value per Ordinary Share is based on net assets of GBP73,689,000 
(2008: GBP84,076,000) and on 76,125,130 (2008: 80,045,381) Ordinary Shares being 
the number of Ordinary Shares in issue at the year end, excluding own shares 
held in treasury. 
16 Reconciliation of net return before finance costs and taxation to net cash 
inflow from operating activities 
                                                     Year to           Year to 
                                                31 July 2009      31 July 2008 
                                                       GBP'000             GBP'000 
Net loss before interest and taxation                 (4,475)          (20,765) 
Net losses on investments                              7,251            23,784 
Decrease in creditors                                    (36)              (73) 
(Increase)/decrease in debtors and accrued               (61)               22 
Tax deducted from investment income                     (183)             (275) 
Tax recoverable                                          (69)              (39) 
Net cash inflow from operating activities              2,427             2,654 
17 Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net cash 
                                                        Year              Year 
                                                          to                to 
                                                31 July 2009      31 July 2008 
                                                       GBP'000             GBP'000 
(Decrease)/increase in cash in year                     (507)            2,253 
Change in net cash                                      (507)            2,253 
Net cash at 31 July 2008                               2,352                99 
Change in net cash                                      (507)            2,253 
Net cash at 31 July 2009                               1,845             2,352 
18 Financial instruments 
As an Investment Trust, the Company invests in equities and makes other 
investments so as to achieve its investment objective to provide shareholders 
with above average returns over the longer term through both capital 
appreciation and income growth. In pursuing its investment objective, the 
Company is exposed to various types of risk that are associated with the 
financial instruments and markets in which it invests. 
These risks are categorised as: 
* Investment and strategy risk 
* Discount volatility risk 
* Market risk (comprising: interest rate risk, currency risk and other price 
* Liquidity risk 
* Credit risk 
* Gearing risk 
The risk management policies and procedures outlined in this note have not 
changed substantially from the previous accounting period. 
The Investment Manager monitors the risks affecting the Company on an ongoing 
basis within the policies and guidelines determined by the Board. The Directors 
receive financial information, which is used to identify and monitor risk, 
monthly. The Company may enter into derivative contracts to manage risk but has 
not done so to date. A detailed description of the principal risks the Company 
faces is detailed in the Directors' Report above. 
Investment and strategy risk 
Anglo & Overseas Plc may fail to deliver its objective due to poor stock 
selection or as a result of being geared in a falling market or ungeared in a 
rising market. 
The Investment Manager meets regularly with the Board to discuss the portfolio 
performance and strategy. The Board receives both monthly and quarterly reports 
from the Investment Manager detailing all portfolio transactions and any other 
significant changes in the market or stock outlooks. Details of the investment 
policy are given in the extracts from the Directors' Report. 
The investment process used by the Investment Manager is rigorous and is 
designed to ensure that the portfolio risk level is commensurate with the 
investment objective. The investment philosophy emphasises the need to identify 
stocks which meet strict valuation parameters and therefore the analytical 
inputs to the forecasts are reviewed in detail. At the individual stock level 
central, best and worst case scenarios are constructed in order to form a clear 
view of the potential risk in holding a particular stock. This information is 
aggregated at portfolio level in order to gain an insight into the overall 
portfolio profile. 
Discount volatility risk 
The Board recognises that it is in the long-term interests of shareholders to 
reduce discount volatility and believes that the prime driver of discounts over 
the longer term is investment performance. The Company is permitted to employ 
gearing, a process whereby funds are borrowed principally for the purpose of 
purchasing securities should the Board feel that it is appropriate to do so. 
The use of gearing can magnify discount volatility. 
The Board actively monitors the discount for Anglo & Overseas Plc, but it does 
not intend to issue a precise discount target at which shares will be bought 
back as it believes that the announcement of specific targets is likely to 
hinder rather than help the successful execution of a buy-back policy. Equally 
the Company will issue shares in order to meet demand as it arises. 
Interest rate risk 
The Company's assets and liabilities, excluding short-term debtors and 
creditors, may comprise financial instruments which include investments in 
fixed interest securities. 
Details of the Company's interest rate exposure as at 31 July 2009 is disclosed 
                      31 July 2009                         31 July 2008 
                       No     Cash     Fair                        No     Cash     Fair 
                              flow    value                               flow    value 
                 interest interest interest    Fixed         interest interest interest    Fixed 
                     rate     rate     rate interest             rate     rate     rate interest 
                              risk     risk                               risk     risk 
           Total exposure exposure exposure     rate   Total exposure exposure exposure    rate 
          GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000        %    GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000        % 
Euro     20,284   20,284        -        -        -  17,985   17,985        -        -        - 
Sterling 30,478   30,478        -        -        -  39,414   39,414        -        -        - 
Hong      4,613    4,613        -        -        -       -        -        -        -        - 
US        7,807    7,807        -        -        -  16,906   16,906        -        -        - 
Swiss     5,317    5,317        -        -        -   5,570    5,570        -        -        - 
Turkish       -        -        -        -        -   1,027    1,027        -        -        - 
Swedish   1,178    1,178        -        -        -   2,085    2,085        -        -        - 
Euro        696        -        -      696        4       -        -        -        -        - 
Sterling    750        -        -      750        7       -        -        -        -        - 
US          712        -        -      712        5       -        -        -        -        - 
Cash at 
Turkish       2        -        2        -        -       2        -        2        -        - 
Sterling  1,784        -    1,784        -        -   1,954        -    1,954        -        - 
US           59        -       59        -        -     396        -      396        -        - 
Euro         10       10        -        -        -       -        -        -        -        - 
Sterling    551      551        -        -        -     447      447        -        -        - 
US            5        5        -        -        -       -        -        -        -        - 
         74,246   70,243    1,845    2,158           85,786   83,434    2,352        - 
* Debtors exclude certain prepayments which under FRS25 are not classed as 
financial assets. 
At 31 July 2009 the Company had no financial liabilities other than short-term 
creditors (2008: GBPnil). All financial assets and liabilities of the Company are 
held at fair value. 
The majority of the Company's assets were non-interest bearing as at 31 July 
2009. There was limited exposure to interest bearing liabilities during the 
year ended 31 July 2009. Surplus cash is invested in money market funds. 
If interest rates had reduced by 0.25 per cent (2008: 1 per cent) from those 
obtained as at 31 July 2009 it would have the effect, with all other variables 
held constant, of reducing the net revenue return before taxation on an 
annualised basis by GBP5,000 (2008: GBP24,000). If there had been an increase in 
interest rates of 0.25 per cent (2008: 1 per cent) there would have been an 
equal and opposite effect in the net revenue return before taxation. The 
calculations are based on the Company's cash at bank and short-term deposits as 
at 31 July 2009 and these may not be representative of the year as a whole. 
Currency risk 
The base currency of the Company is Sterling. The international nature of the 
Company's investment activities gives rise to a currency risk which is inherent 
in the performance of its overseas investments. The Company holds overseas cash 
balances and deposits from time to time and the Company's overseas income is 
also subject to currency fluctuations. 
The Investment Manager monitors the Company's exposure to foreign currencies 
and reports to the Board on a regular basis. The Investment Manager assesses 
the risk to the Company of the foreign currency exposure by considering the 
effect on the Company's net asset value and income of a movement in the rates 
of exchange to which the Company's assets, liabilities, income and expenses are 
exposed. However, the country in which a company is listed is not necessarily 
where it earns its profits. The movement in exchange rates on overseas earnings 
may have a more significant impact upon a company's valuation than a simple 
translation of the currency in which the company is quoted. 
It is not the Company's policy to hedge this risk on a continuing basis. 
However, the Investment Manager actively monitors investments held in foreign 
currencies to ensure that they continue to meet investment criteria in Sterling 
Details of the Company's currency risk exposure as at 31 July 2009 is detailed 
                           31 July 2009                     31 July 2008 
                               Cash                                         Cash 
           Total Investments     at Debtors Creditors   Total Investments     at Debtors Creditors 
                               bank       *                                 bank       * 
          GBP'000       GBP'000  GBP'000   GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000      GBP'000  GBP'000   GBP'000     GBP'000 
Euro     20,990      20,980      -      10         -  17,985      17,985      -       -         - 
Sterling 32,980      31,228  1,784     551      (583) 40,078      39,414  1,954     447    (1,737) 
Hong      4,613       4,613      -       -         -       -           -      -       -         - 
US        8,583       8,519     59       5         -  17,302      16,906    396       -         - 
Swiss     5,317       5,317      -       -         -   5,570       5,570      -       -         - 
Turkish       2           -      2       -         -   1,029       1,027      2       -         - 
Swedish   1,178       1,178      -       -         -   2,085       2,085      -       -         - 
         73,663      71,835  1,845     566      (583) 84,049      82,987  2,352     447    (1,737) 
*Debtors exclude certain prepayments which under FRS25 are not classed as 
financial assets. 
If Sterling had strengthened by 1 per cent against all other currencies as at 
31 July 2009, with all other variables held constant, it would have the effect 
of reducing the net capital return before taxation by GBP407,000 (2008: GBP 
440,000). If Sterling had weakened by 1 per cent against all other currencies 
there would have been an equal and opposite effect on the net capital return 
before taxation. The calculations are based on the Company's foreign currency 
risk exposure as at 31 July 2009 and this may not be representative of the year 
as a whole. 
Other price risk 
The Company is exposed to market risk due to fluctuations in the market prices 
of its investments. Market price risk arises mainly from uncertainty about 
future prices of financial instruments used in the Company's business. It 
represents the potential loss the Company might suffer through holding market 
positions in the face of price movements. The Investment Manager monitors the 
prices of financial instruments held by the Company on an ongoing basis. 
The Investment Manager actively monitors market and economic data and reports 
to the Board which considers investment policy on a regular basis. The net 
asset value per share of the Company is issued daily to the London Stock 
Exchange and is also available on the Company's website 
Fixed asset investments are valued at their bid price which equates to their 
fair value. Details of the Company's investment portfolio as at 31 July 2009 
are disclosed above. In addition, an analysis of the investment portfolio by 
sector and geographical distribution is detailed above. 
The maximum exposure to other price risk is the fair value of investments of GBP 
If the investment portfolio valuation fell by 1 per cent from the amount 
detailed in the Financial Statements as at 31 July 2009 it would have the 
effect, with all other variables held constant, of reducing the net capital 
return before taxation by GBP718,000 (2008: GBP830,000). An increase of 1% in the 
investment portfolio valuation would have an equal and opposite effect on the 
net capital return before taxation. The calculations are based on the Company's 
other price risk exposure as at 31 July 2009 and this may not be representative 
of the year as a whole. 
Liquidity risk 
Liquidity risk is the risk that the Company will encounter difficulty in 
meeting obligations associated with financial liabilities. The Company's policy 
with regard to liquidity is to ensure continuity of funding. Short-term 
flexibility is achieved through cash management and overdraft facilities. 
Liquidity risk is not significant as the Company's assets comprise mainly of 
readily realisable securities which can be sold freely to meet funding 
requirements if necessary. Securities listed on a recognised stock exchange 
have been valued at bid prices and exchange rates ruling at the close of 
business on 31 July 2009. In certain circumstances, the market prices at which 
investments are valued may not represent the realisable value of those 
investments, taking into account both the size of the Company's holding and the 
frequency with which such investments are traded. 
Credit risk 
Credit risk is the risk of financial loss to the Company if the contractual 
party to a financial instrument fails to meet its contractual obligations. 
The carrying amounts of financial assets best represent the maximum credit risk 
exposure at the balance sheet date. 
The Company's listed investments are held on its behalf by The Bank of New York 
Mellon acting as the Company's custodian. Bankruptcy or insolvency of the 
custodian may cause the Company's rights with respect to securities held by the 
custodian to be delayed. The Board monitors the Company's risk by reviewing the 
custodian's internal controls reports. 
Investment transactions are carried out with a large number of brokers whose 
creditworthiness is reviewed by the Investment Manager. Transactions are 
ordinarily undertaken on a delivery versus payment basis whereby the Company's 
custodian bank ensures that the counterparty to any transaction entered into by 
the Company has delivered in its obligations before any transfer of cash or 
securities away from the Company is completed. 
Cash is only held at banks and in money market funds that have been identified 
by the Board as reputable and of high credit quality. 
The maximum exposure to credit risk as at 31 July 2009 was GBP74,272,000 (2008: GBP 
85,813,000). The calculation is based on the Company's credit risk exposure as 
at 31 July 2009 and this may not be representative of the year as a whole. 
None of the Company's assets are past due or impaired. 
Gearing risk 
The aim of gearing is to enhance long-term returns to shareholders by investing 
borrowed funds in equities and other assets. The Company is permitted to employ 
gearing should the Board feel it appropriate to do so up to a maximum of 20 per 
cent of shareholders' funds at the time of borrowing. The use of gearing can 
cause both gains and losses in the asset value of the Company to be magnified. 
The Company did not have any gearing as at 31 July 2009 (2008: nil). 
The Board undertakes an annual assessment and review of all the risks stated 
above and in the Directors' Report above together with a review of any new 
risks which may have arisen during the year. These risks are formalised within 
the Company's risk assessment matrix. 
Financial assets 
The majority of the Company's financial assets are listed equity shares which 
neither pay interest nor have a maturity date. All financial assets are 
disclosed at fair value through profit or loss. 
Financial liabilities 
The Company finances its operations primarily through equity and retained 
profits although trade creditors and accruals arise from its operations. As at 
31 July 2009 (and 31 July 2008) all financial liabilities were due within one 
year and are stated at fair value. 
19 Related parties 
All information with respect to transactions with related parties is provided 
in the Directors' Report in the Financial Statements. 
At the Company's forthcoming AGM, a resolution will be put to shareholders to 
amend the Company's Articles of Association. A summary of the proposed 
amendments to the Articles of Association is set out in an appendix to the 
Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 July 2009, which have been 
posted on the Company's website at www.angloandoverseasplc.com. A copy of the 
proposed new Articles is being lodged with the UK Listing Authority and will 
shortly be available for inspection at the Document Viewing Facility, which is 
situated at Financial Services Authority, 25 The North Colonnade, Canary Wharf, 
London E14 5HS (Tel no: 020 7066 8224). 
Graham Campbell 
Sandy Nairn 
Kenneth Greig 
Edinburgh Partners 
Telephone: 0131 270 3800 

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