RNS Number : 5661Z

Jardine Strategic Hldgs Ld

08 March 2013

 To: Business Editor   8th March 2013 
                       For immediate release 

The following announcement was issued today to a Regulatory Information Service approved by the Financial Services Authority in the United Kingdom.

Jardine Strategic Holdings Limited

2012 Preliminary Announcement of Results


   --   Underlying profits* maintained, and full-year dividend up 7% 
   --   Record Astra earnings mitigated by decline in rupiah 
   --   Good trading performance in Hongkong Land 
   --   Jardine Matheson affected by weak motor earnings in mainland China 
   --   Dairy Farm's earnings increase offset by one-off charge 

"Despite the economic environment remaining uncertain, most of the Group's businesses have continued to trade well. As the Group's finances remain robust and our businesses are pursuing diverse development programmes, the outlook for 2013 is satisfactory."

Sir Henry Keswick, Chairman

8th March 2013


                                          Year ended 31st December 
                                                    2012      2011     Change 
                                                    US$m      US$m          % 
----------------------------------------------  --------  --------  --------- 
  Revenue together with revenue of 
   Matheson, associates and joint ventures(+)     60,453    57,306         +5 
  Underlying profit* before tax                    4,597     4,578          - 
  Underlying profit* attributable 
   to shareholders                                 1,587     1,583          - 
  Profit attributable to shareholders              1,839     3,943    *    53 
  Shareholders' funds                             21,344    19,652         +9 
                                                     US$       US$          % 
----------------------------------------------  --------  --------  --------- 
  Underlying earnings per share*                    2.58      2.55         +1 
  Earnings per share                                2.99      6.36    *    53 
  Dividends per share                               0.24     0.225         +7 
  Net asset value per share(#)                     60.65     48.36        +25 
----------------------------------------------  --------  --------  --------- 
(+) Includes 100% of revenue from Jardine Matheson, associates 
 and joint ventures. 
 * The Group uses 'underlying profit' in its internal financial 
 reporting to distinguish between ongoing business 
 performance and non-trading items, as more fully described 
 in note 1 to the financial statements. Management 
 considers this to be a key measure which provides additional 
 information to enhance understanding of the Group's 
 underlying business performance. 
 (#) Net asset value per share is calculated on a market value 
 basis, details of which are set out in note 18. 
The final dividend of USc17.00 per share will be payable on 
 22nd May 2013, subject to approval at the Annual General Meeting 
 to be held on 16th May 2013, to shareholders on the register 
 of members at the close of business on 22nd March 2013 and 
 will be available in cash with a scrip alternative. The ex-dividend 
 date will be on 20th March 2013, and the share registers will 
 be closed from 25th to 29th March 2013, inclusive. 

Jardine Strategic Holdings Limited

Preliminary Announcement of Results

For The Year Ended 31st December 2012


There were good trading performances in a number of the Group companies in 2012 despite the moderating effects on the region of global economic uncertainty. Earnings growth was, however, held back principally by difficult market conditions for Jardine Matheson's motors operation in mainland China, a one-off charge in Dairy Farm and currency weakness reducing the reported contribution from Astra.


The Group's revenue for 2012, including 100% of revenue from Jardine Matheson, associates and joint ventures, was US$60.5 billion, compared with US$57.3 billion in 2011. Jardine Strategic achieved an underlying profit before tax for the year of US$4,597 million, little changed from the prior year. Underlying profit attributable to shareholders was also in line with 2011 at US$1,587 million, while underlying earnings per share were 1% higher at US$2.58.

The profit attributable to shareholders for the year was US$1,839 million, with the main non-trading item being a modest increase in the value of Hongkong Land's investment property portfolio, and compares with US$3,943 million in 2011 which benefited from a more significant increase in valuations. Shareholders' funds were 9% higher at US$21.3 billion.

The Group's consistent and growing profit generation, cash flows and retained earnings of recent years have enabled it to combine high levels of capital expenditure with low levels of debt. Net debt excluding financial services companies at the year end was US$3.1 billion, or 7% of consolidated total equity.

In light of the Group's strong liquidity, the Board is recommending a final dividend of USc17.00 per share, which represents an overall increase of 7% for the full year.

Business Developments

Within Jardine Matheson's directly held businesses, Jardine Pacific produced mixed results leading to a decline in earnings. While some good performances are expected in the coming year, the results from its air cargo handling business will be impacted by the long planned move of a major customer to its own dedicated facility in Hong Kong. Jardine Motors' results were severely affected by continued challenges in its Mercedes-Benz sales operations in mainland China where margins came under intense pressure, although the group remains confident in the potential for this business. Jardine Lloyd Thompson recorded notable organic growth, further enhancing operational efficiency and increasing its returns from the growing economies of Asia and Latin America.

Hongkong Land produced a good result in 2012 as rental reversions in its prime Hong Kong Central office portfolio remained positive in a market supported by a lack of new supply. Earnings from residential development benefited from the completion of two Singapore projects and additional unit sales in Hong Kong. In mainland China, the group's commercial developments in Beijing progressed well, as did its residential projects, and Hongkong Land has entered the Indonesian residential market with a joint venture to develop a prime residential community in Jakarta.

Dairy Farm delivered healthy increases in like-for-like sales in most of its major businesses during the year, with particularly good performances in Hong Kong and Indonesia. Complementing its continued organic growth, Dairy Farm entered the new markets of Cambodia and the Philippines through acquisitions. Its contribution was, however, held back by the reversal of US$59 million supplier income in Malaysia incorrectly accrued in prior years. The group's focus is on strengthening the appeal of its brands to consumers across Asia and it is investing in supply chain management to drive productivity gains and support further growth.

Despite challenging market conditions, Mandarin Oriental was able to produce an improved underlying profit during the year. Its development programme made progress as management contracts for three new hotels under development were announced, and the group assumed management of a luxury hotel in Atlanta in the United States. Mandarin Oriental, Guangzhou was opened in January 2013, and further openings in Shanghai and Taipei are scheduled for later in the year. Mandarin Oriental has also recently acquired the freehold of its Paris hotel.

Jardine Cycle & Carriage's motor operations faced difficult trading conditions in a number of markets in Southeast Asia in 2012, although Astra's contribution was maintained despite a weakening Indonesian rupiah. Astra produced another record result in its reporting currency as it benefited from a strong Indonesian economy supported by robust domestic demand. Good performances were achieved by its motor car and financial services operations, but motorcycle sales declined in a softer market. Income from the heavy equipment and mining sector was little changed, with lower equipment sales being substantially offset by successful contract coal mining results. Astra remains active in new business development in areas such as the production of a new 'green' car, increased coal mine ownership, further infrastructure investments and an electronic banking project. Its associate, Bank Permata, recently completed a US$212 million rights issue to support future business expansion.


Ben Keswick took over as Managing Director on 1st April 2012, with Anthony Nightingale having stepped down from the role and now a non-executive Director. Adam Keswick also joined the Board on 1st April.


Despite the economic environment remaining uncertain, most of the Group's businesses have continued to trade well. As the Group's finances remain robust and our businesses are pursuing diverse development programmes, the outlook for 2013 is satisfactory.

Sir Henry Keswick


8th March 2013

Operating Review

Business Model

Jardine Strategic is a holding company within the Jardine Matheson Group which takes long-term strategic investments in multinational businesses and other high quality companies with existing or potential links to the Group. The Company's investments are focused principally on Greater China and Southeast Asia, although some of its operations have a more global reach. The Group companies are leaders in the fields of motor vehicles and related activities, property investment and development, retailing and restaurants, engineering and construction, transport services, luxury hotels, financial services, heavy equipment, mining and agribusiness.

The Group's representation in this broad mix of business sectors and the spread between cash generating activities and long-term property assets enables it to focus its investment in high growth markets while spreading the risk that might otherwise be associated with its geographic concentration. This strategy, combined with a strong balance sheet, is designed to achieve long-term growth in both earnings and net asset value.

Jardine Matheson

Jardine Matheson achieved an underlying profit before tax for the year of US$4,762 million, little changed from 2011. Its underlying profit attributable to shareholders was modestly down at US$1,479 million, while underlying earnings per share were 2% lower at US$4.06. Jardine Matheson's profit attributable to shareholders was US$1,688 million, compared with US$3,449 million in 2011, primarily due to lower increases in investment property values.

   --     Jardine Pacific 

Jardine Pacific's underlying profit of US$153 million was 15% lower than in 2011 reflecting the mixed results within its businesses. With a gain of US$10 million, mainly arising on the revaluation of investment properties, the profit attributable to shareholders was US$163 million, compared with US$216 million in 2011. Shareholders' funds were US$613 million at the end of 2012 and the underlying return on average shareholders' funds was 25%. The group's engineering and construction interests did well with improved earnings at Jardine Schindler, Jardine Engineering Corporation and Gammon, where the order book rose to US$3.5 billion. The aviation and shipping interests performed less well as markets remained difficult. Jardine Restaurants' operation in Hong Kong achieved good higher profits, but this was offset by reduced earnings in Taiwan. Jardine OneSolution recorded lower revenue and profit.

   --     Jardine Motors 

Jardine Motors recorded an underlying profit of US$18 million, down 71%. The fall in earnings was due to a loss in mainland China following a severe decline in sales and margins in Zung Fu's business. A revised trading approach by Mercedes, as well as plans to release four new models including the new S Class towards the end of 2013, should provide a more positive trading environment. Accordingly, despite the current setback, Jardine Motors remains confident in the potential for its business in Southern China. Zung Fu produced a modest increase in profit in Hong Kong and Macau where it achieved higher deliveries of Mercedes-Benz passenger cars and saw a good performance by Hyundai. While the market in the United Kingdom continued to be difficult, Jardine Motors' dealerships were able to achieve increased vehicle sales and improved results.

   --     Jardine Lloyd Thompson 

Jardine Lloyd Thompson's total revenue for the year was US$1,401 million, an increase of 7% in its reporting currency. Underlying profit before tax and exceptional items was US$257 million, a reported increase of 10%, while underlying diluted earnings per share rose by 11%. This good performance was set against generally poor trading conditions. Jardine Lloyd Thompson's Latin American and Asian operations, however, again achieved strong growth and together now generate 18% of total revenue, not including revenues generated for the London market. The Risk & Insurance group, comprising the worldwide specialist insurance, wholesale and reinsurance broking operations, achieved a 6% increase in underlying trading profit in its reporting currency. The Employee Benefits business also enjoyed a successful year, producing a trading profit up 8% in its reporting currency.

Hongkong Land

Hongkong Land performed well during the year despite the effects on the region of the prevailing global economic uncertainty, achieving an 11% increase in underlying profit at US$777 million. Taking into account the increase in the value of its investment properties, profit attributable to shareholders for 2012 was US$1,439 million, compared with US$5,306 million in 2011, while net asset value per share rose from US$10.58 to US$11.11. The group's financial position remained strong with year-end net debt of US$3.3 billion and gearing at 13%.

Leasing demand was relatively weak in both Hong Kong and Singapore, although the effects were tempered by the group's limited vacancy. In the Hong Kong Central office portfolio rental reversions continued to be generally positive as vacancy was only 3.4% at the year end, while the retail portfolio remained fully let. In Singapore, the office portfolio was fully leased, with the exception of the third tower at Marina Bay Financial Centre, which was almost 80% let by the end of the year. The group's 50%-owned office portfolio in Jakarta was 94% let.

In the residential sector, there was a further contribution from unit sales in Hong Kong and Macau. In Singapore, two fully pre-sold projects were completed, and an additional development site was acquired in August 2012 for approximately US$300 million. In mainland China, the group benefited from continuing sales completions at Maple Place in Beijing and at its 50%-owned joint venture, Bamboo Grove, in Chongqing. Sales continued at projects in Chongqing, Chengdu and Shenyang.

Dairy Farm

Dairy Farm has continued to trade well despite increased competition and a more difficult economic environment in certain markets. Sales, including 100% of associates and joint ventures, increased by 10% to US$11.5 billion in 2012. Underlying profit was US$447 million compared with US$474 million in 2011. The 2012 result reflects the reversal of US$59 million relating to the incorrect recognition of supplier income in its Malaysian operations over the past few years. Excluding the effects of the reversed supplier income, underlying profit rose from US$450 million in 2011 to US$506 million in 2012, an increase of 13%. The reported profit attributable to shareholders for 2012 was US$450 million. Dairy Farm's financial position remains healthy with net cash at the end of 2012 of US$521 million.

In Hong Kong, Mannings health and beauty stores delivered another impressive result and Wellcome supermarkets traded well. IKEA in both Hong Kong and Taiwan also reported good growth. The supermarket and hypermarket businesses in Malaysia faced challenging market conditions, while the Guardian health and beauty chain traded satisfactorily. All operations continued to perform well in Indonesia. The Singapore businesses were flat in the face of increased operating costs and weaker economic conditions. Restaurant associate, Maxim's, delivered another strong set of results. There was satisfactory trading in the group's new businesses in Cambodia and the Philippines.

The construction of a fifth IKEA store in Taichung, Taiwan is progressing well and it is expected to open later in 2013. PT Hero has been awarded the franchise rights to operate IKEA stores in Indonesia, and the first store is planned to open in 2014. Maxim's continued to expand its operations in Hong Kong and in mainland China, and has recently opened its first Starbucks store in Vietnam under a new franchise agreement.

Mandarin Oriental

Mandarin Oriental's underlying profit in 2012 was up 20% at US$71 million as a reduction in corporate business was offset by resilient demand from the leisure sector leading to increased average rates. Profit attributable to shareholders was US$72 million, compared to US$67 million in the prior year.

The group's hotels in Hong Kong and Singapore continued to perform well, while its properties in both Tokyo and Bangkok showed some recovery from the effects of natural disasters in 2011. Improvements were seen in most hotels in Europe. Progress was made in Paris as the hotel continued to stabilize, and the freehold rights of the property were recently acquired for US$389 million. Individual hotel performances in the United States varied according to local market conditions.

The group now operates 28 hotels and has a further 16 hotels under development. Together these represent over 11,000 rooms in 27 countries. In addition, it operates or has under development 14 Residences at Mandarin Oriental connected to its properties.

Jardine Cycle & Carriage

Jardine Cycle & Carriage produced a stable result in 2012, with underlying profit largely unchanged from 2011 at US$1,016 million. Profit attributable to shareholders was 4% lower at US$987 million after accounting for non-trading items. Astra's contribution to underlying profit at US$1,017 million was only slightly up on the previous year as currency movements offset much of its earnings growth achieved in rupiah. Strong results in its motor car and financial services businesses more than compensated for lower earnings from its heavy equipment and motorcycle operations.

The contribution from the group's other motor interests was 5% lower at US$58 million. In Indonesia, Tunas Ridean saw improved contributions from its motor vehicle, rental and finance activities, offsetting a decline in its motorcycle business. In the face of a challenging market in Singapore, the group's operations performed satisfactorily as the Mercedes-Benz brand proved to be resilient. In Malaysia, Cycle & Carriage Bintang had a disappointing year as the intense competition in the premium car segment led to significant margin erosion. In Vietnam, Truong Hai Auto Corporation's results suffered from higher financing costs and a sharp fall in the automotive market due to poor consumer sentiment in a weak economy.


Astra produced record results with net profit under Indonesian accounting standards of Rp19.4 trillion, up 9%, equivalent to US$2,062 million. Improved contributions from its motor car and financial services businesses were partially offset by lower earnings in its heavy equipment and motorcycle businesses.

Net income from the group's automotive businesses grew by 15% to Rp9.5 trillion. Car sales rose by 25% to 605,000 units with a stable market share of 54%. In more difficult market conditions, Astra Honda Motor's sales declined by 4% to 4.1 million units, although its market share increased from 53% to 58%. Astra Otoparts, the group's component manufacturing business, reported earnings up 5%.

