RNS No 7787t
30th April 1998

                       Acorn Group plc
                    Preliminary earnings

                  Year end 31 December 1997

Chairman's Statement

An  important milestone in the Group's history was reached in April 1998  with
the  public listing of our associate company, ARM Holdings plc, on both NASDAQ
and the London Stock Exchange. Starting in 1990 with the transfer of 12 people
from  Acorn,  ARM  has grown into a global business now employing  around  300
people and with an initial public offering value of around #264m.

In  order  to  facilitate the public offering all four corporate shareholders,
including Acorn, agreed to sell approximately 19% of their shareholdings.  The
Group's proceeds  of sale, net of expenses, amounted to  #14.9m before  tax.
These  proceeds together with a dividend from ARM of #1.5m, will  be  used  to
repay  borrowings and to finance the growth of the core business. Any  Capital
Gains Tax will be payable in 1999.

During the year, we continued the transformation of our core business from  UK
educational PC supplier to worldwide technology developer and licenser.  Sales
outside the UK grew from 24% of turnover in 1996 to 41% in 1997, and
operating losses fell from #4.8m to #3.7m, despite an increase of #1.7m in
research  and development expenditure.

Our  other  associate company, Xemplar Education Limited, achieved  a  pre-tax
profit of #0.2m in 1997, its second year of trading, following a loss of #1.4m
in 1996.

The  Group's loss on ordinary activities before tax reduced from #6.3m in 1996
to  #2.9m in 1997. The Group's loss per share improved from 7.0p to 3.7p.   No
dividend is payable.

Board changes

On 30 April 1997, Malcolm Bird resigned as a Director.

On  26  September 1997, Stan Boland  was appointed Finance Director. He joined
us  from  ICL, where his most recent appointments were as Finance Director  of
ICL  Financial Services and ICL Sorbus.  Previously he was ICL's Director of
Treasury  and Tax, following treasury appointments in a
number of  public  and private companies.


Following the public listing of ARM Holdings plc, your Board intends to  build
value  in  the  core business of the Group, and to examine the best  means  of
maximising  the value  to shareholders of the Group's  substantial
remaining interests in ARM and Xemplar.

To  remain  competitive in our chosen markets of digital interactive  TV  and
information  appliances, it is essential to maintain a high level of  targeted
development expenditure, where possible, co-funded by customers or
partners. We  expect such collaborations to play a key role in our corporate
development in 1998.

During 1998, your Board expects a further reduction in revenues compared  with
1997,  as the core business continues its transition from product supplier  to
technology provider. The first half of 1998 in particular is
likely to  see  a significant reduction in revenues, and an increased loss
compared to the first half  of  1997,  which benefited from the NCI contract,
and higher  levels  of product  sales.  Revenue growth is expected in the
second half of  1998  as  a result  of  increased consultancy and licensing
activities, and the launch  of the new Risc PC.

Taking  the  year  as a whole, while a better gross profit is  expected  as  a
result of the improving mix of activities, the planned increase in development
expenditure is likely to delay any significant reduction in operating losses.
However,  the  development  expenditure  is  being
invested  in  markets  and technologies  which have the potential for revenue
growth and profit  in  1999 and beyond.

Your Board believes there is significant value in Acorn's core business and is
determined to unlock this potential for the benefit of shareholders.

Gordon Owen
Acorn Group plc
30 April 1998

Chief Executive's Review

Acorn core business

During  1997,  we  made  further progress in the transformation  of  our  core
business.  Consultancy and licensing accounted for 36%  of  turnover  in  1997
compared with  only 10% in 1996, and sales outside the UK grew  from
24%  of turnover in 1996 to 41% in 1997.

Our  set-top  box  technology  featured in  the  development of  a  prototype
videophone for NTT Japan, and in partnerships with Oracle and Silicon Graphics
to   deliver video-on-demand  solutions.  We  are  participating  in
several broadband digital interactive TV trials in the USA, Europe and Asia.
There are signs  that  this market is at last starting to develop and that 
some  trials should proceed to commercial roll-out by the end of 1998.

In  the  network computing sector, we announced the availability of the  first
Asian character set display, as well as the signing of Samsung Electronics  in
Korea  as  a software licensee.  Our joint development program with Oracle's
subsidiary  Network Computer, Inc. (NCI) was successfully completed,  and  the
first  network computer
(NC) products were shipped by RCA to US  consumers  in the fourth  quarter  of
1997 to market acclaim.  Although  joint development activities  with  NCI 
are no longer continuing, we have  since  licensed  the related technologies
directly to other consumer electronics companies  in  the US and Asia.

In  the information appliance sector, we developed an Internet fax product  on
behalf  of  Netfax,  Inc., a US start-up company. The technology
enables  the secure  delivery  of  facsimiles  over the Internet, intranets 
or  telephone networks  by transforming the legacy fax machine into a secure
email messaging terminal. The key advantages are security and a dramatic
reduction in the longdistance charges associated with traditional facsimile

We  continued to market a range of RISC OS based, ARM- powered desktop
personal computers via three distribution channels: (i) to UK schools through
Xemplar, (ii) to a niche consumer market through the Acorn dealer network, and
(iii) to specific vertical market customers through OEMs.

Xemplar Education Limited

Xemplar  sells information technology products, services and solutions  to  UK

1997  was the first full year of trading, following an initial trading  period
of  nine  months from start-up in April 1996. 1997 proved to be  a  successful
year with the company moving into a profit of #0.2m, ahead
of schedule.  This was  achieved while continuing to invest in specific
solutions for UK schools, and innovative technologies such as the network
computer and eMate.

The  company, which is the second largest information technology supplier  in
the  UK schools market, has developed valuable equity in the Xemplar brand and
has aligned  its overall strategy with the UK Government's
drive  to  form  a National Grid for Learning.

ARM Holdings plc

ARM  designs high-performance, low-cost, power-efficient RISC microprocessors.
The  company  licences and  sells  its technology and  products  to  leading
international  electronics companies, which in turn
manufacture,  market  and sell microprocessors, application-specific
integrated circuits and applicationspecific standard  products based on ARM's
architecture to systems companies for incorporation into  a wide range of end

Revenues in 1997 increased by 59% to #26.7m. All sectors of the business  grew
in  line  with expectations, with particularly strong growth coming
from  the sale  of development systems and royalty income compared with 1996.
Licensing revenues accounted for 59% of sales.

Research and development expenditure increased from #3.1m in 1996 to #6.7m  in
1997.  Profit before tax increased by 35% from #3.7m in 1996 to #5.0m in 1997.

The  company  increased its geographical presence during  the  year with  the
opening  of four new offices in Maidenhead and Cambridge, UK, in Seoul,
South Korea,  and in Austin, Texas, the last of these being the first design 
office to be opened by the company outside the UK.  The number of employees
grew from 162 at December 1996 to 274 at December 1997.

During  the year, the company successfully licensed ARM7 derivatives and  some
of its new ARM9 family of products as work continued on further development of
the  ARM  product roadmap. New partners announced in
1997 included LSI  Logic, Hyundai, Sony, Lucent and Philips.  Since the
year-end, further licences  have been announced with Intel and IBM.

Acorn's core business in 1998

At  the beginning of 1998, we organised the core business into three operating
divisions,  Consultancy, Software and Workstations. This will  enable  us  to
manage  their  activities more effectively and to
better deliver  partnerships appropriate to each.


The  Consultancy  division  is  engaged  in  product design  and development
consultancy  focused on the markets for digital interactive TV and information
appliances.  Our  offering  is tailored to  the requirements  of  individual
customers  and ranges from the provision of engineering services  to  complete
solutions,  including  the  licensing  of  software
components from  Acorn's Software division or third parties.

Digital TV is a growing and potentially huge worldwide market, driven  by  the
significant distribution cost advantages compared with analogue TV,  and  also
by  customer demand  for  more entertainment and information  channels.
The market  can be segmented into: (i) Broadcast, where the digital TV signal 
is supplied  from  a  satellite  or  terrestrial broadcast,  with 
interactivity provided  by  a telephone back channel, or interactively via a
cable  network, and  (ii) Broadband,  where digital video content is supplied 
over existing telecom  networks, upgraded to carry high-speed data streams, or
alternatively over  a  computer  network within an organisation.
Acorn is  addressing  both market  segments. Alliances  with manufacturers, 
middleware  providers  and network operators are crucial to success.

