RNS Number:1512D
Alea Group Holdings(Bermuda) Ltd
21 September 2004

21 September 2004

                       ALEA GROUP HOLDINGS (BERMUDA) LTD

             Interim Results for the six months ended 30 June 2004

        Underwriting profit more than doubled amid strong growth outlook

*      Underwriting profit before allocated investment return increased 108%
       to US $23.1 million (6 months to 30 June 2003: $11.1 million) reflecting 
       growth in earned premiums

*     Operating profit1 increased 74% to $61.4 million (2003: $35.3 million)

*     Net unearned premium reserve increased 34% to $872 million (2003:
      $651million) representing tangible future income

*     Profit before tax of $24.2 million (2003: $41.4 million), including
      unrealised investment losses of $29.2 million (2003: $1.0 million)

*     Gross investment income up 32% to $36.2 million (2003: $27.4 million)

*     Combined ratio2 of 95.7% (2003: 97.1%), demonstrating sound
      underwriting discipline and expense control

*     Fully diluted operating EPS $0.26 (2003: $0.26); fully diluted EPS
      $0.09 (2003: $0.32)

*     First interim dividend of $0.03 per share

*     99% of $1,859 million invested assets (2003: $1,335 million) rated AA
      or higher

*     Net asset value of $4.20 per share (#2.34)

*     Annualised operating return on equity of 12.7%3

Commenting Mark Ricciardelli, Chief Executive, said:

"Alea has delivered what it said it would. We have grown operating profits
significantly while maintaining underwriting discipline and managing costs
effectively. There is substantial written premium captured at attractive terms
under a rigorous control system to be earned in the second half of this year and

"We have built a strong platform with a strategy focused on low-risk, small to
mid-market insurance and reinsurance clients in North America, Europe and the
United Kingdom. We continue to see opportunities to generate sustainable returns
in our chosen markets."

For further information:
Alea Group                                            Tel: 020 7621 3383
Mark Ricciardelli, Chief Executive
Amanda Atkins, Finance Director
Peter Brown, Investor Relations Manager

Financial Dynamics                                    Tel: 020 7269 7229
Robert Bailhache / Charles Armitstead

Mark Ricciardelli and Amanda Atkins will be briefing analysts at 10am today at
the London Underwriting Centre. The presentation will be available by webcast at


1: Operating profit is underwriting profit after allocated investment return,
before claims equalisation provision but after debt interest

2: Combined ratio is the total of expense and loss ratio. Expense ratio is the
total of acquisition and administrative expenses and includes other technical
charges net of reinsurance, less technical income divided by net earned
premiums. The Loss ratio is also calculated on a net earned basis.

3: RoE is operating profit after tax as a percentage of average equity
shareholders' funds.

Summarised Profit and Loss Account

                                                                   Six months ended                 Year ended
                                                               30 Jun 04        30 Jun 03            31 Dec 03
                                                                   $'000            $'000                $'000
                                                               Unaudited         Restated              Audited
Gross premiums written                                           993,171          771,828            1,300,182

                                                                   _____            _____                _____
Net premiums written                                             863,111          644,484            1,028,711

                                                                   _____            _____                _____
Earned premiums, net of reinsurance                              539,146          377,532              858,481

                                                                   _____            _____                _____

Underwriting result before longer term rate of return             23,057           11,053               27,692
Longer term rate of return allocated to the technical             40,531           26,727               57,811
                                                                   _____            _____                _____
Underwriting result                                               63,588           37,780               85,503
Movement in claims equalisation provision                        (2,135)          (1,782)              (3,771)

                                                                   _____            _____                _____
Balance on the technical account - general business               61,453           35,998               81,732
Gross investment income                                           36,191           27,396               56,337
Net realised gains on investments                                  1,133           10,115               12,146

Net unrealised losses on investments                            (29,155)            (984)             (29,173)
Other investment expenses                                        (2,785)          (1,983)              (3,975)
                                                                   _____            _____                _____

Actual investment return                                           5,384           34,544               35,335
Allocated investment return transferred to the technical        (40,531)         (26,727)             (57,811)
account - general business
Debt interest                                                    (2,154)          (2,456)              (4,718)
                                                                   _____            _____                _____

Profit on ordinary activities before tax                          24,152           41,359               54,538
                                                                   _____            _____                _____
Operating profit                                                  61,434           35,324               80,785
Short-term fluctuations in investment return                    (35,147)            7,817             (22,476) 
Movement in claims equalisation provision                        (2,135)          (1,782)              (3,771)
                                                                   _____            _____                _____
                                                                  24,152           41,359               54,538
                                                                   _____            _____                _____
Tax charge on profit on ordinary activities                      (7,716)          (6,724)             (13,528)
                                                                   _____            _____                _____
Profit on ordinary activities after tax                           16,436           34,635               41,010
Minority interest - gain on subordinated preferred shares              -                -                7,500
issued by subsidiaries
Interim dividend payable (3 cents per share (2003:               (5,238)                -                    -
Nil)                                                               _____            _____                _____

Retained profit for the period                                    11,198           34,635               48,510
                                                                   _____            _____                _____


The Group has seen strong growth across all significant underwriting performance
measures demonstrating the success of its strategy of underwriting for profit on
small to mid market insurance and reinsurance clients in North America, Europe
and the United Kingdom ("UK"). We believe this discipline will become
increasingly important as we enter a market where pricing conditions are
expected to change.

Our portfolio is managed by local teams who understand the market and,
therefore, are able to select, and accurately price, the best risks to write.
This is supplemented by our strong control infrastructure and risk management
processes which we ensure are in place before entering new markets or write new
business lines.

We have limited exposure to pre-1999 casualty business. Before 1999 the majority
of our growth was in Europe where, since 1987, casualty has not accounted for
more than 28% of total gross premiums written in any year. In 1999 we started
writing North American casualty business, with approximately $55 million of
premiums being written in that year. This later book did not begin to grow
substantially until 2002, when terms and conditions across the industry began to
improve significantly after the tragic events of September 11, 2001. Reserves in
the first half of 2004 developed in line with expectations.

The last 5-6 weeks have been one of the most active hurricane periods on record.
Hurricanes Charley, Frances and Ivan, have all contributed to create the second
costliest hurricane season to date after Hurricane Andrew in 1992. Despite this
Alea is satisfied that its losses, which will of course impair second half
performance, will be contained within its reinsurance programme. It is too early
to determine the final net financial impact on the Group. We believe the recent
hurricanes will have a positive impact on rates in 2005.

Performance of operations

As an increasingly global insurer and reinsurer we have been able to develop a
strong and diversified business, by geography and product line. We are able to
respond quickly to underlying market trends and use our Bermuda holding company
to reallocate capacity accordingly.

Over the last few years we have significantly grown our insurance portfolio. In
the first half of 2004 insurance represented 34% of total gross premiums written
(excluding Bristol West) up from 11% in 2001. We write reinsurance through Alea
Europe and Alea North America, and insurance through our specialist North
American programme insurance operation, Alea Alternative Risk. Alea London
writes both insurance and reinsurance.

Alea London - Insurance and reinsurance

Alea London is our non-syndicated London market operation, managing an
international book of business sourced through the London broker market.
Insurance business represented 41% of total gross premiums written (excluding
Bristol West) in the first half of 2004 compared with 47% for the whole of 2003.
We tend to write more insurance business in the second half of the year.

In the first half of 2004 both the insurance (excluding Bristol West) and
reinsurance portfolios were approximately 60% casualty and 40% property,
including the Group's property catastrophe portfolio. We write a range of
insurance business including general liability, property and motor. A typical
risk is self-employed plumbers or landscape gardeners.

A significant proportion of Alea London's activity is excess and surplus lines
business which is showing strong growth. In line with previously announced
plans, Alea London has begun to expand its non-US book and has entered strategic
partnerships with Endsleigh & Kinetic to write specialist UK motor insurance.
These contracts contributed gross premiums written of $6.1 million and are
expected to deliver $14 million in the second half of the year and $30 million
in total over the life of the contract. These arrangements are forecast to be
earnings enhancing during these and future periods.

                                                                        Six months ended
                                                                 30 June 04        30 June 03        Change
                                                                         $m                $m
Gross premiums written1                                               349.0             379.4          (8%)
Net premiums earned                                                   234.1             174.0           35%
Underwriting result after allocated investment return                  31.6              26.1           21%
Loss ratio                                                            57.8%             53.3%             -
Combined ratio                                                        90.5%             88.5%             -

1 Including Bristol West

Gross premiums written in Alea London in the first half of 2004 (excluding
Bristol West) grew by 10% to $232.1 million (2003: $211.7 million). This
reflects the deepening of existing relationships with $24 million of business
relating to extensions of existing contracts and a renewal retention ratio of

The gross premiums written through the Bristol West contract were $116.9
million, 30% lower than the comparable period in 2003 ($167.7 million). This
contract, which is not expected to renew in 2005, generated $2.1 million of
underwriting profit in the first half of 2004 and $1.6 million for the
equivalent period in 2003.

Casualty classes are seeing rate increases in our target markets. Although
property rates have come under pressure we continue to see discipline in the
market. In general property and casualty both continue to be attractive and
should continue to be so through 2005.

Alea Europe - Reinsurance

Alea Europe reinsures property and casualty treaty business. Key markets remain
Germany, France and Spain, where we have an established market presence. This is
permitting a slow shift towards a lead position on many contracts thus providing
greater control over terms and conditions together with a deeper understanding
of the customer base. Property and casualty represent 91% of total gross
premiums written in the first half of 2004 up from 66% in the whole of 2001.
Typical customers are mutual insurance companies with less than $500 million of

                                                                         Six months ended
                                                                 30 June 04        30 June 03        Change
                                                                         $m                $m
Gross premiums written                                                222.3             170.6           30%
Net premiums earned                                                   103.5              81.3           27%
Underwriting result after allocated investment return                 (1.3)               4.1             -
Loss ratio                                                            74.5%             66.0%             -
Combined ratio                                                       110.8%            101.9%             -

The increase in gross premiums written is primarily due to strong business
retention, as a result of excellent client relationships, and a significant
amount of new business. The majority of Alea Europe's business renews in the
first quarter so second half growth is expected to be lower. The first half
renewal retention ratio was 73%.

Current year underwriting performance in Alea Europe is relatively strong.
However, the introduction of an improved underlying currency allocation process
has resulted in a one-off charge of $4 million against prior year earned
premiums. In addition our rigorous reserving process has given rise to a reserve
strengthening primarily for credit proportional business written in 2000 and
earlier years. Alea Europe exited this business in 2002.

Alea Europe comprises 19% of the Group's net earned premiums, but has the
largest prior year claims reserves portfolio. Thus small changes in ultimate
loss projections can have a relatively large impact on the combined ratio,
especially at the interim stage. The adjustments increased Alea Europe's loss
ratio by approximately ten points and the Group's loss ratio by two points.

Rates across all European countries and all lines are flat, or have slightly

Alea North America ('ANA') - Reinsurance

ANA is our main access point to the North American reinsurance treaty market,
focusing on traditional reinsurance solutions for small and mid-market insurance
companies and specialty insurers. ANA's business is split between motor, workers
compensation, and general and professional liability. Earnings volatility is
reduced by focusing on working-layer business. A typical risk would be
professional cover for suburban book-keepers, or general cover for family-owned
construction companies that build less than five properties a year.

ANA differentiates itself by focusing on service. A recent independent survey
ranked ANA as first amongst its target brokers for strength of underwriting
relationships, responsive service and timely claims payments. ANA's renewal
retention ratio in the first half of 2004 was 95%.

                                                                   Six months ended
                                                               30 June 04      30 June 03        Change
                                                                       $m              $m
Gross premiums written                                              213.7           147.0           45%
Net premiums earned                                                 101.8            92.5           10%
Underwriting result after allocated investment return                18.2             4.5          306%
Loss ratio                                                          58.7%           75.8%             -
Combined ratio                                                      95.7%          109.2%             -

The growth in gross premiums written was due to very strong retention renewal
rates, substantial volumes of new business, and continued strong growth in
primary rates in the core casualty portfolio. The growth was funded by the
additional capital allocated to ANA following the IPO. The relatively low growth
in net premiums earned compared with gross premiums written reflects the
relatively small element of the portfolio that renews in January and the
significant amount of business written in the second half of 2003.

Underwriting conditions in US casualty business remain strong, although some
rate flattening is occurring after four years of sustained increases. Primary
insurance rate momentum on ANA's target specialty accounts has remained
positive. Reinsurance treaty conditions remain tight in most areas with trends
in terms and conditions mostly flat.

Alea Alternative Risk ('AAR') - Insurance

Our specialty North American insurance programme operation AAR writes unbundled
products with partners who are prepared to share insurance risk, and who
consequently actively monitor claims activity. A typical risk would be a
regional retail operation.

AAR's distribution is through traditional Managing General Agents (MGA) who
participate in the financial risk, frequently by way of captive or
rent-a-captive structures, thereby ensuring shared interest in the underwriting
result. AAR's growth has been achieved through its relationships with a core set
of MGAs and third party administrators. AAR monitors all its partners very
closely, conducting 134 compliance, finance, claims and underwriting audits in
the year to date. AAR's underwriting team has an average 20 years experience in
this market.

                                                                   Six months ended
                                                               30 June 04      30 June 03        Change
                                                                       $m              $m
Gross premiums written                                              208.2            74.8          178%
Net premiums earned                                                  99.7            29.8          235%
Underwriting result after allocated investment return                15.1             3.1          386%
Loss ratio                                                          61.7%           56.8%             -
Combined ratio                                                      92.4%           96.1%             -

AAR's gross premiums written growth is in line with internal plans and primarily
reflects the increased number of opportunities in this sector. Growth in net
premiums earned is due to the flow through of the increased premiums written in
2003, particularly during the second half, coupled with strong renewals in the
first half of 2004. AAR had a 92% renewal retention ratio in the first half of
2004. The ratio of net earned to gross earned premiums is 55% (2003: 45%) as
substantial premium volumes are shared with the partner via captive or other
risk-sharing arrangements.

In the second quarter of 2004 rates in small to mid market accounts were
trending down by between 1% and 5%. Some pressure on terms and conditions are
also beginning to emerge. AAR believes that although the specialist insurance
market will not grow as rapidly as it has over the last few years, substantial
profitable opportunities remain.


Combined ratio

The combined ratio in the first half of 2004, calculated on a net earned basis,
was 95.7% (2003: 97.1%). This improvement is primarily in the expense ratio
which fell to 33.8% (2003: 35.3%). The improvement reflects our continued
investment in infrastructure development and risk management, which we believe
is essential to achieve controlled growth and a stable loss ratio. Our loss
ratio in the first half of 2004 was 61.9% (2003: 61.8%).

We continue to review our cost base with a goal of improving efficiency and
productivity. Although it is too early to determine the impact on the expense
ratio we have identified some savings including the closure of our Manhattan
office which will shut in the first quarter of 2005. Other scale efficiencies
will emerge as the book develops.

Gross and net earned premiums

Gross premiums written increased 29% to $993.2 million reflecting growth in all
operations. The level of net earned premiums increased by 43% to $539.1 million
(2003: $377.5 million). Going forward we are expecting strong growth
opportunities across all our operations. Of course given the increased size of
the premium base, we do not expect the growth rate to be as high as in the
recent past.

Our net unearned premium reserve has increased 34% to $872 million (2003: $651
million). Premiums written generally take three years to earn through the profit
and loss account. These patterns differ by business class and operational unit.
Overall, they currently approximate to 40% in the first year, 50% in the second
and 10% in the third. The strong underwriting conditions in the first half of
2004 will be recognised in the 2004, 2005 and 2006 profit and loss accounts.

Underwriting profit

Underwriting profit before allocated investment return increased by 108% to
$23.1 million in the first half of 2004 (2003: $11.1 million). This reflects
growth in earned premiums and the relative lack of significant legacy issues
especially the Group's lack of significant exposure to US casualty business
before 2001.

Underwriting profit after allocated investment return of $63.6 million was 68%
higher than the first half of 2003. Allocated investment return was $40.5
million (2003: $26.7 million). The Group has complied with the ABI SORP for UK
listed companies to allocate investment return to the technical account based on
the longer-term rate of return, which the Group has calculated as 4.5%. The
longer-term rate of return is an estimate of long-term investment performance.

Operating profit

Operating profit, defined as underwriting profit after allocated investment
return and debt interest but before changes to the claims equalisation provision
('CEP'), increased by 74% to $61.4 million for the first half of 2004 (2003:
$35.3 million) due to the reasons detailed above.

The CEP has been established in accordance with the Interim Prudential
Sourcebook for UK Insurers for the purposes of mitigating exceptionally high
loss ratios in future years. The amounts provided are not liabilities as they
are in addition to the provisions required to meet the anticipated ultimate cost
of settlement of outstanding claims at the balance sheet date. The movement in
the provision in the first half of 2004 was $2.1 million (2003: $1.8 million).

Profit before tax

Profit before tax for the first half of 2004 was $24.2 million (2003: $41.4
million). The reduction reflects a reduction of $29.1 million in the actual
investment return to $5.4 million. The actual investment return includes gross
investment income, net realised gains and losses and unrealised gains and losses
as well as investment expenses. Gross investment income in the first half of
2004 grew by 32% to $36.1 million (2003: $27.4 million) reflecting the Group's
strong positive cash flows.

The reduction in the actual investment return reflected increases in net
unrealised losses to $29.2 (2003: $1.0 million) and reductions in net realised
gains to $1.1 million ($10.1 million) more than offsetting the increase in gross
investment income. These movements reflect the increase in bond yields
experienced in the first half of the year.

Unrealised investment gains and losses represent the difference between the
mark-to-market valuation of the investment assets at the balance sheet date and
their purchase price. The movement in unrealised gains and losses comprises the
net increase or decrease in the period in the value of investments held at the
balance sheet date together with the reversal of previously recognised
unrealised gains and losses on investments sold during the period. All
unrealised gains and losses are included in the profit and loss account.

Over the duration of the portfolio investment income will increase to offset
losses recorded from movement in yields. The Group is strongly cash flow
positive and thus overall increases in interest rates will have a positive
impact on the income statement in due course. There were no investment
write-downs during 2003 or 2004. Excluding unrealised losses profit before tax
would be $53.4 million, 26% higher than first half of 2003.


The effective tax rate is 31.9% compared to 24.8% recorded for the full year
2003 reflecting the geographic incidence of the underwriting result, investment
income and unrealised losses.

The Group's tax, regulatory and investment strategies are designed to maximise
investors' long term return. This is enhanced by accumulating assets in Bermuda
and by utilising Bermudan capacity to support our other insurance entities. The
tax charge in any one period is dependent upon the geographic incidence of
profits in the Group's operations.  We expect the full year tax rate to be

Earnings per share

Fully diluted operating EPS was $0.26 per share in the first half of 2003 and
2004. Fully diluted EPS was $0.09 for the first half of 2004 (2003:$0.32)
reflecting the unrealised losses in the investment portfolio.


The Group has negotiated a new $250 million revolver/term loan facility. This
facility, which does not include operating subsidiary guarantees, is expected to
close on 28 September 2004 and will be used primarily to refinance the existing
secured bank agreements, under which a total of $176.9 million was outstanding
as at 30 June 2004. The new non-amortising loan facility includes certain
covenants and will mature after three years. It is intended to draw down $200
million initially primarily to replace the existing facility. The balance of
this facility will be used for general corporate purposes in due course.

The more favourable terms of this new facility are expected to result in annual
interest savings of $1.5 million based on the existing amount borrowed. However,
the replacement of the old facility will crystallise a one-off release of
capitalised expenses of approximately $2 million which will be taken as a charge
in the second half of 2004. The interest margin under the new facility is tied
to a credit ratings grid, but will remain at a minimum level of 90 basis points
over LIBOR until 1 June 2005 and to a minimum of 57.5 basis points over LIBOR


An interim dividend of $0.03 per share is payable on 19 November 2004. The
interim dividend is payable to those shareholders on the share register on 22
October 2004. Shareholders will have the option to receive their dividends in US
Dollars, British Pounds or Swiss Francs. If no election is made, shareholders
will receive US Dollars. Shareholders may make currency elections by returning a
currency election form to the paying agent, Capita IRG plc, by 22 October 2004.
A currency election form can be obtained from Capita IRG plc. The British Pound
or Swiss Franc equivalent of the interim dividend will be calculated by
reference to the rate prevailing on 29 October 2004.

Total assets

Total assets increased by 21% to $3,911 million from $3,224 million at 30 June
2003 and by 13% from $3,477 million at 31 December 2003 reflecting continued
strong growth in all operating units.

Invested assets

Invested assets at 30 June 2004 were $1,859 million compared with $1,335 million
a year earlier. The increase primarily reflects positive operating cash flow of
$197.6 million, which has increased by 49% from $133.0 million for the first
half of 2003. Alea has not held any equities since 2000 but may invest in the
future in additional asset classes on a modest basis as part of our continuing
conservative investment strategy.

Average duration of the investment portfolio as at 30 June 2004 was 3.7 years.
Based on invested assets at 30 June 2004 a 100 basis point decrease or increase
in interest rates across the yield curve would result in an approximate $60
million unrealised profit or loss respectively.

The average annualised investment return was 0.6% compared with 5.5% in the
first half of 2003. The impact on investment return resulting from movements in
realised and unrealised gains and losses has been to decrease the return for the
first 6 months of 2004 by 3.1% compared with an increase in return for the same
period in 2003 of 1.4%. Investment performance is in line with benchmarks.

Of total invested assets $1,634 million is managed by third-party fund managers
with the asset mix shown below. The remaining invested assets consist of
deposits with credit institutions, deposits with ceding undertakings and mutual
funds invested in fixed income securities.

Asset class                                                                              30 June 2004      30 June 2003

US government                                                                                     36%               34%
US mortgage                                                                                       25%               22%
US corporate                                                                                      11%               10%
EU & Switzerland government and corporate                                                         13%               16%
Asset backed securities                                                                            5%                7%
Canadian government and provinces                                                                  4%                5%
US municipalities                                                                                  2%                2%
Cash and other                                                                                     4%                4%

As at 30 June 2004 87% of the portfolio was rated AAA (2003: 87%), and 99% was
rated AA or higher (2003: 99%).

Approved by the Board of Directors

20 September 2004

Notes for Editors

1.       Cautionary statements

Certain statements in this announcement are or may constitute forward-looking
statements. Because such statements are inherently subject to risks and
uncertainties, actual results may differ significantly from those expressed or
implied by such forward-looking statements. We caution you not to place undue
reliance on such forward-looking statements. We do not undertake any obligation
(except reporting obligations imposed on us in relation to our listing on the
London Stock Exchange) to update such forward-looking statements to reflect
events or circumstances occurring after the date hereof.

2.       Alea history

Alea is a global reinsurance and specialty insurance Group focused on
underwriting for profit and sustainable return on equity. It has expertise in a
wide range of property and casualty reinsurance, insurance, alternative risk and
finite risk products and maintains a significant presence in major insurance and
reinsurance markets worldwide.

Alea is headquartered in Hamilton, Bermuda and has ongoing operations in the
United Kingdom, the United States, Bermuda, Switzerland, Australia and Jersey.
At 30 June 2004, it had 390 employees.

Alea has its origins in an investment thesis developed in 1997 by KKR 1996 Fund
(Overseas) Limited Partnership, its major shareholder: to create a new global
reinsurer focused on generating sustainable profitability and growth over the
longer term.

The core of this thesis was that underwriting discipline, strong controls, broad
capabilities in both reinsurance and select insurance markets, a focus on less
volatile lines of business and long-term relationships with small to
medium-sized clients would result in sustainable profitability in any market

Alea has acquired or built the talent, local infrastructure, licenses and client
relationships to be able to react quickly to attractive return opportunities in
the major markets worldwide. It has leveraged this platform to develop a
sizeable book of business diversified by class and geography.

3.       Listing

Alea is publicly traded on the London Stock Exchange under the ticker "ALEA".
For more information on Alea, see www.aleagroup.com.

4.       Financial Calendar 2004

20 October 2004             Ex dividend date for interim ordinary dividend for 2004
22 October 2004             Record date for interim ordinary dividend for 2004
19 November 2004            Payment of interim ordinary dividend for 2004
15 March  2005*             Preliminary announcement of full year 2004 results

* Provisional

5.       Rate of exchange

The rate of exchange at 30 June 2004 was:

#1 = US $1.81 (balance sheet)

#1 = US $1.82 (profit and loss account)


                                                                   Six months    Six months             Year to
                                                                   to 30 June    to 30 June         31 December
                                                        Notes            2004          2003                2003
                                                                    unaudited      restated             audited
                                                                                   (note 8)
                                                                        $'000         $'000               $'000

Gross premiums written                                                993,171       771,828           1,300,182
Outward reinsurance premium                                         (130,060)     (127,344)           (271,471)

                                                                        _____         _____               _____
Net premiums written                                                  863,111       644,484           1,028,711

                                                                        _____         _____               _____

Change in provision for unearned premiums                           (320,252)     (278,505)           (185,907)
Change in provision for unearned premiums- reinsurers'                (3,713)        11,553              15,677
                                                                        _____         _____               _____
Change in the net provision for unearned premiums                   (323,965)     (266,952)           (170,230)

                                                                        _____         _____               _____

Net earned premiums                                                   539,146       377,532             858,481

Allocated investment return transferred from the                       40,531        26,727              57,811
non-technical account
Other technical income, net of reinsurance                              1,451         1,401               2,364

                                                                        _____         _____               _____
Total technical income                                                581,128       405,660             918,656

                                                                        _____         _____               _____

Claims incurred, net of reinsurance                                   333,731       233,304             528,650

Other technical charges, net of reinsurance                             8,599         9,057              19,004
Net operating expenses                                                175,210       125,519             285,499

                                                                        _____         _____               _____
Total technical charges                                               517,540       367,880             833,153

                                                                        _____         _____               _____

Balance on the technical account for general business     2
before claims equalisation provision
                                                                       63,588        37,780              85,503
Change in claims equalisation provision                               (2,135)       (1,782)             (3,771)

                                                                        _____         _____               _____
Balance on the technical account for general business                  61,453        35,998              81,732

                                                                        _____         _____               _____


                                                                  Six months       Six months            Year to
                                                                  to 30 June       to 30 June        31 December
                                                                        2004             2003               2003
                                                                   unaudited         restated            audited
                                                                                     (note 8)
                                                                       $'000            $'000              $'000

Balance on technical account-general business                         61,453           35,998             81,732

Gross investment income                               4               36,191           27,396             56,337
Net realised gains on investments                     4                1,133           10,115             12,146
Net unrealised losses on investments                  4             (29,155)            (984)           (29,173)
Other investment expenses                             4              (2,785)          (1,983)            (3,975)

                                                                       _____            _____              _____
Actual investment return                                               5,384           34,544             35,335
Allocated investment return transferred to the        4             (40,531)         (26,727)           (57,811)
technical account - general business
Debt interest                                                        (2,154)          (2,456)            (4,718)

                                                                       _____            _____              _____

Profit on ordinary activities before tax                              24,152           41,359             54,538

                                                                       _____            _____              _____

Operating profit                                                      61,434           35,324             80,785
Short-term fluctuations in investment return          4             (35,147)            7,817           (22,476)
Movement in claims equalisation provision                            (2,135)          (1,782)            (3,771)

                                                                       _____            _____              _____
                                                                      24,152           41,359             54,538

                                                                       _____            _____              _____

Tax charge on profit on ordinary activities           5              (7,716)          (6,724)           (13,528)

                                                                       _____            _____              _____
Profit on ordinary activities after tax                               16,436           34,635             41,010
Minority interest - gain on subordinated preferred
shares issued by subsidiaries
                                                                           -                -              7,500
Dividends - interim payable (3 cents per share        9              (5,238)                -                  -
(2003: Nil)
                                                                       _____            _____              _____
Retained profit for the period                                        11,198           34,635             48,510

                                                                       _____            _____              _____


                                                                  Six months       Six months            Year to
                                                                  to 30 June       to 30 June        31 December
                                                       Notes            2004             2003               2003
                                                                   unaudited         restated            audited
                                                                                     (note 8)

Earnings per share - basic ($)                           3             $0.09            $0.32              $0.42
Earnings per share - fully diluted ($)                   3             $0.09            $0.32              $0.42

Operating earnings per share - basic ($)                 3             $0.26            $0.27              $0.55
Operating earnings per share - fully diluted ($)         3             $0.26            $0.26              $0.54


                                                                   Six months    Six months             Year to
                                                                   to 30 June    to 30 June         31 December
                                                                         2004          2003                2003
                                                                    unaudited       audited             audited
                                                                        $'000         $'000               $'000

Retained profit for the period                                         11,198        34,635              48,510
Exchange differences                                                  (1,895)       (2,901)             (1,893)

                                                                        _____         _____               _____
Total profit recognised for the financial year                          9,303        31,734              46,617

                                                                        _____         _____               _____


                                                                        As at         As at               As at
                                                        Notes       30 Jun 04     30 Jun 03           31 Dec 03
                                                                    unaudited       audited             audited
                                                                        $'000         $'000               $'000
Intangible assets
Licences                                                                9,873         9,968               9,968

                                                                        _____         _____               _____
                                                                        9,873         9,968               9,968
Other financial investments                                         1,747,877     1,228,330           1,582,357
Deposits with ceding undertakings                                     110,925       107,152             105,513

                                                                        _____         _____               _____
                                                                    1,858,802     1,335,482           1,687,870
Reinsurers' share of technical provisions
Provision for unearned premiums                                       130,499       118,082             123,606

                                                                        _____         _____               _____
      Claims outstanding - Aggregate excess                           451,321       428,663             473,569
      Claims outstanding - Other reinsurance                          256,067       258,113             252,992

                                                                        _____         _____               _____
Claims outstanding                                        7           707,388       686,776             726,561

                                                                        _____         _____               _____
                                                                      837,887       804,858             850,167
Debtors arising out of insurance operations                            54,041        97,743              66,931
Debtors arising out of reinsurance operations                         751,647       661,458             531,635
Amounts due from reinsurance operations not                            33,876        35,475              44,385
transferring significant insurance risk
Other debtors                                                          56,467        54,003              55,693

                                                                        _____         _____               _____
                                                                      896,031       848,679             698,644
Other assets
Tangible assets                                                        11,962        13,090              12,212
Cash at bank and in hand                                               40,257        38,913              44,307

                                                                        _____         _____               _____
                                                                       52,219        52,003              56,519
Prepayments and accrued income
Accrued interest and rent                                              16,352        11,522              14,968
Deferred acquisition costs                                            236,186       157,952             153,243
Other prepayments and accrued income                                    3,924         3,274               5,680

                                                                        _____         _____               _____
                                                                      256,462       172,748             173,891

                                                                        _____         _____               _____

TOTAL ASSETS                                                        3,911,274     3,223,738           3,477,059

                                                                        _____         _____               _____

                                                                        As at         As at               As at
                                                        Notes       30 Jun 04     30 Jun 03           31 Dec 03
                                                                    unaudited       audited             audited
                                                                        $'000         $'000               $'000

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                                   6             1,746            53               1,747
Share premium account                                     6           632,524       345,432             633,053
Profit and loss account                                   6            24,261            75              14,958
Capital reserve                                           6            75,381        99,367              75,644

                                                                        _____         _____               _____
Shareholders' funds attributable to equity interests                  733,912       444,927             725,402
Minority interests
Subordinated preferred shares issued by subsidiaries      6                 -        50,000                   -

                                                                        _____         _____               _____
TOTAL CAPITAL EMPLOYED                                                733,912       494,927             725,402

Technical provisions
Provision for unearned premiums                                     1,002,876       768,704             686,935
Claims outstanding                                        7         1,505,035     1,220,952           1,398,551
Claims equalisation provision                                           8,591         4,150               6,408

                                                                        _____         _____               _____
                                                                    2,516,502     1,993,806           2,091,894

Deposits received from reinsurers                                     161,860       217,347             199,903

Creditors arising out of insurance and reinsurance                    240,295       256,662             196,371
Liabilities from reinsurance operations not                            33,981        35,214              44,319
transferring significant insurance risk
Amounts owed to credit institutions                                   176,917       171,238             178,375
Other creditors including taxation and social security                 11,626         6,096               2,995

                                                                        _____         _____               _____

                                                                      624,679       686,557             621,963

                                                                        _____         _____               _____
Accruals and deferred income                                           36,181        48,448              37,800

                                                                        _____         _____               _____

TOTAL LIABILITIES                                                   3,911,274     3,223,738           3,477,059

                                                                        _____         _____               _____


                                                        Notes      Six months    Six months             Year to
                                                                   to 30 June    to 30 June         31 December
                                                                         2004          2003                2003
                                                                    unaudited       audited             audited
                                                                        $'000         $'000               $'000

Net cash inflow from operating activities                 11          197,609       132,977             250,977

Servicing of finance
Interest paid                                                         (2,154)       (2,456)             (4,718)
Net amounts outstanding for securities                                 15,043             -                   -

Taxation paid                                                         (4,663)         (843)             (1,672)

Capital expenditure
Purchase of tangible assets                                           (3,052)       (2,573)            (10,266)
Proceeds on disposal of tangible assets                                   525             -               5,977

Issue of common share capital                                           (530)         2,653             291,968
Purchase of subordinated preferred shares issued by                         -             -            (42,500)
Capital raising expenses                                                (263)             -            (23,723)

                                                                        _____         _____               _____
                                                                      202,515       129,758             466,043

                                                                        _____         _____               _____

Cash flows were invested as follows:
(Decrease)/ increase in cash holdings                                 (3,754)         9,924              13,752

Net portfolio investments
Shares and other variable yield securities                                  -          (86)               (331)
Debt securities - unit trusts - listed                                   (66)         4,461               6,973
Debt securities and other fixed income securities                     240,286       127,771             453,123
Deposits with credit institutions                                    (33,951)      (12,312)             (7,474)

                                                                        _____         _____               _____
                                                                      206,269       119,834             452,291

                                                                        _____         _____               _____

Net investment of cash flows                                          202,515       129,758             466,043

                                                                        _____         _____               _____


1          Basis of preparation

The unaudited accounts for the six month period to 30 June 2004 have been
prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in the
United Kingdom ("UK GAAP") using the accounting policies set out in the Group's
Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2003.

The comparatives for the six months ended 30 June 2003 are audited numbers which
were presented in the Company's listing particulars dated 14 November 2003 with
the exception of the policy for allocating investment income to the technical
account based on the longer-term rate of return explained below. The financial
information included in this report for the year ended 31 December 2003 has been
extracted from the Group's financial statements for which an unqualified audit
opinion has been issued.

The Group complies with the ABI SORP's recommendation (Association of British
Insurers Statement of Recommended Practice on Accounting for Insurance Business)
for United Kingdom listed companies of allocating investment return to the
technical account based on the longer-term rate of return, which the Group has
selected as 4.5%. This is a change in accounting policy and has no impact on the
profit on ordinary activities after tax.

The Group has an accounting policy to discount claims reserves with a mean term
to ultimate claims settlement in excess of four years.  It had previously
applied a discount rate to gross reserves of 5% for reserves attributable to 31
December 2001 and prior and 4% for subsequent periods.

In order to improve comparability, effective 1 January 2004, the estimation
technique used in this accounting policy has been to discount all gross reserves
at a rate of 4.5%. As at 30 June 2004 this increased the amount of discount by
$3m.  Certain reserves arising from the provisions of the Inter-Ocean
reinsurance contracts will continue to be discounted at a rate of 6%.

The financial information contained in this interim report does not constitute
financial statements  to be laid before the Company in general meeting for the
purposes of section 84 of the Bermuda Companies Act 1981.

The Company is a registered Bermuda company. As such it is obliged to prepare
its financial information in accordance with the Bermuda Companies Act 1981,
which permits the Company to apply UK GAAP.  Accordingly, the financial
information has been prepared in accordance with Bermuda Law.

2          Segmental analysis

Underwriting results by operating segment before intra-group quota share

The Group's business is composed of four underwriting segments, consisting of
London, Alternative Risk (AAR), North America (treaty reinsurance) and Europe.

The following tables summarise the underwriting results for the Group's business
segments for the six month periods ended 30 June 2004 and 30 June 2003 and the
year ended 31 December 2003. Net premiums written and net premiums earned and
the underwriting results are stated before quota share arrangements. The
aggregate impact of these quota share arrangements on these results is presented

                                                  Alea            Alea          Alea          Alea
                                                London             AAR North America        Europe        Total
 Six months ended 30 June 2004                   $'000           $'000         $'000         $'000        $'000

 Gross Premiums Written                        348,990         208,153       213,733       222,295      993,171
 Outwards reinsurance premiums                (25,115)        (93,808)       (1,038)      (10,099)    (130,060)

                                                 _____           _____         _____         _____        _____
 Net premiums written                          323,875         114,345       212,695       212,196      863,111

                                                 _____           _____         _____         _____        _____

 Gross premiums earned                         265,775         182,753       111,166       113,225      672,919
 Net premiums earned                           234,107          99,745       101,788       103,506      539,146
Allocated investment return                      9,384           7,452        13,862         9,833       40,531
 Claims incurred, net of reinsurance         (135,392)        (61,529)      (59,712)      (77,098)    (333,731)
 Total net expenses comprise :
     Acquisition costs                        (56,183)        (20,328)      (26,888)      (18,784)    (122,183)
     Administrative expenses                  (18,514)        (10,431)      (10,720)      (13,362)     (53,027)
     Fee income                                    989             167           196            99        1,451
     Other technical charges                   (2,801)             (6)         (304)       (5,488)      (8,599)
 Total net expenses                           (76,509)        (30,598)      (37,716)      (37,535)    (182,358)

                                                 _____           _____         _____         _____        _____
 Underwriting result (1)                        31,590          15,070        18,222       (1,294)       63,588

                                                 _____           _____         _____         _____        _____

                                                  Alea            Alea          Alea          Alea
                                                London             AAR         North        Europe        Total
 Six months ended 30 June 2003                   $'000           $'000         $'000         $'000        $'000
(restated, note 8)

 Gross Premiums Written                        379,412          74,785       147,025       170,606      771,828
 Outwards reinsurance premiums                (41,502)        (53,989)       (8,816)      (23,037)    (127,344)

                                                 _____           _____         _____         _____        _____
 Net premiums written                          337,910          20,796       138,209       147,569      644,484

                                                 _____           _____         _____         _____        _____

 Gross premiums earned                         210,071          66,363       116,852       100,037      493,323
 Net premiums earned                           174,037          29,753        92,452        81,290      377,532
Allocated investment return                      6,165           1,955        12,993         5,614       26,727
 Claims incurred, net of reinsurance          (92,681)        (16,914)      (70,080)      (53,629)    (233,304)
 Total net expenses comprise :
     Acquisition costs                        (42,226)         (3,735)      (25,934)      (14,919)     (86,814)
     Administrative expenses                  (16,401)         (8,670)       (4,703)       (8,931)     (38,705)
     Fee income                                    396             801            28           176        1,401
     Other technical charges                   (3,188)            (86)         (268)       (5,515)      (9,057)
 Total net expenses                           (61,419)        (11,690)      (30,877)      (29,189)    (133,175)

