RNS Number : 8183K

Goodwin PLC

18 December 2018



for the half year ended 31st October 2018


I am pleased to report that the pre-tax profit for the Group for the six month period ending 31st October 2018 was GBP7.8 million (2017 GBP6.1 million) an increase of 28% from a revenue of GBP67.5 million, which increased by 9%.

The current work load as at 31st October 2018 stands at GBP99 million, as compared to GBP84 million twelve months ago. The Group order book continues to improve not only in quantity but also in quality of earnings, both on the Mechanical Engineering side of the business and the Refractory Engineering side. The oil and gas order input is stable and the increase on the Mechanical Engineering side of the business relates to the new markets this division has been targeting, such as naval shipbuilding and nuclear waste reprocessing.

The order backlog represents about eight months of activity at current activity levels. Prior to the end of the first half of the calendar year 2019 the Group expects to win some substantial orders that will allow the Group activity level to take a step forward.

We recently replaced an existing Barclays' long term (5 year) banking agreement by moving to HSBC. HSBC is now one of our two main bankers along with Lloyds. The package was on better terms.

Our Group employee numbers have started growing again and this is complemented by another group of 25 apprentices having started in September 2018. Our best weapon in times of shortage of skilled labour has always been to train our own people through our own in-house apprenticeship schemes.

 J. W. Goodwin 
 Chairman        18th December 2018 

Management report

Financial Highlights

                                    Unaudited      Unaudited   Audited Year 
                                    Half Year      Half Year          Ended 
                                           to             to 
                                 31st October   31st October     30th April 
                                         2018           2017           2018 
                                        GBP'm          GBP'm          GBP'm 
 Consolidated Results 
 Revenue                                 67.5           61.9          124.8 
 Operating profit                         7.8            6.4           13.6 
 Profit before tax                        7.8            6.1           13.3 
 Profit after tax                         5.7            4.5            9.4 
------------------------------  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Capital Expenditure                      5.7            4.0            9.4 
------------------------------  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Earnings per share - basic            74.90p         58.38p        118.11p 
------------------------------  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Earnings per share - diluted          73.44p         58.38p        118.11p 


Sales revenue of GBP67,548,000 for the half year represents a 9% increase from the GBP61,893,000 achieved during the same period last year.

Profit Before Tax

Profit before tax for the six months of GBP7,804,000 is up 28% from the GBP6,108,000 achieved for the same six month period last year.

Key performance indicators

The key performance indicators for the business are listed below:

                                          Unaudited      Unaudited   Audited Year 
                                          Half Year      Half Year          Ended 
                                                 to             to 
                                       31st October   31st October     30th April 
                                               2018           2017           2018 
 Gross profit as a % of turnover               29.5           27.7           28.6 
 Profit before tax (in GBP 
  millions)                                     7.8            6.1           13.3 
 Gearing % (excluding deferred 
  consideration)                               12.0           29.4           10.8 
 Depreciation (in GBP millions)                 2.8            2.6            5.2 
 Amortisation (in GBP millions)                 0.5            0.6            1.1 
 Equity-settled share-based 
  provision (in GBP millions)                   0.5            0.5            1.0 
------------------------------------  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Non cash charges (in GBP millions)             3.8            3.7            7.3 
------------------------------------  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Profit before tax (in GBP 
  millions)                                     7.8            6.1           13.3 
 Other income (in GBP millions)                   -          (1.6)          (1.6) 
------------------------------------  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Trading profit (in GBP millions)               7.8            4.5           11.7 
------------------------------------  -------------  -------------  ------------- 

Alternative performance measures mentioned above are defined in note 29 on page 68 of the Group Annual accounts to 30th April 2018.

2019/20 Outlook

The Group activity and profitability levels are expected to increase over the next twelve months associated with the increased work load. Whilst the Group's pre-tax profitability in the first six months of the current financial year increased by 28% as stated in this half year's Chairman's Statement, the trading profit in this period actually increased by 73% compared to the same period last financial year. This was a reflection of improving quality of orders, whereas last year there was a GBP1.6 million gain from selling the first Indian factory land site which we had purchased in 2003.

Whilst we have an increased work load, we expect the second half year pre-tax profits of this financial year to be similar to the first half of this financial year as it will take about six months to ramp up the activity levels and take the new work through first piece sample approvals. However, subject to significant new business being won, we expect 2019 / 2020 to be busier and more profitable than the current financial year.

Our activities in India continue to grow in this buoyant large economy and, to accommodate further growth of our pump and investment casting powder manufacturing activities there, we have in this first half of the year purchased 2.6 more acres of land adjacent to our 4 acre site to accommodate the further anticipated growth over the next three years.

Risks and Uncertainties

The Group, mainly through its centralised management structure, makes best endeavours to have in place internal control procedures to identify and manage the key risks and uncertainties affecting the Group. We would refer you to page 11 of the Group Annual Accounts to 30th April 2018 which describes the principal risks and uncertainties, and to note 20 (page 58) which describes in detail the key financial risks and uncertainties affecting the business such as credit risk and foreign exchange risk.

Judging the future relationship of the major currency pairs of the US Dollar, Sterling and the Euro continues to be a challenge.

Report on Expected Developments

This report describes the expected developments of the Group during the year ended 30th April 2019. The report may contain forward-looking statements and information based on current expectations, and assumptions and forecasts made by the Group. These expectations and assumptions are subject to various known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, which could lead to substantial differences between the actual future results, financial performance and the estimates and historical results given in this report. Many of these factors are outside the Group's control. The Group accepts no liability to publicly revise or update these forward-looking statements or adjust them to future events or developments, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except to the extent legally required.

Going concern

Within the 30th April 2018 Chairman's Statement reference was made to an improvement in cash flow of GBP17 million and a gearing level of 11% as at the year end. Despite the increased dividend payment of GBP6 million and a further GBP5.7 million of capital expenditure during the first half of this financial year, the net debt as reported in note 12 has deteriorated only by a modest GBP946,000. There are essentially two aspects to the cash management performance in the first half of this financial year:

   1)   The continued focus on controlling our investment in working capital. 

2) The increased levels of profitability. As can be seen from the first half year results, the post-tax profits at GBP5.7 million are significantly ahead of the GBP4.5 million reported for the same period last year and also pro-rata as against the post-tax profit figure for the year to 30th April 2018. Adding back the Group's non-cash charges of GBP3.8 million (October 2017 GBP3.7 million, year to 30th April 2018 GBP7.3 million) gives a feel for the cash-generating potential of the Group.

The Group's bank facilities, in terms of quantum, are materially unchanged from those reported within the full year accounts. We would refer you in particular to Note 20.b) on page 59 of those accounts where you can see that our unutilised facilities are significant. During December 2018, a 5-year revolving credit facility for GBP10 million expired (along with a bond line and an FX line). The Company has successfully negotiated the like-for-like replacement of these facilities with a new 5-year agreement on improved terms. The practical impact is that GBP5 million of debt under the old facility is shown as a current liability repayable within one year in these accounts for the period ended 31st October 2018. Any outstanding amount related to these new facilities will be reported as a non-current liability for the financial year ended 30th April 2019.

Given the profitability of the Group, the modest gearing levels and the bank facilities available to it, the Directors have concluded that drawing up the accounts on a going concern basis is appropriate.

Responsibility statement of the Directors in respect of the half-yearly financial report

The Directors confirm to the best of their knowledge that 1) this condensed set of financial statements has been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34, 'Interim Financial Reporting', as adopted by the European Union and that 2) the Interim Management Report and condensed financial statements include a fair review of the information required by Disclosure and Transparency Rules 4.2.7R (being an indication of important events that have occurred during the first six months of the financial year and their impact on the condensed set of financial statements; and a description of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the year) and 4.2.8R (being related party transactions that have taken place in the first six months of the financial year and that have materially affected the financial position or performance of the entity during that period; and any changes in the related party transactions described in the last Annual Report that could do so).

 J. W. Goodwin 
 Chairman        18th December 

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss

for the half year to 31st October 2018

                                              Unaudited      Unaudited      Audited 
                                              Half Year      Half Year   Year Ended 
                                                     to             to 
                                           31st October   31st October   30th April 
                                                   2018           2017         2018 
                                                GBP'000        GBP'000      GBP'000 
 Continuing operations 
 Revenue                                         67,548         61,893      124,811 
 Cost of sales                                 (47,608)       (44,758)     (89,143) 
 Gross profit                                    19,940         17,135       35,668 
 Other income                                         -          1,602        1,602 
 Distribution expenses                          (1,564)        (1,881)      (3,359) 
 Administrative expenses                       (10,539)       (10,494)     (20,331) 
 Operating profit                                 7,837          6,362       13,580 
 Financial expenses                               (303)          (419)        (590) 
 Share of profit of associate companies             270            165          310 
 Profit before taxation                           7,804          6,108       13,300 
 Tax on profit                                  (2,076)        (1,656)      (3,865) 
 Profit after taxation                            5,728          4,452        9,435 
 Attributable to: 
 Equity holders of the parent                     5,393          4,203        8,504 
 Non-controlling interests                          335            249          931 
 Profit for the period                            5,728          4,452        9,435 
 Basic earnings per ordinary share 
  (Note 11)                                      74.90p         58.38p      118.11p 
 Diluted earnings per ordinary share 
  (Note 11)                                      73.44p         58.38p      118.11p 

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

for the half year to 31st October 2018

                                                Unaudited      Unaudited      Audited 
                                                Half Year      Half Year   Year Ended 
                                                       to             to 
                                             31st October   31st October   30th April 
                                                     2018           2017         2018 
                                                  GBP'000        GBP'000      GBP'000 
 Profit for the period                              5,728          4,452        9,435 
 Other comprehensive income / (expense) 
 Items that are or may be reclassified 
  subsequently to the income statement 
 Foreign exchange translation differences           (259)            258        (152) 
 Effective portion of changes in 
  fair value of cash flow hedges                  (3,023)          (196)        (294) 
 Change in fair value of cash flow 
  hedges transferred to the income 
  statement                                             -            932        5,108 
 Hedging forward points adjustment                    595              -            - 
 Tax on items that are or may be 
  reclassified subsequently to the 
  income statement                                    413          (125)        (818) 
 Other comprehensive income / (expense) 
  for the period, net of income tax               (2,274)            869        3,844 
 Total comprehensive income for 
  the period                                        3,454          5,321       13,279 
 Attributable to: 
 Equity holders of the parent                       3,183          5,151       12,245 
 Non-controlling interests                            271            170        1,034 
                                                    3,454          5,321       13,279 

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

for the half year to 31st October 2018

                                                                Cash                                  to equity 
                                              Share-based       flow          Cost                      holders 
                       Share   Translat-ion      payments      hedge    of hedging    Retained           of the   Non-controll-ing     Total 
                     capital        reserve       reserve    reserve       reserve    earnings           parent          interests    equity 
                     GBP'000        GBP'000       GBP'000    GBP'000       GBP'000     GBP'000          GBP'000            GBP'000   GBP'000 
 Half year 
  to 31st October 
 Balance at 
  1st May 2018           720          1,879         1,625       (23)         (201)      95,568           99,568              5,259   104,827 
  on initial 
  of IFRS 15 
  (net of tax)             -              -             -          -             -         285              285               (56)       229 
 Adjusted balance 
  at 1st May 
  2018                   720          1,879         1,625       (23)         (201)      95,853           99,853              5,203   105,056 
 Profit                    -              -             -          -                     5,393            5,393                335     5,728 
 Foreign exchange 
  differences              -          (211)             -          -                         -            (211)               (48)     (259) 
 Net movements 
  on cash flow 
  hedges                   -              -             -    (2,594)           595           -          (1,999)               (16)   (2,015) 
  income for 
  the period               -          (211)             -    (2,594)           595       5,393            3,183                271     3,454 
  transactions             -              -           523          -             -           -              523                  -       523 
  paid                     -              -             -          -             -     (6,074)          (6,074)              (451)   (6,525) 
 Balance at 
  31st October 
  2018                   720          1,668         2,148    (2,617)           394      95,172           97,485              5,023   102,508 

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

for the half year to 31st October 2018

                                                                 Cash                                  to equity 
                                               Share-based       flow          Cost                      holders 
                        Share   Translat-ion      payments      hedge    of hedging    Retained           of the   Non-controll-ing     Total 
                      capital        reserve       reserve    reserve       reserve    earnings           parent          interests    equity 
                      GBP'000        GBP'000       GBP'000    GBP'000       GBP'000     GBP'000          GBP'000            GBP'000   GBP'000 
 Half year 
  to 31st October, 
 Balance at 
  1st May, 2017           720          2,154           601    (4,240)             -      90,201           89,436              4,225    93,661 
 Profit                     -              -             -          -             -       4,203            4,203                249     4,452 
 Foreign exchange 
  differences               -            194             -          -             -           -              194                 64       258 
 Net movements 
  on cash flow 
  hedges                    -              -             -        754             -           -              754              (143)       611 
  income for 
  the period                -            194             -        754             -       4,203            5,151                170     5,321 
  transactions              -              -           515          -             -           -              515                  -       515 
  paid                      -              -             -          -             -     (3,137)          (3,137)                  -   (3,137) 
 Balance at 
  31st October 
  2017                    720          2,348         1,116    (3,486)             -      91,267           91,965              4,395    96,360 
                                                                    Cash                                  to equity 
                                                  Share-based       flow          Cost                      holders 
                           Share   Translat-ion      payments      hedge    of hedging    Retained           of the    Non-controll-ing               Total 
                         capital        reserve       reserve    reserve       reserve    earnings           parent           interests              equity 
                         GBP'000        GBP'000       GBP'000    GBP'000       GBP'000     GBP'000          GBP'000             GBP'000             GBP'000 
   Year ended 
   30th April, 
  at 1st 
  May, 2017                  720          2,154           601    (4,240)             -      90,201           89,436               4,225              93,661 
 Total comprehensive 
 Profit                        -              -             -          -             -       8,504            8,504                 931               9,435 
 Other comprehensive 
  differences                  -          (275)             -          -             -           -            (275)                 123               (152) 
 Net movements 
  on cash 
  flow hedges                  -              -             -      4,016             -           -            4,016                (20)               3,996 
 Total comprehensive 
  for the 
  period                       -          (275)             -      4,016             -       8,504           12,245               1,034              13,279 
  transactions                 -              -         1,024          -             -           -            1,024                   -               1,024 
  paid                         -              -             -          -             -     (3,137)          (3,137)                   -             (3,137) 
  at 30th 
  2018 - 
  restatement                720          1,879         1,625      (224)             -      95,568           99,568               5,259             104,827 
         on initial 
         of IFRS 9 
         (net of tax)          -              -             -        201         (201)           -                -                   -                     - 
         at 1st May, 
         2018                720          1,879         1,625       (23)         (201)      95,568           99,568               5,259               104,827 

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

as at 31st October 2018

                                               Unaudited      Unaudited             Audited 
                                                   as at          as at               as at 
                                            31st October   31st October          30th April 
                                                    2018           2017     2018 (restated) 
                                                 GBP'000        GBP'000             GBP'000 
 Non-current assets 
  Property, plant and equipment                   71,713         66,792              69,154 
  Investment in associates                         2,290          2,229               1,963 
  Intangible assets                               21,308         18,603              21,138 
  Other financial assets at amortised 
   cost                                              564              -                 728 
                                                  95,875         87,624              92,983 
 Current assets 
  Inventories                                     33,916         35,473              28,850 
  Contract assets                                  6,527              -               6,046 
   Trade and other receivables                    24,118         29,688              21,914 
  Derivative financial assets                         24            556                 364 
  Cash and cash equivalents                        7,577          7,813               7,485 
                                                  72,162         73,530              64,659 
 Total assets                                    168,037        161,154             157,642 
 Current liabilities 
  Bank overdrafts                                  3,654          9,737               4,585 
  Interest-bearing loans and borrowings            5,990          3,918               7,883 
  Contract liabilities                             1,570              -                 212 
   Payments on account                             8,935          6,654               5,532 
   Trade and other payables                       24,539         15,308              21,147 
  Deferred consideration                             500            500                 500 
  Liabilities for current tax                      2,388          2,043               1,174 
  Derivative financial liabilities                 4,240          2,228               1,535 
  Warranty provision                                  99             88                 184 
                                                  51,915         40,476              42,752 
 Non-current liabilities 
  Interest-bearing loans and borrowings            9,637         21,198               5,775 
  Warranty provision                                 439            337                 329 
  Deferred tax liabilities                         3,538          2,783               3,959 
                                                  13,614         24,318              10,063 
 Total liabilities                                65,529         64,794              52,815 
 Net assets                                      102,508         96,360             104,827 
 Equity attributable to equity holders 
  of the parent 
  Share capital                                      720            720                 720 
  Translation reserve                              1,668          2,348               1,879 
  Share-based payments reserve                     2,148          1,116               1,625 
  Cash flow hedge reserve                        (2,617)        (3,486)                (23) 
  Cost of hedging reserve                            394              -               (201) 
  Retained earnings                               95,172         91,267              95,568 
 Total equity attributable to equity 
  holders of the parent                           97,485         91,965              99,568 
 Non-controlling interests                         5,023          4,395               5,259 
 Total equity                                    102,508         96,360             104,827 

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

for the half year ended 31st October 2018

                                                          Unaudited   Unaudited       Audited 
                                                          Half Year   Half Year    Year ended 
                                                    to 31st October     to 31st    30th April 
                                                               2018     October          2018 
                                                            GBP'000     GBP'000       GBP'000 
 Cash flow from operating activities 
 Profit from continuing operations after 
  tax                                                         5,728       4,452         9,435 
  Adjustments for: 
  Depreciation                                                2,764       2,644         5,243 
  Amortisation of intangible assets                             549         552         1,138 
  Financial expenses                                            303         419           590 
  Foreign exchange (gains) / losses                           (127)         192           277 
  Profit on sale of property, plant and 
   equipment                                                   (11)     (1,610)       (1,568) 
  Share of profit of associate companies                      (270)       (165)         (310) 
  Equity-settled share-based provision                          523         515         1,024 
  Tax expense                                                 2,076       1,656         3,865 
 Operating profit before changes in 
  working capital and provisions                             11,535       8,655        19,694 
  Increase in trade and other receivables                   (2,175)     (3,194)       (8,671) 
  (Increase) / decrease in inventories                      (2,442)       2,343         8,801 
  (Increase) / decrease in contract assets                  (1,389)           -         6,046 
  Increase / (decrease) in trade and 
   other payables (excluding payments 
   on account)                                                3,005     (1,760)         2,001 
  Increase / (decrease) in contract liabilities             (1,604)           -           212 
  Decrease in cash flow hedge balances                          617         548         5,249 
  Increase in payments on account                             5,913       3,094         2,224 
 Cash inflow from operations                                 13,460       9,686        35,556 
  Interest paid                                               (193)       (383)         (665) 
  Corporation tax paid                                        (906)     (1,254)       (3,703) 
  Interest element of finance lease obligations                (32)        (45)          (89) 
 Net cash from operating activities                          12,329       8,004        31,099 
 Cash flow from investing activities 
  Proceeds from sale of property, plant 
   and equipment                                                 93       1,811         1,888 
  Acquisition of intangible assets                            (232)       (354)         (378) 
  Acquisition of property, plant and 
   equipment                                                (5,652)     (4,850)       (9,010) 
  Development expenditure capitalised                         (469)       (355)       (3,334) 
  Dividends received from associate companies                     -           -           441 
 Net cash outflow from investing activities                 (6,260)     (3,748)      (10,393) 
 Cash flows from financing activities 
  Payment of capital element of finance 
   lease obligations                                          (455)       (429)         (865) 
  Dividends paid                                            (6,074)     (3,137)       (3,137) 
  Dividends paid to non-controlling interests                 (451)           -             - 
  Proceeds from loans and committed facilities                4,000           -             - 
  Repayment of loans and committed facilities               (2,023)     (1,023)      (12,044) 
 Net cash outflow from financing activities                 (5,003)     (4,589)      (16,046) 
 Net increase / (decrease) in cash and 
  cash equivalents                                            1,066       (333)         4,660 
  Cash and cash equivalents at beginning 
   of year                                                    2,900     (1,483)       (1,483) 
  Effect of exchange rate fluctuations 
   on cash held                                                (43)       (108)         (277) 
 Closing cash and cash equivalents                            3,923     (1,924)         2,900 


