Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of the "Sustainable Forestry Funds" directory to their offering.

Available in hard copy, or as a fully-searchable CD-ROM, this timely directory lists more than 40 funds available to institutional investors wishing to gain exposure to the fast-growing market in sustainable forestry assets.


At-a-glance summaries of each fund, including:

  • Investment objectives
  • Size and investment timescales
  • Project eligibility criteria
  • Diversification criteria: by geography, age, species etc
  • Contact details
  • Other key data for potential investors and timberland owners


  • An in-depth analysis of the changing shape of forestry as an asset class - including new sources of demand; the rise of Asia and decline of the US; rationalisation of plantation ownership; and growing importance of ecosystem services.
  • Why institutional investors should consider including forestry in their portfolios
  • An explanation of the proposed market in carbon credits from projects that reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) and its likely impact on timberland owners and investors
  • Analysis of which funds are planning for non-timber revenues
  • Data on planned and suspended funds
  • Glossary of terms

An indispensable text for:

  • Owners of timberland or other forestry assets
  • Investors in forestry
  • Host country authorities
  • Developers of carbon and ecosystem services projects
  • Pulp & paper and bioenergy companies
  • Consultants
  • Verification agencies
  • Project financiers
  • Lawyers

For more information visit