MOSCOW (AFP)--Russia called on Hungary Thursday to refrain from politicizing a deal under which a Russian energy company had purchased a large stake in the country's oil and gas company MOL Magyar Olaj- es Gazipari Nyrt. (MOL.BU).

"We believe it is counter-productive to artificially politicize the actions of economic enterprises," Russian foreign ministry spokesman Andrei Nesterenko told reporters.

"Free market principles do not stipulate that a commercial deal is subject to an advance ... notification on the part of the buyers," he said.

He indicated that Russian companies were facing discrimination, saying Russia was not aware of any other instances in which Hungary had made requirements for companies buying large stakes in MOL.

Earlier this month, MOL voiced concern over the large stake of its capital now owned by Russian energy group Surgutneftegas, arguing that it raises "energy dependence and supply issues."

MOL said on its Web site that it hadn't been notified or consulted prior to the transaction.

Austrian energy company OMV, which had earlier made a bid to acquire MOL, has said it has sold its entire 21.1% stake to the Russian company for EUR1.4 billion.

"The Russian side expresses hope that the Hungarian government will give Surgutneftegas the most favoured nation treatment with respect to its investments in MOL which other stakeholders in the company, both Hungarian and foreign, enjoy," Nesterenko said.

OMV said in a statement Thursday it had completed the transaction, RIa-Novosti reported.