/FIRST ADD -- PHTH006 -- AEGON Earnings/ REPORT OF THE COUNTRY UNITS Americas (2003 adjusted for comparison) amounts in millions USD Second quarter 2004 2003 % Income by product segment 132 141 (6) Traditional life 103 44 134 Fixed annuities 50 38 32 GICs and funding agreements 27 22 23 Life for account of policyholders 71 11 Variable annuities 7 6 17 Fee business 390 262 49 Life insurance 85 54 57 Accident and health insurance 475 316 50 Insurance income 370 277 34 of which general account 105 39 169 of which policyholders account (1) Income before realized gains and losses 475 316 50 on shares and real estate Realized gains and losses on shares and real 49 (19) estate 524 297 76 Income before tax (152) (80) 90 Corporation tax 372 217 71 Net income Revenues 386 243 59 Life general account single premiums 1,221 1,176 4 Life general account recurring premiums 36 134 (73) Life policyholders account single premiums (2) Life policyholders account recurring 303 211 44 premiums (2) 1,946 1,764 10 Total life insurance gross premiums 646 604 7 Accident and health insurance premiums 2,592 2,368 9 Total gross premiums 1,617 1,571 3 Investment income insurance activities 250 191 31 Fees and commissions 4,459 4,130 8 Total revenues Investment income for account (39) 3,744 of policyholders Gross margin, commissions and expenses 1,523 1,258 21 Gross margin 1,048 942 11 Commissions and expenses Standardized new premium production life insurance 272 323 (16) Single premiums 260 262 (1) Recurring premiums annualized 287 295 (3) Total recurring plus 1/10 single Deposits 826 1,645 (50) Fixed annuities 2,408 2,885 (17) GICs and funding agreements 1,304 1,404 (7) Variable annuities 4,538 5,934 (24) Total production on balance sheet Off balance sheet production 1,673 3,693 (55) Synthetic GICs Mutual funds/Collective Trusts and 2,605 1,581 65 other managed assets 4,278 5,274 (19) Total production off balance sheet USD EUR First six months First six months 2004 2003 % 2004 2003 % Income by product segment Traditional life 331 303 9 270 274 (1) Fixed annuities 195 108 81 159 98 62 GICs and funding agreements 118 82 44 96 74 30 Life for account of policyholders 48 43 12 39 40 (3) Variable annuities 85 7 69 6 Fee business 13 10 30 11 9 22 Life insurance 790 553 43 644 501 29 Accident and health insurance 168 104 62 137 94 46 Insurance income 958 657 46 781 595 31 of which general account 812 597 36 662 540 23 of which policyholders account (1) 146 60 143 119 55 116 Income before realized gains and losses on shares and real estate 958 657 46 781 595 31 Realized gains and losses on shares and real estate 103 (29) 84 (26) Income before tax 1,061 628 69 865 569 52 Corporation tax (330) (182) 81 (269) (166) 62 Net income 731 446 64 596 403 48 Revenues Life general account single premiums 617 430 43 503 389 29 Life general account recurring premiums 2,433 2,319 5 1,983 2,099 (6) Life policyholders account single premiums (2) 68 265 (74) 55 240 (77) Life policyholders account recurring premiums (2) 639 450 42 521 407 28 Total life insurance gross premiums 3,757 3,464 8 3,062 3,135 (2) Accident and health insurance premiums 1,276 1,241 3 1,040 1,123 (7) Total gross premiums 5,033 4,705 7 4,102 4,258 (4) Investment income insurance activities 3,249 3,056 6 2,648 2,766 (4) Fees and commissions 504 397 27 411 359 14 Total revenues 8,786 8,158 8 7,161 7,383 (3) Investment income for account of policyholders 1,189 3,201 (63) 969 2,897 (67) Gross margin, commissions and expenses Gross margin 3,048 2,480 23 2,484 2,245 11 Commissions and expenses 2,090 1,823 15 1,703 1,650 3 Standardized new premium production life insurance Single premiums 501 625 (20) 408 566 (28) Recurring premiums annualized 481 482 (0) 392 436 (10) Total recurring plus 1/10 single 531 545 (3) 433 493 (12) Deposits Fixed annuities 1,656 3,350 (51) 1,350 3,032 (55) GICs and funding agreements 4,814 5,554 (13) 3,923 5,026 (22) Variable annuities 2,901 3,990 (27) 2,364 3,611 (35) Total production on balance sheet 9,371 12,894 (27) 7,637 11,669 (35) Off balance sheet production Synthetic GICs 3,181 7,061 (55) 2,593 6,390 (59) Mutual funds/Collective Trusts and other managed assets 5,890 3,862 53 4,800 3,495 37 Total production off balance sheet 9,071 10,923 (17) 7,393 9,885 (25) (1) Includes also variable annuities and fee business. (2) Effective January 1, 2004, for reasons of consistency, USD 108 million additional variable universal life premiums, in the past recognized as single premiums, have been reclassified to renewal premiums. The Americas (the AEGON USA companies and AEGON Canada) During the first six months of 2004, earnings across all product lines have shown strong improvements driven largely by an improved operating environment compared to the same period last year. Life production has remained strong in the agency and brokerage channels. Sales of Variable Universal Life products are gaining favor due to the equity market improvements over the past year. Efforts to focus on cost management continue to pay off as actual to allowables, a measure of planned expense levels to production, continues to remain within an acceptable range. New initiatives to expand existing operations outside the United States (such as AEGON Direct Marketing Services), expanding product offerings for the high net worth client base and retaining more post-retirement assets, are being taken. Results First six months 2004 income before realized gains and losses on shares and real estate increased 46% to USD 958 million, while net income, which includes realized gains and losses on shares and real estate, increased 64% to USD 731 million compared to the same period in 2003. For the second quarter of 2004, income before realized gains and losses on shares and real estate amounted to USD 475 million, a 50% increase compared to the second quarter of 2003. Net income increased 71% to USD 372 million. The 2004 six months results have benefited primarily from lower credit default losses and an improvement in overall spreads. Additions to the asset default provision were USD 137 million compared to USD 293 million for the first six months of 2003. Realized gains on shares and real estate of USD 103 million (compared to a loss of USD 29 million in the same period of 2003) contributed to the increase in income before tax for the first six months of 2004. Total revenues of USD 8,786 million for the first six months of 2004 increased 8% compared to the same period in 2003, driven by increased sales, higher investment income, and higher fee income due to the higher assets under management. Investment income of USD 3,249 million was 6% higher than the first six months of 2003. Besides the impact of realized gains, this reflects portfolio growth due to general account sales and low lapses, which was partially offset by lower new money interest rates. Traditional/Account of Policyholders For the first six months of 2004, life production, measured on a standardized new premium basis, decreased 3% to USD 531 million compared to the first six months of 2003. Sales momentum in the Agency Group remained strong with recurring premium sales increasing 11% over the same period 2003. Institutional business (reinsurance and Company-Owned Life Insurance) was down for the same period due to the uneven nature of these sales. Single premiums declined as certain recurring premiums on variable universal life contracts were recorded as single premiums in 2003. Effective January 1, 2004 these premiums are reported as renewal premiums. Traditional life income before realized gains and losses on shares and real estate of USD 331 million increased 9% over 2003. Lower additions to the default provision, of USD 34 million versus USD 94 million in the first half of 2003, were partially offset by lower investment yields on fixed income investments and an increase in mortality claims in reinsurance. Life for account of policyholders income before realized gains and losses on shares and real estate of USD 48 million increased 12%. The increase was due primarily to improved claims experience. Policyholder account balances and the related asset fees grew as a result of the higher average equity market. Note: prior year results have been adjusted for comparison due to accounting changes implemented January 1, 2004 (see "Supplemental Disclosure") Fixed annuities Fixed annuity account balances of USD 44.6 billion were modestly lower than at year-end 2003. Deposits of USD 1.7 billion decreased 51% compared to the first six months of 2003 due to lower policyholder crediting rates and adjustments to commission rates. Deposits during the second quarter of 2004 were relatively stable compared with the prior two quarters. Withdrawals from existing contracts continue to be at low levels, reflecting lower new money crediting rates available on new policies. Fixed annuity income before realized gains and losses on shares and real estate of USD 195 million for the first six months of 2004, increased 81%. The significant improvement in earnings is largely due to lower additions to the default provision. Gross bond defaults were USD 35 million compared to USD 111 million during the first six months of 2003. Product spreads have improved as crediting rates were lowered on both existing and new deposits throughout 2003 and early 2004 taking the majority of the existing contracts to date to the contractual minimum. Spread on the largest segment of the fixed annuity book improved to 225 basis points at the end of the first six months of this year and the return is at the hurdle rate. The spread includes 12 basis points of realized gains on equity-like investments. The spread at the end of the first quarter this year was revised upward to 217 basis points from 209 basis points, including 8 basis points of realized gains on equity- like investments. Gross spreads are before investment expenses and priced bond defaults, and amounted to 269 basis points at the end of the first six months of 2004. GICs and funding agreements GIC and funding agreement account balances increased 6% to USD 28.8 billion over the first six months of 2004 compared to the year-end 2003 level. Production of USD 4.8 billion was down 13% compared to the first six months of 2003. The tight credit spreads in the market have impacted 2004 sales as disciplined pricing has been maintained. GICs and funding agreements income before realized gains and losses on shares and real estate increased 44% to USD 118 million compared to the first half of 2003. The increase includes a one-time positive effect of USD 16 million related to the performance of a loan portfolio that was recognized in the first quarter of 2004. Improved product spreads and growth in assets were the other primary factors contributing to the increase. Variable annuities Variable annuity account balances have increased 3% to USD 43.6 billion since year-end 2003. Variable annuity deposits of USD 2.9 billion decreased 27% compared to the first half of 2003. The decrease is largely due to the discontinuance of the guaranteed minimum income benefit (GMIB) feature in the first quarter of 2003. Compared to the first quarter of 2004, variable annuity deposits declined 18%, largely due to strong institutional sales in the first quarter of the year. Total sales of the new Guaranteed Principal Solution (GPS) product, which features a guaranteed minimum withdrawal benefit (GMWB), were USD 255 million for the first six months of 2004. An additional new product is currently under development. Variable annuity income before realized gains and losses on shares and real estate increased from USD 7 million in the first half of 2003 to USD 85 million in the first half of 2004. The 2004 results include a USD 12 million non-recurring gain on the mark to market on a minimum guarantee liability. Hedges have been implemented to minimize the interest rate and equity risk for these products. The increase in income also reflects higher fees and related gross profits that have resulted from the favorable equity market performance and sales, as well as USD 16 million higher earnings due to lower lapses. Fee business Fee based products described here include managed assets such as mutual funds, collective investment trusts and synthetic GICs. First six months 2004 production was USD 9.1 billion, a 17% decrease compared to the first six months 2003. Mutual fund sales of USD 5.9 billion increased 53%, reflecting the expanded marketing relationships with wire-house networks. Synthetic GIC sales of USD 3.2 billion decreased 55% as equity products are now attracting more funds than stable value alternatives. Fee based assets have increased 9% since year-end 2003 totaling USD 69.6 billion. Fee business income before realized gains and losses on shares and real estate of USD 13 million increased 30% compared to the first six months 2003. Income was positively impacted by growth in assets due to deposits and equity market appreciation. This was partially offset by increased expenses. Accident and Health Business In line with our strategy to focus on profitable growth, Long Term Care sales will cease during the first half of 2005. New business no longer meets our return objectives relative to the risk associated with the product. Accident and health premiums were higher than in the first six months 2003 due to higher sales through sponsored direct marketing programs along with premium rate increases on certain health products. Accident and health income before realized gains and losses on shares and real estate of USD 168 million increased 62% compared to the adjusted first six months 2003 results. Lower additions to the default provision combined with improved claims experience and premium rate increases in certain health products improved overall profitability. Commissions and expenses Commissions and expenses include commissions, operating expenses and the net change in policy acquisition costs. Commissions and expenses of USD 2,090 million increased 15% compared to the first six months 2003. Commissions declined 9% to USD 1,203 million as a result of lower annuity production and commission restructuring efforts. Operating expenses of USD 890 million increased USD 34 million or 4% due primarily to higher regulatory and compliance costs, information system implementations and increased investment management fees paid to outside fund managers - reflecting the growth in assets under management. The Netherlands (2003 adjusted for comparison) amounts in millions EUR EUR Second quarter First six months 2004 2003 % 2004 2003 % Income by product segment 40 52 (23) Traditional life 84 90 (7) 12 (10) Life for account of policyholders 25 (16) 11 5 120 Fee business 22 10 120 63 47 34 Life insurance 131 84 56 7 2 Accident and health insurance 13 8 63 14 12 17 General insurance 22 17 29 84 61 38 Insurance income 166 109 52 61 66 (8) of which general account 119 115 3 23 (5) of which policyholders account (1) 47 (6) 84 61 38 Insurance income 166 109 52 4 2 100 Banking activities (2) 9 2 Income before realized gains and 88 63 40 losses on shares and real estate 175 111 58 Realized gains and losses 62 (145) on shares and real estate 105 (249) 150 (82) Income before tax 280 (138) (17) (19) (11) Corporation tax (45) (27) 67 133 (101) Net income 235 (165) Revenues Life general account 115 200 (43) single premiums 297 440 (33) Life general account 67 66 2 recurring premiums (3) 360 356 1 Life policyholders account 71 132 (46) single premiums 215 253 (15) Life policyholders account 283 267 6 recurring premiums (3) 970 954 2 Total life insurance 536 665 (19) gross premiums 1,842 2,003 (8) Accident and health 33 34 (3) insurance premiums 124 114 9 112 122 (8) General insurance premiums 261 269 (3) 681 821 (17) Total gross premiums 2,227 2,386 (7) Investment income 311 98 insurance activities 599 210 185 91 60 52 Fees and commissions 165 134 23 68 91 (25) Income from banking activities 141 185 (24) 1,151 1,070 8 Total revenues 3,132 2,915 7 Investment income for account 137 599 (77) of policyholders 599 373 61 Gross margin, commissions and expenses 378 329 15 Gross margin 717 616 16 290 266 9 Commissions and expenses 542 505 7 Standardized new premium production life insurance 171 295 (42) Single premiums 468 612 (24) 34 46 (26) Recurring premiums annualized 71 87 (18) 51 75 (32) Total recurring plus 1/10 single 118 148 (20) Deposits 1,080 752 44 Savings deposits (4) 1,628 1,523 7 Total production on 1,080 752 44 balance sheet 1,628 1,523 7 Off balance sheet production Mutual funds and other 166 948 (82) managed assets 411 1,109 (63) 166 948 (82) Total production off balance sheet 411 1,109 (63) (1) Includes also fee business. (2) Includes income on off balance sheet type products. (3) Reflected in the column first six months is a reclassification of EUR 62 million from general account recurring premiums to policyholders account recurring premiums relating to Q1 2004. (4)Reflected in the column first six months is an adjustment of EUR 410 million to savings deposits relating to Q1 2004. The Netherlands In view of the significant changes in the market and customer needs, the operating structure through independent business units has been abandoned. The new organizational structure and revised strategy aim to provide better services to our clients with higher value-added products sold through multiple and more broad based distribution channels. In the past six months, 13 different front and back offices have been integrated into one company with five Service Centers and four Marketing and Sales organizations. The number of geographical locations has been reduced from five to three. Staffing levels at the end of the first six months of 2004 were 4% lower than last year, whereby a substantial portion of the planned 10-15% reduction in staffing levels over the coming three years has already been achieved. Due to market circumstances and the revised strategy, sales through a number of large distributors with one-sided product offerings decreased. The strong focus on profitable production led to lower single premium production. Results Income before realized gains and losses on shares and real estate totaled EUR 175 million during the first six months of 2004, a 58% increase compared to the same period in 2003. The increase largely reflects lower additions to provisions for credit risk and minimum guarantees, as well as a number of extraordinary items, which are specified below. For the second quarter of 2004, income before realized gains and losses on shares and real estate amounted to EUR 88 million, a 40% increase compared to the second quarter of 2003. The most important extraordinary items positively affecting the results were: receipts from a fraud insurance payout (EUR 16 million in the second quarter), release of a provision for dividends on preferred shares (EUR 26 million, of which EUR 19 million in the second quarter) partly offset by a EUR 27 million addition to the provision made in the second quarter for medical costs for retired personnel, under FAS 106. On a pretax basis, realized gains on shares and real estate amounted to EUR 105 million during the first six months of 2004. This compares to a negative EUR 249 million in the comparable period of last year. As a result, net income, which includes realized gains and losses on shares and real estate, improved substantially to EUR 235 million, compared with a net loss of EUR 165 million in the same period last year. Traditional/Account of Policyholders Overall standardized new life production showed a decline of 20% to EUR 118 million compared to the first six months 2003. This reflects overall difficult market circumstances, pricing discipline in the individual single premium segment and the absence of large case group contracts. First six months 2004 Traditional Life income before realized gains and losses on shares and real estate decreased by 7% to EUR 84 million. This mainly reflects lower loadings due to lower production, accelerated DPAC amortization and additional provisions for medical costs for retired personnel. Better results on morbidity and higher investment income partly offset this. Life for account of policyholders income before realized gains and losses on shares and real estate amounted to EUR 25 million, compared to a loss of EUR 16 million in the first six months of last year. This is primarily a result of lower additions to the provision for guaranteed benefits and positive morbidity results, partly offset by higher lapses and an additional provision for medical cost for retired personnel. Note: prior year results have been adjusted for comparison due to accounting changes implemented January 1, 2004 (see "Supplemental Disclosure") Fee business Income before realized gains and losses on shares and real estate on fee business showed a favorable development in the first six months of 2004, with a 120% increase to EUR 22 million. This increase is largely due to better results at the distribution units, a stable development in asset management profits and higher results at TKP Pensioen. Off balance sheet production decreased by 63% to EUR 411 million, reflecting the volatility of institutional business. In the first six months of 2003 a large new contract was signed. Non-life insurance Accident and health income before realized gains and losses on shares and real estate was EUR 13 million, a 63% increase compared to the first six months of 2003. General insurance reported a 29% increase in the first six months 2004 to EUR 22 million. The improved accident and health results are mainly driven by a strengthened position in the sick leave (ziekteverzuim) segment, whereas general insurance continues to benefit from favorable claims experience. Banking activities Income before realized gains and losses on shares and real estate from banking activities increased to EUR 9 million from EUR 2 million in the same period last year, reflecting lower additions to credit provisions and higher spreads. Savings account balances at the end of the first six months of 2004, compared to year-end 2003, were 3% higher at EUR 5.8 billion. New deposits amounted to EUR 1.6 billion, an increase of 7% compared to the first six months of 2003. Commissions and expenses Commissions and expenses of EUR 542 million were 7% higher in the first six months compared to the same period last year. Operating expenses, including the contribution for FAS 106, increased 17% to EUR 317 million. On like-for-like basis operating expenses decreased slightly. Commissions declined 20% to EUR 161 million due primarily to lower volumes. United Kingdom (2003 adjusted for comparison) amounts in millions GBP Second quarter 2004 2003 % Income by product segment 0 0 Traditional life 37 29 28 Life for account of policyholders 0 0 Fee business 37 29 28 Insurance income 0 0 of which general account 37 29 28 of which policyholders account (1) Income before realized gains and losses 37 29 28 on shares and real estate Realized gains and losses on 0 0 shares and real estate 37 29 28 Income before tax (11) (9) 22 Corporation tax 26 20 30 Net income Revenues 50 43 16 Life general account single premiums 43 29 48 Life general account recurring premiums 578 604 (4) Life policyholders account single premiums 299 290 3 Life policyholders account recurring premiums 970 966 0 Total gross premiums 24 25 (4) Investment income insurance activities 18 16 13 Fees and commissions 1,012 1,007 0 Total revenues Investment income for account 101 2,036 (95) of policyholders Gross margin, commissions and expenses 139 126 10 Gross margin 102 97 5 Commissions and expenses Standardized new premium production life insurance 644 578 11 Single premiums 92 103 (11) Recurring premiums annualized 157 161 (2) Total recurring plus 1/10 single Off balance sheet production 33 42 (21) Mutual funds and other managed assets 33 42 (21) Total production off balance sheet GBP EUR First six months First six months 2004 2003 % 2004 2003 % Income by product segment Traditional life (4) (1) (7) (1) Life for account of policyholders 72 61 18 107 89 20 Fee business 1 (2) 2 (3) Insurance income 69 58 19 102 85 20 of which general account (4) (1) (7) (1) of which policyholders account (1) 73 59 24 109 86 27 Income before realized gains and losses on shares and real estate 69 58 19 102 85 20 Realized gains and losses on shares and real estate 0 (4) 0 (6) Income before tax 69 54 28 102 79 29 Corporation tax (20) (16) 25 (29) (23) 26 Net income 49 38 29 73 56 30 Revenues Life general account single premiums 85 99 (14) 126 145 (13) Life general account recurring premiums 79 50 58 118 73 62 Life policyholders account single premiums 1,238 1,320 (6) 1,839 1,929 (5) Life policyholders account recurring premiums 606 582 4 901 850 6 Total gross premiums 2,008 2,051 (2) 2,984 2,997 (0) Investment income insurance activities 47 41 15 70 60 17 Fees and commissions 37 29 28 55 42 31 Total revenues 2,092 2,121 (1) 3,109 3,099 0 Investment income for account of policyholders 351 1,506 (77) 521 2,201 (76) Gross margin, commissions and expenses Gross margin 276 246 12 409 359 14 Commissions and expenses 207 188 10 307 274 12 Standardized new premium production life insurance Single premiums 1,368 1,319 4 2,033 1,928 5 Recurring premiums annualized 196 190 3 291 278 5 Total recurring plus 1/10 single 333 322 3 494 471 5 Off balance sheet production Mutual funds and other managed assets 59 169 (65) 87 247 (65) Total production off balance sheet 59 169 (65) 87 247 (65) (1) Includes also fee business. United Kingdom During the first half of the year, AEGON UK has continued to gain market share in the IFA market and has solidified its top five position in this market. In May, AEGON UK launched Origen, bringing together five of its award winning IFA businesses. Origen harnesses some of the UK's leading advisers for annuities, advice to the corporate market, healthcare, investments, pensions and professional connections together under one brand. With Origen, AEGON UK has established a broad based platform for growing its distribution business. Results Income before realized gains and losses on shares and real estate increased by 19% to GBP 69 million during the first six months of the year, compared to GBP 58 million in the first half of 2003. Net income, which includes realized gains and losses on shares and real estate, amounted to GBP 49 million, a 29% increase compared to the same period last year. For the second quarter of 2004, net income amounted to GBP 26 million, a 30% increase compared to the second quarter of 2003. The increase in net income was primarily due to higher management fees on equity linked funds as a result of higher average equity markets. The average FTSE level over the first half of 2004 was 16% above the comparable 2003 period. There were no realized gains or losses on shares and real estate during the first half of 2004, compared to GBP 4 million of net realized losses during the first half of 2003. Traditional/Account of Policyholders Standardized new life production during the first six months of 2004 increased 3% to GBP 333 million. The increase reflects growth in the core individual and group pensions businesses, partly offset by a fall in asset management institutional sales. Income before realized gains and losses on shares and real estate from traditional life amounted to a loss of GBP 4 million during the first half of 2004. The main reason for this is a GBP 5 million restructuring charge in the first quarter 2004 related to the additional cost reduction program implemented this year. Income before realized gains and losses on shares and real estate from life for account of policyholders of GBP 72 million increased 18% during the first six months of 2004 compared to the same period last year. This primarily reflects higher average equity market levels compared to the prior year. Commissions and expenses Commissions and expenses increased 11% to GBP 207 million, due largely to higher DPAC amortization, growth (including two acquisitions) in the distribution companies and restructuring charge for the cost reduction program. The total restructuring charge related to the cost reduction program is expected to be GBP 10 million in 2004, of which GBP 5 million has been accounted for in the first six months of 2004. Before deferral of DPAC, operating expense savings amounted to GBP 15 million. Note: prior year results have been adjusted for comparison due to accounting changes implemented January 1, 2004 (see "Supplemental Disclosure") PRNewswire -- Aug. 12 SECOND AND FINAL ADD -- AEGON EARNINGS -- TO FOLLOW DATASOURCE: AEGON N.V. Web site: http://www.aegon.com/
