BW20030627002003  20030627T094216Z UTC


    Business Editors

    TOKYO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--June 27, 2003--

Dear Shareholders:

You are hereby notified that the matters below were reported and
resolved at the 2nd Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the
Company held today.

 Yours very truly,

 By:    /s/    SHIGEMITSU MIKI          
Shigemitsu Miki
President & CEO
4-1, Marunouchi 2-chome,
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo


Matters for Reporting:

Report on the Non-Consolidated Balance Sheet as of March 31, 2003, and
the Non-Consolidated Statement of Income and the Business Report for
the 2nd Business Term (April 1, 2002 to March 31, 2003).

The contents of the Financial Statements above were reported.

Matters for Resolution:.

First Item of Business:

The matter of Approval of the Proposed Appropriation of Retained
Earnings for the 2nd Business Term was approved and resolved as
originally proposed. The year-end dividend of the term under review
was decided at 4,000 per share.

Also, the year-end dividend for the Class 1 Preferred Shares was
decided at 41,250 (the prescribed annual dividends amount to 82,500
per share including interim dividends) and the year-end dividend for
the Class 2 Preferred Shares was decide at 8,100 per share (the
prescribed annual dividends amount to 16,200 per share including
interim dividends).

Second Item of Business:

The matter of the Partial Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation
was approved and resolved as originally proposed.

The contents of the Amendments are as follows.

As a result of the "Law regarding the Partial Amendments to the
Commercial Code, etc. of Japan" (Law No. 44, 2002; enforced on April
1, 2003), establishment of a system to invalidate share certificates,
adoption of a system for shareholders to request issuing companies to
sell fractional shares and relaxation of provisions regarding the
quorum required for special resolutions at the general meeting of
shareholders on matters, such as for amendments to the Articles of
Incorporation, etc. were implemented.

In order to respond to these implementations, the Company made
necessary changes and established necessary provisions in the Articles
of Incorporation, including, among other things, establishment of
provisions regarding the register of loss of share certificates,
adoption of requests made by shareholders to the Company to sell
fractional shares and reducing a quorum required for special
resolutions at the general meeting of shareholders to one-third of
voting rights owned by all shareholders for smooth operation of the
general meeting of shareholders.

In addition, the Company made following necessary changes in
connection with deletion of the provision concerning convertible bonds
pursuant to the "Law regarding the Partial Amendments to the
Commercial Code, etc. of Japan" (Law No. 128, 2001; enforced on April
1, 2002) and extension of the term of office of Corporate Auditors
pursuant to the "Law regarding the Partial Amendments to the
Commercial Code and the Law regarding Special Exceptions to the
Commercial Code Related to Auditing, etc. of Corporations
(Kabushiki-Kaisha) of Japan" (Law No. 149, 2001; enforced on May 1,

Third Item of Business:

Regarding the Election of Four (4) Directors, four (4) Directors,
namely Messrs. Asataro Miyake, Nobuo Kuroyanagi, Haruya Uehara and
Tetsuo Iwata were newly elected and such Directors assumed their

Fourth Item of Business:

Regarding the Election of Two (2) Corporate Auditors, two (2)
Corporate Auditors, namely Messrs. Setsuo Uno and Takuo Oi were newly
elected and such Corporate Auditors assumed their offices after the
close of this Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.

Fifth Item of Business:

Regarding Granting of Retirement Gratuities to Retiring Directors and
Corporate Auditors, it was resolved that the retirement gratuities of
two (2) retired Directors, namely Messrs. Hiroshi Watanabe and Setsuo
Uno and two (2) retired Corporate Auditors, namely Messrs. Yoshikazu
Takagaki and Takashi Uno shall be paid within reasonable amounts to be
determined in accordance with the prescribed standards of the Company.
The determination of the amount and the date of presentation and
methods thereof, etc. shall be entrusted to the Board of Directors in
case of the retired Directors and to be determined among Corporate
Auditors in case of the retired Corporate Auditors.

   Short Name: Mitsubishi Tokyo Fin
   Category Code: MSC
   Sequence Number: 00006402
   Time of Receipt (offset from UTC): 20030627T103419+0100


    CONTACT: Mitsubishi Tokyo Financial Group Inc

    SOURCE: Mitsubishi Tokyo Fin

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