RNS Number:3723P
Rathbone Brothers PLC
04 September 2003

4th September 2003

                             Rathbone Brothers Plc

              Interim results for the six months to 30th June 2003

Rathbone Brothers Plc, the group that specialises in discretionary investment
management for private clients, announces interim results for the six months to
30th June 2003.


   *Funds under management rise by 11% to #5.9bn over the six months compared
    with an increase in the FTSE 100 Index of only 2.3%.

   *The Unit Trust management company increases funds under management by 46%
    to #322 million in the same period.

   *Pre-tax profits before exceptional items and before goodwill amortisation
    are #9.4m compared with #11.4m in the first half of 2002 and #7.0m in the
    second half. Pre-tax profits before exceptional items and after goodwill
    amortisation are #6.6m compared with #10.1m for the first half of 2002.

   *Earnings per share, before goodwill amortisation, decline to 18.19p from
    22.39p for the same period in 2002.

   *Post goodwill earnings per share decline to 11.31p from 18.96p for the
    same period in 2002, but up from the 4.94p in the second half of 2002.

   *The interim dividend of 10p per share is maintained.

   *Markets in the period were very volatile - the FTSE 100 Index rose by
    2.3% overall but at its worst it fell 16% and subsequently rose by 28% from
    its low point.

Commenting on the interim results, Mark Powell, Chairman of Rathbone Brothers
Plc, said:

"This was, by any standards, an extremely difficult period in which to operate a
business whose main focus is discretionary investment management for wealthy
private investors. During the first half of 2003, the UK equity market as
measured by the FTSE 100, was very volatile - it fell by 16%, subsequently rose
by 28% from its low point, yet at the end of June finished only 2.3% above the
end of December level. In spite of this unusual volatility, the Group was
profitable in every month of the first half of the year."

"Against these very demanding market conditions, it is pleasing to report that
funds under management have risen by over 11% from #5.3bn at the end of 2002 to
#5.9bn at the end of June. Our continued policy of acquisition has led to an
increase in our goodwill charge and the resulting fall in post goodwill EPS".

"Looking forward, our view is that, whilst equities still offer good value,
further progress in markets is likely to be much less dramatic. The more settled
market conditions that we anticipate should however, provide a favourable
climate in which to continue growing our business organically and to attract
experienced investment and trust professionals to join Rathbones."

For further information, please contact:

Rathbone Brothers Plc (020 7399 0000)
Mark Powell, Chairman
Andy Pomfret, Finance Director

Luther Pendragon (020 7618 9100)
Tim Trotter (Glenfern)
Jon Bennett
Andrew Sharkey

Rathbone Brothers Plc
Interim results for the six months ended 30th June 2003

Chairman's Statement

My first statement as Chairman is for the six months to 30th June 2003. This
was, by any standards, an extremely difficult period in which to operate a
business whose main focus is discretionary investment management for wealthy
private investors. There was nervousness in the run up to military action in
Iraq and the consequent uncertainties when the invasion took place. This,
combined with anxieties connected with somewhat conflicting economic indicators
and the SARS epidemic, produced very volatile markets.

In the event, profits before tax (before exceptional items and goodwill
amortisation) for the six months to 30th June 2003 were #9.4 million, compared
with #11.4 million in the first half of 2002 and #7.0 million in the second

Earnings per share before goodwill amortisation were 18.19p compared to 22.39p
for the same period in 2002. The interim dividend of 10p per share is
maintained. Our continued policy of acquisition has led to an increase in our
goodwill charge and the resulting fall in post goodwill EPS from 18.96p to

During the first half of 2003, the UK equity market as measured by the FTSE 100,
was very volatile - it fell by 16%, subsequently rose by 28% from its low point,
yet at the end of June finished only 2.3% above the end of December level. In
spite of this unusual volatility, the Group was profitable in every month of the
first half of the year.

Against these very demanding market conditions, it is pleasing to report that
funds under management have risen by over 11% from #5.3bn at the end of 2002 to
#5.9bn at the end of June, compared with the 2.3% increase in the FTSE 100
Index, as a result of both organic growth and new business. Our Unit Trust
management company continues to perform very well and has increased its funds
under management by 46% to #322 million. In particular, the Rathbone Income Fund
has attracted considerable support reflecting its excellent long term record.

Our Trust division has suffered from the twin pressures of depressed markets and
low levels of corporate activity. Action has been taken to reduce overheads in
this area and these are anticipated to produce annual savings of approximately
#1 million from 2004, although there has been a one-off cost in this first half
of around #140,000. Despite the recent difficult trading environment, we believe
that our investment management and trust services together continue to offer
wealthy private investors a competitive level of service and expertise.

The sharp rally in the market since March reflects an increasing confidence in
the outlook for corporate earnings. Looking forward, our view is that, whilst
equities still offer good value, further progress in markets is likely to be
much less dramatic. The more settled market conditions that we anticipate should
however, provide a favourable climate in which to continue growing our business
organically and to attract experienced investment and trust professionals to
join Rathbones.

Mark Powell  
3rd September 2003

-----------------------------             ---------     --------      ----------
Consolidated profit and loss account
for the six months ended 30th June
-----------------------------             ---------     --------      ----------

                                       Six months   Six months            Year
                                            ended        ended           ended
                                        30th June    30th June   31st December
                                             2003         2002            2002
                                        Unaudited    Unaudited         Audited
                                            #'000        #'000           #'000
-----------------------------             ---------     --------      ----------
Gross operating income (Note 6)            49,280       50,694          95,969
-----------------------------             ---------     --------      ----------
Operating income - continuing              40,047       42,071          79,825
Operating costs                           (33,415)     (31,921)        (65,277)
-----------------------------             ---------     --------      ----------
Operating profit                            6,632       10,150          14,548
- operating profit before goodwill          9,383       11,420          18,364
- goodwill amortisation                    (2,751)      (1,270)         (3,816)

Gain on sale of investment
- continuing operations                       702            -             777
-----------------------------             ---------     --------      ----------
Profit on ordinary activities
before tax - continuing operations          7,334       10,150          15,325

Tax on profit on ordinary activities       (2,874)      (3,126)         (6,211)
-----------------------------             ---------     --------      ----------
Profit on ordinary activities after         4,460        7,024           9,114

Dividends                                  (3,974)      (4,149)        (10,451)
-----------------------------             ---------     --------      ----------

Transferred to reserves                       486        2,875          (1,337)
-----------------------------             ---------     --------      ----------

Earnings per ordinary share

Basic after goodwill amortisation           11.31p       18.96p          23.90p
Basic before goodwill amortisation          18.19p       22.39p          33.91p
Diluted after goodwill amortisation         11.16p       18.89p          23.83p
Diluted before goodwill amortisation        17.96p       22.31p          33.81p
-----------------------------             ---------     --------      ----------

Consolidated balance sheet
as at 30th June 2003
-----------------------------              ---------    ---------  ----------
                                         30th June    30th June    December
                                              2003         2002        2002
                                         Unaudited    Unaudited     Audited
                                             #'000        #'000       #'000
-----------------------------              ---------    ---------  ----------


Cash and balances at central banks           6,126        3,831      19,019
Settlement balances                         19,151       16,802       6,837
Loans and advances to banks                 34,266       32,289      33,025
Loans and advances to customers             34,677       35,112      36,828
Debt securities                            390,000      402,693     363,426
Equity shares                                   35           70          70
Intangible fixed assets                     57,469       39,239      56,232
Tangible fixed assets                        6,819        8,013       7,454
Other assets                                 3,941        5,466       3,651
Prepayments and accrued income              15,377       14,880      16,132
-----------------------------              ---------    ---------  ----------
Total assets                               567,861      558,395     542,674
-----------------------------              ---------    ---------  ----------


Deposits by banks                            6,318          981          62
Settlement balances                         14,710       15,895       5,865
Customer accounts                          421,501      426,199     408,039
Debt securities in issue                     1,169        1,034       5,768
Other liabilities                            8,360        9,243      10,899
Accruals and deferred income                 7,588        6,630       7,671
Provision for liabilities and charges        5,179        5,192       3,940

Called up share capital                      1,982        1,896       1,969
Shares to be issued including premium        2,823            -       1,927
Share premium account                       10,307        8,243       9,639
Other reserves                              46,367       37,387      45,674
Profit and loss account                     41,557       45,695      41,221
-----------------------------              ---------    ---------  ----------
Equity shareholders' funds                 103,036       93,221     100,430
-----------------------------              ---------    ---------  ----------

-----------------------------              ---------    ---------  ----------
Total liabilities                          567,861      558,395     542,674
-----------------------------              ---------    ---------  ----------

Memorandum items
Undrawn commitments to lend                  5,528        7,088       4,503
Guarantees and pledged assets                  808          996         779
-----------------------------              ---------    ---------  ----------
                                             6,336        8,084       5,282
-----------------------------              ---------    ---------  ----------

Approved by the Board on 3rd September 2003.

Consolidated cash flow statement
for the six months ended 30th June 2003

-----------------------------             ---------    ---------      ----------
                                       Six months   Six months            Year
                                            ended        ended           ended
                                        30th June    30th June   31st December
                                             2003         2002            2002
                                        Unaudited    Unaudited         Audited
                                            #'000        #'000           #'000
-----------------------------             ---------    ---------      ----------
Net cash inflow from operating             30,790       20,969          14,837
activities                                ---------    ---------      ----------

- UK corporation tax                       (1,779)      (1,836)         (5,279)
- Overseas tax                               (782)        (792)         (1,425)
-----------------------------             ---------    ---------      ----------
Net cash outflow for taxation              (2,561)      (2,628)         (6,704)
-----------------------------             ---------    ---------      ----------
Capital expenditure and financial
- Purchase of investment securities    (1,122,067)    (922,277)     (1,733,062)
- Proceeds from sale and maturities                                  
  of investment securities              1,096,229      901,107       1,751,939
- Purchase of tangible fixed assets          (877)        (871)         (1,866)
- Sale of tangible fixed assets                 8          119             179
-----------------------------             ---------    ---------      ----------
Net cash (outflow)/inflow for
capital expenditure and financial                 
investments                               (26,707)     (21,922)         17,190
-----------------------------             ---------    ---------      ----------

Acquisitions and disposals
- Acquisitions of subsidiaries/            (1,523)        (238)         (4,754)
- Net cash acquired with subsidiary            44          141           1,186
undertakings                              ---------    ---------      ----------
Net cash outflow for acquisitions and      (1,479)         (97)         (3,568)
disposals                                 ---------    ---------      ----------
Equity dividends paid                      (6,311)      (6,042)         (9,953)
-----------------------------             ---------    ---------      ----------
Net cash (outflow)/inflow before           (6,268)      (9,720)         11,802
financing                                 ---------    ---------      ----------


- Issue of shares                             383          659             260
- Repayment of debt securities             (4,599)           -               -
- Issue expenses of debt securities             -            -             (29)
-----------------------------             ---------    ---------      ----------
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from             (4,216)         659             231
financing                                 ---------    ---------      ----------
(Decrease)/increase in cash in the        (10,484)      (9,061)         12,033
period                                    ---------    ---------      ----------

Consolidated statement of total recognised gains and losses
for the six months ended 30th June 2003
-----------------------------            --------    ---------      ----------
                                       Six months   Six months            Year
                                            ended        ended           ended
                                        30th June    30th June   31st December
                                             2003         2002            2002
                                        Unaudited    Unaudited         Audited
                                            #'000        #'000           #'000
-----------------------------            --------    ---------      ----------
Profit for the period attributable
to shareholders                             4,460        7,024           9,114

Currency adjustments                          (59)           3            (107)
-----------------------------            --------    ---------      ----------

Total recognised gains and losses for       4,401        7,027           9,007
the period                                
Prior year adjustment                           -        2,018           2,018
-----------------------------              --------    ---------      ----------

Total gains and losses recognised
since the last report                       4,401        9,045          11,025
-----------------------------              --------    ---------      ----------

Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds
for the six months ended 30th June 2003

------------------------------            --------    ---------      ----------
                                       Six months   Six months            Year
                                            ended        ended           ended
                                        30th June    30th June   31st December
                                             2003         2002            2002
                                        Unaudited    Unaudited         Audited
                                            #'000        #'000           #'000
------------------------------            --------    ---------      ----------
Profit for the period attributable
to shareholders                             4,460        7,024           9,114
Dividends                                  (3,974)      (4,149)        (10,451)
------------------------------            --------    ---------      ----------

Result for the period                         486        2,875          (1,337)
Currency adjustments                          (59)           3            (107)
Shares issued or to be issued                  13           82             155
Premium on shares issued or to be           2,257       13,011          24,621
Movement in relation to the Share             (91)        (197)           (349)
Incentive Plan                             
------------------------------             --------    ---------      ----------
Net addition to shareholders' funds         2,606       15,774          22,983

Opening shareholders' funds               100,430       77,447          77,447

------------------------------             --------    ---------      ----------
Closing shareholders' funds               103,036       93,221         100,430
------------------------------             --------    ---------      ----------

Notes to the accounts
for the six months ended 30th June 2003

1 Basis of preparation

The unaudited interim financial information, which has been approved by the
Board of Directors, has been prepared on the basis of accounting policies set
out in the Group's accounts for the year ended 31st December 2002.

The Group's accounts for the year ended 31st December 2002 have been reported on
by the auditors and delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The report of the
auditors was unqualified and did not contain a statement under section 237(2) or
(3) of the Companies Act 1985.

2 Basis of consolidation

The consolidated accounts include the accounts of the Company and its subsidiary
and quasi-subsidiary undertakings made up to 30th June 2003.

Unless otherwise stated, the acquisition method of accounting has been adopted.
Under this method, the results of subsidiary undertakings acquired or disposed
of in the period are included in the consolidated profit and loss account from
the date of acquisition or up to the date of disposal.

3 Goodwill

Purchased goodwill (representing the difference between the fair value of the
consideration given and any associated costs and the fair value of the separable
net assets acquired) arising on consolidation in respect of acquisitions before
1st January 1998, when Financial Reporting Standard 10 'Goodwill and intangible
assets' was adopted, was written off to reserves in the year of acquisition.
When a subsequent disposal occurs, any related goodwill previously written off
to reserves is written back through the profit and loss account as part of the
profit or loss on disposal. Purchased goodwill arising on consolidation in
respect of acquisitions since 1st January 1998 is capitalised.

Goodwill is amortised to nil by equal instalments over its estimated useful life
as follows:

- investment management businesses                                  8-10 years
- trust businesses                                                    20 years

On the subsequent disposal or termination of a business acquired since 1st
January 1998, the unamortised amount of any related goodwill is taken into
account in calculating the profit or loss on disposal or termination.

4 Investments

The Group has a holding of 1,600,000 shares in London Stock Exchange plc which
is included in the balance sheet at a cost of #2. The market value of the
holding at 30th June 2003 was #5,440,000.

5 Acquisitions
----------------------------          --------    ---------     --------  ------
                                & Stones (a)   Others (b)   Others (c)   Total
                                       #'000        #'000        #'000   #'000
----------------------------          --------    ---------     --------  ------
Consideration paid:
Acquisition costs                          -           58            2      60
Issue of new ordinary shares of
5p in Rathbone Brothers Plc                -            -          699     699
Cash                                       -        1,462            -   1,462
Deferred contingent                      896          913            -   1,809
----------------------------          --------    ---------     --------  ------
Total consideration                      896        2,433          701   4,030
----------------------------          --------    ---------     --------  ------
Net assets acquired:
Loans and advances to banks                -            -           44      44
Loans and advances to                      -            -           26      26
----------------------------          --------    ---------     --------  ------
Total assets                               -            -           70      70
Liabilities                                -            -          (28)    (28)
----------------------------          --------    ---------     --------  ------
Net assets on acquisition                  -            -           42      42
Total fair value adjustments               -            -            -       -
----------------------------          --------    ---------     --------  ------
Adjusted net assets acquired               -            -           42      42
----------------------------          --------    ---------     --------  ------
Goodwill arising on                      896        2,433          659   3,988
----------------------------          --------    ---------     --------  ------

(a) The deferred contingent consideration payable in respect of last year's
acquisition of Galsworthy & Stones, estimated at #1,777,000 as at 31st December
2002, has been revised to #2,673,000 which has resulted in an increase to
goodwill on consolidation and shares to be issued of #896,000.

(b) In January 2003, Rathbone Investment Management Limited signed agreements to
transfer investment management clients from two organisations. For both
transactions, the consideration payable is contingent on the number of clients
who agree to transfer on the basis of the standard terms and conditions of
Rathbone Investment Management Limited.

In total, there were initial consideration payments of cash of #1,462,000 and
acquisition costs of #58,000 incurred. Deferred contingent consideration is
payable in cash in the second half of the year to both vendors and an estimate
of the value of the cash consideration has been included in goodwill and
provisions for liabilities and charges. On 1st July 2003, a deferred
consideration payment of #340,000 was made to one of the vendors.

(c) In June 2003, the Group acquired a number of UK based companies engaged in
the introduction of discretionary investment management clients. The total
consideration of #701,000 (including acquisition costs) was satisfied by the
issue of 114,848 new ordinary shares of 5p each at 608.7p.

6 Operating income
-----------------------------           ---------       --------     ----------
                                      Six months     Six months           Year
                                           ended          ended          ended
                                       30th June      30th June   31st December
                                            2003           2002           2002
                                           #'000          #'000          #'000
-----------------------------           ---------       --------     ----------
Gross operating income
- Interest receivable                      9,359         10,288         20,784
- Dividend income                              9             11             90
- Fees and commissions receivable         39,265         39,777         73,880
- Other operating income                     647            618          1,215
-----------------------------            ---------       --------     ----------
                                          49,280         50,694         95,969
Interest payable                          (4,235)        (4,382)        (9,081)
Fees and commissions payable              (4,998)        (4,241)        (7,063)
-----------------------------            ---------       --------     ----------
Operating income                          40,047         42,071         79,825
-----------------------------            ---------       --------     ----------

All amounts derive from continuing operations.

7 Gain on sale of investment securities

In April 2003, 35,000 shares in Consort Security Systems Limited were sold by
Neilson Cobbold Holdings plc. The shares were acquired for #35,000 and the
profit on sale amounted to #157,000. The amount of tax attributable to the
profit on sale included in the overall tax charge is #47,000.

In June 2003, 150,000 shares in London Stock Exchange plc were sold by Rathbone
Neilson Cobbold Limited. The shares were acquired at no cost and the sale
proceeds and profit on sale amounted to #545,000. The amount of tax attributable
to the profit on sale included in the overall tax charge is #164,000.

8 Taxation

The tax charge for the period is higher than the standard rate of corporation
tax in the UK of 30% principally due to disallowable amortisation of goodwill on
consolidation partially offset by lower rates of tax on unremitted overseas

9 Earnings per share

The calculation of basic earnings per share is based on profit after taxation
before dividends for each period and the weighted average number of ordinary
shares in issue during the relevant period.

The directors believe that the additional EPS figures provided, which exclude
goodwill amortisation, assist the users of these interim accounts in
understanding the performance of the Group.

Diluted earnings per share is the basic earnings per share, adjusted for
employee share options remaining capable of exercise, shares issuable under the
Share Incentive Plan and contingently issuable shares related to deferred
consideration payments, weighted for the relevant periods as set out below.

-----------------------------             ---------    ---------       ---------
                                       Six months   Six months            Year
                                            ended        ended           ended
                                        30th June    30th June   31st December
                                             2003         2002            2002
-----------------------------             ---------    ---------       ---------

Weighted average number of ordinary
shares in issue
during the period - basic              39,432,386   37,050,531      38,139,407

Effect of ordinary share options                -      108,034               -

Effect of dilutive ordinary shares
issuable under the
Share Incentive Plan                       26,240       21,435          16,183

Effect of contingently issuable           493,363            -          90,225
ordinary shares
-----------------------------            ---------    ---------       ---------

Weighted average number of ordinary
shares in issue during the period -
diluted                                39,951,989   37,180,000      38,245,815
-----------------------------            ---------    ---------       ---------

10 Dividends per share
-----------------------------            ---------   ----------      ----------
                                       Six months   Six months            Year
                                            ended        ended           ended
                                        30th June    30th June   31st December
                                             2003         2002            2002
                                            #'000        #'000           #'000
-----------------------------            ---------   ----------      ----------

Interim dividend of 10p per share on
(2002: 10p per share on 39,119,091          3,965        3,912           3,912

Final dividend of 16p per share on              -            -           6,302

Adjustment in respect of previous               9          237             237
-----------------------------             ---------   ----------      ----------
                                            3,974        4,149          10,451
-----------------------------             ---------   ----------      ----------

The interim dividend declared of 10p per share is payable on 15th October 2003
to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 19th September 2003.

11 Cash flow statement

(i) Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating

-----------------------------            ---------     --------       ---------
                                       Six months   Six months            Year
                                            ended        ended           ended
                                        30th June    30th June   31st December
                                             2003         2002            2002
                                            #'000        #'000           #'000
-----------------------------            ---------     --------       ---------
Operating profit                            6,632       10,150          14,548
Loss/(profit) on disposal of tangible           2          (48)             11
fixed assets
Depreciation and amortisation               4,251        3,018           7,220
UITF Abstract 17 Share Incentive Plan         201          118             283
Provision for bad and doubtful debts          260          384             341
Decrease/(increase) in accrued income         771          357            (801)
and prepayments
Increase/(decrease) in provision for
liabilities and charges                       323         (831)         (1,067)
(Decrease)/increase in accruals and          (117)         860           1,841
deferred income
-----------------------------            ---------     --------       ---------
Net cash inflow from trading               12,323       14,008          22,376

Net decrease/(increase) in loans and
advances to banks and customers             4,022       (3,512)          1,057
Net (increase)/decrease in settlement     (12,313)      (8,173)          1,790
debtor balances
Net increase/(decrease) in settlement       8,845        8,508          (1,522)
creditor balances
Net increase/(decrease) in deposits by     18,716        9,822          (9,266)
banks and customer accounts                
Net (decrease)/increase in other             (202)       1,975             (41)
Net (increase)/decrease in other             (601)      (1,659)            443
-----------------------------            ---------     --------       ---------
Net cash inflow from operating             30,790       20,969          14,837
-----------------------------            ---------     --------       ---------

(ii) Analysis of the balances of cash as shown in the balance sheet
--------------------       --------  -------  ---------     ---------   -------
                            At 1st                                     At 30th
                           January     Cash   Non-cash      Exchange      June
                              2003     flow    changes     movements      2003
                             #'000    #'000      #'000         #'000     #'000
--------------------       --------  -------  ---------     ---------   -------
Cash and balances at        19,019   (12,885)        -        (8)        6,126
central banks

Loans and advances to
other banks repayable on
demand                      28,276    2,401          -       (26)       30,651

--------------------       --------  -------  ---------     ---------   -------
Total                       47,295   (10,484)        -       (34)       36,777
--------------------       --------  -------  ---------     ---------   -------

(iii) Analysis of changes in financing

----------------------                  ---------       --------       --------
                                          Share          Share          to be
                                        capital        premium         issued
                                          #'000          #'000          #'000
----------------------                  ---------       --------       --------
Balance at 1st January 2003               1,969          9,639          1,927
Cash inflow                                   7            668              -
Other movement                                6              -            896
----------------------                  ---------       --------       --------

Balance at 30th June 2003                 1,982         10,307          2,823
----------------------                  ---------       --------       --------

(iv) Acquisition of subsidiary undertakings and businesses

The effect of the acquisitions made during the period is set out in Note 5.

