RNS Number : 5980F

MWB Business Exchange Plc

28 April 2011


28 APRIL 2011



MWB Business Exchange Plc is the UK's second largest provider of flexible office space and meeting rooms. The organisation currently operates a total of 66 centres focused on central London and key regional business centres.


MWB Business Exchange Plc

Richard Balfour-Lynn, Chairman Tel: 020 7706 2121

John Spencer, Chief Executive Tel: 020 7868 7268

Keval Pankhania, Finance Director Tel: 020 7868 7255

Baron Phillips Associates

Baron Phillips Tel: 020 7920 3161

Brewin Dolphin Limited

Sandy Fraser Tel: 0845 213 2072

This Second Interim Report has been prepared solely to provide additional information to shareholders to assess the Group's strategies and the potential for these strategies to succeed. It should not be relied on by any other party or for any other purpose.

This announcement contains certain forward-looking statements with respect to the financial condition, results of operations and businesses of MWB Business Exchange Plc. These statements are made by the directors in good faith based on the information available to them up to the time of their approval of this Report. However, such statements should be treated with caution as they involve risk and uncertainty because they relate to events and depend upon circumstances that will occur in the future. There are a number of factors that could cause actual results or developments to differ materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. The continuing uncertainty in global economic outlook inevitably increases the economic and business risks to which the Group is exposed. Nothing in this announcement should be construed as a profit forecast.


In line with MWB Group Holdings Plc, our 72% shareholder, we are extending our financial year end to 30 June 2011 and issuing a second interim statement covering the six months to 31 December 2010.

Over the six months to 31 December 2010 total group occupancy improved marginally to 84% compared to the first six months of 2010. Revenue for the period rose to GBP55.1m, up from GBP54.3m, while EBITDA fell slightly from GBP757,000 (restated, see notes 1 and 4 to the financial statements) to GBP512,000. Pre-tax losses for the second half of 2010 were GBP2.8m against GBP2.2m (also restated) for the six months to June.

There is little doubt that the last six months of 2010 were more demanding than anticipated, with the business environment remaining challenging. Workstation rates however began to stabilise and there were some early indications of more positive market conditions, particularly in our core area of activity - central London. As a result of these conditions our recovery has been slower to materialise than we initially planned.

The second half of 2010 witnessed a stronger commercial property lettings market driven by an improving economic climate, which, coupled with a lack of supply of Grade A space, is now seeing rents and therefore workstation rates improve in central London.

We are also beginning to benefit from the acquisition of the former MLS centres and our two new centre openings in Knightsbridge and Paddington. The MLS centres have now been fully integrated into our CEC brand, and it is pleasing to report that occupancy there has risen from 78% in June 2010 to 83% by December 2010. Meanwhile, our two new Business Exchange centres have become well established in their respective markets and at 31 December 2010 had achieved mature occupancies of 88% and had generated almost GBP3m in revenue. We will only expand further where we determine a real demand for our products and services.

One of our key focuses has been to re-balance our revenue streams, in order to reduce our exposure to a small number of market sectors. I am pleased to report that we are now beginning to reap the rewards of this strategy, as we have successfully balanced our revenues between large corporates and small and medium sized enterprises.

During the period, we completed a re-structure of our senior management team, investing in highly experienced individuals with very specific skill sets who have responsibility for developing key aspects of the business. This enables us to concentrate resource on those elements of the market where we see the greatest growth opportunities.

The first quarter of 2011 has been encouraging as workstation rates show early signs of improvement. The indications are that market conditions are continuing to improve and we anticipate further improvement in the months ahead. However, given the slow pace of recovery to date, we now anticipate that any significant improvements may be deferred into 2012, as we edge ever closer to the 2012 Olympics.

Our strategy continues to focus on retaining Business Exchange's position as the capital's leading provider of serviced offices and meeting venues. Today we have a total of 42 London centres, accounting for approximately 12,000 workstations and around 0.7m sq ft of office space. This represents almost two-thirds of Business Exchange's entire portfolio and reflects the importance we place on a well located and well managed collection of centres in London.

The management team also continue to focus on driving the rate and yield through provision of prime high quality centres offering the latest state-of-the-art technology and communications. We continue to position Business Exchange at the premium end of the market, offering exceptional business hospitality. Our current investment programme is dedicated to maintaining our pre-eminent position in London.

We firmly believe that our strategy of driving rate and yield together with our London-centric premium offer will begin to deliver over the coming 12 months. With that in mind, I view the future with cautious optimism.

John Spencer

Chief Executive

28 April 2011


The key performance indicators for the business, its trading performance and selected balance sheet information for the periods ended 31 December 2010 and 2009, are summarised below:-

                                                    Six months 
                                     Six months          ended   Twelve months 
                                          ended    31 December           ended 
                                    31 December           2009     31 December 
                                           2010       Restated            2010 
 Operating statistics 
  Revenue                GBP'000         55,117         55,032         109,403 
  EBITDA                 GBP'000            512          1,857           1,269 
  Occupancy at period 
   end (leased 
   centres only)               %             84             82              84 
                                                    Six months 
                                     Six months          ended   Twelve months 
                                          ended    31 December           ended 
                                    31 December           2009     31 December 
                                           2010       Restated            2010 
 (Loss) before tax       GBP'000        (2,807)          (489)         (5,022) 
  (loss)/earnings per 
  share                    Pence          (4.3)            0.8           (7.5) 
                                                            At     31 December 
                                                   31 December            2009 
                                                          2010        Restated 
 Selected balance 
 sheet information 
 Property, plant and 
  equipment              GBP'000                        46,141          42,088 
 Net cash                GBP'000                         3,812           6,433 
 Equity attributable 
  to shareholders        GBP'000                        21,420          26,593 

Figures for 2009 have been restated as explained in the notes to the financial statements.


for the six months ended 31 December 2010

                                                    Six months 
                                     Six months          ended   Twelve months 
                                          ended    31 December           ended 
                                    31 December           2009     31 December 
                                           2010       Restated            2010 
                            Note        GBP'000        GBP'000         GBP'000 
-------------------------  -----  -------------  -------------  -------------- 
 Revenue                                 55,117         55,032         109,403 
 Cost of sales                         (56,734)       (55,140)       (112,341) 
-------------------------  -----  -------------  -------------  -------------- 
 Gross (loss)                           (1,617)          (108)         (2,938) 
 Administrative expenses                (1,047)          (264)         (1,971) 
-------------------------  -----  -------------  -------------  -------------- 
 Results from operating 
  activities                            (2,664)          (372)         (4,909) 
 Finance income                              15             79             208 
 Finance expense                          (158)          (196)           (321) 
-------------------------  -----  -------------  -------------  -------------- 
 (Loss) before taxation                 (2,807)          (489)         (5,022) 
 Taxation                                     -              -             (6) 
-------------------------  -----  -------------  -------------  -------------- 
 (Loss) for the period                  (2,807)          (489)         (5,028) 
=========================  =====  =============  =============  ============== 
  Total comprehensive 
   income for the period     2          (2,807)          (489)         (5,028) 
  Attributable to: 
  Equity shareholders of 
   the Company                          (2,773)            541         (4,871) 
   interests                               (34)        (1,030)           (157) 
-------------------------  -----  -------------  -------------  -------------- 
                                        (2,807)          (489)         (5,028) 
=========================  =====  =============  =============  ============== 
  Basic and diluted 
   (loss)/earnings per 
   share attributable to 
   shareholders of the 
   Company                   3           (4.3p)           0.8p          (7.5p) 
=========================  =====  =============  =============  ============== 

All amounts relate to continuing operations. The notes form part of these financial statements.


