RNS Number:2995I
Irish Life & Permanent PLC
5 March 2003

    Notes to the Preliminary Announcement

1. Changes in Accounting Policies & Presentation of Information

The accounting polices are unchanged from those outlined on pages 39 to 41 of
the 2001 annual report with the exception of the group's accounting policy for
deferred taxation where the group has adopted "FRS19 Deferred Taxation" which
applies to all accounting periods ending on or after 23 January 2002. Prior to
the adoption of FRS19, deferred tax was provided in respect of timing
differences only to the extent that there was a reasonable probability that a
liability or asset would crystallise. Under FRS19 deferred tax is provided on
all timing differences with deferred tax assets being recognised when it is
likely that they will be recovered. Prior year results have been restated to
reflect this change. The net impact of the change is

  * an increase in deferred taxation attributable to banking and other
    activities of Euro9.9m

  * an increase in the carrying value of the group's associated company of

The corresponding effect on opening reserves is Euro7.1m at 31 December 2001. Tax
on profit on ordinary activities for 2001 has been increased by Euro1.0m.

The group has also adopted the Association of British Insurer's guidance on
accounting for life assurance profits (Achieved Profits). This does not impact
on the reported profit and loss of the group. There are no changes to the
primary financial statements but there are a number of presentational changes in
the notes analysing the profit for the year. The significant changes include

  * Results of life operations are presented gross of tax

  * Contribution from new business is calculated as the contribution to profit
    in the accounting period from new business written in the period. Previously
    the new business contribution was calculated at the point of sale and
    profits after point of sale were included as part of the contribution from
    existing business.

  * The guidance distinguishes between the expected investment return on
    assets backing the long-term life assurance business and the shareholders
    net worth in the life business, and the actual return which may be more or
    less than that expected due to short term fluctuations in investment
    returns. In terms of presentation, variances resulting from the disparity
    between expected and actual investment returns, such as the unit-linked
    management fee variances, will be included under the heading "Short term
    fluctuations in investment returns". This is shown as a deduction from, or
    addition to the total contribution for the period.

Note 17 to the preliminary announcement shows a reconciliation of the
presentation of the 2001 results under the guidance to the previous reported

2. Post Balance Sheet Event - Disposal of US Business

On 28 February 2003 the Group announced that it had reached agreement on the
sale of its remaining operating business in the US, Guarantee Reserve Life
Insurance Company. This company, which is focused on the US final expense market
is to be acquired by Reassure America Life Insurance Company a wholly owned
subsidiary of Swiss Re Life & Health America Inc.

The consideration, which is payable in cash, is $121.0m adjusted for any change
in the capital and surplus of the company from 30 June 2002 to the date of
completion of the transaction. This compares to a carrying value in the Group's
accounts of $176.0m at 31 December 2002.

The transaction, which is subject to US regulatory approval is expected to
complete in the second quarter 2003. In accordance with generally accepted
accounting practice the financial outcome of this transaction will be reflected
in the Group financial statements in 2003.

3.    Analysis of the profit and loss account : supplementary information
The profit before tax includes the results of the life business on an embedded 
value (achieved profits) basis and reflects the impact of investment market 
fluctuations on the group's results. The following analyses show :

(a)  The contribution from the group and associate companies on the basis of an 
     assumed longer term level of investment return on the assets of the group's 
     life and the associated's general insurance business and before goodwill 
     and other charges/credits.

(b)  An analysis of the components of the embedded value of the life business.

(a)  Contribution before short term investment fluctuations, goodwill and other 
                                                                   Ireland         UK        USA       Total
                                                                        Eurom         Eurom         Eurom          Eurom

      Life assurance activities (b)                                  204.9       15.1        5.1       225.1
      Banking and other activities                                    74.3       23.1          -        97.4
      Other investment earnings                                        3.8          -          -         3.8
      Group Contribution                                             283.0       38.2        5.1       326.3
      Share of associate's contribution                               29.0          -          -        29.0
      Total Contribution (Group & Associate)                         312.0       38.2        5.1       355.3

                                                                   Ireland         UK        USA       Total
                                                                        Eurom         Eurom         Eurom          Eurom

