RNS Number : 0583Z

Metropolitan Funding PLC

19 May 2021

Metropolitan Funding PLC

Thames Valley Housing Association (TVHA) unaudited consolidated results for the year ended 31 March 2021.

The TVHA group (trading as Metropolitan Thames Valley), one of the UK's leading providers of affordable housing and care and support services, announces unaudited consolidated results for the year ended 31 March 2021. These results may be subject to further adjustments, most notably in respect of pension costs and property valuations.


   --    Operating Surplus up 9% to GBP138m (2020: GBP127m). 
   --    Total Revenue GBP446m, down 4% (2020: GBP465m). 
   --    923 new homes completed (2020: 1,022 homes) of which 704 (2020: 781) were affordable. 
   --    Strong liquidity position with around GBP790m of available cash and facilities. 
   --    Net debt to EBITDA 10.5x (2020: 12.1x). 
   --    S&P credit rating A- (stable outlook). 
   --    RSH grading confirmed as G1/V2. 

-- Appointment of new Board members Tania Brisby, Davinder Dhillon, Nigel Ingram and Ofei Kwafo-Akoto.

Geeta Nanda, Chief Executive of Metropolitan Thames Valley, commented:

"The safety and wellbeing of our customers and colleagues has been our number one priority throughout global pandemic which has dominated the 2020/21 financial year. Consistent with our strategy of "Serving People Better Every Day", we moved quickly to maintain essential frontline services, particularly across our Care and Support schemes which serve some of the most vulnerable people in society. We also focussed on maintaining full services to our NHS keyworker accommodation schemes, which are designed to give frontline healthcare workers comfortable and secure homes near to the hospitals where they work.

Reported operating surplus rose 9% to GBP138m while underlying Social Housing margin rose by 4 percentage points to 32%. Sales revenue was GBP109m (down 17%) as we sold 531 new homes (2020: 711 homes). The average selling price of our homes was GBP321k for Shared Ownership (down 5%) and GBP430k for outright sale (down 12%), both driven by geographic sales mix. Meanwhile the sales market continues to perform in line with our expectations. The Group is well-funded with GBP0.8bn of available liquidity.

Despite disruption from Covid 19 and Brexit to the construction sector we built 923 new homes, and our pipeline is set to deliver a further 6,000 over the next five years. We also maintained our commitment to the quality of existing properties, with GBP42m invested in people's homes - including improvements such as replacing bathrooms and kitchens and installing new boilers. Our money advice team also worked with customers proactively through the year to support those undergoing financial stress, such that our concerns around arrears at this time last year did not materialise, with rental arrears rates ending the year just under 5%.

"Building safety continued to be an area of focus for us during the year, with our dedicated Safer Buildings team delivering a programme of surveys across more than 50 of our tallest blocks. This work is ongoing, as we identify and address risk across our properties, in line with government guidelines. The challenges faced by leaseholders trying to sell or re-mortgage their properties or concerned by the prospect of incurring costs for fire safety work on their buildings, has caused great anxiety for many homeowners across the country. We continue to work to support residents affected in this way, and to urge government to take action to help resolve these challenges."

Results overview

Total Housing operations (including supported housing and market rent) were in line with expectations, with non-sales income representing 76% (2020: 72%) of turnover. Underlying Social Housing operating margin was 32% (2020: 28%). Sales revenue was GBP108m (2020: GBP131m) with an average sales margin of 10% (2020: 16%). We built 923 new homes (2020: 1,022 new homes) in the year, investing GBP158m (2020: GBP281m) in new housing.

Underlying operating margins are 31% (2020: 28%) driven by the return to an indexed rent roll. Liquidity remains strong at GBP790m (2020: GBP611m). Drawn borrowings are GBP1.9bn (2020: GBP2.0bn).

Our partnership integration activities are complete and we continue to deliver on the integration savings in respect of headcount and procurement.

Operations review - Customer Services (including Care and Support)

Social housing letting revenue was GBP299m (2020: GBP295m), with underlying rental income up 3.2% in line with the inflation settlement. We invested GBP42m (2020: GBP42m) in property improvements, while our overall spend on fire safety was GBP21m (2020: GBP16m). Our total spend on the existing estate was GBP127m (2020: GBP129m) prioritising property compliance, condition and customer satisfaction issues. Social rent arrears closed the year at 4.98% (2020: 4.82%) as a result of proactively contacting vulnerable customers offering support and financial advice and assisting new claimants on to Universal Credit. Our average general needs re-let time improved from around 32 days in 2020 (weighted between MHT and TVHA by unit stock) to 27 days 2021.

In line with our commitment to improve the lives of our customers, we invested GBP3.6m (2020 GBP3.7m) in building stronger communities.

Operations review - New homes development and sales

First tranche revenues were GBP44m (2020; GBP77m) with margins diluted as we sold down long-term stock units on some lower-margin sites outside London. We sold 380 First Tranche units at an average 14% surplus margin (2020: 600 units at 15% margin). In addition we sold 151 outright sale units at an average underlying margin (net of post-planning remediation costs) of 10% (2020: 111 units at 17%). As at 31 March 2021, MTVH held 262 unreserved completed units (2020: 183).

During the year we completed 370 staircasing transactions which delivered GBP16.5m of operating surplus at a 37% margin (2020: GBP16.0m at 34% from 412 completions). In addition, we completed 206 Homebuy loan redemption transactions, achieving GBP5.8m of operating surplus at a 38% margin (2020: GBP6.2m at a 40% margin from 234 completions). Surplus derived from Right to Buy disposals fell by GBP2.5m to GBP0.9m as a result of the completion of the extended Right to Buy pilot scheme in the East Midlands at the end of last year.

The future development pipeline remains strong at 6,914 units (2020: 6,344 units) despite the impact of the COVID19. At Clapham Park we are now out to tender seeking a Joint Venture partner with whom to deliver futures sales phases, with the next social phase under construction.

Debt and facilities

Net debt (excluding derivative financial instruments) at 31 March 2021 is GBP1.9bn (2020: GBP2.0bn) following a year of strong cash generation boosted by a good sales market and some delayed development spend. Available liquidity (cash and committed secured undrawn facilities) is up at GBP790m (2020: GBP611m). MHT covenant gearing reduced on the Historic Cost basis to 38% (2020: 42%). Interest cover was around 1.68 times (2020: 1.6 times) on an EBITDA MRI basis.

The Standard & Poor's credit rating was confirmed in December 2020 at A- (stable outlook).

 Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income for the year 
  ended 31 March 2021 (unaudited) 
                                                               2021      2020           % 
                                                  -------  --------  --------  ---------- 
                                                               GBPm      GBPm 
                                                  -------  --------  --------  ---------- 
 Revenue                                                      445.8     465.0         -4% 
                                                  -------  --------  --------  ---------- 
 Cost of sales                                                -96.1    -111.2        -14% 
 Operating costs                                             -241.2    -257.6         -6% 
                                                  -------  --------  --------  ---------- 
 Surplus from disposal of fixed assets 
  and investments                                              24.5      28.8        -15% 
---------------------------------------------------------  --------  --------  ---------- 
 Share of Surplus from Joint Ventures                           5.0       5.7        -12% 
---------------------------------------------------------  --------  --------  ---------- 
 Underlying Operating Surplus                                 138.0     130.7          6% 
---------------------------------------------------------  --------  --------  ---------- 
 Non-recurring operating costs                                    -      -4.1 
---------------------------------------------------------  --------  --------  ---------- 
 Operating Surplus                                            138.0     126.6          9% 
                                                  -------  --------  --------  ---------- 
 Revaluation of Investments                                     3.0      -0.5       -700% 
                                                  -------  --------  --------  ---------- 
 Net interest payable                                         -74.9     -77.3         -3% 
                                                  -------  --------  --------  ---------- 
 Movements in fair value of financial 
  instruments and investment property                          -4.3       0.7       -714% 
---------------------------------------------------------  --------  --------  ---------- 
 Movement in fair value of financial 
  assets                                                       -0.7      -0.7           - 
                                                  -------  --------  --------  ---------- 
 Surplus before Tax                                            61.1      48.8         25% 
                                                  -------  --------  --------  ---------- 
 Taxation                                                         -       0.3           - 
                                                  -------  --------  --------  ---------- 
 Surplus for the Year                                          61.1      49.1         24% 
                                                  -------  --------  --------  ---------- 
 Actuarial loss in respect of pension 
  schemes                                                     -48.2      43.7       -210% 
                                                  -------  --------  --------  ---------- 
 Change in fair value of hedged financial 
  instruments                                                  12.4     -14.6       -185% 
                                                  -------  --------  --------  ---------- 
 Total comprehensive income for the 
  year                                                         25.3      78.2        -68% 
                                                  -------  --------  --------  ---------- 
 Consolidated Statement of Financial Position as at 31 March 
  2021 (unaudited) 
 Housing and Investment properties                          4,592.1   4,489.1          2% 
                                                       ------------  --------      ------ 
 Other fixed assets                                            36.0      29.9         21% 
                                                       ------------  --------      ------ 
 Investments                                                  262.0     271.1         -3% 
                                                       ------------  --------      ------ 
 Net current assets                                          -267.8      -6.1       4309% 
                                                       ------------  --------      ------ 
 Total Assets less current liabilities                      4,622.3    4783.9         -3% 
                                                       ------------  --------      ------ 
 Loans due to be repaid in more than 
  one year                                                  2,066.7   2,297.8        -10% 
                                                       ------------  --------      ------ 
 Pension liabilities                                           75.7      31.1        143% 
                                                       ------------  --------      ------ 
 Capital and reserves                                       2,479.9   2,455.0          1% 
                                                       ------------  --------      ------ 
 Total non-current liabilities 
  and reserves                                              4,622.3   4,783.9         -3% 
                                                       ------------  --------      ------ 
 Consolidated Statement of Cashflows for the year ended 
  31 March 2021 (unaudited) 
 Net cash from Operating Activities             273.2    172.6     58% 
                                              -------  -------  ------ 
 Net cash from Investing Activities            -162.7   -206.7    -21% 
                                              -------  -------  ------ 
 Net cash used in Financing Activities          -59.7    -83.5    -29% 
                                              -------  -------  ------ 
 Net movement in cash and cash equivalents       50.8   -117.6   -143% 
                                              -------  -------  ------ 
 Cash and cash equivalents carried 
  forward                                       156.3    105.5     48% 
                                              -------  -------  ------ 
 Sales revenue and margins           2021                  2020 
                               Revenue   Margin   Revenue         Margin 
                              --------  -------  --------------  ------- 
 First Tranche                    43.8      14%            76.9      15% 
----------------------------  --------  -------  --------------  ------- 
 Outright Sales                   64.9      10%            54.3      16% 
----------------------------  --------  -------  --------------  ------- 
 Staircasing                      44.4      37%            47.6      34% 
----------------------------  --------  -------  --------------  ------- 
 RTB / RTA                         2.8      32%            11.8      29% 
----------------------------  --------  -------  --------------  ------- 
 Redemptions                      15.5      37%            16.9      37% 
----------------------------  --------  -------  --------------  ------- 
 Fixed Asset Sales                10.6      13%             9.8      33% 
----------------------------  --------  -------  --------------  ------- 


Uncertainty relating to the twin effects of Covid and Brexit still occupy our planning however the sales market continues to perform well and overheads and housing operating costs remain under control. The withdrawal of HM Treasury incentives and support, including SDLT holidays and furlough may adversely impact the outturn, as well as some indications that construction and property cost increases will run ahead of underlying inflation as the economy recovers. Notwithstanding these risks we remain confident in the resilience of our plans.

We expect to publish the audited results in July 2021.


Please contact:

Donald McKenzie , Director of Corporate Finance, at donald.mckenzie@mtvh.co.uk or on (W) 0203-535-4434 or (M) 07738 714126

This information for investors is also available on our website: https://www.mtvh.co.uk/about-us/investors/


   --      Operating margin is operating surplus divided by turnover 
   --      Net debt is borrowings (excluding derivatives) less cash and cash deposits 
   --      Gearing is net borrowings divided by net housing properties at cost 

-- Interest cover is earnings before interest, tax and depreciation/amortisation less capitalised major repairs, divided by net interest costs


The information in this Preliminary Results announcement has been prepared by the Thames Valley Housing Association group and is for information purposes only.

The Results announcement should not be construed as an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any securities issued by the Parent, the Issuer or any other member of the Group, or any interest in any such securities, and nothing herein should be construed as a recommendation or advice to invest in any such securities.

This unaudited preliminary announcement contains certain 'forward-looking' statements reflecting, among other things, our current views on markets, activities and prospects. Actual and audited outcomes may differ materially. Such statements are a correct reflection of our views only on the publication date and no representation or warranty is given in relation to them, including as to their completeness or accuracy or the basis on which they were prepared. Financial results quoted are unaudited. We do not undertake to update or revise such public statements as our expectations change in response to events.

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

May 19, 2021 04:00 ET (08:00 GMT)

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