After seeing a rise in fraudulent mortgage modification schemes across the country, The Mortgage Law Group says the culprits do not realize the amount of victims they are harming.

American consumers are no stranger to scams, especially in today's tough economic times when everyone is offering some sort of deal. Unfortunately, the recent string of loan modification scams popping up across the US is leaving many consumers scared to ask for help at a time when they need it most.

The fraudulent groups that label themselves as "law firms" have been promising homeowners lofty, unattainable results for inflated fees, then are never heard from again. The con-artists are not only harming the consumers they take advantage of and causing many to lose their homes; they also create a poor reputation for all mortgage modification firms nationwide.

Now, when many Americans think of loan modification firms, many will automatically think of scams, averting those in need from what could be a home-saving service. Yet, as many of the clients of The Mortgage Law Group will testify, that is not at all true.

The attorneys at The Mortgage Law Group have successfully helped thousands save their homes, and urge consumers to research every loan modification firm they are considering before shelling out any cash. According to the firm's website, there are some red-flags consumers should watch out for, including companies that "guarantee" their services will work and those that require the entire payment upfront.

The attorneys at The Mortgage Law Group are available six days a week to answer any questions homeowners may have and also have multiple offices across the US where they offer free consultations to anyone seeking assistance.

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About The Mortgage Law Group: The Mortgage Law Group is one of the most sophisticated consumer protection law firms nationwide. They've helped thousands of consumers save their homes and restore their lives. With offices located throughout the country, the firm's goal is to deliver outstanding service from highly qualified mortgage relief attorneys.