      Life assurance activities                                      174.4       20.8     (37.9)       157.3
      Banking and other activities                                    70.5       20.6          -        91.1
      Other investment earnings                                       15.2          -          -        15.2
      Group Contribution                                             260.1       41.4     (37.9)       263.6
      Share of associate's contribution                                6.8          -          -         6.8
      Total Contribution (Group & Associate)                         266.9       41.4     (37.9)       270.4

      The total contribution is reconciled to the profit and loss account as follows:

                                                                                 2002                   2001
                                                                                   Eurom                     Eurom

      Total Contribution (Group & Associate)                                    355.3                  270.4
      Short term investment fluctuations
           Life assurance                                                      (96.7)                 (43.3)
           Share of associates                                                 (33.0)                 (14.0)
      Goodwill amortisation                                                    (11.7)                 (14.8)
      Effect of economic assumption changes on life assurance profits            20.8                  (6.2)
      Other charges/credits                                                     123.5                (113.0)
      Profit before tax                                                         358.2                   79.1

3.   Analysis of the profit and loss account : supplementary information 

(b)  Analysis of contribution from life assurance activities

                                                                   Ireland         UK         USA      Total
                                                                        Eurom         Eurom          Eurom         Eurom

      New business contribution                                       58.2        2.9       (0.3)       60.8
      Contribution from existing business
           Unwind of discount rate                                    83.4        8.3        19.2      110.9
           Experience variances                                       26.5        5.2       (3.1)       28.6
           Operating assumption changes                               24.5      (2.3)      (13.0)        9.2
      Expected investment returns                                      4.1        1.0         2.3        7.4
      Other Income                                                     8.2          -           -        8.2
      Contribution from life assurance activities                    204.9       15.1         5.1      225.1
      Short term fluctuations in investment returns                 (86.1)      (8.4)       (2.2)     (96.7)
      Effect of economic assumption changes                           14.4        2.3         4.1       20.8
      Life Assurance achieved profits                                133.2        9.0         7.0      149.2

                                                                   Ireland         UK         USA      Total
                                                                        Eurom         Eurom          Eurom         Eurom

      New business contribution                                       57.9        2.5         2.8       63.2
      Contribution from existing business
           Unwind of discount rate                                    74.6        8.5        16.5       99.6
           Experience variances                                       17.4        6.5      (10.2)       13.7
           Operating assumption changes                               14.1        2.0      (51.5)     (35.4)
      Expected investment returns                                      0.4        1.3         3.2        4.9
      Other Income                                                    10.0          -           -       10.0
      Contribution from continuing activities                        174.4       20.8      (39.2)      156.0
      Contribution from discontinued US operations                       -          -         1.3        1.3
      Contribution from life assurance activities                    174.4       20.8      (37.9)      157.3
      Short term fluctuations in investment returns                 (37.2)      (5.8)       (0.3)     (43.3)
      Effect of economic assumption changes                          (1.1)      (0.9)       (4.2)      (6.2)
      Life Assurance achieved profits                                136.1       14.1      (42.4)      107.8

4.   Analysis of shareholder net assets

                                                                                  2002                  2001
                                                                                    Eurom                    Eurom
     Life assurance
        Ireland                                                                1,269.6               1,126.6
        UK                                                                        91.6                  88.7
        US                                                                       167.8                 164.7
                                                                               1,529.0               1,380.0
     Banking and other activities       
        Ireland                                                                   58.3                 162.5
        UK                                                                        46.5                  66.7
                                                                                 104.8                 229.2

     Associated company                                                           55.0                  59.9

     Attributable to goodwill
        Banking and other activities                                             179.3                 189.1
        Life assurance activities                                                 32.1                  31.7
                                                                                 211.4                 220.8

                                                                               1,900.2               1,889.9

     Life assurance assets are analysed as follows:

                                                                                  2002                  2001
                                                                                    Eurom                    Eurom
     Shareholders' net assets (life assurance activities)
        Property                                                                 100.2                 109.8
        Equities                                                                  28.0                  31.7
        Fixed interest                                                            24.9                   7.0
        Deposits                                                                 309.9                 296.4
        Other assets                                                              95.4                (91.0)
        Solvency capital attributable to shareholders                          (268.4)               (254.2)
                                                                                 290.0                  99.7
     Shareholders' value of in-force business                                  1,239.0               1,280.3
                                                                               1,529.0               1,380.0

        The value of in-force business includes the solvency capital 
        attributable to shareholders Euro268.4m (2001: Euro254.2m). The value of 
        in-force has been reduced by minority interests of Euro1.4m (2001: Euro3.3m).

        Shareholders' value of in-force is net of a deduction of Euro48.0m (2001: 
        Euro39.9m) in respect of the cost of maintaining the solvency margin.

5.   Other Charges/Credits
(a) Sale of Industrial Branch business

The disposal of the group's industrial branch business to Royal Liver Assurance
was subject to a number of conditions including the sanction of the Courts in
Ireland and approval by the Delegates of Royal Liver Assurance. These conditions
were all satisfied and the transfer of Industrial Branch assets took place with
effect from 28 February 2002. In consideration for the asset transfer, Royal
Liver assumed all of the Industrial Branch liabilities and paid the group Euro23.5m
for the business and infrastructure and Euro153.5m for the assets transferred. The
contribution to the embedded value of the group as a result of this transaction
is Euro103.2m before taxation and after transaction costs.

(b) Disposal of fixed assets

As part of the integration and restructuring of the group's banking operations
the group disposed of a number of branch properties, the profit realised on
these sales was Euro30.3m.

(c) Integration and restructuring of banking operations

The integration and restructuring of the group's banking operations constitutes
a fundamental change in the nature and operation of the business. Provision was
made for the estimated cost of the restructuring in 2001 (Euro63.0m). The estimate
was revised during 2002 and a further Euro10.0m provided.

(d) Disposal of US business

The group disposed of its annuity businesses in the US in 2001, the loss on the
disposal of these businesses was Euro50.0m.

6.   New life assurance business
                                                                                     2002             2001
                                                                                       Eurom               Eurom
     Full value
        Recurring                                                                   247.4            206.4
        Single                                                                    1,667.4          1,248.1
        Recurring                                                                    57.6             82.1
        Single                                                                          -            161.1
     United Kingdom:
        Recurring                                                                     1.8              2.4
        Single                                                                       16.5             13.9
                                                                                  1,990.7          1,714.0
     Annual premium equivalent
        Ireland                                                                     414.1            331.2
        USA                                                                          57.6             98.2
        UK                                                                            3.5              3.8
                                                                                    475.2            433.2

     Annual premium equivalent is calculated by weighting single premium 
     business written at 10% of premium and annual premium business at 100% of 

7.   Interest receivable and similar income
                                                                                  2002             2001
                                                                                    Eurom               Eurom
     Loans and advances to customers                                             613.7            652.8
     Loans and advances to credit institutions                                    84.7            132.5
     Debt securities - investments                                                65.4             53.7
     Lease and instalment finance                                                 66.5             68.5
                                                                                 830.3            907.5
8.   Investment return

a)   Attributable to banking and other activities
                                                                                  2002             2001
                                                                                    Eurom               Eurom
     Investment income                                                               -              0.1
     Realised gains                                                                3.8             15.1
                                                                                   3.8             15.2

     2002 realised gains comprise of Euro3.8m profit on the sale of equities (2001: 
     Euro5.6m). 2001 realised gains also included Euro9.5m on the disposal of 
     investment property.

b)   Attributable to life assurance activities
                                                                                  2002             2001
                                                                                    Eurom               Eurom
     Income from investments                                                     517.1            686.2
     Realised and unrealised gains and losses                                (2,299.0)        (1,041.0)
     Investment expenses and charges                                            (16.8)           (17.3)
                                                                             (1,798.7)          (372.1)
9.   Operating and administrative expenses
                                                                                  2002             2001
                                                                                   Eurom                Eurom
 (a) Attributable to banking and other activities
     Banking operating expenses                                                 232.8             195.3
     Corporate costs                                                              7.5               6.4
     Other activities                                                             4.1               3.6
                                                                                244.4             205.3
 (b) Attributable to life assurance activities
     Life assurance operating expenses                                          235.9             292.1
     Acquisition expenses                                                       100.7             125.9
     Corporate costs                                                              4.7               3.2
     Euro conversion costs                                                          -               6.5
                                                                                341.3             427.7
10.  Provision for bad and doubtful debts
                                                                                 2002              2001
                                                                                   Eurom                Eurom
     At 1 January                                                                77.7              40.9
     Charged to the profit and loss account                                      13.3              11.7
     Arising on acquisition of TSB                                                  -              30.3
     Amounts written off                                                         (5.4)             (5.2)
     At 31 December                                                              85.6              77.7

  The closing balance is made up as follows:
     Specific                                                                    36.1              26.8
     General                                                                     49.5              50.9
     Total                                                                       85.6              77.7

     The analysis of the group's provisions for bad and doubtful debts by 
     category of loans and advances to customers is as follows:
                                                                       Specific     General          Total
                                                                             Eurom          Eurom             Eurom
     Residential mortgage loans                                             1.7        28.1           29.8
     Commercial mortgage loans                                              8.4         8.8           17.2
     Other loans                                                           26.0        12.6           38.6
     Closing provision at 31 December 2002                                 36.1        49.5           85.6

                                                                       Specific     General          Total
                                                                             Eurom          Eurom             Eurom
     Residential mortgage loans                                             1.8        26.7           28.5
     Commercial mortgage loans                                              6.9         8.8           15.7
     Other loans                                                           18.1        15.4           33.5
     Closing provision at 31 December 2001                                 26.8        50.9           77.7

11.  Taxation

(a)  Tax attributable to life assurance activities
     Tax attributable to life assurance is analysed below and includes amounts 
     in respect of policyholders and the tax on the change in shareholders' 
     value of in-force business which is calculated with reference to the 
     effective corporation tax rate applicable in each of the relevant
                                                                                    2002              2001
                                                                                      Eurom                Eurom
      Corporation taxation                                                           7.3              26.2
      Overseas tax                                                                   5.9               1.0
      Deferred taxation                                                             16.6             (4.0)
      Duties and levies                                                              3.5               5.1
      Tax on change in shareholders' value of in-force                              34.1             (1.6)
                                                                                    67.4              26.7

(b)  Tax attributable to profit on ordinary activities is analysed as follows:
                                                                                    2002              2001
                                                                                      Eurom                Eurom
     Tax attributable to profit on life assurance activities                        44.2               2.7
     Corporation tax on banking and other activities                                21.4              20.8
     Deferred taxation on banking and other activities (ii)                        (2.6)             (2.5)
     Tax attributable to group's share of profits of
     associated undertakings                                                           -               0.9
     Tax on disposal of Industrial Branch business                                   4.7                 -
     Tax on disposal of properties                                                   2.4                 -
     Tax on integration & restructuring of the group's banking operations          (1.6)            (11.7)
     Tax arising on disposal of US businesses                                          -              19.5
                                                                                    68.5              29.7

     (i) The life taxation charge for 2002 of Euro44.2m includes an exceptional 
     charge of Euro30.3m relating to the write down in the value of unrelieved tax 
     losses. In the light of the falls in investment markets and allowing for 
     the lower assumed rates of investment return going forward the 
     recoverability of any tax relief on unrelieved losses is uncertain. The tax 
     value of these unrelieved losses has therefore been written down in full in 

     (ii) Deferred taxation on banking and other activities includes a prior 
     year adjustment in 2001 of Euro1.0m (see note 1).

12.  Earnings per share
                                                                               2002                         2001
(a)    Basic EPS

       Profit for the financial year after taxation                           Euro290m                       Euro48.6m

       Weighted average ordinary shares in issue and ranking for        274,781,303                  284,561,462

       EPS                                                               105.5 cent                    17.1 cent

(b)    Fully diluted EPS

       Weighted average of potential dilutive ordinary
       shares arising from the group's share option schemes               1,186,459                    1,517,870

       Weighted average number of ordinary shares used
       in the calculation of fully diluted EPS                          275,967,762                  286,079,332

       Fully diluted EPS                                                 105.1 cent                      17 cent