to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

   1.         Reporting entity 

Goodwin PLC (the "Company") is a company incorporated in England and Wales. The unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements of the Company as at and for the six months ended 31st October 2018 comprise the Company, its subsidiaries, and the Group's interests in associates (together referred to as the "Group").

The audited consolidated financial statements of the Group as at and for the year ended 30th April 2018 are available upon request from the Company's registered office at Ivy House Foundry, Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent, ST1 3NR or via the Company's web site: www.goodwin.co.uk.

   2.         Statement of compliance 

These unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting as adopted in the EU. They do not include all of the information required for full annual financial statements, and should be read in conjunction with the audited consolidated financial statements of the Group as at and for the year ended 30th April 2018.

The comparative figures for the financial year ended 30th April 2018 are extracts and not the full Group's statutory accounts for that financial year. Those accounts have been reported on by the Company's auditors and delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The report of the auditors was (i) unqualified, (ii) did not include a reference to any matters to which the auditors drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying their report, and (iii) did not contain a statement under section 498(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006.

The Audit Committee has reviewed these unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements and has advised the Board of Directors that, taken as a whole, they are fair, balanced and understandable and provide the information necessary for shareholders to assess the Group's half year performance. These unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 18th December 2018.

   3.         Significant accounting policies 

The accounting policies applied by the Group in these unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements are the same as those applied by the Group in its audited consolidated financial statements as at and for the year ended 30th April 2018, with the exception of IFRS 15 revenue recognition (see note 5) and IFRS 9 Financial Instruments. The changes in accounting policies are to be reflected in the Group's consolidated financial statements as at and for the year ending 30 April 2019.

The following standards and amendments became effective and therefore were adopted by the Group.

-- IFRS 9 - Financial Instruments (effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1st January 2018)

-- IFRS 15 - Revenue from Contracts with Customers (effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1st January 2018)

-- IFRS 15 - Clarifications (effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1st January 2018)

-- Annual Improvements to IFRSs - 2014-2016 Cycle - minor amendments to IFRS 1 and IAS 28 (effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1st January 2018)

-- Amendments to IFRS 2 - Classification and Measurement of Share-based Payment Transactions (effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1st January 2018)

-- Amendments to IAS 40 - Transfers of Investment Property (effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1st January 2018)

-- IFRIC Interpretation 22 - Foreign Currency Transactions and Advance Consideration (effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1st January 2018)

-- Amendments to IFRS 4 - Applying IFRS 9 Financial Instruments with IFRS 4 Insurance Contracts (effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1st January 2018)

The impact of IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers, which replaces IAS 18 Revenue, IAS11 Construction Contracts and related interpretations, is outlined in note 5 below. The Group has considered the impact on profit, earnings per share and net assets in future periods, of the other new standards and interpretations referred to above (including IFRS 9), and with the exception of IFRS 15 none of the above standards or interpretations is expected to have a material impact.

New IFRS standards, amendments and interpretations not adopted

The IASB and IFRIC have issued additional standards and amendments which are effective for periods starting after the date of these financial statements. The following standards and amendments have not yet been adopted by the Group:

-- Amendments to IFRS 9 - Prepayment Features with Negative Compensation (effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1st January 2019)

-- IFRS 16 - Leases (effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1st January 2019)

-- IFRIC Interpretation 23 - Uncertainty over Income Tax Treatments (effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1st January 2019)

-- Amendments to IAS 28 - Long term Interests in Associates and Joint Ventures (effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1st January 2019)

-- Annual Improvements to IFRSs - 2015-2017 Cycle - minor amendments to IFRS 3, IFRS 11, IAS 12 and IAS 23 (effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1st January 2019)

-- Amendments to IAS 19 - Plan Amendment, Curtailment or Settlement (effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1st January 2019)

   4.         Accounting estimates and judgements 

The preparation of interim financial statements requires management to make judgements, estimates and assumptions that affect the application of accounting policies and the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, income and expense. Actual results may differ from these estimates.

In preparing these unaudited consolidated interim financial statements, the significant judgements made by management in applying the Group's accounting policies and the key sources of estimation uncertainty were the same as those that applied to the audited consolidated financial statements as at and for the year ended 30th April 2018, with the exception of revenue recognition (see note 5).

In terms of revenue recognition under IFRS 15 there is a requirement to recognise revenue and profit on contracts where the customer effectively assumes ownership and control of the goods as the contract progresses. When reviewing these contracts, management prudently estimates both the percentage completion of the works and the profit within the contract when arriving at the appropriate amount of revenue to be taken in the period.

The tax charge in the period is based on management's estimate of the weighted average annual income tax rate expected for the full financial year applied to the pre-tax income of the interim period, and the impact of any disallowed costs.

   5.         Changes in significant accounting policies 
 Except as described below, the accounting policies applied in these 
  interim financial statements are the same as those applied in the 
  Group's consolidated financial statements as at and for the year 
  ended 30th April 2018. 
  The changes in accounting policies are also expected to be reflected 
  in the Group's consolidated financial statements as at and for the 
  year ending 30th April 2019. 
  The Group has initially adopted IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with 
  Customers from 1st May 2018. A number of other new standards (including 
  IFRS 9 Financial Instruments) are effective from 1st May 2018 but 
  they are not expected to have a material effect on the Group's financial 
 The main impacts of initially applying IFRS 15 are the following: 
  - earlier recognition of revenue from some short and long term engineered 
  product contracts 
  - earlier recognition of revenue from the unbundling of minimum 
  period contracts 
  - reduction in recognition of revenue from some long term engineered 
  product contracts 
 IFRS 15 establishes a comprehensive framework for determining whether, 
  how much and when revenue is recognised. It replaces IAS 18 Revenue, 
  IAS 11 Construction Contracts and related interpretations. 
 The Group has adopted IFRS 15 using the cumulative effect method 
  (without practical expedients), with the effect of initially applying 
  this standard recognised at the date of initial application (i.e. 
  1st May 2018). Accordingly, the information presented for the half 
  year to 31st October 2017 and for the year ended 30th April 2018 
  has not been restated - i.e. it is presented, as previously reported, 
  under IAS 18, IAS 11 and related interpretations. 
   The following table summarises the impact, net of tax, of transition 
   to IFRS 15 on retained earnings and non-controlling interests at 
   1st May 2018. 
 Minimum Period Contracts for the Provision of Goods 
  and Services                                                                                     76 
 Short Term Engineered Bespoke Products - Performance 
  Obligations Satisfied Over Time                                                                 566 
 Short term Engineered Bespoke Products - Performance 
  Obligations Satisfied at a Point in Time                                                      (359) 
 Less related tax                                                                                (54) 
 Impact on total equity at 1 May 2018                                                             229 
 Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent                                              285 
 Non-controlling interests                                                                       (56) 

The following tables summarise the impacts of adopting IFRS 15 on the Group's interim statement of financial position as at 31st October 2018 and its interim statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income for the six months then ended for each of the line items affected. There was no material impact on the Group's interim statement of cash flows for the six month period ended 31st October 2018.

Impact on the condensed interim consolidated statement of profit or loss

                                                                       Without the 
                                           As reported   Adjustments    of IFRS 15 
                                               GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000 
 Continuing operations 
 Revenue                                        67,548       (4,890)        62,658 
 Cost of sales                                (47,608)         4,699      (42,909) 
 Gross profit                                   19,940         (191)        19,749 
 Distribution expenses                         (1,564)             -       (1,564) 
 Administrative expenses                      (10,539)             -      (10,539) 
 Operating profit                                7,837         (191)         7,646 
 Financial expenses                              (303)             -         (303) 
 Share of profit of associate companies            270             -           270 
 Profit before taxation                          7,804         (191)         7,613 
 Tax on profit                                 (2,076)            36       (2,040) 
 Profit after taxation                           5,728         (155)         5,573 

Attributable to:

 Equity holders of the parent    5,393   (167)   5,226 
 Non-controlling interests         335      12     347 
 Profit for the period           5,728   (155)   5,573 

Impact on the condensed interim consolidated statement of financial position

                                                                             Without the 
                                                 As reported   Adjustments    of IFRS 15 
                                                     GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000 
 Non-current assets                                   95,875             -        95,875 
 Current assets 
    Inventories                                       33,916         1,602        35,518 
    Contract assets                                    6,527       (1,246)         5,281 
    Trade and other receivables                       24,118          (29)        24,089 
    Derivative financial assets                           24             -            24 
    Cash and cash equivalents                          7,577             -         7,577 
                                                      72,162           327        72,489 
 Total assets                                        168,037           327       168,364 
 Current liabilities 
    Bank overdrafts                                    3,654             -         3,654 
    Interest-bearing loans and borrowings              5,990             -         5,990 
    Contract liabilities                               1,570         2,168         3,738 
    Payments on account                                8,935       (1,505)         7,430 
    Trade and other payables                          24,539         (144)        24,395 
    Deferred consideration                               500             -           508 
    Liabilities for current tax                        2,388             -         2,380 
    Derivative financial liabilities                   4,240             -         4,240 
    Warranty provision                                    99             -            99 
                                                      51,915           519        52,434 
 Non-current liabilities 
    Interest-bearing loans and borrowings              9,637             -         9,637 
    Warranty provision                                   439             -           439 
    Deferred tax liabilities                           3,538          (37)         3,501 
                                                      13,614          (37)        13,577 
 Total liabilities                                    65,529           482        66,011 
 Net assets                                          102,508         (155)       102,353 
 Equity attributable to equity holders 
  of the parent 
    Share capital                                        720             -           720 
    Translation reserve                                1,668             -         1,668 
    Share-based payments reserve                       2,148             -         2,148 
    Cash flow hedge reserve                          (2,617)             -       (2,617) 
    Cost of hedging reserve                              394             -           394 
    Retained earnings                                 95,172         (167)        95,005 
 Total equity attributable to equity holders 
  of the parent                                       97,485         (167)        97,318 
 Non-controlling interests                             5,023            12         5,035 
 Total equity                                        102,508         (155)       102,353 

IFRS 15 stipulates that revenue is to be recognised when a customer obtains control of the goods or services i.e. upon the satisfaction of a performance obligation. Judgement is required to determine the timing of the transfer of control, and whether it is at a point in time or over time. Where a contract contains several performance obligations then the contract is unbundled and each performance obligation is dealt with separately. Warranties do not feature as a separate revenue stream. The Group's warranties are assurance based and not sold separately within contracts. The details of the new significant accounting policies and the nature of the changes to previous accounting policies in relation to the Group's various goods and services are set out below.

Standard Inventory Product Lines and Consumables

This typically applies to the whole of the Group's Refractories Engineering segment and the sale of slurry pumps within the Mechanical Engineering segment. The revenue here relates to standard products manufactured for sale. The performance obligation is satisfied and revenue taken at the point when customers obtain control of the goods in accordance with the International Commercial (INCO) terms agreed or via a bill and hold arrangement. For this revenue stream the treatment under IAS 18 and IFRS 15 is essentially the same in the profit and loss account and the balance sheet. The Group is not significantly impacted by standard products sold on a sale or return basis.

Minimum Period Contracts for the Provision of Goods and Services

This relates predominantly to the supply of broadband and related services under minimum term contracts. Performance obligations are satisfied over time and revenue is recognised equally over the term of the contract. Within these contracts it is often the case that the service contract also contains hardware / software as part of the monthly payments. Under IAS 18, any such hardware / software was amortised over the term of the contract. Under IFRS 15, these contracts are unbundled with the fair value of the hardware / software taken as revenue in month 1 by the creation of a contract asset, thus leaving the true service element to be taken as revenue over the term of the contract. Prepayments under IFRS 15 are therefore reduced due to the taking of the sale of goods in month 1.

