The headline should read: Mimecast Releases CSA STAR Registry Entry (sted Mimecast Releases CSA STAR-Compliant Security Controls)

The corrected release reads:


Cloud Services Provider Leads the Charge on Security Transparency

Mimecast®, the leading supplier of cloud-based email archiving, continuity and security for Microsoft Exchange and Office 365, today announced that it has published its security controls in response to the standards set by the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) Security, Trust & Assurance Registry (STAR). STAR encourages companies to post self assessments of their cloud services to prompt informed purchasing decisions. To date, Mimecast is one of only three industry-leading companies to have provided access to their security controls, the others being Microsoft and Solutionary.

There has been a growing call to action for cloud security transparency, and although many companies are engaging with the CSA and STAR, and filling out the requested information, they are reluctant to publish their own controls. This severely limits customers’ ability to make informed choices about their cloud security services, and impedes vendor accountability for offering apples-to-apples capability comparisons.

Three key trends that are driving Mimecast’s approach to security, as well as its desire to provide transparency into its security controls, are:

  • Email security market consolidation
    • The market has consolidated rapidly, leaving a few key cloud vendors. As a result, many IT departments are migrating their on-premise gateways toward cloud-based security vendors such as Mimecast as the cloud evolves beyond a trusted source into a business asset.
  • Affordability
    • Economies of scale that cloud solutions offer enables IT departments to deliver levels of protection, privacy and uptime more affordably than with on-premise solutions. IT departments can now affordably centralize data and services into meaningful, secure and accessible platforms that benefit the business.
  • Enhanced IT performance
    • The cloud also drives enhanced performance from an IT delivery perspective. Such high standards and SLAs offered by cloud vendors are now driven by recognized standards bodies like the CSA. This means that IT departments can stop fire-fighting and at last rely on trusted and reputable cloud sources for data services. Given that most businesses are short on IT resources, the cloud enables them to do more with less.

“At the end of the day, we have a responsibility to our current and future customers to be completely transparent about what we’re offering and why,” said Orlando Scott-Cowley, product marketing manager at Mimecast. “We should be able to point out exactly how we stack up against other offerings, rather than treating our controls as proprietary, and encourage all cloud security vendors to do the same. It’s the only way to perpetuate integrity, effectiveness and performance throughout the industry.”

For more information on Mimecast’s security offerings, please visit:

About Mimecast

Mimecast ( delivers cloud-based email management for Microsoft Exchange, including archiving, continuity and security. By unifying disparate and fragmented email environments into one holistic solution that is always available from the cloud, Mimecast minimizes risk and reduces cost and complexity, while providing total end-to-end control of email. Founded in the United Kingdom in 2003, Mimecast serves more than 5,000 customers worldwide and has offices in Europe, North America, Africa and the Channel Islands.