RNS Number : 0852S

Aggregated Micro Power Holdings PLC

19 September 2014

Aggregated Micro Power Holdings plc

("AMPH" or the "Group")

Interim Results

Aggregated Micro Power Holdings plc, (AIM: AMPH), the renewable energy developer focused on biomass energy generation, announces its interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2014.

Highlights to 30 June 2014

-- Successful sale of AMP Heat (formerly a subsidiary of the Group) and its portfolio of five biomass boiler projects to Aggregated Micro Power Infrastructure Limited ("AMPIL") in May for GBP508,458

   --     Private equity placement raising GBP659,349 at 100p per share 

Post-period end highlights

-- Successful admission to the AIM market in July 2014 raising GBP9.5m at a price of 100p per share from new and existing investors

-- Financial close reached on two biomass boiler projects which are expected to be sold to AMPIL for GBP550,000 by the end of 2014

-- Planning submitted and options to lease secured on two sites to build two new 1.5MW gasification plants next year

   --     On-going development of the biomass boiler and gasification pipeline 

-- Completion of the filter pot upgrades at the Group's existing 1MW plant at Low Plains and on track to complete the investment program by mid-October to improve and increase the plant's wood drying capacity

-- Low Plains is currently being commissioned and operating in excess of 65% of its generating capacity and output is incrementally being increased in line with its commissioning schedule

   --     Retention of WS Atkins to finalize the detailed design of the new build gasification plants 

Richard Burrell, CEO of Aggregated Micro Power Holdings plc commented: "In the reporting period under review we have been able to streamline and structure into two principle business units geared up for growth and focused on turning wood into electricity and heat. In the lead up to the IPO, we obtained commitments on a number of projects to install high specification, environmentally friendly biomass boilers and are focused on building our pipeline of installations. In addition, we have committed funds to the expansion of the Low Plains facility in Cumbria and we are now in planning on two further sites which we intend to develop next year."

 Aggregated Micro Power Holdings   www.ampplc.co.uk 
 Richard Burrell CEO               Tel: 020 7382 7800 
 Neil Eckert Executive Chairman    Tel: 020 7382 7800 
 finnCap Ltd (NOMAD & Broker)      Tel: 020 72202 
 Ed Frisby/Henrik Persson/Simon    (Corporate Finance) 
 Stephen Norcross                  (Corporate Broking) 
 Walbrook PR Ltd                   Tel: 020 7933 8780 
 Mike Wort                         Mob: 07900 608 
 Paul Cornelius                    Mob: 07866 384 

Chairman's Statement

I am pleased to provide a report on our results for the first half of the year, the first set of financial results since our admission to AIM in July. These results are in line with the Board's expectations and are in respect of the period prior to the IPO of AMP.

In July we completed our admission to the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange and raised GBP9.5m. These funds will be deployed principally to finance the cost of developing our pipeline of renewable energy projects.

Since admission, we have continued to work at Low Plains to improve the operational and wood drying capacity of our existing 1 MW plant in Cumbria. We have completed an upgrade of the fly ash removal system on schedule and as I write, are in the ramp-up phase of commissioning. We can currently operate the plant in a stable state in excess of 65% capacity and are continuing to enhance operations. We are also on track to increase the plant's wood drying capacity by the middle of October.

Our other proposed development sites for two 1.5 MW gasification plants are progressing well and we have options to lease and are in planning on both sites.

We have also reached financial close on two biomass boiler projects at Champneys which we expect to sell to Aggregated Micro Power Infrastructure Limited ("AMPIL") for approximately GBP550,000 by the end of 2014. This follows the successful sale of AMP Heat (formerly a subsidiary of the Group) and its portfolio of five biomass boiler projects to AMPIL in May for GBP508,458. AMPIL is a separate company which will own and operate biomass boilers developed by AMP, enabling AMP to optimise its cash position and generate development fees through the sale of assets.


Following the successful IPO, we have a strong balance sheet and cash resources to execute on a well-defined business plan which is focused on the final commissioning of our plant in Cumbria, the development of two further gasification sites and the installation of a portfolio of biomass boilers. As each site comes on stream, we intend to refinance assets to recycle our capital to enable further developments.

AMP is well placed to construct a portfolio of distributed generating assets and l look forward to updating shareholders on progress when we publish our year end results in the spring.