at 31 December 2010

                                                                   31 December 
                                                     31 December          2009 
                                              Note          2010      Restated 
                                                         GBP'000       GBP'000 
-------------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ------------ 
 Non-current assets 
 Intangible asset - goodwill                              10,412        10,412 
 Property, plant and equipment                 4          46,141        42,088 
 Trade and other receivables                               1,048         2,062 
-------------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ------------ 
                                                          57,601        54,562 
 Current assets 
 Trade and other receivables                              22,196        27,956 
 Cash and cash equivalents                                 3,812         6,433 
-------------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ------------ 
                                                          26,008        34,389 
 Total assets                                             83,609        88,951 
-------------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ------------ 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables                               (40,893)      (45,497) 
                                                        (40,893)      (45,497) 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Other payables and accruals                            (20,512)      (17,955) 
 Provision for other liabilities 
  and charges                                            (2,035)             - 
-------------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ------------ 
                                                        (22,547)      (17,955) 
 Total liabilities                                      (63,440)      (63,452) 
-------------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ------------ 
 Net assets                                               20,169        25,499 
===========================================  =====  ============  ============ 
 Share capital                                                65            66 
 Share premium account                                    35,459        35,459 
 Capital redemption reserve                                    4             3 
 Merger reserve                                           38,831        38,831 
 Retained earnings                                      (52,939)      (47,766) 
-------------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ------------ 
  Total equity attributable to shareholders 
   of the Company                                         21,420        26,593 
 Non-controlling interests                               (1,251)       (1,094) 
-------------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ------------ 
 Total equity                                             20,169        25,499 
===========================================  =====  ============  ============ 

The notes form part of these financial statements.


for the six months ended 31 December 2010

                                            Capital                                          Non- 
                      Share     Share   redemp-tion    Merger   Retained             control-ling     Total 
                    capital   premium       reserve   reserve   earnings     Total      interests    equity 
                    GBP'000   GBP'000       GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000        GBP'000   GBP'000 
-----------------  --------  --------  ------------  --------  ---------  --------  -------------  -------- 
 Six months ended 
  31 December 
  2009 Restated 
 At 1 July 2009          66    35,459             3    38,831   (48,453)    25,906           (64)    25,842 
  income for the 
  period                  -         -             -         -        541       541        (1,030)     (489) 
  payment charge          -         -             -         -        146       146              -       146 
-----------------  --------  --------  ------------  --------  ---------  --------  -------------  -------- 
 At 31 December 
  2009                   66    35,459             3    38,831   (47,766)    26,593        (1,094)    25,499 
=================  ========  ========  ============  ========  =========  ========  =============  ======== 
 Six months ended 
  30 June 2010 
-----------------  --------  --------  ------------  --------  ---------  --------  -------------  -------- 
  income for the 
  period                  -         -             -         -    (2,098)   (2,098)          (123)   (2,221) 
 Acquisition of 
  interest in 
  subsidiary              -         -             -         -      (150)     (150)              -     (150) 
 Shares purchased 
  and cancelled         (1)         -             1         -      (128)     (128)              -     (128) 
  payment charge          -         -             -         -        108       108              -       108 
-----------------  --------  --------  ------------  --------  ---------  --------  -------------  -------- 
 At 30 June 2010         65    35,459             4    38,831   (50,034)    24,325        (1,217)    23,108 
=================  ========  ========  ============  ========  =========  ========  =============  ======== 
 Six months ended 
  31 December 
-----------------  --------  --------  ------------  --------  ---------  --------  -------------  -------- 
  income for the 
  period                  -         -             -         -    (2,773)   (2,773)           (34)   (2,807) 
 Shares purchased 
  and cancelled           -         -             -         -      (178)     (178)              -     (178) 
  payment charge          -         -             -         -         46        46              -        46 
-----------------  --------  --------  ------------  --------  ---------  --------  -------------  -------- 
 At 31 December 
  2010                   65    35,459             4    38,831   (52,939)    21,420        (1,251)    20,169 
=================  ========  ========  ============  ========  =========  ========  =============  ======== 

The notes form part of these financial statements.


for the six months ended 31 December 2010

                                                    Six months 
                                     Six months          ended   Twelve months 
                                          ended    31 December           ended 
                                    31 December           2009     31 December 
                                           2010       Restated            2010 
                                        GBP'000        GBP'000         GBP'000 
--------------------------------  -------------  -------------  -------------- 
  (Loss) for the period                 (2,807)          (489)         (5,028) 
  Taxation                                    -              -               6 
  Finance income                           (15)           (79)           (208) 
  Finance expense                           158            196             321 
  Depreciation of property, 
   plant and equipment                    3,167          2,202           6,090 
  Loss on disposal of fixed 
   assets                                     9             27              88 
  Equity settled share-based 
   obligations                               46            146             155 
  Cash settled share-based 
  obligations                                 -          1,100               - 
--------------------------------  -------------  -------------  -------------- 
  Cash flows from operations 
   before changes in working 
   capital                                  558          3,103           1,424 
  Change in trade and other 
   receivables                          (1,962)        (2,396)           6,772 
  Change in trade and other 
   payables                               5,800          9,251             782 
--------------------------------  -------------  -------------  -------------- 
  Cash generated from operations          4,396          9,958           8,978 
  Interest paid                           (152)          (172)           (315) 
  Corporation tax paid                        -              -             (6) 
  Cash settled share-based 
   obligations paid                           -              -           (800) 
  Net cash from operating 
   activities                             4,244          9,786           7,857 
--------------------------------  -------------  -------------  -------------- 
  Cash flows from investing 
  Interest received                          18            139             209 
  Acquisition of subsidiary, net 
   of cash acquired                           -          (658)               - 
  Acquisition of non-controlling 
   interest in subsidiary                     -              -           (150) 
  Purchase of property, plant 
   and equipment                        (2,839)        (5,809)        (10,440) 
  Proceeds from disposal of 
   fixed assets                               1             24             210 
--------------------------------  -------------  -------------  -------------- 
  Net cash used in investing 
   activities                           (2,820)        (6,304)        (10,171) 
--------------------------------  -------------  -------------  -------------- 
  Cash flows from financing 
  Purchase of own shares, 
   inclusive of costs                     (178)              -           (307) 
  Net cash used in financing 
   activities                             (178)              -           (307) 
--------------------------------  -------------  -------------  -------------- 
  Net increase/(decrease) in 
   cash and cash equivalents              1,246          3,482         (2,621) 
  Opening cash and cash 
   equivalents                            2,566          2,951           6,433 
--------------------------------  -------------  -------------  -------------- 
  Closing cash and cash 
   equivalents                            3,812          6,433           3,812 
================================  =============  =============  ============== 



Basis of preparation

On 28 April 2011, the Company announced its decision to change its accounting reference date from 31 December to 30 June. Accordingly, this Second Interim Report has been prepared for the six months ended 31 December 2010, with comparative information for the six months ended 31 December 2009. The Board has additionally included the results for the twelve months ended 31 December 2010, as it considers this information to be useful to shareholders.

The Second Interim Report of the Company, which has not been audited or reviewed by the Company's auditors, incorporates the results of the Company and its subsidiaries (together 'the Group').

With the exception of the retroactive adoption of IFRIC 18 Transfers of assets from customers (see immediately below), the results have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies adopted in the Group's financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2009, with the addition of new standards that have come into effect during the year under review and which are listed below.

Adoption of IFRIC 18 and restatement of prior years' accounts

The Board decided during 2010 that it should implement the guidance given in IFRIC 18 Transfers of assets from customers as regards capitalising assets which it has charged to clients but of which it still retains full control (items such as partitioning, air conditioning units, etc., which had previously been charged to cost of sales in the Statement of Comprehensive Income). Simultaneously, the Board reviewed depreciation values of existing assets and determined that certain classes of asset had not incurred adequate depreciation charges in the period up to 31 December 2007. Additional depreciation has been booked as at that date. The impact of these changes to the fixed assets and results of the Group is shown in note 4.