The companies/businesses acquired did not make a material contribution to the
Group's net operating cash flows or capital expenditure in the period.

(v) Major non-cash transactions

The consideration for the companies/businesses acquired included shares - see
Note 5.

(vi) Disposal of investment securities

Net sale proceeds of #702,000 were received in relation to the sale of
investment securities - see Note 7.

12 Segmental information

(a) Segmental information as required by Statement of Standard Accounting
Practice 25 'Segmental reporting':

 -----------------------          -----------------                    ----------------
                              Gross operating income               Profit before taxation
                                                                after goodwill amortisation

                                Six         Six       Year         Six         Six         Year
                             months      months      ended      months      months        ended
                              ended       ended       31st       ended       ended         31st
                          30th June   30th June   December   30th June   30th June     December
                               2003        2002       2002        2003        2002         2002
                              #'000       #'000      #'000       #'000       #'000        #'000
 -----------------------      -------      ------    -------      ------      ------     --------
By class of business:
Investment management
and banking                  38,617      40,511     75,238       6,810       9,010       13,193
Trust services               10,663      10,183     20,731         524       1,140        2,132
 -----------------------      -------      ------    -------      ------      ------     --------
                             49,280      50,694     95,969       7,334      10,150       15,325
 -----------------------      -------      ------    -------      ------      ------     --------
By geographical segment:
United Kingdom                40,386     43,398     79,737       6,105       8,874       12,141
Jersey, Switzerland and
other European
countries                      8,055      6,448     14,208         902         897        2,031
The Americas                     839        848      2,024         327         379        1,153
-----------------------       --------     ------    -------      ------      ------     --------
                              49,280     50,694     95,969       7,334      10,150       15,325
-----------------------       --------     ------    -------      ------      ------     --------

                                   Total assets                          Net assets

                               Six         Six        Year           Six         Six       Year
                            months      months       ended        months      months      ended
                             ended       ended        31st         ended       ended       31st
                         30th June   30th June    December     30th June   30th June   December
                              2003        2002        2002          2003        2002       2002
                             #'000       #'000       #'000         #'000       #'000      #'000
 -----------------------     -------     -------     -------       -------      ------    -------
By class of business:

Investment management
and banking                507,010     502,105     480,112        62,686      64,420     58,255
Trust services              60,851      56,290      62,562        40,350      28,801     42,175
 -----------------------     -------     -------     -------       -------      ------    -------
                           567,861     558,395     542,674       103,036      93,221    100,430
 -----------------------     -------     -------     -------       -------      ------    -------

 -----------------------     -------     -------     -------       -------      ------    -------
By geographical
United Kingdom             509,953     508,072     484,005        67,077      61,795     63,961
Jersey, Switzerland and
other European
countries                   53,206      44,784      53,814        33,440      28,469     34,217

The Americas                 4,702       5,539       4,855         2,519       2,957      2,252
-----------------------     -------     -------     -------       -------      ------    -------
                           567,861     558,395     542,674       103,036      93,221    100,430
-----------------------     -------     -------     -------       -------      ------    -------

                                              Interest receivable                Dividend income

                                           Six         Six       Year         Six         Six       Year
                                        months      months      ended      months      months      ended
                                         ended       ended       31st       ended       ended       31st
                                     30th June   30th June   December   30th June   30th June   December
                                          2003        2002       2002        2003        2002       2002
                                         #'000       #'000      #'000       #'000       #'000      #'000
 ----------------  ----  ----  -----      ------     -------    -------      ------      ------    -------

By geographical
United Kingdom                           8,881       9,812     19,796       9              11         90
Switzerland and
other European                             442         447        921       -               -          -
The Americas                                36          29         67       -               -          -
 ----------------  ----  ----  -----      ------     -------    -------  ------          ------    -------
                                         9,359      10,288     20,784       9              11         90
 ----------------  ----  ----  -----      ------     -------    -------  ------          ------    -------

                                          Fees and commissions receivable    Other operating income

                                           Six         Six       Year         Six         Six       Year
                                        months      months      ended      months      months      ended
                                         ended       ended       31st       ended       ended       31st
                                     30th June   30th June   December   30th June   30th June   December
                                          2003        2002       2002        2003        2002       2002
                                         #'000       #'000      #'000       #'000       #'000      #'000
 ----------------  ----  ----  -----      ------     -------    -------      ------      ------    -------
By geographical
United Kingdom                          30,874      32,954     58,641         623         610      1,210
Switzerland and
other European                           7,589       5,993     13,282          24           8          5
The Americas                               802         830      1,957           -           -          -
 ----------------  ----  ----  -----      ------     -------    -------      ------      ------    -------
                                        39,265      39,777     73,880         647         618      1,215
 ----------------  ----  ----  -----      ------     -------    -------      ------      ------    -------

(b) Additional segmental analysis:

                                 Gross operating income             Profit before taxation
                                                                  before goodwill amortisation

                              Six         Six       Year         Six         Six       Year
                           months      months      ended      months      months      ended
                            ended       ended       31st       ended       ended       31st
                        30th June   30th June   December   30th June   30th June   December
                             2003        2002       2002        2003        2002       2002
                            #'000       #'000      #'000       #'000       #'000      #'000
-----------------------     -------      ------    -------      ------      ------   --------

By class of business:

Investment management
and banking                38,617      40,511     75,238       8,516       9,484     15,225
Trust services             10,663      10,183     20,731       1,569       1,936      3,916
-----------------------     -------      ------    -------      ------      ------   --------
                           49,280      50,694     95,969      10,085      11,420     19,141
-----------------------     -------      ------    -------      ------      ------   --------

By geographical
United Kingdom                40,386   43,398     79,737        7,993      9,527     14,560
Jersey, Switzerland and
other European
countries                      8,055    6,448     14,208        1,765      1,514      3,428
The Americas                     839      848      2,024          327        379      1,153
-----------------------       --------  ------    -------       ------     ------   --------
                              49,280   50,694     95,969       10,085     11,420     19,141
-----------------------       --------  ------    -------       ------     ------   --------

13 Interim report

The interim report will be sent to registered shareholders. Further copies will
be available to the public from the Company's registered office at 159 New Bond
Street, London W1S 2UD.

Independent review report by KPMG Audit Plc to Rathbone Brothers Plc


We have been engaged by the Company to review the financial information which
comprises the consolidated profit and loss account, consolidated balance sheet,
consolidated cash flow statement, consolidated statement of total recognised
gains and losses, reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds and notes 1
to 13 and we have read the other information, which comprises only the
Chairman's Statement, contained in the interim report and considered whether it
contains any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the
financial information.

This report is made solely to the Company in accordance with the terms of our
engagement to assist the Company in meeting the requirements of the Listing
Rules of the Financial Services Authority. Our review has been undertaken so
that we might state to the Company those matters we are required to state to it
in this report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law,
we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the Company for
our review work, for this report, or for the conclusions reached.

Directors' responsibilities

The interim report, including the financial information contained therein, is
the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the directors. The directors
are responsible for preparing the interim report in accordance with the Listing
Rules of the Financial Services Authority which require that the accounting
policies and presentation applied to the interim figures should be consistent
with those applied in preparing the preceding annual accounts except where they
are to be changed in the next annual accounts in which case any changes, and the
reasons for them, are to be disclosed.

Review work performed

We conducted our review in accordance with guidance contained in Bulletin 1999/4
Review of interim financial information issued by the Auditing Practices Board.
A review consists principally of making enquiries of Group management and
applying analytical procedures to the financial information and underlying
financial data and, based thereon, assessing whether the accounting policies and
presentation have been consistently applied unless otherwise disclosed. A review
is substantially less in scope than an audit performed in accordance with
Auditing Standards and therefore provides a lower level of assurance than an
audit. Accordingly we do not express an audit opinion on the financial

Review conclusion

On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material modifications that
should be made to the financial information as presented for the six months
ended 30th June 2003.

KPMG Audit Plc
Chartered Accountants
8 Salisbury Square
London EC4Y 8BB

3rd September 2003

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange