Total Defense, Inc. today announced the findings of its 2011 Internet Security Threat Intelligence Report, which indicates Android's rise in market share was only surpassed by the amount of malware targeted at Android devices. In total, over 25 times more Android Malware was identified in 2011.

“This past year can be viewed as the year of Android malware with more than 9,000 escalations, clearly illustrating the exponential growth of threats targeting this platform,” said Paul Lipman, CEO at Total Defense. “The rise of Android malware opens up an interesting debate about security architectures and the merits of open versus closed systems. While users have the ability to install any code, from anywhere, the problem is that criminals see this as an advantage too.”

The Threat Intelligence Report identified and analyzed the most notorious Android malware in 2011 that used social engineering tricks to lure users:

  • AndroidOS/Foncy: an SMS-Trojan that differentiates itself from others in this category by choosing different destination message centers based on country code.
  • AndroidOS/Dogowar: a Trojan created by malware authors socially motivated to stop animal cruelty.
  • AndroidOS/Fakeneflic.A: a Trojan belonging to the InfoStealer category that tricks users by disguising itself as popular software that requires login credentials. If the user is successfully tricked, the entered credentials will be posted to a hosted website.
  • AndroidOS/WalkSteal.A: a unique SMS-Trojan created with the intention to “teach” a lesson to the users who are interested in using pirated applications.
  • AndroidOS/FakePlayer.A: an SMS-Trojan that uses a familiar social engineering trick of disguising as a media player. When executed, it sends four SMS messages to a premium number.
  • AndroidOS/Golddream.A: a Trojan that disguises itself as gaming applications where upon it monitors and records information about incoming/outgoing calls, incoming SMS messages in plain text files that is uploaded to a hardcoded URL

“The malware landscape is changing at a rapid pace with cyber-criminals producing new malware variants at an exponential rate,” said Lipman. “The proliferation of consumer digital devices for convenient Internet access coupled with our global socio-economic climate continues to serve up a perfect storm for online criminal activity. Our goal is to empower end-users with solutions that can provide them complete protection in this dangerous digital world.”

The report also details that the movement toward the “App-Paradigm,” whereby PCs become more appliance-like and only authorized applications can be installed and run, can dramatically decrease the attack surface for digital devices. The Total Defense Research Team suggests major platform vendors can do more – Microsoft can lock-down Windows 8 to a greater extent on the PC by enticing more Metro App development and Google can better secure Android Apps by offering certified applications via their Android Marketplace.

In addition, the report chronicles the acts of hacktivism that have transpired over the past year, including activity by well-known groups LulzStorm, Anonymous and LulzSec. News of hacktivism exploits have had a snowball effect and given rise to more politically motivated cybercrime worldwide with multiple foreign governments and websites coming under attack from their political enemies. In addition, the report covers specific activity around organized crimeware, including the high-profile, successful take-downs of the large-scale DNS-Changer, Rustock and Coreflood Botnets, as well as the arrest of the co-founder of ChronoPay, a Russian online payment processor, which processed the sales of leading FakeAV. While law enforcement and cloud security controls have put a dent in large scale Malware attacks in 2011, threats remain extremely high.

For a full copy of the Total Defense 2011 Internet Security Threat Intelligence Report, please visit:


Total Defense is a global leader in malware detection and anti-crimeware solutions. Over 50,000 businesses across a wide spectrum of industries have deployed the Company’s solutions, including some of the most sophisticated buyers of security technology worldwide, and over four million consumers worldwide use Total Defense’s products. The Company’s solutions include anti-malware, anti-virus, parental controls, intrusion prevention, mobile security, online back-up and PC optimization. Total Defense is a former business of CA Technologies, one of the largest software companies in the world, and has operations in New York, California, Europe and Asia.

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