New standards and interpretations adopted for the first time

A number of new standards, amendments to standards and interpretations have been issued which are effective for the current financial period. Accordingly, they have been applied in preparing these financial statements. The following are the standards, amendments to standards and interpretations that have become effective and may be relevant to the Group, only IAS 27 of which had a significant impact during 2010.

The amendment to IAS 27 affects in particular the acquisition of subsidiaries achieved in stages and disposals of interests, with significant differences in the accounting depending on whether or not control is obtained as a result of the transaction, or where a transaction results only in a change in the percentage of a controlling interest. It does not require the restatement of previous transactions.

 IFRS 1 and IAS       First Time Adoption of IFRS and Consolidated and 
  27                   Separate Financial Statements 
-------------------  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 IFRS 2 (amendment)   Share-based Payment on 'Vesting conditions and 
-------------------  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 IFRS 3 (amendment)   Business Combinations 
-------------------  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 IFRS 5 (amendment)   Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued 
-------------------  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 IFRS 8 (amendment)   Operating Segments 
-------------------  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 IAS 1 (amendment)    Presentation of Financial Statements 
-------------------  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 IAS 7 (amendment)    Statement of Cash Flows 
-------------------  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 IAS 17 (amendment)   Leases 
-------------------  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 IAS 39 (amendment)   Financial Instruments. Recognition and Measurement 
                       - Eligible Hedged Items 
-------------------  --------------------------------------------------------- 


Segmental information is presented in respect of the Group's businesses. The primary format is based on the Group's internal reporting structure.

The Group comprises the following main business segments:

o Four and five star serviced office accommodation under the Business Exchange brand; and

o Three star serviced office accommodation under the City Executive Centres brand.

Segment results include items directly attributable to a segment as well as those that can be allocated on a reasonable basis. Inter-segment pricing is determined on an arm's length basis. The Group does not report internally segmental Statement of Financial Position information. Accordingly this is not given below, as permitted by April 2009 Improvements to IFRSs - IFRS 8.

    Six months ended 31 December      Business   City Executive 
    2010                              Exchange          Centres   Consolidated 
                                       GBP'000          GBP'000        GBP'000 
    Revenue per Statement of 
     Comprehensive Income               48,923            6,194         55,117 
    Segment EBITDA                        (11)              523            512 
    Depreciation, amortisation and 
     loss on disposal of fixed 
     assets                            (3,010)            (166)        (3,176) 
    Results from operating 
     activities                        (3,021)              357        (2,664) 
    Net finance income/(expense)           196            (339)          (143) 
    Taxation                                 -                -              - 
    (Loss)/Profit for the period       (2,825)               18        (2,807) 
    Six months ended 31 December      Business   City Executive 
    2009 Restated                     Exchange          Centres   Consolidated 
                                       GBP'000          GBP'000        GBP'000 
    Revenue per Statement of 
     Comprehensive Income               47,544            7,488         55,032 
    Segment EBITDA                       4,094          (2,237)          1,857 
    Depreciation, amortisation and 
     loss on disposal of fixed 
     assets                            (2,130)             (99)        (2,229) 
    Results from operating 
     activities                          1,964          (2,336)          (372) 
    Net finance income/(expense)           238            (355)          (117) 
    Taxation                                 -                -              - 
    Profit/(Loss) for the period         2,202          (2,691)          (489) 
    Twelve months ended 31            Business   City Executive 
    December 2010                     Exchange          Centres   Consolidated 
                                       GBP'000          GBP'000        GBP'000 
    Revenue per Statement of 
     Comprehensive Income               95,730           13,673        109,403 
    Segment EBITDA                         415              854          1,269 
    Depreciation, amortisation and 
     loss on disposal of fixed 
     assets                            (5,768)            (410)        (6,178) 
    Results from operating 
     activities                        (5,353)              444        (4,909) 
    Net finance income/(expense)           460            (573)          (113) 
    Taxation                               (6)                -            (6) 
    (Loss) for the period              (4,899)            (129)        (5,028) 

All operations are carried out in Great Britain.


The earnings per share figures are calculated by dividing the result after tax attributable to equity shareholders of the Company for the period by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period, as follows:-

                                                    Six months 
                                     Six months          ended   Twelve months 
                                          ended    31 December           ended 
                                    31 December           2009     31 December 
                                           2010       Restated            2010 
                                        GBP'000        GBP'000         GBP'000 
  (Loss)/Profit attributable to 
   equity shareholders of the 
   Company                              (2,773)            541         (4,871) 
                                         Number         Number          Number 
                                           '000           '000            '000 
  Weighted average number of 
   ordinary shares (basic)               65,124         65,640          65,377 
  Effect of shares issuable 
  under share option schemes (no 
  effect in either 2010 or 
  2009)                                       -              -               - 
  Weighted average number of 
   shares (diluted)                      65,124         65,640          65,377 
  (Loss)/Earnings per share              (4.3p)           0.8p          (7.5p) 
  Diluted (loss)/earnings per 
   share                                 (4.3p)           0.8p          (7.5p) 


                                      Operating   Plant, machinery, 
 2010: Six months to 31               leasehold          fixtures & 
 December                          improvements           equipment      Total 
                                        GBP'000             GBP'000    GBP'000 
 At 1 July 2010 (restated)               49,045              18,972     68,017 
 Additions                                1,521               1,318      2,839 
 Retirements                                  -             (2,244)    (2,244) 
 Disposals                                 (94)               (230)      (324) 
 At 31 December 2010                     50,472              17,816     68,288 
 At 1 July 2010 (restated)             (13,431)             (8,107)   (21,538) 
 Charge for the period                  (1,892)             (1,275)    (3,167) 
 Retirements                                  -               2,244      2,244 
 Disposals                                   94                 220        314 
 At 31 December 2010                   (15,229)             (6,918)   (22,147) 
 Net book value 
  At 31 December 2010                    35,243              10,898     46,141 
                                      Operating   Plant, machinery, 
 2009: Six months to 31               leasehold          fixtures & 
 December Restated                 improvements           equipment      Total 
                                        GBP'000             GBP'000    GBP'000 
 At 1 July 2009                          42,132              33,886     76,018 
 Additions                                3,664               2,145      5,809 
 Retirements                            (1,095)            (19,902)   (20,997) 
 Disposals                                 (26)                (26)       (52) 
 At 31 December 2009                     44,675              16,103     60,778 
 At 1 July 2009                        (11,694)            (25,794)   (37,488) 
 Charge for the period                  (1,170)             (1,032)    (2,202) 
 Retirements                              1,095              19,902     20,997 
 Disposals                                    1                   2          3 
 At 31 December 2009                   (11,768)             (6,922)   (18,690) 
 Net book value 
  At 31 December 2009                    32,907               9,181     42,088 
                                     Operating   Plant, machinery, 
 2010: Twelve months to 31           leasehold          fixtures & 
  December                        improvements           equipment      Total 
                                       GBP'000             GBP'000    GBP'000 
 At 1 January 2010 (restated)           44,675              16,103     60,778 
 Additions                               6,028               4,412     10,440 
 Retirements                                 -             (2,244)    (2,244) 
 Disposals                               (231)               (455)      (686) 
 At 31 December 2010                    50,472              17,816     68,288 
 At 1 January 2010 (restated)         (11,768)             (6,922)   (18,690) 
 Charge for the year                   (3,599)             (2,491)    (6,090) 
 Retirements                                 -               2,244      2,244 
 Disposals                                 138                 251        389 
 At 31 December 2010                  (15,229)             (6,918)   (22,147) 
 Net book value 
  At 31 December 2010                   35,243              10,898     46,141 


As stated in note 1, the retroactive adoption by the Board of IFRIC 18 Transfers of assets from customers from 1 January 2008 as regards capitalisation of client alterations previously charged to the Statement of Comprehensive Income and the simultaneous review of depreciation recorded at that date has required the restatement of the Group's fixed assets and depreciation thereon as follows:

                          Year ended    Year ended    Year ended    Year ended 
                         31 December   31 December   31 December   31 December 
                                2010          2009          2008          2007 
                             GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000 
  Impact on property, 
   plant & equipment:- 
    Client alterations 
     capitalised                 681         1,204         1,177             - 
     thereon                   (275)         (176)          (58)             - 
     charged to 31 
     December 2007               827           830           776       (6,130) 
    Change in net book 
     value in year             1,233         1,858         1,895       (6,130) 
   in profit/(loss) 
   before taxation           * 1,233       * 1,858         1,895       (6,130) 

* Of which GBP627,000 (2009: GBP959,000) relates to the six month period ended 31 December 2010.


                                                 31 December   31 December 
                                                        2010          2009 
                                                     GBP'000       GBP'000 
 Current assets 
 Trade and other receivables 
    Amounts owed by subsidiaries of MWB Group 
     Holdings Plc                                      2,378        10,105 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables 
    Amounts owed to subsidiaries of MWB Group 
     Holdings Plc                                          -           307 

During the six months ended 31 December 2010, the Group incurred GBP84,000 of charges (six months to 31 December 2009: GBP23,000; twelve months to 31 December 2010: GBP227,000) from MWB Group Holdings Plc ('Holdings') in respect of accommodation costs in accordance with the services agreement between the Company and Holdings dated 16 December 2005. This agreement also provides for the Group to use office space at its head office under licence from Holdings. All costs charged to the Group in accordance with this agreement are recharged at cost and are calculated on an arm's length basis.


There were no deferred tax liabilities at 31 December 2010 or at the previous year end. The net deferred tax assets not provided at 31 December 2010 arose as follows:-

                                                           31 December 
                                             31 December          2009 
                                                    2010      Restated 
                                                 GBP'000       GBP'000 
 Deferred tax assets not provided 
 Accelerated capital allowances                    1,180            37 
 Trading and other tax losses                      5,575         3,041 
 Deferred tax assets not provided at year 
  end                                              6,755         3,078 

At 31 December 2010, after deducting all deferred tax liabilities, the Group had gross accelerated capital allowances representing deferred tax assets of approximately GBP4.4 million (2009: GBP0.1 million). At the same date, it had trading and other losses carried forward in certain parts of the Group of approximately GBP20.6 million (2009: GBP10.9 million). These gross tax assets totalling GBP25.0 million (2009: GBP11.0 million) are reflected at the prevailing tax rate of 27% (2009: 28%) in the net unprovided deferred tax asset of GBP6.8 million (2009: GBP3.1 million) referred to above. Due to uncertainty as to the timing and use of any of the net deferred tax assets, particularly the trading losses which are restricted in their use, these tax assets have not been recognised as an asset in the Statement of Financial Position at 31 December 2010 or at the previous year end.

The Group's performance of its obligations regarding the payment of rent to certain of its landlords is guaranteed by a subsidiary of its ultimate parent, MWB Group Holdings plc. In accordance with the transfer pricing provisions, the arm's length price of these guarantees is reflected in the Group's corporation tax computations. This results in a significant increase in the value of the Group's deferred tax assets as shown above.


The financial information set out in this Second Interim Report in relation to MWB Business Exchange Plc includes information for the six months ended 31 December 2010, with comparative information for the six months ended 31 December 2009. The Board has additionally included the results for the twelve months ended 31 December 2010, as it considers this information to be useful to shareholders. The annual report and financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2009 have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The independent auditors' report on the annual report and financial statements for 2009 was unqualified, did not draw attention to any matters by way of emphasis, and did not contain a statement under Section 498(2) or 498(3) of the Companies Act 2006.

An electronic copy of this Second Interim Report has been made available on the Company's website at www.mwbex.com from the date of its announcement on 28 April 2011. The audited financial statements of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2009, further copies of this Second Interim Report and the Half-Yearly Financial Report for the six months ended 30 June 2010 are available from the Company Secretary, Filex Services Limited, at the Company's registered office of 179 Great Portland Street, London W1W 5LS.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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