(c)    EPS based on total contribution
                                                                          Per Share                    Per Share
                                                                  Eurom           cent              Eurom         cent
       Earnings as reported above                              290.0          105.5            48.6         17.1
       Short term investment fluctuations                      129.7           47.2            57.3         20.1
       Goodwill amortisation                                    11.7            4.3            14.8          5.2
       Profit on the disposal of property                     (30.3)         (11.0)               -            -
       Restructuring costs                                      10.0            3.6            63.0         22.1
       Contribution to embedded value arising on             (103.2)         (37.6)               -            -
       disposal of Industrial Branch Business
       Loss on disposal of businesses                              -              -            50.0         17.6
       Effect of economic assumption changes on life          (20.8)          (7.6)             6.2          2.2
       assurance profit
       Tax relating to the adjustments                          30.2           11.0             5.1          1.8
       Minority interest                                       (0.3)          (0.1)             0.8          0.3

       Total contribution                                      317.0          115.3           245.8         86.4

       Weighted average ordinary shares in issue and ranking for        274,781,303                  284,561,462

       EPS based on total contribution                                   115.3 cent                    86.4 cent

       The EPS based on total contribution is presented to illustrate the 
       underlying movement in earnings of the group and as such excludes short 
       term investment fluctuations, items of an exceptional nature, goodwill
       amortisation and minority interests.

13.  Called up share capital, share premium, merger reserve and other capital reserves

                                                        Number of      Share      Share     Merger       Capital
                                                           Shares    Capital    Premium    Reserve      Reserves
                                                                          Eurom         Eurom         Eurom            Eurom

     At 1 January 2002                                278,918,907       89.3       44.9     (21.2)          24.7
     Shares issued during the year                        856,674        0.2        4.5          -             -
     Shares repurchased and cancelled                (10,676,765)      (3.4)          -          -           3.4
     At 31 December 2002                              269,098,816       86.1       49.4     (21.2)          28.1

     During 2002 the group purchased on market 10,676,765 shares with a nominal 
     value of Euro3.4m for a total consideration of Euro150.0m. These shares were 
     subsequently cancelled and the cost has been written off to reserves. The 
     nominal value of the shares acquired has been transferred to a capital

     During 2002 the company issued 856,674 ordinary shares of Euro0.32 each with a 
     nominal value of Euro0.2m for cash of Euro4.7m as a result of the exercise of 
     options under the group's share options schemes.

     The merger reserve is the difference between the shares issued by Irish 
     Permanent plc and the nominal value of the issued share capital of Irish 
     Life plc on the merger of the companies.

     Capital reserves represents the share premium (Euro20.7m) of Irish Life plc at 
     the date of the merger and Euro7.4m capital redemption reserve arising from 
     the repurchase and cancellation of shares.

14.  Revenue reserves
                                                              Profit and loss            Non-distributable
                                                                 account                     reserves
                                                              2002     2001                2002      2001
                                                                Eurom       Eurom                  Eurom        Eurom
         At 1 January                                        397.9    452.4             1,354.3   1,415.0
         Profit retained for the year                        290.0     48.6                   -         -
         Dividends                                         (128.0)  (120.6)                   -         -
         Transfer (to)/from non-distributable reserves     (117.5)     74.4               117.5    (74.4)
         Goodwill on disposal of businesses written back
         through profit and loss account                         -        -                   -      16.2
         Exchange adjustment on net investment in
         overseas subsidiaries                                   -        -               (6.4)     (2.5)
                                                             442.4    454.8             1,465.4   1,354.3
         Shares repurchased and cancelled                  (150.0)  (121.5)                   -         -
         Shares repurchased during the year                      -    (2.3)                   -         -
         Re-issue of shares held as treasury shares              -     66.9                   -         -
         At 31 December                                      292.4    397.9             1,465.4   1,354.3

         Profit arising on life assurance activities are treated as 
         non-distributable until declared as surpluses by the appointed 

15.    Value of in-force business

       The principal assumptions used in the calculation of shareholders' value 
       of in-force business include the following:

                                              Ireland                       US                       UK
                                        31-Dec      31-Dec         31-Dec       31-Dec       31-Dec       31-Dec
                                          2002        2001           2002         2001         2002         2001
                                             %           %              %            %            %            %
       Risk discount rate                 7.50        8.50           9.00        10.00         7.50         8.25
       Investment returns
           Fixed Interest           3.3 to 4.9  3.3 to 5.5     3.8 to 5.8   5.1 to 6.2         4.50         5.00
           Equities & Property            5.75        7.00            n/a          n/a         6.25         7.30
       Expense inflation                  4.00        4.50           3.00         3.00         2.25         2.50

16.    Foreign currency translation

       The principal rates of exchange used in the preparation of the
       financial statements are as follows:

       (a) Closing rate
                                                2002         2001
       Euro / Stg#                               0.6505       0.6085
       Euro / US$                                1.0487       0.8813

       (b) Average rate
                                                2002         2001
       Euro / Stg#                               0.6299       0.6193
       Euro / US$                                0.9516       0.8915

17.  Restatement of 2001 profit and loss account : supplementary information
     The presentation of the life assurance results for 2001 has been restated in line with the ABI
     guidance on Achieved Profits. The notes below outline:
     (a) Life assurance profits as reported in 2001 and the adjustments necessary to arrive at the
     presentation of life assurance profits in accordance with the guidance.
     (b) Total profits of the group in 2001 before and after taxation.
(a)  Contribution from life assurance activities

                                                             As   Change    Revised  Tax Gross     Pre Tax
                                                       Reported  arising   post tax         Up      Profit
                                                             Eurom       Eurom         Eurom         Eurom          Eurom
          New business contribution                        46.1      4.6       50.7        7.2        57.9
          Contribution from existing business
              Unwind of discount rate                      79.4    (5.9)       73.5        1.1        74.6
              Experience variances                         25.5    (8.3)       17.2        0.2        17.4
              Unit Linked management fee variance        (24.5)     24.5          -          -           -
              Operating assumption changes                    -     13.9       13.9        0.2        14.1
          Expected investment returns                       0.5    (0.1)        0.4          -         0.4
          Other Income                                        -      8.0        8.0        2.0        10.0
          Contribution from life assurance                127.0     36.7      163.7       10.7       174.4
          Short-term fluctuations in investment               -   (36.7)     (36.7)      (0.5)      (37.2)
          Effect of economic assumption changes           (1.1)        -      (1.1)          -       (1.1)
          Life Assurance achieved profits                 125.9        -      125.9       10.2       136.1
          Taxation                                                                                  (10.2)

                                                             As   Change    Revised  Tax Gross     Pre Tax
                                                       Reported  arising   post tax         Up      Profit
                                                             Eurom       Eurom         Eurom         Eurom          Eurom
          New business contribution                         2.1      0.1        2.2        0.3         2.5
          Contribution from existing business
              Unwind of discount rate                       7.4    (0.1)        7.3        1.2         8.5
              Experience variances                          7.3    (1.7)        5.6        0.9         6.5
              Unit Linked management fee variance         (5.0)      5.0          -          -           -
              Operating assumption changes                    -      1.7        1.7        0.3         2.0
          Expected investment returns                       1.1        -        1.1        0.2         1.3
          Contribution from life assurance                 12.9      5.0       17.9        2.9        20.8
          Short-term fluctuations in investment               -    (5.0)      (5.0)      (0.8)       (5.8)
          Effect of economic assumption changes           (0.8)        -      (0.8)      (0.1)       (0.9)
          Life Assurance achieved profits                  12.1        -       12.1        2.0        14.1
          Taxation                                                                                   (2.0)

17.  Restatement of 2001 profit and loss account : supplementary information 
(a)  Contribution from life assurance activities

                                                          As    Change     Revised   Tax Gross  Pre Tax Profit
                                                    Reported   arising    post tax          Up
                                                          Eurom        Eurom          Eurom          Eurom              Eurom
            New business contribution                    1.1       1.1         2.2         0.6             2.8
            Contribution from existing business
                Unwind of discount rate                 14.9     (1.8)        13.1         3.4            16.5
                Experience variances                  (48.8)      40.7       (8.1)       (2.1)          (10.2)
                Unit Linked management fee
                Operating assumption changes               -    (40.7)      (40.7)      (10.8)          (51.5)
            Expected investment returns                  1.6       0.9         2.5         0.7             3.2
            Contribution from continuing              (31.2)       0.2      (31.0)       (8.2)          (39.2)
            Contribution from discontinued               1.6         -         1.6       (0.3)             1.3
            Contribution from life assurance          (29.6)       0.2      (29.4)       (8.5)          (37.9)
            Short-term fluctuations in investment          -     (0.2)       (0.2)       (0.1)           (0.3)
            Effect of economic assumption changes      (3.3)         -       (3.3)       (0.9)           (4.2)
            Life Assurance achieved profits           (32.9)         -      (32.9)       (9.5)          (42.4)
            Taxation                                                                                       9.5
17.  Restatement of 2001 profit and loss account : supplementary information

(b)  Analysis of the profit and loss account
                                                                             Pre-tax          Tax          Post Tax
                                                                                  Eurom           Eurom                Eurom
                Banking & Other Activities                                      70.5       (10.9)              59.6
                Life Assurance Activities                                      174.4       (10.7)             163.7
                Other Investment Earnings                                       15.2        (1.4)              13.8
                                                                               260.1       (23.0)             237.1
                Banking & Other Activities                                      20.6        (6.0)              14.6
                Life Assurance Activities                                       20.8        (2.9)              17.9
                                                                                41.4        (8.9)              32.5
                Life Assurance Activities                                     (37.9)          8.5            (29.4)

      Group Contribution                                                       263.6       (23.4)             240.2

      Share of associated company                                                6.8        (1.2)               5.6

      Total Contribution (Group & Associate)                                   270.4       (24.6)             245.8

      Short term investment fluctuations
                Life assurance activities                                     (43.3)          1.4            (41.9)
                Share of associated company                                   (14.0)          0.3            (13.7)
      Goodwill amortisation                                                   (14.8)            -            (14.8)
      Effect of economic assumptions changes on life assurance                 (6.2)          1.0             (5.2)
      Other charges
            Restructuring charges                                             (63.0)         11.7            (51.3)
            Loss on the disposal of US businesses                             (50.0)       (19.5)            (69.5)

      Total Profit                                                              79.1       (29.7)              49.4

18.  Segmental Analysis
                                                                         2002                       2001
                                                                           Eurom                         Eurom
     Interest Income
         Ireland                                                        737.7                      823.9
         UK                                                              92.6                       83.6
                                                                        830.3                      907.5
     Net Interest Income
         Ireland                                                        297.5                      255.0
         UK                                                              27.7                       25.4
                                                                        325.2                      280.4
     Gross premium written
         Ireland                                                      2,561.6                    2,105.2
         UK                                                              90.0                       93.0
         US                                                             155.3                      386.7
                                                                      2,806.9                    2,584.9
     Profit on operating
     activities before tax
         Banking and other
         Ireland                                                         78.1                       85.7
         UK                                                              23.1                       20.6
                                                                        101.2                      106.3
         Life assurance
         Ireland                                                        133.2                      136.1
         UK                                                               9.0                       14.1
         US                                                               7.0                     (42.4)
                                                                        149.2                      107.8

         Goodwill amortisation                                         (11.7)                     (14.8)

                                                                        238.7                      199.3
     Total Assets
         Banking and other
         Ireland                                                     17,515.3                   15,517.0
         UK                                                             830.8                    1,066.7
                                                                     18,346.1                   16,583.7
         Life Assurance
         Ireland                                                     14,326.9                   15,624.5
         UK                                                           1,119.9                    1,407.4
         USA                                                            444.3                      573.3
                                                                     15,891.1                   17,605.2

         Goodwill                                                       211.4                      220.8
                                                                     34,448.6                   34,409.7

19.  The financial information set out above does not constitute the company's 
     statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2002. The statutory 
     accounts for 2002 will be finalised on the basis of the financial 
     information presented by the directors in the preliminary announcement and 
     will be delivered to the register of companies following the company's 
     annual general meeting. The accounting policies applied are unchanged, with 
     the exception of the changes set out in note 1 of this report, from those 
     outlined on pages 39 to 41 of the 2001 annual report.

5 March, 2003

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange