The possibility of French hospitality and vouchers group Accor SA (AC.FR) spinning off its vouchers business doesn't change French investment company Eurazeo SA's (RF.FR) intention to remain a shareholder in Accor.

"We are completely interested in remaining (a shareholder) of Accor if it goes through with this," Eurazeo's Chief Executive Patrick Sayer told a press conference Friday.

Under intense pressure from the global economic downturn, Accor Thursday said it was considering hiving off its vouchers business.

Eurazero has financing to cover its Accor shareholding for five years. It started buying into the big hotels group in May 2008.

As of July, it held about 10.2%, making it the second largest shareholder in the company, behind Colony Capital LLC, which owns around 19%. These two investors have stated they intend to keep their combined holding at around 30% of Accor's capital.

Eurazeo earlier Friday said it welcomes the decision of Accor to consider a demerger of its vouchers business.

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-By Nathalie Boschat, Dow Jones Newswires; +33 1 4017 1740;