Millennium Lock Inc Company: Today’s homeowners not only need to worry about burglars targeting their property when they’re away, but also when they’re relaxing at home. In fact, more and more burglars are attacking homeowners and stealing their belongings while they’re at home than ever before. This is a huge problem, because in most of these situations, the homeowner ends up injured in the process of the crime.

While many people survive the initial attack, experts say once the thieves have struck, they know the lay of the land. And they may soon strike again.

“When a person's actually been burglarized,” explains Ron Daniels, “within three to six months after that person's put everything back from the insurance companies, they're back again.”

Millennium Lock Company, Ron Daniels, has just published a book called “Protect Yourself: How to Stay Safe in an Unsafe World.”

He says the weak point in most home burglaries is obviously the deadbolt locks, which are always able to be kicked in with a single kick. Daniels recommends a premium lock which he himself invented. He says it thwarts the most common tricks used by burglars.

Millennium Lock Inc: Why The Ultimate Lock Is Best According to Millennium Lock Inc

The Ultimate Lock is 30 times stronger than a standard deadbolt, which is one reason this revolutionary security system is being raved about by homeowners and security experts all over the world. In addition, it comes with a specialized “lockout mode.” When the “lockout mode” is engaged, the lock is secure from criminals who may like to pick locks for entry. To use the “lockout mode,” the homeowner simply pushes one button and renders any key useless (even if the intruder has a key to the home). This also makes it an ideal solution for those who think they may have lost a key to their home or perhaps gave a key to someone they no longer trust.

For more information on The Millennium Lock Company revolutionary lock, The Ultimate Lock, visit

For more information on “Protect Yourself: How to Stay Safe in an Unsafe World,” visit: