Smaller Companies Value Trust PLC

                        Smaller Companies Value Trust plc

         Preliminary announcement of the results for the half-year ended

                                 31 October 2007

Smaller Companies Value Trust plc is registered in England and Wales no. 4388908
and is an investment company within the meaning of section 266 of the Companies
Act 1985.

Registered office: 10 Fleet Place, London, EC4M 7RH

Smaller Companies Value Trust plc

Chairman's Statement

The period under review has been a challenging one for UK equity markets, and
smaller companies in particular. During the period, concern over the quality of
US subprime mortgage lending escalated into a credit squeeze and then a
full-blown global liquidity crisis. While the actions of the Federal Reserve in
cutting the discount rate and later the Fed funds interest rate, together with
the provision of massive liquidity by all of the Western central banks, helped
to ease conditions in the money markets, concerns over the credit situation
remain, and are unlikely to return to normal soon. Smaller companies in
particular have been strongly affected by this tightening of conditions, with
nervous investors seeking refuge in the perceived safety of large-capitalisation

Over the six months to 31 October 2007, the Trust's benchmark, the Hoare Govett
Smaller Companies (excluding investment companies) index (capital only), fell by
4.99%. The performance of this index contrasts sharply with the performance of
the FTSE 100 index, which on a total return basis rose nearly 6% over the
period. The share price of smaller companies is often more closely allied to the
market's appetite for risk than to company performance, so the figures offer
graphic evidence of the change in investor mood.

Over the period, the net asset value (NAV) of the Company's capital shares fell
by 9.81% (or 8.29% on an ungeared basis). The underperformance of your Trust
over the last six months was partially due to underweight positions in the oil
and gas producers and mining sectors which performed particularly well, but they
have low or no dividend yield. In addition, there were company specific issues
from Erinaceous, Paragon Group and Imprint which led to significant share price
falls of these companies.


Your Board is pleased to announce an interim dividend of 3.00 pence per income


It seems likely that the UK economy will slow as business investment declines
and a weaker housing market begins to affect consumer spending. At the same
time, corporate balance sheets remain healthy, with companies continuing to
highlight opportunities for acquisitions and/or cash returns. While the
performance of smaller companies relative to the market is unlikely to improve
until the extent of the subprime problem is known, the market's flight to
large-capitalisation stocks has left many smaller companies at attractive
valuations. I am confident in the manager's ability to identify these
opportunities and take advantage of them.

A F Bushell

7 December 2007

Investment Manager's Review

Global and market background

Not since the start of the current bull run more than four years ago have UK
equities experienced such a turbulent run, with investors increasingly concerned
that difficulties associated with US subprime mortgage lending would begin to
affect global growth prospects. On August 16, the FTSE 100 experienced its
largest one-day loss since March 2003 - over 4% - as anxieties increased. The
next day, encouraged by the US Federal Reserve's surprise decision to cut the
discount rate by half a percentage point, it rebounded by over 3%, another
four-year record.

The tightening of credit conditions had a negative effect on money markets and
led to the first run on a British bank in more than a century. The extraordinary
implosion at Northern Rock reflected the increasing difficulty faced by many
institutions in accessing financial markets. With the Bank of England initially
deciding against any intervention, interbank lending rates rose to more than one
percentage point above the bank's base rate. Only after a blanket guarantee on
deposits in Northern Rock and the central bank's offer of short-term lending -
an apparent about-face to its original hands-off approach - did a degree of
normality return to the money markets.

Against such a difficult backdrop, it is hardly surprising that many investors
have retreated to the more defensive areas of the market. The credit market
volatility soon cooled the level of merger & acquisition activity, as the cost
of finance for private equity players increased. Such activity, both rumoured
and actual, had been one of the key drivers of markets in 2006 and early 2007.
It was also part of the reason why mid-cap shares had performed robustly
relative to the rest of the market. The change in sentiment has seen shares in
the mega-caps outperform those of smaller companies.

The overall decline in the UK equity market masked a wide range of performances
at sector level. The robust performance of the global economy, led by China and
India, helped many industrial stocks to significant gains. On the other hand,
areas of the market more sensitive to changes in interest rates, including
financials and real estate, struggled.

Portfolio activity

The Trust's performance against the benchmark can be explained partly by its
lack of exposure to the oil and mining sectors, which turned out to be among the
strongest performers. During the period we increased our exposure by
establishing a holding in Abbot Group, an oil-rig fabricator and operator. The
company delivered a strong set of first-half results and its share price gained
considerably on the back of two takeover proposals.

Our disposal of shares in Unite, Savills and Workspace Group proved beneficial
to performance and reflected our cautious outlook for the UK property market. We
also reduced our holding in Mapeley, a specialist property company. Our approach
to transactions, though, remains stock-specific. We reduced our holding in Axon
Group, a consultancy, following a strong run in its share price. We also took
profits in foundry products manufacturer Foseco after its bid approach from
Cookson, and in Spectris, a manufacturer of precision instruments and controls.
On the downside, the poor performance of Carter & Carter, a training provider,
prompted us to dispose of our holding, with the company's entry into the
government-funded vocational training arena having proved more difficult than
expected. We also sold our shares in facilities management company Erinaceous
after a period of disappointing trading and concerns over the quality of its

Among the purchases, we established a new holding in Hilton Food Group, a
specialist meat-packing business, and were encouraged by the company's strong
underlying half-year figures. We also participated in several initial floats,
including CVS Group, which we believe will profit from the consolidation of the
fragmented yet growing veterinary services industry; and Cineworld, a multiplex
cinema operator which benefited from better than expected summer trading.

Though we are mindful of the outlook for consumer spending in the UK, some
companies in this sector are trading at attractive valuations. We have also
minimised our exposure to companies susceptible to a downturn in the US economy,
given the cautious outlook over the next several months. We remain optimistic
over areas of the domestic UK market where long term funding is in place.


The global economy now shows a mixed picture. A shadow still hangs over the
advanced economies because of US housing market difficulties and the uncertainty
in financial markets. But developing countries continue to push ahead,
reflecting structural economic improvement.

In the UK, things seem to be at a turning point. The turmoil in the credit
markets has conspired with other factors to produce a significant change in
thinking over the outlook for interest rates. While there is no clear evidence
yet of a significant economic slowdown, a recent fall in UK Consumer Price
Inflation proved unexpectedly sharp. There have also been early signs of weaker
activity in the housing market. Where in early August sentiment pointed toward a
rise in interest rates, the next change now looks likely to be a cut.

We expect a modest slowdown in growth over the months to come, but a more
serious setback is possible if consumers become markedly more cautious.
Meanwhile, the fallout from the subprime situation is likely to continue for
some months to come, pointing to a further period of market volatility. While
this is not likely to be good news for smaller companies, the balance sheets of
mid-caps in particular are currently in a much healthier state than they were
during the last economic downturn. As a rule, the companies in our portfolio
have agreed borrowing facilities at explicit rates that will facilitate
expansion and/or acquisitions. The outlook over the long term is broadly
favourable. Corporate profitability and dividend growth remain encouraging,
suggesting that plenty of opportunities in the market remain.

Gregor Macdonald
Scottish Widows Investment Partnership Limited

7 December 2007

Smaller Companies Value Trust plc

Investment objective and policy

The Company invests in a diversified portfolio of quoted UK smaller companies
with the objective of providing income shareholders with a dividend yield,
together with the potential for dividend growth and capital shareholders with
the benefit of geared capital growth.

The Board seeks to balance the interests of the holders of the income shares and
capital shares at all times and the investment policy is such that the Company
is a qualifying investment trust under the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988
(as amended).

Smaller Companies Value Trust plc has a life of seven years, ending on 30 April

Financial calendar

Ex-dividend date          19 December 2007
Record date               21 December 2007
Final dividend payable    9 January 2008

Financial highlights

                                                                  Period ended   Period ended    Year ended
                                                               31 October 2007    31 October  30 April 2007
                                                                   (unaudited)    (unaudited)     (audited)
Net asset value per package unit (Articles basis)(a)                   253.88p        239.90p       274.53p
Share price per package unit (b)                                       223.00p        212.00p       248.25p
Net asset value per income share (Articles basis)                       56.75p         53.43p        55.96p
Share price per income share (b)                                        62.75p         64.25p        64.75p
Net asset value per capital share (Articles basis)                     197.13p        186.47p       218.57p
Share price per capital share (b)                                      157.50p        148.50p       183.50p
Hoare Govett Smaller Companies Index (excluding investment
 companies)(c)                                                        9,041.75       8,008.52      9,401.67
Dividend per income share                                                3.00p          1.95p         5.47p

(a) A package unit consists of one capital share and one
 income share.
(b) Source : Bloomberg
(c) Source : Datastream. The index includes both capital and

Smaller Companies
 Value Trust plc
Income Statement

                          For the period ended             For the period ended             For the year ended
                      31 October 2007 (unaudited)      31 October 2006 (unaudited)       30 April 2007 (audited)
                      Revenue       Capital    Total   Revenue        Capital   Total   Revenue     Capital    Total
                       �' 000        �' 000   �' 000    �' 000         �' 000  �' 000    �' 000      �' 000   �' 000
------------------- --------- ------------- -------- --------- -------------- ------- --------- ----------- --------

Gains on

(Losses)/gains on
 investments                -       (4,043)  (4,043)         -          1,638   1,638         -       9,186    9,186
Transaction costs           -         (173)    (173)         -          (143)   (143)         -       (330)    (330)
                    --------- ------------- -------- --------- -------------- ------- --------- ----------- --------
                            -       (4,216)  (4,216)         -          1,495   1,495         -       8,856    8,856

Income                    989             -      989       831              -     831     1,510           -    1,510
 management fee +          21            63       84      (65)          (195)   (260)     (138)       (412)    (550)
Other expenses           (83)             -     (83)      (65)              -    (65)     (135)           -    (135)
                    --------- ------------- -------- --------- -------------- ------- --------- ----------- --------

Net return/(loss)
 before finance
costs and taxation        927       (4,153)  (3,226)       701          1,300   2,001     1,237       8,444    9,681

Finance costs
Interest payable         (64)         (191)    (255)      (64)          (191)   (255)     (126)       (378)    (504)
Income share
 dividends and
 appropriations         (863)             -    (863)     (637)              -   (637)   (1,111)           -  (1,111)
                    --------- ------------- -------- --------- -------------- ------- --------- ----------- --------

Total finance costs     (927)         (191)  (1,118)     (701)          (191)   (892)   (1,237)       (378)  (1,615)

(Loss)/return on
before taxation             -       (4,344)  (4,344)         -          1,109   1,109         -       8,066    8,066

Taxation on
 activities                 -             -        -         -              -       -         -           -        -
                    --------- ------------- -------- --------- -------------- ------- --------- ----------- --------

(Loss)/return on
after taxation              -       (4,344)  (4,344)         -          1,109   1,109         -       8,066    8,066
                    --------- ------------- -------- --------- -------------- ------- --------- ----------- --------

(Loss)/return per
 capital share                     (21.38p)                             5.46p                        39.70p
                              -------------                    --------------                   -----------

The total column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the

No operations were acquired or discontinued during the period.

All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing

A Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses is not required as all gains
and losses of the Company have been reflected in the above statement.

+ The investment management fee for the period is shown as a credit, following
an announcement by HM Revenue and Customs that management fees paid by
investment trusts, which were previously subject to VAT, are now exempt. This
exemption has a retrospective effect.

Smaller Companies Value Trust plc
Balance Sheet

                                                             At             At             At
                                                     31 October     31 October       30 April
                                                           2007           2006           2007
                                                    (unaudited)    (unaudited)      (audited)
                                                         �' 000         �' 000         �' 000
------------------------------------------------ -------------- -------------- --------------
Non current assets
Investments at fair value through profit and
 loss                                                    58,426         52,185         63,085

Current assets
Debtors                                                     608          1,084          1,505
Cash at bank and in hand                                    998          4,563            432
                                                 -------------- -------------- --------------
Total current assets                                      1,606          5,647          1,937
                                                 -------------- -------------- --------------

Current liabilities
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year            (325)          (964)        (1,119)
                                                 -------------- -------------- --------------
Net current assets                                        1,281          4,683            818
                                                 -------------- -------------- --------------
Total assets less current liabilities                    59,707         56,868         63,903
                                                 -------------- -------------- --------------

Creditors: amounts falling due after more than
 one year
Bank loan                                               (8,127)        (8,127)        (8,127)
Income shares                                          (13,260)       (13,034)       (13,112)
                                                 -------------- -------------- --------------
                                                       (21,387)       (21,161)       (21,239)
                                                 -------------- -------------- --------------
Total net assets                                         38,320         35,707         42,664
                                                 -------------- -------------- --------------

Capital and reserves: equity interests
Called up share capital                                     203            203            203
Special reserve                                          19,408         19,408         19,408
Capital reserve                                          18,709         16,096         23,053
                                                 -------------- -------------- --------------
Shareholders' funds                                      38,320         35,707         42,664
                                                 -------------- -------------- --------------

