RNS Number:3554I
NMBZ Holdings Ld
06 March 2003

                                NMBZ HOLDINGS LIMITED

                                 Holding company of
                 NMB Bank Limited (Registered Commercial Bank)
               Continental Securities Trading (Private) Limited

                              ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2002


                                                                         2002                2001
                                                                  Z$ millions         Z$ millions       Change %

Inflation adjusted attributable profit                                  5 385               2 712            +99

Historical attributable profit                                          9 556               1 841           +419

Inflation adjusted net interest income                                 20 902              10 929            +91

Inflation adjusted non-interest income                                  6 768               5 998            +13

Inflation adjusted basic earnings per share (cents)                     1 481                 662           +124

Historical basic earnings per share (cents)                             2 629                 449           +486

Historical dividend per share (cents)                                     634                 109           +482

Inflation adjusted cost to income ratio (%)                                29                  28             +4

Historical cost to income ratio (%)                                        21                  28            -25

Mr Paddy Zhanda, Chairman of NMBZ Holdings, said:

"The Group has posted commendable results which exceeded expectations despite an
unfavourable macro-economic environment.  The powerful combination of products
and services offered to clients during the year has yielded fruitful results as
reflected by the significant growth in attributable profit."

                                                                    5 March 2003


NMBZ HOLDINGS LIMITED                                    Tel: +263-4-759 651/9

Dr Julius Makoni, Managing Director                      juliusm@nmbz.co.zw
James Mushore, Deputy Managing Director                  jamesm@nmbz.co.zw
Otto Chekeche, Finance Director                          ottoc@nmbz.co.zw

Website:                                                 http://www.nmbz.co.zw
Email:                                                   enquiries@nmbz.co.zw


Corinna Dorward/Matthew Gregorowski                      Tel: +44-207-457-2020



The country ended 2002 in a severely weakened condition after experiencing a
fourth successive year of economic decline.  The main challenges in 2002 were:-

*    Declining Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
*    Hyperinflation and high money supply growth
*    High domestic debt
*    Weak Balance of Payments (BOP) position
*    Foreign currency shortages


Declining GDP

Real GDP is estimated to have declined by 11.9% in 2002. Major declines are
expected in agriculture (20.8%), manufacturing (7.2%), construction (10.0%) and
mining (7.0%). With the current uncertain agricultural prospects, foreign
currency shortages and hyperinflation, the economy is forecast to decline
further in 2003.

Hyperinflation and High Money Supply Growth

The country's year-on-year inflation rose sharply from 116.7% in January 2002 to
198.9% in  December 2002. The hyperinflationary trend is driven mainly by the
high money supply growth and the cost-push effects of the depreciating parallel
market exchange rate. The purchasing power of the Zimbabwe dollar fell by nearly
two thirds during 2002, with a dollar in 2003 now worth less than one cent of
its value in 1990.

Annual growth in broad money supply (M3), which started the year at 57%, surged
to 148.9% by November 2002 and is expected to end the year at a historic high of
around 170%. Excessive growth in money supply remains amongst the major causes
of the hyperinflation.  Government's continued recourse to the banking system to
finance budget deficits and the access by banks to statutory reserves for
on-lending to exporters and other productive sectors at concessionary interest
rates, though favourable to the beneficiaries, has driven money supply growth.

High Domestic Debt

Domestic debt, which stood at $205 billion in December 2001, rose dramatically
to $346 billion by the end of December 2002.  With 96% ($331 billion) of the
debt being Treasury bills, interest costs will continue to pose a significant
fiscal challenge.  The domestic debt is expected to rise further in 2003, fueled
by the need to fund grain imports and financial support for the new farmers
under the current agrarian reforms.

Weak Balance of Payments (BOP) Position

The country's BOP position remains under severe stress, propelled largely by the
continued decline in export receipts and the absence of offshore lines of credit
and multilateral and bilateral support.

The current account has suffered from protracted shrinkage in export revenues.
Annual merchandise exports in 2002 are estimated to have fallen by 10.8% from
US$1.57 billion in 2001 to US$1.4 billion in 2002.  Major declines were in gold
(25.0%), tobacco (17.1%)and pure manufactures (8.7%).  The tourism sector, which
is one of the country's sectors with high potential to earn foreign currency,
remained subdued in 2002 registering inflows of US$42.6 million over the nine
months to September 2002 compared with US$59.3 million over the same period in
2001.  Coupled with reduced current account inflows and higher import
requirements to fill the large cereal gap, the current account is estimated to
have ended 2002 with a deficit of US$800 million.

The country's capital account is estimated to have registered a deficit of
US$350 million in 2002 from a deficit of US$420 million in 2001.  The deficit is
largely driven by the decline in foreign direct and portfolio investment
inflows, limited participation of the donor community as well as the lack of
much-needed BOP support.

The country's foreign payment arrears continued to build up during 2002 and are
forecast to have ended the year at US$1.5 billion up from US$700 million in

Foreign Exchange Market and Exchange Rate Policy

The balance of payments deficit during 2002 pushed the economy into foreign
exchange shortages.  The official exchange rate has remained fixed at Z$55 to
the US$ since October 2000 and this, coupled with the 40% retention of export
proceeds by the Reserve Bank has substantially eroded export sector earnings as
Zimbabwe's inflation continued to surge while that of trading partners remained
generally subdued.

In a bid to rein in the parallel foreign exchange market, the Government,
through the Reserve Bank, centralised all foreign exchange transactions with
effect from 14 November 2002.  Exporters are now required to surrender 50% of
their export proceeds at the official exchange rate for energy and fuel imports
and debt servicing with the remaining 50% being available to them over a 60-day
window for prioritised imports. Following the new exchange control regulations,
the foreign exchange trading has dwindled.  Furthermore, the grain imports
required to avert mass starvation as a result of the cereal deficit in the
country, will result in increased pressure on the country's foreign exchange

Agrarian Reforms

The year 2002 saw a greater resolve by the Government to redistribute land and
wind up the fast track phase of the programme by 31 August 2002.  This was
intended to be in time for the 2002/2003 agricultural season.  Government set
aside $8.5 billion for inputs to support the new farmers and $7.2 billion was
raised through agro-bills.  The reforms have, however, been hampered by the
failure to take-up allocated land. The success of the agrarian reforms is
heavily dependent on a clearly defined tenure system, adequate technical and
financial support to the new farmers and a more systematic countrywide
infrastructural development.  In the current agricultural season, returns from
the programme may be hampered by the uncertain weather conditions.

Concessionary Financing Schemes for Exporters and Producers

The Export and Productive Sector Financing Facilities, which saw the release in
January 2001 of banks' statutory reserves for on-lending to exporters and other
producers at rates of 15% and 30% per annum respectively, were improved in
November 2002. Rates applicable to the two facilities were reduced to 5% and 15%
respectively in order to stimulate export growth.  Although this policy thrust
is commendable, it may not yield the desired results due to the simultaneous
introduction of restrictive exchange controls.

Economic Outlook

To salvage the economy from the current crisis and encourage growth, the
following key factors are necessary:

*   Arresting money supply growth and the resultant runaway inflation.
*   Formulation and implementation of an exchange rate policy that takes into 
    account demand and supply fundamentals.
*   Synchronisation of disparate interest rate policies.
*   Speedy adoption and implementation of economic blueprints presented to the 
    Government by the other stakeholders.
*   Mending the country's relationships with the international community 
    including the IMF, World Bank and other multilateral lending agencies.

We remain confident that given the right economic policies and a resolve to
succeed, the economy could return to its previous levels of growth and
respectable levels of inflation.



The economy continued to experience hyperinflation, an artificially managed
interest rate regime for the export and productive sectors, severe shortages of
foreign currency and an agricultural crisis. The acute fuel shortages have
adversely affected production and employee productivity due to the long hours
spent in fuel queues or in search of the scarce commodity.  The closure of
bureaux de change resulted in a further decline of foreign currency inflows.

The authorities have acknowledged the problems bedevilling the economy, however
foreign direct investment has not been forthcoming as a result of the
uncompetitive investment environment and the negative publicity the country has
received. The local investing public have had to be more enterprising and
innovative. Faced with this situation the Bank has focused on growing
net-interest income through its commercial banking activities whilst maintaining
growth in non-interest income at levels well ahead of inflation.

Commercial Banking

The division continued to do well despite the unstable economic environment.
During the year under review, branches were opened at strategic locations to
capture the target market. Msasa, Borrowdale and Mutare branches were opened in
May, August and December 2002 respectively. Automated Teller Machines were
installed at these sites. The Bank continued to make significant investments in
new technology, laying a solid platform from which to launch a wide variety of
innovative products and services as well as improve operational efficiency.  The
Bank will continue to seek investment opportunities and open new retail branches
where the need is identified.

The target market continues to remain medium and large corporate business
clients and selected high net worth individuals.  A strategic service centre was
established in the reporting period to enhance further the quality service
rendered to the Bank's niche clientele.

The year 2003 represents the third year of operation for the commercial banking
division and the trend of deposit growth and profitability serves to justify the

Compliance with International Accounting Standards

The existence of hyperinflation as defined by International Accounting Standard
29 (IAS 29) was formally identified in Zimbabwe by the Zimbabwe Accounting
Practices Board, which decided that IAS 29 would be applied for financial
periods beginning on or after 1 January 2000.  Consequently, these results have
been prepared in compliance with IAS 29, which requires the adjustment of the
financial statements on the basis of the inflation indices over the reporting
period, and a restatement of prior year comparative figures.

Profit before taxation

Inflation adjusted profit before taxation increased by 127% during the period
under review.  Significant gains were made from a successful investment strategy
during the year.

Attributable profits

The Group achieved inflation adjusted attributable profits of Z$5 385 million,
an increase of 99% over the adjusted result for the same period last year as the
Group implemented ingenious investment strategies and continued to benefit from
investment in the retail banking sector.  The return on shareholders' funds at
290% for the year from 33% last year reflects continued value creation for the

Net interest income

Net interest income increased by 91% to Z$20 902 million from Z$10 929 million.
The increase was primarily a result of increased deposits from the retail bank
for on lending at competitive rates. In addition, the volume of lending grew as
clients accessed the cheaper statutory reserve funds offered by the RBZ for the
export and productive sectors.  Companies and individuals continued to borrow to
finance capital projects in the face of negative interest rates.

Non-interest income

Non-interest income increased by 13% and contributed 25% of the Groups' net
operating income.

Foreign exchange gains increased over the period with a 66% growth recorded from
this revenue base.  The high return was as a result of innovative foreign
exchange strategies.

The stock broking and asset management subsidiary, Continental Securities
Trading (Private) Limited contributed negatively to Group attributable profit.
The two former executive directors of this subsidiary company, who were neither
directors nor employees of NMBZ Holdings or NMB Bank Limited, have been expelled
from the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange, which they are contesting.  A replacement
broker has been appointed.  No material impact on the Group financial position
is anticipated as a result of the temporary lapse in broking activities.

Operating expenses

Operating expenses increased by 75% over the same period last year.  The bulk of
the increases were incurred in administration, staff costs and the increased
depreciation charge resulting from the commissioning of additional commercial
bank branches.  Staff costs increased by 72% as a result of the increase in the
staff establishment from 334 at 31 December 2001 to 464 at 31 December 2002 and
salary increases driven by inflation.

Loss on net monetary position

The loss on net monetary position occurs as a result of the restatement of
amounts to current value.  The adjustment of $5 902 million is based on the
inflation index as provided by the Central Statistical Office of Zimbabwe.  The
loss has been charged to income in accordance with the International Accounting
Standard 29 "Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies".

Bad and doubtful debts

The charge for bad and doubtful debts increased to Z$1 168 million from Z$869
million in the previous year.  The exposure to the agricultural sector at 3.3%
of the total advances book is not material but management has been cautious and
adequate provisions have been made where appropriate.


A final dividend of 560 cents per share has been proposed, bringing the total
historical dividend for the year to 634 cents per share, an increase of 482%
from the position at 31 December 2001.  This is in line with the Group's
dividend policy to maximize returns to shareholders based on inflation adjusted

Balance sheet

Growth in Asset Base

The Group's total asset base has increased by Z$3 750 million to Z$89 019
million as at 31 December 2002 from Z$85 269 million as at 31 December 2001.

The major increases were:-

*  Balances with banks and cash (550%) to Z$19 039 million.
*  Property plant and equipment (73%) to Z$8 591 million.

The movement is consistent with the Group's liquidity and expansion strategy
which is complemented by investment in technology.

These were partly offset by decreases in:-

*  Quoted and other investments (17%) to Z$2 047 million.
*  Customers' indebtedness for acceptances (42%) to Z$13 900 million.

Capital adequacy

The banking subsidiary's capital adequacy ratio at 31 December 2002 calculated
on the historic cost basis in accordance with the guidelines of the Reserve Bank
was 14.14%, (31 December 2001 - 13.44%).  The minimum required by the Reserve
Bank of Zimbabwe is 10%.

Share buy back

The directors were authorised at the Annual General Meeting held on 28 May 2002
to repurchase up to 56 million shares for cancellation.  No shares were
repurchased for cancellation for the period to 31 December 2002.

Own equity instruments

Own equity instruments amounting to 52 467 333 shares at a cost of Z$2 873
million arose from a debt for equity swap settlement of an amount owed to the
Banking subsidiary.  These shares will be dealt with, inter alia, by way of
scrip dividend, disposal, consideration for acquisitions, cancellations and
exercise of share options.


The number of listed companies was 77 as at the end of 2002.  The total market
capitalisation during the period grew by 139% in Zimbabwe dollar terms to close
the year at Z$866.8 billion.

Sharp fluctuations in quoted stock prices saw managed portfolios weakened
intermittently.  Notwithstanding these dips, the stock market performed strongly
during the year.  The industrial index increased by 157% as investors responded
to the fall in interest rates by redirecting their funds to the stock market.  A
number of initial public offerings brought increased activity to the bourse.
The continuing negative returns on the money market will continue to spur
activity on the stock market.


The continued isolation of the country from the international community is cause
for concern. The operating environment is likely to continue to be turbulent as
Government wrestles to contain runaway inflation, shortages and the lack of
foreign currency inflows and a deteriorating balance of payments (BOP) position.
Price controls appear to be the order of the day as more and more commodities
are put on the controlled price list as Government battles to cushion the
general populace.

The lack of longer term clarity on monetary and fiscal policy provides
significant risks in terms of strategy and planning and consequently we remain
conservative in our outlook.  We will continue to expand the commercial banking
division with new retail branches in targeted areas as opportunities arise and
we will continue to pursue strategies to grow non-interest income.


I would like to extend my gratitude to the non-executive directors, the Managing
Director, executive directors, management and staff for their consistent hard
work and dedication in achieving these results in this difficult environment.


5 March 2003

year ended 31 December 2002
                                                        Note          2002         2001 
                                                                Z$ million    Z$million 

Interest from lending activities                                    14 921        5 438

Charge for bad and doubtful debts                                   (1 168)        (869)
                                                                    13 753        4 569

Income from investing activities                                    19 517       10 354
                                                                    33 270       14 923

Interest expense                                           5       (12 368)      (3 994)

Net interest income                                                 20 902       10 929

Other income                                               6         6 768        5 998

Net operating income                                                27 670       16 927

Operating expenditure                                               (8 150)      (4 664)

Loss on net monetary position                                       (5 902)      (6 269)

Profit before taxation                                              13 618        5 994

Taxation                                                            (7 649)      (2 732)

Financial institutions levy                                           (711)        (419)

Profit after taxation                                                5 258        2 843

Minority interest                                                      127         (131)

Profit attributable to ordinary shareholders                         5 385        2 712

Earnings per share (cents)                                                             
- Basic                                                    9         1 481          662
- Headline                                                 9         1 474          648
- Diluted basic                                            9         1 479          662
- Diluted headline                                         9         1 471          648
Weighted average number of issued shares (millions)                    364          410

31 December 2002

                                          Note           2002          2001 
Shareholders' Funds                                Z$ million    Z$ million 
Share capital                                11         2 659         2 633
Capital reserves                                        5 563         5 069
Revenue reserves                                        3 499        (5 846)
Total shareholders' funds                              11 721         1 856
Minority Interest                                          88           271
                                                       11 809         2 127
Deferred tax liability                                  2 729             -
Provision for current taxation                          4 538         4 767
Deposits and other other accounts                      36 901        40 108
Financial liabilities held for trading                 19 142        14 111
Acceptances                                            13 900        24 156
                                                       89 019        85 269
Balances with banks and cash                           19 039         2 928
Financial assets held for trading                      16 450        17 128
Advances and other accounts                            28 816        32 326
Trade investment                                          176           176
Quoted and other investments                            2 047         2 460
Property, plant & equipment                             8 591         4 963
Deferred tax asset                                          -         1 132
Customers' indebtedness                                                    
for acceptances                                        13 900        24 156
                                                       89 019        85 269



                                                                    5 March 2003

As at 31 December 2002
At 31 December 2002  
                                                                             Capital Reserves                           
                                                                       Capital                   Reserves             
                                  Share        Share    Statutory   Redemption                Accumulated             
                                Capital      Premium      Reserve      Reserve        Other        Profit        Total 
                             Z$ million   Z$ million   Z$ million   Z$ million   Z$ million    Z$ million   Z$ million

  1 January 2002                  2 672        4 540          751          513            7         1 964       10 447

  Net profit for the year             -            -            -            -            -         5 385        5 385

  Dividends paid                      -            -            -            -            -        (1 238)      (1 238)
                                  2 672        4 540          751          513            7         6 111       14 594

  Own equity instruments            (39)        (742)           -            -            -        (7 810)      (8 591)
  (note 11.4)                                                                                                         

  Monetary adjustment on             26          494            -            -            -         5 198        5 718
  own equity instruments                                                                                              

  Balances at 31 December         2 659        4 292          751          513            7         3 499       11 721

  At 31 December 2001 (Restated)                                                                                      
                                                Capital Reserves                                                  
                                                                       Capital                    Reserve             
                                  Share        Share    Statutory   Redemption                Accumulated             
                                Capital      Premium      Reserve      Reserve        Other        Profit        Total 
                             Z$ million   Z$ million   Z$ million   Z$ million   Z$ million    Z$ million   Z$ million

  1 January 2001                  2 653        4 175          751          513            7           155        8 254
  Effect of adopting IAS              -            -            -            -            -           (44)         (44)

  As restated at 1                2 653        4 175          751          513            7           111        8 210
  January 2001                                                                                                        

  Shares issued                      19          365            -            -            -             -          384
  Net profit for the year             -            -            -            -            -         2 712        2 712
  Dividends paid                      -            -            -            -            -          (859)        (859)
                                  2 672        4 540          751          513            7         1 964       10 447

  Own equity instruments            (39)        (742)           -            -            -        (7 810)      (8 591)
  (note 11.4)                                                                                                         

  Balances at 31 December         2 633        3 798          751          513            7        (5 846)       1 856

year ended 31 December 2002
CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES                          2002         2001 
                                                        Z$ million   Z$ million 
Profit before taxation and monetary loss                    19 520       12 263

Non-cash items                                                                  
  Profit on disposal of property, plant & equipment            (37)         (79)
  Depreciation                                               1 749          564
  Charge for bad and doubtful debts                          1 168          869
  Monetary loss                                             (5 902)      (6 269)
  IAS 39 fair value adjustment                                   -          (45)

Operating cash flow before changes in operating                                 
assets and liabilities                                      16 498        7 303

Changes in operating assets and liabilities                                     
Financial liabilities held for trading                       5 031       11 253
Deposits and other accounts                                  3 207       25 167
Advances and other accounts                                  2 342      (21 379)
Financial assets held for trading                             (508)        (945)
Own equity instruments                                           -       (8 591)
                                                            26 570       12 808
Corporate tax paid                                          (4 548)      (1 529)

Net cash inflows from operating activities                  22 022       11 279

CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES                                            

Proceeds on disposal of property, plant & equipment            248          577
Purchase of property, plant & equipment                     (5 588)      (2 097)
Purchase of quoted and other investments                     (462)       (1 547)

Net cash outflows from investing activities                 (5 802)      (3 067)

Net cash inflows before financing activities                16 220        8 212

CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES                                            

Proceeds from issue of shares                                    -          384
Dividends paid                                              (1 295)        (865)
                                                            (1 295)        (481)
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                   14 925        7 731
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of year          19 106       11 375
CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT THE END OF YEAR                34 031       19 106
Cash and cash equivalents are as per note 10.

for the year ended 31 December 2002

     The company is incorporated in Zimbabwe and is an investment holding 
     company. Its subsidiaries are engaged in banking, stockbroking services and 
     fund management.

     These financial statements are expressed in Zimbabwe dollars.

     The financial statements are prepared under the historical cost convention 
     and adjusted to reflect the changes in general price levels in accordance 
     with IAS 29, Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies. 
     The economy of Zimbabwe is considered to be a hyperinflationary economy. In 
     order to comply with IAS 29, Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary 
     Economies, financial statements need to be expressed in terms of the 
     measuring unit current at the balance sheet date. Accordingly, the 
     accompanying financial statements, including comparatives, have been 
     restated to account for changes in the general purchasing power of the 
     Zimbabwe dollar. The restatement is based on the consumer price index at 
     the balance sheet date. The indices and conversion factors are derived 
     from the inflation rates which are issued by the Central Statistical Office 
     of Zimbabwe. The indices and conversion factors used were as follows:

               Dates           Indices    Conversion Factors 
          31 December 2000      550.40                6.3403
          31 December 2001    1 167.40                2.9893
          31 December 2002    3 489.70                1.0000

The indices have been applied to the historical costs of transactions and 
balances as follows:-
*    All comparative figures as of and for the year ended 31 December 2001 have 
     been restated by applying the change in the index to 31 December 2002;

*    Income statement transactions have been restated by applying the change in 
     the index from the approximate date of the transactions to 31 December 
*    Gains and losses arising from the monetary asset or liability positions 
     have been included in the income statement;
*    Non-monetary assets and liabilities have been restated by applying the 
     change in the index from the date of the transaction, to 31 December 2002;

*    Fixed assets, current and accumulated depreciation have been restated by 
     applying the change in the index from the date of their purchase to 31 
     December 2002.

*    Equity has been restated by applying the change in index from the date of 
*    All items in the cash flow statement are expressed in terms of the 
     measuring unit current at the balance sheet date.

IAS 29 discourages publication of historical results as a supplement to
inflation adjusted accounts. However, historical results have been published to
allow comparability of results during the transitional phase in applying the
standard in Zimbabwe. The Zimbabwe Accounting Practices Board and the Zimbabwe
Stock Exchange have permitted companies in Zimbabwe to publish historical
results in conjunction with inflation adjusted accounts for the first three
years ending 31 December 2002.

                                                       2002          2001 
                                                 Z$ million    Z$ million 
     Interest expense                                12 487         3 994
     Borrowing costs capitalised                       (119)            -
                                                     12 368         3 994
6.   OTHER INCOME                                                

     Gains less losses from quoted and other                             
     investments                                       (183)          750

     Net commission and fee income:-                    908         2 028

     - Income                                           965         2 050
     - Expenses                                         (57)          (22)

     Foreign exchange gains                           4 159         2 506
     Broking income                                     536           548
     Profit on disposal of assets                        37            79
     Other operating income                           1 311            87
                                                      6 768         5 998
7. OPERATING EXPENDITURE                                                                                                
                                                              2002         2001 
                                                        Z$ million   Z$ million 
The operating profit is after charging the following:-                             
Administration costs                                         1 972        1 301
Audit fees f.                                                   21           26
Depreciation                                                 1 749          564
- Fixed assets leased to customers                               -            6
- Own assets                                                 1 749          558
Directors' remuneration                                        171          306
Paid by subsidiary companies                                                   
- fees for service as directors                                  5            6
- other emoluments                                             166          300
Staff costs                                                  4 237        2 467
                                                             8 150        4 664
                                                              2002         2001 
                                                        Z$ million   Z$ million 
     Tax Charge                                                                                                         
     Charge based on historical profit for the year                                                                     
     Zimbabwe income tax                                     3 667        4 350
     Aids levy                                                  88          117
     Deferred tax charge/(credit)                            3 894       (1 735)
                                                             7 649        2 732
     Financial institutions levy                               711          419
     Total taxation                                          8 360        3 151

     The effective tax rate on inflation adjusted profits has increased to 61% 
     (historical 40%), from 53% (historical 36%) in the previous year.                                                  
9.1  Inflation adjusted basic earnings per share 
     The calculation of inflation adjusted basic earnings per share for the year 
     ended 31 December 2002 of 1 481 cents (2001 - 662 cents) is based on profit 
     after taxation attributable to ordinary shareholders of Z$5 385 million 
     (2001 - Z$2 712 million) and the weighted average shares in issue of 
     363 523 767, per note 11, (2001 - 409 578 313).

