Dennis Triplett, Board Chair of The Employers Council on Flexible Compensation (ECFC), issued the followed statement today on Senate passage of S. 1813, the Surface Transportation Bill:

“We applaud yesterday’s passage of the Surface Transportation Bill in the Senate, which includes a provision related to tax-advantaged transit benefits. At the beginning of 2012, the transit benefit fell to $125 per month, while the parking benefit increased to $240 per month. The bill’s provision restores parity between the transit and parking benefits at $240 per month for 2012. ECFC specifically wants to thank Senator Schumer for his hard work and dedication to addressing this issue. During this time of economic recovery and rising gas prices, the transit benefit is more important than ever. We are pleased with the Senate’s action and urge the House to quickly follow suit.”

About Employers Council on Flexible Compensation

ECFC is a membership association dedicated to maintaining and expanding private employee benefit programs on a tax-advantaged basis. ECFC’s more than 100 members include employers who sponsor employee benefit plans as well as insurance, accounting, consulting, and actuarial companies that design or administer employee benefit plans throughout the nation.