Short Term Engineered Bespoke Products - Performance Obligations Satisfied Over Time

This typically applies to the Group's Mechanical Engineering Segment and covers sales orders deliverable within 12 months which are customer bespoke and permit the Group Subsidiary to claim profit earned to date if the customer were to trigger the profit based cancel for convenience clause within the contract. In such cases, the performance obligations are treated as satisfied over time (i.e. as the contract progresses) and revenue taken is taken based on the percentage completion of the contract by the creation of a contract asset. Under IAS 18 revenue was not taken until the goods were despatched and until then were accounted for as work in progress (cost and overhead recovery only) and so work in progress under IFRS 15 is reduced and replaced by a contract asset which includes profit. Measuring progress requires judgement as to the stage of completion of each job, and the production of forecasts, which contain allowances for technical risks and inherent uncertainties.

Short term Engineered Bespoke Products - Performance Obligations Satisfied at a Point in Time

This typically applies to the Group's Mechanical Engineering Segment and covers sales orders deliverable within 12 months which are customer bespoke but only permit the Group Subsidiary to claim for costs in the event the customer triggers the cost based cancel for convenience clause within the contract. In such cases, the performance obligation is deemed to be met and revenue taken as order lines are shipped in accordance with the relevant shipping terms or via a bill and hold arrangement. For this revenue stream the treatment under IAS 18 and IFRS 15 is essentially the same.

Long term contracts - Performance Obligations Satisfied Over Time

This applies to the Group's Mechanical Engineering Segment and relates to sales orders with a contract period in excess of 12 months where the cancel for convenience clause in the contract permits the recovery of profit. Revenue is taken on a percentage complete basis by the creation of a contract asset. Such contracts were previously accounted for under IAS 11 and for this revenue stream the treatment under IAS 11 and IFRS 15 is essentially the same. Measuring progress requires judgement as to the stage of completion of each job, and the production of forecasts, which contain allowances for technical risks and inherent uncertainties.

Long-term contracts - Performance Obligations Satisfied at a Point in Time

This applies to the Group's Mechanical Engineering Segment and relates to sales orders with a contract period lasting more than 12 months where the cancel for convenience clause in the contract only allows for the recovery of costs. Performance obligations in these contracts are satisfied and revenue taken either on the delivery of individual units or against vesting certificates issued in favour of the customer. Such contracts were previously accounted for under IAS 11 where revenue and profit was taken on a percentage complete basis. Under IFRS 15, the contract asset balance is eliminated and is replaced by work in progress at cost plus overheads.

   6.         Operating Segments 

Products and services from which reportable segments derive their revenues

The Group has applied IFRS 15 initially at 1st May 2018; information presented for the half year to 31st October 2017 and for the year ended 30th April 2018 has not been restated but is presented, as previously reported, under IAS 18, IAS 11 and related interpretations. IFRS 9 has also been applied initially at 1st May 2018. Prior periods have not been restated in accordance with the classification and measurement requirements of IFRS 9, because the Group has applied the exemption outlined in paragraph 7.2.15 of IFRS 9.

In accordance with the requirements of IFRS 8 "Operating Segments" the Group's reportable segments based on information reported to the Group's Board of Directors for the purposes of resource allocation and assessment of segment performance are as follows:

   --     Mechanical Engineering               - casting, machining and general engineering 
   --     Refractory Engineering                  - powder manufacture and mineral processing 

Information regarding the Group's operating segments is reported in the following tables.

Segment Revenue

                            Mechanical Engineering                  Refractory Engineering                   Sub Total 
                                                                Unaudited   Unaudited             Unaudited   Unaudited 
                                                                     Half        Half   Audited        Half        Half    Audited 
                      Unaudited       Unaudited                      Year        Year      Year        Year        Year       Year 
                      Half Year       Half Year       Audited       Ended       Ended     Ended       Ended       Ended      Ended 
                          Ended           Ended    Year Ended        31st        31st      30th        31st        31st       30th 
                   31st October    31st October    30th April     October     October     April     October     October      April 
                           2018            2017          2018        2018        2017      2018        2018        2017       2018 
                        GBP'000         GBP'000       GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000   GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000 
  sales                  45,052          39,779        80,661      22,496      22,114    44,150      67,548      61,893    124,811 
  sales                  10,591          10,189        18,839       4,423       4,350     8,354      15,014      14,539     27,193 
 Total revenue           55,643          49,968        99,500      26,919      26,464    52,504      82,562      76,432    152,004 
                 Reconciliation to consolidated 
  sales                                                                                            (15,014)    (14,539)   (27,193) 
 Consolidated revenue for 
  the period                                                                                         67,548      61,893    124,811 

Segment profits

                         Mechanical Engineering                  Refractory Engineering                   Sub Total 
                                                             Unaudited   Unaudited             Unaudited   Unaudited 
                                                                  Half        Half   Audited        Half        Half   Audited 
                   Unaudited       Unaudited                      Year        Year      Year        Year        Year      Year 
                   Half Year       Half Year       Audited       Ended       Ended     Ended       Ended       Ended     Ended 
                       Ended           Ended    Year Ended        31st        31st      30th        31st        31st      30th 
                31st October    31st October    30th April     October     October     April     October     October     April 
                        2018            2017          2018        2018        2017      2018        2018        2017      2018 
                     GBP'000         GBP'000       GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000   GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000   GBP'000 
  associates           4,541           2,733         8,282       4,854       5,313     9,130       9,395       8,046    17,412 
                  Group administration costs                                                       (765)     (1,004)   (2,498) 
 LTIP equity plan provision                                                                        (523)       (515)   (1,024) 
                  Group finance and treasury 
                                       costs                                                       (303)       (419)     (590) 
 Consolidated profit before 
  tax for the period                                                                               7,804       6,108    13,300 
 Tax                                                                                             (2,076)     (1,656)   (3,865) 
                   Consolidated profit after 
                          tax for the period                                                       5,728       4,452     9,435 

Segment Assets and Liabilities

                     Segmental total assets          Segmental total liabilities           Segmental net assets 
                 Unaudited   Unaudited             Unaudited   Unaudited             Unaudited   Unaudited 
                      Half        Half   Audited        Half        Half   Audited        Half        Half    Audited 
                      Year        Year      Year        Year        Year      Year        Year        Year       Year 
                     Ended       Ended     Ended       Ended       Ended     Ended       Ended       Ended      Ended 
                      31st        31st      30th        31st        31st      30th        31st        31st       30th 
                   October     October     April     October     October     April     October     October      April 
                      2018        2017      2018        2018        2017      2018        2018        2017       2018 
                   GBP'000     GBP'000   GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000   GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000 
  Engineering       96,710      85,793    79,835      64,674      66,798    50,113      32,036      18,995     29,722 
  Engineering       40,207      45,425    39,534      19,859      24,527    19,905      20,348      20,898     19,629 
 Sub total 
  segment          136,917     131,218   119,369      84,533      91,325    70,018      52,384      39,893     49,351 
             Goodwin PLC (the Company) 
                            net assets                                                  61,369      68,841     66,715 
                Elimination of Goodwin 
                       PLC investments                                                (20,960)    (22,084)   (20,950) 
 Goodwill                                                                                9,715       9,710      9,711 
 Consolidated total net 
  assets                                                                               102,508      96,360    104,827 
 Segmental property, plant and equipment (PPE) 
  capital expenditure 
 Goodwin PLC                                                                             2,408       3,049      6,880 
                Mechanical Engineering                                                   3,039         687      2,176 
 Refractory Engineering                                                                    225         267        360 
                                                                                         5,672       4,003      9,416 
   7.     Geographical segments 
                        Half Year Ended 31st October                           Half Year Ended 31st October 
                                    2018                                                   2017 
            Unaudited     Unaudited     Unaudited      Unaudited   Unaudited     Unaudited     Unaudited      Unaudited 
              Revenue   Operational   Non-current    PPE capital     Revenue   Operational   Non-current    PPE capital 
                             assets        assets    expenditure                    assets        assets    expenditure 
              GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000        GBP'000     GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000        GBP'000 
 UK            14,991        68,263        77,896          3,195      13,698        63,870        71,656          3,610 
 Rest of 
  Europe       17,503        12,120         3,724            535      14,674        10,483         2,276            136 
 USA            2,138             -             -              -       2,544             -             -              - 
  Basin        14,762        15,064         7,888             17      11,709        14,635         7,505            116 
 Rest of 
  World        18,154         7,061         6,367          1,925      19,268         7,372         6,187            141 
 Total         67,548       102,508        95,875          5,672      61,893        96,360        87,624          4,003 
                                                                                Year Ended 30th April 2018 
                                                                     Audited       Audited       Audited        Audited 
                                                                     Revenue   Operational   Non-current    PPE capital 
                                                                                    assets        assets    expenditure 
                                                                     GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000        GBP'000 
 UK                                                                   27,829        70,558        76,325          8,301 
 Rest of 
  Europe                                                              31,246        12,477         3,281            772 
 USA                                                                   3,742             -             -              - 
  Basin                                                               23,052        14,785         8,003            154 
 Rest of 
  World                                                               38,942         7,007         5,374            189 
 Total                                                               124,811       104,827        92,983          9,416 
   8.         Revenue 

The Group's revenue is derived from contracts with customers. The nature and effect, on the Group's interim financial statements, of applying IFRS15 for the first time are outlined in note 5.

The following tables provide an analysis of revenue by geographical market and by product line.

                                                     Mechanical          Refractory 
                                                    Engineering         Engineering               Total 
                                                        GBP'000             GBP'000             GBP'000 
 Primary Geographical markets 
 Unaudited half year ended 31st October 
 UK                                                       9,160               5,831              14,991 
 Rest of Europe                                          13,497               4,006              17,503 
 USA                                                      2,097                  41               2,138 
 Pacific Basin                                            6,570               8,192              14,762 
 Rest of World                                           13,728               4,426              18,154 
 Total                                                   45,052              22,496              67,548 
                                              Mechanical     Refractory 
                                             Engineering    Engineering     Total 
                                                 GBP'000        GBP'000   GBP'000 
 Primary Geographical markets 
 Unaudited half year ended 31st October 
 UK                                                7,912          5,786    13,698 
 Rest of Europe                                   10,799          3,875    14,674 
 USA                                               2,469             75     2,544 
 Pacific Basin                                     3,989          7,720    11,709 
 Rest of World                                    14,610          4,658    19,268 
 Total                                            39,779         22,114    61,893 
 Product lines 
 Unaudited half year ended 31st October 
 Standard products and consumables                 4,317         22,496    26,813 
 Minimum period contracts for goods 
  and services                                     1,446              -     1,446 
 Bespoke engineered products - over 
  time                                             2,556              -     2,556 
 Bespoke engineered products - point 
  in time                                         27,958              -    27,958 
 Long term contracts - over time                     407              -       407 
 Long term contracts - point in time               8,368              -     8,368 
 Total                                            45,052         22,496    67,548 
 Unaudited half year ended 31st October 
 Standard products and consumables                 2,833         22,114    24,947 
 Minimum period contracts for goods 
  and services                                     1,503              -     1,503 
 Bespoke engineered products - over 
  time                                               778              -       778 
 Bespoke engineered products - point 
  in time                                         29,378              -    29,378 
 Long term contracts - over time                     792              -       792 
 Long term contracts - point in time               4,495              -     4,495 
 Total                                            39,779         22,114    61,893 

Contract balances

The following table presents information about receivables, contract assets and liabilities from contracts with customers.

                                                                Unaudited    Unaudited 
                                                                    as at        as at 
                                                             31st October   1 May 2018 
                                                                  GBP'000      GBP'000 
 Receivables - included in "Trade and other receivables"           19,449       18,375 
 Contract assets                                                    6,527        5,138 
 Contract liabilities                                             (1,570)      (3,207) 
 Net book value at the end of the period                           24,406       20,306 

The Group has recognised the cumulative effect of applying IFRS 15 for the first time as an adjustment to the opening balance at 1st May 2018. Contract assets and liabilities as at 30th April 2018 have been adjusted, in this table only, to reflect the impact of IFRS 15.

The contract assets represent the Group's rights to consideration for work completed but not invoiced at the reporting date for bespoke products and long term contracts. Contract assets are transferred to receivables when the rights to consideration become unconditional. This is generally when the Group invoices the customer. Where progress billings exceed the recognised profits (less losses), the balances are disclosed as contract liabilities.

Of the contract liabilities recognised at the beginning of the period, revenue of GBP1,646,000 has been recognised in the half year ended 31st October 2018.

No revenue has been recognised in the half year ended 31st October 2018 from performance obligations, which were satisfied (or partially satisfied) in previous periods.

The Group has applied the practical expedient in IFRS 15, paragraph 121, and has not disclosed the remaining performance obligations for contracts which have an original expected duration of one year or less. The aggregate amount of the transaction price allocated to the performance obligations for longer term contracts, which are unsatisfied (or partially unsatisfied) as at the end of the reporting period is GBP26,490,000. The longest of these contracts is due to be completed in 2023.

The Group's revenue is not significantly impacted by seasonal / cyclical events.

   9.         Other income 

Other income deals with the profit on the sale of land in India in the half year to 31st October 2017.

   10.       Dividends 

The Directors do not propose the payment of an interim dividend.

                                                Unaudited      Unaudited      Audited 
                                                Half Year      Half Year   Year Ended 
                                                       to             to 
                                             31st October   31st October   30th April 
                                                     2018           2017         2018 
                                                  GBP'000        GBP'000      GBP'000 
 Equity Dividends Paid: 
 Ordinary dividends paid during the                 6,010              -            - 
  period in respect of the year ended 
  30th April 2018 (83.473p per share) 
 Ordinary dividends paid during the 
  period in respect of the year ended 
  30th April 2017 (42.348p per share)                   -          3,049        3,049 
 Dividends paid to minority shareholders 
  in Noreva GmbH                                       64             88           88 
 Total dividends paid during the period             6,074          3,137        3,137 
   11.       Earnings Per Share 

The calculation of the basic earnings per ordinary share is based on the number of ordinary shares in issue during all periods of 7,200,000, and on the profit for the six months attributable to ordinary shareholders of GBP5,393,000 (six months to 31st October 2017: GBP4,203,000).

There is a share option scheme in place for the Directors of the Company under the Company's Equity Long Term Investment Plan (LTIP), based on the Company exceeding a target growth in the total shareholder return of the Company over the period from 1st May 2016 to 30th April 2019. Under the LTIP, as at 31st October 2018 and based on the share price at that date, a total of 144,000 shares would have accrued to the Directors under the LTIP which net of the option price payable would dilute the number of shares by 143,433. The diluted earnings per share has been based on 7,343,433 shares and the same profits attributable to shareholders as set out in the previous paragraph.

   12.       Capital Management, Issuance and Repayment of Debt 

At 31st October 2018 the capital utilised was GBP109,689,000 as shown below:

                                            Unaudited      Unaudited      Audited 
                                                as at          as at        as at 
                                         31st October   31st October   30th April 
                                                 2018           2017         2018 
                                              GBP'000        GBP'000      GBP'000 
 Cash and cash equivalents                    (7,577)        (7,813)      (7,485) 
 Finance leases                                 2,539          2,984        2,548 
 Bank loans and committed facilities           13,088         22,132       11,110 
 Bank overdrafts                                3,654          9,737        4,585 
 Deferred consideration                           500            500          500 
 Net debt                                      12,204         27,540       11,258 
 Total equity attributable to equity 
  holders of the parent                        97,485         91,965       99,568 
 Capital                                      109,689        119,505      110,826 
   13.       Property, Plant and Equipment 
                                                      Unaudited      Unaudited 
                                                          as at          as at 
                                                   31st October   31st October 
                                                           2018           2017 
                                                        GBP'000        GBP'000 
 Net book value at the beginning of the period           69,154         65,739 
 Additions                                                5,672          4,003 
 Disposals (at net book value)                             (82)          (201) 
 Depreciation                                           (2,764)        (2,644) 
 Exchange adjustment                                      (267)          (105) 
 Net book value at the end of the period                 71,713         66,792 
   14.       Intangible assets 
                                                      Unaudited      Unaudited 
                                                          as at          as at 
                                                   31st October   31st October 
                                                           2018           2017 
                                                        GBP'000        GBP'000 
 Net book value at the beginning of the period           21,138         18,240 
 Additions                                                  701            709 
 Amortisation                                             (549)          (552) 
 Exchange adjustment                                         18            206 
 Net book value at the end of the period                 21,308         18,603 
   15.       Total Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities 

The following table sets out the Group's accounting classification of its financial assets and financial liabilities, and their carrying amounts at 31st October 2018. The carrying amount is a reasonable approximation of fair value for all financial assets and financial liabilities.

                                                                                     Total carrying 
                                Fair value                                                 amount / 
                                 - hedging             Amortised   Other financial       fair value 
                               instruments     FVTPL        cost       liabilities           amount 
                                   GBP'000   GBP'000     GBP'000           GBP'000          GBP'000 
 Financial assets 
  measured at fair 
 Forward exchange 
  contracts used 
  for hedging                           24         -           -                 -               24 
 Other forward 
  exchange contracts                     -         -           -                 -                - 
                                        24         -           -                 -               24 
 Financial assets 
  not measured 
  at fair value 
 Trade and other 
  receivables                            -         -      21,251                 -           21,251 
 Cash and cash 
  equivalents                            -         -       7,577                 -            7,577 
                                         -         -      28,828                 -           28,828 
 Financial liabilities 
  measured at fair 
 Forward exchange 
  contracts used 
  for hedging                        2,745         -           -                 -            2,745 
 Other forward 
  exchange contracts                     -     1,495           -                 -            1,495 
 Contingent consideration                -         -           -               500              500 
                                     2,745     1,495           -               500            4,740 
 Financial liabilities 
  not measured 
  at fair value 
 Bank overdrafts                         -         -           -             3,654            3,654 
 Bank loans                              -         -           -            13,088           13,088 
 Finance lease 
  liabilities                            -         -           -             2,539            2,539 
 Trade and other 
  payables                               -         -           -            20,084           20,084 
                                         -         -           -            39,365           39,365 

The forward exchange contract assets and liabilities fair values in the above table are derived using Level 2 inputs as defined by IFRS 7 as detailed in the paragraph below. All other financial assets and liabilities fair values are determined using Level 3 inputs. As can be seen from the above table the fair value of these contracts amount to less than 5% of the Group net asset value.

IFRS 7 requires that the classification of financial instruments at fair value be determined by reference to the source of inputs used to derive the fair value. This classification uses the following three-level hierarchy: Level 1 - quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities; Level 2 - inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly (i.e. as prices) or indirectly (i.e. derived from prices); Level 3 - inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on observable market data (unobservable inputs).

This information is provided by RNS, the news service of the London Stock Exchange. RNS is approved by the Financial Conduct Authority to act as a Primary Information Provider in the United Kingdom. Terms and conditions relating to the use and distribution of this information may apply. For further information, please contact rns@lseg.com or visit www.rns.com.



(END) Dow Jones Newswires

December 18, 2018 05:18 ET (10:18 GMT)

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