                                                 _____           _____         _____         _____        _____
 Underwriting result (1)                        26,102           3,104         4,488         4,086       37,780

                                                 _____           _____         _____         _____        _____

                                                  Alea            Alea          Alea          Alea
                                                London             AAR         North        Europe        Total
 Year ended  31 December 2003 (audited)          $'000           $'000         $'000         $'000        $'000

 Gross Premiums Written                        566,042         261,141       282,921       190,078    1,300,182
 Outwards reinsurance premiums                (78,198)       (129,172)      (33,222)      (30,879)    (271,471)

                                                 _____           _____         _____         _____        _____
 Net premiums written                          487,844         131,969       249,699       159,199    1,028,711

                                                 _____           _____         _____         _____        _____

 Gross premiums earned                         482,701         205,062       228,361       198,151    1,114,275
 Net premiums earned                           407,656          97,856       189,324       163,645      858,481
Allocated investment return                     13,995          12,681        19,022        12,113       57,811
 Claims incurred, net of reinsurance         (224,988)        (70,556)     (130,024)     (103,082)    (528,650)
 Total net expenses comprise :
     Acquisition costs                        (92,521)        (19,654)      (55,268)      (27,958)    (195,401)
     Administrative expenses                  (32,122)        (15,880)      (20,984)      (21,112)     (90,098)
     Fee income                                  1,654             -             545           165        2,364
     Other technical charges                   (5,611)            (24)         (700)      (12,669)     (19,004)
 Total net expenses                          (128,600)        (35,558)      (76,407)      (61,574)    (302,139)

                                                 _____           _____         _____         _____        _____
 Underwriting result (1)                        68,063           4,423         1,915        11,102       85,503

                                                 _____           _____         _____         _____        _____

(1) Balance on the technical account for general business before claims
equalisation provisions

Intra-group quota share arrangements

For the six month periods ended 30 June 2004 and 30 June 2003 and the year ended
31 December 2003 intra-group quota share arrangements comprise of the following:
a 35% quota share of Alea London business to Alea Europe, a 50% quota share of
certain 2000 and prior underwriting year business from Alea Europe to Alea
Bermuda, a 70% quota share of Alea North America to Alea Bermuda and an
intra-group aggregate excess contract from Alea Europe to Alea Bermuda.  The
aggregate effect of all of these arrangements are detailed below:

                                                   Alea          Alea           Alea         Alea
                                                 London       Bermuda             US       Europe        Total
 Six months ended 30 June 2004                    $'000         $'000          $'000        $'000        $'000

Net premiums earned                             234,107       (2,090)        203,623      103,506      539,146
Intercompany reinsurance                       (81,033)       141,739      (142,126)       81,420            -

                                                  _____         _____          _____        _____        _____
Net premiums earned after intercompany          153,074       139,649         61,497      184,926      539,146
                                                  _____         _____          _____        _____        _____
Underwriting result
     Before intercompany reinsurance             31,590         7,745         25,547      (1,294)       63,588
    After intercompany reinsurance               19,935        11,178         18,493       13,982       63,588

                                                  _____         _____          _____        _____        _____

                                                   Alea           Alea          Alea         Alea
                                                 London        Bermuda            US       Europe        Total
 Six months ended 30 June 2003 (restated,         $'000          $'000         $'000        $'000        $'000
note 8)

Net premiums earned                             174,037        (5,260)       127,465       81,290      377,532
Intercompany reinsurance                       (60,672)         89,488      (85,945)       57,129            -

                                                  _____          _____         _____        _____        _____
Net premiums earned after intercompany          113,365         84,228        41,520      138,419      377,532
                                                  _____          _____         _____        _____        _____
Underwriting result
     Before intercompany reinsurance             26,102        (7,789)        15,381        4,086       37,780
    After intercompany reinsurance               17,998        (6,502)         9,016       17,268       37,780

                                                  _____          _____         _____        _____        _____

                                                   Alea          Alea          Alea         Alea
                                                 London       Bermuda            US       Europe        Total
 Year ended  31 December 2003 (audited)           $'000         $'000         $'000        $'000        $'000

Net premiums earned                             407,656         2,520       284,660      163,645      858,481
Intercompany reinsurance                      (142,397)       203,005     (197,151)      136,543            -

                                                  _____         _____         _____        _____        _____
Net premiums earned after intercompany          265,259       205,525        87,509      300,188      858,481
                                                  _____         _____         _____        _____        _____
Underwriting result
     Before intercompany reinsurance             68,063      (10,842)        17,180       11,102       85,503
    After intercompany reinsurance               45,468       (5,046)       (1,168)       46,249       85,503

                                                  _____         _____         _____        _____        _____

3          Earnings per ordinary share

Basic earnings per ordinary share is based on the profits after tax and the
weighted average ordinary shares in issue as follows :

                                                              Six months         Six months            Year to
                                                              to 30 June         to 30 June        31 December
                                                                    2004               2003               2003
                                                               unaudited            audited            audited
                                                                  Number             Number             Number

Weighted average ordinary shares in issue                    174,693,306        106,389,763        114,269,807

Fully diluted number of shares                               176,960,913        108,373,970        116,266,620

Operating earnings per ordinary share based on the longer-term investment return
are shown because it is considered to be a more appropriate measure of operating
performance than earnings per share including short term fluctuations in
investment return.   Transfers to or from equalisation provisions are transfers
to or from a statutory reserve and not a deduction or credit in arriving at
operating profit. The gain on the purchase of subordinated preferred shares
issued by subsidiaries has also been excluded in calculating operating profit.

The reconciliation between earnings per ordinary share and operating earnings
per ordinary share is as follows:

                                                           Six months          Six months              Year to
                                                           to 30 June          to 30 June          31 December
                                                                 2004                2003                 2003
                                                            unaudited            restated              audited
                                                                                 (note 8)
                                                                $'000               $'000                $'000

Retained profit for the period                                 11,198              34,635               48,510

    Dividends payable                                           5,238                   -                    -
    Gain on purchase of subordinated preferred                      -                   -              (7,500)
    shares issued by subsidiaries
    Short term fluctations in investment return                35,147             (7,817)               22,476
    Movement in claims equalisation provision                   2,135               1,782                3,771

                                                                _____               _____                _____
                                                               42,520             (6,035)               18,747
    Tax thereon                                               (7,491)                (74)              (4,250)

                                                                _____               _____                _____
                                                               35,029             (6,109)               14,497

                                                                _____               _____                _____

Operating profit after tax                                     46,227              28,526               63,007

                                                                _____               _____                _____

Earnings per share - basic ($)                                  $0.09               $0.32                $0.42
Earnings per share - fully diluted ($)                          $0.09               $0.32                $0.42

Operating earnings per share - basic ($)                        $0.26               $0.27                $0.55
Operating earnings per share - fully diluted ($)                $0.26               $0.26                $0.54

4          Investment return

                                                             Six months         Six months              Year to
                                                             to 30 June         to 30 June          31 December
                                                                   2004               2003                 2003
                                                              unaudited           restated              audited
                                                                                  (note 8)
                                                                  $'000              $'000                $'000

Investment income
Income from other financial investments                          36,191             27,396               56,337
Net gains on the realisation of investments                       1,133             10,115               12,146

                                                                  _____              _____                _____
                                                                 37,324             37,511               68,483
Other investment expenses                                       (2,785)            (1,983)              (3,975)

Unrealised investment losses
Movement during the year                                       (29,155)              (984)             (29,173)

                                                                  _____              _____                _____
Actual investment return                                          5,384             34,544               35,335

                                                                  _____              _____                _____

Longer-term investment return
Longer-term investment return                                    40,531             26,727               57,811
Actual investment return excluding gain on                      (5,384)           (34,544)             (35,335)
subordinated preferreds
                                                                  _____              _____                _____
Effect of short-term fluctuations over the period                35,147            (7,817)               22,476

                                                                  _____              _____                _____

The longer-term investment return is calculated for each business segment and
based on the average invested assets and the expected longer-term rate of return
on those assets having regard to the relevant economic and market forecasts.
The Group has selected an overall rate of 4.5%.

5          Taxation

                                                             Six months         Six months              Year to
                                                             to 30 June         to 30 June          31 December
                                                                   2004               2003                 2003
                                                              unaudited           restated              audited
                                                                                  (note 8)
                                                                  $'000              $'000                $'000

The credit/(charge) for taxation comprises:

Current taxation                                                (3,854)              (965)              (1,890)
Deferred taxation                                               (3,862)            (5,759)             (11,638)

                                                                  _____              _____                _____
                                                                (7,716)            (6,724)             (13,528)

                                                                  _____              _____                _____

The credit/(charge) for taxation can be analysed
as follows:

Tax on operating profit                                        (15,207)            (6,798)             (17,778)
Tax on short-term fluctuations in investment                      6,851              (461)                3,119
Tax on movement in claims equalisation provision                    640                535                1,131

                                                                  _____              _____                _____
                                                                (7,716)            (6,724)             (13,528)

                                                                  _____              _____                _____

In accordance with the ASB statement "Interim Reports" the charge for taxation
is based on a calculation of the estimated annual effective tax rate.

The deferred tax asset/(provision) is included within other debtors, this

                                                                  As at              As at                As at
                                                                30 June            30 June          31 December
                                                                   2004               2003                 2003
                                                              unaudited            audited              audited
                                                                  $'000              $'000                $'000

Tax losses and disclaimed technical reserves                     34,132             41,552               29,152
Other timing differences                                        (5,179)            (1,491)                4,615

                                                                  _____              _____                _____
Balance as at end of period                                      28,953             40,061               33,767

                                                                  _____              _____                _____

                                                                  As at              As at                As at
                                                                30 June            30 June          31 December
                                                                   2004               2003                 2003
                                                              unaudited            audited              audited
                                                                  $'000              $'000                $'000

Balance as at beginning of period                                33,767             46,657               46,657
Charge for the period                                           (3,862)            (5,759)             (11,638)
Exchange movement                                                 (952)              (837)              (1,252)

                                                                  _____              _____                _____
Balance as at end of period                                      28,953             40,061               33,767

                                                                  _____              _____                _____

6          Movement in consolidated shareholders' funds

                                                        Share       Share      Capital   Profit and       Total
                                                      capital     premium      reserve loss account
 Six months to 30 June 2004 (unaudited)                 $'000       $'000        $'000        $'000       $'000

As at 1 January 2004                                    1,747     633,053       75,644       14,958     725,402
Transfer from share premium account to profit and
loss account
                                                            -           -            -            -           -
Share issues                                                -          66            -            -          66
Capital raising expenses                                    -           -        (263)            -       (263)
Share repurchase and cancellation                         (1)       (595)            -            -       (596)
Retained profit for the financial period                    -           -            -       11,198      11,198
Exchange differences                                        -           -            -      (1,895)     (1,895)

                                                        _____       _____        _____        _____       _____
As at 30 June 2004                                      1,746     632,524       75,381       24,261     733,912

                                                        _____       _____        _____        _____       _____

                                                        Share        Share      Capital   Profit and       Total
                                                      capital      premium      reserve loss account
 Six months to 30 June 2003 (audited)                   $'000        $'000        $'000        $'000       $'000

As at 1 January 2003                                       53      361,407       99,367     (50,287)     410,540
Transfer from share premium account to profit and
loss account
                                                            -     (18,628)            -       18,628           -
Share issues                                                -        3,350            -            -       3,350
Share repurchase and cancellation                           -        (697)            -            -       (697)
Retained profit for the financial period                    -            -            -       34,635      34,635
Exchange differences                                        -            -            -      (2,901)     (2,901)

                                                        _____        _____        _____        _____       _____
As at 30 June 2003                                         53      345,432       99,367           75     444,927

                                                        _____        _____        _____        _____       _____

                                                        Share       Share      Capital   Profit and       Total
                                                      capital     premium      reserve loss account
 Year to 31 December 2003 (audited)                     $'000       $'000        $'000        $'000       $'000

As at 1 January 2003                                       53     361,407       99,367     (50,287)     410,540
Transfer from share premium account to profit and
loss account                                                -    (18,628)            -       18,628           -
Share issues                                            1,694     292,105            -            -     293,799
Capital raising expenses                                    -           -     (23,723)            -    (23,723)
Share repurchase and cancellation                           -     (1,831)            -            -     (1,831)
Retained profit for the financial period                    -           -            -       48,510      48,510
Exchange differences                                        -           -            -      (1,893)     (1,893)

                                                        _____       _____        _____        _____       _____
As at 31 December 2003                                  1,747     633,053       75,644       14,958     725,402

                                                        _____       _____        _____        _____       _____

Minority interest (subordinated preferred equity)

                                          As at 30 June 2004      As at 30 June 2003    As at 31 December 2003
                                          unaudited                 audited                  audited
                                             Number       $'000      Number       $'000  Number 000s      $'000
                                               000s                    000s
Redeemable 6% preferred shares of USD 1
Authorised, issued and fully paid                 -           -      30,000      30,000            -          -

Redeemable 6% preferred shares of USD
0.01 par value;
Authorised, issued and fully paid -
purchase price of USD 100                         -           -         200      20,000            -          -
                                                              -                  50,000                       -

7          Claims outstanding

                                                                        As at            As at            As at
                                                                      30 June          30 June      31 December
                                                                         2004             2003             2003
                                                                    unaudited          audited          audited
                                                                        $'000            $'000            $'000

Provision for claims outstanding, reported and not                  1,591,807        1,283,575        1,463,702
Discount                                                            (104,305)         (79,941)         (80,020)

                                                                        _____            _____            _____
                                                                    1,487,502        1,203,634        1,383,682
Claims handling provisions                                             17,533           17,318           14,869

                                                                        _____            _____            _____
                                                                    1,505,035        1,220,952        1,398,551
Provision for claims outstanding, reported and not                  (755,933)        (743,120)        (762,089)
Discount                                                               48,545           56,344           35,528

                                                                        _____            _____            _____
                                                                    (707,388)        (686,776)        (726,561)

                                                                        _____            _____            _____

Claims outstanding net of reinsurance                                 797,647          534,176          671,990

                                                                        _____            _____            _____

8          Prior year adjustments

Longer-term rate of return

The Group allocates investment income to the technical account from the
non-technical account using the longer-term rate of return as recommended for
listed companies per the ABI SORP.  As this is a reallocation of the investment
return within the profit and loss account it has no impact on profit for the
financial period/year attributable to equity shareholders or the shareholders'
funds attributable to equity interests.

The impact of the change in accounting policy is as follows:

                                                                                 Six months             Year to
                                                                                 to 30 June         31 December
                                                                                       2003                2003
                                                                                      $'000               $'000

Operating profit under the old policy                                                34,010              75,336

Short term fluctuations in investment return as previously stated                     9,131            (17,027)
Movement in claims equalisation provision                                           (1,782)             (3,771)

                                                                                      _____               _____

Profit on ordinary activities before tax                                             41,359              54,538

                                                                                      _____               _____

Operating profit under the new policy                                                35,324              80,785

Short term fluctuations in investment return as restated                              7,817            (22,476)
Movement in claims equalisation provision                                           (1,782)             (3,771)

                                                                                      _____               _____

Profit on ordinary activities before tax                                             41,359              54,538

                                                                                      _____               _____

The change also has an impact on the balance on the technical account for
general business as detailed in the table below:

Balance on the technical account - general business under the old policy              9,271              23,921

Allocated investment return transferred from the non-technical account               26,727              57,811

                                                                                      _____               _____

 Balance on the technical account - general business as restated                     35,998              81,732

                                                                                      _____               _____

9          Dividend

The ordinary dividends in the profit and loss account comprise

                                                             Six months         Six months              Year to
                                                             to 30 June         to 30 June          31 December
                                                                   2004               2003                 2003
                                                              unaudited            audited              audited
                                                                  $'000              $'000                $'000

Ordinary dividend
Interim - $0.03 per share (2003: nil)                             5,238                  -                    -
Final - (2003: nil)                                                   -                  -                    -
                                                                  5,238                  -                    -

The Board has declared an interim dividend of three cents per Common Share
payable on 19 November 2004 to shareholders on the register of members at the
close of business on 22 October 2004.

Dividends are declared in U.S Dollars but may be paid in U.S. Dollars, British
Pounds or Swiss Francs. Shareholders may make an election to have their
dividends paid in British Pounds or Swiss Francs by completing a currency
election form and returning it to the paying agent Capita IRG plc by 22 October
2004. A currency election form can be obtained from Capita IRG plc. If no
election is made, shareholders will be paid their dividends in US Dollars. The
British Pound or Swiss Franc equivalent of the interim dividend will be
calculated by reference to a rate prevailing on 29 October 2004.

10        Related party transactions

Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.

The Group pays annual advisory fees of $750,000 to Kohlberg Kravis Roberts &
Co., L.P., an affiliate of KKR 1996 Fund (Overseas) Limited Partnership, a
shareholder and KKR Partners (International), Limited Partnership, also a
shareholder and $350,000 to Fisher Capital Corp. L.L.C., also a shareholder. As
at 30 June 2004 Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. and Fisher Capital Corp. L.L.C.
have received $375,000 and $175,000 respectively.

Loans to officers

Loans to officers are interest bearing and made on consistent terms as those to
other employees.  As at 30 June 2004 the Group had loans to officers of $759,250
(30 June 2003: $969,211).  The number of officers that had outstanding loans at
30 June 2004 was 8 (30 June 2003: 10).

Bristol West Insurance Group

During 2003 and 2004, Alea London Limited underwrote a 40% share of an inwards
reinsurance contract with Bristol West Insurance Group (Bristol West), a public
company traded on the New York Stock Exchange, in which a KKR fund other than
KKR 1996 Fund (Overseas), Limited Partnership, has a significant interest.

The contract was priced and terms and conditions established on an arm's length
basis by an unrelated lead underwriter and found to be acceptable by the Company
using the Company's normal actuarial practices.

Mr James R Fisher, a director of the Company, is Chairman of the Board and Chief
Executive Officer of Bristol West and as of 30 June 2004 may be deemed to have
beneficial interests in some or all of 988,736 shares or options to acquire
shares of Bristol West representing approximately 3.1% of the outstanding

Messrs. T Fisher, P Golkin and S Nuttall are also directors of Bristol West and
may be deemed to have beneficial interests in some or all of the shares in
Bristol West controlled by affiliates of Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.  These
interests represent 38.7% of the issued share capital at 30 June 2004.

The co-participating reinsurers on the contract are companies unrelated to
either the Company, Bristol West, KKR or Mr. J. Fisher. The contract had the
following impact on the profit and loss account, balance sheet and cash flows of
the Group:

                                                                 Six months       Six months            Year to
                                                                 to 30 June       to 30 June        31 December
                                                                       2004             2003               2003
                                                                  unaudited          audited            audited
                                                                      $'000            $'000              $'000
General business technical account
Gross premiums written                                              116,904          167,740            158,500

Gross premiums earned                                                70,406           51,658            126,341
Incurred losses                                                    (56,325)         (41,326)          (101,072)
Acquisition expenses                                               (11,971)          (8,782)           (21,479)

                                                                      _____            _____              _____

Balance on technical account                                          2,110            1,550              3,790

                                                                      _____            _____              _____

Cash flows
Premium received                                                    182,651           63,329            121,277
Claims paid                                                       (109,605)         (30,007)           (65,813)

Balance sheet
Cash received                                                        73,046           33,322             55,464
Reinsurance debtors                                                  99,882          129,846             64,228
Deferred acquisition costs                                           17,277           23,639              9,372
Claims incurred                                                    (81,416)         (44,943)           (68,883)
Unearned premium reserves                                         (101,628)        (139,053)           (55,130)
Retained profit                                                       7,161            2,811              5,051

                                                                      _____            _____              _____

No amounts have been written off in respect of debts due to or from Bristol West

11        Net cash flow from operating activities

                                                           Six months ended                          Year ended
                                                                  30 Jun 04        30 Jun 03          31 Dec 03
                                                                  unaudited          audited            audited
                                                                      $'000            $'000              $'000

Profit on ordinary activities before tax                             24,152           41,359             54,538
Depreciation of tangible assets                                       3,238            2,613              5,868
(Profit) on disposal of tangible assets                               (460)                -              (289)
Changes to market value and currencies on investments                41,045          (1,757)           (24,893)
(Gains)/losses on foreign exchange                                  (2,353)              638              9,095
Change in debtors arising out of re/insurance                     (207,122)        (270,058)          (109,423)
Change in amounts due from reinsurance operations not                10,509           14,954              6,044
transferring significant insurance risk
Change in other assets                                                (628)            7,890            (1,475)
Change in prepayments and accrued income                                372            4,457            (1,395)
Change in technical provisions                                      422,425          385,586            481,416
Change in claims equalisation provision                               2,135            1,782              3,771
Change in reinsurer's share of technical provisions                (70,663)        (125,249)          (165,849)
Change in deposits with ceding undertakings                         (5,412)         (15,046)           (13,407)
Change in reinsurance deposits and creditors                          5,881           90,095             12,360
Change in liabilities from reinsurance operations not              (10,338)         (17,915)            (8,811)
transferring significant insurance risk
Change in other creditors                                             (664)            (919)            (2,733)
Change in accruals and deferred income                             (16,662)           12,091              1,442
Debt interest expense                                                 2,154            2,456              4,718

                                                                      _____            _____              _____
Net cash inflow from operating activities                           197,609          132,977            250,977

                                                                      _____            _____              _____



We have been instructed by the company to review the financial information for
the six months ended 30 June 2004 which comprises the profit and loss account,
the balance sheet, the cash flow statement and related notes 1 to 11.  We have
read the other information contained in the interim report and considered
whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with
the financial information.

This report is made solely to the company in accordance with Bulletin 1999/4
issued by the Auditing Practices Board.  Our work has been undertaken so that we
might state to the company those matters we are required to state to them in an
independent review report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent
permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than
the company, for our review work, for this report, or for the conclusions we
have formed.

Directors' responsibilities

The interim report, including the financial information contained therein, is
the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the directors. The directors
are responsible for preparing the interim report in accordance with the Listing
Rules of the Financial Services Authority which require that the accounting
polices and presentation applied to the interim figures are consistent with
those applied in preparing the preceding annual accounts except where any
changes, and the reasons for them, are disclosed.

Review work performed

We conducted our review in accordance with the guidance contained in Bulletin
1999/4 issued by the Auditing Practices Board for use in the United Kingdom.  A
review consists principally of making enquiries of group management and applying
analytical procedures to the financial information and underlying financial data
and, based thereon, assessing whether the accounting policies and presentation
have been consistently applied unless otherwise disclosed.  A review excludes
audit procedures such as tests of controls and verification of assets,
liabilities and transactions.  It is substantially less in scope than an audit
performed in accordance with United Kingdom auditing standards and therefore
provides a lower level of assurance than an audit.  Accordingly, we do not
express an audit opinion on the financial information.

Review conclusion

On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material modifications that
should be made to the financial information as presented for the six months
ended 30 June 2004.

Deloitte & Touche LLP
Chartered Accountants

20 September 2004

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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