The amount financed through Astra's automotive-focused consumer finance operations grew by 2% to US$5.3 billion, while the heavy equipment-focused finance operations were 2% lower at US$755 million. Group insurance company, Asuransi Astra Buana, recorded higher earnings with improved premiums partly offset by higher commissions and claims expenses. Astra's 45%-held joint venture, Bank Permata, reported net income up 18% at US$145 million, with growth in net interest income and fee-based income.

United Tractors' sales of Komatsu heavy equipment were 27% lower due to reduced demand, although the impact was partly mitigated by strong spare parts and service revenue growth. Contract coal mining subsidiary, Pamapersada Nusantara, reported a 25% improvement in net revenue as contract coal production increased 9% to 94 million tonnes and contract overburden removal rose 7% to 855 million cubic metres. Astra Agro Lestari's increased palm oil production offset the effects of lower prices, but higher production costs and operating expenses left net income little changed.

Net income from infrastructure and logistics rose 13%, and if the reversal of a tax provision in 2011 is excluded, the net income rose 35%. The development of toll road interests continued, and there were increased sales volumes in the group's western Jakarta water utility system. TRAC car rentals produced an increase in vehicles under contract, while in information technology Astra Graphia is pursuing new business opportunities.

Ben Keswick

Managing Director

8th March 2013

Jardine Strategic Holdings Limited 
 Consolidated Profit and Loss Account 
 for the year ended 31st December 2012 
                                        2012                             2011 
                           Underlying      Non-              Underlying      Non- 
                             business   trading                business   trading 
                          performance     items     Total   performance     items     Total 
                                 US$m      US$m      US$m          US$m      US$m      US$m 
Revenue (note 2)               33,098         -    33,098        31,049         -    31,049 
Net operating costs 
 (note 3)                    (29,431)         -  (29,431)      (27,393)        46  (27,347) 
Change in fair value 
 investment properties              -       321       321             -     4,384     4,384 
                             --------  --------  --------  ------------  --------  -------- 
Operating profit                3,667       321     3,988         3,656     4,430     8,086 
Net financing charges 
                             --------  --------  --------  ------------  --------  -------- 
- financing charges             (239)         -     (239)         (227)         -     (227) 
- financing income                123         -       123           127         -       127 
                                (116)         -     (116)         (100)         -     (100) 
Share of results of 
 Matheson (note 4)                176         4       180           199        22       221 
Share of results of associates 
 and joint ventures (note 
                                       --------  --------  ------------  --------  -------- 
- before change in fair 
 value of 
 investment properties            870      (45)       825           823       (6)       817 
- change in fair value 
 investment properties              -       361       361             -       238       238 
                                  870       316     1,186           823       232     1,055 
Sale of an associate 
 (note 6)                           -      (66)      (66)             -         -         - 
                             --------  --------  --------  ------------  --------  -------- 
Profit before tax               4,597       575     5,172         4,578     4,684     9,262 
Tax (note 7)                    (843)      (14)     (857)         (826)      (10)     (836) 
                             --------  --------  --------  ------------  --------  -------- 
Profit after tax                3,754       561     4,315         3,752     4,674     8,426 
                             --------  --------  --------  ------------  --------  -------- 
Attributable to: 
Shareholders of the 
 (notes 8 & 10)                 1,587       252     1,839         1,583     2,360     3,943 
Non-controlling interests       2,167       309     2,476         2,169     2,314     4,483 
                             --------  --------  --------  ------------  --------  -------- 
                                3,754       561     4,315         3,752     4,674     8,426 
                             --------  --------  --------  ------------  --------  -------- 
                                  US$                 US$           US$                 US$ 
Earnings per share (note 
- basic                          2.58                2.99          2.55                6.36 
- diluted                        2.58                2.99          2.55                6.34 
                             --------            --------  ------------            -------- 
Jardine Strategic Holdings Limited 
 Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive 
 for the year ended 31st December 2012 
                                                     2012   2011 
                                                     US$m   US$m 
Profit for the year                                 4,315  8,426 
Revaluation surpluses before transfer to 
 investment properties from 
                                                    -----  ----- 
- intangible assets                                     -     27 
- tangible assets                                       -      4 
                                                        -     31 
Revaluation of other investments 
- net gain/(loss) arising during the year             180   (89) 
- transfer to profit and loss                        (75)   (20) 
                                                      105  (109) 
Net actuarial loss on employee benefit 
 plans                                               (64)   (52) 
Net exchange translation differences 
                                                    -----  ----- 
- losses arising during the year                    (324)   (75) 
- transfer to profit and loss                         (2)      - 
                                                    (326)   (75) 
Cash flow hedges 
                                                    -----  ----- 
- net loss arising during the year                   (15)      - 
- transfer to profit and loss                          19      6 
                                                        4      6 
  Share of other comprehensive expense of 
   Jardine Matheson                                   (6)   (87) 
  Share of other comprehensive income/(expense) 
   associates and joint ventures                       11   (50) 
Tax relating to components of other comprehensive 
 income or expense (note 7)                            15      8 
Other comprehensive expense for the year            (261)  (328) 
                                                    -----  ----- 
Total comprehensive income for the year             4,054  8,098 
                                                    -----  ----- 
Attributable to: 
Shareholders of the Company                         1,886  3,690 
Non-controlling interests                           2,168  4,408 
                                                    -----  ----- 
                                                    4,054  8,098 
                                                    -----  ----- 
Jardine Strategic Holdings Limited 
 Consolidated Balance Sheet 
 at 31st December 2012 
                                                    2012        2011 
                                                    US$m        US$m 
Intangible assets                                  2,269       2,126 
Tangible assets                                    6,582       5,628 
Investment properties                             23,561      22,589 
Plantations                                        1,026       1,058 
Investment in Jardine Matheson                     1,511       1,227 
Associates and joint ventures                      7,263       6,464 
Other investments                                  1,208       1,065 
Non-current debtors                                2,682       2,500 
Deferred tax assets                                  218         150 
Pension assets                                        17          20 
                                                 -------     ------- 
Non-current assets                                46,337      42,827 
                                                 -------     ------- 
Properties for sale                                2,513       1,521 
Stocks and work in progress                        2,706       2,405 
Current debtors                                    5,907       5,359 
Current investments                                   13           4 
Current tax assets                                   113          69 
Bank balances and other liquid funds 
                                                 -------     ------- 
- non-financial services companies                 3,629       3,699 
- financial services companies                       318         222 
                                                   3,947       3,921 
                                                 -------     ------- 
                                                  15,199      13,279 
Non-current assets classified as held for 
 sale (note 11)                                        8          47 
                                                 -------     ------- 
Current assets                                    15,207      13,326 
                                                 -------     ------- 
Total assets                                      61,544      56,153 
                                                 -------     ------- 
Share capital                                         56          56 
Share premium and capital reserves                 1,366       1,356 
Revenue and other reserves                        21,649      19,954 
Own shares held                                  (1,727)     (1,714) 
                                                 -------     ------- 
Shareholders' funds                               21,344      19,652 
Non-controlling interests                         21,046      19,609 
                                                 -------     ------- 
Total equity                                      42,390      39,261 
                                                 -------     ------- 
Long-term borrowings 
                                                 -------     ------- 
- non-financial services companies                 5,342       4,620 
- financial services companies                     2,319       2,002 
                                                   7,661       6,622 
Deferred tax liabilities                             774         627 
Pension liabilities                                  245         173 
Non-current creditors                                382         280 
Non-current provisions                               123          99 
                                                 -------     ------- 
Non-current liabilities                            9,185       7,801 
                                                 -------     ------- 
Current creditors                                  6,439       6,133 
Current borrowings 
                                                 -------     ------- 
- non-financial services companies                 1,425         947 
- financial services companies                     1,803       1,670 
                                                   3,228       2,617 
Current tax liabilities                              258         297 
Current provisions                                    44          44 
                                                 -------     ------- 
Current liabilities                                9,969       9,091 
                                                 -------     ------- 
Total liabilities                                 19,154      16,892 
                                                 -------     ------- 
Total equity and liabilities                      61,544      56,153 
                                                 -------     ------- 
Holdings Limited 
Statement of 
in Equity 
for the year 
ended 31st 
                                                                                                                         to     Attributable 
                                                                           Asset                          Own  shareholders               to 
                    Share    Share   Capital   Revenue  Contributed  revaluation   Hedging  Exchange   shares        of the  non-controlling    Total 
                  capital  premium  reserves  reserves      surplus     reserves  reserves  reserves     held       Company        interests   equity 
                     US$m     US$m      US$m      US$m         US$m         US$m      US$m      US$m     US$m          US$m             US$m     US$m 
At 1st January         56    1,199       157    19,344          304          213      (41)       134  (1,714)        19,652           19,609   39,261 
 income                 -        -         -     1,898            -            -        18      (30)        -         1,886            2,168    4,054 
Dividends paid 
 by the Company 
 (note 12)              -        -         -     (141)            -            -         -         -        -         (141)                -    (141) 
Dividends paid 
 interests              -        -         -         -            -            -         -         -        -             -          (1,003)  (1,003) 
 forfeited              -        -         -         3            -            -         -         -        -             3                3        6 
Employee share 
 option schemes         -        -        11         -            -            -         -         -        -            11                2       13 
Scrip issued in 
 lieu of 
 dividends              -        -         -         6            -            -         -         -        -             6                -        6 
Increase in own 
 shares held            -        -         -         -            -            -         -         -     (13)          (13)                -     (13) 
 acquired               -        -         -         -            -            -         -         -        -             -              152      152 
 disposed of            -        -         -         -            -            -         -         -        -             -              (1)      (1) 
Conversion of 
 in a subsidiary        -        -         -         -            -            -         -         -        -             -               56       56 
 interests              -        -         -         -            -            -         -         -        -             -                5        5 
Change in 
 interests in 
 subsidiaries           -        -         -      (59)            -            -         -         -        -          (59)               55      (4) 
Change in 
 interests in 
 and joint 
 ventures               -        -         -       (1)            -            -         -         -        -           (1)                -      (1) 
Transfer                -        -       (1)         -            -            -         -         1        -             -                -        - 
                  -------  -------  --------  --------  -----------  -----------  --------  --------  -------  ------------  ---------------  ------- 
At 31st December       56    1,199       167    21,050          304          213      (23)       105  (1,727)        21,344           21,046   42,390 
                  -------  -------  --------  --------  -----------  -----------  --------  --------  -------  ------------  ---------------  ------- 
At 1st January         56    1,199       147    15,811          304          202      (40)       193  (1,522)        16,350           15,446   31,796 
 income                 -        -         -     3,740            -           11       (1)      (60)        -         3,690            4,408    8,098 
Dividends paid 
 by the Company 
 (note 12)              -        -         -     (133)            -            -         -         -        -         (133)                -    (133) 
Dividends paid 
 interests              -        -         -         -            -            -         -         -        -             -            (896)    (896) 
 forfeited              -        -         -         2            -            -         -         -        -             2                -        2 
Employee share 
 option schemes         -        -        10         -            -            -         -         -        -            10                1       11 
Scrip issued in 
 lieu of 
 dividends              -        -         -       142            -            -         -         -        -           142                -      142 
Increase in own 
 shares held            -        -         -         -            -            -         -         -    (192)         (192)                -    (192) 
 acquired               -        -         -         -            -            -         -         -        -             -              140      140 
Conversion of 
 in a subsidiary        -        -         -         -            -            -         -         -        -             -              319      319 
 interests              -        -         -         -            -            -         -         -        -             -              314      314 
Purchase of 
 in subsidiaries        -        -         -     (215)            -            -         -         -        -         (215)            (122)    (337) 
Change in 
 interests in 
 and joint 
 ventures               -        -         -       (2)            -            -         -         -        -           (2)              (1)      (3) 
Transfer                -        -         -       (1)            -            -         -         1        -             -                -        - 
                  -------  -------  --------  --------  -----------  -----------  --------  --------  -------  ------------  ---------------  ------- 
At 31st December       56    1,199       157    19,344          304          213      (41)       134  (1,714)        19,652           19,609   39,261 
                  -------  -------  --------  --------  -----------  -----------  --------  --------  -------  ------------  ---------------  ------- 
Total comprehensive income included in revenue reserves comprises profit attributable to shareholders of 
 the Company of US$1,839 million (2011: US$3,943 million), net fair value gain on other investments of US$121 
 million (2011: loss of US$99 million) and net actuarial loss on employee benefit plans of US$62 million 
 (2011: US$104 million). Cumulative net fair value gain on other investments and net actuarial loss on employee 
 benefit plans amounted to US$260 million (2011: US$139 million) and US$310 million (2011: US$248 million), 
 Contributed surplus represents the excess in value of shares acquired in consideration for the issue of 
 the Company's shares, over the nominal value of those shares issued. Under the Bye-Laws of the Company, 
 the contributed surplus is distributable. 
Jardine Strategic Holdings Limited 
 Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 
 for the year ended 31st December 2012 
                                                   2012     2011 
                                                   US$m     US$m 
Operating activities 
                                                -------  ------- 
Operating profit                                  3,988    8,086 
Change in fair value of investment properties     (321)  (4,384) 
Depreciation and amortization                       981      873 
Other non-cash items                                318      118 
Increase in working capital                     (2,249)  (2,050) 
Interest received                                   121      129 
Interest and other financing charges paid         (210)    (224) 
Tax paid                                          (962)    (761) 
                                                -------  ------- 
                                                  1,666    1,787 
Dividends from associates and joint ventures        622      598 
Cash flows from operating activities              2,288    2,385 
Investing activities 
                                                -------  ------- 
Purchase of subsidiaries (note 13(a))             (127)    (209) 
Purchase of associates and joint ventures 
 (note 13(b))                                     (253)     (69) 
Purchase of other investments (note 13(c))        (256)    (265) 
Purchase of intangible assets                     (296)    (251) 
Purchase of tangible assets                     (1,281)  (1,187) 
Additions to investment properties                (562)     (86) 
Additions to plantations                           (87)     (91) 
Advance to associates, joint ventures and 
 others (note 13(d))                              (367)    (259) 
Repayment from associates, joint ventures 
 and others 
 (note 13(e))                                        59      115 
Sale of subsidiaries (note 13(f))                     8        2 
Sale of associates and joint ventures                 8        1 
Sale of other investments (note 13(g))              423      124 
Sale of intangible assets                             4        - 
Sale of tangible assets                              38       15 
Sale of investment properties                         8        4 
Cash flows from investing activities            (2,681)  (2,156) 
Financing activities 
                                                -------  ------- 
Capital contribution from non-controlling 
 interests                                            5      314 
Advance from/(repayment to) non-controlling 
 interests                                           22      (6) 
Change in interests in subsidiaries (note 
 13(h))                                            (28)    (337) 
Drawdown of borrowings                            7,475    8,082 
Repayment of borrowings                         (5,756)  (7,247) 
Dividends paid by the Company                     (252)     (98) 
Dividends paid to non-controlling interests     (1,003)    (896) 
Cash flows from financing activities                463    (188) 
                                                -------  ------- 
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents            70       41 
Cash and cash equivalents at 1st January          3,904    3,889 
Effect of exchange rate changes                    (56)     (26) 
                                                -------  ------- 
Cash and cash equivalents at 31st December        3,918    3,904 
                                                -------  ------- 
Jardine Strategic Holdings Limited 
1.   Accounting Policies and Basis of Preparation 
      The financial information contained in this announcement 
      has been based on the audited results for the year ended 
      31st December 2012 which have been prepared in conformity 
      with International Financial Reporting Standards, including 
      International Accounting Standards and Interpretations adopted 
      by the International Accounting Standards Board. 
      In 2012, the Group adopted amendments to IFRS 7 'Financial 
      Instruments: Transfers of Financial Assets' which became 
      effective in the current accounting year and are relevant 
      to the Group's operations. The amendments promote transparency 
      in the reporting of such transfer transactions and improve 
      users' understanding of the risk exposures relating to transfer 
      of financial assets and the effect of those risks on an entity's 
      financial position particularly those involving securitization 
      of financial assets. The adoption of these amendments does 
      not have a material impact on the Group's accounting policies 
      and disclosures. 
      The Group has not early adopted any other standard, interpretation 
      or amendment that has been issued but is not yet effective. 
2.   Revenue 
                                                         Gross revenue                     Revenue 
                                                      2012          2011          2012          2011 
                                                      US$m          US$m          US$m          US$m 
     By business: 
 Jardine Matheson                                   10,796        11,020             -             - 
 Hongkong Land                                       2,526         2,077         1,115         1,224 
 Dairy Farm                                         11,541        10,449         9,801         9,134 
 Mandarin Oriental                                   1,012           957           648           614 
 Jardine Cycle & Carriage                            3,059         2,957         1,502         1,448 
 Astra                                              31,831        29,182        20,039        18,636 
 Corporate and other interests                         503         1,313             -             - 
 Intersegment transactions                           (815)         (649)           (7)           (7) 
                                             -------------  ------------  ------------  ------------ 
                                                    60,453        57,306        33,098        31,049 
                                             -------------  ------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Gross revenue comprises revenue together with 100% of revenue 
  from Jardine Matheson, associates and joint ventures. 
3.   Net Operating Costs 
                                                            2012      2011 
                                                            US$m      US$m 
 Cost of sales                                          (25,138)  (23,393) 
 Other operating income                                      523       452 
 Selling and distribution costs                          (3,108)   (2,859) 
 Administration expenses                                 (1,605)   (1,510) 
 Other operating expenses                                  (103)      (37) 
                                                        --------  -------- 
                                                        (29,431)  (27,347) 
                                                        --------  -------- 
     Net operating costs included the following 
      from non-trading items: 
 (Decrease)/increase in fair value of plantations           (52)        37 
 Asset impairment                                              2       (1) 
 Sale and closure of businesses                             (12)         - 
 Sale of investments                                          57         - 
 Sale of property interests                                    5         - 
 Gain on One Hyde Park lease space                             -        10 
                                                               -        46 
                                                        --------  -------- 
4.   Share of Results of Jardine Matheson 
                                                        2012   2011 
                                                        US$m   US$m 
     By business: 
 Jardine Pacific                                          90    118 
 Jardine Motors                                           10     37 
 Jardine Lloyd Thompson                                   39     27 
 Corporate and other interests                            41     39 
                                                       -----  ----- 
                                                         180    221 
                                                       -----  ----- 
     Share of results of Jardine Matheson included 
      following gains/(losses) from non-trading 
 Increase in fair value of investment properties           5     12 
 Sale and closure of businesses                            -      3 
 Sale of property interests                                -      8 
 Acquisition-related costs                                 -    (1) 
 Restructuring of businesses                             (2)    (2) 
 Value added tax recovery in Jardine Motors                -      3 
 Other                                                     1    (1) 
                                                       -----  ----- 
                                                           4     22 
                                                       -----  ----- 
     Results are shown after tax and non-controlling interests 
      in Jardine Matheson. 
5.   Share of Results of Associates and Joint 
                                                        2012   2011 
                                                        US$m   US$m 
     By business: 
 Hongkong Land                                           527    298 
 Dairy Farm                                               63     66 
 Mandarin Oriental                                        15     10 
 Jardine Cycle & Carriage                               (21)     24 
 Astra                                                   598    650 
 Corporate and other interests                             4      7 
                                                       -----  ----- 
                                                       1,186  1,055 
                                                       -----  ----- 
     Share of results of associates and joint 
      ventures included 
      the following gains/(losses) from non-trading 
 Increase in fair value of investment properties         361    238 
 Asset impairment                                       (45)   (17) 
 Sale and closure of businesses                            -     11 
                                                         316    232 
                                                       -----  ----- 
 Results are shown after tax and non-controlling interests 
  in the associates and joint ventures. 
6.   Sale of an Associate 
      In June 2012 the Group participated in the restructuring 
      of the Rothschild group interests, pursuant to which it sold 
      its holding of 21% in Rothschilds Continuation Holdings, 
      which it originally acquired for US$181 million, in exchange 
      for new shares in Paris Orléans ('PO') with a market 
      value of US$172 million. The Group subsequently sold slightly 
      less than 50% of its interest in PO for cash. These transactions 
      together resulted in a non-trading loss of US$66 million 
      (note 10). The remaining PO shares held by the Group are 
      classified as other investments. 
7.   Tax 
                                                                    2012   2011 
                                                                    US$m   US$m 
     Tax charged to profit and loss is analyzed 
      as follows: 
 Current tax                                                       (877)  (877) 
 Deferred tax                                                         20     41 
                                                                  ------  ----- 
                                                                   (857)  (836) 
                                                                  ------  ----- 
 Greater China                                                     (174)  (161) 
 Southeast Asia                                                    (677)  (670) 
 United Kingdom                                                      (3)    (3) 
 Rest of the world                                                   (3)    (2) 
                                                                  ------  ----- 
                                                                   (857)  (836) 
                                                                  ------  ----- 
     Tax relating to components of other comprehensive 
      income is analyzed as follows: 
 Actuarial valuation of employee benefit 
  plans                                                               14      9 
 Cash flow hedges                                                      1    (1) 
                                                                      15      8 
                                                                  ------  ----- 
 Tax on profits has been calculated at rates of taxation prevailing 
  in the territories in which the Group operates. 
  Share of tax charge of Jardine Matheson of US$13 million 
  and credit of US$4 million (2011: US$20 million and US$14 
  million) are included in share of results of Jardine Matheson 
  and share of other comprehensive income of Jardine Matheson, 
  respectively. Share of tax charge of associates and joint 
  ventures of US$322 million and credit of US$6 million (2011: 
  US$311 million and US$3 million) are included in share of 
  results of associates and joint ventures and share of other 
  comprehensive income of associates and joint ventures, respectively. 
8.   Profit attributable to Shareholders 
                                                            2012   2011 
                                                            US$m   US$m 
     Operating segments: 
 Jardine Matheson                                            176    199 
 Hongkong Land                                               391    353 
 Dairy Farm                                                  347    368 
 Mandarin Oriental                                            52     44 
 Jardine Cycle & Carriage                                     42     44 
 Astra                                                       696    687 
                                                           -----  ----- 
                                                           1,704  1,695 
 Corporate and other interests                             (117)  (112) 
                                                           -----  ----- 
 Underlying profit attributable to shareholders*           1,587  1,583 
 Revaluation of investment properties                        341  2,337 
 Other non-trading items                                    (89)     23 
                                                           -----  ----- 
 Profit attributable to shareholders                       1,839  3,943 
                                                           -----  ----- 
  *  Underlying profit attributable to shareholders is the measure 
      of profit adopted by the Group in accordance with IFRS 8 
      'Operating Segments'. 
9.   Earnings per Share 
      Basic earnings per share are calculated on profit attributable 
      to shareholders of US$1,839 million (2011: US$3,943 million) 
      and on the weighted average number of 614 million (2011: 
      620 million) shares in issue during the year. 
      Diluted earnings per share are calculated on profit attributable 
      to shareholders of US$1,837 million (2011: US$3,926 million), 
      which is after adjusting for the effects of the conversion 
      of dilutive potential ordinary shares of Jardine Matheson, 
      subsidiaries, associates or joint ventures, and on the weighted 
      average number of 614 million (2011: 620 million) shares 
      in issue during the year. 
      The weighted average number of shares is arrived as follows: 
                                                                                 Ordinary shares 
                                                                                   in millions 
                                                                            2012                        2011 
 Weighted average number of shares in issue                                1,120                       1,118 
 Company's share of shares held by Jardine 
  Matheson                                                                 (506)                       (498) 
                                                                     -----------              -------------- 
 Weighted average number of shares for 
  earnings per share calculation                                             614                         620 
                                                                     -----------              -------------- 
     Additional basic and diluted earnings per share are also 
      calculated based on underlying profit attributable to shareholders. 
      A reconciliation of earnings is set out below: 
                                                   2012                                     2011 
                                                  Basic     Diluted                        Basic     Diluted 
                                               earnings    earnings                     earnings    earnings 
                                              per share   per share                    per share   per share 
                                       US$m         US$         US$     US$m                 US$         US$ 
 Profit attributable 
  shareholders                        1,839        2.99        2.99    3,943                6.36        6.34 
 Non-trading items (note 
  10)                                 (252)                          (2,360) 
                                      -----                          ------- 
 Underlying profit attributable 
  shareholders                        1,587        2.58        2.58    1,583                2.55        2.55 
                                      -----                          ------- 
10.   Non-trading items 
       Non-trading items are separately identified to provide greater 
       understanding of the Group's underlying business performance. 
       Items classified as non-trading items include fair value 
       gains or losses on revaluation of investment properties and 
       plantations; gains and losses arising from the sale of businesses, 
       investments and properties; impairment of non-depreciable 
       intangible assets and other investments; provisions for the 
       closure of businesses; acquisition-related costs in business 
       combinations; and other credits and charges of a non-recurring 
       nature that require inclusion in order to provide additional 
       insight into underlying business performance. 
                                                                   2012   2011 
                                                                   US$m   US$m 
      By business: 
 Jardine Matheson                                                     4     22 
 Hongkong Land                                                      332  2,315 
 Dairy Farm                                                           2      8 
 Mandarin Oriental                                                    1      7 
 Jardine Cycle & Carriage                                            12      - 
 Astra                                                             (33)      8 
 Corporate and other interests                                     (66)      - 
                                                                    252  2,360 
                                                                 ------  ----- 
      An analysis of non-trading items after 
       interest, tax and 
       non-controlling interests is set out 
      Increase in fair value of investment properties 
                                                                 ------  ----- 
 - Hongkong Land                                                    331  2,324 
 - Jardine Matheson                                                   5     12 
 - Astra                                                              5      - 
                                                                    341  2,336 
 (Decrease)/increase in fair value of plantations                  (12)      8 
 Asset impairment                                                  (31)   (10) 
 Sale and closure of businesses                                     (1)     12 
 Sale of investments                                                 41      - 
 Sale of property interests                                           3      8 
 Acquisition-related costs                                            -    (1) 
 Restructuring of businesses                                        (2)    (2) 
 Value added tax recovery in Jardine Motors                           -      3 
 Gain on One Hyde Park lease space                                    -      7 
 Restructuring of Rothschild and subsequent 
  partial sale of 
  investment in Paris Orléans                                 (66)      - 
 Withholding tax                                                   (22)      - 
 Other                                                                1    (1) 
                                                                    252  2,360 
                                                                 ------  ----- 
11.   Non-current Assets Classified as Held for Sale 
       The major class of assets classified as held for sale is 
       set out below: 
                                                                2012   2011 
                                                                US$m   US$m 
 Tangible assets                                                   8     47 
                                                              ------  ----- 
      At 31st December 2012, the non-current assets classified 
       as held for sale included Dairy Farm's interest in a piece 
       of land in Malaysia and one retail property in Singapore. 
       The sale of these properties is expected to be completed 
       in 2013 at amounts not materially different from their carrying 
       At 31st December 2011, the non-current assets classified 
       as held for sale included Dairy Farm's interest in two retail 
       properties in Malaysia and one retail property in Singapore. 
       The Malaysian properties remained unsold and were reclassified 
       to tangible assets during 2012. 
12.   Dividends 
                                                                2012   2011 
                                                                US$m   US$m 
 Final dividend in respect of 2011 of USc16.00 
  (2010: USc15.00) per share                                     179    167 
 Interim dividend in respect of 2012 of 
  (2011: USc6.50) per share                                       78     73 
                                                              ------  ----- 
                                                                 257    240 
 Company's share of dividends paid on the 
  held by Jardine Matheson                                     (116)  (107) 
                                                              ------  ----- 
                                                                 141    133 
                                                              ------  ----- 
 A final dividend in respect of 2012 of USc17.00 (2011: USc16.00) 
  per share amounting to a total of US$190 million (2011: US$179 
  million) is proposed by the Board. The dividend proposed 
  will not be accounted for until it has been approved at the 
  Annual General Meeting. The net amount after deducting the 
  Company's share of the dividends payable on the shares held 
  by Jardine Matheson of US$86 million (2011: US$81 million) 
  will be accounted for as an appropriation of revenue reserves 
  in the year ending 31st December 2013. 
13.    Notes to Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 
       (a)   Purchase of subsidiaries 
                                                                           2012     2011 
                                                                           Fair     Fair 
                                                                          value    value 
                                                                           US$m     US$m 
        Intangible assets                                                     4      152 
        Tangible assets                                                     496      407 
        Deferred tax assets                                                   -        1 
        Current assets                                                        6       67 
        Long-term borrowings                                                  -      (4) 
        Deferred tax liabilities                                          (123)    (108) 
        Current liabilities                                                   -     (78) 
        Non-controlling interests                                          (38)        - 
                                                                       --------   ------ 
        Fair value of identifiable net assets 
         acquired                                                           345      437 
        Adjustment for non-controlling interests                          (114)    (140) 
        Goodwill                                                             25        1 
                                                                       --------   ------ 
        Total consideration                                                 256      298 
        Adjustment for contingent consideration                            (65)        - 
        Consideration paid in previous year                                (63)     (42) 
        Carrying value of associates and joint 
         ventures                                                             -      (6) 
        Cash and cash equivalents of subsidiaries 
         acquired                                                           (1)     (41) 
                                                                       --------   ------ 
        Net cash outflow                                                    127      209 
                                                                       --------   ------ 
             Net cash outflow for purchase of subsidiaries in 2012 included 
              US$32 million for Dairy Farm's acquisition of a 70% interest 
              in the Lucky supermarket chain in Cambodia in March 2012, 
              and US$43 million and US$52 million for Astra's acquisition 
              of a 60% interest in PT Duta Nurcahya, a mining company 
              completed in April 2012 and a 100% interest in PT Borneo 
              Berkat Makmur, a mining company completed in September 
              2012, respectively. 
              The total purchase consideration of PT Duta Nurcahya amounted 
              to US$171 million and included contingent consideration 
              of US$65 million which represents the fair value of service 
              fee payable for mining services to be provided by the vendor. 
              US$63 million of the consideration was prepaid in 2011. 
              The goodwill arising from the acquisition of the Lucky 
              supermarket chain amounted to US$25 million and was attributable 
              to its leading market position in Cambodia and retail market. 
              The goodwill is not expected to be deductible for tax purposes. 
              Net cash outflow for purchase of subsidiaries in 2011 included 
              US$5 million for Jardine Cycle & Carriage's acquisition 
              of 100% of Lowe Motor, a motor retail group in Malaysia, 
              in May 2011; and US$147 million and US$67 million for Astra's 
              acquisition of 60% of PT Asmin Bara Bronang, a coal mine 
              concession company, in May 2011, and 95% of Marga Hanurata 
              Intrinsic, a toll road company, in August 2011, respectively; 
              less a net cash inflow of US$10 million for Astra's acquisition 
              of an additional 11% of PT Fuji Technica Indonesia, a dies 
              manufacturer in Indonesia, in June 2011. 
             Revenue and profit after tax since acquisition in respect 
              of subsidiaries acquired during the year amounted to US$43 
              million and US$1 million, respectively. Had the acquisitions 
              occurred on 1st January 2012, consolidated revenue and 
              consolidated profit after tax for the year ended 31st 
              December 2012 would have been US$33,112 million and US$4,316 
              million, respectively. 
      (b)    Purchase of associates and joint ventures in 2012 included 
              US$112 million in Dairy Farm, mainly for its acquisition 
              of a 50% interest in Rustan Supercenters Inc. in the Philippines; 
              and US$10 million, US$8 million, US$14 million and US$95 
              million for Astra's capital injections into PT Komatsu 
              Astra Finance, PT Toyota Astra Finance and PT AT Indonesia, 
              and subscription to Bank Permata's rights issue, respectively. 
              Purchase of associates and joint ventures in 2011 included 
              US$5 million for Dairy Farm's additional capital injection 
              into Foodworld India; US$19 million for Jardine Cycle 
              & Carriage's acquisition of an additional 4% interest 
              in Truong Hai Auto Corporation; US$6 million and US$21 
              million for Astra's acquisition of a 26% interest in PT 
              TD Automotive Compressor Indonesia and a 20% interest 
              in PT Bukit Enim Energi, respectively; and US$6 million 
              for the Company's capital injection into JRE Asia Capital. 
      (c)    Purchase of other investments in 2012 and 2011 mainly 
              included acquisition of securities by Jardine Cycle & 
              Carriage and Astra. 
      (d)    Advance to associates, joint ventures and others in 2012 
              mainly comprised Hongkong Land's loans to its property 
              joint ventures of US$348 million and Mandarin Oriental's 
              loan to Mandarin Oriental, New York of US$19 million. 
              Advance to associates, joint ventures and others in 2011 
              mainly included Hongkong Land's loans to its property 
              joint ventures of US$258 million. 
      (e)    Repayment from associates, joint ventures and others in 
              2012 and 2011 mainly included repayment from Hongkong 
              Land's property joint ventures of US$58 million and US$111 
              million, respectively. 
      (f)    Sale of subsidiaries 
                                                                            2012    2011 
                                                                            US$m    US$m 
        Current assets                                                         6       - 
        Net assets                                                             6       - 
        Adjustment for non-controlling interests                             (1)       - 
                                                                           -----  ------ 
        Net assets disposed of                                                 5       - 
        Profit on disposal                                                     2       - 
                                                                           -----  ------ 
        Sale proceeds                                                          7       - 
        Adjustment for deferred consideration                                  1       2 
        Net cash inflow                                                        8       2 
                                                                           -----  ------ 
       (g)   Sale of other investments in 2012 mainly included Jardine 
              Cycle & Carriage's sale of securities of US$134 million, 
              Astra's sale of securities of US$192 million and the Company's 
              partial sale of its interest in Paris Orléans of 
              US$93 million. 
              Sale of other investments in 2011 mainly included Astra's 
              sale of securities. 
       (h)   Change in interests in subsidiaries 
                                                                            2012    2011 
                                                                            US$m    US$m 
             Increase in attributable interests 
        - Hongkong Land                                                        -     239 
        - Jardine Cycle & Carriage                                           132      97 
        - other                                                               35       1 
        Decrease in attributable interests                                 (139)       - 
                                                                              28     337 
                                                                           -----  ------ 
        Increase in attributable interests in other subsidiaries 
         in 2012 included US$4 million and US$5 million for Astra's 
         acquisition of additional 10% and 43% interests in PT 
         Swadharma Bakti Sedaya Finance and PT Staco Estika Sedaya 
         Finance, respectively, and US$24 million advance payment 
         for its acquisition of an additional 15% interest in PT 
         Asmin Bara Bronang. 
         Decrease in attributable interests comprised Dairy Farm's 
         reduced interest in PT Hero Supermarket from 94% to 81%. 
14.   Jardine Strategic Corporate Cash Flow 
       and Net Cash 
                                                          2012   2011 
                                                          US$m   US$m 
      Dividends receivable 
                                                         -----  ----- 
 Subsidiaries                                              771    673 
 Jardine Matheson                                          461    418 
 Associates and joint ventures                               2      6 
 Other holdings                                             11     10 
                                                         1,245  1,107 
 Less taken in scrip                                     (461)  (418) 
                                                         -----  ----- 
                                                           784    689 
 Other operating cash flows                              (132)  (303) 
                                                         -----  ----- 
 Cash flows from operating activities                      652    386 
      Investing activities 
                                                         -----  ----- 
 Capital injection in joint ventures                       (1)    (6) 
 Purchase of other investment                              (1)      - 
 Sale of investment in joint ventures                        8      - 
 Sale of other investment                                   93      - 
 Cash flows from investing activities                       99    (6) 
      Financing activities 
                                                         -----  ----- 
 Purchase of additional interests in subsidiaries        (132)  (336) 
 Dividends paid by the Company                           (252)   (98) 
 Cash flows from financing activities                    (384)  (434) 
 Fair value adjustment on 6.375% Guarantee 
  Bonds                                                      -      7 
                                                         -----  ----- 
 Net increase/(decrease) in net cash                       367   (47) 
 Net cash at 1st January                                   250    297 
                                                         -----  ----- 
 Net cash at 31st December                                 617    250 
                                                         -----  ----- 
      Represented by: 
 Bank balances and other liquid funds                      617    250 
                                                           617    250 
                                                         -----  ----- 
 Corporate cash flow and net cash comprises the cash flows 
  and net cash of the Company and of its investment holding 
  and financing subsidiaries. 
15.  Capital Commitments and Contingent Liabilities 
      Total capital commitments at 31st December 2012 amounted 
      to US$2,195 million (2011: US$2,931 million). 
      Various Group companies are involved in litigation arising 
      in the ordinary course of their respective businesses. Having 
      reviewed outstanding claims and taking into account legal 
      advice received, the Directors are of the opinion that adequate 
      provisions have been made in the financial statements. 
16.  Related Party Transactions 
      In the normal course of business the Group undertakes a variety 
      of transactions with Jardine Matheson, and with certain of 
      its associates and joint ventures. 
      The most significant of such transactions relate to the purchase 
      of motor vehicles and spare parts from the Group's associates 
      and joint ventures in Indonesia including PT Toyota-Astra 
      Motor, PT Astra Honda Motor and PT Astra Daihatsu Motor. 
      Total cost of motor vehicles and spare parts purchased in 
      2012 amounted to US$8,466 million (2011: US$7,115 million). 
      The Group also sells motor vehicles and spare parts to its 
      associates and joint ventures in Indonesia including PT Astra 
      Honda Motor, PT Astra Daihatsu Motor and PT Tunas Ridean. 
      Total revenue from sale of motor vehicles and spare parts 
      in 2012 amounted to US$1,166 million (2011: US$988 million). 
      In accordance with the Bye-laws, Jardine Matheson Limited, 
      a wholly-owned subsidiary of Jardine Matheson Holdings Limited, 
      has been appointed General Manager of the Company under a 
      General Manager Agreement. With effect from 1st January 2008, 
      Jardine Matheson Limited has sub-delegated certain of its 
      responsibilities under the agreement to a fellow subsidiary. 
      Total fees payable for services provided to the Company in 
      2012 amounted to US$127 million (2011: US$110 million). 
      Bank Permata provides banking services to the Group. The 
      Group's deposits with Bank Permata at 31st December 2012 
      amounted to US$398 million (2011: US$401 million). 
      There were no other related party transactions that might 
      be considered to have a material effect on the financial 
      position or performance of the Group that were entered into 
      or changed during the year. 
      Amounts of outstanding balances with Jardine Matheson, and 
      associates and joint ventures are included in debtors and 
      creditors, as appropriate. The Group has also committed to 
      provide loan facilities to Jardine Matheson. Undrawn facilities 
      amounted to US$325 million at 31st December 2012 (2011: US$275 
17.   Post Balance Sheet Event 
      On 8th February 2013, the Group's subsidiary, Mandarin Oriental, 
       completed the acquisition of the freehold interest in the 
       building housing Mandarin Oriental, Paris and two retail 
       units from a third party for EUR290 million (US$389 million). 
       Mandarin Oriental had paid a EUR10 million (US$13 million) 
       advance deposit prior to the year end; with the remaining 
       balance of EUR280 million (US$376 million) paid in February 
       At the balance sheet date (i.e. prior to the acquisition), 
       Mandarin Oriental had a 12-year lease on the hotel which 
       commenced on 18th April 2011 with an option to renew for 
       a further 12 years; while the retail units were leased by 
       the vendor to third party tenants. 
18.   Market Value Basis Net Assets 
                                                              2012       2011 
                                                              US$m       US$m 
 Jardine Matheson                                            4,914      3,051 
 Hongkong Land                                               8,225      5,342 
 Dairy Farm                                                 11,440      9,793 
 Mandarin Oriental                                           1,069      1,106 
 Jardine Cycle & Carriage                                   10,113      9,374 
 Other holdings                                                611        736 
                                                        ----------  --------- 
                                                            36,372     29,402 
 Jardine Strategic Corporate                                   766        386 
                                                        ----------  --------- 
                                                            37,138     29,788 
                                                        ----------  --------- 
                                                               US$        US$ 
 Net asset value per share                                   60.65      48.36 
                                                        ----------  --------- 
 'Market value basis net assets' are calculated based on the 
  market price of the Company's holdings for listed companies, 
  with the exception of the holding in Jardine Matheson which 
  has been calculated by reference to the market value of US$22,926 
  million (2011: US$16,985 million) less the Company's share 
  of the market value of Jardine Matheson's interest in the 
  Company. For unlisted companies a Directors' valuation has 
  been used. 
  Net asset value per share is calculated on 'market value 
  basis net assets' of US$37,138 million (2011: US$29,788 million) 
  and on 612 million (2011: 616 million) shares outstanding 
  at the year end which excludes the Company's share of the 
  shares held by Jardine Matheson of 508 million (2011: 504 
  million) shares. 
Jardine Strategic Holdings Limited 
 Principal Risks and Uncertainties 
  The Board has overall responsibility for risk management and 
  internal control. The process by which the Group identifies 
  and manages risk will be set out in more detail in the Corporate 
  Governance section of the Company's 2012 Annual Report (the 
  'Report'). The following are the principal risks and uncertainties 
  facing the Company as required to be disclosed pursuant to the 
  Disclosure and Transparency Rules issued by the Financial Services 
  Authority of the United Kingdom and are in addition to the matters 
  referred to in the Chairman's Statement and Operating Review. 
  Economic Risk 
  Most of the Group's businesses are exposed to the risk of negative 
  developments in global and regional economies and financial 
  markets, either directly or through the impact on the Group's 
  joint venture partners, franchisors, bankers, suppliers or customers. 
  These developments can result in recession, inflation, deflation, 
  currency fluctuations, restrictions in the availability of credit, 
  business failures, or increases in financing costs, oil prices 
  and in the cost of raw materials. Such developments might increase 
  operating costs, reduce revenues, lower asset values or result 
  in the Group's businesses being unable to meet in full their 
  strategic objectives. 
  Commercial Risk and Financial Risk 
  Risks are an integral part of normal commercial practices, and 
  where practicable steps are taken to mitigate such risks. These 
  risks are further pronounced when operating in volatile markets. 
  A number of the Group's businesses make significant investment 
  decisions in respect of developments or projects that take time 
  to come to fruition and achieve the desired returns and are, 
  therefore, subject to market risks. 
  The Group's businesses operate in areas that are highly competitive, 
  and failure to compete effectively in terms of price, product 
  specification or levels of service can have an adverse effect 
  on earnings. Significant pressure from such competition may 
  lead to reduced margins. The quality and safety of the products 
  and services provided by the Group's businesses are also important 
  and there is an associated risk if they are below standard. 
  The steps taken by the Group to manage its exposure to financial 
  risk will be set out in the Financial Review and in a note to 
  the Financial Statements in the Report. 
  Concessions, Franchises and Key Contracts 
  A number of the Group's businesses and projects are reliant 
  on concessions, franchises, management or other key contracts. 
  Cancellation, expiry or termination, or the renegotiation of 
  any such concession, franchise, management or other key contracts, 
  could have an adverse effect on the financial condition and 
  results of operations of certain subsidiaries, associates and 
  joint ventures of the Group. 
  Regulatory and Political Risk 
  The Group's businesses are subject to a number of regulatory 
  environments in the territories in which they operate. Changes 
  in the regulatory approach to such matters as foreign ownership 
  of assets and businesses, exchange controls, planning controls, 
  emission regulations, tax rules and employment legislation have 
  the potential to impact the operations and profitability of 
  the Group's businesses. Changes in the political environment 
  in such territories can also affect the Group's businesses. 
  Terrorism, Pandemic and Natural Disasters 
  A number of the Group's operations are vulnerable to the effects 
  of terrorism, either directly through the impact of an act of 
  terrorism or indirectly through the impact of generally reduced 
  economic activity in response to the threat of or an actual 
  act of terrorism. 
  All Group businesses would be impacted by a global or regional 
  pandemic which could be expected to seriously affect economic 
  activity and the ability of our businesses to operate smoothly. 
  In addition, many of the territories in which the Group operates 
  can experience from time to time natural disasters such as earthquakes 
  and typhoons. 
Responsibility Statement 
  The Directors of the Company confirm to the best of their knowledge 
(a)   the consolidated financial statements have been prepared 
       in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards, 
       including International Accounting Standards and Interpretations 
       adopted by the International Accounting Standards Board; 
(b)   the sections of the Company's 2012 Annual Report, including 
       the Chairman's Statement, Operating Review and Principal 
       Risks and Uncertainties, which constitute the management 
       report include a fair review of all information required 
       to be disclosed by the Disclosure and Transparency Rules 
       4.1.8 to 4.1.11 issued by the Financial Services Authority 
       of the United Kingdom. 
For and on behalf of the Board 
 Ben Keswick 
 Lord Leach of Fairford 
 8th March 2013 
      The final dividend of USc17.00 per share will be payable on 
       22nd May 2013, subject to approval at the Annual General Meeting 
       to be held on 16th May 2013, to shareholders on the register 
       of members at the close of business on 22nd March 2013, and 
       will be available in cash with a scrip alternative. The ex-dividend 
       date will be on 20th March 2013, and the share registers will 
       be closed from 25th to 29th March 2013, inclusive. Shareholders 
       will receive their cash dividends in United States dollars, 
       unless they are registered on the Jersey branch register where 
       they will have the option to elect for sterling. These shareholders 
       may make new currency elections for the 2012 final dividend 
       by notifying the United Kingdom transfer agent in writing 
       by 26th April 2013. The sterling equivalent of dividends declared 
       in United States dollars will be calculated by reference to 
       a rate prevailing on 8th May 2013. Shareholders holding their 
       shares through The Central Depository (Pte) Limited ('CDP') 
       in Singapore will receive United States dollars unless they 
       elect, through CDP, to receive Singapore dollars or the scrip 
                              Jardine Strategic 
         Jardine Strategic is a holding company which takes long-term 
        strategic investments in multinational businesses, particularly 
        those with an Asian focus, and in other high quality companies 
        with existing or potential links with the Group. Its principal 
         attributable interests are in Jardine Matheson 55%, Hongkong 
          Land 50%, Dairy Farm 78%, Mandarin Oriental 74% and Jardine 
       Cycle & Carriage 72%, which in turn has a 50% interest in Astra. 
              Jardine Strategic is 82%-held by Jardine Matheson. 
         Jardine Strategic Holdings Limited is incorporated in Bermuda 
         and has a premium listing on the London Stock Exchange, with 
     secondary listings in Bermuda and Singapore. The Company's interests 
            are managed from Hong Kong by Jardine Matheson Limited. 
                                    - end - 
 For further information, please contact: 
 Jardine Matheson Limited 
 James Riley                                                   (852) 2843 8229 
 Kennes Young                                                  (852) 2501 7987 
 Full text of the Preliminary Announcement of Results and the 
  Preliminary Financial Statements for the year ended 31st December 
  2012 can be accessed through the internet at www.jardines.com. 

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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