This announcement constitutes regulated information. 
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            Unaudited Results for the Half Year Ended 30 June 2009 
Henderson Private Equity Investment Trust plc (the "Company"), whose objective 
is to produce capital gains through exposure to a diversified portfolio of 
private equity investments, announces results for the half year ended 30 June 
Financial Highlights 
                          30 June 31 December      Change   30 June      Change 
                                                    since                 since 
                             2009        2008                  2008 
                                              31 December               30 June 
                                                     2008                  2008 
Net assets                 GBP57.8m      GBP61.0m      - 5.3%    GBP73.0m     - 20.8% 
Net asset value per        306.5p      323.7p      - 5.3%    385.0p     - 20.4% 
Share price                112.0p       84.0p     + 33.3%    262.5p     - 57.3% 
Discount                    63.5%       74.1%         N/A     31.8%         N/A 
FTSE All-Share Index      2,172.1     2,209.3      - 1.7%   2,855.7     - 23.9% 
LPX Europe Index            187.2       189.2      - 1.1%     342.5     - 45.3% 
(sterling adjusted) 
LPX Indirect Index           20.2        21.0      - 4.3%      60.1     - 66.4% 
(sterling adjusted) 
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            Unaudited Results for the Half Year Ended 30 June 2009 
Interim Management Report 
(incorporating the Chairman's Statement) 
Market Back-drop and Performance 
General sentiment towards private equity remained depressed throughout the 
period under review. This reflected concern over the impact of the recession on 
underlying portfolio companies; the high levels of leverage that have been 
employed in a number of deals - particularly at the larger end of the private 
equity spectrum - and the consequent risk that underlying companies might 
breach their banking covenants; and the severe slowdown in realisations. In 
addition, there were fears that some listed private equity vehicles were 
overcommitted and might have difficulty in meeting their commitments. The year 
end reporting season brought greater transparency to valuations and this, 
combined with the ability of some companies to address their funding issues, 
resulted in a partial rebound in share prices from their March low point. 
Nonetheless discounts within the sector remain very high in both historic and 
absolute terms. 
Against this back-drop, the Company's net asset value per share declined by 
5.3% in the six months to 30 June 2009, whilst the share price rose by 33.3%. 
This compares to a decline of 1.7% in the FTSE All Share Index and 1.1% in the 
LPX Europe Index (sterling adjusted). A review of the investment activity 
during the period may be found in the Portfolio Manager's Review. 
On 9 April 2009 New Star Asset Management Group plc, the parent company of the 
Manager, was acquired by Henderson Group PLC ("Henderson") and on 1 May 2009 
Ian Barrass, head of private equity Fund of Funds at Henderson, assumed the 
role of Portfolio Manager. The Board is pleased that the uncertainty 
surrounding the future of the Manager (New Star Asset Management Limited) has 
been resolved and looks forward to working with Ian Barrass and his colleagues 
at Henderson. 
The Board 
John Duffield resigned as a Director with effect from 30 April 2009. The Board 
would like to thank him for his support for, and contribution to, the Company. 
Change of Name 
On 19 June 2009 the Company changed its name to Henderson Private Equity 
Investment Trust plc, which better reflects the Company's association with 
Henderson and its stable of investment trusts. 
Investment Strategy 
The Board has reviewed the Company's investment strategy with the new Portfolio 
Manager. The key conclusion was that the Company should adopt a more focused 
approach within its existing high-level investment mandate. As a result, 
going-forward, the Company will: 
  * focus exclusively on the UK and Europe; 
  * focus predominantly on opportunities in the mid-market buy-out sector; 
  * focus exclusively on private equity investment, both listed and unlisted; 
  * make no further new direct private equity investments. 
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            Unaudited Results for the Half Year Ended 30 June 2009 
The Company is one of the few listed private equity fund of funds with a clear 
investment focus on the pan-European mid-market buy-out sector. Any new limited 
partnership investment activity will seek to obtain access to the best funds in 
a market niche already well-known to the new Portfolio Manager and his 
Related Party Transactions 
During the first six months of the current financial year, no transactions with 
related parties have taken place which have materially affected the financial 
position or performance of the Company during the period. Details of related 
party transactions are contained in the Annual Report and Financial Statements. 
For the avoidance of doubt, the acquisition of New Star Asset Management Group 
plc by Henderson Group plc has not resulted in a change to the Company's 
contractual relationships and was not a related party transaction. 
Share Price 
Despite rising by 33.3% during the half year, the Company's share price remains 
disappointing. At 30 June 2009 the Company's shares were trading at a 63.5% 
discount to net asset value. 
By making a pound-for-pound adjustment to the Company's market capitalisation 
at 30 June 2009 for cash, cash equivalents and listed investments, the discount 
to net asset value for the Company's limited partnership and direct investments 
at 30 June 2009 was effectively 71.9%. In the view of the Board and the 
Portfolio Manager, the share price does not reflect the strengths of the 
Liquidity and Gearing 
Aggregate cash and cash equivalent resources of GBP1.2 million combined with GBP6.6 
million of listed investments meant that the Company held GBP7.8 million of 
liquid assets at 30 June 2009. In addition, the Company had committed loan 
facilities of GBP30.0 million, of which GBP1.0 million was drawn down at the half 
year. GBP10.0 million of the committed bank facilities mature in July 2010, with 
the balance maturing in July 2011. The Company's liquid assets and undrawn 
committed bank facilities therefore totalled GBP36.8 million at 30 June 2009. 
At 30 June 2009 the Company had outstanding commitments to limited partnerships 
of GBP58.3 million. It is important to note, however, that GBP11.4 million of these 
commitments relate to limited partnerships which are past their investment 
period. In addition, it is often the case that limited partnerships do not draw 
down their full commitments. Taking these considerations into account, it is 
reasonable to assume that approximately GBP40 million of the Company's undrawn 
limited partnership commitments will require funding over the next three years. 
During this period it is also likely that distributions from the Company's 
limited partnerships investments will recommence following the recent hiatus in 
private equity exit activity. This will obviously provide the Company with 
additional cash inflows. 
The Board and Portfolio Manager continue to pay close attention to the 
Company's liquidity position and it is considered that the Company has adequate 
resources to meet its commitments. 
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            Unaudited Results for the Half Year Ended 30 June 2009 
Current Market and Outlook 
The global economic crisis has had a significant impact on the private equity 
sector and conditions remain difficult. Exit activity has all but ceased and 
investment levels have been constrained by the well-reported mis-match between 
seller and purchaser price expectations. To compound matters, the scarcity and 
re-pricing of bank debt have made the funding of available deals more 
The greatest impact of the recession has been felt within the larger end of the 
private equity spectrum, and by focusing on the mid-market the Company has 
avoided the worst of the problems. Nonetheless, given a continued weak 
macro-economic backdrop, it is possible that further value erosion may occur 
within the Company's portfolio of investments. The Company's investments are, 
however, made with experienced managers who are working hard to protect value 
during this difficult period. 
Although conditions remain challenging the Company is well placed to benefit 
from a recovery: the ownership of the Manager has been resolved; the commitment 
position is manageable; and the investment focus - the pan-European mid-market 
- provides good growth prospects. History has shown that the private equity 
industry has generally produced its best returns through investments made 
during the two or three years following severe macro-economic downturns. The 
next few years therefore should present the Company with an opportunity to 
improve significantly its net asset value and share price performance. 
John Mackie CBE, Chairman 
28 August 2009 
Directors' Responsibility Statement 
The Directors confirm that, to the best of their knowledge: 
(a)   the condensed set of financial statements has been prepared in 
      accordance with IAS 34; 
(b)   the interim management report includes a fair review of the 
      information required by Disclosure and Transparency Rule 4.2.7R 
      (indication of important events during the first six months of the 
      year); and 
(c)   the interim management report includes a fair review of the 
      information required by Disclosure and Transparency Rule 4.2.8R 
      (disclosure of related party transactions and changes therein). 
For and on behalf of the Board of Directors 
John Mackie CBE, Chairman 
28 August 2009 
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            Unaudited Results for the Half Year Ended 30 June 2009 
Portfolio Manager's Review 
Investment Activity 
Limited Partnership Portfolio 
Scarcity of debt finance, poor visibility of projected earnings and the 
reluctance of sellers of businesses to reduce prices all contributed to low 
levels of new investment and exit activity during the half year. 
Only three significant new investments were made through the Company's limited 
partnerships. Two of these, totalling EUR1.2 million, were made during February 
by Pragma II, one of the Company's French mid-market buy-out funds. These were 
investments in Thésée Group, a cost optimisation consultancy and FPEE, one of 
France's leading producers of plastic and aluminium locking systems. The 
Company's share of the investment in each of these transactions was EUR0.6 
million. The third significant new investment was made by Lyceum Capital Fund 
II, a UK mid-market buy-out fund, into Carewatch, the UK's second largest 
personal care at home providers. The Company's share of this investment was GBP 
0.3 million. 
Although the general level of investment activity has remained subdued since 
the half year, the Portfolio Manager expects that at least three further 
investments will be completed by limited partnerships before the end of 
September. These are likely to total approximately GBP2.0 million in investment 
value for the Company. 
Given the subdued M&A markets in the first six months of 2009 there was minimal 
private equity exit activity. As a result, the Company received only two 
significant cash distributions, both from Rutland Fund I. First, in February 
the Company received GBP0.6million following the release of a tax indemnity in 
connection with the exit of H&T Group Limited in 2006. Second, in May, GBP0.4 
million was received in interest income from Wolstenholme Group. 
The Company made no new commitments to limited partnerships during the half 
year. This reflected caution regarding the Company's level of outstanding 
commitments particularly as cash inflows from realisations became increasingly 
Listed Investments 
There was one very small addition to the listed portfolio during the period, 
being February's GBP12,500 investment in T2 Income Fund Limited, an investor in 
leveraged bank loans. This investment has performed extremely well, and at 30 
June 2009 was valued at GBP125,000, an uplift of 10x cost. 
The low point of sentiment towards listed private equity vehicles appears to 
have occurred in March 2009. Although share prices have rebounded in recent 
months, the average discount of listed private equity fund of funds is still 
over 40%. It is anticipated that the listed private equity market will continue 
to provide opportunities for the Company to invest in good quality private 
equity businesses at attractive prices for some time. 
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            Unaudited Results for the Half Year Ended 30 June 2009 
At 30 June 2009 the total value of the Company's investments was GBP58.9 million 
of which GBP59.8 million represented investments in limited partnerships. This 
compares with GBP61.1 million and GBP49.8 million respectively at the 31 December 
2008 year end, and reflects the fact that there have been very few significant 
changes in the valuations of investments held by the Company's limited 
partnerships during the period under review. One exception to this is the 54.2% 
downward adjustment to the valuation of Boat International Media Limited, one 
of the investments made by August Equity Partners I.  Overall, however, the 
combination of improving publicly quoted comparators and increased focus on 
portfolio management by the Company's limited partnership managers has led to 
the stabilisation of valuations during the half year. 
Due to FSA Disclosure and Transparency Rule 4.2 requiring the Company to 
release its interim accounts by 31 August, it has not been possible to update 
all limited partnership valuations using reports for the quarter ended 30 June 
2009. As a result, 49% by value of the limited partnership portfolio has been 
valued using 30 June 2009 reports and 51% using 31 March 2009 reports, updated 
for any subsequent cash flows. All limited partnership valuations for 30 June 
2009 are expected to be reflected fully in the net asset value for 30 September 
2009 which will be released in mid-October 2009. It should be noted, however, 
that informed discussions with the limited partnerships that have not yet 
provided their 30 June 2009 report indicate that any valuation changes will not 
be material. 
Additional information on the Company's portfolio, including details of 
underlying investments held through limited partnerships, can be found on pages 
7 to 13. To improve transparency for shareholders, we have provided an enhanced 
analysis for this report. 
There continues to be uncertainty regarding the macro-economic environment in 
both the UK and Europe. Nonetheless, history would suggest that investments 
made in the next few years will provide strong returns. Private equity 
investment conditions are likely to become favourable from 2010 onwards as 
sellers' price expectations adjust to the new environment and more businesses 
become available at attractive prices. The Company's limited partnership 
investments have approximately GBP40 million to invest on our behalf over this 
period to take advantage of these potentially attractive conditions. 
Ian Barrass 
Portfolio Manager 
28 August 2009 
For further information contact: 
Ian Barrass              John Mackie            Sarah Gibbons-Cook 
Fund Manager             Chairman               Investor Relations and PR 
Tel: 020 7818 4314       Tel: 020 7600 9105 
                                                Henderson Global Investors 
                                                Tel: 020 7818 3198 
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            Unaudited Results for the Half Year Ended 30 June 2009 
Investment Portfolio 
At 30 June 2009 
Company             Category  Country /     Cost Valuation      % of 
                              region        GBP000      GBP000 Portfolio 
August Equity       LP        UK          10,384    10,255      17.1 
Partners II 
Rutland Fund I      LP        UK          18,413    10,137      16.9 
August Equity       LP        UK          10,270    10,112      16.8 
Partners I 
Parallel Ventures   LP        UK/Europe    3,686     9,788      16.3 
Astorg IV           LP        France       2,234     2,567       4.3 
Logic Group         Direct    UK           2,500     2,500       4.2 
Fondinvest Capital  LP        France       1,536     1,633       2.7 
Pragma II           LP        France       2,319     1,605       2.7 
Graphite Enterprise Listed    UK           2,218     1,395       2.3 
Century Capital     LP        US           1,182     1,384       2.3 
Partners Fund IV 
Ten largest                               54,742    51,377      85.6 
Hg Capital Trust    Listed    UK/Europe    1,249     1,158       1.9 
Rutland Fund II     LP        UK           1,893     1,149       1.9 
Quorum Oil & Gas    Listed    Global         754       749       1.2 
ARC Capital         Listed    China          691       518       0.9 
Evolvence India     Listed    India        1,076       510       0.8 
SVG Capital 8.25%   Listed    UK             750       484       0.8 
convertible bonds 
Lyceum Capital Fund LP        UK             784       481       0.8 
Renewable Energy    Listed    UK           1,155       400       0.7 
Zeus Private Equity LP        UK             448       394       0.7 
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            Unaudited Results for the Half Year Ended 30 June 2009 
Company             Category  Country /     Cost Valuation      % of 
                              region        GBP000      GBP000 Portfolio 
Reconstruction      Listed    Eastern        968       356       0.6 
Capital II                    Europe 
Twenty largest                            64,510    57,575      95.9 
Dinamia             Listed    Spain          483       296       0.5 
Elderstreet Capital LP        UK             353       275       0.5 
Private Equity      Listed    UK             320       253       0.4 
Wendel Investments  Listed    Europe         740       167       0.3 
China Growth        Listed    China          493       145       0.3 
T2 Income Fund      Listed    Global          13       125       0.2 
KB Fund III B       LP        UK               -        19       0.0 
KB Fund III         LP        UK               -         8       0.0 
Total investments                         66,912    58,863      98.0 
Cash                                                 1,196       2.0 
Total portfolio                                     60,059     100.0 
LP = Limited Partnership 
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            Unaudited Results for the Half Year Ended 30 June 2009 
30 largest underlying investments 
The table below summarises the 30 largest underlying investments by value in 
the Company's portfolio of unlisted private equity funds. The valuations are 
gross, before any carry provision. 
                                    Vintage      Cost  Valuation       % of 
                                                 GBP000       GBP000  portfolio 
Enara                                  2008     4,936      4,804        8.0 
Home care provider 
Notemachine                            2006    11,673      4,118        6.9 
Distributor of cash machines 
Lifeways Community Care                2007     3,991      3,931        6.5 
Provider of specialist healthcare 
Advantage                              2005     4,310      3,338        5.6 
Healthcare staffing 
Accura                                 2008     2,920      3,222        5.4 
Provider of oil & gas components 
Rollfold Group (Rixonway)              2006     2,017      2,869        4.8 
Kitchen manufacturing business 
Wolstenholme                           2000       286      1,837        3.1 
Chemicals & Materials 
4 Projects                             2007     1,742      1,834        3.1 
Provider of project 
collaborations solutions 
Premo                                  2007     1,436      1,469        2.4 
Manufacturer of radio frequency 
identification devices 
Rasmussen                              2006       644      1,238        2.1 
Provider of connecting technology 
to the automotive industry 
Jerrold Holdings                       2006     1,089      1,139        1.9 
Secured lending 
Hat Trick Productions                  2003     1,309      1,077        1.8 
Independent television production 
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            Unaudited Results for the Half Year Ended 30 June 2009 
                                    Vintage      Cost  Valuation       % of 
                                                 GBP000       GBP000  Portfolio 
Chorion                                2006     1,419      1,073        1.8 
Owner of intellectual property 
rights over children's and crime 
fiction characters 
Planit Holdings                        2006       351      1,072        1.8 
Develops and supports software/ 
Boat International Media               2006     2,533      1,007        1.7 
Website & magazine publisher 
Attends Healthcare                     2007       665        914        1.5 
Healthcare products manufacturer 
GD Metal                               2006       908        908        1.5 
Metal Recycling 
OGF                                    2007       740        821        1.4 
Funeral Services 
Carewatch                              2009       775        775        1.3 
Provider of home care services 
Ethypharm                              2007       513        730        1.2 
Oral drug delivery products for 
the pharmaceutical industry 
Photonis                               2008       706        725        1.2 
Opto electronics components for 
military and civilian 
Elemaster                              2006       446        660        1.1 
Design and manufacturer of 
printed electronic systems 
ONO Development                        2006       413        545        0.9 
Food tray manufacturer 
FPEE                                   2009       458        537        0.9 
Producer of plastic & aluminium 
locking systems 
MKM                                    2006       330        462        0.8 
Builders merchant 
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            Unaudited Results for the Half Year Ended 30 June 2009 
                                    Vintage      Cost  Valuation       % of 
                                                 GBP000       GBP000  Portfolio 
Thesee Group                           2009       384        450        0.7 
Cost optimisation consultancy 
APEM (Project Gate)                    2006       215        429        0.7 
Manufacturer of industrial 
switches and switch panels 
Fives Lille                            2006       165        380        0.6 
Supplier of processing equipment 
Texa Group                             2008      2313        367        0.6 
Claims and loss management 
services provider 
Eloy                                   2007       264        363        0.6 
Manufacturer of hydraulic and 
pneumatic systems for automotive 
30 largest underlying investments              47,411     43,094       71.9 
33 other underlying investments                 6,137      4,572        7.6 
Total underlying investments                   53,548     47,666       79.5 
Portfolio analysis 
Type of investment 
                                Percentage of          Percentage of 
                                    portfolio              portfolio 
                                 30 June 2009       31 December 2008 
Limited partnerships                      85%                    81% 
Listed funds                              11%                    11% 
Direct investment                          4%                     4% 
Cash and treasury                          0%                     4% 
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            Unaudited Results for the Half Year Ended 30 June 2009 
Geographic exposure ("look-through") 
Country or region               Percentage of          Percentage of 
                                    portfolio              portfolio 
                                 30 June 2009       31 December 2008 
UK                                        75%                    71% 
Europe                                    19%                    22% 
North America                              4%                     4% 
India                                      1%                     2% 
China                                      1%                     1% 
Sector exposure of limited partnerships 
Sector                          Percentage of          Percentage of 
                                    portfolio              portfolio 
                                 30 June 2009       31 December 2008 
Healthcare                                28%                    27% 
Technology                                20%                    23% 
Industrial                                20%                    18% 
Financial                                 13%                    12% 
Consumer Services                          8%                    10% 
Consumer Goods                             1%                     4% 
Other                                     10%                     6% 
Limited partnership by vintage 
Vintage                         Percentage of          Percentage of 
                                    portfolio              portfolio 
                                 30 June 2009       31 December 2008 
Less than 1 year                          14%                    19% 
1 - 2 years                               20%                    31% 
2 - 3 years                               38%                    38% 
More than 3 years                         28%                    12% 
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            Unaudited Results for the Half Year Ended 30 June 2009 
Valuation basis of limited partnerships 
Valuation basis                 Percentage of          Percentage of 
                                    portfolio              portfolio 
                                 30 June 2009       31 December 2008 
Earnings                                  67%                    72% 
Cost                                      33%                    28% 
Commitment analysis 
                               Original    Outstanding          % of 
                             commitment                  outstanding 
                                 GBP000's                  commitments 
Funds in investment period       82,283         46,855         80.4% 
Funds in post-investment        140,000         11,432         19.6% 
Total                           222,283         58,287        100.0% 
Commitments - remaining investment period 
                                                                % of 
3 - 4 years                                                     6.7% 
2 - 3 years                                                     4.6% 
1 - 2 years                                                    23.3% 
Less than 1 year                                                2.4% 
Investment period completed                                    63.0% 
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            Unaudited Results for the Half Year Ended 30 June 2009 
Income Statement 
for the half year ended 30 June 2009 
                            (Unaudited)                (Unaudited)                 (Audited) 
                          Half year ended            Half year ended               Year ended 
                            30 June 2009               30 June 2008             31 December 2008 
                      Revenue  Capital    Total  Revenue  Capital    Total  Revenue  Capital    Total 
                       return   return    GBP'000   return   return    GBP'000   return   return    GBP'000 
                        GBP'000    GBP'000             GBP'000    GBP'000             GBP'000    GBP'000 
Losses / (gains)            -  (3,303)  (3,303)        -      467      467        - (11,105) (11,105) 
from investments 
held at fair value 
through profit or 
loss (see note 2) 
Gains / (losses) on         -       90       90        -     (39)     (39)        -       99       99 
foreign exchange 
Income (note 3)           614        -      614    1,235        -    1,235    2,378        -    2,378 
Investment              (343)        -    (343)    (433)        -    (433)    (377)        -    (377) 
management fee 
(see note 4) 
Administrative          (280)        -    (280)    (454)        -    (454)    (934)        -    (934) 
                     -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 
Return on ordinary        (9)  (3,213)  (3,222)      348      428      766    1,067 (11,006)  (9,939) 
activities before 
finance costs and 
Interest payable and     (11)        -     (11)     (37)        -     (37)     (70)        -     (70) 
similar charges 
                     -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 
Return on ordinary       (20)  (3,213)  (3,233)      311      428      739      997 (11,006)  (9,939) 
activities before 
Taxation                  (1)        -      (1)     (96)        -     (96)  (1,066)        -  (1,066) 
                     -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 
Return on ordinary       (21)  (3,213)  (3,234)      215      428      643     (69) (11,006) (11,075) 
activities after 
finance costs and 
                        =====    =====    =====    =====    =====    =====    =====    =====    ===== 
Return per ordinary    (0.1)p  (17.0)p  (17.1)p     1.1p     2.2p     3.3p   (0.4)p  (57.0)p  (57.4)p 
share (based on 
average number of 
shares in issue 
during the period 
(note 6) 
                        =====    =====    =====    =====    =====    =====    =====   ======   ====== 
Number of ordinary  18,850,212          18,850,212          18,850,212 
shares in issue at 
period end 
Weighted average    18,850,212          18,850,212          18,850,212 
number of shares 
during period 
The columns of this statement headed "total" represent the Company's income 
statement, prepared in accordance with UK GAAP. The revenue and capital columns 
are supplementary to this and are published under guidance from the Association 
of Investment Companies. 
All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing 
operations. No operations were acquired or discontinued during the period. 
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            Unaudited Results for the Half Year Ended 30 June 2009 
Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds 
for the half years ended 30 June 2009 and 2008 and year ended 31 December 2008 
For the six months     Called      Share    Capital   Capital    Revenue Shareholders's 
ended 30 June 2009         up 
(unaudited)                      Premium Redemption  Reserves   reserve*          funds 
                                 account    reserve     GBP'000      GBP'000          GBP'000 
                                   GBP'000      GBP'000 
Balance at 1 January      984     17,321        705    40,573      1,431         61,014 
Capital attributable        -          -          -   (3,213)          -        (3,213) 
to ordinary 
Revenue attributable        -          -          -         -       (21)           (21) 
to ordinary 
Rebate of                   -          -          -         4          -              4 
commissions on share 
buy backs 
                     --------  ---------   -------- ---------   --------      --------- 
At 30 June 2009           984     17,321        705    37,364      1,410         57,784 
                        =====      =====      =====    ======      =====         ====== 
For the six months     called      Share    Capital   Capital    Revenue Shareholders's 
ended 30 June 2008         up 
(unaudited)                      Premium Redemption  Reserves   reserve*          funds 
                      capital    account    reserve     GBP'000      GBP'000          GBP'000 
                        GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000 
Balance at 1 January      987     17,321        702    53,876      1,630         74,516 
Capital attributable        -          -          -       428          -            428 
to ordinary 
Revenue attributable        -          -          -         -        215            215 
to ordinary 
Dividend paid               -          -          -         -      (130)          (130) 
Shares bought back        (3)          -          3     (128)          -          (128) 
and cancelled 
Shares bought back          -          -          -   (1,862)          -        (1,862) 
and held in treasury 
                     --------   --------   -------- ---------  ---------     ---------- 
At 30 June 2008           984     17,321        705       705      1,715         73,039 
                        =====      =====      =====    ======     ======         ====== 
For the year ended     Called      Share    Capital   Capital    Revenue Shareholders's 
31 December 2008           up                        reserves   reserve* 
(audited)                        Premium Redemption     GBP'000                     funds 
                        share                                      GBP'000 
                      capital    account    reserve                               GBP'000 
                        GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000 
At 1 January 2008         987     17,321        702    53,876      1,630         74,516 
Capital attributable        -          -          -  (11,006)          -       (11,006) 
to ordinary 
Revenue attributable        -          -          -         -       (69)           (69) 
to ordinary 
Dividend paid               -          -          -         -      (130)          (130) 
Shares bought back        (3)          -          3     (128)          -          (128) 
and cancelled 
Shares bought back          -          -          -   (2,169)          -        (2,169) 
and held in treasury 
                     -------- ----------   -------- --------- ----------     ---------- 
At 31 December 2008       984     17,321        705    40,573      1,431         61,014 
                        =====     ======      =====    ======     ======         ====== 
The revenue reserve represents the amount of the Company's reserves 
distributable by way of dividend. 
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            Unaudited Results for the Half Year Ended 30 June 2009 
Balance Sheet 
As at 30 June 2009 
                                (Unaudited)  (Unaudited)   (Audited) 
                                    30 June      30 June 31 December 
                                       2009         2008        2008 
                                      GBP'000        GBP'000       GBP'000 
Fixed assets 
Investments                          58,863       70,901      61,079 
                                 ----------   ----------  ---------- 
Current assets 
Debtors                                 168          305         197 
Cash at bank                          1,523        4,188       5,403 
                                 ----------   ----------  ---------- 
                                      1,691        4,493       5,877 
Current liabilities 
Bank loan                           (1,000)            -           - 
Bank overdraft                        (327)      (1,006)     (1,309) 
Other creditors                     (1,443)      (1,349)     (1,230) 
                                 ----------   ----------  ---------- 
                                    (2,770)      (2,355)     (2,539) 
                                 ----------   ----------  ---------- 
Net current liabilities /           (1,079)        2,138        (65) 
                                -----------  ----------- ----------- 
Total net assets                     57,784       73,039      61,014 
                                     ======       ======      ====== 
Capital and reserves 
Called up share capital                 984          984         984 
Share premium                        17,321       17,321      17,321 
Capital redemption reserve              705          705         705 
Capital reserve (note 7)             37,364       52,314      40,573 
Revenue reserve                       1,410        1,715       1,413 
                                 ----------   ----------  ---------- 
Shareholders' funds                  57,784       73,039      61,014 
                                     ======       ======      ====== 
Net asset value per ordinary         306.5p       385.0p      323.7p 
share (note 8) 
                                     ======       ======      ====== 
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            Unaudited Results for the Half Year Ended 30 June 2009 
Cash Flow Statement 
for the half year ended 30 June 2009 
                                         (Unaudited)  (Unaudited)     (Audited) 
                                           Half year    Half year    Year ended 
                                               ended        ended   31 December 
                                             30 June 30 June 2008          2008 
                                                            GBP'000         GBP'000 
Net cash inflow / (outflow) from                 233         (81)           550 
operating activities 
Tax received                                       -          127           119 
Financial investment 
Purchase of listed asset investments            (12)     (12,528)      (13,228) 
Purchase of unlisted fixed asset             (3,212)      (8,624)      (16,395) 
Sale of listed fixed asset investments         1,330       10,355        15,288 
Sale of unlisted fixed asset investments         808       12,146        13,056 
                                          ----------   ----------    ---------- 
Net cash (outflow) / inflow from             (1,086)        1,349       (1,279) 
financial investment 
Equity dividends paid                              -        (127)         (130) 
Net cash (outflow) / inflow before             (853)        1,268         (740) 
Bank loan drawn                                1,000            -             - 
Purchase of ordinary shares                        4      (1,984)       (2,297) 
Bank interest paid                              (13)         (43)          (74) 
                                          ----------   ----------    ---------- 
Increase / (decrease) in cash                    138        (759)       (3,111) 
Net funds at start of period                     968        3,980         3,980 
Gains / (losses) on foreign exchange              90         (39)            99 
                                          ----------   ----------    ---------- 
Net funds at end of period                     1,196        3,182           968 
                                              ======       ======        ====== 
Represented by 
Cash at bank                                   1,523        4,188         2,277 
Bank overdraft                                 (327)      (1,006)       (1,309) 
                                          ----------   ----------    ---------- 
                                               1,196        3,182           968 
                                              ======       ======        ====== 
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            Unaudited Results for the Half Year Ended 30 June 2008 
1.   Accounting policies 
     The accounts have been prepared on the historical cost basis of 
     accounting, as modified to include the revaluation of investments and in 
     accordance with applicable United Kingdom Accounting Standards. 
     The Company is not an investment company within the meaning of Section 833 
     of the Companies Act 2006. However it conducts its affairs as an 
     investment trust under Section 842 of the Income and Corporation Taxes act 
     1988. As such, the Directors consider it appropriate to present accounts 
     in accordance with the Statement of Recommended Practice - "Financial 
     Statements of Investment Trust Companies and Venture Capital Trust" (the 
     "SORP"), as issued by The Association of Investment Trust Companies in 
     January 2009. 
     The financial statements for each of the six month periods ended 30 June 
     2009 and 30 June 2008 comprise non-statutory accounts within the meaning 
     of Sections 434-436 of the Companies Act 2006. The financial information 
     for the year ended 31 December 2008 has been extracted from published 
     accounts that have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and on 
     which the report of the auditors was unqualified. The half year accounts 
     have been prepared on the same basis as the annual accounts. 
     The Company's accounting policies have not varied from those described in 
     the annual accounts for the year to 31 December 2008, with the exception 
     of the early adoption of the January 2009 SORP, which has no effect on the 
     financial statements of the Company, other than the requirements to 
     disclose separately capital reserves that relate to the revaluation of 
     investments held at the reporting date. These are disclosed in note 7. 
     This new requirement replaces the previous requirements to disclose the 
     value of the capital reserve that was unrealised. 
2.   (Losses) / Gains on             (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)       (Audited) 
     investments held at fair 
     value                         Half year end      Half year      Year ended 
                                    30 June 2009  ended 30 June 
                                                           2008     31 December 
                                           GBP'000                           2008 
     Realised gains / (losses): 
     Listed investments                      155          (177)           (237) 
     Unlisted investments                     88          3,319           3,592 
                                     -----------    -----------     ----------- 
                                             243          3,202           3,355 
     Amounts recognised as                 (172)        (2,593)              86 
     unrealised in the previous 
                                     -----------    ----------- --------------- 
     Net realised gains based on              71            609           3,441 
     carrying value at the start 
     of the period 
                                          ======         ======         ======= 
     Investment holding gains / 
     Listed investments                    (127)        (1,159)         (4,024) 
     Unlisted investments                (3,247)          1,017        (10,522) 
                                     -----------    -----------     ----------- 
                                         (3,374)          (142)        (14,546) 
                                          ======         ======         ======= 
     Net (losses) / gains on             (3,303)            467        (11,105) 
     investments held at fair 
                                          ======         ======         ======= 
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            Unaudited Results for the Half Year Ended 30 June 2008 
3.   Dividends and other income      (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)       (Audited) 
                                   Half year end      Half year      Year ended 
                                    30 June 2009  ended 30 June 
                                                           2008     31 December 
                                           GBP'000                           2008 
     Income from fixed asset 
     Franked income: 
     Dividends from listed UK                 64             84              86 
     Unfranked income: 
     Dividends from listed                    32             44             119 
     overseas investments 
     Distributions from UK                   478            889           1,730 
     unlisted investments 
     Listed UK treasury gilts                  -             85              90 
     Listed UK loan stock                     31              4              35 
     Listed overseas treasury                  5              7              90 
                                     -----------    -----------     ----------- 
                                             546          1,029           2,064 
     Total income from fixed asset           610          1,113           2,150 
     Other income 
     Deposit interest                          4            120             168 
     Other income                              -              2              60 
                                     -----------    -----------     ----------- 
                                             614          1,235           2,378 
                                          ======         ======         ======= 
4.   Management and performance      (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)       (Audited) 
                                   Half year end      Half year      Year ended 
                                    30 June 2009  ended 30 June 
                                                           2008     31 December 
                                           GBP'000                           2008 
     Investment management fee -             343            433             803 
     charged to revenue 
     VAT on management fee                     -              -           (426) 
     recovered from HMRC 
     Performance fee - charged to              -              -               - 
                                     -----------    -----------     ----------- 
                                             343            433             377 
                                          ======         ======         ======= 
     The investment management agreement provides for a management fee of 1.25% 
     per annum of the Company's assets (at valuation) invested in limited 
     partnerships and direct private equity interests and 0.75 per annum on the 
     remainder of the Company's assets. In addition, the Company's Manager will 
     be entitled to an annual performance fee of 10% of any return in excess of 
     8% per annum. As the performance fee is expected to be driven by capital 
     appreciation, the Directors have determined that it should be charged to 
     the capital account. 
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            Unaudited Results for the Half Year Ended 30 June 2008 
5    Commitments                     (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)       (Audited) 
                                   Half year end      Half year      Year ended 
                                    30 June 2009  ended 30 June 
                                                           2008     31 December 
                                           GBP'000                           2008 
     The level of outstanding 
     commitments at the period end 
     August Equity Partners II            19,616         23,688          20,014 
     Rutland Fund I*                       8,333          9,001           8,537 
     Rutland Fund II                       8,107          8,314           8,210 
     Lyceum Fund II                        4,216          4,914           4,615 
     Fondinvest                            3,670              -           4,005 
     Pragma II                             3,652          4,787           5,072 
     Astorg IV                             3,398          4,051           3,576 
     Parallel Venture 2006                 2,001          2,269           2,218 
     KB Fund III and KB Fund III B         1,791          1,790           1,791 
     August Equity Partners I*             1,777          1,315           1,174 
     Century Capital Partners Fund         1,643          1,631           1,946 
     Zeus Private Equity Fund                552            764             694 
     Elderstreet Capital Partners*            31             31              31 
                                     -----------    -----------     ----------- 
                                          58,287         62,555          61,883 
     * denotes fund in post-investment period at 30 June 2009 
6.   Return per ordinary share       (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)       (Audited) 
                                   Half year end      Half year      Year ended 
                                    30 June 2009  ended 30 June 
                                                           2008     31 December 
                                           GBP'000                           2008 
     Revenue return                         (21)            215            (69) 
     Capital return                      (3,213)            428        (11,006) 
                                     -----------    -----------     ----------- 
     Total                               (3,234)            643        (11,075) 
                                     -----------    ----------- --------------- 
     Weighted average number of 
     ordinary shares in issue         18,850,212     19,668,679      19,280,488 
     Revenue return per ordinary          (0.1)p           1.1p          (0.4)p 
     Capital return per ordinary         (17.0)p           2.2p         (57.0)p 
                                      ----------     ----------    ------------ 
     Total return per ordinary           (17.1)p           3.3p         (57.4)p 
                                          ======         ======         ======= 
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            Unaudited Results for the Half Year Ended 30 June 2008 
7    Capital reserves               (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)       (Audited) 
                                      Half year     Half year      Year ended 
                                    end 30 June ended 30 June 
                                           2009          2008     31 December 
                                          GBP'000         GBP'000 
     Opening balance                     40,573        53,876          53,876 
     Gains on realisations of                71           609           3,441 
     Movements in investment            (3,374)         (142)        (14,546) 
     holdings losses 
     Gains / (losses) on foreign             90          (39)              99 
     Costs of share buy backs                 4       (1,990)         (2,297) 
                                    -----------   -----------     ----------- 
                                         37,364        52,314          40,573 
                                         ======        ======         ======= 
     Included within the above               30        15,301           3,576 
     reserve are investment 
     holding gains of 
                                         ======        ======         ======= 
8.   Net asset value per ordinary   (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)       (Audited) 
                                      Half year     Half year      Year ended 
                                    end 30 June ended 30 June 
                                           2009          2008     31 December 
     Net assets attributable to          57,784        73,039          61,014 
     ordinary shareholders (GBP'000) 
     Ordinary shares in issue at     18,850,212    18,970,212      18,850,212 
     end of periods 
                                    -----------   -----------     ----------- 
     Net asset value per ordinary         306.5        385.0p          323.7p 
                                         ======        ======         ======= 
9.    Related parties 
      During the first six months of the current financial year, no 
      transactions with related parties have taken place which have materially 
      affected the financial position or performance of the Company during the 
      period. Details of related party transactions are contained in the Annual 
      Report and Financial Statements. For the avoidance of doubt, the 
      acquisition of New Star Asset Management Group plc by Henderson Group plc 
      has not resulted in a change to the Company's contractual relationships 
      and was not a related party transaction. 
10.   Unaudited Report for the half year ended 30 June 2009 
      The unaudited report for the half year ended 30 June 2009 will be posted 
      to shareholders in September and will be available from the Registered 
      Office at 201 Bishopsgate, London, EC2M 3AE thereafter. It will also be 
      available on the Company's website www.hendersonprivateequity.com at the 
      end of August. 
                                   - ENDS - 

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