Neil Eckert

18 September 2014

Independent Review Report to Aggregated Micro Power Holdings plc


We have been engaged by the company to review the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report for the six months ended 30 June 2014 which comprises the condensed consolidated statement of comprehensive income, the condensed consolidated statement of financial position, the condensed consolidated cash flow statement, the consolidated statement of changes in equity and the related notes.

We have read the other information contained in the half-yearly financial report and considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the information in the condensed set of financial statements.

Directors' responsibilities

The interim report, including the financial information contained therein, is the responsibility of and has been approved by the directors. The directors are responsible for preparing the interim report in accordance with the rules of the London Stock Exchange for companies trading securities on AIM which require that the half-yearly report be presented and prepared in a form consistent with that which will be adopted in the company's annual accounts having regard to the accounting standards applicable to such annual accounts.

Our responsibility

Our responsibility is to express to the company a conclusion on the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report based on our review.

Our report has been prepared in accordance with the terms of our engagement to assist the company in meeting the requirements of the rules of the London Stock Exchange for companies trading securities on AIM and for no other purpose. No person is entitled to rely on this report unless such a person is a person entitled to rely upon this report by virtue of and for the purpose of our terms of engagement or has been expressly authorised to do so by our prior written consent. Save as above, we do not accept responsibility for this report to any other person or for any other purpose and we hereby expressly disclaim any and all such liability.

Scope of review

We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410, "Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity", issued by the Auditing Practices Board for use in the United Kingdom. A review of interim financial information consists of making enquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland) and consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.


Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report for the six months ended 30 June 2014 is not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with the rules of the London Stock Exchange for companies trading securities on AIM.


Chartered Accountants and Registered Auditors


United Kingdom


BDO LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales (with registered number


Interim condensed consolidated statement of comprehensive income

For the six months ended 30 June 2014

                                                           Six months            Six months        Year ended 
                                                                ended                 ended 
                                                          30 Jun 2014           30 Jun 2013            31 Dec 
                                                            Unaudited             Unaudited           Audited 
                                           Note                   GBP                   GBP               GBP 
 Continuing operations 
 Revenue                                                      146,036                92,624           142,665 
 Cost of sales                                               (59,269)              (45,704)          (12,776) 
 Gross profit                                                  86,767                46,920           129,889 
 Administrative expenses                                  (1,467,003)             1,002,565       (2,476,701) 
 Fair value adjustment on financial                         (397,114)                     -                 - 
  liabilities (Note 11) 
----------------------------------------  -----  --------------------  --------------------  ---------------- 
 Administrative expenses                                  (1,864,117)           (1,002,565)       (2,476,701) 
                                                 --------------------  --------------------  ---------------- 
 Loss from operations                                     (1,777,350)             (955,645)       (2,346,812) 
 Finance expense                                             (56,410)              (72,437)          (98,449) 
                                                 --------------------  --------------------  ---------------- 
 Loss before tax                                          (1,833,760)           (1,028,082)       (2,445,261) 
 Tax credit                                                    54,148                     -                 - 
                                                 --------------------  --------------------  ---------------- 
 Loss for the year from continuing 
  operations                                              (1,779,612)           (1,028,082)       (2,445,261) 
 Loss on discontinued operations, 
  net of tax                                4                 (4,999)              (94,835)         (138,338) 
 Loss and total other comprehensive 
  loss for the period                                     (1,784,611)           (1,122,917)       (2,583,599) 
                                                 ====================  ====================  ================ 
 Loss per share attributable to the 
  ordinary equity holders of the parent 
 Continuing and discontinued operations 
  basic (Pence)                             8                 (11.2p)                (9.9p)           (19.9p) 
 Continuing operations basic (Pence)                          (11.2p)                (9.1p)           (18.9p) 

Interim condensed consolidated statement of financial position

   As at 30 June 2014                         30 Jun 2014    30 Jun 2013        31 Dec 
                                                Unaudited      Unaudited       Audited 
                                  Note                GBP            GBP           GBP 
 Non-current assets 
 Property, plant and equipment     5            6,232,746      5,328,971     6,011,108 
 Total non-current assets                       6,232,746      5,328,971     6,011,108 
                                        -----------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Current assets 
 Inventories                                       16,156         12,303        12,303 
 Work in Progress                                  34,428              -             - 
 Trade and other receivables                      187,789        249,217       126,510 
 Cash and cash equivalents                        166,544         76,390       342,103 
 Total current assets                             404,917        337,910       480,916 
                                        -----------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Total assets                                   6,637,663      5,666,881     6,492,024 
                                        -----------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables                         915,705        408,049       429,108 
 Loans and borrowings                             569,857              -             - 
                                        -----------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Total current liabilities                      1,485,562        408,049       429,108 
                                        -----------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Loans and borrowings                             893,006      1,472,215     1,075,673 
 Financial liabilities                          1,191,342              -             - 
 Total non-current liabilities                  2,084,348      1,472,215     1,075,673 
                                        -----------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Total liabilities                              3,569,910      1,880,264     1,504,781 
                                        -----------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Net assets                                     3,067,753      3,786,617     4,987,243 
                                        -----------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Equity attributable to equity 
  holders of the company 
 Paid up share capital             7               80,973         64,508        77,687 
 Share premium                     7            5,152,475      1,876,145     4,496,412 
 Merger reserve                                 7,103,105      7,869,471     7,897,333 
 Retained deficit                             (9,268,800)    (6,023,507)   (7,484,189) 
                                        -----------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Total equity                                   3,067,753      3,786,617     4,987,243 
                                        -----------------  -------------  ------------ 

The financial statements were approved by the Directors on 18/09/14 and signed on their behalf by:

Interim condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity

As at 30 June 2014

Six month ended 30          Share      Share        Capital         Retained     Merger reserve   Total 
 June 2014                   capital    premium      Contribution    deficit 
                                 GBP          GBP             GBP          GBP              GBP          GBP 
Equity as at 1 January 
 2014                       77,687     4,496,412         -         (7,484,189)     7,897,333      4,987,243 
Issue of share capital       3,286       656,063         -              -              -            659,349 
Loss for the period            -           -             -         (1,784,611)         -         (1,784,611) 
Reorganisation (note 
 11)                           -           -             -              -          (794,228)      (794,228) 
                           ---------  -----------  --------------  -----------  ---------------  ----------- 
Equity as at 30 June 
 2014                       80,973     5,152,475         -         (9,268,800)     7,103,105      3,067,753 
                           =========  ===========  ==============  ===========  ===============  =========== 
Six month ended 30          Share      Share        Capital         Retained 
 June 2013                   capital    premium      Contribution    deficit     Merger reserve   Total 
                                 GBP          GBP             GBP          GBP              GBP          GBP 
Equity as at 1 January 
 2013                       54,078     6,167,447     1,702,024     (4,900,590)         -          3,022,959 
Issue of share capital      10,430     1,876,145         -              -              -          1,886,575 
Loss for the period            -           -             -         (1,122,917)         -         (1,122,917) 
Reorganisation                 -      (6,167,447)   (1,702,024)         -          7,869,471          - 
                           ---------  -----------  --------------  -----------  ---------------  ----------- 
Equity as at 30 June 
 2013                       64,508     1,876,145         -         (6,023,507)     7,869,471      3,786,617 
                           ---------  -----------  --------------  -----------  ---------------  ----------- 
Issue of share capital      13,179     2,620,267         -              -              -          2,633,446 
Loss for the period            -           -             -         (1,460,682)         -         (1,460,682) 
Capital contribution           -           -             -              -           27,862         27,862 
                           ---------  -----------  --------------  -----------  ---------------  ----------- 
Equity as at 31 December 
 2013                       77,687     4,496,412         -         (7,484,189)     7,897,333      4,987,243 
                           =========  ===========  ==============  ===========  ===============  =========== 

Share Capital: The value of the number of shares issued.

Share premium: Amount subscribed for share capital in excess of the nominal value.

Retained earnings: All other net gains and losses and transactions with owners (e.g. dividends) not recognised elsewhere. Capital contribution: Relates to funding from the shareholders for which no share capital was issued and that funding meets the definition of an equity.

Merger reserve: Merger relief reserve represents the share premium and capital contribution of AMP Limited as included

under the merger accounting principles'

Interim consolidated statement of cash flows

                                         Note                  Six months             Six months          Year ended 
                                                                    ended                  ended         31 Dec 2013 
                                                              30 Jun 2014            30 Jun 2013             Audited 
                                                                Unaudited              Unaudited                 GBP 
                                                                      GBP                    GBP 
Operating activities 
Loss for the period before tax                                (1,784,611)            (1,122,917)         (2,583,599) 
Adjustments for: 
Tax credit received                                              (54,148)                      -                   - 
Fair value adjustment on                                          397,114                      -                   - 
liabilities at fair value through 
profit and loss 
Gain on disposal of subsidiary                                    (6,699)                      -                   - 
Interest paid                                                      56,410                 72,437              98,449 
Depreciation of property, plant 
 and equipment                                  5                  30,329                  4,174              17,461 
                                                 ------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------ 
                                                              (1,361,605)            (1,046,306)         (2,467,689) 
 Movement in foreign exchange                                          18                      -               2,022 
(Increase)/decrease in inventories                                (3,853)                 14,685              14,685 
Increase in work in progress                                     (34,428)                      -                   - 
(Increase)/decrease in trade and 
 other receivables                                               (61,279)               (77,919)              44,788 
Increase in trade and other payables                              486,597                154,587              56,679 
                                                 ------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------ 
                                                                  387,055               (91,353)             118,174 
                                                 ------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------ 
Cash generated from operations                                  (974,550)              (954,953)         (2,349,515) 
                                                 ------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------ 
 Tax credit received                                               54,148                      -                   - 
                                                 ------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------ 
Net cash flows from operating 
 activities                                                     (920,402)              (954,953)         (2,349,515) 
                                                 ------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------ 
 Investing activities 
Purchase of property, plant and 
 equipment                                                      (719,726)              (763,113)         (1,421,761) 
Proceeds from the sale of subsidiary                              508,458                      -                   - 
                                                 ------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------ 
Net cash used in investing activities                           (211,268)              (763,113)         (1,421,761) 
                                                 ------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------ 
 Financing activities 
Proceeds from issue of shares                                     659,349              1,580,927           3,899,850 
Proceeds from borrowings                                          548,241                      -                   - 
Payments of borrowings                                          (245,989)                      -                   - 
Payments of interest on                                           (2,090)                      -                   - 
Payments of finance lease                                         (3,400)                      -                   - 
                                                 ------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------ 
Net cash used in financing activities                             956,111              1,580,927           3,899,850 
                                                 ------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------ 
 Net increase in cash and cash 
  equivalents                                                   (175,559)              (137,139)             128,574 
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning 
 of period                                                        342,103                213,529             213,529 
Cash and cash equivalents at end 
 of period                                                        166,544                 76,390             342,103 
                                                 ------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------ 

Notes to interim condensed consolidated financial statements For the six months ended 30 June 2014

1.Basis of preparation

The financial information in these interim results is that of the holding company and all of its subsidiaries (the Group). It has been prepared in accordance with the recognition and measurement requirements of International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted for use in the EU (IFRSs). The accounting policies applied by the Group in this financial information are the same as those applied by the Group in its financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2013 and which will form the basis of the 2014 financial statements.

A number of new and amended standards have become effective for periods beginning on 1 January 2014; however none of these is expected to materially affect the Group.

The Group's results are currently not materially affected by seasonal variations.

The comparative financial information presented herein for the year ended 31 December 2013 does not constitute full statutory accounts for that period. The Group's annual report and accounts for the year ended 31 December 2013 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The Group's independent auditor's report on those statutory accounts was unqualified, did not draw attention to any matters by way of emphasis, and did not contain a statement under 498(2) or 498(3) of the Companies Act 2006.

The financial information for the half-years ended 30 June 2014 and 30 June 2013 is unaudited.

2. Use of estimates and judgements

There have been no material revisions to the nature and amount of changes in estimates of amounts reported in the annual financial statements 2013, other than disclosed in note 11.

3. Segmental information

The Group operates in one business and geographic segment, being renewable energy projects in the United Kingdom only.

4. Discontinued operations

On the 1 May 2014, the Group sold AMP Heat Limited including its portfolio of five biomass boiler projects, to Aggregated Micro Power Infrastructure Limited ("AMPIL") for a cash consideration of GBP508,458. AMPIL is a special purpose vehicle which is wholly owned by Law Debenture plc as trustee for general charitable purposes and is not a related party of the AMP Group for UK company law purposes. AMP has contracted with AMPIL to provide fuel and operation and maintenance services for the boilers.

The results of discontinued operation which have been included in the condensed income statement, were as follows.

                                                     Six months   Six months        Year 
                                                          ended        ended       ended 
                                                         30 Jun       30 Jun      31 Dec 
                                                           2014         2013        2013 
 Results of discontinued operations                   Unaudited    Unaudited     Audited 
                                                            GBP          GBP         GBP 
 Revenue less cost of sales                             (4,441)            -           - 
 Administration expenses                                (7,257)     (94,835)   (138,338) 
                                                    -----------  -----------  ---------- 
 Loss before and after taxation from discontinued 
  operation                                            (11,698)     (94,835)   (138,338) 
 Gain on disposal of discontinued operations,             6,699            -           - 
  net of tax 
                                                    -----------  -----------  ---------- 
 Loss after tax for the period from a 
  discontinued operations                               (4,999)     (94,835)   (138,338) 
                                                    ===========  ===========  ========== 

A gain of GBP6,699 arose on disposal of AMP Heat Limited, being the proceeds of disposal less the carrying amount of the assets and liabilities as per below calculation.

                                                       (In GBP 
 Consideration received                                       508,458 
 Cash disposed of                                             (1,658) 
 Net cash inflow on disposal of discontinued 
  operations                                                  506,800 
 Net assets disposed of 
 Property, plant and equipment                                591,959 
 Trade and other receivables                                   18,039 
 Trade and other payables                                   (109,897) 
 Pre-tax gain on disposal                                       6,699 
 Related tax income                                                 - 
 Gain on disposal                                               6,699 

4. Discontinued operations

                                                       Six months                    Six months             Year ended 
                                                            ended                         ended 
                                                      30 Jun 2014                   30 Jun 2013            31 Dec 2013 
 Cash flow from discontinued operation                  Unaudited                     Unaudited                Audited 
                                                              GBP                           GBP                    GBP 
 Operating activities 
 Loss before tax                                         (11,698)                      (94,835)              (138,338) 
 Adjustments for 
 Gain on disposal of the discontinued                       6,699                             -                      - 
 Depreciation                                               2,257                             -                      - 
                                                          (2,742)                      (94,835)              (138,338) 
 Increase in trade and other 
  receivables                                                 332                           (5)                  (332) 
 Increase/(decrease) in trade                                   -                            31                      - 
  and other payables 
                                                              332                            26                  (332) 
                                         ------------------------  ----------------------------  --------------------- 
 Cash generated from operations                           (2,410)                      (94,809)              (138,670) 
                                         ------------------------  ----------------------------  --------------------- 
 Investing activities 
 Proceeds from sale of subsidiary                         508,458                             -                      - 
 Purchase of property, plant and 
  equipment                                             (309,559)                             -              (194,458) 
 Net cash used in investing activities                    198,899                             -              (194,458) 
                                         ------------------------  ----------------------------  --------------------- 
 Net cash flows from discontinued 
  operations                                              196,489                      (98,809)              (333,128) 
                                         ========================  ============================  ===================== 

5. Property, Plant and equipment

                                       Assets        Plant     Furniture     Computer    Motor       Total 
                                        Under            &    & Fixtures    Equipment     Cars 
                                 Construction    Machinery 
                                          GBP          GBP                        GBP      GBP         GBP 
 As at 1 January 2013               4,412,133      135,208         8,000        1,426   39,841   4,596,608 
 Additions for 2013                 1,255,616      199,534             -          791        -   1,455,941 
 Disposals for 2013                         -            -       (8,000)            -        -     (8,000) 
 As at 31 December 2013             5,667,749      334,742             -        2,217   39,841   6,044,549 
 Additions for the period             843,926            -             -            -        -     843,926 
 Disposals for the period(1)                     (594,216)             -            -        -   (594,216) 
 Transfers                          (594,216)      594,216             -            -        -           - 
 As at 30 June 2014                 5,917,459      334,742                      2,217   39,841   6,294,259 
                               --------------  -----------  ------------  -----------  -------  ---------- 
 As at 1 January 2013                       -        6,804         4,889          871    3,416      15,980 
 Charge for the year 
  2013                                      -       13,753       (4,889)          629    7,968      17,461 
 As at 31 December 2013                     -       20,557             -        1,500   11,384      33,441 
 Charge for the period                      -        9,846             -          211   20,272      30,329 
 Disposals for the period                   -      (2,257)             -            -        -     (2,257) 
 As at 30 June 2014                         -       28,146             -        1,711   31,656      61,513 
                               --------------  -----------  ------------  -----------  -------  ---------- 
 Net book value 
 As at 1 January 2013               4,412,133      128,404         3,111          555   36,425   4,580,628 
                               ==============  ===========  ============  ===========  =======  ========== 
 As at 31 December 2013             5,667,749      314,185             -          717   28,457   6,011,108 
                               ==============  ===========  ============  ===========  =======  ========== 
 As at 30 June 2014                 5,917,459      306,596             -          506    8,185   6,232,746 
                               ==============  ===========  ============  ===========  =======  ========== 

Disposal due to disposal of AMP Heat Limited (See note 4)

6. Financial instruments

 30 June 2014                        0-3       3 months     1 to 5       Over 
                                    months     to 1 year     years      5 years 
 Financial Liabilities               GBP         GBP          GBP         GBP 
 Trade and other payables           915,705            -           -           - 
 Loans and borrowings               563,065            -           -     869,198 
 Finance Lease                        1,698        5,094      23,808           - 
 Financial liability (note 11)            -            -   1,191,342           - 
                                 ----------  -----------  ----------  ---------- 
                                  1,480,468        5,094   1,215,150     869,198 
                                 ==========  ===========  ==========  ========== 
 31 December 2013                    0-3       3 months     1 to 5       Over 
                                    months     to 1 year     years      5 years 
 Financial Liabilities               GBP         GBP          GBP         GBP 
 Trade and other payables           429,108            -           -           - 
 Loans and borrowings                     -            -           -   1,075,673 
                                 ----------  -----------  ----------  ---------- 
                                    429,108            -           -   1,075,673 
                                 ==========  ===========  ==========  ========== 
   7.   Share capital 
 30 June 2014                   No of shares    Issued   Share premium 
                                        Nos.       GBP             GBP 
 Ordinary shares of GBP0.005 
 As at 1 January 2014             15,535,153    77,687       4,496,412 
 Issued for cash during the 
  period                             659,349     3,286         656,063 
                               -------------  --------  -------------- 
 As at 30 June 2014               16,194,502    80,973       5,152,475 
                               =============  ========  ============== 
 31 December 2013                No of shares    Issued   Share premium 
                                         Nos.       GBP             GBP 
 Ordinary shares of GBP0.005 
 As at 1 January 2013                  54,078    54,078       6,167,447 
 Share issued 29 January 2013             925       925               - 
                                -------------  --------  -------------- 
 Share designated from GBP1 
  to GBP0.005                      11,000,600    55,003       6,167,447 
 Transfer to merger reserve 
  on reorganisation                         -         -     (6,167,447) 
 Share issues*                      4,138,226    20,702       4,102,067 
 Debt to equity swap                  396,327     1,982         394,345 
                                -------------  --------  -------------- 
 As at 31 December 2013            15,535,153    77,687       4,496,412 
                                =============  ========  ============== 

*Issued share disclosure in December 2013 were understated by 400 shares which have been restated. No impact on earnings per share.

8. Loss per share

Basic loss per share is calculated by dividing the loss attributable to equity holders of the Group by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year:

                                            Six months    Six months    Year ended 
                                                 ended         ended 
                                                30 Jun        30 Jun   31 Dec 2013 
                                                  2014          2014 
                                             Unaudited     Unaudited       Audited 
                                                   GBP           GBP           GBP 
 Loss attributable to equity holders 
  of the Company                           (1,784,611)   (1,122,917)   (2,583,599) 
 Weighted average number of shares          15,906,055    11,287,160    12,951,216 
 Continuing and discontinued operations 
  basic (pence)                                (11.2p)        (9.9p)       (19.9p) 
 Continuing operations basic (Pence)           (11.2p)        (9.1p)       (18.9p) 
   9.   Related Party transactions 

Parties are considered to be related if one party has the ability to control the other party or to exercise significant influence over the other party in making financial or operational decisions.

The Directors and senior management of the Company and the subsidiaries within the Group who meet the definition of "Key Management personnel" under IAS 24 are considered to be related parties.

Richard Burrell, Chief Executive Officer of the Group, has a significant interest in Mathieson Capital LLP to which AMP Energy Services Limited (a subsidiary), paid consultancy fees of GBP82,368 (2013: GBP174,235). Mathieson Capital LLP also had an outstanding loan to the Company of GBP303,674 (December 2013: GBPnil) and accrued interest of GBP9,391 (December 2013: GBPnil) as at 30 June 2014.

Neil Eckert who was a Director throughout the period has an outstanding loan to the Company of GBP990,231 (December 2013: GBP990,231) and accrued interest of GBP128,967(December 2013: GBP85,441) as at 30 June 2014.

10. Events after the reporting period

On the 18 July, the Group completed a successful Initial Public Offering on AIM, the proceeds of which will be used to fund a pipeline of gasification and biomass boiler projects. Since then, the Group has signed a heat supply agreement with Champneys health spa for the installation of two biomass boilers and has completed the filter upgrade programme at its 1MW gasification plant at Low Plains. Construction of a new wood chip drying facility at Low Plains is underway and is expected to finish in mid October. The Group has also entered into options to lease for two further sites and has submitted planning applications to build a 1.5MW gasification plant at each site.

The Group has repaid Richard Burrell's shareholder loan in full plus accrued interest of GBP314,814 and partly paid

GBP250,000 of Neil Eckert's shareholder loan leaving an outstanding balance of GBP882,086 as at the end of August


11. Deferred contingent consideration

The final terms of the deferred consideration, which relates to the Group's acquisition of AMP Energy Services Limited (formerly Environova Limited) and Mathieson Biomass Limited, were amended and agreed on the 25 June 2014 ("Valuation Date"). The deferred consideration is subject to performance criteria linked to Total Shareholder Returns ("TSR") over the period 30 June 2014 through to 31 December 2017 ("Performance Period").

The vesting criteria are as follows:

   --     Annualised TSR is greater than 12% over the Performance Period all shares vest; 
   --     Annualised TSR is less than 8% over the Performance Period no shares vest; 

-- Annualised TSR is between 8% and 12% over the Performance Period a pro rata proportion of shares vest; and,

-- At any time during the Performance Period annualised TSR exceeds 15%, all shares vest immediately.

A Black-Scholes Option Pricing model was used to determine the fair value of the deferred consideration as at the Valuation Date. Inputs to the model include the market price of the call options at the Valuation Date, the exercise price, the assumed volatility of the share price, the current level of risk free rates of return, the dividend yield and the expected exit date. The biggest driver of value in the model is the assumed volatility rate, which was derived from a portfolio of publicly traded companies in the renewable energy and power generation sectors.

The Group conducted an independent valuation of Neil Eckert's and Mathieson Capital LLP's (an entity controlled by Richard Burrell) deferred contingent consideration which could lead to a maximum of 3,999,999 ordinary shares, or 2,666,666 and 1,333,333 ordinary shares respectively being issued. The valuation was conducted in accordance with the principles set out in IFRS 3.

The derived contingent value of all 3,999,999 options has been calculated at GBP1,191,342, allocated GBP794,228 to Neil Eckert and GBP397,114 to Mathieson Capital LLP.

The acquisition of AMP Energy Services Limited fell outside the scope of IFRS 3 and was accounted for using principles of merger accounting contained in FRS 6 'Acquisitions and Mergers' issued by the UK Accounting Standards Board. The Group has adopted the policy that any adjustment to the consideration under merger accounting is adjusted against the merger reserve.

11. Deferred contingent consideration (cont'd)

The acquisition of Mathieson Biomass Limited was treated as an acquisition under IFRS 3. The contingent consideration was classified as a financial liability at fair value through profit and loss at inception and is valued at each reporting date. Any fair value adjustment which falls outside the 12 months following the acquisition date is recognised through the income statement.

In addition to the deferred consideration, 225,000 share options are outstanding at 30 June 2014. The options are subject to the same TSR criteria as the deferred consideration but have a strike price of GBP1.00 and therefore are expected to have an immaterial contingent value over the five day vesting period between the Valuation Date and 30 June 2014.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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