MAZATLAN, Mexico, April 3, 2014 /PRNewswire-iReach/ -- Punta Pacifico provides thousands of families the opportunity to travel all around the world, every month of the year. Before the hot summer months arrive, many families like to head out and enjoy the cool springtime weather by visiting some of their favorite vacation destinations. From Washington to Florida, travelers can benefit from taking advantage of the following travel suggestions.


Punta Pacifico knows that many families construct their vacation experiences around visiting theme parks. To a child, the highlights of the vacation are the days spent at a theme park. That joy does not come cheap, though. Theme parks are known for being very expensive destinations, often charging double the usual price for items like water bottles and stuffed animals. To cut back on unnecessary spending, families can bring their own snacks and meals to the park. While it is always wise to check ahead of time, many theme parks allow families to bring in their own food to eat at their leisure while visiting the park. Also, if a water bottle or soda bottle is bought at the park, instead of simply trashing it, hold onto it and refill it at one of the park's many water fountains. This saves both money and the environment.

If traveling out of the country, Punta Pacifico suggests that travelers plan ahead and do a bit of research on their electronic devices. Some countries use different voltages in their wall outlets, so a cell phone or laptop charger that works fine in the United States, may not work the same in another country. The charger may not be able to fully charge, or even worse: it may overcharge and overheat the device, causing permanent damage. Country specific adapters can always be bought from online retailers or in stores, ahead of the vacation.

Punta Pacifico also points out that if traveling by air, vacationers should keep their laptops and tablets at the tops of their luggage or carry-on bags. When it comes time for the security checkpoints, the devices will need to be scanned, and if they are buried under everything in the suitcase, it can be an awkward experience while the traveler stands there to dig it out.

By taking into consideration these travel suggestions, Punta Pacifico is positive that travelers will be that much more prepared to take off onto their Spring 2014 vacations. For more information on how to book an incredible vacation in beautiful Mazatlán, Mexico, contact Punta Pacifico at 1-888-508-5565 or

Media Contact: Punta Pacifico, Punta Pacifico, 1-888-508-5565,

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SOURCE Punta Pacifico

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