RNS Number : 1225O

Aggregated Micro Power Holdings PLC

26 May 2015

Aggregated Micro Power Holdings plc

("AMPH", the "Company" or the "Group")

Results for the year ended 31 December 2014

Aggregated Micro Power Holdings plc, the renewable energy developer focused on biomass energy generation, announces its audited results for the year ended 31 December 2014.

Operational Highlights

   --     Proposed strategic partnership with Forest Fuels Holdings Ltd ("Forest Fuels") 
   --     Wood drying facilities installed and commissioned at Low Plains 
   --     Significant upgrade and re-commissioning work carried out on Low Plains 1MWe 

-- Five biomass boilers installed and refinanced via AMPIL and two additional biomass boilers installed and refinanced post year end

Future Developments

-- Planning consent received for two 1.5MW gasification CHP sites in Devon and Kent; construction to commence within the next 12 months

-- Biomass Boiler and CHP ESCO (energy service company) pipeline in excess of GBP5m expected to be installed over the next 12 months

-- 50% interest secured in two 50MWe CHP developments on the Humber awaiting next round of Contracts for Difference auction

Financial Highlights

   --     Group revenue increased by 77% to GBP252,973 (2013: GBP142,665) 
   --     Group loss before tax adjusted for non-cash items and one off charges(1) : GBP3,194,465 

-- Reported Group loss before tax of GBP6,038,730 (2013: GBP2,445,261) including non-cash items and one-off charges

   --     GBP9.5m (before expenses) raised at IPO in July 2014 

-- Successful launch of AMPIL(2) and on-going discussions with investment institutions in relation to the potential funding of the Group's development pipeline

Proposed Strategic Partnership with Forest Fuels

The strategic partnership is expected to include:

   --    Assistance with funding wood chip drying facilities on Forest Fuels' existing depots 

-- Assistance with Forest Fuels ESCO developments which can be sold on to AMPIL or other third party finance providers

   --    Sale of dried wood chip to Forest Fuels from AMP gasification plants 
   --    Forest Fuels preferred supplier status for biomass boilers managed by AMP on behalf of AMPIL 

Further details will be provided to shareholders in due course.

(1) Non-cash items and one off charges relate to an IFRS fair value adjustment on deferred consideration shares which may or may not be issued subject to certain hurdles being met, an impairment charge at Low Plains, tax credits and loss on disposal of AMP Heat Limited.

(2) AMPIL is a special purpose vehicle which is wholly owned by Law Debenture for general charitable purposes and is funded via the issuance of listed loan notes.

Richard Burrell, Chief Executive of Aggregated Micro Power Holdings plc, said: "I am very pleased to announce our first preliminary results since listing on AIM last year. Adjusted for non-cash items and one off charges our underlying performance has been broadly in line with management's expectations. In addition to our financial results, we announce our intention to form a strategic partnership with Forest Fuels, a leading and profitable biomass chip and pellet distributor with sales representing 10% of the UK chip market; this is a significant step in the development of the Group which could accelerate our strategic ambitions significantly and, together with the operational progress of the business, allows us to look to the future with great confidence."


  Aggregated Micro Power Holdings plc          020 7382 7800 
  Richard Burrell, CEO 
   Mark Tarry, CFO 
   Helene Crook, Investor Relations 
    Haggie Partners 
    Peter Rigby / Brian Norris                 020 7562 4444 
   finncap Ltd 
    Ed Frisby / Simon Hicks (corporate 
     finance)                                  020 7220 0500 
    Stephen Norcross (corporate broking)       020 7220 0513 

Notes to Editors:

About Aggregated Micro Power Holdings plc

The AMP Group was established to develop, own and operate renewable energy generating facilities. The AMP Group's strategy is to develop and operate projects using small-scale technologies for converting biomass to energy and to sell the energy produced in the form of electricity, heat and wood fuel.

The AMP Group's existing facilities comprise a 1MWe CHP plant located at Low Plains in Cumbria and a heat dried wood chip sales business on the same site in Cumbria. AMP has also installed and commissioned seven biomass boilers supplying heat to schools, hotels, a care home and a rural business park.


This is our inaugural Report and Accounts since becoming an AIM listed company. It has been a period of frenetic activity in terms of delivering on our business objectives and this is detailed in the Strategic Report. I would like to thank our shareholders, management and staff for their continued commitment and hard work.

The regulatory and economic background has produced some surprises. Small-scale biomass continues to receive strong support through the Renewable Heat Incentive and this is a market which is growing in size and maturity each year. The recent regulations regarding fuel quality have helped to stimulate the market for forced dried wood chip and AMP's strategy which is focussed on using surplus heat at its Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plants to dry wood chip for onward sale will provide us with a significant capability to sell high quality wood chip into the growing biomass boiler market. Whilst at the time of our IPO no one would have forecast today's low oil price, we have not seen any decline in biomass boiler sales and our pipeline for Energy Service Company ("ESCO") contracts remains robust.

We have continued to invest in our plant at Low Plains and whilst we have prudently reduced the carrying value of this asset in the consolidated statement of financial position we expect good growth in operating cash flow during 2015. We intend to expand Low Plains in 2015 and we have recently installed two additional smaller-scale CHP systems on the site.

We have now received planning approval on our future CHP sites in Kent and Devon. We intend to commence construction at both sites in the next 12 months. Looking beyond 2015, we have secured a significant position in two large scale biomass CHP developments in Immingham and Hull and both these schemes have planning and grid connection offers. With a strong pipeline, our future success will depend upon our ability to attract further capital to enable schemes to reach financial close, begin construction and ultimately to be refinanced, post commissioning.

We are now getting into the execution phase of our business plan as outlined at the time of the IPO and I look forward to reporting further progress over time.

Neil Eckert

Executive Chairman

22 May 2015

Strategic Report

Following the successful admission to AIM in July 2014 raising GBP9.5m from new and existing investors, we are pleased to present our inaugural Report and Accounts for the twelve months ending 31 December 2014.

AMP Group strategy

The AMP Group was established to develop, own and operate renewable energy generating facilities. The AMP Group's strategy is to develop and operate projects using small-scale technologies for converting biomass to energy and to sell the energy produced in the form of electricity, heat and wood fuel.

The AMP Group's preferred technology for generating electricity from wood fuel involves a process of gasification, in which wood is converted into syngas by the application of heat in a low oxygen environment. The engine, as well as producing electricity, generates waste heat which can be captured and used commercially to dry the wood fuel, firstly, needed as feedstock for gasification, and secondly, for sale in the open market or into the portfolio of biomass boilers operated and managed by AMP. The AMP Group's use of excess heat to dry wood chip for onward sale provides a natural hedge to adverse movements in feedstock prices, as increases in feedstock prices can potentially be offset by increases in wood chip prices.

The AMP Group intends to replicate its strategy at new locations and to refinance its projects once they have been commissioned. This will enable the AMP Group to recycle capital in order to develop further projects. The Company may also pursue and prioritise other opportunities where it is commercially advantageous to do so.

AMP seeks to recognise the value of its projects held directly at fair value in accordance with IAS 39.9. Henceforth, changes in fair value will be booked as an unrealised profit or loss in the Company's own unconsolidated accounts. Quarterly valuations are expected to be based on a discounted cash flow analysis of each project's future cash flow and will be validated at the time of a project's commissioning and at year end by an independent third party acceptable to the Company's auditors.

In addition, the Directors anticipate that the AMP Group will sell its smaller scale biomass boiler and CHP projects following financial close, to Aggregated Micro Power Infrastructure Limited ('AMPIL') or other third parties and aim to earn development fees, a margin on the management of the plant, revenues from the supply of fuel and a deferred payment in the relevant project.


The Group made a loss before tax of GBP3,194,465, adjusted for non cash items and one off charges being the impairment and deferred consideration charges, tax credits and the loss on the disposal of AMP Heat Limited, which was broadly in line with management's expectations. The total loss before tax of GBP6,038,730 includes a provision for the deferred consideration shares which may or may not be issued, subject to certain hurdles being met, as well as a GBP2,224,661 impairment charge at Low Plains. Turnover was lower than predicted, mainly due to unforeseen downtime in October and December at Low Plains but the impact on profitability was partially offset by lower depreciation charges.

Our intention is to build on the operational platform we have built at Low Plains, bolting on new revenue lines in the form of additional electricity generation and wood chip drying capacity to enable us to reverse the impairment charge in future years.

Progress following the AMP IPO in July 2014

AMP has continued to invest in its 1.0MW plant at Low Plains in Cumbria which has involved capital investment in new wood chip drying floors for third party chip sales as well as a number of further upgrades and improvements as part of the commissioning process for the main plant. Whilst these additional works have taken longer than anticipated, resulting in down time at the plant during recent months, the plant is now commissioned post year end and we are now in the phase of operational stabilisation and improvement in order to produce high and consistent energy outputs for the remainder of 2015.

In December, we purchased a small scale 45kW CHP unit from Germany and in January 2015 we purchased a similar 40kW unit from Finland, with the intention of providing additional heat to the drying floors as well as electricity for the parasitic load at Low Plains. Both systems are now installed and commissioned. These smaller units are expected to have shorter commissioning periods and a higher return on investment compared with larger CHP systems.

We have now received planning approval for our next gasification development sites in Kent and Devon. We intend to commence construction on these two projects in the next 12 months.

During the financial year 2014, AMP has installed seven biomass boilers supplying heat to three schools, a care home, a rural business park and two biomass boilers at a Champneys health spa resort. Five of these systems are fully commissioned and have been sold to AMPIL and development fees have been earned by AMP. AMPIL is a special purpose vehicle which is wholly owned by Law Debenture for general charitable purposes and is funded via the issuance of listed loan notes. AMP will continue to manage the boiler projects on behalf of AMPIL under the terms of a commercial agreement. The remaining two boilers installed at Champneys have been commissioned in 2015 and have been sold to AMPIL in the financial year 2015.

AMP has also secured a significant development interest in two large scale biomass CHP developments in Immingham and Hull on two port-side locations that will be leased from Associated British Ports. Both these schemes have secured planning permission and grid connection offers for 49.0MW and 49.9MW respectively. Over the next twelve months, AMP and its development partners intend to secure external, off-balance sheet construction finance for these projects which is contingent on both schemes achieving Government incentives in the form of Contracts for Difference. Both projects are unlikely to be commissioned until 2018 at the earliest.

Future Financing

AMP requires further capital to develop out its substantial pipeline of future projects as well as to invest in sites currently operated by Forest Fuels, pursuant to our proposed strategic partnership with Forest Fuels.

We are pleased to announce that we are in discussions with investment institutions in relation to the potential funding of the Group's development pipeline. Further details will be provided to shareholders in due course.

Proposed Strategic Partnership with Forest Fuels

The strategic partnership is expected to include:

   --    Assistance with funding wood chip drying facilities on Forest Fuels' existing depots 

-- Assistance with Forest Fuels ESCO developments which can be sold on to AMPIL or other third party finance providers

   --    Sale of dried wood chip to Forest Fuels from AMP gasification plants 
   --    Forest Fuels preferred supplier status for biomass boilers managed by AMP on behalf of AMPIL 

Further details will be provided to shareholders in due course.

Risk factors

The principal risks of the business are documented below:

             Risk                                                    Control Procedure 
-----------------  ------------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Staff retention    Long term lock in arrangements and incentivisation 
  risk               structure to retain key staff through 
                     equity ownership. 
                     Contractual minimum notice periods for 
                     key staff sufficient to ensure time 
                     for recruitment/handover. 
-----------------  ------------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Public policy      Minimise construction timetable for 
  risk               individual projects. Changes to public 
  including          policy mechanisms can adversely affect 
  changes to         project returns but the Group is only 
  renewable          exposed during the time between financial 
  incentives         close and commencement of operations. 
                     Small scale projects which AMP is developing 
                     have relatively short construction times 
                     and so lower public policy exposure. 
                     In addition, where practicable, the 
                     Company will seek to use existing public 
                     policy measures to lock in an entitlement 
                     to specific incentive rates before construction 
-----------------  ------------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Feedstock          The Company will monitor prices and 
  price risk         establish a policy for hedging exposures 
                     including managing merchant risk, including 
                     the development of a wood fuel supply 
                     model as a natural hedge against increasing 
                     biomass fuel prices. 
                     The Company will establish supply contracts 
                     to minimise exposure where these are 
                     available at a reasonable price. 
-----------------  ------------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Electricity        The Company will establish off-take 
  price risk         contracts (Power Purchase Agreements) 
                     to minimise exposure where these are 
                     available on reasonable terms. 
-----------------  ------------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Planning           The Company will seek to minimise extent 
  risk               of exposure and financial commitment 
                     prior to successful planning approvals. 
-----------------  ------------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Environment        Industrial sites have potential exposure 
  Agency /           to environmental and Health and Safety 
  Health and         ('H&S') issues. 
  Safety risks       Health and Safety risk assessment has 
                     been undertaken, and relevant policies 
                     are in place. Health and Safety review 
                     is given priority at management meetings 
                     and Board meetings. Staff training is 
                     provided as appropriate. 
-----------------  ------------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Tax risk           Tax computations, VAT computations and 
                     PAYE are outsourced to a professional 
                     service provider. 
-----------------  ------------------------------------------------------------------- 

AMP Group objectives and KPIs for 2015 are as follows:

-- Achieve the maximum power output on the existing plant at Low Plains of 1.0 MWe and fully utilise spare heat from the drying floors to maximise revenues from the sale of forced dried wood chip to third parties.

-- Complete the installation and testing of the two small-scale gasification systems at Low Plains to allow a decision to be made on which technology to roll-out at our new gasification development sites.

-- Commence construction at the two 1.5 MWe sites at Hill Barton, Devon, and Kingsnorth, Kent, in the next 12 months and aim to commission these projects within 12 months following breaking ground. Identify and apply for planning permission on at least two further sites for construction to commence in 2016.

-- Execute on the existing GBP5m+ pipeline of biomass boiler ESCO projects, wood drying facilities and/or small-scale CHP ESCO installations with the aim to sell completed systems to AMPIL or other third parties to generate development fees.

-- Supplement AMP's cash resources with additional new funding from one or a combination of: the refinancing of existing assets; raising project finance from third party providers; asset financing of core items of equipment; the issue of new Ordinary Shares for cash; or any other compelling financing mechanism where the Directors consider doing so to be in the best interests of the Company and its Shareholders.

-- Seek to pay a dividend to Ordinary Shareholders in respect of 2015, provided sufficient profits have been generated.

Industry and policy background

We believe that there are a number of features of the renewable energy market which are highly beneficial for the AMP Group:

-- The UK's lack of energy security means that domestic energy production, especially renewable energy production, has a high value even in the absence of environmental factors and falling oil prices;

-- In light of the gap between the UK's current and proposed energy supply mix, public policy support measures, including incentives, are generally expected to endure;

-- Current and proposed support measures specifically favour the smaller scale, de-centralised generation that the AMP Group is targeting;

-- By operating smaller scale facilities in close proximity to customers, the AMP Group is able to reduce energy delivery costs and exploit the price premium between retail and wholesale energy pricing; and

-- The market for forced dried wood chip is growing rapidly and is strongly supported by new requirements introduced under the RHI Regulations on 24th September 2013, setting emissions limits for biomass boilers. The regulations stipulate that all RHI participants must buy dry fuels, or allow fuel felled from their own land to dry out sufficiently before use and ensure that fuel doesn't become damp when being stored. Non- compliance may delay or affect RHI payments.

Under the EU's Renewable Energy Directive, the UK was set a legally binding target of procuring 15 per cent of its energy consumption from renewable sources by 2020. In 2013 renewable energy accounted for only 5.2 per cent of total energy consumption. We believe this target should underpin political support and financial incentives for the renewable energy sector in the near term.

The UK's drive to decarbonise (the Government has a legally binding target of reducing the UK's greenhouse gas emissions by 80 per cent by 2050 against 1990 levels), is expected to require significant structural changes to the power market, with 8 GW of coal fired generating capacity scheduled to be decommissioned by 2015 due to the Large Combustion Plant Directive. This represents 10.2 per cent of current power generation; a reduction in supply, which in the Directors' opinion will help support the wholesale price of electricity in the near term.

The inception of the RHI in November 2011 has driven a rapid uptake of biomass boilers fuelled by wood chip. Biomass boilers account for 99 per cent of the capacity of accredited RHI installations (as of December 2014). From January 2013 to December 2014 the installed capacity of RHI accredited biomass boilers grew almost sevenfold from 175MW to 1,215 MW.

We believe that the structure of the energy markets, in the UK and elsewhere, provide a commercial opportunity for the small scale energy facilities that comprise the AMP Group's primary areas of focus, making use of local energy sources to generate and supply energy close to the point of demand, so capturing higher retail prices for the energy produced and reducing the costs arising from energy delivery losses.

This Strategic Report was approved by the Board of Directors of the Company on 22 May 2015 and signed on their behalf by:

Richard Burrell

Chief Executive Officer

Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

For the year ended 31 December 2014

                                                       Year ended            Year ended 
                                                           31 Dec                31 Dec 
                                                             2014                  2013 
                                   Note                       GBP                   GBP 
  Continuing operations 
  Revenue                           2                     252,973               142,665 
  Cost of sales                                         (113,801)              (12,776) 
  Gross profit                                            139,172               129,889 
                                         ------------------------  -------------------- 
  Other operating income                                   11,667                     - 
  Administrative expenses                             (3,253,036)           (2,476,701) 
  Fair value adjustment                                 (624,603)                     - 
   on deferred consideration 
  Impairment loss                   4                 (2,224,661)                     - 
                                         ------------------------  -------------------- 
  Total administrative 
   expenses                                           (6,090,633)           (2,476,701) 
  Loss from operations                                (5,951,461)           (2,346,812) 
                                         ------------------------  -------------------- 
  Finance income                                            9,788                     - 
  Finance expense                                        (97,057)              (98,449) 
                                         ------------------------  -------------------- 
  Total finance expense                                  (87,269)              (98,449) 
  Loss before tax                                     (6,038,730)           (2,445,261) 
                                         ------------------------  -------------------- 
  Tax credit                        3                     493,470                     - 
  Loss for the year from 
   continuing operations                              (5,545,260)           (2,445,261) 
                                         ------------------------  -------------------- 
  Loss on discontinued 
   operations, net of tax                                 (4,999)             (138,338) 
  Loss attributable to 
   the ordinary equity holders 
   of the parent                                      (5,550,259)           (2,583,599) 
                                         ========================  ==================== 
  Loss per share attributable 
   to the ordinary equity holders 
   of the parent 
  Continuing and discontinued 
   operations basic (Pence)         6                      (27.2)                (19.9) 
  Continuing operations 
   basic (Pence)                    6                      (27.2)                (18.9) 

Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

As at 31 December 2014

                                            31 Dec                     31 Dec           31 Dec 
                                              2014                   2013 (As         2012 (As 
                                                                    restated)        restated) 
                             Note              GBP                        GBP              GBP 
  Non-current assets 
  Property, plant 
   and equipment              4          5,050,491                  5,832,577        4,580,628 
                                   ---------------  -------------------------  --------------- 
  Total non-current 
   assets                                5,050,491                  5,832,577        4,580,628 
                                   ---------------  -------------------------  --------------- 
  Current assets 
  Inventories                              347,543                     12,303           26,988 
  Trade and other 
   receivables                           1,397,249                    477,073          307,624 
  Cash and cash 
   equivalents                           4,727,078                    342,103          213,529 
                                   ---------------  -------------------------  --------------- 
  Total current 
   assets                                6,471,870                    831,479          548,141 
                                   ---------------  -------------------------  --------------- 
  Total assets                          11,522,361                  6,664,056        5,128,769 
                                   ---------------  -------------------------  --------------- 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other 
  payables                                 828,766                    487,535          282,229 
 Loans and borrowings         5            173,874                          -          305,649 
                                   ---------------  -------------------------  --------------- 
 Total current 
  liabilities                            1,002,640                    487,535          587,878 
                                   ---------------  -------------------------  --------------- 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Loans and borrowings         5            759,317                  1,075,673        1,404,327 
 Deferred consideration                  1,873,810                          -                - 
 Total non-current 
  liabilities                            2,633,127                  1,075,673        1,404,327 
                                   ---------------  -------------------------  --------------- 
 Total liabilities                       3,635,767                  1,563,208        1,992,205 
                                   ---------------  -------------------------  --------------- 
 Net assets                              7,886,594                  5,100,848        3,136,564 
                                   ===============  =========================  =============== 
 Capital and reserves 
 Share capital                             128,473                     77,687           54,078 
 Share premium                           9,484,658                  4,496,412        6,167,447 
 Merger reserve                          6,648,126                  7,897,333                - 
 Other reserve                           4,546,180                          -                - 
 Capital contribution                            -                          -        1,702,024 
 Retained deficit                     (12,920,843)                (7,370,584)      (4,786,985) 
                                   ---------------  -------------------------  --------------- 
 Total equity                            7,886,594                  5,100,848        3,136,564 
                                   ===============  =========================  =============== 

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

For year ended 31 December 2014

  Year ended 31 
  December                  Share            Share          Capital         Retained              Merger            Other 
  2013                    capital          premium     contribution          deficit             reserve          reserve            Total 
                              GBP              GBP              GBP              GBP                 GBP              GBP              GBP 
  Equity as at 1 
   2013 as 
   stated                  54,078        6,167,447        1,702,024      (4,900,590)                   -                -        3,022,959 
  Prior year 
   (Note 27)                    -                -                -          113,605                   -                -          113,605 
                  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
   balance at 1 
   January 2013            54,078        6,167,447        1,702,024      (4,786,985)                   -                -        3,136,564 
  Loss for the 
   year                         -                -                -      (2,583,599)                   -                -      (2,583,599) 
                  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
   expense                      -                -                -      (2,583,599)                   -                -      (2,583,599) 
  by and 
  to owners: 
  Issue of share 
   capital                 23,609        4,496,412                -                -                   -                -        4,520,021 
   contribution                 -                -                -                -              27,862                -           27,862 
  Merger reserve                -      (6,167,447)      (1,702,024)                -           7,869,471                -                - 
                  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
  Equity as at 
   31 December 
   2013                    77,687        4,496,412                -      (7,370,584)           7,897,333                -        5,100,848 
                  ===============  ===============  ===============  ===============  ==================  ===============  =============== 
  Year ended 31 
  December            Share        Share         Capital        Retained         Merger                       Other 
  2013              capital      premium    contribution         deficit        reserve                     reserve          Total 
                        GBP          GBP             GBP             GBP            GBP                         GBP            GBP 
  Equity as at 1 
   2014              77,687    4,496,412               -     (7,370,584)      7,897,333                           -      5,100,848 
  Loss for the 
   period                 -            -               -     (5,550,259)              -                           -    (5,550,259) 
                  ---------  -----------  --------------  --------------  -------------  --------------------------  ------------- 
   expense                -            -               -     (5,550,259)              -                           -    (5,550,259) 
  by and 
  to owners: 
  Issue of share 
   capital           50,786    5,259,948               -               -              -                   4,848,615     10,159,349 
  Share issue 
   cost                   -    (271,702)               -               -              -                   (302,435)      (574,137) 
  Merger reserve          -            -               -               -    (1,249,207)                           -    (1,249,207) 
                  ---------  -----------  --------------  --------------  -------------  --------------------------  ------------- 
  Equity as at 
   31 December 
   2014             128,473    9,484,658               -    (12,920,843)      6,648,126                   4,546,180      7,886,594 
                  =========  ===========  ==============  ==============  =============  ==========================  ============= 

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

For year ended 31 December 2014

                                                           31 Dec                          31 Dec 
                                                             2014                            2013 
                                  Note                        GBP                             GBP 
  Operating activities 
  Loss for the period 
   after tax                                          (5,550,259)                     (2,583,599) 
  Adjustments for: 
  Impairment loss                  4                    2,224,661                               - 
  Tax credit                       3                    (493,470)                               - 
  Interest Income                                         (9,788)                               - 
  Fair value adjustment                                   624,603                               - 
   on financial liabilities 
   at fair value through 
   profit and loss 
  Gain on disposal of                                     (6,699)                               - 
  Loss on disposal of                                      30,999                               - 
   fixed asset 
  Interest paid                                            97,057                          98,449 
  Depreciation of property, 
   plant and equipment             4                       27,095                          17,461 
  Cashflows from operating 
   activities before changes 
   to working capital                                 (3,055,801)                     (2,467,689) 
  Movement in foreign 
   exchange                                                 7,074                           2,022 
   in inventories                                       (335,240)                          14,685 
   in trade and other 
   receivables                                          (492,445)                       (169,449) 
   in trade and other 
   payables                                               449,470                          92,385 
                                                        (371,141)                        (60,357) 
  Cash consumed by operations                         (3,426,942)                     (2,528,046) 
  Research and development                                 54,148                               - 
   tax credit received 
  Net cash flows from 
   operating activities                               (3,372,794)                    ( 2,528,046) 
  Investing activities 
  Purchase of property, 
   plant and equipment             4                  (2,071,635)                     (1,243,230) 
  Proceeds from sale                                       13,750                               - 
   of assets 
  Proceeds from sale                                      508,458                               - 
   of subsidiary 
  Cash disposed of on                                     (1,358)                               - 
   sales of subsidiary 
  Net cash used in investing 
   activities                                         (1,550,785)                     (1,243,230) 
  Financing activities 
  Proceeds from issue 
   of shares                                           10,159,349                       3,899,850 
  Share issue cost                                      (574,137) 
  Payments of borrowings                                (250,000)                               - 
  Payments of interest                                   (29,646)                               - 
   on borrowings 
  Bank Interest received                                    9,788                               - 
  Payments of finance                                     (6,800)                               - 
  Net cash from financing 
   activities                                           9,308,554                       3,899,850 
  Net increase in cash 
   and cash equivalents                                 4,384,975                         128,574 
  Cash and cash equivalents 
   at beginning of period                                 342,103                         213,529 
  Cash and cash equivalents 
   at end of period                                     4,727,078                         342,103 

Notes to the financial statements

For the year ended 31 December 2014

   1.    Basis of preparation of financial statements 

The financial information set out above does not constitute statutory financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2014 or 2013 but is derived from those financial statements. Statutory financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2013 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. Statutory financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2014 were approved by the Board of Directors on 22 May 2015, are audited and will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the Annual General Meeting on 23 June 2015.

The Company's auditors, BDO LLP, have reported on the 2014 and 2013 financial statements and those reports were:

   i.     Not qualified; 

ii. Did not include a reference to any matters to which the auditors drew attention to by way of emphasis without qualifying their report; and

iii. Did not contain a statement under Section 498(2) and 498(3) of the Companies Act 2006 in respect of the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2014 and 31 December 2013.

The financial statements have been adjusted to account for the expected repayment of GBP609,960 stolen from the Company by a former employee who has since been dismissed for gross misconduct. The theft related to forged wood fuel invoices at Low Plains for the period beginning February 2012 and ending in March 2015. The former employee has undertaken to repay the monies in full and the Group has been provided with a legal charge over sufficient assets to ensure full repayment. This matter is isolated to a single employee and does not affect any customers or suppliers.

The Directors anticipate a full cash repayment of GBP609,960 to the Group during 2015 and have made the following adjustments to the prior year financial statements.

Full year 2012

Expenses have been reduced in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income by GBP113,605 resulting in a commensurate reduction in carried forward losses. The Group have recognised a receivable of GBP136,326 against the former employee and a VAT liability of GBP22,721 in the consolidated statement of financial position.

Full year 2013

During the year the majority of wood fuel costs at Low Plains were capitalised as an asset under construction. Fixed assets have been reduced by GBP178,531 and the Group have recognised a receivable of GBP214,237 against the former employee and a VAT liability of GBP35,706 resulting in no net change to the previously reported balance sheet position apart from the adjustment noted above re 2012.

Full year 2014

Although the 2014 figures are not being restated we have included the impact of the fraud for 2014 and 2015 in here for completeness.

During the year the majority of wood fuel costs at Low Plains were capitalised as an asset under construction. Fixed assets have been reduced by GBP196,808 and the Group have recognised a receivable of GBP235,422 against the former employee and a VAT liability of GBP38,614 resulting in no net change to the balance sheet position.

The remaining adjustments will be made in 2015, comprising of a GBP19,356 reduction in the cost of sales, a receivable of GBP23,975 against the former employee and a VAT liability of GBP4,619. These 2015 adjustments do not require a restatement of prior year results but have been included for completeness.

   2.    Revenue 
                                                   Year ended 31 December 
                                                           2014                 2013 
                                                            GBP                  GBP 
  Electricity generation                                 46,009                2,762 
  Wood fuel sales                                        89,726              136,903 
  Development, management 
   and consultancy fees                                 117,238                3,000 
                             ----------------------------------  ------------------- 
                                                        252,973              142,665 
                             ==================================  =================== 
    Total revenue from transactions with AMP Heat 
    Ltd amounted to GBP117,238. No other single 
    customer represents 10% or more of total revenue. 
   3.    Taxation 
                                                        Year ended 31 December 
                                                                2014                      2013 
                                                                 GBP                       GBP 
  Current tax credit                                         493,470                         - 
  Deferred tax expense                                             -                         - 
                                      ------------------------------  ------------------------ 
    Total tax credit                                         493,470                         - 
  Loss for the year                                      (6,038,730)               (2,583,599) 
  Loss on sale of subsidiary                                 (4,999)                         - 
  Losses before tax                                      (6,043,729)               (2,583,599) 
                                      ------------------------------  ------------------------ 
    Expected tax charge based on the standard rate 
    of corporation tax 
  at the domestic rate of 21.50% 
   (2013: 23.25%)                                        (1,299,401)                 (600,687) 
  Expenses not deductible for 
   tax purposes                                              615,830                   156,144 
  Capital allowances in excess                               410,853                         - 
   of depreciation 
  Differences in tax rates                                  (48,495)                         - 
  Unprovided losses carried forward                          689,882                   444,543 
  R&D tax credit received                                    124,802                         - 
  Total credit                                               493,470                         - 
                                      ==============================  ======================== 

A deferred tax asset on carried forward loss has not been recognised on the basis that there is no certainty over the profits for the 12 month period following the year end losses carried forward to be utilised against future profits of GBP9,753,103 (2013: GBP6,587,990). Deferred tax unrecognised at the end of the year amount to GBP1,950,621 (2013: GBP1,317,598). The deferred tax rate for 31 December 2014 is 20% being the substantively enacted rate at the end of the year. The Finance Act 2013 which was substantially enacted on 2 July 2013 includes legislation reducing the main rate of corporation tax from 24% to 23% from 1 April 2013 and further reducing the main rate of corporation tax from 23% to 21% from 1 April 2014 and to 20% from 1 April 2015.

Tax credit of GBP54,148 for Research and Development Tax Relief in relation to technical development in the gasification plant for FY 2012 was received during the year. During the year the Company also applied for Research and Development Tax Relief for FY 2013 (GBP70,666) and ECA Tax relief for both FY 2012 and 2013 (Total: GBP368,656). Total tax credits recognised in 2014 amount to GBP493,470.

   4.    Property, plant and equipment 
                            Assets           Plant      Furniture         Computer       Motor              Total 
                             Under     & Machinery     & Fixtures        Equipment        Cars 
                               GBP             GBP                             GBP         GBP                GBP 
 As at 1 January 
  2012                   3,417,524          11,150          8,000            1,426           -          3,438,100 
  for 2012                 481,983         124,058              -                -      39,841            645,882 
  costs for 
  2012                     512,626               -              -                -           -            512,626 
                   ---------------  --------------  -------------  ---------------  ----------  ----------------- 
 As at 1 January 
  2013                   4,412,133         135,208          8,000            1,426      39,841          4,596,608 
  for 2013               1,077,085         199,534              -              791           -          1,277,410 
  for 2013                       -               -        (8,000)                -           -            (8,000) 
                   ---------------  --------------  -------------  ---------------  ----------  ----------------- 
 As at 1 January 
  2014                   5,489,218         334,742              -            2,217      39,841          5,866,018 
  for 2014               2,059,172          10,560              -              903      38,000          2,108,635 
  for 2014                (17,923)       (594,216)              -                -    (43,174)          (655,313) 
 Transfers               (399,757)         396,424              -                -       3,333                  - 
 Impairment            (2,224,661)               -              -                -           -        (2,224,661) 
                   ---------------  --------------  -------------  ---------------  ----------  ----------------- 
 As at 31 
  2014                   4,906,049         147,510              -            3,120      38,000          5,094,679 
                   ---------------  --------------  -------------  ---------------  ----------  ----------------- 
 As at 1 January 
  2012                           -             531          2,222              396           -              3,149 
 Charge for 
  the year 
  2012                           -           6,273          2,667              475       3,416             12,831 
                   ---------------  --------------  -------------  ---------------  ----------  ----------------- 
 As at 1 January 
  2013                           -           6,804          4,889              871       3,416             15,980 
 Charge for 
  the year 
  2013                           -          13,753              -              629       7,968             17,461 
 Disposals                       -               -        (4,889)                -           -                  - 
  for 2013 
                   ---------------  --------------  -------------  ---------------  ----------  ----------------- 
 As at 1 January 
  2014                           -          20,557              -            1,500      11,384             33,441 
 Charge for 
  the year 
  2014                           -          16,935              -              485      11,931             29,351 
  for the period                 -         (2,257)              -                -    (16,347)           (18,604) 
 As at 31 
  2014                           -          35,235              -            1,985       6,968             44,188 
                   ---------------  --------------  -------------  ---------------  ----------  ----------------- 
 Net book 
 As at 1 January 
  2012                   3,417,524          10,619          5,778            1,030           -          3,434,951 
 As at 1 January 
  2013                   4,412,133         128,404          3,111              555      36,425          4,580,628 
                   ===============  ==============  =============  ===============  ==========  ================= 
 As at 1 January 
  2014                   5,489,218         314,185              -              717      28,457          5,832,577 
                   ===============  ==============  =============  ===============  ==========  ================= 
 As at 31 
  2014                   4,906,049         112,275              -            1,135      31,032          5,050,491 
                   ===============  ==============  =============  ===============  ==========  ================= 

Impairment of Low Plains

The Directors have used a DCF model to determine the revised carrying value of Low Plains. The model applies a discount rate of 12%, which the Directors believe is a fair market based discount rate for a biomass plant, to forecast forward looking earnings and assumes the plant generates at its target 1MW capacity. The valuation excludes the additional income from the smaller scale CHP and biomass boiler units which are expected to increase the profitability of Low Plains in 2015. The total impairment loss recognised in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income is GBP2,224,661 (2013: nil), making the recoverable value of the plant at year end equal to approximately GBP4,694,189.

   5.    Loans and borrowings 
  31 December                           0-3 months                     3 months                     1 to 5                             Over 5 
   2013                                                               to 1 year                      years                              years 
  Financial Liabilities                        GBP                          GBP                        GBP                                GBP 
             loan                                -                            -                          -                          1,075,673 
            Other loan                           -                            -                          -                                  - 
                                                 -                            -                          -                          1,075,673 
                            ======================  ===========================  =========================  ================================= 
  31 December                           0-3 months                     3 months                1 to 5years                             Over 5 
   2014                                                               to 1 year                                                         years 
  Financial Liabilities                        GBP                          GBP                        GBP                                GBP 
             loan                          165,758                            -                    740,231                                  - 
            Other loan                       2,028                        6,088                     19,086                                  - 
                                       167,786                            6,088                    759,317                                  - 
                            ======================  ===========================  =========================  ================================= 
  The fair values of non-current liabilities are 
   not materially different to their carrying value. 
   The rate of interest on the shareholder loan is 
   8%. The loan is repayable on demand from 1 January 
   2015 and must in any event be repaid by 30 November 
   6.    Loss per Share 
                                                    Year ended       Year ended 
                                                   31 Dec 2014           31 Dec 
                                                           GBP              GBP 
  Loss attributable to equity 
   holders of the Company                          (5,550,259)      (2,583,599) 
  Weighted average number 
   of shares                                        20,370,996       12,951,216 
            Continuing and discontinued 
             operations basic (Pence)                   (27.2)           (19.9) 
            Continuing operations basic 
             (Pence)                                    (27.2)           (18.9) 

The basic and diluted earnings per share have been calculated using the loss attributable to shareholders of the parent company, Aggregated Micro Power Holdings plc. The basic and dilutive loss per share are the same as the Group made a loss in the year.

   7.    Post balance sheet event 

The Group has successfully installed and commissioned two biomass boilers at Champneys Forest Mere which have been transferred to AMPIL for a consideration of GBP519,750. The Group is also in discussions with Forest Fuels Holdings Ltd regarding a proposed strategic partnership as set out in the Strategic Report.

Company Balance Sheet

For the year ended 31 December 2014

                                                     2014                2013 
                                                      GBP                 GBP 
 Fixed assets 
 Investments                                       55,004              55,004 
                                         ----------------  ------------------ 
 Total non-current assets                          55,004              55,004 
                                         ----------------  ------------------ 
 Current assets 
 Debtors: Amounts falling due 
  within one year                               9,460,105           4,230,787 
 Cash                                           4,670,826             243,272 
                                         ----------------  ------------------ 
 Total current assets                          14,130,931           4,474,059 
                                         ----------------  ------------------ 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other creditors                         55,853             243,836 
                                         ----------------  ------------------ 
 Total current liabilities                         55,853             243,836 
                                         ----------------  ------------------ 
 Net current assets                            14,075,078           4,230,223 
                                         ----------------  ------------------ 
 Net assets                                    14,130,082           4,285,227 
                                         ================  ================== 
 Equity attributable to equity 
 holders of the Company 
 Paid up share capital                            128,473              77,687 
 Share premium account                          9,484,658           4,496,412 
            Other reserve                       4,546,180                   - 
                                         ----------------  ------------------ 
            Retained earnings                    (29,229)           (288,872) 
                                         ----------------  ------------------ 
            Total equity                       14,130,082           4,285,227 
                                         ================  ================== 
 8. Annual Report & Annual General Meeting 
   The Company's Report and Accounts for the year 
    ended 31 December 2014 together with the Notice 
    of Annual General Meeting are available to view 
    on the Company's website: www.ampplc.co.uk and 
    are being sent to shareholders tomorrow. The Annual 
    General Meeting will be held at 10.00 am on 23 
    June 2015 at the Company's Registered office: 
    5 Clifford Street, London W1S 2LG. 

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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