Net asset value per share (Accounts basis):
Income share                                             65.27p         64.15p         64.54p
                                                 -------------- -------------- --------------
Capital share                                           188.61p        175.75p        209.99p
                                                 -------------- -------------- --------------

Net asset value per share (Articles basis):
Income share                                             56.75p         53.43p         55.96p
                                                 -------------- -------------- --------------
Capital share                                           197.13p        186.47p        218.57p
                                                 -------------- -------------- --------------

The net asset values per share (Accounts basis) shown above, have been
calculated in accordance with Financial Reporting Standard 25 (Financial
Instruments: Disclosure and Presentation).

The shareholders' funds attributable to each class of share have also been
calculated in accordance with the articles of association. The difference
between these figures relates to the rights, under the articles of association,
of the shareholders on a return of assets, which gives rise to an adjustment in
the finance cost of those shares.

Smaller Companies Value Trust plc
Reconciliation of Movements in
 Shareholders' Funds

For the period ended 31 October 2007

                                             Issued    Special    Capital
                                            Capital    Reserve   Reserves      Total
                                             �' 000     �' 000     �' 000     �' 000
------------------------------------- ------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Shareholders' funds at 1 May 2006               203     19,408     14,987     34,598

Return on ordinary activities after
 taxation                                         -          -      1,109      1,109

                                      ------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Shareholders' funds at 31 October
 2006                                           203     19,408     16,096     35,707
                                      ------------- ---------- ---------- ----------

Shareholders' funds at 1 November
 2006                                           203     19,408     16,096     35,707

Return on ordinary activities after
 taxation                                         -          -      6,957      6,957

                                      ------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Shareholders' funds at 30 April 2007            203     19,408     23,053     42,664
                                      ------------- ---------- ---------- ----------

Shareholders' funds at 1 May 2007               203     19,408     23,053     42,664

Loss on ordinary activities after
 taxation                                         -          -    (4,344)    (4,344)

                                      ------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Shareholders' funds at 31 October
 2007                                           203     19,408     18,709     38,320
                                      ------------- ---------- ---------- ----------

Smaller Companies Value Trust plc
Cash Flow Statement

                                                 Period ended       Period ended     Year ended
                                                   31 October         31 October       30 April
                                                         2007               2006           2007
                                                  (unaudited)    (unaudited and       (audited)
                                                       �' 000             �' 000         �' 000
--------------------------------------------- --------------- ------------------ --------------
Operating activities
Investment income received                              1,037                995          1,418
Other income received                                       2                  3             14
Deposit interest received                                  50                 20             80
Investment management fees paid                         (290)              (258)          (535)
Other cash payments                                     (101)               (99)          (150)
                                              --------------- ------------------ --------------

Net cash inflow from operating activities                 698                661            827
                                              --------------- ------------------ --------------

Servicing of finance
Interest paid on bank loan                              (255)              (257)          (504)
Dividends paid on income shares                         (715)              (569)          (965)
                                              --------------- ------------------ --------------

Net cash outflow from servicing of finance              (970)              (826)        (1,469)
                                              --------------- ------------------ --------------

Investing activities
Purchases of investments                             (22,619)           (15,719)       (37,445)
Disposals of investments                               23,305             20,131         38,203
                                              --------------- ------------------ --------------

Net cash inflow from investing activities                 686              4,412            758
                                              --------------- ------------------ --------------

Increase in cash                                          414              4,247            116
                                              --------------- ------------------ --------------

Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement
in net debt
Increase in cash in the period                            414              4,247            116
Increase in income share liability                      (148)               (68)          (146)
Opening net debt                                     (20,807)           (20,777)       (20,777)
                                              --------------- ------------------ --------------
Closing net debt                                     (20,541)           (16,598)       (20,807)
                                              --------------- ------------------ --------------

Financial statements

These half-yearly financial statements do not represent full financial
statements in accordance with section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.

The financial information for the year ended 30 April 2007 has been extracted
from the annual report and accounts of the Company which have been filed with
the Registrar of Companies. The auditors' report on those accounts was

(a) The figures for the period ended 31 October 2006 have been restated to
reflect the recognition of the income shares as a liability.

It is intended to send the half-yearly report to shareholders in December
2007.Smaller Companies Value Trust plc

Smaller Companies Value Trust plc
Sector Distribution at 31 October 2007

Basic Industries                                         8.65%
Cyclical Consumer Goods                                  3.30%
Cyclical Services                                       33.39%
Financials                                              16.02%
General Industrials                                     15.98%
Information Technology                                   7.41%
Non-Cyclical Consumer Goods                             11.24%
Resources                                                1.86%
Net current assets                                       2.15%
Total assets less current liabilities                  100.00%

Smaller Companies Value Trust plc
Fifty Largest Holdings at 31 October
                                                          Percentage of
                                                           total assets
                                        31 October 2007    less current
                                              valuation      liabilities
      Investment                                  �'000                %                  Business activity
    1 Interserve                                  2,167             3.62                   Support Services
    2 Babcock International Group                 1,818             3.04                   Support Services
    3 Fenner                                      1,725             2.89             Industrial Engineering
    4 Hyder Consulting                            1,723             2.89                   Support Services
    5 Dignity                                     1,682             2.82                  General Retailers
    6 Morgan Crucible Company                     1,588             2.66  Electronic & Electrical Equipment
    7 Kier Group                                  1,502             2.52           Construction & Materials
    8 VT Group                                    1,445             2.42                Aerospace & Defense
    9 Cranswick                                   1,412             2.36                     Food Producers
   10 Rok                                         1,384             2.32           Construction & Materials
      Top ten investments                        16,446            27.54
   11 W S Atkins                                  1,363             2.28                   Support Services
   12 Highway Insurance Holdings                  1,324             2.23                 Non-life Insurance
   13 Cookson Group                               1,278             2.14                General Industrials
   14 Ricardo                                     1,243             2.08                   Support Services
   15 Hilton Food Group                           1,217             2.04                     Food Producers
   16 Beazley Group                               1,216             2.04                 Non-life Insurance
   17 Caretec Holdings Inc                        1,209             2.02    Health Care Equipment & Service
   18 Intermediate Capital                        1,209             2.02                  General Financial
   19 Headlam Group                               1,174             1.97                    Household Goods
   20 Elementis                                   1,139             1.91                          Chemicals
   21 Croda International                         1,133             1.90                          Chemicals
   22 Axon Group                                  1,121             1.88       Software & Computer Services
   23 Venture Production                          1,110             1.86                Oil & Gas Producers
   24 Southern Cross Healthcare                   1,090             1.83    Health Care Equipment & Service
   25 Hansard Global                              1,021             1.71                     Life Insurance
   26 Innovation Group                            1,020             1.71       Software & Computer Services
   27 Wilmington Group                            1,016             1.70                              Media
   28 Topps Tiles                                 1,006             1.68                  General Retailers
   29 Chesnara                                    1,002             1.68                     Life Insurance
   30 Luminar Group Holding                         994             1.66                   Travel & Leisure
   31 CVS Group                                     957             1.60                  General Retailers
   32 Fidessa Group                                 934             1.56       Software & Computer Services
   33 Detica Group                                  932             1.56       Software & Computer Services
   34 Euromoney Institutional Investor              930             1.56                              Media
   35 Abbot Group                                   925             1.55     Oil Equipment, Services & Dist
   36 Cineworld Group                               878             1.47                   Travel & Leisure
   37 Rathbone Brothers                             855             1.43                  General Financial
   38 Hargreaves Service                            831             1.39                   Support Services
   39 Mapeley                                       802             1.34                        Real Estate
   40 Bovis Homes Group                             796             1.33                    Household Goods
   41 Holidaybreak                                  772             1.29                   Travel & Leisure
   42 Senior                                        766             1.28             Industrial Engineering
   43 Bodycote Intl                                 764             1.28             Industrial Engineering
   44 Paragon Group Of Cos                          756             1.27                  General Financial
   45 Tenon Group                                   736             1.23                  General Financial
   46 Land Of Leather                               736             1.23                  General Retailers
   47 Sthree                                        682             1.14                   Support Services
   48 Renovo Group                                  679             1.14    Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology
   49 Gyrus Group                                   654             1.10    Health Care Equipment & Service
   50 Collins Stewart                               641             1.07                  General Financial
                                        --------------- ----------------
                                                 55,357            92.70
      Other equities (8)                          3,069             5.15
      Net current assets                          1,281             2.15
                                        --------------- ----------------
      Total assets less current
       liabilities                               59,707           100.00
                                        --------------- ----------------

Smaller Companies Value Trust (LSE:SVLC)
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Smaller Companies Value Trust (LSE:SVLC)
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