RNS Number:3624J
Irish Life & Permanent PLC
07 March 2005

                           IRISH LIFE & PERMANENT PLC

                              Preliminary Results

                         12 months to 31 December 2004

Financial Highlights

For the year ended 31 December 2004

  * Pre-tax contribution Euro400.2m (2003: Euro365.2m)                           +10%

  * Total profit after tax and exceptional items Euro411.2m (2003: Euro261.8m)   +57%

  * Basic earnings per share 156.4 cent (2003: 99.5 cent)                  +57%

  * Total earnings per share 152.5 cent (1) (2003: 97.2 cent)              +57%

  * Total contribution earnings per share 120.0 cent (1) (2003: 111.6 cent) +8%

  * Total dividend per share 55.0 cent (2003: 51.0 cent)                    +8%


   New Loans issued                        Euro7,980m                         +33%

   Loan Book Growth                        Euro3,909m                         +23%

   ROI Mortgage New Business               Euro4,949m                         +30%

   ROI Mortgage Book Growth                Euro2,463m                         +20%

   Bancassurance Sales (2)                  Euro54.6m                         +11%

Life Assurance

   Life & Investment New Business (3)      Euro460.0m                         +44%

   Value of New Business3                   Euro54.8m                         +20%

Final Dividend per Share                  38.5 cent

Total Dividend per share                  55.0 cent                        +8%

Shareholders Funds per Share (1)                          Euro8.77   (2003: Euro7.81)
Total Tier 1 Capital Ratio                                11.2%   (2003: 11.1%)
Life Solvency Cover (times)                                 1.7   (2003: 1.8)

        (1)     Including shares held for the benefit of life assurance

        (2)     Unless otherwise indicated all life and pensions sales are
        expressed on a weighted average premium equivalent basis

        (3)     Republic of Ireland and UK

                              Financial Highlights

                      For the year ended 31 December 2004

                               Summary of Results

The total profit after tax for the year ended 31 December 2004 is set out 

                                                             2004      2003 
                                                               Eurom        Eurom 
  Pre-tax Contribution before Short-term Investment                           
  Fluctuations and Other Charges/Credits                                      
  Republic of Ireland / UK Operations                                         
  Banking & Other Activities                                122.5     128.8                   
  Life Assurance Activities                                 215.1     189.7                  
  Share of Associated Company                               62.6      45.2    
  Pre-tax Contribution - ROI/UK                             400.2     363.7   
  Contribution - US                                         -         1.5     
  Total Pre-tax contribution                                400.2     365.2   

  Short Term Investment Fluctuations                                          
  Life Assurance Activities                                 26.9      27.5                  
  Share of Associated Company                               2.6       (2.0)   
  Other Charges/Credits                                                       
  Goodwill Amortisation                                     (11.6)    (13.8)  
  Exceptional Items                                         21.1      (47.1)  
  Economic Assumption Changes                               46.6      (20.2)  
  Profit before Tax and Minority Interest                   485.8     309.6   
  Government Levy                                           (12.2)    (12.2)  
  Taxation                                                  (61.4)    (35.9)  
  Minority Interest                                         (1.0)     0.3     
  Total Profit after Tax                                    411.2     261.8   

Commenting on the results David Went, Group Chief Executive, said:-

"The group's performance in 2004 was very satisfactory. On the back of the
booming Irish economy, with continued job creation and record housing demand
being particularly significant for our business, sales growth in all our
business lines was extremely strong. New lending was up 33%, the value of life
sales increased 17%, while investment inflows were ahead 23% to Euro1.6bln. Despite
margin pressures in the marketplace this strong sales growth, allied to tight
cost management with costs across the group flat on 2003, led to a very
satisfactory 10% growth in operating contribution which translates into 19%
growth on a comparable adjusted basis."

                             Commentary on Results

Accounting Policies

The accounting policies applied in the financial statements for the year ended
31 December 2004 are unchanged from the policies adopted in the 2003 annual

The group, in line with all companies listed in the European Union, will be
required to prepare its financial statements in accordance with International
Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") from 1 January 2005. IFRS represents a
significant change from Republic of Ireland generally accepted accounting
policies (GAAP).

The group has a project in place to ensure compliance with IFRS for 2005. This
project, which is group wide, has examined the impact of the standards,
including the required changes to GAAP and the group's accounting policies, and
has ensured that all the necessary system and process changes are completed on

Notwithstanding the adoption of IFRS from 2005 the group will continue to
provide embedded value results in respect of its life assurance activities, by
way of supplementary information, and will continue to manage its business on
this basis.

Group Overview

Total profit after tax and exceptional items for the year ended 31 December 2004
was Euro411.2m, a 57% increase on the Euro261.8m reported in 2003. Pre-tax profit
after exceptional items in 2004 was Euro485.8m compared to Euro309.6m in 2003, an
increase of 57%.

The 2004 outcome includes an exceptional profit of Euro21.1m, almost all of which
relates to a profit achieved on the disposal of Irish Estates Management
Limited. The outcome also reflects the positive impact resulting from changes to
the economic assumptions used in calculating the life assurance embedded value
which amounted to Euro46.6m. The latter changes arise from a reduction, from 8% to
7%, in the risk discount rate used to compute the embedded value in Ireland.
This reduction, which allows for underlying movements in euro gilt rates and the
corresponding changes in other economic assumptions, includes a 35 basis point
decrease in the risk element of the discount rate on foot of increased solvency
margin provisions and changes to the investment return assumptions on the assets
backing solvency, the impact of which is reported as an operating assumption
change. The corresponding 2003 results included an exceptional loss of Euro47.1m,
principally relating to a loss on the disposal of the group's remaining US
operating company. In addition in 2003 medium term interest rates had increased
resulting in a negative impact from economic assumption changes of Euro20.2m in
that year.

The continued improvement in investment markets in 2004 resulted in net positive
short-term investment fluctuations in 2004 of Euro29.5m (2003: Euro25.5m). This gain
principally represents the out-performance of investment markets as against the
investment return assumptions used in computing the embedded value of the
group's life assurance business.

The total pre-tax contribution increased 10% from Euro365.2m to Euro400.2m. The main
drivers behind this increase were the 13% rise in the contribution from life
assurance activities together with a significantly increased contribution from
the group's general insurance associate. The 2003 banking result included the
benefit of Euro26m of once-off gains resulting from a repositioning of the bank's
investment portfolio and accordingly the pre-tax contribution from the group's
banking and other activities fell from Euro128.8m in 2003 to Euro122.5m in 2004.
Adjusting for this item profits from banking and other activities were ahead
19%, driven by strong growth in new mortgage lending.

The contribution from the group's life activities increased 13% to Euro215.1m from
Euro189.7m with the value of new business ahead 20% to Euro54.8m (2003: Euro45.7m) on
foot of a 44% increase in life and investment sales to Euro460.0m.

The contribution from the group's holding in Allianz (Ireland), a general
insurance business, increased to Euro62.6m from Euro45.2m in 2003 reflecting a strong
underwriting result in favourable market conditions.

Banking & Other Activities

                                                              2004       2003 
                                                                Eurom         Eurom 
  Net interest income                                        349.3      331.9    
  Other income                                               12.7       18.7                 
  Investment gains                                           -          26.0                  
                                                             362.0      376.6    
  Operating & Corporate Expenses                            (232.4)    (236.2)  
  Provision for bad and doubtful debts                      (9.3)      (13.4)                 
  Banking                                                    120.3      127.0    
  Property management                                        2.2        1.8      
  Total Pre-tax Contribution                                 122.5      128.8    

The pre-tax contribution generated by the group's banking and other activities
was Euro122.5m compared to Euro128.8m in 2003. The pre-tax contribution of the banking
activities was Euro120.3m compared to Euro127.0m in 2003. The 2003 outcome included
capital gains of Euro26m realised on the repositioning of part of the group's
investment portfolio as euro interest rates fell in the first half of 2003.
Excluding these capital gains, which are once off in nature, the underlying
level of contribution growth from banking and other activities was 19%
reflecting strong growth in new mortgage lending and a reduction in
administrative expenses.

Net interest income increased 5% to Euro349.3m from Euro331.9m reflecting strong
growth in the level of new lending, with asset balances growing 23% compared to
year end 2003, which offset the negative full year impact of reductions in euro
interest rates in 2003 on the bank's retail deposit spreads.

The net interest margin for the year was 1.40% compared to a margin of 1.63%
reported for the full year 2003. Reductions in euro interest rates in 2003 led
to downward pressure on retail margins in 2004 due to the impact of interest
rate floors in the retail deposit book. This impact was most pronounced in the
first half of the year resulting in a margin of 1.44% reported at the interim
stage. In addition the growth in new lending business led to a requirement to
fund asset growth largely in the wholesale markets which in turn led to a
dilution in the reported margin.

Total loans and advances to customers at 31 December 2004 were Euro21.0bln, an
increase of 23% over balances outstanding at year end 2003. Total gross new
lending was Euro8.0bln, 33% ahead of 2003. The growth in balances over the
principal business lines was as follows:

                                              2004      2003    Growth 
                                                Eurom        Eurom         % 
          Mortgage Lending - ROI*           14,521    12,058        20 
          Consumer Finance                   1,365     1,285         6 
          Commercial Lending                 1,243     1,167         7 
                                            17,129    14,510        18 
          Mortgage Lending - UK (Stg#)*      2,755     1,844        49 
          Total Lending - eurom             21,035    17,126        23 

*including securitised mortgages 

Mortgage demand in the Republic of Ireland continued to be strong throughout
2004. Total gross new mortgages issued were Euro4.9bln, a 30% increase on the
Euro3.8bln issued in 2003. Residential mortgage balances outstanding increased 20%
to Euro14.5bln compared to Euro12.1bln at 31 December 2003.

In the UK mortgage market demand was strong in the "buy to let" sector in
particular and mortgage balances in Capital Home Loans, the group's centralised
mortgage lender which specialises in this area, increased by 49% to Stg#2.8bln
from Stg#1.8bln in 2003. Gross new mortgages issued in 2004 were Stg#1.3bln, an
increase of 47% over the 2003 level of Stg#0.9bln.

New commercial loans issued increased 76% to Euro353m from Euro201m in 2003 as the
group refocused its activities in this area. The commercial book balances
increased 7% to Euro1,243m from Euro1,167m. The consumer finance portfolio increased
6% to Euro1,365m from Euro1,285m on foot of new business issues of Euro748m (2003:

Customer account balances outstanding at 31 December 2004 were Euro11.9bln compared
to Euro10.1bln in 2003 with particularly strong growth experienced in commercial
deposits and also current account balances which were ahead 17% year on year.

Other operating income fell to Euro12.7m compared to Euro18.7m in 2003 as fees and
commissions payable, which are offset against other income, increased to Euro40.7m
from Euro34.9m, principally as a result of the increased volumes of new residential

The reported other operating income includes no contribution from bancassurance
sales, the earnings from which, in line with the group's accounting policies,
are included in the pre-tax contribution reported within the group's life
assurance activities. Sales of life and pensions products within the banking
division in 2004 were Euro54.6m, an increase of 11% over 2003 (Euro49.3m). The pre-tax
contribution achieved on the bancassurance book of life business in 2004 was
Euro36.3m, 13% ahead of the Euro32.0m achieved in 2003.

During 2004 the bank continued to focus upon and invest in programmes to improve
branch and head office efficiency, manage costs and improve customer service
levels. As a result of these initiatives operating costs (excluding corporate
costs) in 2004 at Euro225m were 1% below the 2003 level of Euro227m. Having regard to
the underlying level of salary inflation in the Irish economy this represents
the achievement of real cost reductions in the order of 5% to 6%. Cost
management will continue to be a key focus within the bank in 2005 and beyond.

The charge for bad and doubtful debt provisions in 2004 of Euro9.3m compares to
Euro13.4m in 2003. The reduction reflects the fact that, in light of forthcoming
accounting changes under IFRS, combined with the conservative level of
provisions held at the end of 2003, the bank did not increase the level of
general provisions held against the loan portfolio in 2004. Credit quality
within all of the group's loan portfolios remains robust and bad debt loss
levels are insignificant. Provisions held against the portfolios are
conservative with a reserve ratio of 50 basis points, compared to an arrears
ratio of 19 basis points.

The contribution from other activities of Euro2.2m represents profits for the year
from Irish Estates Management, the property management subsidiary, the sale of
which took place in December 2004.

Life Assurance Activities

                                                        2004      2003 
                                                          Eurom        Eurom 
        In-Force Business                                              
        Unwind of Discount Rate                         99.7      89.1    
        Experience Variances                            8.0       17.5    
        Horizon Development Expenditure                (4.6)     (11.3)  
        Operating Assumption Changes     - Horizon      4.6       11.3    
                            - Other                     39.9      26.2    
        Expected Investment Return                      4.2       4.9     
        Other Income                                    8.5       6.3     
        Pre-tax Contribution                            160.3     144.0   
        New Business                                    54.8      45.7    
        Total Pre-tax Contribution                      215.1     189.7   

The total pre-tax contribution increased by 13% to Euro215.1m in the year ended 31
December 2004 from Euro189.7m in 2003 reflecting an 11% increase in the
contribution from the in-force business and a 20% increase in new business

The main component of the increase in contribution from the in-force business
was the earnings from the unwind of the discount rate which increased by 12% to
Euro99.7m (2003: Euro89.1m). This was due to the combination of growth in the in-force
book together with an increase in the risk discount rate at 31 December 2003.

Experience variances were positive at Euro8.0m in 2004 compared to Euro17.5m in 2003.
The reduction is due to an adverse persistency experience in 2004 in respect of
certain pension products together with the impact of higher staff
pension-related costs.

The retail business continued to make considerable progress on the
implementation of the Horizon project in 2004. The core objective of this
project is a fundamental redesign of the business processes to achieve
operational efficiencies and leveraged use of newer technology. All new business
is now being processed on the new system with migration of older policies on to
the system well under way and due for completion in 2005.

In the year ended 2004 development expenditure on the Horizon project of Euro4.6m
was written off in the embedded value as additional synergy gains arising from
the deployment of the technology were realised during the year. The capitalised
impact of these synergy gains, a positive Euro31m, was recognised as a change in
operating assumptions in 2004. This more than offset the capitalised costs of
achieving the synergies (Euro26.4m) which were also taken through the embedded
value as an assumption change so that the net assumption change impact was a
positive Euro4.6m.

The operating assumption changes of Euro39.9m principally relate to sustained
improvements in mortality experience which have now been capitalised. The
corresponding changes in 2003, amounting to Euro26.2m, arose mainly from a
reduction in the expense base following the disposal of the group's industrial
branch business in 2002. The operating assumption changes also include the
impact of increased solvency margin requirements under the Solvency 1 Capital
Regulations and changes in the assumed return on solvency assets. The negative
impact of these changes (Euro30m) has been offset by the reduction of 35 basis
points in the risk element of the discount rate. This reflects the reduced risk
associated with the business given the higher level of capital now required by
the regulations to support it.

The expected investment return is calculated by reference to the assumed
long-term investment return for equities and property included within the
embedded value combined with the actual earnings on short-term cash. The
expected return of Euro4.2m in 2004 compares to Euro4.9m in 2003.

Other income, which primarily represents the net contribution from subsidiary
companies, Cornmarket and Irish Progressive Services International, increased to
Euro8.5m from Euro6.3m in 2003.

The contribution from new business in 2004 increased 20% to Euro54.8m compared to
Euro45.7m in 2003. The principal reason for this uplift in new business
contribution was a 44% increase in combined life and investment new business
sales from Euro319.7m in 2003 to Euro460.0m in 2004.

Overall new business margins in Ireland for the year 2004 were 11.4% (2003:
13.3%) made up as follows:

                                            2004    2003 
                                               %       % 
                      Life                  13.0    13.8 
                      Investment (ILIM)      7.9    10.5 
                                            11.4    13.3 

A range of factors, including the increase in the risk discount rate in 2004,
higher annuity reinsurance costs and tougher markets for both protection and
single premium bonds, all combined to hold back life margins to 13% from 13.8%
in 2003. The reduction in investment management margins in 2004 is principally
due to the mix of business with a higher number of large ticket but lower margin
(on-balance sheet) sales being achieved in 2004 by the group's investment
management business, ILIM.

Sales in the group's principal life businesses are summarised below:-

                                           2004     2003    Growth 
                                             Eurom       Eurom         % 
             Retail Life                  178.4    151.9        17 
             Corporate Life               111.2     98.3        13 
             Irish life International      20.6     14.4        43 
                                          310.2    264.6        17 
             Investment (ILIM)            146.1     51.4       184 
                                          456.3    316.0        44 
             UK                             3.7      3.7         - 
                                          460.0    319.7        44 

Retail Life

The improved sales climate which emerged in the second half of 2003 continued on
through 2004. Retail sales in 2004 at Euro178.4m were 17% ahead of 2003 (Euro151.9m).
This increase in life sales was driven by a combination of strong growth in
pension business (as a result of public policy initiatives, particularly the
introduction of PRSAs), good demand for mortgage related protection products and
a recovery in demand for new regular savings as the impact of SSIAs recedes.
Single premium investment sales in the Retail Life business continue to be
sluggish as investor confidence lags the recovery in markets. Sales were ahead
across all distribution channels with a particularly strong performance from the
direct sales force which now includes brokers signed up to our Onesource option
. On foot of this strong sales performance the group believes that it has
increased market share to in excess of 20%.

