RNS Number:4883P
Alea Group Holdings(Bermuda) Ltd
06 March 2008

12 Results of operating activities

Loss from operations has been arrived after charging:

                                                                             Year ended           Year ended
                                                                            31 December          31 December
                                                                                   2007                 2006
                                                                                  $'000                $'000

Depreciation of property, plant and equipment                                     2,534                4,142
Staff costs (see note 13)                                                        27,579               37,757
Auditors' remuneration (see below)                                                2,369                3,283

A more detailed analysis of auditors' remuneration on a worldwide basis is
provided below:

                                                                             Year ended           Year ended
                                                                            31 December          31 December
                                                                                   2007                 2006
                                                                                  $'000                $'000

Audit services                                                                    2,193                2,523

Tax services                                                                         46                   18

Actuarial and other consulting                                                      130                  742

Total auditors' remuneration                                                      2,369                3,283

13 Staff costs

The average monthly number of employees (including Executive Directors) was:

                                                                             Year ended           Year ended
                                                                            31 December          31 December
                                                                                   2007                 2006

Underwriting                                                                          -                   14
Finance                                                                              22                   45
Information Technology                                                               14                   19
Claims                                                                               50                   48
Technical Accounts                                                                   15                   22
Management and administration                                                        18                   30

                                                                                    119                  178

Their aggregate remuneration comprised:
                                                                             Year ended           Year ended
                                                                            31 December          31 December
                                                                                   2007                 2006
                                                                                  $'000                $'000

Wages and salaries 1                                                             24,401               32,524
Social security costs                                                             1,562                2,608
Other pension costs (see note 38)                                                 1,616                2,625
                                                                                 27,579               37,757

1  Severance payments of $2.0 million made in the year ended 31 December 2007
(2006: $12.2 million) are excluded in the table above. Of this $2.0 million,
$0.4 million (2006: $8.6 million) was provided in the restructuring provision
established at 31 December 2005 (see note 27). The remaining $1.6 million has
been charged through the income statement in 2007 (see note 6).

14 Finance costs

                                                                             Year ended           Year ended
                                                                            31 December          31 December
                                                                                   2007                 2006
                                                                                  $'000                $'000

Interest on borrowings                                                           18,184               22,990
Other investment expenses                                                         2,932                3,288
Exchange losses/(gains) on non-functional currencies and                            580              (1,871)
transactions losses
                                                                                 21,696               24,407

15 Net gains or losses on borrowings

                                                                               Year ended         Year ended
                                                                         31 December 2007   31 December 2006
                                                                                    $'000              $'000

Capitalised debt raising expenses charged to income                                   518                636

                                                                                      518                636

16  Income tax expense/(credit)

                                                                               Year ended           Year ended
                                                                         31 December 2007     31 December 2006
                                                                                    $'000                $'000

Current tax expense/(credit):
UK corporation tax                                                                    (5)                  326
Foreign tax                                                                         1,002              (4,934)
Total current tax                                                                     997              (4,608)
Deferred tax (note 23):                                                             (897)              (1,894)
Total income tax expense/(credit)                                                     100              (6,502)

UK corporation tax is calculated at 30% (2006: 30%) of the estimated assessable
UK profit for the year.

Taxation for other jurisdictions is calculated at the rates prevailing in the
respective jurisdictions.

The tax expense for the periods presented varied from the stated rate of UK
corporation tax as explained below:

                                                                               Year ended            Year ended
                                                                         31 December 2007      31 December 2006
                                                                                    $'000                 $'000
Loss on ordinary activities before taxation                                      (78,080)               (7,337)

Loss on ordinary activities multiplied by the standard rate of
UK corporation tax at 30% (2006: 30%)                                            (23,424)               (2,201)
Factors affecting tax expense/(credit):
Adjustment in respect of foreign tax rates                                         11,426                   611
Adjustment in respect of prior periods                                                130                 (884)
Overseas and other taxes                                                              670                   973
Change in UK corporation tax rate used to provide deferred tax
asset                                                                                  79                     -
Deferred tax asset in respect of current year losses not
recognised                                                                          9,936                     -
Utilisation of tax losses in respect of which no deferred tax
assets were provided                                                                (600)               (4,276)
Other permanent differences                                                         1,883                 (725)
Tax expense/(credit) for the year                                                     100               (6,502)

In addition to the amount expensed to the income statement, deferred tax of $1.0
million has been expensed to equity in the year (2006: expense of $Nil).

17  Earnings per share

The calculation of the basic and diluted earnings per share is based on the
following data:

                                                                            Year ended           Year ended
                                                                      31 December 2007     31 December 2006
Earnings                                                                             $                    $

Earnings for the purposes of basic earnings per share                     (78,179,546)            (835,201)
being net loss attributable to equity holders of
the Company

Effect of dilutive potential ordinary                                                -                    -

Earnings for the purposes of diluted earnings per                         (78,179,546)            (835,201)

Number of shares                                                            Year ended           Year ended
                                                                      31 December 2007     31 December 2006
                                                                                Number               Number

Weighted average number of ordinary shares                                 173,788,126          173,738,502
for the purposes of basic earnings per

Effect of dilutive potential ordinary
- Share options                                                                      -                   -

Weighted average number of ordinary shares                                 173,788,126          173,738,502
for the purposes of diluted earnings per

18  Property, plant and equipment

                                Computer equipment Fixtures and office               Other              Total
                                      and software           equipment
                                             $'000               $'000               $'000              $'000

Cost or Valuation

At 1 January 2006                           26,117               7,793               1,724             35,634
Additions                                      705                  31                   -                736
Exchange difference                          2,294                 255                 120              2,669
Disposals                                  (6,263)             (3,481)               (131)            (9,875)
At 31 December 2006                         22,853               4,598               1,713             29,164
Additions                                      374                 220                  53                647
Exchange difference                            383                  23                 133                539
Disposals                                    (830)               (448)                 (2)            (1,280)
At 31 December 2007                         22,780               4,393               1,897             29,070

Accumulated depreciation and impairment

At 1 January 2006                         (18,635)             (5,525)             (1,566)           (25,726)
Charge for the year                        (3,778)               (336)                (28)            (4,142)
Exchange differences                       (1,957)               (230)               (160)            (2,347)
Eliminated on disposals                      5,780               3,522                 147              9,449

At 31 December 2006                       (18,590)             (2,569)             (1,607)           (22,766)
Charge for the year                        (2,017)               (392)               (125)            (2,534)
Exchange differences                         (357)                (12)               (131)              (500)
Eliminated on disposals                        823                 394                   -              1,217

At 31 December 2007                       (20,141)             (2,579)             (1,863)           (24,583)

Carrying amount

At 31 December 2007                          2,639               1,814                  34              4,487
At 31 December 2006                          4,263               2,029                 106              6,398

19  Intangible assets



At 1 January 2006                                                                                       9,968
Additions                                                                                                   -

At 31 December 2006                                                                                     9,968
Additions                                                                                                   -
At 31 December 2007                                                                                     9,968


At 1 January 2006                                                                                     (1,489)
Impairment of asset                                                                                         -

At 31 December 2006                                                                                   (1,489)
Impairment of asset                                                                                         -
At 31 December 2007                                                                                   (1,489)

Carrying amount

At 31 December 2007                                                                                     8,479
At 31 December 2006                                                                                     8,479

Capitalised licences represent the cost of licences acquired to conduct business
in the United States. The Directors consider these licences to have indefinite
useful lives. The licences are tested for impairment at each balance sheet date.
At 31 December 2007 the impairment review indicated that the carrying value of
the licenses reflects the recoverable amount and no impairment write down is
necessary (31 December 2006: no impairment write down was necessary).

20  Deferred acquisition costs

                                                                                    Deferred acquisition costs

At 1 January 2006                                                                                      107,000
Change in year                                                                                       (103,718)
Exchange difference                                                                                        224

At 31 December 2006                                                                                      3,506
Change in year                                                                                         (1,351)
Exchange difference                                                                                        168
At 31 December 2007                                                                                      2,323

At 31 December 2007
Current assets                                                                                            1,992
Non-current assets                                                                                          331

At 31 December 2006
Current assets                                                                                              283
Non-current assets                                                                                        3,223

21  Financial assets

                                                                                As at                    As at
                                                                     31 December 2007         31 December 2006
                                                                                $'000                    $'000

Available-for-sale investments
- Equity securities                                                               165                      198
- Debt securities                                                           1,365,040                1,664,341

The investments included above represent investments in listed equity securities
and listed debt securities. The fair values of these investments are based on
quoted market prices.

                                                                         As at                           As at
                                                              31 December 2007                31 December 2006
Summary by maturity - Debt securities            $'000                       %       $'000                   %
Less than 1 year                               598,506                    43.8     661,770                39.8
1 year up to 3 years                           317,638                    23.3     354,899                21.3
3 years up to 5 years                          113,916                     8.3     228,385                13.7
5 years up to 10 years                         102,707                     7.5     136,633                 8.2
More than 10 years                             232,273                    17.1     282,654                17.0

                                             1,365,040                   100.0   1,664,341               100.0

22  Loans and receivables including insurance receivables

                                                                              As at                    As at
                                                                   31 December 2007         31 December 2006
                                                                              $'000                    $'000

Deposits with ceding undertakings                                            91,177                  118,558
Debtors arising out of insurance operations                                   1,496                   21,989
Debtors arising out of reinsurance operations                               101,689                  143,993
Amounts due from reinsurance operations not transferring significant              -                   66,293
Accrued income (1)                                                           42,805                   49,282
Other prepayments                                                             5,108                    2,531
Other debtors                                                                31,432                   38,315

Total loans and receivables including insurance receivables                 273,707                  440,961
Current asset                                                                49,182                   63,710
Non-current asset                                                           224,525                  377,251
                                                                            273,707                  440,961

1     $31.8 million (31 December 2006: $35.2 million) of the renewal rights
sales are recorded as accrued income at the balance sheet date as disclosed in
note 5.

Loans and receivables including insurance receivables are recorded on the
balance sheet at amortised cost.

23  Deferred income tax

The following are the major deferred tax assets and liabilities recognised by
the Group and movements thereon during the current and prior reporting period:

Deferred tax assets and liabilities

                                      Unrealised   Depreciation    US subsidiary        Bonus and        Total
                                        gains on  in advance of        insurance pension accruals
                                     investments        capital      transaction    not currently
                                                     allowances           timing   deductible and
                                                                 differences and     other timing
                                                                          losses      differences
                                           $'000          $'000            $'000            $'000        $'000

At 1 January 2006                              -            989          (1,878)                8        (881)
Credit/(expense) to the income                 -             27            1,878             (11)        1,894
Exchange differences                           -            138                -                3          141
At 1 January 2007                              -          1,154                -                -        1,154
Expense to equity                        (1,030)              -                                 -      (1,030)
Credit/(expense) to the income                            (132)            1,030                -          898
Exchange differences                                         12                                 -           12
As at 31 December 2007                   (1,030)          1,034            1,030                -        1,034

Certain deferred tax assets and liabilities have been offset. The following is
the analysis of the deferred tax balances (after offset) for financial reporting

                                                                                   As at                As at
                                                                        31 December 2007     31 December 2006
                                                                                   $'000                $'000

Deferred tax assets                                                                1,034                1,154
Deferred tax liabilities                                                               -                    -
                                                                                   1,034                1,154

At the balance sheet date the Group has unrecognised deferred tax assets of
$66.5 million (31 December 2006: $47.8 million) in respect of tax losses carried
forward. The assets have not been recognised due to the unpredictability of
future profit streams.

At the balance sheet date, the Group has unused tax losses of $266.7 million (31
December 2006: $182.6 million) available for offset against future profits. Of
the losses at 31 December 2007 $62.6 million (31 December 2006: $24.6 million)
relate to the US, $151.0 million (31 December 2006: $140.5 million) relate to
the UK and $53.1 million (31 December 2006: $17.5 million) relate to

US losses expire as follows: $21.7 million in 2026 and $40.9 million in 2027.

In the UK, tax losses are in part carried forward as disclaimed technical
reserves. UK losses have no expiry date.

Swiss losses of $53.1 million expire in 2011.

The deferred tax assets as at 31 December 2007 and as at 31 December 2006 are
non-current assets.

The deferred tax liabilities as at 31 December 2007 and as at 31 December 2006
are non-current liabilities.

The deferred income tax expensed to equity during the year is as follows:

                                                                               Year ended            Year ended
                                                                         31 December 2007      31 December 2006
                                                                                    $'000                 $'000

Revaluation reserve1                                                                1,030                     -
Hedging and translation reserve2                                                        -                     -
                                                                                    1,030                     -

1   The revaluation reserve is a component of shareholders' equity that is used
to record the difference between the market value of available for sale
investments carried on the balance sheet and the amortised cost of those assets.
Unrealised gains and losses arising when the market value is compared with the
amortised cost of the assets are taken to this reserve.

2   Movements in the unrealised gains and losses arising from the translation of
the Group's assets and liabilities denominated in functional currencies of the
Group are shown in the hedging and translation reserve. The hedging and
translation reserve is a component of shareholders' equity.

24  Cash and cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents are comprised of the following:

                                                                                    As at                 As at
                                                                         31 December 2007      31 December 2006
                                                                                    $'000                 $'000

Cash at bank and in hand                                                           31,589                69,738
Short-term deposits with credit institutions                                      122,664                87,482

Total cash and cash equivalents                                                   154,253               157,220

Cash and cash equivalents yielded an effective rate of interest of 4.3% in 2007
(2006: 5.2%).

25  Insurance and reinsurance contracts

Insurance and reinsurance contracts are comprised of the following:
                                                                              As at                    As at
                                                                   31 December 2007         31 December 2006
                                                                              $'000                    $'000

Gross claims outstanding
Provision for claims outstanding, reported and not                        1,605,617                2,026,102
Discount                                                                   (67,541)                (105,855)
                                                                          1,538,076                1,920,247
Claims handling provisions                                                   11,815                   17,823
Total gross claims outstanding                                            1,549,891                1,938,070
Provision for unearned premiums on insurance contracts                            -                    3,444
Total insurance contracts                                                 1,549,891                1,941,514

Aggregate excess reinsurance
Provision for claims outstanding, reported and not                           41,162                  299,544
Discount                                                                          -                  (7,657)
Net aggregate excess reinsurance                                             41,162                  291,887

Other reinsurance
Provision for claims outstanding, reported and not                          508,651                  573,216
Discount                                                                    (3,012)                  (2,665)
Net other reinsurance                                                       505,639                  570,551

Total reinsurance
Provision for claims outstanding, reported and not                          549,813                  872,760
Discount                                                                    (3,012)                 (10,322)
Total reinsurers' share of claims outstanding                               546,801                  862,438
Provision for unearned premiums on reinsurance                                    -                    1,037
Total reinsurance contracts                                                 546,801                 863,475

Undiscounted claims outstanding, net of reinsurance                       1,067,619                1,171,165
Discount                                                                   (64,529)                 (95,533)
Claims outstanding net of reinsurance                                     1,003,090                1,075,632

                                                                              As at                    As at
                                                                   31 December 2007         31 December 2006
Security held for aggregate excess reinsurance                                $'000                    $'000

Deposits received from reinsurers                                            41,162                   46,119
Trust fund and LOC collateral available against aggregate excess                  -                  240,182
Total collateral available against aggregate excess reinsurance              41,162                  286,301

                                                                                 As at                   As at
                                                                      31 December 2007        31 December 2006
                                                                                 $'000                   $'000
Current assets                                                                  72,669                 211,817
Non-current assets                                                             474,132                 651,658
Total reinsurance contracts                                                    546,801                 863,475

Current liabilities                                                            424,653                 697,937
Non-current liabilities                                                      1,125,238               1,243,577
Total insurance contracts                                                    1,549,891               1,941,514

Basis for establishing provision for claims outstanding

Loss reserves for reinsurance business are established based on claims data
reported to the Group by ceding companies supplemented with relevant industry
benchmark loss development patterns used to project the ultimate incurred loss.
Ultimate incurred loss indications are calculated by the Group's actuaries using
several standard actuarial methodologies including paid and incurred loss
development and the Bornhuetter-Ferguson incurred and paid loss methods.

The Group's actuaries utilise several assumptions in applying each methodology,
including loss development factors, expected loss ratios based on pricing
analysis, and actual reported claim frequency and severity. These reviews and
documentation are completed in accordance with professional actuarial standards
appropriate to the jurisdictions where the business is written. The selected
assumptions reflect the actuaries' judgement based on historical data and
experience combined with information concerning current underwriting, economic,
judicial, regulatory and other influences on ultimate claim settlements.

Based on the actuarial indications, the Group selects and records a single point
estimate separately for each line of business for each underwriting year. The
single point reserve estimate is management's best estimate which the Group
considers to be one that has an equal likelihood of developing a redundancy or
deficiency as the loss experience matures. On a quarterly basis the Group
analyses and records its loss reserve estimates across over 400 detailed lines
of business which reflect class of business, geographic location, insurance
versus reinsurance, proportional versus non-proportional, and treaty versus
facultative exposures. In addition, a limited number of the Group's largest
contracts are reviewed individually.

During the loss settlement period, additional facts regarding claims are
reported. As this occurs it may be necessary to increase or decrease the unpaid
losses and loss expense reserves. The actual final liability may be
significantly different to prior estimates. The Group reviews additional
reported claim information on a monthly basis. Actual claim experience is
compared to that expected from the most recent actuarial reserve review to
highlight significant variances. A complete actuarial analysis by detailed line
of business including selection of single point estimates is completed
semi-annually and is reviewed by the Group's management.

Underwriting year table

                  1999 and prior       2000       2001       2002       2003       2004       2005         Total
                           $'000      $'000      $'000      $'000      $'000      $'000      $'000         $'000

Estimate of cumulative claims:

At end of                                                                                                      
underwriting year      3,022,313    367,605    386,762    590,359    821,724  1,092,870    630,215             -
One year later         4,564,137    452,324    396,996    612,137    816,546    990,260    610,599             -        
Two years later        4,710,816    485,269    417,049    611,228    794,346    883,970    616,375             -
Three years later      4,755,187    507,747    441,839    654,210    786,147    874,949          -             -
Four years later       4,828,948    539,694    440,855    660,908    790,476          -          -             -
Five years later       4,874,927    550,212    459,255    655,037          -          -          -             -
Six years later        4,883,595    563,532    467,672          -          -          -          -             -
Seven years later      4,893,658    560,023          -          -          -          -          -             -
Eight years later      4,874,618          -          -          -          -          -          -             -

Estimate of
cumulative claims
as at 31 December      4,874,618    560,023    467,672    655,037    790,476    874,949    616,375     8,839,150
Cumulative           (4,623,090)  (476,632)  (391,183)  (552,650)  (578,367)  (600,775)  (385,598)   (7,608,295)
at 31
December 2007

                         251,528     83,391     76,489    102,387    212,109    274,174    230,777     1,230,855
Unearned element              -          -           -          -       (17)          -       (75)          (92)
of reserves at 31                                    
December 2007
Earned non-life
reserves before          251,528     83,391     76,489    102,387    212,092    274,174    230,702     1,230,763
effect of
discounting as at
31 December 2007
Life and finite                -          -          -          -          -          -          -       374,854
reserves as at 31                                                                                        
December 2007

Claims handling                -          -          -          -          -          -          -        11,815
provisions as at                                                                                          
31 December 2007
Present value of               -          -            -         -          -          -          -    1,617,432
reserves before                                                                                        
discount recognised
in the balance sheet
as at 31 December

                            1999 and       2000       2001       2002       2003      2004      2005         Total
                               $'000      $'000      $'000      $'000      $'000     $'000     $'000         $'000

Reinsurance recoverable
Estimate of cumulative claims:

At end of underwriting                                                                                           
year                         557,558     87,617    140,151    176,731    165,184   177,565   144,472             -
One year later             1,544,260    163,700    173,153    196,084    184,701   145,792   132,953             -      
Two years later            1,662,449    156,068    177,605    211,944    190,173   137,365   128,042             -
Three years later          1,646,776    149,374    152,152    212,974    182,641   147,960         -             -
Four years later           1,660,199    136,623    146,574    199,845    173,223         -         -             -
Five years later           1,684,626    130,220    157,163    181,349          -         -         -             -
Six years later            1,667,762    130,984    157,466          -          -         -         -             -
Seven years later          1,669,539    128,163          -          -          -         -         -             -
Eight years later          1,652,959          -          -          -          -         -         -             -

Estimate of cumulative
recoveries                 1,652,959    128,163    157,466    181,349    173,223   147,960   128,042     2,569,162
at 31 December 2007
Cumulative recoveries
received at 31 December  (1,538,292)  (110,301)  (147,733)  (173,738)  (135,848)  (97,220)  (93,305)   (2,296,437)
                             114,667     17,862      9,733      7,611     37,375    50,740    34,737       272,725
Unearned element of
reinsurance recoverable            -          -          -          -          -         -         -             -
at 31 December 2007
Earned net non-life
reinsurance recoverable      114,667     17,862      9,733      7,611     37,375   50,740     34,737       272,725
  before effect of
discounting as at 31
December 2007
Life and finite                    -          -          -          -          -         -         -       277,088
reinsurance recoverable                                                                                    
as at 31 December 2007
Present value of                   -          -          -          -          -         -         -       549,813
reinsurance recoverable                                                                                    
before discount
recognised in the
balance sheet as at 31
December 2007

                          1999 and       2000       2001       2002       2003       2004       2005         Total
                             $'000      $'000      $'000      $'000      $'000      $'000      $'000         $'000

Estimate of cumulative claims:

At end of underwriting                                                                                           
year                     2,464,755    279,988    246,611    413,628    656,540    915,305    485,743             -
One year later           3,019,877    288,624    223,843    416,053    631,845    844,468    477,646             -      
Two years later          3,048,367    329,201    239,444    399,284    604,173    746,605    488,333             -
Three years later        3,108,411    358,373    289,687    441,236    603,506    726,989          -             -
Four years later         3,168,749    403,071    294,281    461,063    617,253          -          -             -
Five years later         3,190,301    419,992    302,092    473,688          -          -          -             -
Six years later          3,215,833    432,548    310,206          -          -          -          -             -
Seven years later        3,224,119    431,860          -          -          -          -          -             -
Eight years later        3,221,659          -          -          -          -          -          -             -

Estimate of net          3,221,659    431,860    310,206    473,688    617,253    726,989    488,333     6,269,988
cumulative claims at
31 December 2007
Net cumulative         (3,084,798)  (366,331)  (243,450)  (378,912)  (442,519)  (503,555)  (292,293)   (5,311,858)
payments at 31
December 2007
                           136,861     65,529     66,756     94,776    174,734    223,434    196,040       958,130
Unearned element of
reserves at 31                   -          -          -          -       (17)          -       (75)          (92)
December 2007
Earned net non-life
reserves before effect     136,861     65,529     66,756     94,776    174,717    223,434    195,965       958,038
of discounting as at
31 December 2007
Net life and finite              -          -          -          -          -          -          -        97,766
reserves as    at 31                                                                                        
December 2007
Claims handling                  -          -          -          -          -          -          -        11,815
provisions as at 31                                                                                         
December 2007
Present value of net             -          -          -          -          -          -          -     1,067,619
reserves before                                                                                          
discount recognised in
the balance sheet as
at 31 December 2007

(1) In June 2000 the Group added a UK insurance and reinsurance license through
the acquisition of The Imperial Fire And Marine Company Limited ('Imperial')
(now called Alea London Limited). In acquiring this entity, the Group assumed
insurance and reinsurance liabilities relating to 1999 and prior underwriting
years written by Imperial. This explains the significant increase in cumulative
claims in respect of 1999 and prior underwriting years that occurs in the table
above between 31 December 1999 and 31 December 2000. The increase in gross
cumulative claims in respect of 1999 and prior as a result of the acquisition
was $1,620.2 million and the increase in ceded cumulative claims was $897.7

(2) The underwriting year development table above includes all cumulative claims
in respect of underwriting years 1987 to 2005. It also includes 1986 and prior
underwriting year claims paid in calendar years 1999 to 2006, and the reserves
in respect of 1986 and prior at each balance sheet date from 1999 to 2006.

(3) The insurance and reinsurance claims outstanding carried in the balance
sheet of the Group include gross and ceded amounts in respect of Canadian
structured settlement life business. The gross and ceded amounts match exactly,
to leave no net liability. As these balances relate to life business they are
excluded from the underwriting year development table. Consequently, in order to
achieve reconciliation to the balance sheet gross and ceded claims outstanding,
they are added back in the table above. The amount as at 31 December 2007 was
$277.1 million (2006: $246.2 million).

26  Borrowings

The borrowings are repayable as follows:                                            As at                As at
                                                                         31 December 2007     31 December 2006
                                                                                    $'000                $'000

On demand or within one year                                                            -              200,000
In the second year                                                                 30,000                    -
In the third to fifth years inclusive                                                   -                    -
After five years                                                                  120,000              120,000
Total borrowings                                                                  150,000              320,000
Less: Capitalised debt raising expenses                                           (2,215)              (2,733)
Total borrowings net of capitalised expenses                                      147,785              317,267

Analysis of borrowings:
                                                                                    As at                As at
                                                                         31 December 2007     31 December 2006
                                                                                    $'000                $'000

Amounts owed to credit institutions                                                30,000              200,000
Trust preferred securities                                                        120,000              120,000
Total borrowings                                                                  150,000              320,000

All borrowings are recorded at fair value. The directors consider the carrying
values disclosed above to be a reasonable approximation of the fair value at the
year end.

Conditions attaching to amounts owed to credit institutions as at 1 January 2007

The three-year bank term loan of $200.0 million (of which $150.0 million had
been drawn down) and the $50.0 million revolver carried an interest margin of
120 basis points, which was adjustable based upon the Standard and Poor's debt
ratings for Alea. The $50.0 million revolver facility was additionally subject
to a commitment fee of 40% of the applicable margin.

These borrowings fell due for repayment in September 2007. On 19 April 2007, the
Group repaid $25.0 million of the term loan and all of $50.0 million revolver
using its cash reserves, leaving an outstanding amount of $125.0 million.

Conditions attaching to the term loan agreed 6 July 2007

The Group drew down the maximum aggregate commitment under this new term loan
agreement of $90.0 million. This was due for repayment in three equal
instalments of $30.0 million on 16 October 2007, 14 January 2008 and 18 July
2009. However, the Group made an optional prepayment of $60.0 million on 18 July
2007. The remaining loan of $30.0 million was repaid on 14 January 2008. It
carried an interest margin of 200 basis points over LIBOR.

Trust preferred securities
                                                                                        Restructuring Provision

At 1 January 2006                                                                                        17,562
Utilisation of provision due to onerous contracts                                                       (2,052)
Reversal of provision due to onerous contracts 1                                                        (2,500)
Utilisation of provision due to severance payments                                                      (8,638)
Exchange difference                                                                                         869

At 31 December 2006                                                                                       5,241

Utilisation of provision due to onerous contracts                                                       (2,448)
Utilisation of provision due to severance payments                                                        (426)
Severance participation received due to sale of renewal rights                                              310
Exchange difference                                                                                         160
At 31 December 2007                                                                                       2,837

In December 2004, the Group issued $100.0 million of trust preferred securities
and had in place a commitment for an additional $20.0 million of trust preferred
securities issued in January 2005. These securities (issued from three Delaware
trusts established by Alea Holdings US Company, of which one trust was
established in January 2005) provide for a preferred dividend at a rate of three
month LIBOR plus 285 basis points. These securities allow for the postponement
of preferred dividends under certain circumstances for up to five years. These
securities carry no financial covenants and no cross default covenants, have a
fixed maturity of 30 years, and are callable after five years.

27 Provisions

1          As a result of Alea North America's sublease of its empty offices in
Wilton a reversal of the previously recognised provision for onerous contracts
has been made. The reversal is part of the restructuring costs presented in the
income statement.

For further details regarding the restructuring costs see note 6.

At 31 December 2007
Current liabilities                                                                                       1,955
Non-current liabilities                                                                                     882

At 31 December 2006
Current liabilities                                                                                       3,433
Non-current liabilities                                                                                   1,808

28 Other liabilities and charges

                                            Deferred reinsurance       Other accruals and               Total
                                                      commission        deferred income 1
                                                           $'000                    $'000               $'000

At 1 January 2006                                          3,362                   33,783              37,145
Change in the period                                       (516)                    4,782               4,266
Exchange difference                                            -                    (457)               (457)
At 31 December 2006                                        2,846                   38,108              40,954

Change in the period                                     (1,405)                  (6,550)             (7,955)
Exchange difference                                            -                      236                 236

At 31 December 2007                                        1,441                   31,794              33,235

1    Includes regulatory levies of $4.7 million for Alea US (2006: $7.9

At 31 December 2007
Current liabilities                                                                                      29,119
Non-current liabilities                                                                                   4,116

At 31 December 2006
Current liabilities                                                                                      38,545
Non-current liabilities                                                                                   2,409

29 Trade and other payables

                                                                             As at                    As at
                                                                  31 December 2007         31 December 2006
                                                                             $'000                    $'000

Insurance balance payable                                                    9,340                    7,109
Reinsurance balance payable                                                105,220                  177,726
Deposits received from reinsurers                                           33,530                   52,847
Reserves withheld creditors                                                 42,048                   47,004
Liabilities from reinsurance operations not transferring significant           230                   67,342
Other taxes and social securities                                            1,373                    3,578
Total trade and other payables                                             191,741                  355,606
Current liabilities                                                         65,707                   54,380
Non-current liabilities                                                    126,034                  301,226
                                                                           191,741                  355,606

30 Consolidated statement of changes in equity

                                           Attributable to equity holders of the Company

                            Share      Share  Capital Revaluation  Hedging and  Retained     Share        Total
                          capital    premium  reserve   reserve 1  translation  earnings     based
                                                                   reserves 2              payment
                            $'000      $'000    $'000       $'000        $'000     $'000     $'000        $'000

As at 1 January 2006        1,738    629,668   75,381    (23,697)        5,305 (204,974)       720      484,141
Loss of the period              -          -        -           -            -  (78,180)         -     (78,180)
Revaluation on available        -          -        -      14,342            -         -         -       14,342
for sale investments -
Revaluation on available        -          -        -     (1,030)            -         -         -      (1,030)
for sale investments -                                   

Movement in share based         -          -        -           -            -         -       146          146
payment reserve

Translation gains -             -          -        -           -        8,620         -         -        8,620
Translation gains - tax         -          -        -           -            -         -         -           -

As at 31 December 2007      1,738    629,668   75,381    (10,385)       13,925 (283,154)       866      428,039

                                           Attributable to equity holders of the Company

                            Share      Share   Capital  Revaluation  Hedging and   Retained    Share      Total
                          capital    premium   reserve    reserve 1  translation   earnings    based
                                                                     reserves 2              payment
                            $'000      $'000     $'000        $'000        $'000      $'000    $'000      $'000

As at 1 January 2006        1,737    629,311    75,381     (12,671)        (176)  (204,139)      986    490,429
Issuance of shares              1        357         -            -            -          -    (358)          -
Loss of the period              -          -         -            -            -      (835)        -      (835)
Revaluation on available        -          -         -     (11,026)            -          -        -   (11,026)
for sale investments -
Revaluation on available        -          -         -            -            -          -        -          -
for sale investments -                                                                                     

Movement in share based         -          -         -            -            -          -       92         92
payment reserve
Translation gains -             -          -         -            -        5,481          -        -      5,481
Translation gains - tax         -          -         -            -            -          -        -          -

As at 31 December 2006      1,738    629,668    75,381     (23,697)        5,305  (204,974)      720    484,141

1          The revaluation reserve is a component of shareholders' equity that
is used to record the difference between the market value of available for sale
investments carried on the balance sheet and the amortised cost of those assets.
Unrealised gains and losses arising when the market value is compared with the
amortised cost of the assets are taken to this reserve.

2          Movements in the unrealised gains and losses arising from the
translation of the Group's assets and liabilities denominated in functional
currencies of the Group are shown in the hedging and translation reserve.

31 Share capital

                                                                            As at                       As at
                                                                 31 December 2007            31 December 2006
                                                              Number        $'000      Number           $'000
                                                               '000s                    '000s
Common shares of $0.01                                     1,000,000       10,000   1,000,000          10,000
Total authorised                                           1,000,000       10,000   1,000,000          10,000

Allotted, called up and fully paid:
Common shares of $0.01                                       173,788        1,738     173,788           1,738
Total allotted, called up share capital and fully paid       173,788        1,738     173,788           1,738

32 Stock options and restricted shares

Bermuda Plan

Alea Group Holdings AG (a former Group company which was merged with Alea Europe
Ltd in 2005) had in place a stock purchase and option plan for key employees and
advisors known as the 1998 Amended and Restated Stock Option Plan for Key
Employees and Subsidiaries (the ''Swiss Plan''). The Company adopted a 2002
Stock Purchase and Option Plan for Key Employees of the Company and its
Subsidiaries, as amended (the ''Bermuda Plan''), in connection with the
re-domiciling of the ultimate parent company of the Group to Bermuda and all
awards under the Swiss Plan are now governed by the terms of the Bermuda Plan.
The terms of the Bermuda Plan are substantially similar to the terms of the
Swiss Plan. All Alea Group Holdings AG non-voting participation shares and
options were exchanged for common shares and options in connection with an
equity exchange offer that was completed on 3 April 2002. In total, 15,000,000
common shares are authorised for use under the Bermuda Plan.

The exercise price of the options will be the fair market value of the common
shares on the grant date. Generally, the options vest rateably over a five-year
period except in the case of performance options where vesting is affected by
attainment of certain pre-approved financial targets. The exercisability of the
options accelerates upon a change of control of the Group. Options expire and
are no longer exercisable on the tenth anniversary or in certain circumstances
at the end of the three month period following such tenth anniversary of the
grant date. The expiration of the options can accelerate due to termination of
employment. Certain options granted contain shortened expiration and vesting

The terms of the Company's common shares and the exercise price of the options
to acquire company common shares on the purchase/grant date were determined by
the Remuneration Committee in accordance with the terms of the Bermuda Plan. The
Bermuda Plan was terminated as to future grants with effect from 19 November

Executive Plan

The Company's shareholders have adopted the Alea Executive Option and Stock Plan
and the Alea Sharesave Plan ("Executive Plan").  The Executive Plan provides for
the grant of time and performance options, restricted stock units and share
savings for employees. The exercise price of options granted shall not be less
than the middle market quotation for the Company's shares on the dealing day
preceding the date of grant. The number of common shares granted in any period
under all of the Company's employee share schemes (excluding shares issuable on
exercise of options granted prior to 19 November 2003) may not exceed 10% of the
Company's issued ordinary share capital. Generally, the vesting period of an
option granted under the Executive Plan is subject to the discretion of the
Board (or a committee thereof) provided that vesting for certain tax qualified
options may not be earlier than 3 years or more than 10 years after the date of
grant and unless any relevant performance conditions have been satisfied.


The company has issued to Fisher Capital Corp. LLC certain options to acquire
common shares, which are fully vested and are exercisable within 15 years of the
date of grant. In connection with a consulting agreement, the company has issued
restricted shares which are fully vested to Richard Delaney, a former director.
These shares and options were not granted pursuant to either Plan.

Transactions involving common share options are disclosed in note 33.

33 Share-based payments

Equity-settled share option plan

The Group plans provide for a grant price equal to the average quoted market
price of the Group shares on the date of grant. The vesting period is generally
5 years. If the options remain unexercised after a period of 10 years from the
date of grant, the options expire. Options are typically contractually forfeited
if the employee leaves the Group subject to certain exercise periods that apply
to vested options and to certain options granted in 2005 pursuant to the
Executive Plan.

                                                                   Year ended                    Year ended
                                                             31 December 2007              31 December 2006
                                                     Number of       Weighted        Number of     Weighted
                                                       options        average          options      average
                                                               exercise price                      exercise
                                                                         in $                    price in $

Options outstanding at beginning of year             4,688,676           3.68        9,383,428         3.65
Options granted during the year                              -              -                -            -
Options forfeited during the year                  (1,664,942)           3.78      (4,694,752)         3.95
Options exercised during the year                            -              -                -            -
Options which expired during the year                        -              -                -            -
Options outstanding at end of year                   3,023,734           3.62        4,688,676         3.68
Options exercisable at end of year                   2,509,850           3.56        3,153,866         3.59

No options were exercised during the year. The options outstanding at 31
December 2007 had a weighted average exercise price of $3.62 (2006: $3.68), and
the weighted average remaining contractual lives of those options are as

                                                           Year ended                               Year ended
                                                     31 December 2007                         31 December 2006
                                   Range of     Weighted    Number of       Range of     Weighted    Number of
                                   exercise      Average        share       exercise      Average        share
                                     prices    Remaining      options         prices    Remaining      options
                                             Contractual  outstanding                 Contractual  outstanding
                                                    Life                                     Life

Options outstanding at end
of year divided into
meaningful ranges

Share options issued in       $3.22  -$3.22         0.97       60,880  $3.22  -$3.22         2.04      142,660
respect of Alea Group                                          
Holdings AG after repricing
Alea Group Holdings           $3.22  -$4.30         3.09    2,266,844  $3.22  -$4.30         4.27    2,840,480
(Bermuda) Ltd options                                       
granted pre - IPO
Alea Group Holdings           $3.21  -$4.31         6.81      696,010  $3.21  -$4.31         7.95    1,705,536
(Bermuda) Ltd options
granted post - IPO
All options                   $3.21  -$4.31         3.91    3,023,734  $3.21  -$4.31         5.54    4,688,676

No options were granted during the twelve months ended 31 December 2007 (2006:
No options granted).

The Group recognised the following total expenses and repurchases in respect of
equity-settled share based payment transactions:

                                                                                  Year ended        Year ended
                                                                            31 December 2007  31 December 2006
                                                                                        '000              '000

Total expense recognised for the year arising from share-based                           187              (86)
payment transactions that were recognised immediately as an
expense - (all are equity settled)

RSU expense charged in year                                                             (41)               178

Cash repurchases of vested options held by leavers                                         -                 -

                                                                                         146                92

34 Cash used in operations

                                                                              Year ended          Year ended
                                                                             31 December         31 December
                                                                                    2007                2006
                                                                                   $'000               $'000

Loss for the year                                                               (78,180)               (835)
Adjustments for:
 -  tax expense/(credit)                                                             100             (6,502)
 -  depreciation                                                                   2,534               4,142
Net cash flows for the period transferred to investing                          (55,380)            (85,429)
(Proft)/loss on sale of property, plant and equipment                               (16)                 305
Net realised gains on sale of subsidiary                                               -             (4,336)
Debt interest expense                                                             18,184              22,990
(Profit)/loss on foreign exchange                                                (4,388)               1,500

Change in operating assets and liabilities (excluding the effect of acquisitions and
exchange differences on consolidation)

Net decrease in insurance liabilities                                          (444,459)           (979,468)
Net decrease in reinsurance assets                                               332,392             212,680
Net decrease in loans and receivables                                            179,495             364,831
Net decrease in other operating liabilities                                    (191,192)           (116,968)
Net movement in share based payment reserve                                          146                  91
Cash used in operations                                                        (240,764)           (586,999)

35 Contingent liabilities

Structured settlements

The Group, through the Canadian branch of Alea Europe Ltd, has assumed ownership
of certain structured settlements and has purchased annuities from life assurers
to provide fixed and recurring payments to those underlying claimants. As a
result of these arrangements, the Group is exposed to a credit risk to the
extent that any of these insurers are unable to meet their obligations under the
structured settlements. This risk is viewed by the Directors as being remote as
the annuities are fully funded and the Group has only purchased annuities from
Canadian insurers with a financial stability of AA or higher (Standard &
Poor's). The Canadian branch is in run-off and the branch discontinued accepting
assignments of annuities in August 2001.

In the event of all the relevant life insurers being unable to meet their
obligations under the structured settlements, at 31 December 2007, the total
exposure, net of amounts that may be recoverable from the Compensation
Corporation of Canada (a Canadian industry-backed compensation scheme), is
estimated to be 41.5 million Canadian Dollars ($41.6 million) and the maximum in
relation to any one insurer 18.6 million Canadian Dollars ($18.7 million).

Subpoenas and requests for information/regulatory matters

The US domiciled insurance members of the Group received certain subpoenas and
information requests with respect to the ongoing investigations by various
regulators and governmental authorities relating to industry-wide investigations
into US producer compensation practices and arrangements. In November 2004, Alea
North America Insurance Company ("ANAIC") received a subpoena from the Attorney
General of New York and, together with Alea North America Speciality Insurance
Company ("ANASIC"), received inquiries from the insurance departments of
Delaware and North Carolina. No allegations of wrongdoing have been made against
ANAIC, ANASIC nor any of their employees, nor does the Group have reason to
believe that any of them are specific targets of any investigation.

The Group has cooperated fully with these inquiries. After concluding their
internal investigations in connection with these matters, these member companies
have reported to these regulatory authorities that they have identified no
transactions or information causing concern, nor are they aware of any improper

Certain members of the Group have received subpoenas and information requests
with respect to finite reinsurance from the US Securities and Exchange
Commission, the FSA, the Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority and the
Florida and Delaware state insurance authorities.

The Group has cooperated or is cooperating fully with each authority from which
it has received an inquiry and is aware of no improper conduct.

These industry-wide investigations, including certain of the investigations to
which the Group is a party, are ongoing and it is not possible to predict the
impact that these investigations, or any enquiries specific to the Group, may
have on the Group's current or future business and financial results. Moreover,
there can be no assurance that further investigations will not be initiated or
reopened in the future.

In connection with a periodic market conduct examination, the California
Department of Insurance has disputed certain fees collected from policyholders
by two agents of one of the Group's subsidiaries. The Group disagrees with the
Department's position, but is cooperating to audit these fee arrangements. The
agreements with the agents involved have been terminated. It is not possible to
predict the impact of this dispute on the Group's financial results.

Company contingent liabilities

In 2002 the Company entered into a top down guarantee with each of the Group's
rated insurance operating entities. These guarantees were in addition to the
pre-existing guarantees already in place between certain subsidiaries of the
Group. Subject to applicable corporate and regulatory requirements, the top down
guarantees required that the Company make funds available to the insurance
operating entities to allow the entities to fulfil their insurance or
reinsurance obligations to the client/customer incurred while the guarantee
remained in effect. The Group terminated all top down and other intra-Group
guarantees effective 30 November 2006.

36 Exposure to specific credit risk

Exposure to Lumbermens

In connection with the Group's acquisition of the Equus Re reinsurance division
of Lumbermens on 3 December 1999, Alea (Bermuda) Ltd and Lumbermens entered into
a 100% quota share reinsurance of the Lumbermens business written by Equus Re
through 3 December 1999 (namely, business written by Equus Re prior to the
Group's acquisition of the Equus Re operations). Lumbermens, in turn, provides
stop loss reinsurance to Alea (Bermuda) Ltd for losses in excess of a 75% paid
loss ratio on the same business incepting prior to 1 October 1999 (the 
"Protected Business"). In addition to the Protected Business, the parties agreed
that the Group would write new and renewal business on behalf of Lumbermens (as
the reinsurer) up to 31 December 2001, which business is ceded by a 100% quota
share reinsurance to Alea (Bermuda) Ltd (the "Fronted Business"). Concurrent
with these arrangements, Lumbermens retained Alea North America Company ("ANAC")
as its agent to adjust and pay claims and collect premiums for both the
Protected Business and the Fronted Business.

The respective obligations of Alea (Bermuda) Ltd and Lumbermens noted above are
subject to contractual mutual offset provisions under the reinsurance agreements
and as permitted under Illinois law. Further, in respect of the Protected
Business, Lumbermens is contractually required to fund losses on its own behalf
once the 75% paid loss ratio is met. The Group's balance sheet therefore,
records (i) no net balance due from Lumbermens under the Protected Business, as
the 75% paid loss ratio was met in late December 2003 (specifically, $64.35
million due to and from Lumbermens), and (ii) as at 31 December 2007, an
aggregate balance due to Lumbermens under the Fronted Business and in respect of
business written by Equus Re between 1 October 1999 and 3 December 1999 of $39.2
million, after taking credit for amounts treated as paid for accounting

As is required for credit for reinsurance purposes when cessions are made to
non-US licensed reinsurers, Alea (Bermuda) Ltd must collateralise its
obligations to Lumbermens. Pursuant to contract, the amount of posted collateral
is required to equal 120% of the estimated loss reserves, which based on the
above year-end balance due from Alea (Bermuda) Ltd would be approximately $47.0

Alea (Bermuda) Ltd and Lumbermens continue to disagree over the level of
reserves requiring collateralisation.  However, following commutations completed
in 2007 with Lumbermens with respect to certain ceding companies and a further
release of collateral at the request by Alea (Bermuda) Ltd, on 31 December 2007,
the posted collateral was reduced to $99.4 million (31 December 2006 $134.6
million).  Either party may require an independent actuarial estimate of
applicable reserves to resolve their differences with regard to the required
collateral calculation.  Neither party has required another independent reserve
estimate since the last independent reserve estimate dated as of 30 September

Lumbermens risk based capital level allows the Illinois Department of Insurance
to assume control of Lumbermens at its discretion. The mutual obligations of
Alea (Bermuda) Ltd and Lumbermens described above are subject to contractual
mutual offset provisions under the agreements and as permitted under Illinois
law. Accordingly, having taken legal advice, the Group believes that the Group
should not be exposed to material credit risk resulting from these arrangements
with Lumbermens. However, no assurance can be given that a court would uphold
these mutual offset provisions and contractual rights.

37 Related party transactions

Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co., L.P./Fisher Capital Corp. L.L.C.

At 30 June 2007, certain parties related to Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co., L.P.
owned in excess of 40% of the Company's issued shares. In connection with that
ownership, the Company had in place certain relationship, management rights,
shareholder and advisory fee agreements, as amended with Kohlberg Kravis Roberts
& Co., L.P., KKR 1996 Fund (Overseas), Limited Partnership, KKR Partners
(International), Limited Partnership and Fisher Capital Corp. L.L.C.  These
agreements were further described in the Company's Listing Particulars dated 14
November 2003 and provided for annual advisory fees of $750,000 payable to
Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co., L.P., an affiliate of KKR 1996 Fund (Overseas),
Limited Partnership, a shareholder and KKR Partners (International), Limited
Partnership, also a shareholder and $350,000 payable to Fisher Capital Corp.
L.L.C., also a shareholder. In connection with negotiations pertaining to
acquisition of control of the Company by FIN Acquisition Limited, Kohlberg
Kravis Roberts & Co., L.P. and Fisher Capital Corp. LLC agreed to waive payment
of these fees for the period commencing 1 April 2007.  These agreements were
terminated effective 5 July 2007 in connection with the acquisition of control
of the Company by FIN Acquisition Limited.  As at 31 December 2007, Kohlberg
Kravis Roberts & Co., L.P. and Fisher Capital Corp. LLC had received $187,500
and $87,500 in advisory fees, respectively.  As at 31 December 2007 the balance
due under these arrangements was $Nil (31 December 2006: $Nil).  Certain of the
Company's former Directors held interests in these entities as described in the
Directors' Report included within the Annual Report 2006.

Fortress Investment Group

At 31 December 2007, certain parties related to Fortress Investment Group owned
72.40% of the Company's issued shares.  Effective 1 October 2007 the Company put
in place an advisory fee agreement with FIG LLC, a Fortress affiliate 
("Fortress"), under which the Company has agreed to pay Fortress $1,000,000 per
year, payable quarterly in arrears, for advisory services.  At 31 December 2007,
Fortress had received $Nil.  As at 31 December 2007 the balance due under these
arrangements was $250,000. The Fortress Directors' beneficial interests in
common shares of the Company as at 31 December 2007 were as follows:

Name of Director                                                                       Number of common shares
Robert I Kauffman1                                                                                 125,826,832
Randal A Nardone1                                                                                  125,826,832

1       Robert Kauffman and Randal Nardone are members of the Joint Investment
Committee formed pursuant to the terms of a Joint Investment Committee Agreement
("JICA") by and among FIG Corp., Fortress Investment Group LLC (the direct
parent of FIG Corp. "Fortress"), Fortress Operating Entity I LP, Fortress
Operating Entity II LP, Messrs Kauffman, Nardone, Peter L. Briger Jr., Wesley R.
Edens and Michael R. Novogratz. Under the terms of the JICA, each other party to
the Joint Investment Committee Agreement has delegated all power to control, to
direct or to cause the direction of the management and policies of the Company
to Messrs Kauffman, Nardone and Edens.  As such Messrs Kauffman and Nardone are
interested in the 125,826,832 common shares owned by FIN  Acquisition Limited,
an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of Fortress.

In connection with services involving potential acquisition opportunities in the
property and casualty insurance sector that may be performed by Mark Cloutier
and Kirk Lusk, these executive directors of the Company entered into a
consultancy agreement effective 1 October 2007 with Fortress Capital Finance III
(A) LLC, a Fortress affiliate, whereby each would be paid $2,000 per day spent
on such activities plus a discretionary bonus.  At 31 December 2007, $Nil had
been paid or accrued under this arrangement.

Loans to officers

Loans to officers were offered in connection with their purchase of Company
shares and are interest bearing, full recourse and made on consistent terms as
those to other employees.

As at 31 December 2007 the Group had received repayment of all loans made to key
management personnel and had loans to key management personnel, in aggregate
principal amounts of $Nil (31 December 2006: $140,000). The number of key
management personnel that had outstanding loans at 31 December 2007 was $Nil (31
December 2006: 2). Key management personnel are as described below.

Appleby Hunter Bailhache

Timothy C Faries, a Director of the Company until 5 July 2007, is a partner and
the Insurance Team Practice Leader at Appleby Hunter Bailhache, Barristers &
Attorneys, in Bermuda. In 2007, from 1 January to 5 July the Company paid
$81,866 (2006: $49,338 from 1 January to 31 December) in respect of fees for
legal and corporate administrative services provided by Appleby Hunter
Bailhache. Mr Faries resigned as a director on 5 July 2007.

As at 31 December 2007 the amount outstanding was $Nil (31 December 2006: $373).

Key management personnel

The Group considers its key management personnel to include its Directors and
those members of management reporting directly to its Executive Directors that
have executive management responsibility for Group-wide operations.

Remuneration of key management personnel

The remuneration of the Directors and those members of management reporting
directly to its Executive Directors that have executive management
responsibility for Group-wide operations, who are the key management personnel
of the Group, is set out below in aggregate for each of the categories specified
in IAS 24 Related Party Disclosures. For the period ended 31 December 2007 this
included 14 individuals (2006: 13).

                                                                       Year ended                  Year ended
                                                                 31 December 2007            31 December 2006
                                                                                $                           $

Short-term employee benefits                                            6,512,367                   3,190,672
Post-employment benefits                                                   62,250                      41,571
Other long-term benefits                                                      Nil                     114,783
Termination benefits                                                      127,244                   2,244,314
Share-based payment                                                           Nil                     171,830

Total                                                                   6,701,861                   5,763,170

Key management personnel employment and retention contracts

Members of the Group have entered into employment and retention contracts with
Executive Directors and/or certain members of key management, in each case
taking into account the practices in the jurisdiction where the Group operates.
Compensation and termination benefits in the table above include amounts paid in
2006 and 2007 to Executive Directors and certain members of key management under
such contracts, to the extent not reported in earlier periods.

Share and loan transactions with members of key management

Kirk Lusk

Mr Lusk was granted a $49,998 loan in connection with the common share purchase
program, bearing interest at 4.1625% and repayable in instalments of 20% each 31
August, commencing in 2005. The Board approved a deferral of principal repayment
on Mr Lusk's loan in 2005. In October 2006, Mr Lusk paid the 2006 principal
instalment of $10,000 on this loan plus accrued interest of $2,118 through the
instalment payment date.  In September 2007, Mr Lusk repaid the full principal
balance of his loan and accrued interest with the proceeds of the tender of his
shares to FIN Acquisition Limited.

Share and loan transactions with members of key management

Thomas Weidman

Mr Weidman was granted a $99,999 loan in connection with the share purchase
program, bearing interest at 3.7665% and repayable in instalments of 20% each 31
August commencing in 2006.  The Board approved a deferral of principal and
interest on Mr Weidman's loan in 2006. Mr Weidman fully repaid the principal
balance of his loan plus accrued interest in July 2007 with the proceeds of the
sale of his shares of the Company. In accordance with the terms of his RSU
award, Mr Weidman was issued 6,543 RSU shares on 21 September 2006.  In
connection with his separation arrangements, on 31 March 2007, Mr Weidman
forfeited his remaining 19,629 RSU shares.

Mark Ricciardelli

Mr M Ricciardelli received a loan of $375,000 in connection with his
purchase of pledged shares at a cost of $750,000 in March 2004 bearing interest
at 1 year LIBOR set on the funding date and reset annually on each anniversary

In connection with Mr M Ricciardelli's separation arrangements, on 29 June 2006,
the Company agreed that it would vest all restricted stock units not already
vested and deliver the underlying shares (totalling 70,918 shares) to Mr M
Ricciardelli for sale.  A portion of the proceeds of the sale of such shares,
together with the simultaneous sale of shares purchased in 2004 by Mr M
Ricciardelli (164,821 shares) were used to satisfy the balance of Mr
Ricciardelli's loan of $300,000 plus accrued interest of $13,360 through 31
August 2006, his last day of employment.

38 Retirement benefit scheme

Defined contribution schemes

The employees of the Group are covered by defined contribution schemes the costs
of which are charged to the income statement when incurred. The total cost of
retirement benefits for the Group in the year ended 31 December 2007 was $1.6
million (31 December 2006: $2.6 million).

39 Operating leases

At the following balance sheet dates, the Group was committed to paying total
future minimum lease payments under non-cancellable operating leases in each of
the following periods:

                                                                Year ended                        Year ended
                                                          31 December 2007                  31 December 2006
                                            Land and      Other      Total     Land and      Other     Total
                                           buildings                          buildings
                                               $'000      $'000      $'000        $'000      $'000     $'000

- within one year                              2,883         52      2,935        4,048        111     4,159
- between two and five years                   5,758          2      5,760        5,561         29     5,590
- over five years                                  -          -          -          189          -       189
                                               8,641         54      8,695        9,798        140     9,938

The total of future minimum sublease payments expected to be received under
non-cancellable subleases at 31 December 2007 was $3.6 million (31 December
2006: $4.7 million).

The gross amount incurred under operating leases during the period ended 31
December 2007 was $5.2 million (31 December 2006: $4.9 million) before deducting
income receivable from subleases of $1.0 million (31 December 2006: $1.0

40 Events after the balance sheet date

On 11 January 2008 the Group announced that it had reached agreement to fully
and finally commute all exposure under an excess of loss reinsurance treaty
effective 31 December 2007. Consequently, the Group has recorded an expense of
$8.8 million in the income statement for the year ended 31 December 2007 in
respect of this agreement. As the agreement was announced subsequent to the
balance sheet date, reinsurance recoverables totalling $41.2 million in respect
of this contract are still shown as a reinsurance contract asset in the balance
sheet, with a corresponding amount shown under reserves withheld creditors.
These corresponding balances of $41.2 million will be eliminated in the first
quarter of 2008.

41 Group subsidiaries

The consolidated financial information presents the financial record of the
Group for the years ended 31 December 2007 and 31 December 2006. A list of all
investments in Group subsidiaries, including the name and country of
incorporation is given below. All companies listed are wholly owned subsidiaries
of the Group and are fully consolidated into the Group accounts.

The ultimate parent company of the Group is Alea Group Holdings (Bermuda) Ltd.

Details of the Company's subsidiaries at 31 December 2007 are as follows:

Name of subsidiary                                  Place of                   Proportion of    Proportion of
                                                    incorporation (or     ownership interest     voting power
                                                    registration) and                   in %        held in %

Alea Europe Ltd                                     Switzerland                          100              100
Alea (Bermuda) Ltd                                  Bermuda                              100              100
Alea Holdings US Company                            USA                                  100              100
Alea North America Insurance Company                USA                                  100              100
Alea North America Company                          USA                                  100              100
Alea Holdings UK Limited                            England and Wales                    100              100
Alea London Limited                                 England and Wales                    100              100
Alea Services UK Limited                            England and Wales                    100              100
Alea Services AG 1                                  Switzerland                          100              100
AHUSCO Statutory Trust I                            USA                                  100              100
AHUSCO Statutory Trust II                           USA                                  100              100
AHUSCO Statutory Trust III                          USA                                  100              100
Alea Syndicate Management Limited                   England and Wales                    100              100
Alea Corporate Member Limited                       England and Wales                    100              100

1     IRM International Reinsurance Management AG changed its name to Alea
Services AG on 14 December 2006.

In 2006 the following five entities were liquidated: Alea Jersey Limited, Alea
Global Risk Limited, Alea Holdings Guernsey Limited, Alea Financial UK Limited
and Alea Technology Limited. Alea North America Specialty Insurance Company was
sold on 29 September 2006 as disclosed in note 10.


                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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