We  have  and are developing technologies which are particularly suitable  for
the  next generation of DiTV systems.  These systems typically contain general
purpose  computing  devices, highly graphical user interfaces  and  integrated
multimedia capabilities.  The Digital Semiconductor SA1500/1501 chipset which
we  helped  to design is specifically targeted at these types of  systems  and
currently  offers  significant cost advantages compared  with  other  hardware
solutions.  Our Software division has also developed or is developing software
components  such  as  MPEG decoding, graphics libraries,  software modem,  OS
kernel  and  browser  which  optimise the  performance of  chipsets  in  DiTV

Information  appliances  can  be defined as products  which  are designed  to
connect  to a data source, often but not always using the Internet.  Acorn  is
targeting  three  market segments: (i) Dedicated terminals, typically  with  a
single  function  aimed at a specific use such as home  banking  or
retailer stock  ordering, (ii) Smart TV set-top devices, allowing Internet
access  and display on an analogue TV, and (iii) smart phones, incorporating a
text screen and  providing access to email and other text services such as
phone directory enquiries.

We  also  have  technologies which are suitable for the  targeted information
appliance  markets. Designs are currently based on the Cirrus Logic 7500FE  or
Digital  Semiconductor  SA110  processors. Acorn's RISC  OS,  middleware  and
applications are already available on these processors, enabling  new  designs
to be produced quickly.

In  future,  we  shall  be adopting an approach which allows Acorn  software
components to be integrated with other selected operating systems and on other


Historically, our software technologies have been offered only as a  complete
stack  associated with an Acorn/ARM hardware design. Although  this  strategy
has  given  a time to market advantage, together with optimum performance  and
good  reliability,  it  has limited the market opportunities  that  could be
addressed.  We have now chosen to make our software portfolio available across
a broader range of hardware and software platforms.

Our  software technologies include MPEG and JPEG decoders, graphics libraries,
operating systems, hardware device drivers, Internet software suites and
Javabased  environments and support services.  This extensive  set of 
multimedia network-based software technologies is  of  value  to  consumer 
electronics companies  and  system  chip  integration  companies who  are
building new generations  of digital products such as Internet appliances, Web
phones  and digital interactive television solutions.

The  Software  division  seeks  to exploit Acorn's intellectual property  by
licensing software components to technology partners and by working with  chip
vendors and  consumer electronics companies to integrate
state  of  the  art system software into the new classes of digitally-enabled
consumer products.


The Workstations division sells Acorn desktop computing products to a niche
consumer market through Acorn's dealer network, to corporate customers for
vertical applications through OEMs and to UK schools through Xemplar.

During  the  second half of 1998, we shall be launching the  first major  new
product  since the Risc PC was introduced four years ago. The success  of
the desktop computer business hinges on the successful launch and take-up of 
this product.

We also plan to market a range of software products.

The other major initiative to be undertaken by the division in 1998 is a joint
marketing  program with Xemplar to promote the sale of NCs into the  education
market,   together  with Xemplar's  NC-based  solutions.  With   the   market
requirement for  low-cost, robust and easy-to-use computing, the educational
sector  represents  one of the best opportunities for  early adoption  of  NC

Acorn's  NC  product will include Java and also Citrix client software  which
enables the NC to access Microsoft applications running on a Windows

D Lee
Chief Executive
Acorn Group plc
30 April 1998

Finance Director's Review

Revenues  from consultancy and licensing rose from #3.0m in 1996 to  #9.0m  in
1997,  while  revenues from products fell from #27.0m to #16.2m.  Despite
the net  reduction of #4.8m in revenues, the favourable change in mix resulted
 in better margins.  Gross profit improved from #6.5m, 22% of
revenues, to #6.6m, 26% of revenues.

Operating  expenses fell from #11.3m in 1996 to #10.2m in 1997. The principal
changes  were  a reduction of #2.6m in administration expenses  due
to  lower stock  write-downs,  and an  increase of #1.7m in  research  and 
development expenditure on software and silicon technologies.

The operating loss reduced from #4.8m in 1996 to #3.7m in 1997.

The Group's share of profit in associated undertakings rose from #0.9m in 1996
to #2.1m in 1997. The share of profit in ARM Holdings plc increased from #1.6m
to #2.0m, while the share in Xemplar Education Limited improved from a loss of
#0.7m to a profit of #0.1m.

In  the  second half of the year, the Group's share of the net assets  of  ARM
Holdings plc fell from 42.8% to 38.7% due to the exercise of share options by
ARM  employees. The loss of #0.4m arising from this dilution has been  charged
to  the profit and loss account. The Group's fully diluted shareholding as  at
31 December 1997 was 34.4%.

During the first half of the year, the New Zealand subsidiary was closed.  The
closure  costs  of #0.4m relate primarily to stock write-downs and  redundancy
payments. Trading in New Zealand continues through a local distributor.

The Group's loss before tax reduced from #6.3m in 1996 to #2.9m in 1997.

The  Group  had a net cash outflow before financing of #4.7m (1996:#3.8m)  due
primarily  to  operating losses before depreciation of #2.5m (1996:#3.3m) and
capital expenditure of #1.6m (1996:#1.2m).  The sale by the Group of
approximately 19% of its shareholding in ARM Holdings plc in connection with
ARM's initial public offering in April 1998, together with the receipt of a
pre-flotation dividend, has a transforming effect on the consolidated balance
sheet.  Had the transactions been completed on 31 December 1997, the
improvement to the consolidated balance sheet would have been as summarised

                                       Actual        Pro-forma
                                    31 Dec 97        31 Dec 97
                                           #m               #m

Fixed assets                              8.8             14.1
Net current liabilities -                (0.4)            (3.8)
excluding borrowings/cash
Long-term liabilities                    (0.2)            (0.2)
Net (borrowings)/cash                    (6.6)             9.8
                                        ------           ------ 
Net assets                                1.6             19.9
                                        ======           ======

Share capital/premium                    22.5             22.5
Reserves                                (20.9)            (2.6)
                                        ------           ------ 

Equity shareholders' funds                1.6             19.9
                                        ======           ======

The Group retains 12,161,961 shares in ARM Holdings plc, representing 26.8%
(24.5% fully diluted) of ARM's total equity. This investment will be carried
at approximately #10m in the consolidated balance sheet.  The market value of
this investment is #70m at the flotation price of #5.75 per share.  This
valuation takes no account of the Capital Gains Tax liability which may arise
on any disposal. 

Stan Boland 
Finance Director 
Acorn Group plc 
30 April 1998

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 1997     Notes              1997         1996
                                                   #000         #000 

Turnover                            1            25,192       30,026
Cost of Sales                                   (18,632)     (23,551)
                                                --------     -------- 

Gross Profit                                      6,560        6,475

Distribution costs                               (4,496)      (4,593)
Administration expenses                          (2,892)      (5,520)
Research and Development                         (2,858)      (1,154)
                                                --------     --------

Operating Loss                      2            (3,686)      (4,792)

Share  profit  in associated  
ARM Holdings plc                                  2,063        1,572
Xemplar Education Ltd                                80         (697)

Loss  incurred on dilution  
of  shareholding in associate                      (417)           -
Loss  incurred on closure  of  
overseas subsidiaries                3             (376)      (1,874)
Net interest payable                               (547)        (505)
                                                --------      -------      

Loss on ordinary activities before               (2,883)      (6,296)

Tax on loss on ordinary activities                 (479)           -
                                                --------      -------

Retained loss for the year                       (3,362)      (6,296)
                                                ========      =======

Loss per share                       4             (3.7)p       (7.0)p

All operations of the Group continued throughout
both periods.

The accompanying notes are an integral part
of these financial statements.

Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses

YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 1997                        1997         1996
                                                   #000         #000

Loss for financial year                          (3,362)      (6,296)

(Loss)/gain  on foreign current  
translation                                         (53)          73

Goodwill charged to the profit  and  
loss account in 1996 previously written 
off to consolidated reserves                          -        1,585
                                                 --------    --------
Total  recognised gains and losses  
relating to the year                              (3,415)     (4,638)
                                                 ========    ========
                                                    1997        1996
                                                    #000        #000

Loss for the financial year                         (727)       (200)

Unrealised deficit on the revaluation
of investments in subsidiaries                    (2,688)     (4,438)
                                                 --------    --------
Total  recognised gains and loss  
relating to the year                              (3,415)     (4,638)
                                                 ========    ========

The accompanying notes are an integral part
of these financial statements.

Balance Sheets

AT 31 DECEMBER 1997                    GROUP                COMPANY
                           Notes   1997      1996        1997        1996
                                   #000      #000        #000        #000
Fixed assets
Intangible assets                   969       243           -           -
Tangible assets                   1,267     1,692           -           -
Investments                   5   6,602     5,567       1,806       3,833
                               --------  --------    --------    -------- 
                                  8,838     7,502       1,806       3,833
                               ========  ========    ========    ========
Current assets
Stocks                              775     2,119           -           -
Debtors                           3,905     7,161           -           -
Cash at bank and in hand          1,325     4,337          18          84
                               --------  --------    --------    --------

                                  6,005    13,617          18          84

Amounts falling due 
within one year                 (13,019)   (9,684)          -           -
                                --------  --------   --------    --------
Net   current          
(liabilities)/assets             (7,014)    3,933          18          84
                                ========  ========   ========    ========
Total assets less
current liabilities               1,824    11,435       1,824       3,917

Amounts falling due 
after more than one year           (204)   (8,084)       (204)       (566)
                                --------  --------    --------    --------
Net assets                        1,620     3,351       1,620       3,351
                                ========  ========    ========    ========

Capital and reserves
Called-up share capital           9,204     9,006       9,204       9,006
Share premium account            13,261    11,775      13,261      11,775

Other reserves                      (58)       (5)          -           -
Profit and loss account         (20,787)  (17,425)    (20,845)    (17,430)
                                --------  --------    --------    --------

Equity shareholders'funds         1,620     3,351       1,620       3,351
                                ========  ========    ========    ========

These financial statements were
       approved by the Board of 
 Directors on 30 April 1998 and
   were signed on its behalf by:

                 D Lee  Director
               S Boland Director

The accompanying notes are an integral part
of these financial statements.

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 1997          Notes          1997         1996
                                                    #000         #000
Net cash outflow from operating          
activities                               6        (2,858)      (2,081)

Returns on investment and servicing
of finance
Interest received                                     67           21
Interest paid                                       (249)        (526)

Net cash outflow from returns                     -------      -------      
on  investment and servicing
of finance                                          (182)        (505)
                                                  -------      -------        
Capital expenditure
Purchase of intangible fixed assets                 (971)         (60)
Purchase of tangible fixed assets                   (659)      (1,168) 
Sale of tangible fixed assets                          -            4
                                                  -------      -------      
Net  cash outflow from capital 
expenditure                                       (1,630)      (1,224)
                                                  -------      -------      
Net cash outflow before
financing                                         (4,670)      (3,810)
                                                  -------      -------        
Financing activities
Issue of ordinary shares                           1,684            10
Capital element of finance leases                      -           (18)
New unsecured loan                                     -         7,518 
Redemption of loan stock                             (26)            -
                                                  -------      -------      

Net cash inflow from financing                     1,658         7,510
                                                  -------      -------      

(Decrease)/increase in cash                       (3,012)        3,700
                                                  =======      =======

The accompanying notes are an integral part
of these financial statements.

Notes to the Accounts

1.Segment Information

All  the  Group's  turnover and loss on ordinary activities before  taxation
derive  from  the sale of electronic hardware and software and  fee  income
from   consultancy  and licensing  agreements.  All  the  Group's turnover
originates in the United Kingdom.
   Turnover by destination                         1997         1996
                                                   #000         #000

   UK                                            14,901       22,758
   Europe                                           972        2,078
   Australasia                                      825        3,048
   USA                                            7,190        1,609
   Other                                          1,304          533
                                                 ------       ------       

                                                 25,192       30,026
                                                 ======       ======

No  further  segmental  analysis is given, because in  the opinion  of  the
Directors,  the disclosure of such information would be prejudicial  to  the
interests of the Group.
2.Operating Loss

   Operating loss is started after                1997         1996
   charging/(crediting):                          #000         #000
   Exceptional charges
   - bad debts                                   1,272        1,053
   - stock write downs                               -        2,592

   Exceptional gains
   - profit on redemption of loan stock           (336)           -
   - settlement of legal dispute                     -       (1,326)
The  exceptional  items  shown  above  are  included within administration
expenses on the face of the profit and loss account.

3.  During  the  year, the Group closed its New Zealand subsidiary.   As  a
result, closure costs of #376,000 were charged to the profit and loss account.
Acorn products continue to be sold to the New Zealand market through a local
4.  The  calculation of the loss per ordinary share is based on the loss  on
ordinary activities after taxation and the weighted average number of shares
in issue during the period.
5.  Investments  are  stated at cost plus the Group's share  of the 
postacquisition retained profit or loss.

6.  During  the year to 31 December 1996, the Group entered into a  material
non-cash transaction of #2,500,000 representing a 50% investment in  Xemplar
Education Limited.  The main consideration was #2,400,000 of finished  goods
Statutory Statement

The financial information set out above does not comprise the company's
statutory accounts.  Statutory accounts for the previous financial year ended
31 December 1996 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.  The
Auditors report on those accounts was unqualified and did not contain any
statement under section 237(2) or (3) of the companies Act 1985.

The Auditors have not reported on accounts for the period 31 December 1997,
nor have any such accounts been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.



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