Research and Markets( has announced the addition of the "Broadband Services: Global Outlook (Third Edition) - North America Q1 2012" report to their offering.

This report analyzes the North American market for consumer broadband services, including adoption, provider activities, regulatory issues, technologies, and market trends. It examines the growth of broadband and the market forces that will shape the future of this industry.

The report explores global trends and the impact of wireless broadband on the fixed-line broadband market. It also includes broadband subscriber forecasts for North America and for the world through 2016.

Broadband is a key enabling technology for the growth of the connected home and is a fundamental component of bundled services for operators, said Brett Sappington, director, research, Parks Associates. Broadband penetration and speeds are increasing in all parts of the world, and service providers are eager to capture the best opportunities for revenue and market share. As penetration increases, however, new challenges have arisen that require new business models, services, and subscriber strategies.

Key Topics Covered:

The Bottom Line

1.0 Report Summary

2.0 State of the Market

3.0 Market Trends

4.0 Forecasts

5.0 Glossary

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