RNS Number:5026S
Enterprise Inns PLC
26 November 2003

Enterprise Inns plc ("the Company")

Directors Shareholding

26th November 2003

On 25th November 2003, the executive directors exercised options over Ordinary
Shares in the Company awarded under the Enterprise Inns Incentive Plan. These
options are in respect of awards made as short term and long term incentives,
which have now vested and become exercisable.

G E Tuppen   71,089
D C George   48,128
G W Harrison 42,232
W S Townsend  5,313

G E Tuppen, D C George and G W Harrison paid in total #2 and W S Townsend paid
in total #1 as consideration for the exercise of these options.

None of the above directors yesterday sold any Ordinary Shares in the Company.
Any future sale of these or other holdings of Ordinary Shares in the Company
will be dependant on the directors own circumstances, prior board approval and
will be announced to the regulatory authorities as necessary.

As a result of these transactions, the Company announces that the following
directors now have interests in the Ordinary Shares in the Company as set out

G E Tuppen           Beneficial                 531,089
                     As Trustee                  88,400
                     Total                      619,489
                     % issued shares              0.36%
                     Increase in holding         71,089
                     % increase in holding       12.96%

D C George           Beneficial                 474,128
                     As Trustee                  57,000
                     Total                      531,128
                     % issued shares              0.31%
                     Increase in holding         48,128
                     % increase in holding        9.96%

G W Harrison         Beneficial                 311,634
                     Total                      311,634
                     % issued shares              0.18%
                     Increase in holding         42,232
                     % increase in holding       15.67%

W S Townsend         Beneficial                  24,341
                     Total                       24,341
                     % issued shares              0.01%
                     Increase in holding          5,313
                     % increase in holding       27.92%

J A Poole
Assistant Company Secretary
Enterprise Inns plc
0121 733 7700

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange