Pan Orient Energy Corp. ("Pan Orient") (TSX VENTURE:POE) is providing its 2013
third quarter consolidated financial and operating results. Please note that all
amounts are in Canadian dollars unless otherwise stated and BOPD refers to
barrels of oil per day net to Pan Orient.

The Corporation is today filing its unaudited consolidated financial statements
as at and for the nine months ended September 30, 2013 and related management's
discussion and analysis with Canadian securities regulatory authorities. Copies
of these documents may be obtained online at or the Corporation's


--  Total corporate funds flow from operations for the third quarter of 2013
    were $4.8 million compared with $5.7 million in the first quarter of
    2013 and $6.5 million for the second quarter of 2013. Funds flow from
    operations per share was $0.08 for the third quarter of 2013. 
--  During the third quarter of 2013 there was a net loss attributable to
    common shareholders of $3.1 million, or $0.05 per share, compared with
    net income attributable to common shareholders of $0.3 million, or $0.01
    per share, for the first quarter of 2013 and a net loss attributable to
    common shareholders of $97.7 million, or $1.73 per share, for the second
    quarter of 2013. The 2013 cumulative net loss for the first three
    quarters of 2013 of $100.4 million largely resulted from the $104.2
    million write-down of exploration and evaluation assets associated with
    the Citarum and South CPP Production Sharing Contracts ("PSC's") in
    Indonesia. For this write-down, $99.6 million was recorded in the second
    quarter of 2013 and a further $4.6 million was recorded in the third
    quarter of 2013 primarily relating to costs incurred to complete
    drilling operations of the Cataka-1A well in July. 
--  Capital expenditures were $17.6 million for the third quarter of 2013
    and included $13.2 million in Indonesia and $5.5 million in Thailand.
    There was a $1.1 million recovery of capital costs in Canada at the Sawn
    Lake steam assisted gravity drainage ("SAGD") demonstration project of
    Andora Energy Corporation ("Andora") due to the joint venture partners
    electing to participate for a 50% working interest in the project. The
    reduction of Pan Orient capital expenditures in the third quarter from
    $34.5 million in the first quarter of 2013 and $38.0 million for the
    second quarter of 2013 reflects completion of all 2013 drilling and
    seismic programs in Thailand and Indonesia except for completion of the
    seismic program at East Jabung which is currently underway. Capital
    expenditures were funded partially by the $4.8 million of funds flow
    from operations and the remainder through existing working capital. 
--  At September 30, 2013 Pan Orient had $40.9 million of working capital
    and non-current deposits, and no long-term debt. In addition, Pan Orient
    had $7.5 million of equipment inventory to be utilized for future
    Thailand and Indonesia operations which is included in exploration and
    evaluation assets in the consolidated statement of financial position. 
--  Thailand 
    --  In the third quarter of 2013 Concession L53 averaged oil sales of
        809 BOPD and generated $5.4 million in after tax funds flow from
        operations, or $73.13 per barrel. This compares with oil sales in
        the second quarter of 2013 of 955 BOPD and $6.6 million in after tax
        funds flow from operations, or $76.27 per barrel. Oil sales
        decreased 15% from the second quarter of 2013 primarily due to the
        L53-G2 well being shut-in from July 14th, when it was producing at
        approximately 301 BOPD, to September 3rd when permission was
        received to resume production testing, the shut-in of the L53-G3ST1
        well on September 12th, and declines in other wells in the L53-A and
        L53-D fields which were partially offset with oil sales from the new
        L53-EXT and L53-G4 wells which were brought on during the quarter. 
    --  Oil sales in October 2013 at Concession L53 were 1,156 BOPD.
        Estimated oil sales over the past 30 days has averaged 986 BOPD and
        current Thailand oil production is approximately 939 BOPD, excluding
        approximately 115 BOPD that is currently shut-in. 
    --  The L53-G2 well drilled in late March 2013 was a new pool discovery
        outside of the existing production license areas in Concession L53
        and a production license and associated environmental approval is
        required for the new L53-G field before permanent production can
        commence. The Company applied for the new production license for the
        L53-G oil pool in mid-August. Until a production license is granted
        and environmental approval received for the L53-G field, wells in
        the L53-G field (including L53-G2, L53-G3ST1 and L53-G4) are shut-in
        at the end of their respective 90 day test periods as per government
        regulations. Approval of the L53-G production license is anticipated
        in late November 2013 and environmental approval is anticipated
        sometime between late November 2013 and mid-January 2014. The
        Company received permission for an additional 90 day test period for
        the L53-G2 well only and this production testing extension will end
        on December 3rd. The L53-G2 well is currently producing 501 BOPD. 
    --  On a per barrel basis, after tax funds flow from operations of
        $73.13 in the third quarter of 2013 was fairly consistent with the
        first two quarters of 2013 and resulted from oil sales of $99.34,
        transportation expenses of $1.60, operating expenses of $14.56,
        general and administrative expenses of $5.13 and a royalty to the
        Thailand government of $4.94. Oil sales revenue during this period
        was allocated 21% to expenses for transportation, operating, and
        general & administrative, 5% to the government of Thailand for
        royalties, and 74% to Pan Orient. 
    --  Capital expenditures of $5.5 million in Thailand during the third
        quarter of 2013 included $2.2 million in drilling costs in
        Concession L53, including the L53-G4 well, and $3.3 million for well
        workovers in Concession L53 to evaluate different zones and add oil
        production. Pan Orient drilled the L53-G4 appraisal well in the
        third quarter to complete the drilling program. The well is
        currently producing at approximately 42 BOPD. 
    --  The Thailand drilling program in Concession L53 was completed in
        August and consisted of 13 wells which resulted in: 
        --  The L53-DC1, L53-DC2, L53-DC3 and L53-DC4 wells have produced
            oil from a new pool discovery from a new fault compartment
            within the L53-D East oil field area. Production from the heavy
            oil zones encountered in the shallow zones at the L53-DC East
            field has been inconsistent and various procedures are being
            implemented in an effort to improve oil production and deal with
            sand production. Installation of progressive cavity pumps is
            planned for the L53-DC3 well and two other wells in the L53-DC
            field and we are awaiting delivery of the pumps. 
        --  The L53-DEXT exploration well was drilled in the second quarter
            of 2013 into a new fault compartment at the L53-D field. This
            well produced approximately 40 BOPD of 14 degree API heavier oil
            from a shallow "A3" sands during testing. The well is currently
            shut-in awaiting a workover to perforate additional possible oil
            pay zones above the existing perforations. 
        --  The L53-G2 discovery well and the appraisal L53-G4 are producing
            oil from the new L53-G pool, and the L53-G3ST1 appraisal well
            has been shut-in since September 12th when it completed its 90
            production test period. Oil sales to October 31, 2013 from these
            three wells have totaled 63,729 barrels of oil. 
        --  Unsuccessful exploration wells at L53-DB1 (targeting the L53-D
            West prospect), L53-A4 (targeting the L53-H prospect), L53-F,
            and L53-EXT1 (targeting the deeper "A5" to "A3" oil bearing
            sands that were logged in the L53-DC4 pilot well). The L53-DB1
            well has been converted to a water disposal well. 
        --  The L53-A4ST1 exploration well drilled to test a small
            independent structural closure south east of the L53-A field and
            outside the L53-A production license area. This well encountered
            net oil pay in the "K40-A" sand and had produced on a 90 day
            production test at approximately 15 to 50 BOPD with a water cut
            of approximately 93%. L53-A4ST1 is currently shut-in and Pan
            Orient plans to convert the well to a water disposal well. 
        --  Wells drilled in this drilling program added an average of 533
            BOPD in the third quarter of 2013, despite the L53-G2 well being
            shut in temporarily from July 14th to September 3rd, and the
            L53-G3ST1 well being shut-in temporarily on September 12th. Pan
            Orient has recently received environmental approval for drilling
            the L53-A Central prospect in Concession L53 and is waiting for
            environmental approval for drilling of the L53 North prospect
            and additional locations in L53-G field. The drilling of
            prospects at L53-A Central and L53 North is anticipated in 2014.
--  Indonesia 
    --  The Company has conducted significant exploration activities in
        Indonesia during the first three quarters of 2013 with exploration
        drilling at the Batu Gajah and Citarum PSC's and seismic programs at
        the Batu Gajah, South CPP and East Jabung PSC's to evaluate
        exploration potential. 
    --  Capital expenditures in Indonesia of $13.2 million in the third
        quarter of 2013 were $4.0 million for completion of drilling of the
        Cataka-1A well at the Citarum PSC, $8.4 million at the Batu Gajah
        PSC associated with the 3D seismic program, and $0.8 million at the
        East Jabung PSC for the 3D seismic program. 
    --  During the first nine months of 2013 capital expenditures in
        Indonesia have been $48.3 million with $15.2 million at the Citarum
        PSC, $26.6 million at the Batu Gajah PSC, $4.5 million at the South
        CPP PSC and $2.0 million at the East Jabung. For the first nine
        months of 2013, capital expenditures were $22.9 million for
        exploration drilling, $21.7 million for seismic programs, $2.9
        million for capitalized general and administrative expenses, and
        $0.8 for other exploration expenses. 
    --  Citarum PSC onshore Java (Pan Orient operator and 97% ownership) 
        --  Capital expenditures of $15.2 million in the first nine months
            of 2013 were associated with the continued drilling operations
            at the Jatayu-1 and Cataka-1A wells. 
        --  Exploration drilling to date at the Citarum PSC has been very
            technically challenging and has not led to commercial
            discoveries. Pan Orient announced in July that the Company was
            initiating a farm-out process to seek a partner for continued
            exploration of the Citarum PSC and the farm-out process has
            commenced. The Citarum PSC has significant prospectivity for
            commercial quantities of crude oil and natural gas, including
            the defined Cataka and Jatayu prospects, within a region of
            existing infrastructure and a large deficit of natural gas
            supply relative to demand, good fiscal terms and an attractive
            large cost recovery pool. 
        --  Pan Orient's decision to discontinue drilling at the Citarum PSC
            and to initiate a farm-out process for continued exploration of
            the Citarum PSC and the future value of the Citarum PSC is
            dependent on the success of exploration drilling operations
            through the intended farm-out arrangement. As such, the Company
            reduced the carrying value of the Citarum PSC exploration and
            evaluation assets to zero in the second quarter of 2013 and
            recorded an impairment charge of $86.3 million and recorded a
            further $4.6 million impairment charge in the third quarter of
            2013 primarily relating to costs incurred to complete drilling
            operations of the Cataka-1A well in July. 
    --  Batu Gajah PSC onshore Sumatra (Pan Orient operator and 77%
        --  On January 16, 2013 an additional 1,730 square kilometers
            (gross) of exploration lands were relinquished at the Batu Gajah
            PSC, to hold 793 square kilometers (gross). 
        --  Capital expenditures in the first nine months of 2013 of $26.6
            with $4.7 million for drilling of the Shinta-1 exploration well,
            $4.5 million for the Buana-1 appraisal well, $16.3 million for
            the 400 square kilometer 3D seismic program which was completed
            in the third quarter and other capital expenditures of $1.1
        --  With respect to the 400 square kilometers 3D seismic program,
            field acquisition has been completed over the Raka, Takar, Rafa
            and western prospect areas, and the 3D data is being processed
            and mapped. 
        --  The operator of the Lemang PSC (directly adjacent to and west of
            a retained portion of Pan Orient's Batu Gajah PSC), has
            announced that significant hydrocarbons have been encountered in
            two wells located close to the Lemang PSC / Batu Gajah PSC
            boundary. Mapping of 2D seismic data over these wells combined
            with 2D seismic acquired by Pan Orient in 2010 indicates a
            portion of this structural closure extends into the Batu Gajah
            PSC. Articles of the PSC contract indicate that unitization of
            the potential field will be mandatory in the event of a "shared"
            field. Pan Orient is currently evaluating the field and the
            potential for drilling a well in our portion of the field. 
    --  South CPP PSC onshore Sumatra (Pan Orient operator and 77%
        --  Capital expenditures were $4.5 million in the first nine months
            of 2013 with $4.2 million for the 227 kilometer 2D seismic
            program which was completed in May 2013 and $0.3 million for
            capitalized general and administrative expenses and other
            capital expenditures. 
        --  After the evaluation of the seismic program results, the Company
            decided in the second quarter of 2013 to relinquish the South
            CPP PSC. As part of the relinquishment, it is expected that the
            Company is required to pay the Government of Indonesia for
            unfulfilled firm commitments in the amount of $2.8 million, and
            this amount has been accrued for in the financial statements. As
            a result of the intended relinquishment the Company is reducing
            the carrying value of the South CPP PSC exploration and
            evaluation assets to zero and the Company recorded an impairment
            charge of $13.3 million for the exploration and evaluation
            assets of the South CPP PSC as at June 30, 2013. 
    --  East Jabung PSC on-shore and offshore Sumatra (Pan Orient operator
        and 100% ownership) 
        --  Capital expenditures of $2.0 million in the first nine months of
            2013 related primarily to the initial costs of the 430 kilometer
            2D seismic program which is expected to be completed in early
        --  Subsequent to September 30, 2013, the Company submitted an
            application to the GOI to voluntarily relinquish approximately
            3,242.72 square kilometers of the PSC's offshore area. The
            result of the relinquishment does not impact the PSC's onshore
            exploration activities. 
        --  As at September 30, 2013 estimated commitments for Indonesia
            PSC's to October 2015 were $14.0 million for the Batu Gajah,
            Citarum and East Jabung PSC's. 
--  Canada 
    --  The Sawn Lake SAGD demonstration project is significantly underway,
        in which Andora is the operator and has a 50% working interest.
        Andora is owned 71.8% by Pan Orient. The Sawn Lake SAGD
        demonstration project in 2013 consists of drilling one SAGD well
        pair, construction of a facility for steam generation, water
        handling and oil treating, and installing water source and disposal
        facilities with an estimated cost of $24.1 million. The SAGD wells
        have been drilled to a depth of 650 meters and have a horizontal
        length of 780 meters. Work is proceeding on installation of the
    --  In the third quarter of 2013 our joint venture partners in the
        demonstration project provided notice of their election to
        participate for 50% in the demonstration project and provided the
        necessary funding to Andora. As part of the arrangement for the
        demonstration project, our joint venture partners have purchased a
        50% interest in water facilities from Andora for $850,000 in the
        fourth quarter of 2013 and it is expected the joint venture partners
        will repurchase the 3% gross overriding royalty on their 40% working
        interest in the 12 sections of the Central Block for $2.8 million,
        under certain terms and conditions. 


--  Thailand
    Between now and year end Thailand activities will be focused on a number
    of workovers and pump replacements on a number of the shallow heavy oil
    wells at the L53-D East field, and complete location construction for
    the L53 A Central prospect. Drilling at L53 A Central is currently
    planned for early in the first quarter of 2014, subject to rig

--  Indonesia
    Pan Orient possesses a diverse portfolio of high quality, high impact
    exploration and production opportunities in Indonesia and is currently
    seeking to farm-out a portion of the Company's interests in the Batu
    Gajah, East Jabung and Citarum PSC's. Initial response has been strong
    from a wide range of companies, necessitating the opening of a second
    data room. It is expected that farmout activities will extend into early
    2014 and be followed by the drilling of up to seven wells in mid-2014,
    subject to a number of variables.
    Data processing of the 400 square kilometer Batu Gajah PSC 3D seismic
    survey is currently underway and 2D seismic acquisition continues in
    East Jabung PSC with completion expected in the first quarter of 2014. 

--  Canada - Sawn Lake (Operated by Andora, in which Pan Orient has a 71.8%
    At the Sawn Lake demonstration project drilling of the first SAGD well
    pair has been completed, final site preparation and construction is
    underway, and equipment for the facility is ready for installation.
    Steam injection at the Sawn Lake SAGD demonstration project is scheduled
    for January 2014, with production anticipated early in the second
    quarter of 2014. 

Pan Orient is a Calgary, Alberta based oil and gas exploration and production
company with operations currently located onshore Thailand, Indonesia and in
Western Canada.

This news release contains forward-looking information. Forward-looking
information is generally identifiable by the terminology used, such as "expect",
"believe", "estimate", "should", "anticipate" and "potential" or other similar
wording. Forward-looking information in this news release includes, but is not
limited to, references to: well drilling programs and drilling plans, estimates
of reserves and potentially recoverable resources, and information on future
production and project start-ups. By their very nature, the forward-looking
statements contained in this news release require Pan Orient and its management
to make assumptions that may not materialize or that may not be accurate. The
forward-looking information contained in this news release is subject to known
and unknown risks and uncertainties and other factors, which could cause actual
results, expectations, achievements or performance to differ materially,
including without limitation: imprecision of reserve estimates and estimates of
recoverable quantities of oil, changes in project schedules, operating and
reservoir performance, the effects of weather and climate change, the results of
exploration and development drilling and related activities, demand for oil and
gas, commercial negotiations, other technical and economic factors or revisions
and other factors, many of which are beyond the control of Pan Orient. Although
Pan Orient believes that the expectations reflected in its forward-looking
statements are reasonable, it can give no assurances that the expectations of
any forward-looking statements will prove to be correct.

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term
is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility
for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Financial and Operating    Three Months Ended    Nine Months Ended          
 Summary                      September 30,        September 30,     Change 
(thousands of Canadian                                                      
 dollars except where                                                       
 indicated)                    2013       2012       2013       2012        
Oil revenue, before                                                         
 royalties and                                                              
 transportation expense       7,379      7,808     23,316     45,964    -49%
Funds flow from operations                                                  
 (Note 1)                     4,797      3,348     16,998     28,982    -41%
 Per share - basic and                                                      
  diluted                 $    0.08  $    0.06  $    0.30  $    0.51    -41%
Funds flow from operations                                                  
 by region (Note 1)                                                         
 Canada                         (48)    (2,021)      (236)    (3,010)   -92%
 Thailand                     5,445      5,653     17,937     32,397    -45%
 Indonesia                     (600)      (284)      (703)      (405)    74%
 Total                        4,797      3,348     16,998     28,982    -41%
Funds flow - Thailand                                                       
 disposition net proceeds                                                   
 (Note 2)                         -        553          -    158,505   -100%
Net income (loss)                                                           
 attributed to common                                                       
 shareholders                (3,109)    (1,626)  (100,445)    85,783   -217%
 Per share - basic and                                                      
  diluted                 $   (0.05) $   (0.03) $   (1.77) $    1.51   -217%
Working capital              38,667    130,470     38,667    130,470    -70%
Working capital & non-                                                      
 current deposits            40,879    134,061     40,879    134,061    -70%
Long-term debt                    -          -          -          -      0%
Capital expenditures (Note                                                  
 3)                          17,649     12,021     90,136     57,472     57%
Shares outstanding                                                          
 (thousands)                 56,760     56,720     56,760     56,720      0%
Funds Flow from Operations                                                  
 per Barrel (Note 1)                                                        
 Canada operations        $   (0.64) $  (26.07) $   (1.01) $   (7.02)   -86%
 Thailand operations          73.13      72.96      76.30      75.59      1%
 Indonesia operations         (8.06)     (3.67)     (2.99)     (0.94)   218%
                          $   64.43  $   43.22  $   72.30  $   67.63      7%
Capital Expenditures (Note                                                  
 Canada                      (1,065)        85      3,427        259   1267%
 Thailand                     5,506      3,961     38,444     30,730     25%
 Indonesia                   13,208      7,975     48,265     26,483     82%
 Total                       17,649     12,021     90,136     57,472     57%
Working Capital and Non-                                                    
 current Deposits                                                           
Beginning of period          54,345    184,536    116,376     51,632    125%
 Funds flow from                                                            
  operations (Note 1)         4,797      3,348     16,998     28,982    -41%
 Thailand disposition net                                                   
  proceeds (Note 2)               -        553          -    158,505   -100%
 Thailand disposition -                                                     
  sale of working capital                                                   
  (Note 2)                        -          -          -     (4,591)  -100%
 Special dividend                 -    (42,540)         -    (42,540)  -100%
 Recovery of 2012 taxes                                                     
  paid on Thailand                                                          
  disposition                     -          -      1,785          -    100%
 Capital expenditures                                                       
  (Note 3)                  (17,649)   (12,021)   (90,136)   (57,472)    57%
 Accrued relinquishment                                                     
  costs                          45          -     (2,733)         -    100%
 Foreign exchange impact                                                    
  on working capital           (659)       185     (1,541)      (455)   239%
 Net proceeds on share                                                      
  transactions                    -          -        130          -    100%
End of period                40,879    134,061     40,879    134,061    -70%
Canada Operations                                                           
 (excluding 2012 Thailand                                                   
Interest income and                                                         
 realized foreign exchange                                                  
 loss                            13     (1,404)       514     (1,076)       
General and administrative                                                  
 expense (Note 4)              (161)      (617)    (1,002)    (1,934)   -48%
Current income tax                                                          
 recovery                       100          -        252          -    100%
Funds flow from operations                                                  
 (Note 1)                       (48)    (2,021)      (236)    (3,010)   -92%
Funds flow from operations                                                  
 per barrel                                                                 
 Interest income and                                                        
  realized foreign                                                          
  exchange loss           $    0.16  $  (18.11) $    2.18  $   (2.51)       
 General and                                                                
  administrative expense                                                    
  (Note 4)                    (2.16)     (7.96)     (4.26)     (4.51)    -6%
 Current income tax                                                         
  recovery                     1.34          -       1.07          -    100%
                          $   (0.64) $  (26.07) $   (1.01) $   (7.02)   -86%
Indonesia Operations                                                        
General and administrative                                                  
 expense (Note 4)              (695)      (284)      (817)      (405)   102%
Realized foreign exchange                                                   
 gain                            95          -        114          -    100%
 Indonesia - Funds flow                                                     
  from operations              (600)      (284)      (703)      (405)    74%
Wells drilled                                                               
 Gross                            -          -          3          1    200%
 Net                              -          -        3.0        0.8    275%
                           Three Months Ended    Nine Months Ended          
                              September 30,        September 30,            
(thousands of Canadian                                                      
 dollars except where                                                       
 indicated)                    2013       2012       2013       2012 Change 
THAILAND OPERATIONS (Note                                                   
Oil sales (bbls)             74,458     77,477    235,073    428,635    -45%
Average daily oil sales                                                     
 (BOPD) by Concession                                                       
 L53                            809        842        861        906     -5%
 L44, L33, SW1 (interests                                                   
  sold June 15, 2012)             -          -          -        658   -100%
 Total                          809        842        861      1,564    -45%
Average oil sales price,                                                    
 before transportation                                                      
 (CDN$/bbl)               $   99.34  $  100.78  $   99.19  $  107.23     -8%
Reference Price (volume                                                     
 weighted) and                                                              
 Crude oil (Brent $US/bbl)$  110.31  $  108.76  $  108.04  $  114.95     -6%
 Exchange Rate $US/$Cdn        1.02       1.02       1.03       1.01      2%
 Crude oil (Brent                                                           
  $Cdn/bbl)               $  112.09  $  110.51  $  111.38  $  116.61     -4%
 Sale price / Brent                                                         
  reference price                89%        91%        89%        92%    -3%
Funds flow from operations                                                  
 (Note 1)                                                                   
 Crude oil sales              7,397      7,808     23,316     45,964    -49%
 Government royalty            (368)      (390)    (1,152)    (2,282)   -50%
 Other royalty                    -          -          -        (49)  -100%
 Transportation expense        (119)      (103)      (371)      (796)   -53%
 Operating expense           (1,084)    (1,357)    (2,747)    (5,244)   -48%
 Field netback                5,826      5,958     19,046     37,593    -49%
 General and                                                                
  administrative expense                                                    
  (Note 4)                     (382)      (307)    (1,134)    (1,831)   -38%
 Interest income                  2          4         27         43    -37%
 Current income tax              (1)        (2)        (2)    (3,408)  -100%
 Thailand - Funds flow                                                      
  from operations (Note 1)    5,445      5,653     17,937     32,397    -45%
Funds flow from operations                                                  
 / barrel (CDN$/bbl) (Note                                                  
 Crude oil sales          $   99.34  $  100.78  $   99.19  $  107.23     -8%
 Government royalty           (4.94)     (5.04)     (4.90)     (5.32)    -8%
 Other royalty                    -          -          -      (0.11)  -100%
 Transportation expense       (1.60)     (1.33)     (1.58)     (1.86)   -15%
 Operating expense           (14.56)    (17.51)    (11.69)    (12.23)    -4%
 Field netback                78.25      76.90      81.02      87.71     -8%
 General and                                                                
  administrative expense                                                    
  (Note 4)                    (5.13)     (3.96)     (4.82)     (4.27)    13%
 Interest Income               0.03       0.05       0.11       0.10     15%
 Current income tax           (0.01)     (0.03)     (0.01)     (7.95)  -100%
 Thailand - Funds flow                                                      
  from operations (Note 1)$   73.13  $   72.96  $   76.30  $   75.59      1%
Government royalty as                                                       
 percentage of crude oil                                                    
 sales                            5%         5%         5%         5%     0%
SRB as percentage of crude                                                  
 oil sales                        0%         0%         0%         0%     0%
Income tax as percentage                                                    
 of crude oil sales               0%         0%         0%         7%  -100%
As percentage of crude oil                                                  
 Expenses -                                                                 
  operating and G&A              21%        23%        18%        17%     6%
 Government royalty and                                                     
  income tax                      5%         5%         5%        12%   -60%
 Funds flow from                                                            
  operations, before                                                        
  interest income and                                                       
  realized foreign                                                          
  exchange gain                  74%        72%        77%        70%     9%
Wells drilled                                                               
 Gross                            1          -         13          7     86%
 Net                            1.0          -       13.0        5.0    160%
(1) Funds flow from operations ("funds flow" before changes in non-cash     
    working capital and reclamation costs) is used by management to analyze 
    operating performance and leverage. Funds flow as presented does not    
    have any standardized meaning prescribed by IFRS and therefore it may   
    not be comparable with the calculation of similar measures of other     
    entities. Funds flow is not intended to represent operating cash flow or
    operating profits for the period nor should it be viewed as an          
    alternative to cash flow from operating activities, net earnings or     
    other measures of financial performance calculated in accordance with   
(2) Thailand Concessions SW1, L44 and L33 were sold on June 15, 2012.       
    Proceeds of $185.3 million less transaction costs of $11.2 million and  
    estimated tax of $15.6 million results in proceeds net of expenses of   
    $158.5 million. After deducting $80.6 million related to the carrying   
    value of petroleum and equipment, exploration and evaluation costs, and 
    working capital sold (including the elimination of the associated       
    deferred tax liabilities, employee pension liabilities, and             
    decommissioning provision). The net after tax gain on sale is $77.9     
    million. The 2012 financial statements and operating results include    
    revenue, expenses and capital expenditures associated with these        
    properties to June 14, 2012.                                            
(3) Cost of capital expenditures, excluding any decommissioning provision   
    and excluding the impact of changes in foreign exchange rates.          
(4) General & administrative expenses, excluding non-cash accretion and gain
    on settlement of decommissioning provision.                             

To view accompanying map and table, visit the following link:

Pan Orient Energy Corp.
Jeff Chisholm
President and CEO (located in Bangkok, Thailand)

Pan Orient Energy Corp.
Bill Ostlund
Vice President Finance and CFO
(403) 294-1770

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Pan Orient Energy (TSXV:POE)
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