The retail business made continued progress on the implementation of the Horizon
project in 2004 with all new business now being processed on the new system and
migration of the "back book" of older policies now 60% complete. It is
anticipated that the project, which is on target, will complete in 2005. Costs
within the retail division decreased by 1% over 2003 due to Horizon cost

Corporate Life

The economic backdrop for corporate business sales, the key driver of which is
employment and salary growth in the Irish economy, continued to be very
favourable in 2004 with good increases in employment and salary levels which
benefited the business. Sales grew 13% to Euro111.2m from Euro98.3m in 2003 with
strong growth in all product categories. Defined contribution sales were ahead
14% led by incremental sales on existing schemes while protection and risk sales
were ahead 6%.

Investment Management

ILIM was the top performing pension fund manager in Ireland in 2003 and 2004 and
its flagship consensus fund now enjoys a proven 10 year record of tracking the
benchmark index over all time frames. ILIM generated total institutional inflows
of Euro1.6bln in 2004 an increase of 23% on the prior year. In 2004 the bulk of
these inflows comprised on-balance sheet sales in contrast to 2003 when the
sales mix was predominantly segregated or off-balance sheet. On foot of strong
sales and good investment performance funds under management increased 22% from
Euro16.7bln at 31 December 2003 to Euro20.3bln in 2004.

Capital and Liquidity

The group's capital and liquidity position remained strong at 31 December 2004.
The Tier 1 and total capital ratios were 11.2%. (31 December 2003: 11.1%) while
the liquidity ratio with the group's banking business was 25% (31 December 2003:
26%). The solvency margin in Irish Life Assurance plc, the group's principal
life assurance business was covered 1.7 times by available assets (31 December
2003: 1.8 times).

Taking advantage of favourable market conditions the group raised Euro150m in
additional upper Tier 2 capital within its banking operations in August 2004. As
a result of this transaction the group is very comfortably positioned as regards
its capital requirements in the future.


The directors have proposed a final dividend of 38.5 cent per share. Subject to
shareholder approval the dividend will be paid on 25 May 2005 to shareholders on
the register as at 29 April 2005. The ex dividend date is 27 April 2005. The
final dividend will bring the total dividend for the year to 55.0 cent, an
increase of 8% on the 2003 total dividend of 51.0 cent per share. The dividend
is covered 2.8 times by total profit (2.2 times at the contribution level) and
represents an approximate yield of 3.7% on the basis of the share price at the
beginning of March 2005.


The outlook for the Irish economy continues to be extremely positive in terms of
job creation, increasing wealth and general economic activity. The group's
leading position in the Irish retail financial services marketplace, combined
with the breadth of its distribution channels and range of products, leave it
very strongly positioned to optimise the opportunities presented by this
favourable economic backdrop. The group remains very confident of another strong
performance in 2005 and the year has started well.

For further information contact:

Name                  Telephone No.   Mobile No.     Email address
Barry Walsh           353 1 7042678   087 681 8157   barry.walsh@irishlife.ie
David McCarthy        353 1 8563050   087 256 7292   david.mccarthy@irishlife.ie

Ray Gordon            353 1 6788099   087 241 7373   ray@mrpa.ie

Group Profit and Loss Account year ended 31 December 2004

                                                Notes  2004        2003
                                                         Eurom          Eurom

Banking and other activities
  Interest receivable and similar income        6     847.6       712.0
  Interest payable and similar charges                (498.3)     (380.1)
  Net interest income                                 349.3       331.9
  Fees and commission receivable                      44.5        45.0
  Fees and commission payable                         (40.7)      (34.9)
  Dealing profits                                     5.8         6.1
  Other banking income                          7     3.1         28.5
  Income from other activities                        6.9         6.1
                                                      368.9       382.7

  Administrative expenses                       8     (237.1)     (240.5)
  Provision for bad and doubtful debts          9     (9.3)       (13.4)
  Profit arising from banking and other               122.5       128.8

Life assurance activities

  Earned premiums
  Continuing operations                               3,622.2     2,307.5
  Discontinued operations - USA                       -           60.8
                                                      3,622.2     2,368.3
  Investment return                                   1,838.2     1,625.7
  Increase in shareholders' value of in-force         123.2       40.6
  Claims incurred                                     (1,336.4)   (1,191.9)
  Change in other technical provisions
  Non unit linked business                            (94.8)      (3.3)
  Unit linked business                                (3,564.6)   (2,306.1)
  Operating expenses                            8     (291.2)     (317.2)
  Tax attributable to life assurance activities 10    (34.5)      (25.9)
  Profit arising from life assurance activities       262.1       190.2
  after taxation
  Tax attributable to the profit on life        10    26.5        8.3
  assurance activities
  Profit arising from life assurance activities 2     288.6       198.5
  before taxation

Goodwill                                              (11.6)      (13.8)

Profit arising from operating activities
  Continuing operations                               399.5       312.5
  Discontinued operations - USA                       -           1.0

                                                      399.5       313.5

Group Profit and Loss Account year ended 31 December 2004

                                        Notes             2004       2003
                                                          Eurom         Eurom

Profit arising from operating                             399.5      313.5
activities brought forward
Share of profits of associated                            65.2       43.2
                                                          464.7      356.7

Profit on disposal of Irish Estates     4                 19.0       -
Profit on disposal of tangible fixed    4                 2.1        3.2
Loss arising on disposal of US business 4                 -          (50.3)
Profit on ordinary activities before                      485.8      309.6
Tax on profit on ordinary activities    10                (73.6)     (48.1)
                                                          412.2      261.5
(Profit)/loss attributable to minority                    (1.0)      0.3
Profit for the financial year after                       411.2      261.8

Dividends - interim paid                                  (44.5)     (40.6)
Dividends - final proposed                                (103.8)    (97.0)
Profit retained for the financial year                    262.9      124.2
Transfer to non-distributable reserves                    (172.5)    (59.9)
Release of revaluation reserve                            1.1        -
Profit retained brought forward                           356.7      292.4
Profit retained carried forward                           448.2      356.7

Earnings per share (cent)               11                156.4      99.5
Fully diluted earnings per share (cent) 11                155.4      99.3
Earnings per share including own shares
for the benefit of life assurance       11                152.5      97.2
policyholders (cent)
Earnings per share based on total
contribution including own
shares held for the benefit of life     11                120.0      111.6
assurance policyholders (cent)

Group Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2004
                                                       2004        2003
                                                Notes    Eurom          Eurom

Attributable to banking and other activities
  Cash and balances at central banks                  128.2       187.0
  Government bills and other eligible bills           -           86.8
  Loans and advances to credit institutions           2,823.7     2,781.2
  Loans and advances to customers                     18,810.0    16,027.5

  Securitised assets - mortgage assets                2,225.4     1,098.7
  Less: non recourse funding                          (2,193.2)   (1,076.1)
                                                      32.2        22.6

  Debt securities - listed                            3,223.5     2,600.6
  Interest in associate company                       129.5       90.8
  Investment properties                               21.5        23.6
  Tangible fixed assets                               210.8       221.3
  Other assets/debtors
  - Amounts falling due within one year               122.5       175.7
  - Amounts falling due after one year                17.1        17.8
  Prepayments and accrued income                      237.8       212.5

Total assets attributable to banking and other        25,756.8    22,447.4

Attributable to life assurance activities
  Investment properties                               93.3        97.8
  Equity shares and units in unit trusts              143.8       148.4
  Debt and other fixed income securities              1,748.1     1,651.0
  Loans secured by mortgages and policies             4.7         3.1
  Deposits with credit institutions                   597.4       602.0
                                                      2,587.3     2,502.3

  Assets held to cover linked liabilities             16,393.5    12,847.4

  Shareholders' value of in-force business            992.6       878.3

  Reinsurer's share of technical provisions           1,443.5     1,298.3

  Other assets/debtors
  - Amounts due within one year                       125.0       127.0
  - Amounts falling due after one year                68.0        64.9
                                                      193.0       191.9

  Tangible fixed assets                               69.9        45.3
  Cash at bank                                        98.3        49.9
  Prepayments and accrued income                      31.9        51.8

Total assets attributable to life assurance           21,810.0    17,865.2

Intangible assets
  Goodwill on acquisition                             186.0       197.6

Total assets                                          47,752.8    40,510.2

Group Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2004

                                                           2004       2003
                                                   Notes     Eurom         Eurom


Attributable to banking and other activities

  Deposits by credit institutions                        1,082.3    2,759.0
  Customer accounts                                      11,927.0   10,060.4
  Debt securities in issue                               10,944.1   8,081.4
  Other liabilities/creditors
  - Amounts falling due within one year                  65.6       43.5
  Accruals                                               198.4      198.5
  Dividends                                              103.8      97.0
  Provision for liabilities and charges                  9.9        20.8
  Subordinated liabilities                               933.9      793.9

Total liabilities attributable to banking and            25,265.0   22,054.5
other activities

Attributable to life assurance activities
  Life assurance technical provisions                    3,415.3    3,176.8
  Technical provision for linked liabilities             16,457.8   12,902.0
  Other liabilities/creditors
  - Amounts falling due within one year                  256.5      274.7
  - Amounts falling due after one year                   5.0        0.0
  Accruals                                               43.4       43.8
  Provision for deferred taxation                        -          1.3

Total liabilities attributable to life assurance         20,178.0   16,398.6

Capital and reserves
  Share capital                                    12    86.3       86.2
  Share premium                                    12    51.9       51.2
  Other capital reserves                           12    6.9        6.9
  Revaluation reserve                                    77.3       80.6
  Non-distributable reserve                        13    1,694.7    1,522.3
  Profit and loss account                          13    448.2      356.7
                                                         2,365.3    2,103.9

  Own shares held for the benefit of life assurance      (64.3)     (54.6)

Shareholders' funds attributable to equity               2,301.0    2,049.3

Equity minority interests - life assurance               8.8        7.8

Total liabilities                                        47,752.8   40,510.2

Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses year ended 31 December 2004

                                                               2004    2003
                                                                 Eurom      Eurom

  Profit for the financial year                               411.2   261.8
  (Losses)/gains on revaluation of tangible fixed assets      (2.2)   80.6
  Exchange adjustments on investment in overseas
  subsidiaries net
  of exchange adjustments on related foreign currency         (0.1)   (3.0)
  Total recognised gains and losses relating to the year      408.9   339.4

Reconciliation of Movement in Shareholders' Funds year ended 31 December

                                                             2004      2003
                                                               Eurom        Eurom

  At 1 January                                            2,049.3   1,844.4
  Total recognised gains and losses                       408.9     339.4
  Dividends paid and proposed                             (148.3)   (137.6)
  Issue of share capital                                  0.8       1.9
  Change in cost of own shares held for the benefit of    (9.7)     1.2
  life assurance policyholders
  At 31 December                                          2,301.0   2,049.3

Group Cash Flow Statement year ended 31 December 2004

                                                         2004      2003
                                                         Eurom        Eurom

Net cash inflow / (outflow) from banking and other       54.4      (989.6)
Net cash inflow from life assurance activities           148.6     43.3
Net cash inflow / (outflow) from operating activities    203.0     (946.3)

Dividends received from associated undertaking           15.7      -

Returns on investment and servicing of finance
   Interest paid on subordinated loan                    (41.4)    (38.4)

   Tax paid                                              (35.7)    (44.4)

Capital expenditure and financial investment
   Purchase of tangible fixed assets                     (18.6)    (19.9)
   Sale of tangible fixed assets                         9.2       12.2

Acquisitions and disposals
   Sale of Irish Estates Management                      20.9      -

Equity dividends paid                                    (141.5)   (129.7)

   Shares issued                                         0.8       1.9
   Issue of subordinated liabilities                     143.5     159.7
Increase / (decrease) in cash                            155.9     (1,004.9)

Notes to the Preliminary Announcement year ended 31 December 2004

1.     Changes in Accounting Policies & Presentation of Information

The accounting policies are unchanged from those outlined on pages 34 to 37 of
the 2003 annual report.

2.     Analysis of the profit and loss account : supplementary information

The profit before tax includes the results of the life business on an embedded
value basis and reflects the impact of investment market fluctuations on the 
group's results. The following analyses show:

(a) The contribution from the group and associate company on the basis of an
assumed longer term level of investment return on the assets of the group's 
life and the associate company's general insurance business and before goodwill 
and other charges/credits.

(b) An analysis of the components of the embedded value of the life business.

(a) Contribution before short term investment fluctuations, goodwill and other

                                                 Ireland      UK    Total
                                                      Eurom      Eurom       Eurom
    Continuing Operations
    Life assurance activities (b)                  205.0    10.1     215.1
    Banking and other activities                   90.9     31.6     122.5
    Group Contribution                             295.9    41.7     337.6
    Share of associate's                           62.6     -        62.6
    Total Contribution                             358.5    41.7     400.2

                                                 Ireland     UK      Total
                                                      Eurom     Eurom         Eurom
    Continuing Operations
    Life assurance activities (b)                  183.7    6.0      189.7
    Banking and other activities                   103.2    25.6     128.8
    Group Contribution                             286.9    31.6     318.5
    Share of associate's                           45.2     -        45.2
    Total Contribution - Continuing Operations     332.1    31.6     363.7
    Discontinued US life                                             1.5
    Total Contribution                                               365.2

    The total contribution is reconciled to the profit and loss account as
                                                             2004     2003
                                                               Eurom       Eurom

    Total contribution                                      400.2    365.2
    Short term investment
        Life assurance                                      26.9     27.5
        Share of associate company                          2.6      (2.0)
    Goodwill amortisation                                   (11.6)   (13.8)
    Effect of economic assumption changes on life assurance 46.6     (20.2)
    Other charges/credits                                   21.1     (47.1)
    Profit before tax                                       485.8    309.6

2.  Analysis of the profit and loss account : supplementary information 

(b) Analysis of contribution from life assurance activities

                                                Ireland       UK    Total
                                                     Eurom       Eurom       Eurom
    Continuing Operations
    New business contribution                      52.0      2.8     54.8
    Contribution from existing business
        Unwind of discount rate                    91.7      8.0     99.7
        Experience variances                       13.1      (5.1)   8.0
        Development expenditure                    (4.6)     -       (4.6)
        Operating assumption changes               42.0      2.5     44.5
    Expected investment returns                    2.3       1.9     4.2
    Other income                                   8.5       -       8.5
    Contribution from life assurance               205.0     10.1    215.1
    Short term fluctuations in investment returns                    26.9
    Effect of economic assumption changes                            46.6
    Life assurance achieved profits                                  288.6

                                                Ireland       UK    Total
                                                     Eurom       Eurom       Eurom
    Continuing Operations
    New business contribution                      42.0      3.7     45.7
    Contribution from existing business
        Unwind of discount rate                    80.2      8.9     89.1
        Experience variances                       23.6      (6.1)   17.5
        Development expenditure                    (11.3)    -       (11.3)
        Operating assumption changes               39.0      (1.5)   37.5
    Expected investment returns                    3.9       1.0     4.9
    Other income                                   6.3       -       6.3
    Contribution from life assurance               183.7     6.0     189.7
    Contribution from discontinued US life                           1.5
    assurance activities
    Short term fluctuations in investment                            27.5
    Effect of economic assumption changes                            (20.2)
    Life assurance achieved profits                                  198.5

3. Analysis of shareholder net assets

                                                     2004       2003
                                                       Eurom         Eurom
Life assurance

Ireland                                           1,611.7    1,439.5
UK                                                84.6       81.7
                                                  1,696.3    1,521.2 
Banking and other activities
Ireland                                           315.3      262.7
UK                                                47.0       39.4

                                                  362.3      302.1

Associate company                                 129.5      90.8

Attributable to goodwill                          186.0      197.6

Minority Interest - life assurance activities     (8.8)      (7.8)

Shareholders' funds                               2,365.3    2,103.9

Deduction in respect of own
shares held for the benefit of life        
assurance policyholders                           (64.3)     (54.6)

                                                  2,301.0     2,049.3

Life assurance assets are analysed as follows:

                                                     2004        2003
                                                       Eurom          Eurom
Shareholders' net assets (life
assurance activities)
Property                                             92.7        89.8
Equities                                             10.6        27.0
Fixed interest                                       20.4        18.4
Deposits                                             444.8       417.5
Other assets                                         135.2       90.2
                                                     703.7       642.9
Shareholders' value of in-force business             992.6       878.3

                                                     1,696.3     1,521.2

The value of in-force business excludes the solvency capital attributable to
shareholders of Euro330.2m (2003: Euro276.1m).

Shareholders' value of in-force is net of a deduction of Euro74.6m (2003: Euro47m) in
respect of the cost of maintaining the solvency margin.

4. Other Charges/Credits

(a) Disposal of Irish Estates Management

On 23 December 2004 the group sold its property management subsidiary Irish
Estates Management Limited to a group of private and institutional investors.
The profit on the disposal of this business was as follows:

Carrying value prior to disposal*       Eurom
Consideration (net)                     0.6

*After declaration of a special dividend of Euro3.5m

No taxation charge arose. The group profit arising from operating activities in
2004 includes Euro2.2m attributable to Irish Estates Management Ltd. (2003: Euro1.8m).

(b) Disposal of fixed assets

As part of the integration and restructuring of the group's banking operations
the group disposed of a number of branch properties, the profit realised on
these sales was Euro2.1m (2003: Euro3.2m).

(c) Disposal of US business

The group disposed of its remaining US subsidiary, Guarantee Reserve Life
Insurance Company in 2003, the loss on the disposal of the business was Euro50.3m.

5.  New life assurance business

                                               2004            2003
                                               Eurom              Eurom
   Earned premiums at full value
   Recurring                                   207.3           167.7
   Single                                      2,489.8         1,482.5
   United Kingdom
   Recurring                                   1.9             1.9
   Single                                      18.0            18.0
   USA (Discontinued)
   Recurring                                   -               17.5
                                               2,717.0         1,687.6

   Annual premium equivalent
   Ireland                                     456.3           316.0
   UK                                          3.7             3.7
   USA (Discontinued)                          -               17.5
                                               460.0           337.2

Annual premium equivalent is calculated by weighting single premium business
written at 10% of premiums and recurring premium business at 100% of premium.

6. Interest receivable and similar income

                                                      2004  2003
                                                      Eurom    Eurom

   Loans and advances to customers                    629.9 510.4
   Loans and advances to credit institutions          101.9 49.2
   Debt securities and other fixed income securities  54.0  88.4
   Lease and instalment finance                       61.8  64.0

                                                      847.6 712.0

7.     Other banking income

    Other banking income in 2003 includes Euro26.0m realised profits on the
    disposal of debt securities as part of a strategy to reposition the
    portfolio in response to the reduction in market interest rates.

8.  Operating and administrative expenses

                                                  2004   2003
                                                  Eurom     Eurom

(a)  Attributable to banking and other activities
     Banking operating expenses                   224.8  227.1
     Corporate costs                              7.6    9.1
     Other activities                             4.7    4.3

                                                  237.1  240.5

(b)  Attributable to life assurance activities
     Life assurance operating expenses            198.0  210.6
     Acquisition expenses                         83.4   90.9
     Corporate costs                              5.2    4.4
     Development expenditure                      4.6    11.3

                                                  291.2  317.2

9. Provision for bad and doubtful debts

                                              2004  2003
                                              Eurom    Eurom

   Opening balance                            91.7  85.6
   Charged to the profit and loss account     9.3   13.4
   Amounts written off                        (6.2) (7.3)

   At 31 December                             94.8  91.7

   The closing balance is made up as follows:
   Specific                                   39.3  37.3
   General                                    55.5  54.4
   Total                                      94.8  91.7

The analysis of the group's provisions for bad and doubtful debts by category of
loans and advances to customers is as follows:

                                    Specific General  Total
                                    Eurom       Eurom       Eurom
Residential mortgage loans          2.8      36.7     39.5
Commercial mortgage loans           3.1      5.8      8.9
Other loans                         33.4     13.0     46.4
Closing provision at 31 December    39.3     55.5     94.8

                                    Specific General  Total
                                    Eurom       Eurom       Eurom
Residential mortgage loans          2.0      35.6     37.6
Commercial mortgage loans           3.2      5.8      9.0
Other loans                         32.1     13.0     45.1
Closing provision at 31 December    37.3     54.4     91.7

10.    Taxation

(a) Tax attributable to life assurance activities

Tax attributable to life assurance is analysed below and includes amounts in
respect of policyholders and the tax on the change in shareholders' value of
in-force business which is calculated with reference to the effective
corporation tax rate applicable in each of the relevant territories.

                                                                2004   2003
                                                                Eurom     Eurom

    Corporation taxation                                        27.0   27.0
    Overseas tax                                                0.0    (0.8)
    Deferred taxation                                           (1.3)  (3.5)
    Duties and levies                                           -      1.3
    Tax on change in shareholders' value of in-force business   8.8    1.9
                                                                34.5   25.9

(b) Tax attributable to profit on ordinary activities is analysed as
                                                                2004   2003
                                                                Eurom     Eurom

    Tax attributable to profit on life assurance activities
    Corporation tax                                             17.7   6.4
    Tax on change in shareholders' value of in-force business   8.8    1.9
                                                                26.5   8.3
    Corporation tax on banking and other activities             34.6   15.5
    Deferred taxation (credit)/charge on banking and other      (10.9) 3.7
    Tax attributable to group's share of profits of
    associated undertakings                                     10.8   7.4
    Tax on disposal of properties                               0.4    1.0
                                                                61.4   35.9
    Government levy on financial institutions (i)               12.2   12.2
                                                                73.6   48.1

(i) The Irish Government has imposed a charge of Euro100m per annum on the deposit
taking business of the Irish domestic banks. The group's share of this charge
which will pertain until 2005 is Euro12.2m per annum.

11.  Earnings per share

                                                2004            2003
(a) Basic EPS

    Profit for the financial year               Euro411.2m         Euro261.8m
    after taxation

    Weighted average ordinary shares in issue   262,998,704     262,989,230
    and ranking for dividend excluding own
    shares held for the benefit of life
    assurance policyholders

    EPS                                         156.4 cent      99.5 cent

(b) Fully diluted EPS

    Weighted average of potential dilutive
    ordinary shares
    arising from the group's share              1,597,711       615,402
    option schemes

    Weighted average number of ordinary         264,596,415     263,604,632
    shares used
    in the calculation of fully diluted EPS

    Fully diluted EPS                           155.4 cent      99.3 cent

(c)  Basic EPS including shares held for the benefit of life assurance 

As permitted under Irish Legislation the group's life assurance subsidiary holds
shares in Irish Life & Permanent plc for the benefit of policyholders. Under
accounting standards these are now required to be deducted from the total number
of shares in issue when calculating EPS. In view of the fact that Irish Life &
Permanent plc does not hold the shares for its own benefit, EPS based on a
weighted average number of shares in issue is also disclosed. The calculation is
set out below:

Weighted average ordinary shares in issue and ranking for dividend excluding own
shares held for the benefit of life assurance policyholders

    Weighted average ordinary shares in         262,998,704     262,989,230
    issue and ranking for dividend
    excluding own shares held for the
    benefit of life assurance

    Weighted average ordinary shares held       6,614,727       6,414,328
    for the benefit of life assurance

    Weighted average ordinary shares in issue and ranking for
    dividend including own shares held          269,613,431     269,403,558
    for the benefit of life assurance

    Basic EPS including own shares held         152.5 cent      97.2 cent
    for the benefit of life assurance

(d) EPS based on total contribution
                                                     2004              2003
                                                     Per               Per
                                                     Share             Share
                                             Eurom      cent      Eurom      cent
    Earnings as reported above               411.2   152.5     261.8   97.2

    Short term investment fluctuations       (29.5)  (10.9)    (25.5)  (9.5)
    Goodwill                                 11.6    4.3       13.8    5.1
    Profit on the disposal of tangible fixed (2.1)   (0.8)     (3.2)   (1.2)
    Profit on the disposal of Irish Estates  (19.0)  (7.0)
    Loss on disposal of US business          -       -         50.3    18.7
    Effect of economic assumption changes    (46.6)  (17.3)    20.2    7.5
    on life assurance profit
    Tax relating to the adjustments          (3.1)   (1.2)     (16.4)  (6.1)
    Minority interest                        1.0     0.4       (0.3)   (0.1)

    Total contribution after tax             323.5   120.0     300.7   111.6

Weighted average ordinary shares in issue            269,613,431       269,403,558
and ranking for dividend including own
shares held for the benefit of life
assurance policyholders

EPS based on total contribution after                120 cent          111.6 cent

     The EPS based on total contribution is presented to illustrate the underlying
     movement in earnings of the group and as such excludes short term investment
     fluctuations, items of an exceptional nature, goodwill amortisation and minority

12.  Called up share capital, share premium, merger reserve and other capital

                                 Number of   Share   Share   Merger  Capital
                                 Shares      Capital Premium Reserve Reserves
                                             Eurom      Eurom      Eurom      Eurom
    At 1 January                 269,494,255 86.2    51.2    (21.2)  28.1
    Shares issued during the     196,497     0.1     0.7     -       -
    At 31 December 2004          269,690,752 86.3    51.9    (21.2)  28.1

During 2004 the company issued 196,497 ordinary shares of Euro0.32 each with a
nominal value of Euro0.1m for cash of Euro0.8m as a result of the exercise of options
under the group's share options schemes.

The merger reserve is the difference between the shares issued by Irish
Permanent plc and the nominal value of the issued share capital of Irish Life
plc on the merger of the companies. The share premium arising on the shares
(Euro2,698m) issued in connection with the merger has been classified with the
merger reserve rather than with the other share premium in existence in the

Capital reserves represent the share premium (Euro20.7m) of Irish Life plc at the
date of the merger and Euro7.4m capital redemption reserve arising from the
repurchase and cancellation of shares.

13.  Revenue reserves

                                        Profit and loss   Non-distributable
                                        account           reserves
                                        2004    2003      2004     2003
                                        Eurom      Eurom        Eurom       Eurom
    At 1 January                        356.7   292.4     1,522.3  1,465.4
    Profit for the financial year       411.2   261.8     -        -
    Dividends                           (148.3) (137.6)   -        -
    Transfer to non-distributable       (172.5) (59.9)    172.5    59.9
    Release of revaluation reserve      1.1     -
    Exchange adjustment on net
    investment in
    overseas subsidiaries               -       -         (0.1)    (3.0)
    At 31 December                      448.2   356.7     1,694.7  1,522.3

14  Value of in-force business

    The principal assumptions used in the calculation of shareholders' value of in-force business include the
                                                                    Ireland                        UK
                                                            31-Dec         31-Dec            31-Dec        31-Dec
                                                              2004           2003              2004          2003
                                                                 %              %                 %             %
    Risk discount rate                                        7.00           8.00              7.80          8.00
    Investment returns
          Fixed Interest                                2.5 to 4.2     3.0 to 4.9              4.57          4.75
          Equities & Property                                 5.60           6.25              6.55          6.75
    Expense inflation                                         3.60           4.00              2.75          2.75

15.  Segmental Analysis

                                                  2004          2003
                                                  Eurom            Eurom
     Interest Income
         Ireland                                  708.3         626.7
         UK                                       139.3         85.3
                                                  847.6         712.0

     Net Interest Income
         Ireland                                  316.0         303.5
         UK                                       33.3          28.4
                                                  349.3         331.9

     Gross premiums written
         Ireland                                  3,698.2       2,403.3
         UK                                       64.9          70.9
         US (Discontinued)                        -             70.5
                                                  3,763.1       2,544.7

     Profit on operating activities before tax
         Banking and other activities
         Ireland                                  90.9          103.2
         UK                                       31.6          25.6
                                                  122.5         128.8
         Life assurance activities
         Ireland                                  275.5         189.6
         UK                                       13.1          7.9
         US (Discontinued)                        -             1.0
                                                  288.6         198.5

         Goodwill                                 (11.6)        (13.8)

                                                  399.5         313.5

     Total Assets
         Banking and other activities
         Ireland                                  23,807.6      20,627.6
         UK                                       1,949.2       1,819.8
                                                  25,756.8      22,447.4
         Life assurance activities
         Ireland                                  20,628.2      16,758.1
         UK                                       1,181.8       1,107.1
                                                  21,810.0      17,865.2

         Goodwill                                 186.0         197.6
                                                  47,752.8      40,510.2

16.     The financial information set out above, which is unaudited, does not 
constitute the company's statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2004. 
The statutory accounts for 2004 will be finalised on the basis of the financial 
information presented by the directors in the preliminary announcement and 
together with the auditors' report thereon will be delivered to the register of 
companies following the company's annual general meeting.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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