9.2  Inflation adjusted headline earnings per share 
     The calculation of inflation adjusted headline earnings per share for the 
     year ended 31 December 2002 of 1 474 cents 2001 - 648 cents) is based on 
     adjusted profit after taxation attributable to ordinary shareholders of 
     Z$5 359 million (2001 - Z$2 656 million) and on the weighted average shares 
     in issue of 363 523 767, per note 11, (2001 - 409 578 313).

The adjustments were as follows:-
                                                            2002           2001 
                                                      Z$ million     Z$ million 

     Profit attributable to shareholders                   5 385          2 712
     Deduct non-recurring items:                                                   
     Profit on disposal of property, plant & equipment       (37)           (79)
     Tax effect                                               11             23
                                                           5 359          2 656
     Weighted average number of shares                       364            410

     This is calculated in accordance with Statement of Investment Practice No.1 
     issued by the Institute of Investment Management and Research to assist 
     users of accounts to identify earnings derived from trading activities.
9.3  Inflation adjusted diluted basic earnings per share

     The inflation adjusted diluted basic earnings per share for the year ended 
     31 December 2002 is 1 479 cents (2001 - 662 cents). The calculation is 
     based on profit after taxation attributable to ordinary shareholders of 
     Z$5 385 million (2001 - Z$2 712 million) and on the diluted shares of 
     364 183 767 (2001 - 409 851 113).
     The dilution in basic earnings per share arises from 660 000 share options 
     granted to senior employees, in terms of the Employee Share Option Scheme 
     outstanding at 31 December 2002.

9.4  Inflation adjusted diluted headline earnings per share

     The inflation adjusted diluted headline earnings per share for the year 
     ended 31 December 2002 is 1 471 cents (2001 - 648 cents). The calculation 
     is based on adjusted profit after taxation of Z$5 359 million (2001 - 
     Z$2 656 million) and on diluted shares of 364 183 767 (2001 - 409 851 113).

                                                      2002          2001 
                                                Z$ million    Z$ million 
     Balances with banks and cash                   19 039         2 928
     Governent and public sector securities          7 023        11 191
     Bills receivables                               7 969         4 987
     Balances at 31 December                        34 031        19 106
                                                           2002           2001          2002          2001 
     11.1 Authorised                                     Shares         Shares    Z$ million    Z$ million 

          Ordinary shares of Z$0.25 each            560 000 000    560 000 000           140           140

     11.2 Issued and fully paid                                                                      

          At 1 January                              415 991 100    400 600 410           104           100
          Shares issued during the year                       -     15 390 690             -             4
          At 31 December                            415 991 100    415 991 100           104           104
          Effect of IAS 29                                    -              -         2 568         2 568
          At 31 December                            415 991 100    415 991 100         2 672         2 672
          Own equity instruments of Z$0.25 each     (52 467 333)   (52 467 333)          (13)          (13)
          (note 11.4)                                                                                     
                                                    363 523 767    363 523 767         2 659         2 659
          Monetary adjustment on own equity                   -              -             -          (26)
          At 31 December                            363 523 767    363 523 767         2 659         2 633

     The issued share capital did not change during the year as no share options 
     were exercised by managerial staff.
     Of the unissued ordinary shares, 24 126 256 are reserved for options which 
     may be granted in terms of a share option scheme. As at 31 December 2002, 
     660 000 share options were outstanding (2001 - 660 000 share options).

11.3 Share Buy Back 
     At the Annual General Meeting held on 28 May 2002, shareholders authorised 
     the directors to purchase up to 56 000 000 fifty six million) of the 
     company's own shares. No shares were repurchased for the period to 31 
     December 2002.

11.4 Own Equity Instruments

     Own equity instruments amounting to 52 467 333 shares at a cost of Z$2 873 
     million arose from a debt for equity swap in settlement of an amount owed 
     to the Bank.

year ended 31 December 2002

The Board has proposed a final dividend of 560 cents per share on 363 523 767
shares payable to members registered in the books of the company on 14 March
2003. The transfer books and register of members will be closed from 22 March to
28 March 2003. Dividend cheques will be mailed to shareholders on or about 1
April 2003. The dividends payable to non-resident shareholders will be paid in
accordance with Exchange Control Regulations. With effect from 1 February 2000
exchange control approval is required for payment of dividends declared by banks
to non-resident shareholders. Resident and non-resident shareholders' tax of 15%
will be deducted where applicable.
By order of the Board

M B Narotam

5 March 2003

P T Zhanda (Chairman), Dr J T Makoni (Managing Director)*, O O Chekeche*, 
Dr C J Constable, M L dos Remedios, J S Friedlander, J A Mushore*,   
A M T Mutsonziwa, F Zimuto* 


year ended 31 December 2002

                                               Note           2002         2001 
                                                        Z$ million    Z$million 

Interest from lending activities                             9 911        1 406

Charge for bad and doubtful debts                           (1 168)        (291)
                                                             8 743        1 115
Interest from investing activities                          16 711        2 652
                                                            25 454        3 767
Interest expense                                  b.        (8 154)        (999)

Net interest income                                         17 300        2 768

Other income                                      c.         2 709        1 325

Net operating income                                        20 009        4 093

Operating expenditure                             d.        (4 175)      (1 140)

Profit before taxation                                      15 834        2 953

Taxation                                          e.        (5 654)        (914)

Financial institutions levy                       e.          (711)        (140)

Profit after taxation                                        9 469        1 899

Minority interest                                               87         (58)

Profit attributable to ordinary shareholders                 9 556        1 841

Earnings per share (cents)                                                             
- Basic                                           f.         2 629          449
- Headline                                        f.         2 625          445
- Diluted basic                                   f.         2 624          449
- Diluted headline                                f.         2 620          445
Weighted average number of issued shares (millions)            364          410

31 December 2002

                                          Note           2002          2001 
Shareholders' funds                                Z$ million    Z$ million 

Share capital                                              91            91
Capital reserves                                           51            51
Revenue reserves                                        8 778          (145)
Total shareholders' funds                               8 920            (3)
Minority interest                                         (59)           66
                                                        8 861            63
Deferred tax liability                                  1 487             -
Provision for current taxation                          4 538         1 594
Deposits and other accounts                            36 901        13 414
Financial liabilities held for trading                 19 142         4 719
Acceptances                                            13 900         8 079
                                                       84 829        27 869
Balances with banks and cash                           19 039           978
Financial assets held for trading                      16 450         5 728
Advances and other accounts                            28 816        10 812
Trade investment                                            3             3
Quoted and other investments                            2 047           823
Property, plant & equipment                             4 574         1 067
Deferred tax asset                                          -           379
Customers' indebtedness                                                    
for acceptances                                        13 900         8 079
                                                       84 829        27 869





5 March 2003

As at 31 December 2002
At 31 December 2002  
Capital Reserves

                                                                     Capital                   Reserves             
                                Share        Share    Statutory   Redemption                Accumulated             
                              Capital      Premium      Reserve      Reserve        Other        Profit        Total 
                           Z$ million   Z$ million   Z$ million   Z$ million   Z$ million    Z$ million   Z$ million

1 January 2002                    104          248           23           27            1         2 467        2 870

Net profit for the year             -            -            -            -            -         9 556        9 556

Dividends paid                      -            -            -            -            -          (633)        (633)
                                  104          248           23           27            1        11 390       11 793
Own equity Instruments            (13)        (248)           -            -            -        (2 612)      (2 873)
Balances at 31 December            91            -           23           27            1         8 778        8 920
At 31 December 2001                                                                                                 
                                                    Capital Reserves                                                  
                                                                       Capital                    Reserve             
                                  Share        Share    Statutory   Redemption                Accumulated             
                                Capital      Premium      Reserve      Reserve        Other        Profit        Total 
                             Z$ million   Z$ million   Z$ million   Z$ million   Z$ million    Z$ million   Z$ million
1 January 2001                                                                                                      
As previously reported              100          174           23           27            1           845        1 170
Effect of adopting IAS                -            -            -            -            -           (15)         (15)
Restated at 1 January               100          174           23           27            1           830        1 155
Shares issued                         4           74            -            -            -             -           78
Net profit for the year               -            -            -            -            -         1 841        1 841
Dividends paid                        -            -            -            -            -          (204)        (204)
                                    104          248           23           27            1         2 467        2 870
Own equity Instruments              (13)        (248)           -            -            -        (2 612)      (2 873)
Balances at 31 December              91            -           23           27            1          (145)          (3)

year ended 31 December 2002

CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES                         2002          2001 
                                                       Z$ million    Z$ million 

Profit before taxation and monetary loss                    15 834        2 953

Non-cash items                                                                   
  Profit on disposal of property, plant & equipment            (21)         (25)
  Depreciation                                                 291          127
  Charge for bad and doubtful debts                          1 168          291
  Monetary loss                                                  -            -
  IAS 39 fair value adjustment                                   -          (15)

Operating cash flow before changes in operating                                  
assets and liabilities                                      17 272        3 331

Changes in operating assets and liabilities                                      
Financial liabilities held for trading                      14 423        4 270
Deposits and other accounts                                 23 487       11 059
Advances and other accounts                                (19 172)      (9 240)
Financial assets held for trading                           (1 156)        (302)
Own equity instruments                                           -       (2 873)
                                                            34 854        6 245
Corporate tax paid                                          (1 555)        (156)

Net cash inflows from operating activities                  33 299        6 089

CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES                                             

Proceeds on disposal of property, plant & equipment            89            47
Purchase of property, plant & equipment                    (3 866)         (733)
Purchase of quoted and other investments                   (1 223)         (664)

Net cash outflows from investing activities                (5 000)       (1 350)

Net cash inflows before financing activities               28 299         4 739

CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES                                             

Proceeds from issue of shares                                   -            78
Dividends paid                                               (672)         (206)
                                                             (672)         (128)
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                   27 627        4 611

Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of year           6 404        1 793

CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT THE END OF YEAR                34 031        6 404

Cash and cash equivalents are as per note g.

for the year ended 31 December 2002

The financial statements are prepared under the historical cost convention.
                                                       2002          2001 
                                                 Z$ million    Z$ million 

     Interest expense                                 8 273           999
     Borrowing costs capitalised                       (119)            -
                                                      8 154           999

c.   OTHER INCOME                                                

     Gains less losses from quoted and other                             
     investments:                                        68           251

     Net commission and fee income:-                    561           247

          - Income                                      594           252
          - Expenses                                    (33)           (5)

     Foreign exchange gains                           1 016           590
     Broking income                                     283           183
     Profit on disposal of assets                        21            25
     Other operating income                             760            29
                                                      2 709         1 325

                                                               2002        2001 
                                                         Z$ million  Z$ million 
     The operating profit is after charging the following:-                             

     Administration costs                                     1 463         289
     Audit fees                                                  12           6
     Depreciation                                               291         127

          - Fixed assets leased to customers                      -           1
          - Own assets                                          291         126
     Directors' remuneration                                    128          67
     Paid by subsidiary companies                                                       

          - fees for service as directors                         3           1
          - other emoluments                                    125          66

     Staff costs                                              2 281         651
                                                              4 175       1 140
                                                               2002        2001 
                                                         Z$ million  Z$ million 
     Tax Charge                                                                                                         
     Charge based on historical profit for the year            
     Zimbabwe income tax                                      3 667       1 455
     Aids levy                                                   88          39
     Deferred tax charge/(credit)                             1 899        (580)
                                                              5 654         914
     Financial institutions levy                                711         140
     Total taxation                                           6 365       1 054

     The effective tax rate on historical profits has increased to 40% from 36% 
     in the previous year.                    

f.1  Historical basic earnings per share  

     The calculation of historical basic earnings per share for the year ended 
     31 December 2002 of 2 629 cents (2001 - 449 cents) is based on profit after 
     taxation attributable to ordinary shareholders of Z$9 556 million (2001 - 
     Z$1 841 million) and the weighted average shares in issue of 363 523 767, 
     (2001 - 409 578 313).

f.2  Historical headline earnings per share
     The calculation of historical headline earnings per share for the year 
     ended 31 December 2002 of 2 625 cents (2001 - 445 cents) is based on 
     adjusted profit after taxation attributable to ordinary shareholders of 
     Z$9 541 million (2001 - Z$1 824 million) and on the weighted average shares 
     in issue of 363 523 767, (2001 - 409 578 313).

The adjustments were as follows:-
                                                              2002         2001 
                                                        Z$ million   Z$ million 
     Profit attributable to shareholders                     9 556        1 841
     Deduct non-recurring items:                                                  
     Profit on disposal of property, plant & equipment         (21)         (25)
     Tax effect                                                  6            8
                                                             9 541        1 824
     Weighted average number of shares (millions)              364          410

     This is calculated in accordance with Statement of Investment Practice No.1 
     issued by the Institute of Investment Management and Research to assist 
     users of accounts to identify earnings derived from trading activities.

f.3  Historical diluted basic earnings per share

     The historical diluted earnings per share for the year ended 31 December 
     2002 is 2 624 cents (2001 - 449 cents). The calculation is based on profit 
     after taxation attributable to ordinary shareholders of Z$9 556 million 
     (2001 - Z$1 841 million) and on the diluted shares of 364 183 767 (2001 - 
     409 851 113).

     The dilution in basic earnings per share arises from 660 000 share options 
     granted to senior employees, in terms of the Employee Share Option Scheme 
     outstanding at 31 December 2002.

f.4  Historical diluted headline earnings per share 
     The historical diluted headline earnings per share for the year ended 31 
     December 2002 is 2 620 cents (2001 - 445 cents). The calculation is based 
     on adjusted profit after taxation of Z$9 541 million (2001 - Z$1 824 
     million) and on diluted shares of 364 183 767 (2001 - 409 851 113).
                                                      2002          2001 
                                                Z$ million    Z$ million 

     Balances with banks and cash                   19 039           978
     Governent and public sector securities          7 023         3 721
     Bills receivables                               7 969         1 705
     Balances at 31 December                        34 031         6 404

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange