(Adds details of vote and quotes)

BRUSSELS (AFP)--European Union nations refused Monday to force Austria and Hungary to allow the cultivation of U.S. biotech company Monsanto Co. (MON) genetically modified corn, rejecting a European Commission initiative, the Czech E.U. presidency said.

Only four of the 27 E.U. nations - the U.K., Finland, the Netherlands and Sweden - supported the E.U. executive's bid to force the two member states to lift their ban.

E.U. environment ministers, meeting in Brussels, voted on a call from the commission to lift provisional bans on growing Monsanto's GM corn, which Austria and Hungary have imposed.

A commission spokeswoman said the E.U. executive "notes the vote of the member states."

However, she insisted that the move to force Austria and Hungary to drop their bans must continue.

"We can't drop it," said spokeswoman Barbara Helferrich after the vote.

If science says there is no evidence that the product is dangerous then "there is no reason" to go against it, she said.

"You can invoke the precaution principle but you have to prove it at some point."