The following amendment should be made to the Talisman Energy Inc. 'Notice of Results' announcement released at 16.55 GMT on February 11, 2010.


The original announcement was released in the incorrect order. The headline should have been 'Unaudited Results for 2009' instead of 'Notice of Results'


All other details remain unchanged.


The full corrected version is shown below.






Talisman Energy Inc. reported its operating and financial results for 2009:


-- Cash flow1 was $4 billion, down 36% from 2008, primarily due to lower commodity prices. Cash flow in the fourth quarter was $921 million, down 41% from a year earlier, but up 10% compared to the previous quarter;


-- Net income was $437 million, down from $3.5 billion in 2008. The company recorded a loss of $111 million for the quarter;


-- Earnings from continuing operations1 were $640 million versus $2.3 billion a year ago. The total for the fourth quarter was $76 million;


-- Talisman completed non-core asset sales with proceeds of approximately $2.7 billion;


-- Capital spending was $4.3 billion, down from $5.2 billion in 2008;


-- Net debt1 at year end was $2.1 billion, down from $3.9 billion a year earlier;


-- Production from continuing operations increased 2% over 2008 to 413,000 boe/d. Total production averaged 425,000 boe/d, down 2% due to asset sales;


-- The company replaced 162% of 2009 production with proved reserves, excluding divestitures, and 112% through drilling and non-price revisions;


-- Reserve replacement costs were $24.30/boe (excluding price revisions), and $19.72/boe excluding land and price revisions;


-- The company spent $1.4 billion on shale plays in North America, adding substantial acreage and progressing development of the Pennsylvania Marcellus and Montney shale programs;


-- The company set a new production record in Southeast Asia, volumes increased 18% with completion of the Northern Fields development and increased contract takes at Corridor;


-- In January 2010, Talisman acquired an interest in the Jambi Merang PSC in Indonesia;


-- In the North Sea, first production from the Rev Field was achieved early in 2009 and the company progressed field developments at Yme, Auk North, Auk South and Burghley;


-- Talisman completed a number of transactions to acquire a large exploration position in Papua New Guinea (PNG); and


-- The company made exploration discoveries in the North Sea, Colombia and the Kurdistan region of northern Iraq and successfully appraised the Situche discovery in Peru.


1 The terms "cash flow", "earnings from continuing operations" and "net debt" are non-GAAP measures. Please see the advisories and reconciliations elsewhere in this press release.


"We continued to make significant progress on strategic implementation through 2009, despite the volatile commodity price environment," said John A. Manzoni, President and CEO. "Over the past 18 months, we have been restructuring and repositioning Talisman, focusing the portfolio, upgrading both the quality of assets and the growth potential of the company. 2010 will be an important transition year as we cycle increasing amounts of capital into developing our shale plays in North America.


"A major objective of the strategy is to improve returns through lower reserve replacement costs. We've started to see evidence of this in 2009, largely as a result of successful shale drilling programs. Our proved reserve replacement cost in 2009 was $24.30/boe, 43% lower than 2008 and 25% lower than our three year rolling average. Excluding land expenditures in 2009, this number is below $20/boe.


"We replaced 112% of production in 2009 through drilling and non-price revisions, with 173 mmboe of proved reserve additions, excluding the impact of asset sales. Including the impact of price and other revisions, the number was 251 mmboe or 162%. In North America, we replaced 210% of production with proved reserve additions through drilling.


"With lower oil and natural gas prices brought on by the economic downturn, we saw netbacks fall by over 40% in 2009, and these lower commodity prices had a substantial impact on our financial results.


"Cash flow for the year was approximately $4 billion, versus $6.2 billion a year earlier, reflecting lower commodity prices, although we were helped by cash proceeds from derivative contracts, and lower taxes and royalties. Cash flow in the fourth quarter was $921 million, down from 2008, but up 10% from the third quarter with higher production volumes and commodity prices.


"Reflecting this trend, earnings from continuing operations came in at $640 million versus $2.3 billion, and net income was $437 million, also down sharply, from $3.5 billion a year earlier. We recognized $1.7 billion of gains on our held for trading financial instruments in 2008, compared to a loss of approximately $400 million in 2009. However we generated approximately $1 billion in cash proceeds from these instruments during 2009.


"Production from continuing operations increased 2% to 413,000 boe/d, and our actual production rate for the year was 425,000 boe/d. However, we sold 30,000 boe/d of non-core assets over the course of the year, which lowered total volumes in 2009 by about 15,000 boe/d.


"These sales generated $2.7 billion in proceeds, with metrics of approximately $80,000 per boe per day. The divestment program helped focus our portfolio and strengthen the balance sheet. As a result, we are in strong financial shape with year end net debt at $2.1 billion, compared to $3.9 billion at December 31, 2008.


"Capital spending came in at $4.3 billion, with approximately one-third ($1.4 billion) directed at North American shale programs. Talisman added substantial amounts of acreage in the Pennsylvania Marcellus and Montney shale plays, where we now have approximately 4,800 net drilling locations in our Tier 1 acreage.


"We participated in 66 net shale pilot and development wells, moving the Pennsylvania Marcellus, and two areas within the Montney shale, to commercial development. We expect to exit 2010 with Pennsylvania producing between 250-300 mmcf/d as we ramp up to 10 rigs, and recent well results are coming in better than planned. Pilot work also continues in Quebec.


"We have taken significant steps towards reshaping and strengthening our international exploration portfolio. We have built a strategic land position in PNG through a series of acquisitions, and now have interests in over eight million net acres, as part of a strategy to aggregate significant gas reserves. We also acquired additional exploration acreage within our core operating areas in the North Sea and Southeast Asia, as well as in South America and the Kurdistan region of northern Iraq.


"In the North Sea, we made exploration discoveries at Grevling, Shaw and Godwin, and development options are being evaluated. We also made gas condensate discoveries in Colombia and the Kurdistan region of northern Iraq and drilled a successful appraisal well in Peru.


"In Southeast Asia, the company continues to pursue its successful growth strategy, setting a new production record with completion of the Northern Fields development in Malaysia/Vietnam and increased gas sales at Corridor in Indonesia. Talisman continues to progress development plans for the HSD/HST fields in Vietnam. Talisman and its working interest partners approved sanction of the Kitan discovery in December 2009 and are awaiting approval from the Timor Leste/Australia Authority. We've also recently acquired an interest in the Jambi Merang PSC in Indonesia, near the Corridor gas field.


"In the North Sea, the majority of our development capital program was directed toward progressing the Yme, Burghley, Auk North and Auk South field developments, which will come onstream in the 2010 to 2012 time frame. We commissioned the Rev Field in Norway, with a significant ramp up in production over the course of the year. The company also drilled a number of successful development wells, including three in the Varg field.


"In summary, the transition of our portfolio is on track. We ended the year with a more focused portfolio and a strong balance sheet. We are on a path to transition into higher return, longer-term production growth from shale, and we will continue to step up our investments into shale programs over the next few years. Our investment plan this year reflects that transition, and we will maintain flexibility to ensure we can execute against it."


Financial Results


The financial information contained in this release is unaudited. The company will file its audited Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2009, along with the related Management's Discussion and Analysis, Annual Information Form and Annual Report on Form 40-F by March 8, 2010.


The company announced its capital spending plans for 2010 on January 11, 2010. For additional information related to this press release, please visit Talisman's website at www.talisman-energy.com.

                                       Three months ended    Year ended 
December 31                            2009    2008          2009   2008 
Cash flow ($ million)                  921     1,565         3,961  6,163 
Cash flow per share2                   0.91    1.54          3.90   6.06 
Net income (loss) ($ million)          (111)   1,202         437    3,519 
Net income (loss) per share            (0.11)  1.18          0.43   3.46 
Earnings from continuing               76      502           640    2,330 
operations ($ million) 
Earnings from continuing               0.07    0.49          0.63   2.29 
operations per share 2 
Average shares outstanding (million)   1,015   1,015         1,015  1,017 

Lower commodity prices had a significant impact on Talisman's 2009 financial results. WTI oil prices averaged approximately US$62/bbl in 2009, down 38% from the 2008 average of US100/bbl. North American natural gas prices also decreased from 2008 with NYMEX and AECO natural gas prices down 55% and 51%, respectively.


Cash flow for 2009 was $4 billion versus $6.2 billion a year earlier. Relative to 2008, lower oil and gas prices contributed to most of the decrease, offset partially by lower cash taxes ($655 million), royalties ($846 million) and higher realized gains on held-for-trading financial instruments ($547 million). Cash flow increased 10% to $921 million compared to the third quarter, with higher production volumes and netbacks.


Earnings from continuing operations, which exclude non-operational items, were $640 million, compared to $2.3 billion a year earlier, again reflecting lower commodity prices.


Net income was $437 million versus $3.5 billion in 2008 impacted by the loss on held for trading financial instruments of $412 million in 2009, compared to a gain of $1.7 billion in 2008, primarily as prices increased through the year and Talisman's hedges rolled forward. The company recorded a loss of $111 million in the fourth quarter, compared to net income of $1.2 billion in 2008, again largely reflecting changes in amounts recognized on held for trading financial instruments.


The company's DD&A expense decreased in the fourth quarter of 2009 and for the full year as a whole, due principally to the requirement in 2008 to use year-end prices to calculate reserves, which resulted in one property in the UK and one property in Norway having no proved reserves. As a consequence, the net book value of these properties of approximately $410 million in the UK and approximately $90 million in Norway was charged to DD&A in the fourth quarter of 2008.


Capital expenditures totalled $4.3 billion, including discontinued operations and non-cash capital lease costs. Talisman spent $4.1 billion on exploration and development in continuing operations during 2009, a decrease from $4.8 billion in 2008. North America accounted for 44% of spending, North Sea development 26%, Southeast Asia development 11% and international exploration 18%.


The company strengthened its balance sheet, reducing net debt to $2.1 billion, down from $3.9 billion in 2008, principally due to the sale of non-core assets.


2 The terms "cash flow per share" and "earnings from continuing operations per share" are non-GAAP measures. Please see the advisories and reconciliations elsewhere in this press release.



                                  Three months ended    Year ended 
December 31                       2009     2008         2009     2008 
Total oil and liquids (bbls/d)    203,000  227,000      211,000  224,000 
Total natural gas (mmcf/d)        1,320    1,228        1,283    1,247 
Continuing operations (boe/d)     418,000  407,000      413,000  403,000 
Discontinued operations (boe/d)   5,000    25,000       12,000   29,000 
Total production (boe/d)          423,000  432,000      425,000  432,000 

Production from continuing operations averaged 413,000 boe/d, 2% above 2008; total production for the year was down 2% to 425,000 boe/d, as a result of asset sales. Production from continuing operations increased 6% compared to the prior quarter with increasing shale gas production and the completion of maintenance turnarounds.


North American natural gas production declined with less conventional drilling activity and natural declines, partially offset by increasing production in the Pennsylvania Marcellus and Montney shale, as well as successful development in the Outer Foothills.


Production from continuing operations in the UK averaged 89,000 boe/d for the year, 7% lower than 2008 as a result of maintenance and repair work, and natural declines. In Scandinavia, production increased from the prior year with first production from the Rev field and development drilling at Varg and Brage. Talisman set a new production record in Southeast Asia with completion of the Northern Fields development and increased contract takes at Corridor.



                                  Three months ended    Year ended 
December 31                       2009   2008           2009   2008 
Sales                             55.51  48.45          49.40  76.03 
Hedging loss                      -      -              -      (0.17) 
Royalties                         9.13   8.05           7.34   13.62 
Transportation                    1.64   1.14           1.43   1.34 
Operating expenses                12.84  13.29          12.91  13.57 
Netback                           31.90  25.97          27.72  47.33 
Oil and liquids netback ($/bbl)   44.68  25.40          37.49  59.01 
Natural gas netback ($/mcf)       3.35   4.46           3.02   5.78 

In 2009, the company's average netback was $27.72/boe, 41% lower than 2008, due principally to lower commodity prices in 2009, partially offset by decreases in royalties. Fourth quarter netbacks were up 23% from the same quarter in 2008, averaging $31.90/boe, and 17% above the third quarter of 2009.


Royalty expense was $1.2 billion in 2009, a 42% decrease from 2008, reflecting lower commodity prices. The company's average royalty rate was 15%, a decrease of 3% compared to 2008.


Total operating costs for the company were $2 billion during 2009, relatively consistent with 2008. On a per unit basis, costs decreased 5% to $12.91/boe from the previous year, due mainly to a 4% decrease in the UK and a 17% decrease in Scandinavia.


Proved Gross Reserves

                                        Proved Gross Reserves 
                                        Average 2009 Pricing 
December 31, 2008                       1,434.3 
Discoveries, extensions and additions   172.6 
Revisions and transfers                 1.2 
Price revisions                         77.1 
Net acquisitions and dispositions       ( 119.5 ) 
Production                              ( 155.0 ) 
December 31, 2009                       1,410.7 

The company added 251 mmboe of proved gross reserves in 2009 (before asset sales), replacing the equivalent of 162% of annual production. Of the total increase, 77 mmboe (31%) was due to higher prices (average 2009 prices versus year end 2008 prices, using the new SEC rules). Excluding the impact of price changes, the company replaced 112% of production. Total reserves fell by 2% due to non-core asset sales.


At year end 2009, Talisman had 865 mmboe of probable reserves, an increase of 13% from 2008.


In North America, the company replaced 210% of production (129 mmboe) with proved gross reserves through drilling, with 90 mmboe coming from the Marcellus shale. Proved undeveloped reserves (PUDs), account for approximately 26% of total proved reserves in North America.


Internationally, the company replaced 144% of production, including price revisions. No proved reserves were booked for PNG at year end. International reserve additions can be highly variable because they depend on development approval before discoveries can be moved to the proved reserves category.


At year end 2009, the company had approximately 400 mmboe of PUDs, which accounted for 28% of total proved reserves. Of these PUDs, 38% were in North America and 62% were international.


Proved reserve replacement costs averaged $24.30/boe in 2009, compared to $42.87/boe in 2008 and a three year rolling average of $32.38/boe (excluding price impacts).


North America


Production from continuing operations averaged approximately 158,000 boe/d in 2009, a 4% decrease over 2008, due to natural declines and reduced conventional drilling. Natural gas production from continuing operations averaged 788 mmcf/d.


Talisman spent $1.4 billion on shale gas programs in North America, including land, development, infrastructure and drilling. In November 2009, the company announced it had spent $570 million to acquire 170,000 net acres of high quality land in the Pennsylvania Marcellus and Montney shale plays, which now have a potential 4,800 net drilling locations. Talisman now has interests in approximately two million net shale acres.


In the Pennsylvania Marcellus area, the company drilled 53 gross (45.5 net) wells, 38 operated and 15 non-operated. At year end, 27 wells were on production, exiting the year at 65 mmcf/d (December average). Six drilling rigs are currently operating, with plans to increase this up to 10 rigs by year end (drilling up to 170 net wells) with a planned exit rate of between 250-300 mmcf/d.


Talisman continued to progress its Montney shale gas play in 2009. The company drilled 16 gross (15 net) wells, 15 of which were operated and one non-operated. Thirteen wells have been completed to date, of which nine were onstream at year-end, including five horizontal wells that were successfully completed, tested and tied in during the fourth quarter. Total production at year end was 14 mmcf/d (December average), with an expected 2010 exit rate between 40-60 mmcf/d.


Talisman is continuing its pilot program in Quebec where the company holds rights to 756,000 net acres. The company completed the earning phase of its drilling program in Quebec during 2009. The company drilled two horizontal wells in Quebec in 2009 and is currently drilling a third horizontal well. Talisman expects to drill a fourth horizontal well this year, testing all four wells in 2010.


Production from Talisman's conventional areas was 976 mmcfe/d. In total, 64 gross (39 net) wells were drilled in 2009, with excellent results in the Outer Foothills.


Talisman continued to focus its operations, completing sales of non-core midstream assets in Alberta and non-strategic properties in southeast Saskatchewan and southern Alberta. Talisman is evaluating additional sales of conventional assets, depending on market conditions. During 2009, Talisman restructured its North American operations into Conventional and Shale Gas businesses.




Production from continuing operations in the UK averaged 89,000 boe/d, a 7% decrease from 2008. Reductions from a number of fields, due to planned and unplanned shutdowns and declines, offset the reinstatement of Galley and Petronella in 2009, as well as the startup of the Affleck field in August.


The company spent approximately $530 million on development in the UK, with just under half directed at the Auk North and Auk South projects. Additional spending during the year included progressing the Burghley development, completing the Scapa Production Riser Upgrade project and drilling seven development wells.


In the Central North Sea, the Auk North development is underway and two wells were drilled during the year. Auk North is expected to come onstream in 2011. The Auk South redevelopment is also progressing with detailed engineering completed during 2009. First production is expected in 2012.


During the year, the Tweedsmuir Phase 3 water injection development project was completed. The company also progressed the Burghley development, installing the riser and drilling a development well. The subsea and topside facilities will be completed in 2010, with first oil scheduled towards the end of the year.


In January 2009, the company sold its assets in the Netherlands, with proceeds of approximately $600 million.




Production from continuing operations in Scandinavia averaged 44,000 boe/d for 2009, a 26% increase over 2008, mainly due to increased volumes from Varg and the Rev Field, which came onstream in January. The company spent approximately $530 million on development in Scandinavia during 2009, with approximately 75% directed at the Yme development. A total of eight development wells were drilled in Scandinavia during the year, with an additional four wells drilling at year end.


Development of the Yme Field in the Norwegian Continental Shelf continued throughout year. The company completed the first phase of drilling in the fourth quarter, including three horizontal producers and two water injector wells. First oil from Yme is expected in the second half of 2010. Talisman completed the sale of a 10% interest in the Yme field during 2009.


In the Varg Field, three successful wells were completed in 2009, increasing average net production from 7,500 boe/d in the third quarter to 18,000 boe/d in December.


At Brage, a new oil producer and a new water injector well were completed in 2009, with net oil production averaging 10,800 boe/d at year end. A new development well has been completed more than two months ahead of plan and it is expected to be on production in February 2010.


Production performance improved significantly at the Rev Field, which came onstream early in 2009, increasing from 6,500 boe/d in the third quarter to 23,000 boe/d (net) in fourth quarter.


Southeast Asia


Production from continuing operations in Southeast Asia averaged 108,000 boe/d, an increase of 18% over 2008. The main production increases came from a full year of gas production from the Northern Fields in PM-3 CAA, first oil from the Northern Fields and additional gas sales in Indonesia. There were also increased volumes from the incremental oil recovery program in the Southern Fields, a full year of production from Song Doc, a new infill well in Australia and first production from Tangguh.


In Malaysia, overall production was 31,600 boe/d, up 1% from 2008, but production from the PM-3 CAA increased 14%. Talisman spent $326 million, approximately half of total spending in Southeast Asia to complete the Northern Fields development, including 17 total development wells and one exploration well.


Indonesian production was approximately 66,500 boe/d, 19% higher than 2008, with record production from Corridor due to higher contract takes. In January 2010, Talisman acquired a 25% interest in the onshore Jambi Merang Block where development is underway. Talisman drilled three exploration and 23 development wells in 2009.


Production in Vietnam in 2009 averaged 4,800 bbls/d from Block 46/02. The Government of Vietnam approved reserves assessments for the Hai Su Trang (HST) and Hai Su Den (HSD) fields within Block 15-2/01 and a declaration of commerciality occurred early in the year. The company chose to write off a number of exploration/appraisal wells during 2009, all outside of the development area. These wells encountered hydrocarbons but were not commercial. Talisman has taken this into account and is reviewing the timing of sanction for development of the HST field and an early production scheme for the HSD discovery.


Production in Australia was 5,160 boe/d, 66% higher than 2008. Talisman and its working interest partners approved sanction of the Kitan discovery in December and are waiting approval from the Timor Leste/Australia Authority.




In Talisman's other areas, production from continuing operations during the year averaged 14,000 boe/d, a decrease of 7% from 2008, due to OPEC restrictions. Talisman sold its interests in Trinidad and Tobago and announced the intention to sell assets in Tunisia.


International Exploration


International exploration spending during the year was approximately $755 million, with a number of significant discoveries, in addition to building a highly prospective acreage position in PNG.


Over the course of the year, the company entered into a number of agreements to acquire interests in 10 onshore exploration blocks in the western province of PNG. Four onshore exploration wells are planned this year as the company pursues its gas aggregation strategy. The company now holds interests in 12 blocks covering in excess of eight million net acres subject to regulatory approval.


In Vietnam, Talisman drilled three appraisal wells adjacent to the HSD discovery and farmed-in to two deep water exploration blocks in the Nam Con Son Basin. Blocks 133 and 134 cover approximately 3.3 million acres.


Talisman was awarded the Andaman III block, offshore Indonesia. The block, which is approximately 2.1 million acres in size, is an under-explored, deep water block. Talisman was also awarded two offshore Sabah blocks in Malaysia covering in excess of 3.2 million acres in water depths less than 300 feet.


In the UK, Talisman made discoveries at Godwin and Shaw in the Central North Sea. Pre-engineering work is underway as the company looks to develop these discoveries, along with the Cayley discovery made in late 2007, via the Talisman operated Montrose/Arbroath facilities.


In Norway, Talisman made a discovery at Grevling and an appraisal well is planned for 2010. The company also increased its acreage holdings in the Barents Sea, through the 20th Licence Round and an acreage swap.


The Situche discovery on Block 64 in Peru was successfully appraised in 2009 and drilling was ongoing at year end. In April 2009, Talisman was awarded a 55% working interest in Block 158 in Peru.


Talisman made a significant gas condensate discovery in the Niscota Block in the Colombian Andes Foothills. The Huron-1 well encountered several reservoirs and tested one zone at 3,400 boe/d. In January 2009, Talisman was awarded a 100% working interest in Block 9.


In the Kurdistan region of northern Iraq, the Kurdamir-1 well in Block 44 discovered significant amounts of gas condensate in an upper zone. The well was drilling towards a deeper target at year end. In June 2009, Talisman acquired an interest and operatorship in Block K9.


Talisman Energy Inc. is a global, diversified, upstream oil and gas company, headquartered in Canada. Talisman's three main operating areas are North America, the North Sea and Southeast Asia. The Company also has a portfolio of international exploration opportunities. Talisman is committed to conducting business safely, in a socially and environmentally responsible manner, and is included in the Dow Jones Sustainability (North America) Index. Talisman is listed on the Toronto and New York Stock Exchanges under the symbol TLM. Please visit our website at www.talisman-energy.com.


For further information, please contact:

Media and General Inquiries:   Shareholder and Investor Inquiries: 
David Mann 
Vice President, Corporate      Christopher J. LeGallais 
& Investor Communications      Vice President, Investor Relations 
Phone: 403-237-1196            Phone: 403-237-1957 Fax: 403-237-1210 
Fax: 403-237-1210 
E-mail:                        E-mail: tlm@talisman-energy.com 



Forward-Looking Information


This news releasecontains information that constitutes "forward-looking information" or "forward-looking statements" (collectively "forward-looking information") within the meaning of applicable securities legislation. This forward-looking information includes, among others, statements regarding:


-- expected production growth and returns arising from shale;


-- maintenance of flexibility in relation to the investment plan;


-- expected Pennsylvania production volumes and drilling;


-- expected onstream dates of North Sea developments;


-- expected medium term growth, and longer-term production growth from shale;


-- anticipated filing dates of financial statements, management discussion & analysis, the annual information form, and the annual report;


-- the expected 2010 exit rate for the Montney shale gas play;


-- planned drilling in Quebec;


-- planned sales of conventional assets;


-- expected first oil from, and completion of facilities at, the Burghley development;


-- expected first oil from the Yme Field;


-- expected production timeframe of a new development well at Brage;


-- the intention to sell assets in Tunisia;


-- planned onshore exploration wells in PNG;


-- planned development at Godwin, Shaw, and the Cayley discovery; and


-- the planned Grevling appraisal well.


The following material assumptions were used in drawing the conclusions or making the forecasts and projections contained in the forward-looking information contained in this news release. Talisman has set its 2010 capital expenditure plans assuming: (1) Talisman's production in 2010 will be broadly the same as 2009 at around 425,000 boe/d excluding any sales in North America during the year; (2) a US$60/bbl WTI oil price, and (3) a US$3.50/mmbtu NYMEX natural gas price. Information regarding business plans generally assumes that the extraction of crude oil, natural gas and natural gas liquids remains economic.


Undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking information. Forward-looking information is based on current expectations, estimates and projections that involve a number of risks, which could cause actual results to vary and in some instances to differ materially from those anticipated by Talisman and described in the forward-looking information contained in this news release. The material risk factors include, but are not limited to:


-- the risks of the oil and gas industry, such as operational risks in exploring for, developing and producing crude oil and natural gas, market demand and unpredictable facilities outages;


-- risks and uncertainties involving geology of oil and gas deposits;


-- uncertainty related to securing sufficient egress and markets to meet shale gas production;


-- the uncertainty of reserves and resources estimates, reserves life and underlying reservoir risk;


-- the uncertainty of estimates and projections relating to production, costs and expenses;


-- the impact of the economy on the ability of the counterparties to the Company's commodity price derivative contracts to meet their obligations under the contracts;


-- potential delays or changes in plans with respect to exploration or development projects or capital expenditures;


-- fluctuations in oil and gas prices, foreign currency exchange rates and interest rates;


-- the outcome and effects of any future acquisitions and dispositions;


-- health, safety and environmental risks;


-- uncertainties as to the availability and cost of financing and changes in capital markets;


-- risks in conducting foreign operations (for example, political and fiscal instability or the possibility of civil unrest or military action);


-- changes in general economic and business conditions;


-- the possibility that government policies or laws may change or governmental approvals may be delayed or withheld; and


-- results of the Company's risk mitigation strategies, including insurance and any hedging activities.


The foregoing list of risk factors is not exhaustive. Additional information on these and other factors, which could affect the Company's operations or financial results are included in the Company's most recent Annual Information Form. In addition, information is available in the Company's other reports on file with Canadian securities regulatory authorities and the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Forward-looking information is based on the estimates and opinions of the Company's management at the time the information is presented. The Company assumes no obligation to update forward-looking information should circumstances or management's estimates or opinions change, except as required by law.


Reserves Information


Talisman's disclosure of reserves data and other oil and gas information is made in reliance on an exemption granted to Talisman by Canadian securities regulatory authorities, which permits Talisman to provide certain disclosure in accordance with US disclosure requirements. The primary differences between the US disclosure requirements and the Canadian disclosure standards under National Instrument 51-101 ("NI 51-101") are that (i) SEC rules require disclosure only of proved reserves, whereas NI 51-101 requires disclosure of proved and probable reserves (ii) SEC rules require reserves to be cash flow positive on an undiscounted basis, whereas NI 51-101 requires reserves to show a hurdle rate of return; and (iii) SEC rules require that reserves and the associated future net revenue be estimated using historic average annual prices, whereas NI 51-101 requires disclosure of reserves and the associated future net revenue using forecast prices. The information provided by Talisman in this news release may differ from the corresponding information prepared in accordance with NI 51-101 standards. Talisman's proved and probable reserves, using SEC annual average pricing methodology, have been estimated using the standards contained in Regulation S-X of the SEC, which requires that proved and probable reserves be estimated using existing economic and operating conditions. US practice is to disclose net reserves after the deduction of estimated royalty burdens. Talisman makes additional voluntary disclosure of gross reserves.


The exemption granted to Talisman also permits it to disclose internally evaluated reserves data. Any reserves data contained in this news release reflects Talisman's estimates of its reserves. No independent qualified reserves evaluator or auditor was involved in the preparation of the reserves data disclosed in this news release.


Reserves Replacement Ratio


The reserves replacement ratios (before net acquisitions and dispositions) were calculated by dividing the sum of changes (revisions of estimates and discoveries) to estimated gross proved oil and gas reserves during 2009 by the Company's 2009 gross production. The Company's management uses reserves replacement ratios as an indicator of the Company's ability to replenish annual production volumes and grow its reserves. It should be noted that a reserves replacement ratio is a statistical indicator that has limitations. As an annual measure, the ratio is limited because it typically varies widely, based on the extent and timing of new discoveries, project sanctioning and property acquisitions. Its predictive and comparative value is also limited for the same reasons. In addition, since the ratio does not include cost, value or timing of future production of new reserves, it cannot be used as a measure of value creation.


Reserve Replacement Costs


In this news release, Talisman discloses reserve replacement costs. Reserve replacement costs are used by the Company to determine the cost of reserves additions in a period. Talisman's reported reserves replacement costs may not be comparable to similarly titled measures used by other companies. Reserves replacement costs may not reflect full cycle reserves replacement costs. Reserves replacement costs' predictive and comparative value is limited for the aforementioned reasons. Reserves replacement costs are calculated by dividing exploration and development capital spending (including discontinued operations, but excluding midstream) by proved reserve additions (excluding price revisions). The reserves replacement cost in 2008 was $42.87/boeand in 2007 was $33.69/boe. The average reserves replacement cost for 2009, 2008, and 2007 was $32.38/boe.




Talisman also discloses its Company netbacks in this news release. Netbacks per boe are calculated by deducting from sales price associated royalties, operating and transportation costs.


Gross Production


Throughout this news release, Talisman makes reference to production volumes. Such production volumes are stated on a gross basis, which means they are stated prior to the deduction of royalties and similar payments. In the US, net production volumes are reported after the deduction of these amounts. US readers may refer to the table headed "Continuity of Proved Net Reserves" in Talisman's most recent Annual Information Form for a statement of Talisman's net production volumes by reporting segment that are comparable to those made by US companies subject to SEC reporting and disclosure requirements.


Boe Conversion


Throughout this news release, barrels of oil equivalent (boe) is calculated at a conversion rate of six thousand cubic feet (mcf) of natural gas for one barrel of oil and is based on an energy equivalence conversion method. Boes may be misleading, particularly if used in isolation. A boe conversion ratio of 6 mcf:1 bbl is based on an energy equivalence conversion method primarily applicable at the burner tip and does not represent a value equivalency at the wellhead.


Canadian Dollars and GAAP


Dollar amounts are presented in Canadian dollars, except where otherwise indicated. Unless otherwise indicated, the financial information is set out in accordance with Canadian GAAP which may differ from U.S. GAAP.


Non-GAAP Financial Measures


Included in this news release are references to financial measures used in the oil and gas industry such as cash flow, earnings from continuing operations and net debt. These terms are not defined by GAAP in either Canada or the U.S. Consequently, these are referred to as non-GAAP measures. Talisman's reported results of cash flow, earnings from continuing operations and net debt may not be comparable to similarly titled measures reported by other companies. Cash flow represents net income before exploration costs, DD&A, future taxes and other non-cash expenses. Cash flow is used by the Company to assess operating results between years and between peer companies using different accounting policies. Cash flow should not be considered an alternative to, or more meaningful than, cash provided by operating, investing and financing activities or net income as determined in accordance with Canadian GAAP as an indicator of the Company's performance or liquidity. Cash flow per share is cash flow divided by the average number of common shares outstanding during the period. A reconciliation of cash provided by operating
activities to cash flow follows.


Cash Flow December 31, 2009 C$ million, except per share amounts

                                       Three Months ended     Year ended 
December 31                             2009  2008            2009   2008 
Cash provided by operating activities   624   1,569           3,599  6,154 
Changes in non-cash working capital     297   (4)             362    9 
Cash flow                               921   1,565           3,961  6,163 
Cash provided by discontinued           9     (71)            (85)   (465) 
operations 1 
Cash flow from continuing operations    930   1,494           3,876  5,698 
Cash flow per share                     0.91  1.54            3.90   6.06 
Cash flow from continuing               0.92  1.47            3.82   5.59 
operations per share 

1. Comparatives restated for operations classified as discontinued during 2009.


Earnings from continuing operations are calculated by adjusting the Company's net income per the financial statements, for certain items of a non-operational nature, on an after tax basis. The Company uses this information to evaluate performance of core operational activities on a comparable basis between periods. Earnings from continuing operations per share are earnings from continuing operations divided by the average number of common shares outstanding during the period. A reconciliation of net income to earnings from continuing operations follows.


Earnings from Continuing Operations December 31, 2009 C$ million, except per share amounts

                                       Three Months ended     Year ended 
December 31,                            2009   20086          2009   20086 
Net income (loss) from                  (190)  1,162          (708)  3,122 
continuing operations 
Unrealized (gain) loss on financial     173    (805)          1,056  (877) 
instruments 1 (tax adjusted) 
Additional DD&A expense                 -      225            -      225 
2 (tax adjusted) 
Stock-based compensation expense        20     (26)           198    (56) 
(recovery)3 (tax adjusted) 
Restructuring charges (tax adjusted)    14     -              14     - 
Future tax rate changes                 21     -              21     - 
Future tax charge (recovery) of         38     (54)           59     (84) 
unrealized foreign exchange 
(losses)  on net foreign 
denominated debt 4 
Earnings from continuing operations 5   76     502            640    2,330 
Per share5                              0.07   0.49           0.63   2.29 

1. Unrealized losses on financial instruments relate to the change in the period of the mark-to-market value of the company's held-for-trading financial instruments.


2. Additional DD&A expense relates to properties in the UK and Norway that had no proved reserves at 2008 year-end prices. The net book value of these properties was charged to DD&A expense in the fourth quarter of 2008.


3. Stock-based compensation expense relates to the mark-to-market value of the company's outstanding stock options and cash units at December 31. The company's stock-based compensation expense is based on the difference between the company's share price and its stock options or cash units exercise price.


4. Tax adjustment reflects future taxes relating to unrealized foreign exchange gains and losses associated with the impact of fluctuations in the Canadian dollar on net foreign denominated debt.


5. This is a non-GAAP measure. Refer to the section in this news release entitled Non-GAAP Measures for further explanation and details.


6. Comparatives restated for operations classified as discontinued in 2009.


Net debt is calculated by adjusting the Company's long-term debt per the financial statements for bank indebtedness, and cash and cash equivalents. The Company uses this information to assess its true debt position and eliminate the impact of timing differences.


Net Debt December 31, 2009 $ million

                                             Year ended 
December 31,                                 2009     2008 
Long-term debt (including current portion)   3,780    3,961 
Bank indebtedness                            36       81 
Cash and cash equivalents                    (1,690)  (91) 
Net debt                                     2,126    3,951 
Talisman Energy Inc. 
                                           Three months ended      Year ended 
                                           December 31             December 31 
(C$ million)                               2009    2008            2009   2008 
(millions of C$ unless otherwise stated) 
Cash flow (1)                              921     1,565           3,961  6,163 
Net income (loss)                          (111)   1,202           437    3,519 
Capital expenditures                       1,436   1,558           4,080  4,872 
Per common share (C$) 
Cash flow (1)                              0.91    1.54            3.90   6.06 
Net income (loss)                          (0.11)  1.18            0.43   3.46 
(daily average) 
Oil and liquids (mbbls/d) 
North America                              29      41              34     40 
UK                                         79      96              86     94 
Scandinavia                                38      34              34     33 
Southeast Asia                             43      35              41     36 
Other                                      14      21              16     21 
Total oil and liquids                      203     227             211    224 
Natural gas (mmcf/d) 
North America                              787     828             803    856 
UK                                         13      41              19     38 
Scandinavia                                100     19              58     19 
Southeast Asia                             420     340             403    334 
Total natural gas                          1,320   1,228           1,283  1,247 
Total mboe/d (2)                           423     432             425    432 
Prices (3) 
Oil and liquids (C$/bbl) 
North America                              64.24   51.78           54.96  85.52 
UK                                         78.78   58.10           68.36  98.35 
Scandinavia                                77.61   59.08           69.73  99.23 
Southeast Asia                             84.26   36.64           71.17  97.63 
Other                                      100.59  53.50           74.03  102.51 
Total oil and liquids                      79.18   53.36           67.36  96.43 
Natural gas (C$/mcf) 
North America                              4.86    7.23            4.70   8.66 
UK                                         4.41    10.62           4.73   9.78 
Scandinavia                                4.99    8.44            5.86   7.16 
Southeast Asia                             7.19    6.53            6.40   9.94 
Total natural gas                          5.61    7.17            5.29   9.01 
Total (C$/boe) (2)                         55.51   48.45           49.40  76.03 
(1) Cash flow and cash flow per share are non-GAAP measures. 
(2) Barrels of oil equivalent (boe) is calculated at a conversion  rate of six thousand cubic feet (mcf) of natural gas for one barrel  of oil. 
(3) Prices are before hedging. 
Includes the results from continuing and discontinued operations. 
Talisman Energy Inc. 
Consolidated Balance Sheets 
(C$ million) 
December 31 (millions of C$)                    2009    2008 
Cash and cash equivalents                       1,690   91 
Accounts receivable                             1,293   2,419 
Inventories                                     144     181 
Prepaid expenses                                9       17 
Assets of discontinued operations               18      220 
                                                3,154   2,928 
Other assets                                    290     235 
Goodwill                                        1,238   1,248 
Property, plant and equipment                   18,914  18,540 
Assets of discontinued operations               22      1,324 
                                                20,464  21,347 
Total assets                                    23,618  24,275 
Bank indebtedness                               36      81 
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities        2,130   1,875 
Income and other taxes payable                  357     468 
Current portion of long-term debt               10      - 
Future income taxes                             68      300 
Liabilities of discontinued operations          -       94 
                                                2,601   2,818 
Deferred credits                                59      51 
Asset retirement obligations                    2,183   1,939 
Other long-term obligations                     168     173 
Long-term debt                                  3,770   3,961 
Future income taxes                             3,720   4,007 
Liabilities of discontinued operations          6       176 
                                                9,906   10,307 
Shareholders' equity 
Common shares, no par value 
Authorized: unlimited 
Issued and outstanding: 
2009 - 1,015 million (2008 - 1,015 million)     2,374   2,372 
Contributed surplus                             153     84 
Retained earnings                               9,174   8,966 
Accumulated other comprehensive loss            (590)   (272) 
                                                11,111  11,150 
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity      23,618  24,275 
Prior period balances have been restated to reflect the financial  position of discontinued operations. 
Talisman Energy Inc. 
Consolidated Statements 
of Income and Loss 
(C$ million) 
                             Three months ended      Year ended 
                             December 31             December 31 
                             2009    2008            2009    2008 
                                     (restated)              (restated) 
Gross sales                  2,180   2,120           7,528   11,275 
Hedging loss                 -       -               -       (28) 
Gross sales, net             2,180   2,120           7,528   11,247 
of hedging 
Less royalties               381     372             1,155   2,001 
Net sales                    1,799   1,748           6,373   9,246 
Other                        26      25              115     112 
Total revenue                1,825   1,773           6,488   9,358 
Operating                    498     524             1,997   1,967 
Transportation               64      44              222     207 
General and administrative   88      97              334     294 
Depreciation, depletion      677     1,186           2,674   2,890 
and amortization 
Dry hole                     204     220             584     492 
Exploration                  100     158             301     429 
Interest on long-term debt   49      43              192     168 
Stock-based compensation     42      (36)            290     (73) 
(Gain)                       142     (1,695)         412     (1,664) 
loss on held-for-trading 
financial instruments 
Other, net                   23      (49)            48      (179) 
Total expenses               1,887   492             7,054   4,531 
Income (loss) from           (62)    1,281           (566)   4,827 
operations before taxes 
Current income tax           253     249             720     1,375 
Future income tax            (174)   (146)           (686)   154 
Petroleum revenue tax        49      16              108     176 
                             128     119             142     1,705 
Net income (loss) from       (190)   1,162           (708)   3,122 
continuing operations 
Net income from              79      40              1,145   397 
Net income (loss)            (111)   1,202           437     3,519 
Per common share (C$): 
Net income (loss) from       (0.19)  1.14            (0.70)  3.07 
continuing operations 
Diluted net income           (0.19)  1.13            (0.70)  3.02 
(loss) from 
continuing operations 
Net income from              0.07    0.04            1.12    0.39 
Diluted net income           0.07    0.04            1.12    0.38 
from discontinued 
Net income (loss)            (0.11)  1.18            0.43    3.46 
Diluted net income (loss)    (0.11)  1.17            0.43    3.40 
Average number of            1,015   1,015           1,015   1,017 
common shares 
outstanding (millions) 
Diluted number of            1,015   1,025           1,015   1,034 
common shares 
outstanding (millions) 
Prior period balances have 
been restated to reflect 
the results of 
Talisman Energy Inc. 
Consolidated Statements 
of Cash Flows 
(C$ million) 
                               Three months ended      Year ended 
                               December 31             December 31 
                               2009     2008           2009     2008 
                                        (restated)              (restated) 
Net income (loss) from         (190)    1,162          (708)    3,122 
continuing operations 
Items not involving cash       1,020    174            4,283    2,147 
Exploration                    100      158            301      429 
                               930      1,494          3,876    5,698 
Changes in non-cash            (297)    4              (362)    (9) 
working capital 
Cash provided by continuing    633      1,498          3,514    5,689 
Cash provided by (used in)     (9)      71             85       465 
discontinued operations 
Cash provided by operating     624      1,569          3,599    6,154 
Capital expenditures 
Exploration, development       (1,436)  (1,558)        (4,080)  (4,872) 
and other 
Property acquisitions          (32)     3              (310)    (436) 
Proceeds of resource           96       8              200      47 
Changes in non-cash            139      231            (18)     244 
working capital 
Discontinued operations, net   492      (78)           2,341    43 
of capital expenditures 
Cash used in investing         (741)    (1,394)        (1,867)  (4,974) 
Long-term debt repaid          -        (739)          (970)    (3,869) 
Long-term debt issued          12       551            1,261    2,425 
Common shares purchased        1        -              1        1 
Acquisition of common shares   -        -              -        (68) 
for performance share plan 
Common share dividends         (114)    (102)          (229)    (204) 
Deferred credits and other     (24)     (4)            (10)     8 
Changes in non-cash            3        (10)           4        (14) 
working capital 
Cash provided by (used in)     (122)    (304)          57       (1,721) 
financing activities 
Effect of translation          (41)     8              (133)    32 
on foreign currency 
cash and cash equivalents 
Net increase (decrease) in     (280)    (121)          1,656    (509) 
cash and cash equivalents 
Cash and cash equivalents      1,948    133            12       521 
net of bank 
indebtedness, beginning 
of  period 
Cash and cash equivalents      1,668    12             1,668    12 
net of 
bank indebtedness, 
end of period 
Cash and cash equivalents      1,690    91             1,690    91 
Cash and cash equivalents      14       2              14       2 
to discontinued operations 
Bank indebtedness              (36)     (81)           (36)     (81) 
Cash and cash equivalents      1,668    12             1,668    12 
net of 
bank indebtedness, 
end of period 
Prior period balances have 
been restated to reflect 
the cash flows  of 

Supplemental financial information


The following supplemental financial information has been prepared to assist readers of the unaudited consolidated financial information as at and for the three month period and year ended December 31, 2009. This financial information does not constitute interim financial statements as defined by Generally Accepted Accounting Principles in that certain statements and disclosures normally required to be included in interim financial statements and the notes thereto have not been provided. This unaudited consolidated financial information should be read in conjunction with the audited annual Consolidated Financial Statements as at and for the year ended December 31, 2008 and the most recently completed unaudited interim Consolidated Financial Statements as at and for the three and nine month periods ended September 30, 2009.


Commodity derivatives


Commodity price derivative contracts


The Company had the following commodity price derivative contracts outstanding at December 31, 2009:

                                                             $ million 
Fixed price swaps       Term          mcf/d   C$/mcf         Fair value 
ICE index               Jan-Mar 2010  20,638  7.28           3 
ICE index               Apr-Sep 2010  20,638  5.98           - 
ICE index               Oct-Dec 2010  17,824  7.03           (2) 
ICE index               Jan-Mar 2011  17,824  7.03           (4) 
ICE index               Apr-Jun 2011  16,886  6.41           (3) 
Two-way collars         Term          bbls/d  US$/bbl        Fair value 
Dated Brent oil index   Jan-Dec 2010  28,000  52.57/80.14    (84) 
Dated Brent oil index   Jan-Dec 2010  25,000  71.72/90.00    (1) 
WTI                     Jan-Dec 2010  22,000  50.20/60.87    (187) 
Two-way collars         Term          mcf/d   C$/mcf         Fair value 
AECO index              Jan-Jun 2010  94,820  5.82/7.17      8 
AECO index              Jan-Dec 2010  47,410  5.78/7.39      6 
Two-way collars         Term          mcf/d   US$/mcf        Fair value 
NYMEX index             Jul-Dec 2010  95,000  5.90/7.03      (1) 

Physical commodity contracts


The Company had the following physical commodity contracts outstanding at December 31, 2009:

Fixed price swaps          Term               mcf/d    C$/mcf 
AECO natural gas swaps     Jan-Dec 2010       14,223   6.33 
AECO natural gas collars   Jan-Dec 2010       175,417  6.33/7.55 
AECO natural gas swaps     Jan 2010-Dec 2011  3,671    3.10 

Supplemental cash flow information


Items not involving cash are as follows:

                                Three months ended    Year ended 
                                December 31           December 31 
(C$ million)                    2009   2008           2009   2008 
Depreciation, depletion         677    1,186          2,674  2,890 
& amortization 
Dry hole                        204    220            584    492 
Net gain on asset disposals     (22)   (43)           (37)   (109) 
Stock-based compensation        16     (40)           213    (284) 
expense (recovery) 
Future taxes and deferred       (157)  (151)          (645)  247 
PRT (recovery) 
Unrealized (gains)              238    (1,072)        1,390  (1,222) 
losses on held for 
trading financial instruments 
Financial instruments           (5)    (8)            11     46 
contract premium 
Other                           69     82             93     87 
                                1,020  174            4,283  2,147 
                   North America1        UK                                 Scandinavia 
(C$ million)       2009   2008    2007   2009   2008   2007                 2009   2008   2007 
Gross sales        1,911  3,636   2,574  2,188  3,458  2,606                986    1,192  827 
Hedging gain       -      -       110    -      (28)   (6)                  -      -      - 
Royalties          246    631     462    5      13     4                    -      -      - 
Net sales          1,665  3,005   2,222  2,183  3,417  2,596                986    1,192  827 
Other              93     84      76     19     25     18                   3      3      22 
Total revenue      1,758  3,089   2,298  2,202  3,442  2,614                989    1,195  849 
Operating          539    534     446    878    942    872                  285    276    279 
Transportation     59     68      65     46     49     51                   54     35     34 
DD&A               1,062  1,052   967    781    1,144  605                  406    416    264 
Dry hole           179    269     359    30     93     104                  69     90     83 
Exploration        84     165     148    18     54     40                   22     50     34 
Other              (19)   (86)    (48)   72     23     25                   (5)    15     (9) 
Total segmented    1,904  2,002   1,937  1,825  2,305  1,697                831    882    685 
Segmented income   (146)  1,087   361    377    1,137  917                  158    313    164 
before taxes 
Interest on 
Income (loss) 
Exploration        1,312  1,427   849    149    188    246                  157    165    148 
Development        492    847     764    531    545    959                  528    660    436 
Midstream          26     41      80     -      -      -                    -      -      - 
Exploration and    1,830  2,315   1,693  680    733    1,205                685    825    584 
on dispositions 
Property, plant    8,638  8,259   7,023  4,549  4,738  5,683                2,040  1,745  1,536 
and equipment 
Goodwill           211    211     213    289    306    335                  628    602    639 
Other              634    833     984    386    253    301                  226    154    172 
Discontinued       -      996     1,012  -      165    161                  -      93     301 
Segmented assets   9,483  10,299  9,232  5,224  5,462  6,480                2,894  2,594  2,648 
Non segmented 
Total assets 
                                         1. North America                   2009   2008   2007 
                                         Canada                             1,637  2,862  2,088 
                                         US                                 121    227    210 
                                         Total revenue                      1,758  3,089  2,298 
                                         Canada                             7,476  7,458  6,633 
                                         US                                 1,162  801    390 
                                         Property, plant and equipment      8,638  8,259  7,023 
                                         4 Excluding corporate acquisitions US 
                   Southeast Asia2      Other3                             Total 
(C$ million)       2009   2008   2007   2009   2008   2007                 2009    2008     2007 
Gross sales        1,995  2,479  2,096  448    510    398                  7,528   11,275   8,501 
Hedging gain       -      -      -      -      -      -                    -       (28)     104 
Royalties          675    1,066  843    229    291    178                  1,155   2,001    1,487 
Net sales          1,320  1,413  1,253  219    219    220                  6,373   9,246    7,118 
Other              -      -      2      -      -      -                    115     112      118 
Total revenue      1,320  1,413  1,255  219    219    220                  6,488   9,358    7,236 
Operating          255    195    169    40     20     26                   1,997   1,967    1,792 
Transportation     55     48     47     8      7      7                    222     207      204 
DD&A               382    254    248    43     24     23                   2,674   2,890    2,107 
Dry hole           253    13     48     53     27     1                    584     492      595 
Exploration        75     84     22     102    76     70                   301     429      314 
Other              9      29     6      7      5      9                    64      (14)     (17) 
Total segmented    1,029  623    540    253    159    136                  5,842   5,971    4,995 
Segmented income   291    790    715    (34)   60     84                   646     3,387    2,241 
before taxes 
General                                                                    334     294      223 
Interest on                                                                192     168      207 
Stock-based                                                                290     (73)     (15) 
Currency                                                                   (16)    (165)    53 
(Gain)                                                                     412     (1,664)  25 
Total                                                                      1,212   (1,440)  493 
Income (loss)                                                              (566)   4,827    1,748 
Exploration        233    318    172    217    149    144                  2,068   2,247    1,559 
Development        444    459    340    46     8      24                   2,041   2,519    2,523 
Midstream          -      -      -      -      -      -                    26      41       80 
Exploration and    677    777    512    263    157    168                  4,135   4,807    4,162 
Property                                                                   438     452      317 
Proceeds                                                                   (321)   (100)    (45) 
on dispositions 
Other                                                                      47      64       41 
Net                                                                        4,299   5,223    4,475 
Property, plant    2,864  2,984  2,030  823    814    227                  18,914  18,540   16,499 
and equipment 
Goodwill           110    129    104    -      -      -                    1,238   1,248    1,291 
Other              427    304    293    156    128    39                   1,829   1,672    1,789 
Discontinued       -      -      -      40     290    284                  40      1,544    1,758 
Segmented assets   3,401  3,417  2,427  1,019  1,232  550                  22,021  23,004   21,337 
Non segmented                                                              1,597   1,271    83 
Total assets                                                               23,618  24,275   21,420 
                                        2. Southeast Asia                  2009    2008     2007 
                                        Indonesia                          693     863      591 
                                        Malaysia                           400     424      445 
                                        Vietnam                            101     33       56 
                                        Australia                          126     93       163 
                                        Total revenue                      1,320   1,413    1,255 
                                        Indonesia                          906     990      820 
                                        Malaysia                           1,171   1,291    899 
                                        Vietnam                            241     456      147 
                                        Papua New Guinea                   337     -        - 
                                        Australia                          209     247      164 
                                        Property, plant and equipment      2,864   2,984    2,030 
                                        3. Other 
                                        Algeria                            219     219      220 
                                        Total revenue                      219     219      220 
                                        Algeria                            193     221      193 
                                        Other                              630     593      34 
                                        Property, plant and equipment      823     814      227 
                                        4 Excluding corporate acquisitions 
Continuity of Gross 
Proved Reserves 
                                                                           United                                   Other 
                                                               Canada (1)  States  UK       Scandinavia  Indonesia  Southeast Asia  Other    Total 
Oil and liquids(mmbbls) 
Total proved 
Proved reserves at                                             166.6       -       380.8    61.9         36.0       62.3            58.9     766.5 
December 31, 2006 
Discoveries, additions                                         7.2         -       6.4      11.2         2.2        0.5             1.8      29.3 
and extensions 
Purchase of reserves                                           -           -       -        -            1.1        -               -        1.1 
Sale of reserves                                               (13.4)      -       (4.6)    -            -          -               -        (18.0) 
Net revisions and transfers                                    8.2         -       41.8     5.4          0.5        2.7             (0.4)    58.2 
2007 Production                                                (15.8)      -       (37.2)   (11.2)       (4.1)      (12.0)          (7.5)    (87.8) 
Proved reserves at                                             152.8       -       387.2    67.3         35.7       53.5            52.8     749.3 
December 31, 2007 
Discoveries, additions                                         13.7        -       15.0     8.3          0.4        0.2             (0.7)    36.9 
and extensions 
Purchase of reserves                                           0.3         -       -        -            -          -               -        0.3 
Sale of reserves                                               (0.3)       -       (17.5)   (1.7)        -          -               -        (19.5) 
Net revisions and transfers                                    2.6         -       (133.7)  (5.3)        0.6        (5.6)           0.6      (140.8) 
2008 Production                                                (14.8)      -       (34.3)   (12.0)       (4.3)      (8.7)           (7.6)    (81.7) 
Proved reserves at                                             154.3       -       216.7    56.6         32.4       39.4            45.1     544.5 
December 31, 2008 
Discoveries, additions                                         4.8         -       5.2      1.1          (1.7)      7.4             12.2     29.0 
and extensions 
Purchase of reserves                                           0.2         -       -        -            1.0        -               -        1.2 
Sale of reserves                                               (45.7)      -       (0.2)    (4.0)        -          -               (3.8)    (53.7) 
Net revisions and transfers                                    -           -       77.0     14.5         1.1        3.8             (8.6)    87.8 
2009 Production                                                (12.6)      -       (31.2)   (12.3)       (4.2)      (10.7)          (5.9)    (76.9) 
Proved reserves at                                             101.0       -       267.5    55.9         28.6       39.9            39.0     531.9 
December 31, 2009 
Proved developed 
December 31, 2006                                              156.4       -       255.7    25.7         30.4       39.8            43.3     551.3 
December 31, 2007                                              146.2       -       344.5    25.6         28.2       31.3            48.2     624.0 
December 31, 2008                                              143.4       -       173.3    24.8         26.0       24.9            35.2     427.6 
December 31, 2009                                              92.6        -       197.1    26.1         23.2       31.2            23.7     393.9 
Natural gas(bcf) 
Total proved 
Proved reserves at                                             2,661.3     143.8   182.8    76.3         1,702.5    406.3           229.9    5,402.9 
December 31, 2006 
Discoveries, additions                                         336.5       20.3    4.3      9.8          118.7      (3.8)           (10.1)   475.7 
and extensions 
Purchase of reserves                                           4.6         -       -        -            247.2      -               -        251.8 
Sale of reserves                                               (154.5)     -       (56.8)   -            -          -               -        (211.3) 
Net revisions and transfers                                    6.2         (6.4)   (4.8)    (2.1)        (3.2)      6.1             4.4      0.2 
2007 Production                                                (288.4)     (31.2)  (25.3)   (5.1)        (83.3)     (21.6)          (0.2)    (455.1) 
Proved reserves at                                             2,565.7     126.5   100.2    78.9         1,981.9    387.0           224.0    5,464.2 
December 31, 2007 
Discoveries, additions                                         308.2       33.9    12.4     12.1         1.3        27.0            0.4      395.3 
and extensions 
Purchase of reserves                                           15.3        2.8     -        -            -          -               -        18.1 
Sale of reserves                                               (65.3)      -       -        -            -          -               -        (65.3) 
Net revisions and transfers                                    (30.3)      1.4     (3.2)    17.8         -          (2.5)           (0.8)    (17.6) 
2008 Production                                                (286.6)     (26.7)  (13.8)   (6.9)        (97.2)     (24.9)          (0.2)    (456.3) 
Proved reserves at                                             2,507.0     137.9   95.6     101.9        1,886.0    386.6           223.4    5,338.4 
December 31, 2008 
Discoveries, additions                                         201.2       544.5   -        (0.5)        88.6       27.9            -        861.7 
and extensions 
Purchase of reserves                                           15.9        -       -        -            8.7        -               -        24.6 
Sale of reserves                                               (137.6)     (1.5)   (67.0)   -            -          -               (220.5)  (426.6) 
Net revisions and transfers                                    (75.3)      0.1     2.9      12.7         14.8       (11.1)          (1.0)    (56.9) 
2009 Production                                                (262.7)     (30.3)  (7.0)    (21.1)       (120.6)    (26.7)          (0.1)    (468.5) 
Proved reserves at                                             2,248.5     650.7   24.5     93.0         1,877.5    376.7           1.8      5,272.7 
December 31, 2009 
Proved developed 
December 31, 2006                                              2,162.5     132.5   126.4    8.6          1,255.9    51.9            0.5      3,738.3 
December 31, 2007                                              2,125.6     111.4   86.7     7.0          1,197.6    58.2            1.1      3,587.6 
December 31, 2008                                              2,066.8     117.9   65.5     99.0         1,348.9    199.0           1.2      3,898.3 
December 31, 2009                                              1,840.9     197.9   22.4     91.2         1,231.6    320.8           0.8      3,705.6 
1 Canadian gross proved reserves exclude synthetic crude oil 
reserves: 2006 - 38.9 mmbbls; 2007 - 0 mmbbls (asset sold) 
Continuity of Net 
Proved Reserves 
                                                                     United                                   Southeast 
                                                         Canada (1)  States  UK       Scandinavia  Indonesia  Asia       Other    Total 
Oil and liquids(mmbbls) 
Total proved 
Proved reserves at                                       138.3       -       377.8    61.8         14.3       39.6       33.4     665.2 
December 31, 2006 
Discoveries, additions                                   5.9         -       6.4      11.2         0.7        0.2        1.1      25.5 
and extensions 
Purchase of reserves                                     -           -       -        -            1.0        -          -        1.0 
Sale of reserves                                         (9.8)       -       (4.1)    -            -          -          -        (13.9) 
Net revisions and transfers                              2.0         -       42.1     5.3          (0.6)      (2.8)      (1.8)    44.2 
2007 Production                                          (12.5)      -       (36.9)   (11.1)       (1.8)      (6.9)      (5.1)    (74.3) 
Proved reserves at                                       123.9       -       385.3    67.2         13.6       30.1       27.6     647.7 
December 31, 2007 
Discoveries, additions                                   12.1        -       15.0     8.3          -          (0.3)      (0.3)    34.8 
and extensions 
Purchase of reserves                                     0.3         -       -        -            -          -          -        0.3 
Sale of reserves                                         (0.3)       -       (17.5)   (1.6)        -          -          -        (19.4) 
Net revisions and transfers                              7.4         -       (133.2)  (5.3)        4.2        2.0        3.1      (121.8) 
2008 Production                                          (11.9)      -       (34.2)   (12.0)       (1.7)      (4.7)      (4.1)    (68.6) 
Proved reserves at                                       131.5       -       215.4    56.6         16.1       27.1       26.3     473.0 
December 31, 2008 
Discoveries, additions                                   4.0         -       5.2      1.1          (0.5)      5.3        6.5      21.6 
and extensions 
Purchase of reserves                                     0.1         -       -        -            0.7        -          -        0.8 
Sale of reserves                                         (39.0)      -       (0.2)    (4.0)        -          -          (3.7)    (46.9) 
Net revisions and transfers                              2.7         -       76.8     14.5         (1.8)      3.8        (4.7)    91.3 
2009 Production                                          (9.9)       -       (31.1)   (12.3)       (1.8)      (7.6)      (3.4)    (66.1) 
Proved reserves at                                       89.4        -       266.1    55.9         12.7       28.6       21.0     473.7 
December 31, 2009 
Proved developed 
December 31, 2006                                        130.1       -       252.9    25.6         12.2       24.7       25.8     471.3 
December 31, 2007                                        118.9       -       342.6    25.6         10.7       18.9       25.4     542.1 
December 31, 2008                                        122.0       -       172.0    24.8         13.5       17.7       20.2     370.2 
December 31, 2009                                        82.1        -       196.0    26.1         11.0       21.2       13.0     349.4 
Natural gas(bcf) 
Total proved 
Proved reserves at                                       2,153.8     123.8   178.1    76.3         1,174.2    276.5      229.3    4,212.0 
December 31, 2006 
Discoveries, additions                                   254.5       17.7    4.3      9.8          78.3       (1.6)      (10.2)   352.8 
and extensions 
Purchase of reserves                                     3.3         -       -        -            192.2      -          -        195.5 
Sale of reserves                                         (117.9)     -       (53.0)   -            -          -          -        (170.9) 
Net revisions and transfers                              29.8        (6.0)   (5.3)    (2.1)        (28.9)     (13.1)     4.3      (21.3) 
2007 Production                                          (236.4)     (26.5)  (23.9)   (5.1)        (56.8)     (16.3)     (0.1)    (365.1) 
Proved reserves at                                       2,087.1     109.0   100.2    78.9         1,359.0    245.5      223.3    4,203.0 
December 31, 2007 
Discoveries, additions                                   249.7       29.4    12.4     12.1         (30.3)     20.2       0.4      293.9 
and extensions 
Purchase of reserves                                     11.9        2.4     -        -            -          -          -        14.3 
Sale of reserves                                         (55.2)      -       -        -            -          -          -        (55.2) 
Net revisions and transfers                              113.3       1.3     (3.2)    17.8         143.0      42.8       (0.7)    314.3 
2008 Production                                          (237.6)     (22.9)  (13.8)   (6.9)        (64.0)     (18.8)     (0.2)    (364.2) 
Proved reserves at                                       2,169.2     119.2   95.6     101.9        1,407.7    289.7      222.8    4,406.1 
December 31, 2008 
Discoveries, additions                                   185.6       474.6   -        (0.5)        62.8       25.3       -        747.8 
and extensions 
Purchase of reserves                                     14.2        -       -        -            7.5        -          -        21.7 
Sale of reserves                                         (115.8)     (1.4)   (67.0)   -                       -          (220.0)  (404.2) 
Net revisions and transfers                              28.2        -       2.9      12.7         (19.5)     (33.3)     (1.0)    (10.0) 
2009 Production                                          (238.4)     (26.2)  (7.0)    (21.1)       (84.4)     (20.3)     (0.1)    (397.5) 
Proved reserves at                                       2,043.0     566.2   24.5     93.0         1,374.1    261.4      1.7      4,363.9 
December 31, 2009 
Proved developed 
December 31, 2006                                        1,747.1     113.8   123.2    8.6          856.8      38.7       0.5      2,888.7 
December 31, 2007                                        1,725.0     95.7    86.7     7.0          811.1      44.4       1.0      2,770.9 
December 31, 2008                                        1,785.8     101.8   65.5     99.0         1,022.2    149.0      1.2      3,224.5 
December 31, 2009                                        1,663.5     171.1   22.4     91.2         915.2      225.5      0.8      3,089.7 
1 Canadian net proved reserves exclude synthetic crude 
oil reserves:  2006 - 32 mmbbls; 2007 - 0 (asset sold) 

Reserves Estimates


Summary of Oil and Gas Reserves as of Fiscal Year End Based on Average Fiscal Year Prices


The following table sets forth Talisman's estimates of its proved developed, proved undeveloped, total proved, probable developed, probable undeveloped and total probable reserves as at December 31, 2009. The reserves estimates included in this table were prepared using the standards of the US Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"), which requires that proved reserves be estimated using existing economic conditions.


Effective January 1, 2010, the SEC amended its oil and gas reporting requirements. Under the amended requirements, the price used for calculating reserves has been changed from a year-end single day price to an average price during the 12-month period for the most recent fiscal year, determined as an unweighted arithmetic average of the first-day-of-the-month price for each month within the period unless the prices are defined by contractual obligations (excluding escalations based on future conditions). The estimates in the following table have been prepared on that basis.

              Proved          Proved            Total          Probable        Probable          Total 
              Developed1,2    Undeveloped1,3    Proved1        Developed4,5    Undeveloped4,6    Probable4 
              Gross7  Net8    Gross7  Net8      Gross7  Net8   Gross7  Net8    Gross7  Net8      Gross7  Net8 
Canada        92.6    82.1    8.4     7.3       101.0   89.4   20.3    17.4    8.3     6.6       28.6    24.0 
US            -       -       -       -         -       -      -       -       -       -         -       - 
UK            197.1   196.0   70.4    70.1      267.5   266.1  59.4    59.1    112.4   112.4     171.8   171.5 
Norway        26.1    26.1    29.8    29.8      55.9    55.9   22.7    22.7    42.3    42.3      65.0    65.0 
Indonesia9    23.2    11.0    5.4     1.7       28.6    12.7   0.5     0.2     11.6    5.1       12.1    5.3 
Malaysia      23.7    14.0    3.6     2.5       27.3    16.5   23.8    11.9    9.5     3.9       33.3    15.8 
Australia     6.0     5.9     5.1     4.9       11.1    10.8   2.9     2.8     4.3     4.1       7.2     6.9 
Vietnam       1.5     1.3     -       -         1.5     1.3    0.3     0.3     28.5    23.2      28.8    23.5 
Algeria       23.2    12.6    15.1    7.9       38.3    20.5   6.2     3.2     6.1     3.6       12.3    6.8 
Tunisia       0.5     0.4     0.2     0.1       0.7     0.5    0.2     0.1     -       -         0.2     0.1 
Total         393.9   349.4   138.0   124.3     531.9   473.7  136.3   117.7   223.0   201.2     359.3   318.9 
Canada        1840.9  1663.5  407.6   379.5   2248.5  2043.0  603.7  546.4  648.2   593.9   1251.9  1140.3 
US            197.9   171.1   452.8   395.1   650.7   566.2   7.7    6.7    524.5   453.6   532.2   460.3 
UK            22.4    22.4    2.1     2.1     24.5    24.5    20.2   20.2   168.8   168.8   189.0   189.0 
Norway        91.2    91.2    1.8     1.8     93.0    93.0    57.0   57.0   8.0     8.0     65.0    65.0 
Indonesia9    1231.6  915.2   645.9   458.9   1877.5  1374.1  3.7    2.3    714.3   500.0   718.0   502.3 
Malaysia      320.8   225.5   55.9    35.9    376.7   261.4   154.5  84.1   97.8    63.9    252.3   148.0 
Australia     -       -       -       -       -       -       -      -      -       -       -       - 
Vietnam       -       -       -       -       -       -       -      -      23.1    23.1    23.1    23.1 
Algeria       -       -       -       -       -       -       -      -      -       -       -       - 
Tunisia       0.8     0.8     1.0     0.9     1.8     1.7     0.7    0.6    0.1     0.1     0.8     0.7 
Total         3705.6  3089.7  1567.1  1274.2  5272.7  4363.9  847.5  717.3  2184.8  1811.4  3032.3  2528.7 



1. "Proved" reserves are those quantities of oil and gas, which, by analysis of geoscience and engineering data, can be estimated with reasonable certainty to be economically producible - from a given date forward, from known reservoirs and under existing economic conditions, operating methods and government regulations, prior to the time at which contracts providing the right to operate expire, unless evidence indicates that renewal is reasonably certain, regardless of whether deterministic or probabilistic methods are used for estimation.


2. "Proved Developed" reserves are those reserves that can be expected to be recovered through existing wells with existing equipment and operating methods or in which the cost of the required equipment is relatively minor compared to the cost of a new well. Additional oil and gas expected to be obtained through installed extraction equipment and infrastructure operational at the time of the reserves estimate are included as proved developed reserves.


3. "Proved Undeveloped" reserves are those reserves that are expected to be recovered from new wells on undrilled acreage, or from existing wells for which a relatively major expenditure is required for recompletion. Inclusion of reserves on undrilled acreage is limited to those directly offsetting development spacing areas that are reasonably certain of production when drilled, unless evidence using reliable technology exists that establishes reasonable certainty of economic producibility at greater distances.


4. "Probable" reserves are those additional reserves that are less certain to be recovered than proved reserves but which, together with proved reserves, are as likely as not to be recovered. Probable reserves can be assigned to areas that are structurally higher than the proved area if these areas are in communication with the proved reservoir. Includes reserves assigned to areas of a reservoir adjacent to proved reserves where data control or interpreted reservoir continuity of structure or productivity does not meet the reasonable certainty criterion.


5. "Probable Developed" reserves are those reserves that are less certain to be recovered through existing wells with existing equipment and operating methods or in which the cost of the required equipment is relatively minor compared to the cost of a new well. Additional oil and gas expected to be obtained through installed extraction equipment and infrastructure operational at the time of the reserves estimate are included as proved developed reserves.


6. "Probable Undeveloped" reserves are those reserves that are less certain to be recovered from new wells on undrilled acreage, or from existing wells for which a relatively major expenditure is required for recompletion.


7. "Gross" reserves refer to the sum of (i) working interest reserves before deduction of royalty burdens payable, and (ii) royalty interest reserves. The Canadian Oil and Gas Evaluation Handbook ("COGEH") refers to this sum of reserves as "Company interest reserves". Royalty interest reserves for Canada were approximately 1.3 mmboe (proved) and 0.3 mmboe (probable) as at December 31, 2009. The inclusion of royalty interest volumes in gross reserves does not conform to COGEH standards applicable under NI 51-101.


8. "Net" reserves are the remaining reserves of Talisman, after deduction of estimated royalty burdens and including royalty interests in the amount set out in note 7 above.


9. Interests of various governments, other than working interests or income taxes, are accounted for as royalties. Royalties are reflected in "net" reserves using effective rates over the life of the contract.


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